The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, December 26, 1904, Image 4

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    Editorial Page of Hie Journal
Published every evening ( eicept Sunday ) and every Sunday morning at The Journal Building, Fifth and Yamhill
tracts, Portland, Oregon
Oregon SiJeligkts J
Nobody would Ilka an indictment for
a Christmas present.
Charity and good will ahould not and
with Christmas, or with the year.
EVERAL leading Chicago firms will divide over
a million dollars at the end of the year among
their employes, one firm thus disbursing $250,000
This i done on the principle of profit-sharing, which is
lowly coming into vogue, and merits unqualified ap
proval. The members of these firms or corporations,
the employers, at the end of every year figure up their
profits and divide them with their employes. In some
cases the- amounts received by the workingmen as a
Christmas gift amounts to 10 per cent of their year's
wages. If a man has earned $1,000 during the year he
gets a present of $100; if his wages amount to $700. he
aets $70 extra, and so on.
This is not the result of any pressure on the part
of the employes, nor of a purely charitable impulse or
iinnsition on the oart of the employers. It is done
u.rtlv. no doubt, in some instances at least, because it
, ii ethically the right thing to do. because it is in ac
cordance with the chief commandment, obedience to
which brings a richer reward than money; but it is done
mostly because it pays to be thus fair, just and even
liberal with employes.
The workingman who knows that if his employer
succeeds and prospers and makes a good proht, the
employe will receive a portion of the profit, not as
charity, but as his due, will do better and more faithful
work than the employe who has no such inducement
before him. The employer's interest is his interest, and
he is working not only for his employer but for himself
He is in a limited but an important sense a partner in
the concern. He has nothing to say in dictating its
policy, making its contracts or managing its business,
but he has a vital interest in its success, in which he
will be a sharer.
Some railroads, notably the Pennsylvania railroad
look out for their employes' interests in another practical
wy, by pensioning them when they become old, or after
a certain number of years 6f faithful service. Thus the
men are in a large measure relieved from worry or care
about what will become of them or their families if
they should not be able to lay up a competence during
their working years.
This policy, and the spirit which prompts it, on the
part of large and prosperous business institutions, is en
titled to encomium and encouragement. When such a
practice becomes general strikes and lockouts will be few
and far between, and our standard of citizenship will be
higher. -
TTHE MAN who wanted to learn abouf Oregon could
I turn to The Christmas Journal without fear of
disappointment. It was. very much less statistical
than such editions usually are, but it told the story of
development and progress better than it is usually told.
Experts in various departments of human effort spoke
with authority on the things they knew best; therefore
what they had to say was not only well said, but con
vincing. The whole range of the state's material in
terests was well covered.
With the Portland public the edition madjra hit.
, Thousands of copies of the paper 'will be sent to all
Tarts of the country. Indeed it would be a very good
plan for the regular subscribers of. the paper to make a
point of sending their own copies to some friends, for
every paper sent out will not only help the state, but do
much toward attracting a larger attendance to the 1905
The Journal wishes to express its appreciation to its
readers and patrons for the generous support accorded it
in making its great Christmas edition the unqualified
success which it scored. -
HE New York Evening Post, in an endeavor to
ascertain if the allegations of stalwart or stand
pat Republicans were true, that there is no con
siderable sentiment in favor of tariff reduction, sent to
one thousand prominent citizens a circular asking these
One Do you favor a revision! of the tariff?
Two In what schedules should you like to see rates
Three Hayejuiu any further comment to make on
the subject?
Four For wheh party did you vote in the last presi
dential election?
The people addressed included men conspicuous in all
walks of life, whose opinions may be considered fairly
rtpresentative of the general, opinion of. the more in
telligent portion of the masses of people, and so far
the replies are about nine tenths favorable to revision
Out of 42 answers published one day, for example, 39
were in favor of tariff reform; of 13 who replied another
day 12 favored revision.
If the persons addressed are, as is claimed by the
Evening Post, fairly representative business men, this re
suit of the inquiries made, is .significant. Whether tbey
were so or not, there is no reason to doubt that an
overwhelming majority of the American people, includ
ing Republicans, and exclusive of beneficiaries of high
protection and their agents and attorneys in congress, are
satisfied that there should be tariff revision, with no
unnecessary delay, and that many of the schedules should
be reduced by a large percentage.
Yet congress balks at any proposition or suggestion
for tariff reform, and leaders of the high protectionists
seem to have talked the president over to the extent of
riostnonine anv change for a year. And then what?
