yrfg ORSOON Pfi&X, JOUKNAt,, POITLAHD, SATURDAY EVENING, DECEMBER U 90i. ALLEN CASE LIKE i nanosome nnstmas present I sic FOR SOME MEMBERS OF YOUR FAMILY MAD HORNET'S NEST Acusations of Bad Faith Are Made Because) Secret Session Proceedings Leaked Out. FREE! The Columbia Phonograph Co. will allow a Merchandise Credit of IS.00 on thle Machine at any time within the yeer. Thla la proof of lta worth. LETTERS INTRODUCED IN CHURCH INQUIRY t i pf jffif .jjisajMi mmmm mmAmVf Mi Mm mmii fKmrnwaM aw (III mm I nu-wawlw. B Hkah A 1 nliAfiM item Da Vij-Vi1sJ -X . m .ayaawssw- sjssss Ttt7 m my banking establishment in New York city. He begins work promptly at 9 a. m., take half an hour for a light luncheon and at 2:30 p. m. retires to a private of flee where he spends an hour with his tutor who is an expert in all the mysteries of the stock market. At 5 o'clock he leaves the office for his home. STEAMER ARABIA'S LONG, ROUGH TRIP SOnsrOf the Severest Voyages ort Rar.orH Batwsen Hera 8 If i and Orient. SWEPT OUT OF COURSE OF COLUMBIA RIVER Huge ' Cargo of Seventy-Two Hundred Tons of Frieght for the East. Swept from her course by wind and . wave, the oriental liner Arabia was ml- moat 21 days from Yokohama' to the mouth of the Columbia river. The passage Is one of the longest ever made by an oriental freighter operating from "this port, aa seldom more than 17 days are required. The steamer was sighted Wodneaday by the officers of the Elder. At that time aha was far to the south of the Columbia. Almost in variably the other steamers coming from Yokohama approach the river from the north. For thla reason it Is Inferred the officers of the Arabia loat bearings and two days wets, consumed before ' they round just where they were. Officers state they aaw no war ves ' sale or any IndlcattdVi that far eastern watera are the ecene of a great con , nict. The steamer haa on board one ef the i hlggeet cargoes aha ever carried, amounting to 7,200 tons. It la made up . nf 13.900 rolls of matting. 6.000 chests , nf tea. (SO rolle of paper, 120 caaes of pepper. 42 cases of curios, 780 bags of i.sper makers clay, 20 cases of camphor, J 20 cases of peppermint oil. 157 balee of raw silk, 1.S00 rasee ef Chinees goods, 950 bales of Jute. 42 packages of rat- i tan chairs. fOt hales of woolens. ISt j psckagea of cloth, and Innumerable par I eels of minor lmportanee. DREDGER'S WORK. ' interesting rignres BThOW Wist the Co lumbia JKaa Been Doing. The figures that show the work done by th dredge Columbia between August 1 and December 20 are interesting She operated on bars, representing a distance of S7.000 feet or aeven miles In length. ( For this distance ahs cut a channel 100 feet wide and 25 feet deep; 1,200.000 i ruble yards of material, sand, gravel, clay, sticks and debrla were removed; out of the 2,110 hours the veeael was In ' the hands of the government 1.170 were Headache Nervousness. Dlsslnees, Indigestion, Neuralgia are caused by alck nerves. By soothing the nerves and stimulat ing their action. Dr. Miles' Antl-Paln Pills relieve almost Immediately. Unlike any other psln remedy, they contain nothing Injurious and you will never know you have taken them, ex cept by the relief they afford. Dr. Miles' Anti-Pain PiUs have become a household remedy in' thousands of families, where they never fall to cure all pain, and relieve those little miserable ailments which are so common. "Dr. Miles' Antl-Paln Pills havs not only relieved me of severe headsrhe. nervousness end indigestion, but my mother, who suffered a great dell with neuralgia and dlsslnees. has been cured bv their use." MAR : 11. DANES, lit w 3rd St.. Moorestown. N. ,J. The first package will benefit. If not, the druggists will return your money. 