EVENING, DECEMBER U. 1901 Tl i li ii i ii TOT. OREGON DAILY JOUBNAL, PORTLAND, SATURDAY TOWN TOPICS j Lawrence F. Puter. a practising at torney of Kureka. CaX, who has been In attendance at the recent fraud caaea us one of the council for the defendants, left for his home last evening. Ha made .tba opening argument for the defence hi ine trial and demonstrated consider able legal ability. Coming hare as perfect stranger. Mr. Puter. by his ge nial ways quickly surrounded himself with many warm friends who will gladly welcome hla return when the remaining conspiracy cases are triad. General Owen Hummers, appraiser for this port, has returned frog an ex tended trip to New York, during which he was In attendance upon a 1 0-day s' ses sion of appraisers from all over the country, while In New York. General Bummers says the weather was vary disagreeable, and he contracted a severe "Id. from the effects of which ha still .suffers. There was little opportunity for an Oregon man, accustomed to balmy airs, ta, enjoy the season of blls xards. A petition signed by F. L. Meier and others, aukfnsr that the noatolflrje build ing be completed Immediately according to present plans, and that the office be, moved Into It without delay, wilt ba forwarded to Washington. The petition states that the present building Is suffi cient to serve through1 the Lewis and Clark fair, and that additions needed may be built later, without Interfering v it ii the business of ths postofBca. On Thursday evening, at o'clock. In the rooms of the board of trade, on the second floor, chamber of commerce, for mer residents of Illinois will mast to organise) an Illinois society. Tba Ob jects to be attained are many, but the chief feature will ba the entertainment of world's fair visitors from "Sucksr dom" and the dissemination of Port land advertising matter throughout tha native state, and social enjoyment. The Christmas festival of tits Port land Social Turn Veretn will be given Monday evening at Turner hall gym nasium, corner of Fourth and. Yamhill streets. The program will Include a male chorus, a flag drill by sight young women, calisthenics by the boys' claaa. exercises on apparatus by divisions, and presentation of Chrlatmas gifts to the children. During the rush and excitement of tha last taw daya of Christmas shopping you have probably forgotten something or overlooked somebody. In that case, Albert Berln's drug stora. Second and Washington, which Is open ail day to morrow, will be a convenience and give the tardy onea a chance to still get their Christmas goods. Ths civil service commission will have all the departments of the city or ganized by January i- Tha heads of the pound department and ths street cleaning department are among ths laat to take their examinations and qualify for office according to the rulss of ths chsrter. For convenience of holiday patrons the office of Wells, Fargo & Co. and Paci fic Express Co., Fourth and Yamhill streets will remain open Saturday night until 10 p. in . Sunday (Chrtatmaa), from 10 a. m. until 2 p. m , and Monday from m until noon. Every suit at ths same price. Wa make every suit In ths house to order for $26. Any pants I" 60 no mors, no less. Psy lsss and dress batter by hav ing us make your clothes. Unique Tail oring company. 