Even then it is doubtful if any measure of genuine reform
will be vpassed as long as the Republicans have so
great a majority in .both houses of congress. ,
HE USUAL "REPORTS of Christmas casualties
and crimes are coming in. In one city four peo
ple who had been drinking to excess were-burned
or suffocated to death. In another several policemen
were killed by drunken negroes, who may be lynched.
Along a country road three young men, walking home
from church with a young woman, were shot from
ambush, two of them fatally. In many other places there
were evidences that all is not yet peace on earth and
good will toward men, even on a Sunday Christmas.
But while wickedness and crime and misfortune and
follv were in evidence yesterday, even more than on an
average Sunday, perhaps, there is a fairer and brighter
side to the picture. We do not read much of the
charity, the good deeds, the right and admirable ob
servance of the holiday, because these are not news, and
are taken as a matter of course. If we could know all
the good deeds done, all the needed gifts made, all the
happiness conferred, all the help and comfort afforded,
all the actions tha't fulfilled the spirit of the Christmas
text, we might conclude that humanity is not so bad
after all as it seems to he when its evil deeds are re
ported in the columns of the daily press.
The Christmas business in the railway mail service
this year was unprecedented, perhaps two and a half
times as great as last year when it was also very heavy.
The work was peculiarly arduous for the reason that
owing to the estimates being cut in half by the last con
gress it was impossible to employ a sufficiency of help.
Nan will have to watt till next year
to eat her Chrlatmaa dinner at home.
The grand juries are expected to do
some Important grinding this week.
Before running for an office, consider
whether you can atand off an Indictment.
It- will be a little easier next Sunday
If you awear off a few daya In advance.
Some of us will have to live the simple
life for awhile, whether we Ilka It or
The deficit growa at about the aame
rate, whether congress la In session or
Perhaps Mrs. Chadwlck is relying on
her abllUy to hypnotise a Judge and
Jury. ,
Demand &
rVatcr Power
Succeas Mag'
It Is a poor time now for wives to be
going through their Bleeping husband's
O what
relief no more Chriatmas
But this doesn't apply to
Now a person can again get within a
rod of the postofflce window within an
hour or two.
Mrs. Chadwlck has been there before.
and so takes jail life easier than aome
women would.
To or from Chicago tn three daya
next year. And even this time will be
lowered after awhile.
Why doesn't the csar conscript the
troublesome Zemstvoe and Socialistic
students and aend them to the front?
Reform In the matter of railroad regu
laf Ion Is' so' difficult that congress will
postpone It Indefinitely and give It up.
Since Lawson and Greene made up In
stead of fighting. Addlcka haa gone to
Boston, loaded, as usual, with nerve.
There Is more public Interest In the
actions of the present federal grand
Jury than In any that ever convened here.
If public gambling cannot be sup
pressed, those who practice It can be
kept In hot Water a good deal of the
A Kentucky man traded his wife off
for an accordion, but whether for mak-
ng the swap or playing the Instrument
Is not staled.
Perhaps a slim police force will do
about aa well as a big one would. At
any rate, there will be no money to pay
a. much larger force.
Unfortunately, even another wing will
not enable the postofflce building to
fly, and so give place to one that should
adorn the block where It stands.
A Colfax man, who owned a saloon
known as "The Slaughter House," got
religion, and closed up the place, throw
ing Its contents out Into the street. Bt
some people down here who have been
professors" of religion for many years
keep on leasing their premises for the
most abominable uaea. The Colfax man
seems to have "got" the right sort of re
ligion, if he can hang on to It.
Orison Sweet Marden in the January
"Succeas Magazine."
After 12.000 of Napoleon's soldiers
had been overwhelmed by the advance
of 76.000 Austrian troops, he addressed
them thus: "I am diapleased with you.
You have evinced neither discipline nor
valor. Tou have allowed yourselves
to be driven froas positions where a
handful of resolute men might have ar
rested an army. . Tou are no longer
French soldiers. Chiefs of staff, cauae
it to be written on their standards.
They ere no longer of the army of
Italy.' "
In tears the battered veterans replied:
We have been misrepresented. The
soldiers of the enemy were three to one.
Try us once more. Place ua In the poet
of danger, and see if we do not belong
to the army of Italy." In the next
battle they were placed tn the van. and
they made good their pledge by rolling
keck the great Auetrtan army.
