The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, December 26, 1904, Page 11, Image 11

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Today's Markets
Wholesale Growers Close for the
Day But Produce Men Are
Open to Noon Hour.
Hop Market Unchanged Oats
and Barley Fairly Firm
More Eggs Coming.
I r. n( KMitrVt-' 2"' trie principal market
feu turn show:
Hslf hoMday. slong Front street.
Turkey market entirely cleaned.
Mane chicken, go Into atorage.
Raat expected to buy wheat.
Wool contracts eggerly aought.
Wild gaaaa eractlcelly ton.
No new feature to sugar aituatlna.
(tata and barley market fairly
Half Holiday Along Front 8trt.
Today waa a legal holiday and bnsloe along
tb street waa practically impended. Moat
f the- produce heoaea kept tbrtr doora open
Into tbe nnoa boar ao aa to lake charge of
pcrlababla n.i rrhsadlac. Tbara war aoou faw
sales of icgetsbles bnt the business la all
lines waa nominal. Wholaaala bouse claim
tbat trad thta fhristmsa waa the besvlest
they baa aw seen. Tba country waa a
hesvler purchaser by far than during recent
year. The coca try itorekrepere aay that farm
era ara buying aior heavily oondltlooa la tba
. i entry dlatrleta balng mora prerjperoste a ac
count of the blgh price obtained for all crop.
Turkey Market Entirely Cleaned.
At tba cine of bualnea today there waa not
a single turkey remaining uneold along Front
street. There we a little demand thta morn
ing from araw- of the nearby town for dreaaad
stock, aa wall aa aome for lire blrda. The
prices wblch ruled are practically the aama
aa tboae of Friday and Saturday.
Many Chlcksns Oo Into Storage.
In order to cassis the chicken market many
of tbe dealer sent their large surplue of blrda
Into' cold storage to await a better turn of
the market. There ta a great acarclty of wll-1
towla and the few arrlrlag are bringing better
Condlttona ia Eggs Aro Fair.
Ialr condmooa are ruling In tbe egg market.
The raw-Iota 'fratlnn to show a email Increaao
during the peat few daya tha arrlrala being
about twice aa large ha during the former week.
Prlcevup to data remain tbe earn aa taat week,
but Ihere la a alight weakening of tbe tone. The
arrlrala are now fully up to tba demand at the
preeeat price.
Ea.t Ia Especte f) to Buy Wheat.
Aocordlag to adadcrs lately recelred from the
territory raat of tbe Rocky moimtalha there
will he a better demand for northwest wheat
fn.m that aectloa after the turn of flie year.
Niippllee there are showing a gradual decrcae
and aa mow aa the miller flnlah their Invoice
of stock I he Indication, are that there will he
Aliened buying here. Some few Inntilrlea are
arriving from there, bat all of them talk of
inrchaalng after the Bnt of the year If tha
market la right. -., .
Flow Market la Terr Oall.
, i .Mention. In tba. Sour market are not of tha
Wet There la now practically nothing doing
nlth tbe ..rlenu Ban Famnclaco and other
California potato are baying aome email sup.
Idles, local trade la aery amall aad nothing
la expected from tbla em tree until the outside
market how their band. prices unchanged.
Wool Contraoti Eagerly Sought.
Wool contractt for ifee coming clip are being
v. r ege-ly aought by the dealer and if tar
the drat of tha now year Increaeed rtlrtty I
ruperted In thla lino. The market at the mo
it.ut haa a aort of holiday appearance. Price
Oat. aad Barley Market Fairly Firm.
Condition lu both th oat nd tb barley
market are now fairly arm no account of tb
belter fee-Hag lu tbe California market, (.row
er of oat who tlll bae etoche oa hand are
hnldlag for en adanee In price. .JY
tbe atoeka remaining nnaold In the band of
. the grow era la -Hmlted and moat of tbe crop
la In atrong dealer' handa.
Today' ruling quotation at wboicaaie.
WHEAT Kw and old Wall Walbi, Met
ASc blueatem. fWOBOc: aallay. H'c.
BAMLKY-Fatd. UB.TB; roW M TS; brew-
'l?r?-Wbl. t 00 par tea; cracked, fjB.oo.
dye t ss par cwt.
OA-rV-l-rodclira' price W. 1 whit. WI.00;
rFLbfJftMaa2irr Orfrtta. 4 Ml
att.lghta. UTS: aallay. $4 10. graham. 14a
4Mlijl8TlF-Bran. llS.ot) Iaj to.; ..
dllng. (3300; abort, country. (32.B0. chp,
tlfl 00.
HAY Producer' prlea Timothy.
y.lley. f.ncy. jb?Old.on; ordln.ry lnoou
U.OO; .tra 5rgon. : mlaC
SllOOaltt.OO; ekTr. fit. 00112.00. grala.
tn 1-0812 t-: chaat. in ti 12.60.
Mao. Wool and ride.
1 1 n I's 1904. 80c for tporta; 20c for choice;
2'. for prime and medium
WOOL -Contract IPOS clip Valley, coar
to medlnm. llTc; fine, 17t1c, etcrn Ore
gon. 16c.
MOHAIR Mew, 0e.
SHBr-l'SKIMS Bbaarlng, TOOtOe; abort wool.
y.,u. "." . madtam wool, SOOSOc; MM wool.
V'i Vu' per lb. 0e; No. S .a
greaa. SaaVte- . . '
CHITTIM BARK 4c per lb. baying price
ill DBS Dry hldea. No 1. Id lb nd np.
ltOlBHe pr lb: dry ktp. No 1, 5 to is lb.
l.V; dry celf. Mo. 1. under 8 Ihe. lfle,
dry aalted nulla and (tag. 1-8 lea tba dry
(1 1 tit a. I tad hid, ateer. touad. 60 lb or oar.
TJ8c; 80 to 60 lb. THc; under 80 lb and
cuwe 4j7Uc; .tag. aad bulla, a. .and. SHc;
kip, IS to 80 Iba. 8c; aoaad. 10 to 14 lb. 6ttc:
calf, aoaad, under 10 lb. Be; green tun
aalted. le per lb lea; cullis lc per lb leaa;
hit hid. ltvd. ch. II 2XOI TS; dry. each,
81 004)1.60; colt' hide, each. Mtaasoe; ,,,,1
aklna, common, eaah. lotjiSc; Angara, with
wool on. each, tSrOll-OO.
Butter. Bgga dad Faultry.
BI TTER FAT Sweet. BSVjc: soar. B8H.
BUTTER City creamery beat. 4S0e;
aecond grade, Zt088c; outalde fancy. ZTttc;
ordinary. 26c; cold atorage. 2814c; eaatcra and
rallfornl. HHOMc; More. 18qilUc.
EOOB Mo. 1 freah Oregon. 32t33t4c: eaat
ern .electa. 26c ; local cold atorage, 24 f) 36c.
CHBBBaV-New Fall cream, twin. 18Mc
T.'Unf America, 16c; Faetern. l&OldC
POULTRY Prodnceca price Chicken,
mined. 8c per lb: bene. Offline per lb; rooters,
old. 8c ner lb; young. 04JHe per lh; brollera.
MM per
10; rryrre, ler pr lu, uuee. 01a. u'r
young. 1111. to per in; geeee, Dflnwi
per lb; turkey.. 18 per
lb; drd.
per Ih. uanaJnii ""e.
2 00; mallard. 88.00e8.60; canraabacka.
a no
rratta aad Tagatabl.
POTATOES Beat Oregon, 81 00 cwt ; hayer.
price. 7se0c: aecond grade. TiMrjtfWV aack: buy
ing price, BOOTO; aweeta. beat. 8126, crated.
H 1-1U 1 40: new California Sc par lb.
ONIONS Local, . 82J01 awnf price).
cuhlr l2Tot2.26; city. 82.104)2.28; garlic.
