"liOfottimaf i ' 9 SECTION TWO PAQE8 15 TO IS I I J PORTLAND, OREGON, SUNDAY MORNING. DECEMBER 28, 1804. mmmmmeass , , , aaaaasw ,rr7r:'-'v',-.r"T-- - iWrhi : ffi Tiff 11 1 Portland's Largest, Foremost Store To You, Yours, and Ours, We Extend a Happy Yuletide Greeting : A Right Merry, Bright and Joyous Christmas to You All! The Christmas WORK is over, its JOYS are with us this morning. We should be callous indeed did we not depart for" the nonce from cold commercialism and join with you, with all Christendom, in the grateful spirit, the joyous spirit of Christ mastide. We thank you, neighbors and friends, for the overwhelming holiday patronage bestowed upon us. We tried to earn and merit it, we trust you believe we did. Our efforts for the future shall be increased, and past records used only as starting posts from which to create newer and better ones. To you and to yours then, THANKS and A MERRY CHRIST MAS. And now we turn to OURS our store family our splendid army of matchless helpers. Nobly you worked and well. Thro' the heat of the day into the darkness of the night you labored uncomplainingly and unceasingly for our patrons, for us and for yourselves; for we believe that every one of our loyal employes feels better this Christmas morning, happier in every sense, with a knowledge of work well done. Thank you one and all A MERRY CHRISTMAS from your firm. The store will be closed all day Monday for Christmas observance and needed rest. All hands on deck Tuesday morning for the 27TH GRAND ANNUAL CLEARANCE SALES! For continuance of the Monster List of Extra Special Bargains that open the 1905 Clearance Sale on next Tuesday morning See Monday's papers morning and evening. Clearance Sale Jottings Merry Christmas. If there's something you forgot you'll find it in the Clearance Sale on Tuesday. There will be three pages of Clearance Sale News. Today's, one on Monday and another on Tuesday; morning and evening papers. This to start with, followed by fresh, sparkling bargain news every day. Don't miss a page or an item, for 'tis the most important store news ever printed by a Portland house. If you're not at this store Tuesday, you'll be sorry when your neighbor tells you Wednesday of the bargains you missed. And there'll be Wednes day bargains too hosts of 'em. The store reverts again to its usual custom of closing every evening at 6 o'clock, Saturday in cluded. Have you receive a copy of the Olds, Wortman & King World's Fair Herald yet? They'll be distributed this week among the homes of Portland folk and their neighbors for miles around? Should our carriers miss you. drop a postal to the "AD. SHOP," OLDS, WORTMAN & KING, and be supplied at once. Only a very few sections of the "Big Store" are represented in today's news. But all are bristling and bulging with unmatchable and unprecedented values that Will be told of in turn in Monday's and Tuesday's local papers. Don't miss the full news. GET THE "OLDS, WORTMAN & KING 1905 EXPOSITION HERALD," it's the newsiest store sheet you ever read. The big "WHITE FAIR" Sale of Women's Un dermuslins and Dainty Lingerie starts here Tues day morning at 8 o'clock in conjunction with the grand 27th Annual Clearance Sales. The Stupendous Clearance Sales Start Tuesday Morning' ! I Consumers, Buyers and Shoppers of the Northwest ! Never w r w a m. , mw . a a a mm , Before has sucn upportunity ivnocKca at Your uoors ! Without doubt you've waited a twelvemonth for these annual CLEARANCE SALES to supply certain wants ; you builded wiser than you knew ; your reward is fa more ample than you dared even hope, far beyond your fondest expectations. No granger ever gath ered the plenteous crops of a bountiful season with the satisfaction you willi enjoy in' reaping the copious harvest of unprecedented and unmatchable bargains prepared by this grand "Old Homestead" store for its public this exposition year, WE MARK PORTLAND'S