25 doees, t cents. Never sold, in built. Viatr 4a mi 112 am a .. aBawBsawawBteBr am annrnttraKin In Ananat Dttliti'a ara. sjsjf swifTF hithh sate esyy spent In work. She burned on an aver age of 4,000 barrels of oil n month; the bars were Reeder, Willow, Henrlcl, Up per Martin. Lower Martin, Hunter. Do blebower and Slaughter; the last was the most difficult aa It Is described aa being of a particularly hard formation. Last year the Columbia performed practically a similar amount of work on the bars named. Every June freshet lUls .up the channel In those localities with layers of sediment, and to keep It open the work) may have to be done each year unless dikes are built beside each bar. Englneere believe that 'would aave further dredging, but aa the dikes would cost much money the Improve ments are not likely to be made for years to come. JULES GOMMES HELD. Captain May Be Arrested for Permitting Sick Sailor to Leave Skip. "Although she cleared at the custom house this imwnlng and a tugboat haa been engaged, the French ahtp Julea Oommea may be detained several days. At the request of Immigration Inspec tor Barbour an Information was filed against Captain Quartreveaux by United States District Attorney Hall, charg ing him with permitting, one of his sail ors, who is likely to become a public charge, to leave the ahlp. and It Is said the skipper will be arrested. Inspector Barbour says ths seaman Is 111 and that the members of the crew connived to get rid of him. believing him to be lneane. The Oommea la loaded with grain for the United Kingdom. Every day that she Is detained In port will mean a big expense to her owners. STOLE HIS LICENSE. Chief DHLs ef the alllsass Is the victim ef Useless Thai. While the steamer Alliance was com ing up the liver yesterday some one en tered Chief Engineer Dill's room and stole his licence. The highly prised doc ument was Inclosed In a frame and cov ered with glaee, which was broken; the license waa cut out, presumably with a knife. It is auppoeed the theft waa committed by one of the paasengers who had a grudge against the engineer. It la a penitentiary offense. The mat ter was reported to United States in spectors Edwarda and Fuller, who have provided the engineer with a new li cense. MARINE NOTES. Aetoria, Dee. 24 - Arrived at 10:5 a m A four-master steamer Sailed at t:30 a. m. Schooner . w Wataon for San Francisco. Outside at 11 a. ro. A four-maated sohooner. Astoria, Dec. 21. Left up at 2:50 p. m. -Oerman steamer Arabia. San Francisco, Dec. 23. Sailed Schooner Beulah and William Notting ham for Columbia river. Aetoria. Dec. 14. Condition of the bar at t a. m , moderate; wind northwest; weather cloudy. Aetoria, Dec. 14. Railed at noon. sohooner Honoltu, for Ssn Pedro, and schooner Mlndoro, for San Francisco. ALONG THE WATERFRONT. ft. Blast, second mate of the French ahlp TUle de Mulhouse, hss gont to Ssn Francisco to take the position of first officer on the bark Join Vllle. Against the protests of the consignees. the captain of the French bark Martha Rous Insists that 100 tone of coal re main In the veseel ss ballast until ehe la chartered. The barge Skamokawa la being con verted into a dredge by the Oregon Water Power Railway company and will dredge a channel at Oak Qrove, about three milts up the eaat elds of the Willamette. A wharf will be built and the ground will be made a piece ef recre ation by the company. M. C. Harrison A Co. are quoting war Insurance rstea at 25 and 30 per cent on cargoes for Vladivostok. Thla In an in. crease nf from to. te per nent Since yeeterday. The upward tendency ef the iwPHr asm arssaw, MM r - HSMUVUI . rates is said to be due to the fact that several British steamehips bound for Vladivostok were captured recently by the Japanese. The Centennial, the' Ta coma and Olympla are scheduled to eall from the sound for Vladivostok next month. The British ship Holt Hill discharged her cargo this afternoon at the Mer sey dock. The steamer Alliance sails tonight fen Eureka with a cargo of merchandise. The