BfllOc per lb.
EREBH FBOITS Apple. eitra Taacy.
at not fane Oregon. Sl.OOdll.SB aer boa:
aheap graoaa, awajin per wo ; oraaarea,
aaael. 83 taJejlTS par bog: aeedllng. 81 78
per hoi. MandarlB. 81.75 per boi; Jap
orangee. BSc bog; baaaaa. Sc lb; lmona. choice.
18 26 per boii fancy. 8170 per hog: Km.
Meiletn, BTM par too; pinevppiaw, a.auajta.w
l-ara. 11. 0001.60. grapea. IPSO per t
.kt,i.. to no ner hbl. Jeraey. llo oar hhl
giaglg. 2c per lb: atrawberrt, 83 per 15-lh
VEOETABJ-rt Tarnln. 1100 per aack: ear
rat, 81-00 per aack; beet. 11.28 per ek;
Oregon radhihea. ISc per dog; cabbage, Oregon,
82 on cwt; California 1 .60; lettnce. hothouae.
S'a36c go; green pepper., Te par lb; chill pep
pera. ISc Ih; celery. 804) 76e paw do; teatatoe.
Callforala. II ISO! : paranlpa. 7cH .86: pi
plant 2aiVk lb; etrlng beane. 4c: eaallBawwr.
81.12V do: hotter nea. Be: pumpkin. 1
b; horaeradlrt. T)8c par Ih: apata 8c ; meek,
room., eper lb. artlchok. Soajan, par ..
DR.BD nuiTI -Ajopkaa. rarawatadV T)8
per lh; apricots otr per ie; ear... Ti
ler tb less: peach 8) 18 par lb; peers.
per lb; pruaea. I5a. fM ,", :
Freer. BviOfHe per Ih: 6g . C.llfaral bl.ek.
6dl8V.e few lb; CaUferal whit. per Ik;
phuaa. pitted. par lb; data.
par Bi farda. I1.M par IB lb Boa.
BUOAR lack baala Cube. 3d 40; powdered.
la adraaca an aack li aada la SB wl
10 daya: maple, HQ IH pr lb.
HUM I x i Maine
COFFEE Package brand, 118 3d.
4.00: aacka
w, ncu, uue, voc.
SALT Coari- Half grovnd. 100a, oar toe.
ton, ao.OJBjo-w. uiwiw
lump rock.
la.00 par
tea; 50-lb rock.
OB.76; 100a,
not. mi.
I Above arlaa apply to aala of haw than eat
lata. Car leu at epeclal arbsaa .abject ta
OKA1N BAOB Calcutta, 08 TB4J8.00 per 100.
Kit IB- imperial Japan, No. 1. 44c; My. t.
4e; N.w Orleina head. BUdc: Adjack. Sajei
Creole da,
BBANd Small wait, 4c: large white. Iwi
pink. e; bayoa, t Umaa. ki Mi
tan rM)v Bc
NOTS Paanuu. TH: Jumboa. 14c par Ih:
raw, d10e par lh; roaated, cocoa nat.
0e par doa; walnuta. 14ilk per lb: pla
awe, 04XMMe,pr lb; hickory nuu, 10c ft ;
chaetauU. eaateru. ltttjloc aar lb; BraatI aata.
lh rat lb; Hlberta. IS lie par lb; fancy
aaayioa par ii aimewaa, v
Meaka. Flak aad Piaylalom.
raiau mu.t -,r . wef
smSSc per lb; pork, block. B)8Vic per lb;
packer!, "6Q6tbv per lb; bulla. 2Vfct- per lh.
cow. 8Vjc per lb; mutton, dreaaed. at,4Vc
par ih; real, extra, THCj)a par lb; ordinary,
HAlfi.' BACON. ETC. Portland aack IJecal) 10 to ll lb. 12ic per bVi id to 16 1U.
lSc per lb; 18 to 30b. 1244c par Ih: cottage.
BHo per lb; breakfaat bacon, HfllUc oar lb;
plcnioe, 8c per lb; regular hort cleara. un
amokad. 10c per lh; a took ad, 11 per lb, clear
hack, un.moke.1. Ska par -lb; amoked. 10
BM lb; Lraon butu. 10 to 18 lb, uoamoked. 6
par lb: aaaokad. 8c per lh; clear bailie, ua
moked.'llc per lh; amoked, 12c per lb.
LOCAL LARD Xattla Uaf, loa. WW VP
lb; 0. 104 c aa lb, 80-tb Una. 10c par lb,
team rendered. 10a, pr lb: 8. Bfcc par
lb, SO, ue par lh; compound tierce, dVb par
Alaaka tall, pink, ksajpuc. red. 61 SO; aomiuai
2. UU. 82.00.
FISH Bock od. Tc per lb; Bounder. Be par
lh; halibut, Tc par lb; erb. 8186 Per doa.
atrlped baaa. 10dUM par lb; oatnah. U f
lb; Mlmou. ataelbaad. 8V4c pr lb; froaa l"f
alde rnc Iks barring. 6e lb; W. P .
lie. ti e1. iw -w w--
arimpa. 10c per id. anau. ureu, r
parch, 6c per lb; bd re. - " HI
abad. Be par lb; black cod. 6c per lb: Columbia
rtrer .melt, 6c per lb; all aer amelt. Be per
lb: lubatera. LtVtc: fraah mackerel, Be; crawflah.
30c par do; flounder, Sc par lb; iturgeon, ic
per lb. ,
OY8TBHS Sboel water hay. Bar gal, 82.16
per aack. 84.00 net; Olympta, par trnek, 86,16.
CLAM& Hard ahell. pat a-00: r"
clam. 82.00 par baa.
Palate, Oaal Oil. Eta.
ROPE Par Manila. 14c; elaudard. 184 el
81.. I 104 c: Iatl bread Slaal, 84c.
COAL OIL Purl or Aatral Caa. 11 He
per gal; water white, iron bbla 14c par gal.
wooden. per gal; headlight. 170-deg. caaaa
c per aaX lroa bSkt IT par gal-. ,
NSEED OIL Par raw, la bbla 63c per gal,
caaaa 6Tc per gal; genuine kettle nolle, caaei
BOc per gal. hhla Ida aar sal; ground aba.
eer lota 8)6.00 par tea, baa than car lota 888.
OASOUNB 86-dag. caeed SB per gal. lroa
bbla 3Bc per gal: atore. caaea MVkc per gal.
Iron bbla ISc per gal.
BENZINE S3 deg o
per gal. lroa
thla lStac per gal.
bbla 88c per gal. caaee
TcltPENTINK fn cnaaa 88c par gal. wooden
hhla. Sic per gal. lroa bbla TBe pr gal. 10 lb
one tot 84c per gat,
WHITE LEAD- -Ton krta 7Vic Bar lh; 600-lb
lota na per lb. lea lor a par an.
WIRE NAILS- Preaent baae at 82 60,
River Plate Review Say Condi
tions There Are Quite
A lat Issue of Hirer I'late Rarlsw aay
of the Argrntlnt situ.ui. 11
Th Kiinnpean grain marketa have been del
uged wltb telegrams during tbe past few
week concerning the ttw of- the rrrpa tn
this conntry. As far as we can learn, from
the nttmeron Inntilrlea tbat we bare recelred
from all parts. Is tbat an attempt la being
made u "bull" tbe market by atatlng tbat our
rropa are In Jeopardy. A ahowrr of rain In
Itoaarlo I now sufflclen: for cable nicaaage
to tbe effect that tb a-eather la damaging the
crop, and If there I week of dry weather
then a mesaage to th effect tbat great damage
la being done by drouth On locust In any
locality 1 multiplied into ewarm. aad a
local hell storm la made to -cover tbe whole
country. Huch. niraaagee as tbeee naturally'
alarm tbe Knrnpean marketa, whlcb are looking
forward to our crop tn view of 'the abortage
tbat there will be In tbe American harvest this
Official reports. October 27 to October 31. la
med by the agricultural ofBce on the prngreea
of the cereal crepe, are eminently satisfactory;
la aome districts of Bueaoo Acres province
where drouth aad frost delayed the wheat aad
Bag eeed. We are unw told that, thank to
plentiful rain, they have cltaoat entirely re
covered tbe loet ground. Two district report
rather too much rain. I. uteri aad Faan. hut a
few fine day will put matters straight again.