MOST AUSPICIOUS EVENT THE LEWIS AND CLARK CENTENNIAL BY WHAT WILL GO INTO HISTORY AS OUR CITY'S MOST MEMORABLE MERCHANDISING ACHIEVEMENTS, THE OLDS, WORT MAN ft KING WORLD'S FAIR CLEARANCE SALE I - " ," NO WEAK, VACILLATING, FAINT-HEARTED, HALF-WAY MEASURES HERE, BUT A BOLD, AGGRESSIVE CAM PAIGN of clearance that will stagger competition to follow and phase them to imitate. Not only do we reduce every article in the house during this sale, but we go further, cut loose from all precedent and establish a new record for Clearance Sales in Portland. We've gone into our stocks every one under the three great roofs that cover our busy chain of stores and cut the prices to the quick. We've spared nothing. Some are cut to the cost mark, others are cut far below, so that Portland folk may come here this week and stock up for a year to come at prices less than factories that make the goods would make on carload lots. In fact many reductions reach HALF PRICE. We throw the throttle wide open and "let' er bump." But be early. Remember, nothing will be replaced. First choosers get best picking. . A MILLION-DOLLAR STOCK OF THE WORLD'S BEST, NEWEST, MOST FASHIONABLE AND WANTED QUAL ITY MERCHANDISE IS PLACED BY US ON THE ALTAR OF SACRIFCE ! OUR GOODS ARE AT THE MERCY OF YOUR CASH ! Read every word in today's, Monday's and Tuesday's announcement ! A full page of Fresh New Items, composing an aggregation of extra special values from every department each day. It will require three days to tell the serial story of Opening Bar gains three full newspaper pages, one each day and even then the half cannot be told. You must come and witness the slaughter ! Absolutely Everything Reduced Contract Goods on which price is controlled by the 'manufacturer, alone excepted! A Great Sweeping Clearance on All Millinery Tuesday morning, at 8 o'clock, in the Millinery Salons, on Second Floor of Sixth Street Annex, we will launch one of the greatest Clearance Sales of Millinery ever attempted in the west. We say "greatest" because' every article in the entire section will be radically reduced in price, which insures for you your choice of the finest selected stock of Mil linery on the coast, at prices ridiculously, low. Note the following : 200 Trimmed Hats, $3. $4, $5 and $6 1 ff values ; in one grand Clearance Price. . . J. mJJ 500 best styles of the season's Ready-to-Wear Hats, all colors and shapes; value up to $3. AClr Clearance Price "fcfsffU 200 Children's Untrimmed Scratch Felt 1 f Shapes; 50c and 75 values AUv All Other Hats Proportionately Reduced. A Monster Clearance Sale of Rich Silks and Superior Dress Fabrics That Demands Instant Attention and Defies Attempts at Competition! A Sensational Sale that must command widespread response because of the high character of the stock. Quality and style are combined in every yard of fabrics in this enormous Clearance Sale. Such silks and dress goods as make up the awful carnage of values in this recordbreaking sale cannot be bought today at the mills at the prices we sell them at. It will pay you to invest liberally this week and secure fabrics you will need for wear all thro' the coming exposition year. If you put off buying now you'll pay the penalty of procrastination in the shape of advanced priced, for ordinarily no house can possibly sell silks and dress goods at these absurdly low prices, and they're just the fabrics that will be in demand for a twelvemonth hence. Limited space precludes mention of other than these few extra specials for this week. RADICALLY RECKLESS SLAUGHTER OF THE SEASONABLE, FASHIONABLE, WANTED DRESS GOODS The "don't care" spirit seized upon the man with the knife as he sallied forth to murder price for the Clearance Sales in the dress goods sections. And he's left a trail of carnage behind that bargain lovers will gloat over. , Colored Dress Goods LOT 1 Our regular ROo quarlty of Serges, Twm. Voflaa. Etaralnea