Ha Is a pretty poor sort of man who
loses courage and fears to face the
world Just because he has made a mis
take or a slip somewhere, because hla
business has failed, because his prop
erty haa been swept away by some
general disaster, or because of other
trouble Impossible for htm to avert.
Thla Is the test of your manhood; how
much Is there left In you after you
have lost everything outside of your'
self? If you lie down now, throw up
your hands and acknowledge yourself
worsted, there Is not much In you. But
1f with heart undaunted and face turned
forward, you refuse to give up or to
lose faith In yourself. If you scorn to
beat a retreat, you will ahow that the
man left In you Is bigger than your loss,
greater than your cross, slid larger than
any defeat.
"I know no eurh unquestionable badge
and ensign of a sovereign mind." said
Emerson, "aa that tenacity of purpose
which, through all changes of com
panions, or parties, or fortunes, changes
never, bates no Jot of heart or hope, but
wearies out opposition snd arrives at Its
It is men like t'lysse 8. Grant, who
of '
armies oir the battlefield, or tn the wear
and tear ef civic strife, fighting against
reverses, battling for a competence for
his loved ones, even while the hand of
death lay chill upon Mm. "bates no jot
of heart er hope that wring victory
from the must forbidding circumstances.
It Is men like Napoleon, who refuss to
recognise defeat, who declare that "Im
possible" la not In their vocabularies,
that accomplish things.
tha Chicago Inter-Ocean.
It doee bast all." remarked Colonel
Bill Sterrett of Texas, mm he gagas' Into
the weed firs In the house press gallery,
"how far some people will go to akin
thr people
"I remember s case wheea I was In
dulging my appetite for pnker In a game
where there wasn't no mere limit that
there wis in Christian charity. A party
named Cltbba was In the gams, too. It
came along to a place where there was
a big Jerk pot. I was losing regular,
and Otbba was winning regular, and I
looked at him kinder baleful two or
three times. .Finally, this Olbbs party
says to me: 'Fill, you don't know no
thing about this game. 1 kin outplay
you, and I kin outluck you. You can't
hold 'em against me.'
'That made me kind of sore, and I
says: 'Msbbo I can't, but I'll bet you $10
I've got s better pair than you have Just
at this Identical moment oefore you
" 'You're on.' aald Olbbs. putting out a
couple of blue chips. "What you got?
Pair of kings. '4 said.
" 'Huh.' said Olbbs. pushing the chips
over to me, take the money.'
'Then I atuck out my cheet and,
opened that pot. Oibbe trailed along,
and we drew cards. Olbbs took three
and so did I. There wss right smart
chips In the pot. and I bet 60. Olbbs
raised me 10. I had garnered two more
kings, and I hiked it back, and we went
along as If we owned the treasury, un
til finally I called and threw down my
four kings. 'Oodgaat ye, Olbbs,' I says,
1 got you that time '
" "Hold on.' says Olbbs. showing four
aces, I'll take that myself.'
"Now. what do you think of that? He
had. them two aces all the time and gave
that ten without showing them, and then
goes out and gets me for ell the chips
I'vs got."
From the Young People's liagaslne.
A very aucceaful man. In apeaklng of
what a young man should know to begin
a business life In the right way, sum
marised the qualifications about aa fol
io wa:
He ahould be able to write a good
legible hand.
To spell sll the words' that he knows
bow to use.
To write an ordinary receipt
To speak and write good Kngllsh.
To write a good social or business
To add a column of figures rapidly.
To make out an ordinary account.
To deduct 1 6 ft per cent from the face
of the account.
To receipt an account when It Is paid.
To write an advertisement for the
To write an ordinary promissory note.
To reckon the interest or the dis
count on the note for years, months or
To draw up an ordinary bank check.
To take it to the right place In the
bank to get the money.
To make neat and correct entries In
day book or cash book.
To tell the number of ysrds of carpet
required for the parlor.
To tell something about the s-rest
authors, statesmen and financiers of the
present IMS" -
says the successful business man.
g boy nan do all thlt It Is probable thst
he hae enough education to make bis
way in the world.
The weather Is very cold at Port Ar
thur, but Nogl te likely to give the sale
a bot time occasionally.
Senator Depew In Leslie s Weekly.
James O. Blaine waa a most versatile
political orator. He would speak many
times a day from the train, which
stopped at every Important place, and
have something new to say each time.