Preperattona for sowing corn have been going
ahead atrong.vaad In a raw districts It I already
In t te ground. Entire Hloe reporta are con
sistently good Santa Fe notices are very goAd.
one dlatrlct -tlone being poor ItJencral I a. pes I
1 ere the wheat and Baa eeed have been a
much affected by audden cbsngea In the
temperature tbat half the crop le euppneed to
te lost. In mm-, districts corn I lredy com
ing up. while ta other tb planting I com
pleted. (Srdob report are tardly ao gen
erally optimistic. Some of tbe colonies. Villa
ntiev. villa Marl, have been visited by ball
storms wblch completely deetroyed tbe young
planta. while other. Amalla, KI Trabajo. Ste.
Maria, bad no rain from May IP tn October 17.
with th remit tht the wheat aad flag eeed
ecwlngg dtB r.ot mature: recent raina tn aome
part of the colonies bsve been only partlsl.
and oven then are too late to sav the altua
tl. n The areaa affected In the foregoing case
are not of any great egtent.
Inquiries at the hall Inaurance offices go to
show tbat the damage thla season la In egcea
of last year, hut tbe dlatrleta affected ere .
most Identical wltb tboae of prevtoua year.
There are certain districts up Santa Fe and
r.a-dtba way where hailstorm occur every year,
or nearly so. and tbe colonlata have to pmvr
and sow. not for harvest ptirpcees, but to re
cover the vein from the hall Insurance com
pr. plea.
Rosarlo. Nov. 8. The position of tbe -Top
present. summed up by ur mot compe
tent broketa, la. taking Into account tbe dam
age sustained by excessive moisture. It la un
likely tbat the coming wheat harvest will egceed
last year'e. This refers te the Mate Fe and
1 or dobs province. nd of course meaus a con
siderable reduelltm In eatltp'tfei
There 1 a strong probability that the repnb
Iti of Mexico will enter tbe marketa of the
world -within the next few daya aa on of th
great wheat-prodnclng countries. A number
of syndics ta recently obtslaed concession
fiom tbe Mexican gorernmrut by which they
have tbe use of htrge areas of land for terms
o( years. They are experimenting with differ
ent klnda of wheat, aad have already found
that while ordinary rarletlea of grain produce
bot from three to are aacka per aer. th "tur
key red" variety will yield from 36 to BO
aacka or from 60 tn 80 bushels to tb acre,
turkey Red grain I also splendid milling
grain. If It la discovered rtiat Urge crop
ean he retard In Mexico an endeavor will be
made to place tbe grain-growing Industry oa a
commercial footlag.
1 looms 1 special gervtr;)
TnifiA new. IA Knormous mlllturv
preparatlbna are In prograas here, tha
purpoae being to give Field Marshal
Oynma not leaa than 508,000 men. Re
cruit and reaervlste numbering thou
sands are aassrmbled. and drilling, and
other preparation for taking tha field
ara tha order of the day. It la ajeo
planned to provide Oyama with a mufTi
Increaaed cavalry force. In expectation
of th Ruealan Pacific squadron making
an attempt to estshllah a bssa on For
mosa or the Houthern Inlands, efforta
ara being mad to provide for their
strong dafenae.
WI aiaa a, aa. aa. a, to. le?l
table, dairy. 60s, S3 MfJll.Bu: 100. OB.OOi
Imported Urarpool. 60a. 81B.UO0J18 00; 100a,
llToJ16.CHj, BSl U BoOlt W; aitr. aa.
bbla. Us. d. fie. 10a. 84841: balk. HO lb.
Half Holiday Along Front
Strett Today East la
Losing, Whoat Flldt.
Eastern Section of Country Is
Gradually Losing Hold
on Crop.
Oregon Does Not Produce Much
More Now Than Ten Years
Ago Others Cain.
George E. Roberta, who I Washington
atiidrnt of acoaomlc. carl attention to what
Secretary W liana ealla "the wheat ware" that
haa paeaed oyer the country during tha laat
25 yer. It morementa are Illustrated by a
comparison of tb wheat crop In the different
etatea la 1881 and 1803. The Brat comparlaon
hiiUld be made In the atatra eaat of tbe great
rlrer. aa follow:
Buabela. Buahala.
1882. 1803.
New England, New York
aad Nee. Jeraey 18.844.000 11.600.000
PnaylTnla 20,800,000 8 000,000
Maryland. Vlrrtnl Dela
ware Bad Loulalana... SI, 168,000 28,177.000
W at Virginia, Tenneaaee.
Arkanaaa 13.T48.000
Kentucky 17.28O.00O T.T2B.000
Ohio 48,78.000 38.808,000
Michigan 32,816.000 IB, 684.000
Indian , 4B.4dl.000 28.804.ti00
Illlaola 62.300,000 16.6TO.000
Wlacuali S3, 148,000 M.SBS.OOO
low , 2S.40T.0O0 13.680.000
kllaeuurl 8T.3SS.000 1S.1B4.OOU
Total 360.483,000 312,628,000
The abore table aaow the decline of the
eastern and central atatea a wheat growers;
the following table will bnw tb development
of the wheat Industry In the western atatea.
The trier tn Minuet t. Kama. Nebmak
nd tb two Dakota since 18S2 baa been almost rmshels. Oklahoma and Indian Ter
ritory were not producing wheat In 1883. but In
lUOll they BiMeO X7,4IN.imsi nusneis. 1 auiornis
It the oaly western state that ahowe a decline,
and that la due to the fact that the big farm
are being cat up Into orchards and gardens,
because that la more money In fruit and ege
table than there la In bouanaa wheat. Tha
following table ahowe the wheat crop In bushel.
In tbe states named for 1SH2 and 1808:
Bnahela. Bushels.
1H82. 1003.
UlrneaoU 88.000,000 T0.OOO.OO0
North .ndSonth tbthot. 11,460000 B8.4W.000
Kua 81.348.000 ST.34B.HT
Nel.rask 18.300.000 41.1BT.000
Oklahoma. IndUn Ter 37.478.000
TeTia d.lTS.OOfJ 10.BBD.0O0
t.dorada 1.500.000 T. BOO. 000
-ah 1. 38O.000 d.l&o.otsi
Uentana' 888,000 8.T8O.0OO
California 88.000.000 M. 1100,1100
Oregon 12,000.000 ll.4O0.KK)
Waanlngtoa ..; 1.380.000 10.ouo.Oiai
Idaho SBO.OOO . B.000,0
1S1.S1A.000 OB,038.B8T
Receipts of Livestock Just About
Equal Demand Cattle and
Sheep Are Firm.
t'orttsna t nton aswai
Today la a holiday In the laeal tockyrd and
there waa no. buying. Of lata the recelpta In
all lines nsve wen idsbi oo a leer , , 2"T
dttriaiid nd v I In tbe exceptaea of s alight
weskness In the hog msrket tbe tones are
generally good During tbe pt week ther haa
been but little buying by the packer on account
i , , .. ........ hn.lnM. t. Ill.t
or tne nouusy " " -"-- - - ,
about quarter of the uenal volume. There la
now plenty or reen ior came eon reuej ...
talking of very properuus seaaon to come.
The recelpta today conwlated ef but 80 hog.