and " Heather Mixtures, a tremendous assortment of styles to select from; Annual Clearance Bale price, per yard 34 LOT a Our regular 1 1 on and 7Sc French Voiles. Mixed Etamlnea, Heather Tweeds and Vollea. Illuminated Scotch Suitings, over 40 pieces to selert from; Annual Clearance Bale price, per yard 42 1 LOT 3 Our regular II IB quality of French Zlbellnae. Canal shalrs. Lace Etamlnea. Hard-Twisted Mannish Worsted Suitings, all wanted colors in the lot; Annual Clearance Bale price 88 e) LOT ft Our regular SI. 50 M-tnch All-Wool Suitings. In neat mannish effects, last the thing; for shirtwaists and walking suits: Mouchette Zlbellnes, etc., etc. a grand mone jr-aarer ; Annual Clearance Bale Price 744 LOT ft Our regular $1.71 Ntibbed and Plain Mannish Hard-Twisted Suitings, the Tery best values ever shown at the regular price; Annual Clearance Bale price 9Hc LOT ft Our regular K.ee and 11.71 English Chevron Buttings, In plain and plalda; also a choice assortment of Illuminated Suitings; Annual Clearance Bale pries 91.19 LOT 7 Our regular IS.S0 and 11. S3 Noveltv Plaid Buttings and a beautiful line of Matlasse Craps) Effects; Annual Clearance Bale price 91.39 In addition to these great specials every piece of our entire stock will be radically reduced. Including Rainproof Suitings. Crav enettes, Venetians. Rroadcloths, Covert Cloths. Drees Kerseys, Prunellas. Voiles. Etamtnes. Mistral Etamlne. Silk and Wool Crepe de Paris, Poplin de Chene, Crepe de Francatse. Crepe de Chr-ne, Panamas, Canvas Cloths. Serges, tTheviots. Brtlllanttnea, Sicilians. Alpacas. Challlea. Batistes, and Albatross In fact everything that Is new and good, the choicest selection from the best makers In the world ALL RADICALLY REDUCED. ANNUAL CLEARANCE SALE OF Black Dress Goods Every piece In our stock rsauesd In price, and In addition to every piece being cut in price we have selected Four Monster Bargain Specials LOT 1 French Voile Etamtnes. Kent Plgured Mohslrs and Brllllantines. tl Inch A 1 1 - Wool Canvas and Panama Cloths, and Neat Figured Albatross, regular values up to 11 50. Special Clearance Bale Price t 99d LOT ft Nubbed Zlbellne, Canvas, Panama. Bangller pnd Panama Cloths, all pure wool, fast dyea and good wearing fabric, regular values up to tl 75 per yard; Special Clearance Bale price, per yard. . . T9e LOT ft Neet Figured Italian and Turkish Mohairs. Crepons. Zlbellne and Lsce Voile Etamlnes. all new weaves, regular values up to 11.00 per yard: Special Clearance Sale price, per yard 91.49 LOT ft Ilk and Mohair. Silk and Wool Crepons. Heap Figured Turkish Mo hairs, a grand:' assortment to select from of the newest black drees goods shown, regular values up to $2 75 per yard; Special Clearance Bala price, per yard 91.T9 GRAND ANNUAL CLEARANCE SALE OF Black and Colored Silks Every piece of Plain and Fancy Silk reduced Colored Taffstaa, "Psauide .-vgtiy. Chiffon Taffeta, Mease! Ine Taffetas, Pasta de Botes, Failles. Bengallnes, Mummy Bilks, Imperial Taffetaa, Satin Liberty Satins, Black Silks. In all the atapla and newest weaves. Including ths World-Renowned Bonnet Bilks, which stand far head of all other makes of black atlka for durability, fastness and perfectnees of color. In addition to the great reductions on every piece of silk in our department (except Rajah Pongee), we have made four greet specials where profit and coat has been absolutely lost sight of. LOT I A large assortment of Novelty Suit Silks. Plain Peau de Cygne. Black Taffetas snd -27-Inch White India at. per yard LOT ft- Suit Silks In full color assortment. Black Taffetaa and 27 inch White inaia mix at. per yarn LOT ft Suiting SUka In the newest colors and styles. Black; Taffetaa and White India at, per yard T9 LOT ft Suiting Silks In all colors and styles. Evening Silks, Cheney I -iih n vQwon isiiwsa, swm iuiiw. at. oer yard These special lota are the grsatsat and no other Portland store owns