He carefully thought up hla speech be
tween ststlons after a brief talk with
the committee of the town he was com
ing to, and then corrected Immediately
afterward the notes which were taken
by his own stenographer. Hs said to
me In the campaign of i(S4: "I want
you to Introduce me all through New
York, because you are always sure
footed.'' I appreciated the compliment
as well aa the difficulties of the situa
tion. I Introduced him at Yonkers. Tar
rytown. Sing Sing, and he aald. "What
1s the next placer' I aald. "Peeksklll."
"What la there to PeeksklllT" he asked.
I told him I was born there! 'Why,"
said Blaine, "I have always thought you
were born at Poughkeepsle." I had
some difficulty In convincing him of bis
mistake. When we arrived at Peeka
klll there waa an immense crowd which
had come In from 2S to SO miles around.
As I stepped forwsrd to Introduce him.
with great dramatic offset he pushed me
back, and said: "No, no, fellow cltlsens;
let me do the Introducing hers. As I
have passed up nnd down your noble
Hudson the psst 25 years. I have felt the
Inspiration of Its scenery, made famous
by the genlua of Irving, but the deepest
and tenderest emotions possessed me
when the steamer wan opposite Peeks
kill, 'for.' I said, 'there, there was born
by oldest and bent friend. Chauncey
Depew.' " He was capable of an equally
sudden grasp of situations where the oc
casion wss much more serious.
From the Washington Star
One of tha messengers In the rooms of
Chief WMkle of the secret service sat
pulling scarf pins out of papers. Thsre
mere several hundred loose pins, and
more than that remained to be taken out
of the papers.
'Those are pins that were seised a few
days ago by some of our men." said Chief
Wllkle. "They probably appear to be
harmless, but If you will observe you will
see that the mounting of the pins Is a
representation of one side of a gold dol
lar. This Is a violation of the laws of
the l 'nited States. These plainly aay that
there shall he no facsimile of any coin
or obligation of the 1'nlted States, and
these -pins were msde In '"ta.tion ot
11 gold pieces. It Is true that no attempt
was made to pass them ss money, but the
law was violated, nevertheless, when they
were turned out. and we seised them so
ss to prevent them going lito circula
tion." In past years the secret service haa
seized many advertising schemes that
bore facsimile of I'nlted States notes.
notning or that kind Is allowed to he
put Into circulation. Newsapers are not
allowed to print fRcsfmlle of a note or
coin at any tlrrfe. The secret service has
many facsimiles of confederate notes
that have likewise been relsed. They
resemble t'nlted Statea hills to s certain
extent, snd for thst reason are seised
whenever they are found.
Small Change
Every county should show up.
The kickers at the fair have all sub-aided.
(Oarrett B. Servian In
Every day sees more and more of the
wasted power of the waterfalls, which
lies at man's dlaposal in every hilly or
mountalnoua country, turned to uae in
furnishing electric energy. The power
of waterfalls is driving the greateat of
all tunnels, the double Blmplon bore
through the Alps; It Is sending another
tunnel, by devious ways, behind preci
pices and under glaciers to the summit
of the snowy Jungfreu; and a plan Is
now - being perfected for constructing
ones more with the aid of waterfalls.
and to be run by them, when finished,
a rival tu the Blmplon road, which shall
cross ths Alps between Turin and Mar
Everybody knows what Niagara Is
doing, and how tha waterfalls of Califor
nia, and of other mountainous statea,
are being harnessed.
A A. Campbell Swlnton, at the recent
meeting of the British Association for
tha Advancement of Science, presented
accurate statistics, which he had per
sonally collated, showing that no leea
than 1,100,000 horsepower derived from
waterfalls is now being utilised in va
rious, parts of the world for the devel
opment of eletrlo energy. Of Ibis great
total, which he believed did not repre
sent the full truth, for he thought that
the real aggregate la 1,000,000 horse
power, nearly one third must be credited
to the.Unlted States.
There Is one feature of this utilisation
of water power in place of steam power.
which Mr. Swlnton brought out, and
which la seldom thought of, and that
Is the saving of coal which It effects.
On the baala of 1.000,000 horsepower de
rived from waterfalls, thla saving
amounts to nearly 11,000,000 tons of coal
iier year.
But the maximum amount of water
power that la available baa not yat
begun to be approached lri actual utlll
satlon. so that the annual aavlng of
coal must become larger and larger
evsry year. Thla. In view of the In
creasing difficulty of working many coal
mlnen. owing to the great depths to
which they have penetrated, and in view
of the approaching exhauatlon of some
of the most famous fields, becomes
highly Important consideration. Every
little while the world Is reminded, more
or less sensationally, of a coming coal
famine. The fact la that coal, of the
better grades, possesses so many ad
vantages and conveniences, as a fuel
that the earth'a supplies of It should
be conserved for human use aa long aa
possible. Men of science have more than
once sounded a warning against tne
waste of coal, for coal la the gift of a
geologic age which cannot be renewed.