OfBrUI prices now ruling re:
ogRest western Oreg.m. 3S 3B: best Wp.
lsiu.tte v.lley. 8S.004J5. 10; light. 04. 00; I h I n
ft 84.00; atochera and feeders . I I . ' t
Csttle Best etern Oregou teers. 88.301
8.86: light and medium ateer. 83.75jt3.2S;
. . ... , e OA. mutliim eowe 2 ISISe
neei nisi, e. o.w, -- T .
2.80; old nd light cow., 81 BoaiJ 00; atocker
aneeu nesi leie.r """p. "iOii
J3.75; ewe., 8-TT3Vk stock sheep. 83.116.
(Specie I Dispatch te The Journal I
Tha Dallea. Or.. Doc. 2. The Dallea
Elka conceived the Idea recently of hav
i a.nts t'lnu come to this city and
distribute for them to every child of
12 years snd under peesema. ao mat no
poor child would be omitted from Chrlat
mas cheer. Hundreda ot children
flocked to the Vogt theatre yesterday
afternoon, and from t to were enter
tained by the Elks and Santa Claua, aa
alsted by hla brother Hana and eeveral
Elka at the Immense tree laden with
aubatantlal gtfta.
The opening exercise consisted of
aoioa and dtieta. by Mlas Emllle Oroeaen
and Mr. Vause. Mrs. Harry Taylor. II.
E. Greene. Mlaa Myrtle Michel, Mrs. N.
J. Blnnott.
Then the fun began. Ed M. Wllllame.
Santa's herald, announced the coming of
the good old man by blowing a trumpet.
Santa came In a sleigh drawn by t Shet
land pony, d riving upon the stage.
There he waa soon Joined by hla brother,
who came down the chimney.
It la estimated that 1.200 children
were remembered at the Chrlstmaa tree.
The theatre u packed by children,
Elks and women. The Elka have been
working for waeka preparing for thla
occaalon which culminated ao happily.
(Special Dispatch to The Journal.)
Seattle Dec. 3 le W. McDevItt,
a painter. Is being searched fdr by the
police on a charge of shooting hla wife,
splitting open the head of her sister.
Mra. 8. S. Graham, of Portland, and
Injuring (Jraham by striking him over
the head with the butt of a revolver.
The fracua occurred late Saturday
.-... o.wl Mra McDevItt is at Provi
dence, hospital with a bullet In her left
McDevItt wtuilM to sell the house
hold furniture. of Ihd couple. Hla wife
objected and more ao Puturday .than
ever, da haf sister and brother-in-law
from Portland wefa with them for
Chrletmss Becauae ahe refueed Mr
DvlU struck hla wife and knocked her
kDiianaa .
T dtt
d Floor.
Member Chicago Board of Trade.
101 Third Street McKay Building, Portland. Or.
Cootlnuou Markets by Private Wire, quick Service. REFERF.NCE8 Lavdd
Tllton, banker, and United State National Bank ef Portlansl
out of g chair, lira. Graham IntarfarrexJ
and ah waa daalt a blow over the head
with a gun which laM open her acalp.
Orahttea then took a hand and received
like treatment with hla wife. McDevItt
than went outalde the r hoitae ftrlns
through tha door. The bullet struck hla
(Special Dispatch to The Journal )
eel. rwe it Ihn VnlsTht. the
ii.sweu un ,,t t T Vnlarhl. nrasl-
dent of tha Mew Republic Mining com
pany, waa frosen to drat ti in the Slate
creek mlnln dltrlct rwtturnay. ma
body waa found early yeaterday nwrn
i. Kw r u Vsnne ntsnsger of the
Anacortea Mining company, about 100
feet from the Mountain uoat mine.
a.iii,iUii M,enlnw Vcilerlit waa sent by
. 1 , k mull t ttarron
nia lawier ui a v lh. .......
poatofflce. After W departed . It grew
very cold. Evidently tne wy ram i"
.... .va t, i . 1 himaalf wnrm. but finally
becoming; benumbed from the cold threw
hlmaelf on the arrouna to aie. i w "
waa froaen atlff.
a v.e .Uatiini., from where the body
waa lying; tracks In the soft anew ahow
he was running: and just oeiore no ion
oyer they are algaag.
NUE. Hotle It hereby given that at th meeting
of the t'eeartt of tn. flty of Portl.nd. Ore
gon held . tbe 31st day of Decgmber. lBOl.
the rniioniag iaawiaiew . . ved. That the Council of the tlty of
Portland, o-egon. aeema 11 e.i--..o-... ... .....
noses t.. Improve Orsnd avenue from 12 feet
rTorTh of tbeT aouth line of B.-t St.rk .tree
to 111 feet north of the north "no of East
talk treet, bv conatructlng au elevated road
way' fa width 60 feet for the roadway and two
VB feet ldwlk oa Uher lde of too said
ald Improvement to be made In acrdanc
with the clwrtar nd ordlnancea of the 1 lty
of Portland aud tne pajiii . . ;wt
estimates of the City Engineer flled In the
uSte of tbe Auditor of tb Cltrod frtlsnd.
the Improvement of ilr.nd AvwactaaH
feet north nf the south line of Beat Stark
street to lit feet north of the north Hue of
Eaat Oak tret and the eatlmatea of the work
to be done ana tne prooaoie iniei
The coat of 'a1d Improvement to be aeeed
-. mm 7 m a . . 1 . ..kevtoe n tain i Pisa l in ill
at DrO Tiara llj urn m ' r7 -e-
erty Tcllly and peculiarly beiessVted thereby
and r?h1ch fa hereby drK-lared to be .11 h.
l.,t. parts thereof snd isarca -f land lying
Between the north line of Hast Morrison street
end th uutb line of Baat Burnatde atreet aad
hwtween a Una UO f-et easterly from and par
allel wltb tb east line of Orand avenue and a
lino B feet weeteriy rrom 1
tb. west Una f Or.nd
The evtginerr o. - 7
met for tb Improvement of Urand avenue la
. 1 ... ... eteeeeit en
elevated roadway Improvement and aball h
mlntilned by tbe city for a period of Bve
year, provided, however, that the "wiiera of
a maionty or ine prove;., .-r.TT
Improvement oc any portion thereof, ahall not
petition rar a new is pmnruv .
Tha plana. speclBcstions and estlmstes of the
City Engineer fiw the improvement of said
OrSBQ Avenue are nere. , ...
Itesotveu, inn iue '
Partland b nd he la nerehy directed to give
notice or me pruieieeu iine'rii--"i 11 - "
all 111 . - . ...oi. -- -- . ,
Remonstrances against the above Improve
' . , - ,..., ... ..el., .flh tli. nntt.r
signed within 30 days from tha date of th
first p,irllction or mis
By order of the Council, .
A .1 . -. i ... ,.f i..
Portlspd. (Iregon. Isate of fir t publication
i iee. ... lei.
Our Monkey
Had a good time with' hla can of
Globe Weather-Proof Paint
He nay It waa the "time Of hla Ufa."
Distributors, 10J8 Second St. Telephone,
Black 8070.
A. A CHURCH CO 28 Taylor 8t
t "AUSTENS BROS. Montavllla
J. B. M'DONAI.D. . S46V4 William avgw
It. Leala Medical aad Surgical Dispensary.
Established 1870.
Dr. Kessler's Medical and
Surgical Dispensary
Has permanently cured at least 80,000 person
In Its 84 year ha Portland. It Is likely that -the
afdlcted public would not care to tamper with
unknown met bods of healing. The Dr. -KKsaler
Medical aad Bnigtrsl Dtapensary stand so
high in public cinBdsecc that ITS NAMB IB
ABLE AND l'L'BE In curing dlaease ot tb
8. I. ear. Second aad TaaahUl 888., Portland. Or.
Phone Mala 1877.