F. A JCllburn. the opposition craft, wllj sail about the same time for Sen FVnncisco and way ports with a full cargo. The Pacific construction company's barge which aank the other day at the Morrlaon-etreet bridge has been raised It waa found that her hull had been pierced by a pile. SHARKEY SAYS HE WILL STAY IN THE COUNCIL Denies Rumors Afloat That Intends to Retire From Office January 1 . He John P. Sharkey, councilman from the eighth ward, denies the rumor which haa been In circulation for several days thst he Intends to resign 'January 1. He makes the statement that he will re main a member ef the council until his term of office expires June 10. "I can understand," said he, "how, (be rumor originated. Last fall I made up my mind to resign on the first of the year. I told aeveral of my friends of my intentions, my reasons being that too much of my time had to be devoted to my duties es councilman. Thla I thought I could not afford. "I have now changed my mind. Since the recent developments In the city en gineer's office and In the other depart ment of the city government have come about. I consider that It would not be wise on my part to withdraw. People might take my action In the wrong light. They might think I desired to escspe from some of the unpleasant crit icisms to which councllmen are now sub jected. T have made up my mind to hold office until my term expiree June 30." Shorthand and Typewriting. The employment secretary of the Toung Men's. Christian association re ports a steady demand for competent male etenographers. To etsslst young men In securing such positions the as sociation conducts classes in shorthand and typewriting on Monday and Thurs day evenings. The winter term begins Monday evening. January I. Fees for three monthe, II. MERCURY TRYING TO REACH THE BOTTOM Thie Is ths coldest day of the season, the thermometer stand- 4 ing at II degrees above sere. A e) slight snowfall Is predicted by 4 the weather bureau during the e next 24 hours. Thin, congealed 4 flakes of water were Inter- 4 mingled this morning with the 4 rain that tell. It is supposed 4 that It haa been enowlng In the e foothills the greater part ef the 4 day. Early yesterday morning 4 scattering flakee were noticed on e Portland heights. but they melted before striking the 4 ground. A heavy fall Is reported 4 In the Csacade range of moun- 4 Ulna. The indications are that e It will -be a "white" Christmas if A blustery north wind has 4 bean blowing In-Portland and vl- clntty ein. e early morning. The 4 weather man sajrs It Is working e Inland There Is but it slight blow st the mouth of .the river. e Its velocity is less than II miles 4 it hour. Miss Overholtzer's Friends Give Their Side of Story, and Blame the Minister. (Special Dispatch to Ths Journal. I Independence Or., Dec. 34. The article In The Journal of December It stirred up a hornet's nest among the Baptlata Interested In the Allen proceedings held behind closed doors. An agreement had been made wherein the proceedings were to be kept secret, and It is stated that the pastor haa been the first to break this secrecy by the report printed In The Journal. Those who . were alleged to have been the persecutors feel they have not been fairly dealt with, because an inkling of the proceedings In the church haa thua leaked out. It Is now openly ststed that .the case te as folio we: The Baptist ohurch of Independence notified Bluford Moreland, James Gor don. C. C. Lewie and C Le Masters that an investigation Into the charges the had made regarding Mr. Allen and Miaa Overholtaer would be made at Inde pendence, and asked them to appear with such wltneeees aa they had In support of their assertions. They replied to this Invitation and asked what the charges were agalnat them, or words to that effect. The reply came that the word ing of the Invitation to be present might be a little