Thua waterfalls, by enabling ua to spare
coal, are performing an indirect service
only less lmporjuit than their direct ser
vice tn supplying electric power, nut
for them the growing use of electricity
would soon make a drain upon the coal
mines of the most serious character.
The era of waterfalls seems certainly
to have dawned. Every cataract will be
come a focus of lnduatsjr, Just aa every
river valley has always oeen a center oi
population, and Professor Bingham's
prediction that Niagara is to be the in
dustrial center of America, may be ful
filled within a generation.
The Play
A H Ballard presented tbe Columbia
stock company last evening In 'Tbe
Charity Ball." than which the manage
ment could not have selected a better
or more appropriate Chriatmas bill. -If
has' been done repeatedly In thla city
by atoek companies and traveling or
ganisations, but being one of thoee dra
matic collaborations In which the mas
ter pen of David Belasco waa foremost,
its charms have lived en, and are no
lese spparent now than In the days wbsn
poor Georgia Cayvan, William Morris,
Odette Tyler and Maude Adams were
members of the cast
The Columbia company la admirably
suited to this drama, a description of
which would be superfluous. Miss Coun
tlss baa done nothing more effectively
than the unhappy Anne Cruger thai
kind of girt to be found any dsy on
Fifth avenue rolling In wealth, but sad
at heart, because of an Impossible love
Miss Countlss did her emotional scenes
exceptionally well. Her gowna are
nothing ahort of gorgeous.
Mr. Baume plays Vsn Buren. the rec
tor, straight from the shoulder. It Is
the style of character In which he Is
Ideal. Donald Bowles la the rash brok
er, "the Barthquaks," to perfection.
William Dills excels himself this week
as Judge Knox, a part which furnishes
most of the amusement. As Cruger, the
king of Wall street. William Bernard
haa a thoroughly congenial role. Scott
Seaton does his very best work as tha
old organist. Oeorge Bloomquest adds
considerably to hla reputation aa tbe
ambitious Alec, and Oeorge Berrell la
at home aa the conservative old-timer
In tlmea of "frenzied finance."
The women of tha company are evenly
good. Blanche Douglas made her first
appearance tn the organisation aa
Phyllis Lee and made an excellent lm
presston. Lauretta Allen, aa tha fussy
old female dab hi lag la a took a, Louisa
Brandt, as Beea, "tired of dolls, ready
for beaux"; Roy Bernard aa Mra Van
Buren' and Marlon Barhyte aa the maid
were one and all delightful.
Special praise might be lavished upon
the manner of production. The scenes
are all new and beautiful and tha gowna
of the women are dreams of the mo
diste, a
Party Power No
Spray men paid $(.200 for a Percheron
Will Oregon's coel beds bs developed
next year?
Many marriages In Morrow county
cold weather at hand.
The Albany Commercial club Is
ting busy, Just In time.
Oregon waa never better ready for
winter. Turn him loose.
Hood River's nsw flouring mill will
begin business next month.
The Sllverton council haa prohibited
the sale of clgarsttes there.
It has been demonstrated that prunes
can be successfully raised In Lake
Though a dry town, no place of like
also In Oregon Is more prosperous than
A woman's club haa been organised
St Klamath Kalis principally to estab
lish a reading room.
Hoboes are becoming disgusted with
The Dalles, being trested uncourteously
by tbe town authorities.
Everybody la prospering in Lake
county and aome are getttng rich. Lots
of room to grow over there.
The assessment of the Lebanon school
district Is ovsr 111,000 more than laat
yeer, amounting now to 1205.000.
Tramps stole a caae of 30 dosen eggs
at Olendale and had consumed two-thirds
ef them before they were found by the
(James Montague In New York Amer
There ltved a man named Midas once.
who had a fancy touch
That turned to gold hla furniture and
bric-a-brac and such.
When he was short of ready coin he
merely had to tap
A Morrla chair, or rubber tree, and sell
It. lucky chap!
But Mldaa hadn't anything to brag of;
you or I
Could make him look like three lead
dimes, with Mrs. Chadwlck s eyel
In ancient tlmea' the alchemists put Iron
tn a pot.
Poured on It Incantations and some dope
and made It hot.