Bead for psmpblet. Inclose In 2-cent pe
BBeuasureV tl Bka.
IvuHSiTtbW Bb mW( dafl Hb.
Wjfjfmk 7-aaa2' KAlBaaaaaaaaaaR
l I V e
Nolle hi hereby given that the Council ef
the City of Portland. Orrgoa, st meeting
held on tba 21st day ot Dwibr. ISO, de
clsted tha isnss tin ill by ordlnsare No. 14..S8.
tor tne lmpr iremeut or aiuswurio sivnuv hum.
tb east Una of Colo avenue to tba weet Una
of East Nineteenth atreet, la tha manner pro
vided by .tdliianee No. 13.811, UDsav aCB ta.
nart of lot sod mnri of laud, which srs pe-
clsily aud psKtuIlarly beueflted. to be as follow.
feet ot west 80 fsst lot 8. A. H. Buitou.
a .87; south 78.876 fset of eaat 40 feet of arret
feet Un J. Liar J. Buxton. 87.71; eouib
23.128 fart of uortk SO feet lot 8, Portland
Truat Company. 88.28: oathT8.878 feet of
ast 18u teat lot 8, Portland Truat Company,
837 IN.
l. lot 12. Kste Ward. 8110 so; U1 It. ce.e
VVard, 118.22; aouth 4 feet kit 10, Kate
Wssal. 81. IW, sooth 4 fsst art 3, Thouus J.; 32.23; bit 2. Thome J. Laniout.
827 48; lot 1, Tbomaa J. 3I28-78.
BLOCK 13, lot 3, Agnea Ksnnsdy. 848.TB.
WOOIILAW.xf HEItillTB BLOCK 4. lot 24. J.
L. W I throw. OH. SB. kit 22. i. L. Wlthrow.
J 7.21; lot 28. J. L. Wl6row, 38.37; lot 24,
v-tV. W I throw, 84-7-4. f-.-- "?JM
AINSVVOUTH TRACT B. D. White's subdi
vision lota 3 and I; BLOCK 17. lot A. Johu 11.
Burgard, l 1 m. lot B. Johu H. Burgard. 38.78;
ontb 8.1 feet lot C. John 11. Burgard, 1.10;
outh 8.1 feet lot K. J. L. Wlthrow, M.OB,, let
H. J. L. Wlthrow. 310.80; lot I, J. I Wltb
row. 314.28; lot J. J. L. Wlthrow. 380.10.
Abbott, 331.83; lot 24. Bay Abbott, 023.18;
let 26. OAvIa g. t suklu. 318.32; lot 24,
- Osvln B. Csukln, 326 87. BLOCK 2. kit 28.
P. Ashberry Strong. 020.20; lot 24. Edwlu
L. Corner. 323,80; lot 28. Eflwln L. Corner,
324.781 lot 20. Khterprls. Iityratuaaw coia
pany. 82S m. BLOCK 3. lot W. Jyletchw
took. 332.78; lot 24. J. Tletcher Cook. 328.74;
lot 28, C. A. Vondeao. 381.81; lot 28, C. A.
Vrmdeau, 888.32. BLOCK 4. lot 20. A. W
Bcbmale, Utt.BB; let 24, A. W. Bchmsle.
R 1.87: iotM, Btta C. Holbrook, 022.17; tot
unknown owner, 328.87. BLOCK 6. tot
f 28. There ea Oppenhetmer Edtate. Heir nf.
031. T3; tot 24, B. Le PAget. 8-'6-31 : lot .
Oertrude E. Mrtilnnls. 064.84; tot 28. Benia
mln U. Lombard. 371. 64. BLOCK d. lot H,
Robert Ke, 883.58; lot 24, Tbomss E. Lewja,
872.UI; lot 26. Hor I. Blggrn. 388.07; tot
26. t'brlsiophrr C. Bossrth, 378.80. IILOt K
7. lot 23. Co operative Investment Conrpsny,
852.80; let -24, Co operative Investment Com
pany. 34.07; tot . WIHier A. Bldemtt,
loJ.HJ; lot 28, r. W. BbefBeld, 338 88. BLOCK
OTlot 28. John W. Owllt, 343.14; tot , 24.
Thomas E. Lewis. 881; lit 26. f. W SbeJ
Beld, 324 82; lot 28V r. W. bhefBeld. J34.3t.
BLOCK 8. let 28. C. Catherine, Vawler. 3d8 12:
lot 14, C. Catherine Vwler. 830.74; lot 26.
IF. W. MbefOeld. 027.08: lot 28 P. W. Shef
a.ih ais at st'irgi in lot 28. F W. Sb.-f
field! 342.87': lot 24. J. E. Scott. 041.18; tot
28. Walter M Cook, 380 87; lot 28. A. I,
Maths, n. 828.36. ' . . .
James Surman. 818.80; lot 4, Jamea Barman
a, i a north it iu feet lot 8. Wllber Camp
bell. 80.08: north 100 fert lot 0. Wllber
.-,.o.t,..ll T el north ItlO feet lot 7. O. K
Freeman. 838 28; north 100 feet lot's. Donald
M. I's, pie. 828 8S; north loo reel 101 "
- ale Petty, rt4.2T: north loo feet lot 10. W
w ahholi ateiaa. north loo fret lot 11
Carrie E. and Loa lee C. Boa. 3A1.60; nortb
100 feet lot 12. Carrie B. and iuie c. noae.
874 42 HI, i, K 7 north 100 feet lot 18,
Riles A ll.herehem tut In: nortb 100 feet
.let IT. KIlis A. Habersham. 8M.58; north
ISO ft lot 18, Wllllm H. Lesh. OOBTJ:
north 100 feet lot 16, Henry Brlce. 342.05;
north 10O feet tot 14. rrak Thompson
242.40; north 100 feet lot 13. Wllluru A. nd
I B. Lewis. 347.115: north 100 feat lot 12.
I'nlted State KIdellty A Uaarantee Company.
348.47; north 100 fet lot 11, Mary A. Kphart.
881.48; north 100 fset lot 10. M. Capl Mt
thleu. 382.82: north 100 feet lot 8. ChrUtlne
Andersen. 068.40. BLOCK 12. north 100 feat
lot 18. Jenale E end Ryder Jnbn Hunt.
080.18; north 100 feet tot IT. Jennie E. and
Ityder John Hunt, 337.83; nortb 100 feet lot
10, H. A. Smith. 351 .73; aerth 100 feet lot
10, II A. Smith. 162.20; north 100 feet lot
14. H. A, Smith, 081.88; north 100 ft
lot 13, William A. nd I. B. Lwl. 38 30;
north 100 fet tot 12. William A. nd I. B.
Lewi. 38.ST; north 1O0 feet lot 11. Wllllsm
A and I. B. Lewie, 318.00; north 100 feet tot
10. William A. aad I. B. Lewd. 024.88; north
100 feet lot 0. William A. aad 1. B. Lewis,
Iin.HLAND PARK BLOCK 11, lot J. Mrta
Rtoekm... SeTT ?1 lot 1 II. rl. Stockllian.
ei.PT; lot SV Maria Stockman. 383.08: tot 4.
y Harrington, 348.16. BLOCK 12. lot
1, N .1 A. Hlnvma. 336 82; lot 2. H. B. Noble.
828 si; kit 0, O. W. Patterson. 332 28; kit 4.
Vlrginls Wstsen, 042 88. BLOCK 13. tot 1.
Msrls Wsterford. 337 SB; lot 2. Msrla Water
ford. 327.64; lot 3. Maria Watrrford, 024.32:
let 4. E. B. Miner, 082.88. BLOCK 44. tot
1. Enterprise Company, 083.68;
lot 1, Kate Kuaaell. 024.67; lot 8. Kate Rus
sell. 025.34; lot 4. A. M. Heustls. 380.47.