erroneous and that no charges were against them, also that Mr. Allen was to be given a heerlng before the delegates from six of the Baptist Aiurches.' Those requested to appear then asked in a written communication if the church wlehed witnesses produced regarding other cases wherein Allen was concerned, besides the Overholtser caee. The church replied to this. The hearing took place lit the Inde pendence church and those mentioned were preeent. with the letters, or a part of them, written by Allen to Mlsa Over holtser. The church investigating com mittee then aaked Moreland. Gordon. Lewis and LeMastars to present their charges in writing against Allah. This was the first Intimation that they had of the fact that they were to be the prosecutors in the caae. but they fol lowed up with the eharges In writing aa aaked, in order that the trial might pro ceed. It haa been learned from one of the parties Interested that It was a hard matter to get all of the evidence In, although part of the investigating com mittee waa in favor of throwing the hearing wide open. One of the delegates stated that they had to threaten to hire a ball and make a public case of the whole thing before they could get the evidence they considered vital Intro duced. Letters were introduced and among them was the one from O. M unlock aa stated in The Journal. The letter from Miss Overholtser. as reported In The Journal, it is claimed waa secured by Allen en his visit te Elgin, and that he promised to leave the young lady in question alone and not annoy her further if ehe - would sign the same. This she did. One letter from here, re ceived by a person in Independence re cently,, eays: "is it possible that you, living In Independence, and having access to the Independence peper, are ignorant of the somewhat embarrassing position In which I am placed, or have been placed by tbe despicable Rev. Mr. Alien?" Allen. . It is asserted, states that friends of Miss Overholtaer forced or secured her to break off the engage ment with him. but these friends state that she broke the betrothal long be fore they came into the matter. They also say that she was a Baptlat and naturally came to them for their as sistance, as "the minister was per slsttngly forcing his attentions on her. She refused to receive his letters. It Is stated, and he forced upon her one which made the assertion that he wlahed to meet her on Cupid's Knoll, In sight of witnesses, but where no one could hear. Miss Overholtser refused to do this. Allen stated, eo these frlende say. that she "had her choice of doing so or going home Immediately." She then called for her father to come to Monmouth from home. Allen also tried to force his etten tlone upon her In June lest, according to her friends. Some of the letters have Insinuation snd lnuendoa In them. It te atated. and there is now talk of taking the mutter Into the courts If settlement Is not reached In tbe church circles. . SEATTLE CITY COUNCIL TO REDUCE SALARIES 'Special Dispatch te The Journal Seattle, Wash., Dee. 34. Owing to a lack of funds to carry on the city gov ernment for the coming year, due to the efforts of the finance eommiUee of the council to make a showing of economy and keep the tax levy down to 14 mills, the civil service and salary committee haa been forced to reduce wagea. The teamsters In the employ ef the street department are the firat to feel the blow end on January 1 thay will be cut from 12.37 Nj a day to 32.25 a day. In other departments ss greet reduc tions In wagea are to be made, and few heads of departments or confidential clerks, who expected Christmas presents In the shape of Increases, will realise the thought- Y. M. C. A. Night School. The winter term of the T. M. C. A. nlgbt school begins Mondey. January 2. Claaaee will be conducted in architec tural and mechanical drawing, plumbing, sign