And when they boiled It long enough
and stirred It up, behold
The barrel hoopa and runty nails had
been trans for meu to gold.
Of course tbey all got very rich, but
gracious, goodness, my!
They'd seem like panhandlers If we had
Mrs. Chadwlck'a eye.
She doesn't finger furniture and break
it up to sell.
Nor mix scrap Iron In a stove beneath a
magic spell;
She simply trips up to a deak that's
ticketed "Cashier "
And says, "I need a million, air, can
secure It here?"
Before the msn of bills and bonda can
think of a reply
She calmly liberates a gleam from her
hypnotic eye.
And when she leaves the bank two men
who walk behind her. hold
Between them trays of yellow notes and
baskets full of gold.
While eagerly the president and other
moneyed men
Exclaim: "We trust, dear msdam, that
vou soon will come again!"
I try to be contented, still It sort of
makes ms sigh
To think of sll that I could do with
Mrs. Chsdwlck's eye.
"Yon Yonson" began another engage
ment yesterday in Portland at the Em
pire. Efforts to find out how many
tlmea thla Swedish melo drama has
been presented here were unavailing,
but it waa conceded around the box
office that no leaa than 1 seasons have
elapaed since Its first production. Yet
the Empire was packed last night until
Its walls were bulging, and a good many
were turned away.
To think of Yon is to recall a Swedish
brogue and a "log-yam." The audience
followed the wise, though simple, lum
berman through his struggles with un
abated Interest, and If there waa a dis
appointment, u was In ths climax of the
log-Jam scene, w-.en the evidently aged
and property loga which are thrown
towards the hero Just before he rescues
the girl doubled up like the proverbial
Jack-knife and spoiled the Illusion. The
crowd cheered, however, until It wss
The Yonson this season la David
Brattstrom. He plsys ths part well, but
should add a little Shore enthusiasm.
Grace Jennings, ss played by Violet
Holmes, had the sympathy of the audi
ence next to Yon himself. The company
as a whole Is equal to the play.
Same bill until Wednesday night.
"While this la a government of par
ties." esys a recent editorial In the Em
poria Oaaette. "and while, of courae.
partisans will govern the country for
many years to corns, yet partisan lead
ers more and more are being guided
not to aay scared by the non-partisan
vote. And tbe members of parties are
pretty generally looking about tbem for
political Instruction, and no longer take
their platforms and candidates canned
by the party machine." On this Col
lier's of December 24 comments by say
ing: "Mr. White applies theee truths to
Journalism and Its future, pointing out
'with what faith and with what trust
Americans are looking to authentic, un
biased sources for their political Infor
mation and comment. The party organ
haa Its place but the area it occupies
in the respect of the people' la growing
smaller every year.' The Independent
voting in Missouri, Massachusetts. Min
nesota, Colorado, Wisconsin, Nsw York
snd other states haa been much com
mented on, but we have not seen much
about the result In the stats of Wash
ington. Ons of our correspondent
from that stats analyses the situation
thus: 'Ths contest haa been along sim
ilar lines to that - of Oovsrnor La, Foi -Iette.
The revolt here haa been over the
establishment of a railroad commission
or rather the defeat of that measure
by the railroad lobby, and a protest
against the disgraceful surrender of the
laat Republican convention to the rail
roads, which was complete and moat
barefaced. While the Democratic candi
date was not successful In securing
election, the vote showed the sentiment
of the people on the questions at Issue.
Roosevelt's majority was 71.000, though
the most sanguine of his supporters did
not expect 71,000, while the normal Re
publican majority Is between 10,000 and
35,000. Mead, the railroad candidate for
governor, only got In wltll lt.76. His
opponent was ex-Bsnator Oeorge Tur
ner of the Alaska boundary commission,
who, but for the 'overwhelming Roose
velt sentiment, would . have doubtless
been elected.' On this showing the Spo
kane Review claims for Washington a
larger Independent voio proportionately
than any other atate In the Union. How
ever that may be, it la true that the
growth of Independence politically is
striking In the northwest. One of the
most eagerly awaited Improvements In
political tone la the breaking away from
party routine of the southern states. In
gersoll's now famous remark, that he
would turn Christian when Missouri
went Republican, shows the extent and
rapidity of the change."