BLOCK 16. lot 1, R E. Daalsl. 351.85; lot
2. R E. lianlela. 067.38; tot 8. Mary Daniels,
0SO.80; bit 4. Msry lunlsls. f78.23.
OAKIII'RST- BLOCK 10, undivided 84 1BO lot
18. W. II. Brewater, 880.08; undivided 84.
180 lot 20, . W. H, Brewater, 08.74; undi
vided 08-180 tot IB. W. H. Brewster. 338.86;
undivided 66-160 lot 20. W. H. Brwter,
332 81; undivided 84-180 let IT. L'nknuw
Owner, 044.88; undivided 84-180 lot 22. in
known Owner. 081.83: undivided 88 180 lot
21. I 'nknomi Owner. 331 51; undivided SB-180
' lot 22. I'nknown Owner. 008.40. BLOCK 0.
undivided B4-1SO tot TO. H H. Ollfrev.
346.XW: undivided M-lso tot an. II. H.. oil
frrv. 33B.B2; undivided 0B-18O tot 18, H. II.
(illfrey. 032.67: undivided 08-180 let 20. H.
II. (Illfrey. 328.0.1: undivided 04-180 lot 21.
H. H. Ollfrev. $00.84; undivided 84-100 tot
22. H. H Ollfrey. 840.28; undivided 66 ln
lot 21. Portland Truat Company of Oregon.
025 88: undivided 88-180 lot 12. Portland
Truat Company of Oregon. 028.28. BLOCK
B. undivided 84 ISO lot IB, II. Badger Mc
Donald. 02T.6S: undivided 94 ISn tot 30, 11.
Badger McDonald. 021.84: undivided 66 ISO
lot 18. H. Badger McDonald. 018 37: undi
vided 86-160 lot 10. II. Badger McDonald.
016.40; undivided 94-180 tot 11. H. Rsdger
McDonald. 027 IT: undivided 94-160 lot 22.
H. Badger McDonald. 038 48; undivided 66 inn
lot 21. H. Badger McDonald. 319.07; undi
vided 88160 lot 22. H. Badger McDonald.
025 61 BLOCK T. undivided 94 160 lot 19.
II H. Ollfrey. 034.62; undivided 94-180 tot
20 H. H. Ollfrey. 001.04; undivided 08-100
tot IB. H. H. tillfriy. 024.24. undivided 00:100
lot to. H. H. Ollfrey. 022 49; undivided
94-180 tot 21. II. II. Ollfrey, OAS. SB: undivided
94.100 lot 22, II. II. Ollfrey, 03B.2O; undivided
66 ISO lot 21. H. II. Ollfrey. 023.88; undivided
66 160 lot 22. H II Ollfrey. 828.83. BLOCK
8. undivided 94-lSti lot 19. H. H. Ollfrev.
342 : undivided 04 180 tot 20. H. II. Oll
frey, 886.08: undivided 88160 tot IB. H. H.
Ollfrey. 03O-1S: undivided 66 ISO tot 2o. II.
II Ollfrey. 02533; andlvided 94-180 lot 21.
II H Ollfrey. 025 96: undivided 94-160 tot 22.
II H Ollfrey. 030.41; .undlvld -d 88-160 Vd
11 II. II. Ollfrey, 010.24: undivided 88-160
tot 22. II. H. Oltfry, 031 86. Total. 06,
329 43
A statement of nfiseaald aaaessment baa been
entered In tbe Docket of city Wens, aad Is now
dee and payable at the office of tbe City
Treasurer. In lawful fnoery of the I'nlted States.
and If not paid within 30 days from the date
of tbla notice each proceeding will be taken
for th collection ef the aame aa are provided
by the charter of the City of p .r timid
The above assessment will fesr Interest 10
dsys after the flrat publication of this notice.
Auditor of the City of Portland. Oregon.
Portland. Oregon, December 22. 1904.
Notice I hereby given that the Council nf
tbe City of Porttend. Oregon, at a Beeotlng
held on the 2tat day of December. 1904. de
clared the aaaeeement by ordinance No. 14.8T5,
foi the Improvement of street, from
the north line of Hollsday avenue to th
southeasterly line of McMlllen'a addition, lu
the manner provided by ordinance No. I3.SH7.
upon each lot. part of tot nd parcel of land,
which are speclslly snd neeullsrly benefited, to
be aa foliowe. vis,: ,
A psrcel of Isnd Irlng between the north line of
II. ,11a, l.r svenue Slid s line 67 73 feet nortb
therefrom snd nsrsllrl therewith snd be
tween tha west line of Lsrrstiee street snd
line 100 feet weat therefrom and parallel
therewith. Msrgaretta Bernl. 311808. .
An Irregular parcel of land lying between a
line T2.I feet aoutheaaterly from and parallel
with the eoutheaeterly tine of block 8. Mc
Mlllen'a addition to Eaat Portland, and a
line 87 73 feet northerly from and parallel
with tha northerly line of llolladay avenue
and between th weeteriy line of.
etre.1 and a Una 100 feet wetrrly therefrom
and pralll therewith. Margsi.tta Bernl.
3188 T2
A psrcel of landl lying between twn lines re.
apertlvelr 13 feni a ml 72 I feet soathessterly
from and parallel with tb southeasterly line
of block 8, McMlllea's addition to Eaat Port aad between th wttrly Itn of Lar
rabee atreet .and Ha 100 feet weeteriy
therefrom sihT parallel threwlth Msrgsretts
Bernl. 8153 40. -A
parcel ot land lying MtwOaa th aonth
aaalcrly line of block 8. McMillan's addltloa
t East Portlsnd and a line 13 feet aouth.
eaattrly therefrom and parallel therewith
and between t'.n- westerly line of Irrshee
street snd a line too feet weeteriy therefrom
ad persllel therewith. Tbomss Spill man.
331 50.
1IOI.LADAT B ADDITION to Eaat Portlsnd
BLOCK 80, tot 4. J. B. and S. C. Dsvlson,
02fi TO; tot 2. Wsllsee W. Psttersoa. 332 76;
lot 2 lalerprlse Invvetment Compsny. 8700.17;
tot 1. B. L Edraonston. 3348 tct Westerly H
ot block 84. Oregon Real Estate Company,
334 21. ,
A parrel of land lying between the north
easterly tine of I-sirrahee atreet sad a line
TO feet nnrtheaaterly therefrom and parallel
therewith and between the aoutheaaterly line
of stork 14. MrMlllen a addition to Bast Port
land and s Ifne 84 feet northwesterly there
from aad parallel therewith. Theodore A.
Crsmas. 0IT8.7O.
A psrcel nf lend lying between two Uses
respectively TO feat and 100 feet aortbessterlv
from and parallel with tbe northeasterly line
of Larrabe atreet aad between th eaath-
rterly Has of block 14, McMlllen'a sddltlon
Baat Part Is ad and a line 54 fast north'
westerly therefrom sad parallel therewith.
Charlee Krautrr 028.27. Total. 01144 89.
A etatament nf eforeeald sssessment Baa
been entered In the fiorket ef City Lleue. and
le now da and payable at the office of tbe
City Treaaurer, la lawful money of the t nlted
Btatea. and If not paid within 80 daya from Oka
data of this notice such procdlng will be
taken for tb col lectio of th earn are
Grovided by the charter of the City of Port
Tbe shove eesment will bear Interest in
dys after th first publics Baa nf this notice.
IHIIS U. llB.VLii.-l.
a Auditor of tba City of Portland.
Portland, Oregon. December 22. 1804.