147 Washington Street. Ths announcement that the Crane company had sued John J. Lrlscoll. ths meat market man, waa incorrect. Tha Drlscoll sued Is not the John Diiscolt who was Democratic candidate for sheriff two years ago. " Otto Klein was awarded ts.slt by the Jury In hla suit against ths South ern Pacific company. Klein sued for 1 20.000 damages for the loss of a lsg while boarding a train at Sacramento, Csl., June it, 1902. An appropriate aa well as appreciated gift for a gentleman that shaves would be one of those fins, guaranteed rssors, sold by Albert Berln. the druggist. Sec ond and Washington. Call and Investi gate Dismissal of the divorce caaa of Ed ward Schmssr against Maud waa or dered yssterday. After the action was begun, desertion being alleged. Mrs Schmeer dlea In the east. At ths White temple. Sunday: Christ mas services. Elaborate musical pro gram. Baptism. 'Elegant decorations. 8ouvenlr calendars Appropriate ser mons by Dr. Brougber. Don't forget to call St Albert Sarin's drug store. Second and Washington, to night and take a bottle of nice perfume home with you. It makes your Christ mas gift complete. St. David's Eplsoopal Sunday school will have a Christmas tree and featlval service this evening at 7:80 o'clock in the pariah house, east Morrison, near Twelfth street. Christmas Sunday at First Congre gational church. Chrtatmaa sermon by Dr. House st in 30 s. m. Oratorio, "Ths Holy Night." by the choir at 7:10 p. m. Publlo Invited. Steamship "Alliance" sails from Couch street dock at 8 p m . Saturday. December 14, for Coos Bsy and Eurskt. F. P. Baumgartner, agent. Main 111. I. D Boyer, tha popular gentlemen's snd ladles' tailor, removed to room 107 Fenton bids. New. first-class cutter. This week only. Solid gold rings one dollar each. Uncle Mysrs, 141 Third near Alder. Free dispensary for- worthy poor. Tub., Thurs., Sat.. 1p.m. St Vincent's Hosp. Dr. Amos, surgeon. Dekum building. Taylor St Meth odist Church Br. :i a. m. 10 no s. m. '. '. Morning if ermon Subject: CULTURE SEEKING CHRIST 12:11 p. m Sunday School . . . Kp worth League s:io p. m. 7:10 p. m Dudley Buck's "New Born King By full Chorus. spec ial sermon and extra music st morning sarvlos- You are In vited to attend all services. CHRISTMAS DINNER AT REASONABLE PRICE . . DrttMi turkeys at ratall aB a vary wlda rui. Tha bat stock Mil easily at 26 MnU pound, while others are going at 20 to 22 cents. Than there are some turkeys that are not properly dressed that are sold all the way from 17 tents a pound up to 20 cents. There is plenty to go around. The mar kets now have large supplies of California celery whloh arrived In very good condition. Oranges are cheap and taste better. Cran berries are rather scarce, but prices unchanged. Chickens are slightly cheaper, with heavier supplies. W. C NOON'S ESTATE HAS BEEN APPRAISED Over Two Hundred Thousand Dollars, Mora Than Half of Whloh Is in Multnomah. The appraisement of the estate of W. C. Noon of the W. C. Noon Bag company shows that be possessed property valued at 1200.605, of which (166.762 Is In Multnomah county and 144,71 In Col umbia county. In this county, t(2,20 Is in realty. $93,688.18 personal property, and (920 household furniture, whtls in Columbia county the realty Is - worth 2(2.7(2, personal property 110,000, and (1.000 livestock In that county are sev eral ranches and a creamery; much of the land has timber on It. Ths Multnomah county property waa appraised by George Woouward, William McKensle and A. H. Birrall. The realty Includes nine lota In Wilson's addition, worth Too. eight lots In Holladay's addition, (16.000; lots 1 and 2, In block 21 H. (16,000, and lota In Bralnard tract. Couch's addition, Waverly addition, Ken worthy's addition and Piedmont. Of the personal property, 1,141 shares of stock in ths W. C Noon Bag com pany. Hated at (114.900. ars valued by the appraisers at 2(0.4(0. A (10.000 life insurance policy is included In the total, aa well aa numerous notes and ac counts. TRADING STAMP LAW WILL BE TESTED HERE By srrsngerasnt