.ewis an
d Clark
December 28. The weather Is again
temperate, but no Indiana have come
to see us. One of the northwest traders,
who came down to request the aid of our
Mlnnetaree Interpreter, informs ua that
a party of Mlnnetarees who had gone
In pursuit of the Asslnlbolns who lately
stole their horses, had Just returned. Aa
Is their custom, thay came back In small
detachments, the last of which brought
home eight horsee, which they had cap
tured or atolen from an Asslnlboln camp
on the Mouse river.
aim tohtc ros sbwatoi
A dog taken from Douglaa to Crook
county recently returned alone to hid
former home. He didn't like ths upper
Athens has purchased a spring for
11.260. and will pips the water 1 miles,
though It Is doubtful If the supply will
be sufficient.
A Harrlaburg merchsnt left the back
door of his store open one evening, and
after awhile persons in the vicinity
beard a noise Inside. About 25 deter
mined snd armed men gathered about
to capture the burglar, and while de
liberating whether to venture Into the
building the burglatwsfked out. In the
ehspe of s town cow and they were all
Burns Times Herald Harney count v
Is capable of supporting msny times Its
present population and haa resources
thst are awaiting the skilled hand and
cspltsl to develop. It has thousands of
acres of fine level land where all that la
necessary Is the pi w snd energy to
mske It yield, even without artificial ir
rigation ordinary seasons. This land
still belongs to Uncle Bern and can be
had for the asking.
Lecturing In Philadelphia, Dr. Robert
Ellis Thompeon described ths city home
of the future. He said It would con
tain no stoves. Cooking will be done by
power, the building will be heated from
a central plant elevators will run from
cellar to garret, and breakfast, lunch
and dinner will be supplied from co
operative center. The era of scientific
cooking on the co-operative plan has
been Insusrurated In Bsrgsn, worway
Where for nearly a generation cooking
haa been banished from the home, and
all receive their meals from co-operative
Not only will .the house of the future
be cleaned by power, but the dust will
be removed by a pneumatic exhaust
system. Streets will be cleaned In like
manner, and the dust and dirt will be,
carried away Into the country, ao that
country people may yet visit the cities
for a breath of fresh sir.
From the New Orleans Letter.
The Era club, en organisation of 100
of t)ia most prominent women in New
Orlsans. at a meeting a few days ago
discussed the servant problem, which Is
aald to be worse In New Orleana than In
any other city In the country.
One woman announced that the finly
wey in which she had beep able to keep
her servants In a good humor waa by
supplying them with theatre tickets
ones eeoh week. The question was
talked over, and aa a result servants In
a large number of families will receive
two tickets a week, during good be
havior, to one 04 the playhouses of the
etty, .
From the Chicago Record-Herald.
Washington. The forthcoming report
of the commissioner of education will
contain an interesting Chapter upon co
education In the schools and colleges of
the United Statea by Anna Tolman
Smith It la likely to attract much at
tention because of the surprising statis
tics shs presents, showing that at least
17 per cent of all the children and young
people under Instruction in the United
states are in co-educational schools and
colleges. In ths elementary grades co
education amounts to a monopoly,
15, 375. 2TB pupils being enrolled In co
educational public schools, agalnat a few
more than 1,000,000 In private schools
that are not co educational 'Fully 42
per cent of pupils In secondary schools
and high schools are being educated
upon the same plan, and 62 6 per cent of
students In universities and colleges.
Miss Smith brings ths figures to show
thst, out of a total enrollment of
16,990.80.1 pupils in all klnda of public
schools, 16,(71,7(4 are In co educational
Institutions. Unfortunately she doee not
bring her figures below 1902. hence tbey
are considerably belew the facts. Thsre
Is good reason to believe that the largest
devslopmsnt of the eo-educat tonal sys
tem haa taken place within the last two
or three years.
From the London Chronicle.
Jim Roche, who haa suddenly stepped
Into notoriety for aweeplng off the tor
pedo deetroyer into the service of Rus
sia, waa the most likely man In tbe
world to do It. He haa done almost
every other thing thsre was to be done.
He has led a revolution In southern
America, he haa a tombstone erected to
him somewhere tn the northern part of
Europe, he married one of the most
beautiful and attractive women the
United Statea haa ever produced.
The promiscuous Irishman wandsrlng
In foreign parta does many curloua
things, and Jim Roohs Is ths most pro
miscuous. Compsny promoting has not
been exempt from his- otcorte. At owe
time he waa allied with Mr. Lawson.
who, with Mr. Hooley, haa recently been
giving copy for our papers. Hs haa
also stood ss model for the .ate Sir
John Mlllats for ths picture of 'Ths
Huguenot," snd after a series of pyro
technic financial ventures he really and
Concretely struck oil and made quite a
lot of money In petroleum In the south
ern states.