Notice I hereby given that Ihe Council
of the City of Portland. Oregou. held on tbe
Hat day of December. 1904, declared the ea
st ssment by ordlnsnce No. 14,377. for the
Improvement nf Sltnpeon strset. from the east
line of Mlchlgsn svenue to the east line of
Borthwk-k atreet. in the manner provided by
orfjtnaiii-e sn 14.248, upon each tot. part of lot
and pare of land, which are spsctslly sud
faVulisTlr benefited, to be as follow, vis:
WKST "PIEDMONT. Portland BLOCK 18. lot
I. Title Otiarsnte A Trust Company 320.84;
lot 3. Title Oitarantee 4t Trait Company. J
I2H1I. lot it, Title tiuarantee a trust ma
pany. 30.78; tot 10. Title tiuarantee A Trust
Company. .34. BLOCK 14, tot 1. Title
fiiiarantee A Trust Company. 017.88; tot 2.
Title Ouarantee A Truat Company. 02.80;
lot 9, Tltlo Ouarant tV Truat Company.
03 18; lot 10, Title Ouarantee A Truat Com
pany. 022.21. It Lot K 18, lot 1. Title Ouaran
tee A Trust Company. 010.80; tot 1. Title
Ouarantee tt Truat Company. 02.80: lot B.
Title Ouarantee aV Trut Company. 01.53; lot
10. Title Oaarante k Truat Company. 010.78.
BLOCK 12. lot B. Title Ouarantee Trust
Companv, 080.18: lot 8, Title Ouarantee m
Truat company. 0180: tot 11. Title Onarante
A Trust Company. 01.10; tot 10, Title Ouaraa
tee A Trust Compsny. 88.22. BLOCK 11.
lot 9, Title duersatee A Trust company.
010.74; kit 8. Title Ouarantee ft Truat Com
c:ny. 02 81: lot 11. Title Ouarantee Truat
Company. 08.08: tot 10, Title Ouarantee A
Truat Company. 021.60. BLOCK 10. tot 9.
Title Ouarantee It Trust Compsny 020.14;
tot 8. Title Ouarantee A Truat Company.
32.87: tot 11. Tltk (iiirnte Truat Coq
psny. 01.00: lot 10. Title Ouersntee A Trust
Compsny. 014.83. Total 0229.90.
A statement of aforessld asseesrnsnt ha been
entered In the Docket of City Lien and la now
due and payable si tb ofBce of the City
Trrssurer, In Uwful money of the I nlted
Stsirs. and If not paid within SO dsys from
the dste of tbla notice such proceeding will
be tskea for the collection of the same aa
are provided by the charter of th City of
Portland. t .
Tne above asaeaament will bear lntereat 10
dars after tbe first publication of thla notice.
. Auditor ef The City of Portland.
Portland. Oregon. December 22. 1904.
Notice Is hereby given that th Council of
the City of Portland. Oregon, at a meeting
held on tb 21. t day of December. 1804. de
clared the assessment by ordlnsncs' No. 14.370,
f..r the Improvement or risnacrs street rrom
the west line of Third atreet to the east line
of Fourth atreet. la the manner provided by
ordlnae No. 14.161. anon each lot. part of tot
and parrel nf land, which are speclslly and
peculiarly henedted. to ba as follow, vht:
COt TH n AI'IM lli'l lo loe m mniiwr-
BLOCK 28. tot 8. Henry W. Mannastae.
0103.74. ToiT. 0101.74.
A statement of aforesaid ssssmat hss been
entered In the Docket of City Llena. and Is now
due and payable at the office of the City
Tieasurer. In lawful uionev of th United
State. nd If not paid within 80 daya from
the date of this notice such proceeding will h
tsken for tn collection of the same aa are pro
vided by the charter ef th City of Portlsnd
The above assessment will beer interest 10
daya after tbe Bret publication of thla notice.
Auditor of the cit. of Portland.
Portland. Oregon. December 22. 1904.
Notice la berehv alven that the report of the
th wers heretofore appointed te the
txneflta and damages in tbe matter of the pro
posed opening, laying out snd establishing nf
Erst Dsvls atreet from tbe eaat line of Key
atone addition to the weet line of Esat Twenty
eighth atreet. In the City f Portlsnd have
filed with the undersigned thejr report of as
sessments for benefits thst -will Be derived anal
damages that will he sustained by reasoa of
the openlug. laying eut aad estsbllsblng . of
East Davis street a above described.
Th Council ef said City of Portland will
consider said report at tb neat rrgulsr meet
lag. Wedneaday. January 4. 19o6. at 1 o'clock
p. m. All persons interested are hereby noti
fied to present their objections to ssld report
In writing. If any they have, at aald Jlme end
place, that the eeine racy be brd aad de
termined by th council
Andltor of th City of Portland.
Portland. Oregon, December 22. 1004.
Whereas, the Council of the City of Portland,
deeming It egpedlent to widen East OUaaa
atreet. In tb City of Portland, from tha weat
line ot Eaat Second atreet to -the weat line of
I'nton svenue. said street to lie an exteasloa
In It present course and width of Eaat Ollaan
street aa laid nut rastrrly of I nhm avenue, did
en the 19th day of October,' 1904. direct tbe
City Engineer ki aurvey tbe aame aad to mark
the houndarlea thereof, and to make a plat of
eurh aurvey, and a written report containing a
full and perfect deaiTlptlon of euch proponed
atreet and Irnundarlee thereof, and of th por
tion of each lot. tract or part of lther to le
appropriated tor aoch street, and tb ( lty Eagre
ner having naad aoch aurvey. plat and report,
and flled such plat and report In the office of
th Auditor of the City of Portland on th 5tb
day of November, 1904. nd ald report having
been adopted by ordinance No. 14.883. entitled:
"An ordinance adopting the report of the City
Engineer in ibe matter of the pr.moaed widen-
. . . . . . , -. ... . i i r , ,.r Port.
tug ot aassi tsiwew aim... - -
land from tha weat line of East Second atreet
to the weat llae of I'nlon avenue, aald atreet
to be an egtenslon In Ita present course snd
width of East oilesn street laid out essterly
of Union avenue. '
Now, tBarreirore, ll persn Interested sre
berebr notified tbat the Council of the City
of Portland baa appointed II. J. Harrison,
Thne. Hlntop nd E. Hwn viewers to view said
proposed extension of ssld street sud mke an
cellmate- of the benefit and damagea ocoa
aloned by tb widening of the same, in accord
snce with eectlon 340 of tbe chrter of the
City of Portland, and said vlewr to meet at
the office of tb .Auditor of Ihe City of Port
lsnd on Wedneedsr the 11th day of January.
1906, at the hour of 10 o'clock lu the forenoon
JmmSm widening of Et Olbun tret
will make the aald atreet 88 feet In width and
le more particularly bounded and deacrlbed
follows I . w
Beginning t polet In the weat line nf
Cnton avenue, where the aame would be Inter
sected by n eitenslon westerly of tbe north
line of East ollean street ss laid out easterly
of I'nlon avenue, running thence on a weeterlF
eitenabm of the northeAy line of Baa OTteaa
atreet to the wet line of Et Second at rcet.
thence southerly along the westerly line of
Eaat Second atreet 56 feet to l"ln:
.e.t.rly alotaj the taaitherly line J East
street as tnlvr Uld out. te tbe wt llae of
I'nton .venue: thence n.thevly slong the wee it
erly line ot I.'alon avenue 05 feet to ptac of
tJ1tf?flil-Blll widening of Eaat Ollaan street
will Include and necessitate the appropriation
in public use "f tbe following doacrfned parceU
Allthslt parcel" tract of toad lying between
the northerly, line nf tbe propoeed Kst lillssn
."reel snd a line 25 feet anutherly therefrom
and parallel therewith; and twoen the weat
erlv line of I'nton avenue and ihe easterly line
'f East Third street, creatslavag fcOBO squ.
'"limn all that parcel or tract of land lying
between Ihe northerly line of the pn.p.d Last
Ollsan street Slid s line 25 feet southerly
therefrom and parallel therewith: and between
th- eaeterlr line "f East Second atreet and he
weeteriy wM "f KJist Third street, conuliilng
8 otai aiinare feet. . .