with City Attorney McNary, and to test the constitutionality of the city ordlnsnce prohibiting the sale of trading stamps, E D. Hamblett swore to a complaint charging Ernest Hutchin son with violation of ths law. Hamblett has bean engaged In the sale of trading stamps at 444 Hawthorne avenue. Hutchinson Is a cigar dealer at Fifth and .Washington street. The first Intention was to bavs the test made In tha federal court, as Hutch inson is not a citizen Of this country, but the city nt torney pointed out a deci sion of Judge Bellinger relative to trad ing stamps which convinced tbe oppo nents of ths ordinance that they should best make their fight In the state court, and " habeas corpus proceedings will be brought in the circuit court. Hutchinson has quits sn array of le gal talent to wage his battle. He will ba represented by Attorney R. L. OU- san and Attorney L. E. Crouch of this elty snd Carroll A Carroll of Seattle HISTORIC BUILDINGS . WILL BE DUPUCATED A letter addressed to exposition head quarters by Arthur C. Jackson, commis sioner to the Lew Is and Clark show from Vermont, contains the pleasing In formation that hla state Is to erect a reproduction of ths old Constitutional house, the original of which exlated In 1777. Nothing la said by Mr. Jackson as to the amount of the appropriation, but a good round sum Is expected. New Hampshire has announced that It will make Its display In a reproduction of the house In which , Daniel Webster was born. Fair officials are beginning to wonder where they will find room for all of ths stats buildings, the demand for apace being much greater than was antnet patecT. SLIM YOUNG MAN STfLL PASSING BAD CHECKS "Ths bad check kid," as he haa coma to be known to the police on sccount of their Inability to effect hla arrest. Is keeping busy. Two more instances of his Illegal work were reported to ths police this morning, making (4 cases In which he has secured money on ths spu rious pieces of paper. Ths interesting dlscovsry hss also been made that the offender has In his possession a check book containing 200 blank check forma of the First National bank. W. A. Monros of 420 Washington street cashed a bogus check or (7. and O. W. Drawlch of iM North Sixth street one for (11 yesterday. Both were made payable to "O. Young" and signed "L. Butler." blaxbtxiT nrssoau. N. W Bethel of Ths Dalles Is a gusst at ths Perklna. T. F. Lyons of Bridal Yell Is In ths city. Charles H. Morris Is in from North Yakima, linger Hermann Is registered at ths Imperial. J M Haabrough of Bossburg Is In ths city. Professor F. ' G. Young cams in from Eugene this morning. l. F. Daly of Dallas Is at ths Port land. Judge Henry E. McGinn is visiting his parsnts In Los Angeles snd will return after the holidays. There will ba a special meeting at the Salvation Army ball. 128 First street, this evening, conducted by Captain Brugman and Lieutenant Lamar. Sun day evening Lieut Nellie Storms will say farewell to ths corps. Monday ev ening the Juniors will have their Chrlst raaa tree and exercises, and Wsdnssdsy -evening there will ba a wslcome meet ing to Captain and Mrs Nelson, who are coming to assist Ensign and Mrs. Kuhn In ths command of No. 4 corps. Dividend Notice. At s meeting of ths directors of ths Hlbernla Savings bank, a dividend of (2 per shars was declared payable Janu ary 1. 