From tbe Philadelphia Press
The stock market Is more or leas of
a mystery to ths average man. Hs has
a hazy notion, carried down from hts
Bunday school days, that It la rather a
wicked place, filled with bears and bulla
and wolves and lambs, and what not In
the animal line. He doee not own a
share of stock, and "puts" and "calls "
and "margins" are so much Choctaw to
But he reads the newspapera does
thle average man, wboaa financial trans
actions are largely confined te feeding,
clothing apd housing himself and fam
ily. Therefore he knows that the men
and women who deal In Unheard of
sums of money aa lightly as ha deals In
nickels are having rather a trouble
some time of It Just now. The "fine
frensy" which used to be confined to
the stray book Is taking up its abode
In the realms of finance. The rich
man'a cares appear to cark even a little
more than ordinarily because of foes
and fears, within and without.
In short, there Is much tn the dally
papers of late te make the average man.
who la a poor man, rather contented
with his lot. He It Is who ean practice
the stmpls life which others praise, but
have no time to experiment with. The
"hold-up." the "raids." the tunneling
and the breadetdee of the world of high
finance, not to mention the forgeries
and aeandala and Innuendoes frequently
Incident thereto, concern him only aa
atorlee of another sphere. He Is undis
turbed thereby, except as- hs sympa
thizes with the under dog. Every dol
lar he gets he earns by his own labor.
For every dollar hs spends he receives
whet hs believes to bs an equivalent.
So, In quietness and confidence, he tat
strong. HS Is ths unfrensted, whom the
distraught millionaire envies
Hosmer Whitfield in "Success Magazine "
On the eve of the war Japan's was
the smallest of the seven leading navies
of the world. The fleet of Russia, at
that time, was inferior only to that of
Oreat Britain and of France. During
190( Russia spent on her fleet over
(61.000.000. while Japan for the whole
of her navy expended only about $11.
000,000. Consequently Russia laid out
In naval equipment nearly five times
as much aa Japan, wffoas naval fight
ing strength, at the beginning of hos
tilities waa only half that of Italy.
Alexleff aald, 'The fleet of the island
kingdom Is only an exotic which we will
cripple at the onset." in the anxiety to
Impress Asia with hsr might Russia
sent ponderous-looking men.of.war to the
far eaet with too few mechanical rat
ings, and with seamen who. In a rnn
fesslon made to ms by a Russlsn offi
cer, were only "agricultural laborers."
not only unused to sea life, but also un
versed In even the simplest merhsntral
knowledge, it was-In this condition that
Japan found its enemy when It opeeqd
Its attack, '
From ths Bulletin of the Bureau of
The population of the three states
formed from the original Oregon terri
tory was, In KB. 747.524. and In 1900,
1, . 092,41 1. Their production of wheat In
11(0 was 22,300,000 bushels, valued at
ie.(61,(0t, and In 1903. 37.653.159 bush
els. sHsa af ((f.t 14.400. The seal
of the hay crop was. In 1 894. (15. 656. 811.
and in io. $24,1 29,350. The wool pro
duced was. In 1894. 31.297.233 pounds,
snd In 1(0(, (7.0(0.000 pounds- The
value of cattle on farms and ranchee
waa. In KC0, I34.3lfi.643. and on January
1, 1HI, $32,389,838; of sheep. In KM.
$ and on January 1. 1(04. (is. -1(0,141;
snd of all farm animals, en
January 1, 1(04, (84. 137,003 The gold
produced In 1(02 was valued at (s,66(,
900, and of silver, ((.400, 7(6 (coining
vslus). Ths number of pupils In publlo
schools waa, in isoo. 183.629. snd m
1902 283.400. and the expedlture for
public schools was. tn KM. $1,933,110.
and In 1(02. $5,297,31 8 The number of
postofllcea waa. In 1890, 1.516, and In
1(0(, 2,(16. Tha banking resources were.
In 1890, $r, and, la 1(06, till,'
From the Family Doctor.
In this age of mental tension, high
pressure and overstrain, tea la felt to
be doing much to overstock our lunatlo
asylums. Thsre can be little doubt that
tea drinking la a form ef Intemperance
in theee days a national and female In
toxication second only to that of strong
drink, and In some respects perhaps
evsri nTore injurious,
" That's Different. .
From the Houston Post.
"Are you Interested In literature?
"Not In the least."
"But I thought you read all the cur
rent magasineer
"I do. Why r ,