writing, bookkeeping, shorthand, typewriting, public speaking, chemistry, electricity. and all common English branches Thirteen hundred acree of land weet of Heppner sold for 113,000 dirt cheap. Startling Evidence. Fresh testlmonv in arrest ouantitv Is constantly coming In, declaring Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs snd Colds to be unequaled. A recent expression from T. J. McFarland. rJentorville, Vs.. serves aa example He wrltea: "I had Bronchltla for tflr.ie veers and doctored all the time without being benefited. Then I began taking Dr. King's New Discovery, end s few bottles wholly cured me Equally ef fective In curing all l.ung and Throat troubles. Consumption. Pneumnnls and Orlp. Guaranteed by Red Cross Phsr mscv. corner Sixth and Oak, on the way to the pestnfrlce Trlel bottles free. Regular eitea SOc and 11.00. A $7.50 Columbia Graphophonc Given Free With a Subscription to This Paper FREE! BY SPECIAL ARRANGEMENT WITH THE COLUMBIA PHONOGRAPH COMPANY, 128 SEVENTH ST., WE ARE ENABLED TO MAKE THE FOLLOWING EXTRAORDINARY CHRISTMAS OFFER. Bach resident ef Portland, or suburbs, who will mall in the attached ooupon and Its before the 25th Say of this month, will receive a Certificate entitling them to a t . ': .50 Upon their psylng lie for the first Record accompanying the Machine and 11.00 express charges) factory, sad enrolling their name aa- a subscriber te The Journal. This offer Is open to both old snd new subscribers. CUT THIS OUT AND MAIL IT TODAY NOT TOMORROW. ' JOVXaTAX., Mm sad Tseskfll SeteeSs. Dats Gentlemen: Pleaae have your repreeentatlve call to explain cotryoBT ob L Bekoke-Mer BUSINESS COLLEGE NIGHT SCHOOL Monday and Thuraday evenings from eevea to nine SOOBKSBrarS) (Laboratory Method). (Pern in System). (Touch method) ABXTBBCBTIO, BBQUBK and FBBBOB, Tuesday Wednesday and Friday evenings from seven to nine-thirty. TUITION, 6 Mos., $25.00 By the month eta dollars for the first month. Ave dollars per month for the following Ave monthe and four dollars per month there after. Call or send for Catalogue Elocution ana Vocal Culture Art of PRIVATE LESSONS GIVEN. Apply to Miss Louise Forsythe. ST. HELEN'S HALL. Portland. Or. oot.om. raa BKBTOaTXBrO. WOOD WOII, BSA1 Lessons given by Miss Leone Oass Baer. STUDIO ST. HELEN'S HALL. PYROGRAPHY Our class In all appllcattone of the art convenes each Tueeday and Thurs day afternoon from 2 to i o'elock. MUL1NOMAH INSTIIUTE SS Statu Street, Phone Red ITU. Portland. Or. The Columbia Oraphophone re ceived the Urand Hlgheat Award at the St Louis Exposition. .a-a-a-awr SBw! IPBr-. ' sn hTWadsWeaV MM WJ W Bsa sWawaisawjH lv sM aSSS W "Off i Columbia Graphophone ABSOLUTELY FREE COUPON call at ottb orncra, txttm Bnroll your name and receive your certificate. ' T saw'sf' Iwt wrwwySgtwJSeSsw1 We're Doing Something in Paints Perhaps you hsve noticed the r.t.onK WEATHER-PROOF" on the new build ings In your neighborhood. PORTLAND PAINT AND WALL PAPER CO. Durtrlbators. 168 Second St. Telephone, Black aura. yOB SALE BY A. A. CHURCH A CO 21 Taylor 8t. CARSTENS BROS Montavllla J. B M DONALD. . .& Williams sve. coal sr" Raven Nut Coet, delivered, at per ton S5.7R Raven Lump Coal, delivered, at per ton 96. SO Ronton Lump Coal, delivered, at per ton ST.OO Australian Coal, delivered, at per tort $7.RO Carbon Hill Coal, delivered, at per ton 87. SO Rock Springs Coal, delivered, at per ton 98. SO Screened Coal Pull Weights. VULCAN COAL CO. OFFICE PHONE MAIN 2771. No. 129 BURN8IDE STREET. Headquarters for Elastic Stockings and Trusses LAUB-DAVIS DRUG CO. Third and YasMuU Sts. from the . your free Oraphophone offer. abd t. PAINT THINGS RED On the CHRISTMAS SLED FISHER, THORSEN & CO. A certain cure for an modem ills, nerve exhaustion (that tired feeling), dyspepsia (with all the I I . V . C. I I . I Illl'Ulvni .-- ' WW appetite and restores health vicnr FOR SALE at KNIGHT'S. 307 Washington EWsirw