All persons claiming damage by reaaon of
the appr.iprlatton nf the Ta-.Tperty abov de
s"rllH.d or aay part thereof. In tne proposed
widening of sal,r.trcet are hereby apeelslly
n..i If led t.. file their rlslme for such dsmag.-s
wh the Auditor of th. City of '''7
the 11th day of January, I90B. the time ap
pointed for tbe meeting of tbe viewer therein.
By wde, ef the .optica f.
Andltor of th City of Portland.
PortUnd Oregon. Dt ef flrt publlcttoa
Dec. 14. 1904.
Notice Is hereby given thst on lb lth day
of December, 1004. I took up and enipotmded
at the tlty Pound, st No. 281 Hliteenlh street.
In the City f Portland. Oregon, tb following
described swlmel:
One hay horse shod all errrmj and white on
left hind fi-.t. and anles lb owner, or other
person or pnau having sa Interest therein,
shall claim possess of the aame. snd ny all
rials nd chsrge tit-the keeping snd advertla
lug ssme together with th pound fee on said
animal, ss provided by ordinance No. BBS, aa
. . 1 ..lit cttv of Portland. I will no thi-
27th day of December. 1804. at the hour of
10 a. m st Ike City Pound, at No. wi in
teenth. la said city, aell the abfere deetdtwd
snlmal at puhiie auction in in sias. -- .
to aay the cist sad charges for taking up.
keeping snd advertl1g ech snlmsl
Dated thle Slat da. ef December 1804
F. W. REED, Poundma.ter.
mrf. 5?e?oaoee.B
Union Pacific
Through Pullman itaadsrd aad tourtat esa.
Ing car dally to Omaha, chlcst Bpoaaael
. . -, i n . mm Aellv to Ksnaaa tatf I
thruugh Pullmsn tourist sleeping car(tlsrSSa
llv conducted) weekly t chics go. rWDaaaa
rhstr car (seats frv) to the Baat aanTip.
For tb Esst via Hunt,
lag ton.
9:16 a. as.
8:80 D. I
For Eastern Washing
ton. Walla Walla. Lew
8:lo p. I
8:00 a i
tstoo, Coeur d'Aleoe
ad Goat Northern
T:18 a. i
For tb Fast via Haat-
8:16 p. m.
Columbia River Division.
FOR ASTOIli A snd wy
points, connecting with
stmr. for Ilwsco sad
North Beach, atr. Hss
aaVe. Ash-st. dork.
a 00 p. m.
ex. Sunday
lo no p. m.
6:00 p. m.
Yamhill River koute.
City had Yamhill
7:O0 .
6:80 a. av
points, atr. Ruth snd
Modoc. Ash st. dock.
(Water permitting.)
Baake Erver Bwa.
and way polota from
Rlparia. waeb., stmr.
gpohsn end Lewis ton.
6 0 a. m.
eg. Sat.
8:00 p. m.
ex. Frldav.
TICKET OFFICE. Third and Washington. Tele
Phone Msla Til
C. W. BTTNOER. City Ticket Agent.
A. L CBAIO. Oenersl'Pssaenge'r Agent.
EAST via.
trains, for Salsa. Roae
nor. Ashlsnd. Sacra-
8 30 p. m.
8:00 a. m.
4 00 p. m
T flo . at.
mento. Ogden. Ban Fraa-
7:28 a. as.
etaeo. Stockton. Lea An-
Ieles. an t'sso, Hew or
tn snd the Raat.
Morning train eon
necta at Woodnura
dally except Hands t
wltb train par ml
7:10 p. SB.
10:10 e ra.
Angel. Bllvrtea,
Brownsville, Spring
Held. Wendiing aad
Albsne nssseai
necta at Woodharn with
Mt. Angel and
ton local.
Corvallls psaasagr
wi :sa p. as
I- 8 28 a. at
Dally. IIDalty. egcept Sunday.
Portland-OS wago Suburban Benrio aad TaaaKBJ
Depot Foot of Jefferson Street.
Lea Portland daily for Oswego 7:88 a. sa.f
12 50. 8:05. 8:80. 8:80. 0:28; 7:48. 10:10 p. at.
Dally (except Sunday). 6:30. 8:30. 8:88. 10:38
a. BVI 4.00. 1140 p. B. Sunday only. BrBS
a aa.
Returning from Oswego, arrive Portland Call
ataai a. m. ; i on. e.oo. v.oo. . ia. i .oo.
11:10 p. m. Dstly (eicept Bunds v) 6:28.
8:80. 10:20. 11:45 a. m. Excent Monday.
p. m. Bandar only. 10:00 a. m.
Liirei from aama denot for Dallea aad
mediate point dally f except Sunday) 4:00 p.
Arrive Portland iu:zn a. m.
The Independence-Monmouth Mover
npsists dalle to Monmouth and AlrUe.
neettng with Southern Pacific com pany "a
t Daliae a no mnepeneence. -
First clase fare from Portland te Sacra mec
ad Ban Fraarlsco 080. berths 85: aecend-claaa
far 810. second elsse berth 82.80.
Tickets to Csstera point and Europe, sjas
Jsnsn. raina. rionoium sno eu.ireiie.
City Tlchet omee cearaer Tjpja
gtw etreete. Phone Main 718
lngton lleels. Pho
f) vF. STIHtTEB.
City flleke Agent-
"V I II Bern. B BasaT
vw -
Paget Sound Limited.
t. T.eom. Seattle
Arrive. 3
5:30 p. as,
7:00 a. 88a
7 O0 a. aa.
7:00 p. av
i Olymplv South Bend
and Oray'a Barber
8:80 v m.
Po'SBs. . .
North Onset LI ratted,
for Tseorns. Seattle,
Butte. St. Paul. Mln
nespolls. Chicago. New
York, Beaton end points
Esst snd Southeast,
Twln-Clty Ka press, for
Tsesau. Seattle. Spo
kane. Helena. St. Paul,
MlaaaepnUa Chicago.
New York. Boston and
all point Eaat aad
Paget Sound - Baa
Ctty-Bt. Loul SpsctsL
for Tscoms. Seattle.
Bpoksne. Butte. BIIBag.
Denver. Ornshs. Kaasas
City. St. Louis snd sll
points Esst sad South
3:00 p. m.
II 43 p. in.
00 V m
Ail trslns ds'ly esceet oa
branch. A. D. CHARLTON.
Assistant General Passenger Ageet,
225 Morrison st.. eer. Third. Pertlaad. Or.
Astoria & Columbia
River Railroad Co.
Leers. UNION DEPOT. Arrives .
8:00 v av For Msrgsrs Rsfnls. Dslly.
Ds lly. Cls tsk snls. Waerport, 11 :1 v Baa
Clifton. Astoria. War.
rvaton. 1'lsvel. Ham-1
neond. Fert Steven.
Oearhart Park. Seaside.
Astoria aad? Snakera
Eipress dally.
7:0 p. av B;40p,aa,
"ally- A. tori s Eiptee.
a F. and P. A.. A.torl. 0. I
C A. STEWART. Coramerclsl Agsnt. 348
st. Pbeee Mta so.
i' , "
ws. Ironscootlnental
JL TralndB OcUly
Daylight trip through the .
- .. -1 Sn-liw rrtrointu In. Yt T full
ulara, rates, folder A etc, call ow e
H. DICgJBOM. City TtokoB
law TBira arsaweev imua
I in the lie beat gram, frait anal arexlt BaWalsM
the world. 1 hnuasesaot scree ot aasdl
rest of aiiwMis. Ml 4
flrrsmn BT0ITTK TOOAT,
MAP met. Pwsjasa
seer.Oicii-f sMtRay