1906. LANSING STOUT. Osshlsr. Holiday Beach Rates. ' For ths holidays ths O. B. a N. mskes ths vsry low rats of (4 oo for round trip to beach points. Dates of sale, De cember i( and (0. Final limit, January (. Particulars of C. W. Stlngsr, olty ticket SffMkt Third snd Washington sta CHRISTMAS MUSIC AT THE CHURCHES Many Denominations Will Cele .brate Holy Day by Appro priate Song Service. PROGRAMS AT LEADING HOU3E8 OF WORSHIP More Elaborate Preparations Have Been Made for Celebra tion Than in Many Years. Christmas Is ths dsy of all days In religious worship, and It will be ob served In Portland's churches aa rever ently as ever. The great feature of the services, in nearly every sanctuary, will bs music. Special programs of praise have been arranged, as a glance at ths following announcemsnts will indicate Worship srs ars sura of enjoying ths provided music, no matter which church thsy may enter. CATHOLIC. At Bt. Patrick's church, earner Nineteenth scd MaTler streets, msssss will bs eelebrsted at S and S o'clock. High mass will be suns at 10 3o o'clock by tks paster, Mer. E. IV Murphy At high msss Bar. T. Bsnnsssy, of r cuimnia unifersity, win prescn ins sermon. Ons of the most elsborste musical pro frame to bs rendered In this city hss been prepared by ths ' recently reorssnlxed choir, under the able leadership of Mrs. J. a Owens, assisted by full orchestrs. directed bfProf. O. Oecssle. lbs following Is tno progrsm for high mass "Asperses Ms" (Memorars): "Kyre Elelson' (MarasT; "Olorta la Bxrelaus Deo" (Marso); "( rerti, n t nun) hum ( Marso i: offertory. "Continue Do Noel" i Adam): sour a no solo. Mrs. J. a Owens, ssslstrd by full chorus snd or- etestrs; "Banctus" (Mars); "Auesia nosiss (Werner i : contralto solo. Mrs. Charles J. Mats saelsted by full chorus snd orchestrs, "Agnss lie) iMsrsoi. soloists or tne msss noprsnos. Mrs. 1. E. Owens. Mrs. s. usrom; eonrraitos Mrs. Ciarles 1. Msts. Miss Pauline Msncelt (more, J. V Barrett, J. Montag. bassos, J. E. Owens. J. B. croosn. A. J. ursuit. urcnesirs I 'list Tlolln H. Drlacoll: second Tlolln. O Hearles: elols. Prof. A. Zlim: 'cello. F. Zllm; basso, Q. Bstrsm. choir -Sopranos. Mssdsmes J. K. Owens, E. Hsrold snd Henderson, Misses Ha me sod Johnson; coutrsltos, Mrs. Chsrles I llata Mlatea Pauline Mancelt. i lea ly and liayne; tenors. Messrs. 1. V. Barratt, 1. Mon tag. 1. Boyle snd J. riynn; bassos, Messrs. Ben It. Nordsn, 1. m. owens, J t-ronsn sua u. i-amikheii ft. R. McNamare. the efficient or ganist, will preside at ths organ. Benediction of the blessed sscrsawnt will be siren Imme diately after high mass. Bt Michaels Three msSSSS Will be Cslo brsted. the first at B a. m . tha second at S o'clock snd ths lsst st in 3u. Ths high khans at B o'clock will he sung by the children's choir. An excellent program of vooal music bss been prepared for the u docs msss. ana ana ilsl cbolr will conalit of the following popo i.. .inw.- hies lllll alias Mas Brsslln. Mrs. Crarles Msts. Mrs. Sennits. Miss Msncelt. Miss Nellie O'Brien Mr. Wlldmnn. J. Miller. J A. Irian Epplng. John Cronsn, Charles Maher, frank lleonessy. Ferdinand Calnort will be nr., nl t f.,r ths occasion. Tinie kisarr i th. .11. Masses at 6. 6:B0. T. T:B0. 8. 8:M, 0, :30 snd 10:30 s. m. At tba lstter hour, solemn nign mass win ne eeie brated. tbe celebrsnt being. Bee. Fsther J. D n'tteien ci P. nee. Kathera C. V. Lamb. O P., and H. 8. Shaw, O. P.. will assist aa deacon snd suhdesran. respectively. At this n i.aa Bee. J. D. O'Brien. O. P.. will dellrer the sermon. The choir, composed of msle voices, under tbe leadership of J. EL Cssy. will ..i.. ,hi. ,.),. "AiosreM Me" (T Von la Hache) ; Kyrle snd Uiorla In Eicelsla Deo (Hsydn): Plrst Msss In B flat; "Csdo lu I'num Deem" (Mesas Colemnelle. op. 19) (K. Marso); "Cantlqne de Noel." tenor solo snd chorus ( Ana in I . ssncins. soio sna cbwui v" nod); Benedlctns. "Adsste ridells" (Noeelio); k vim. I let i Mease Holemoelle. on. IS (E. Marso). Miss Mora sheila ml presides st ths organ snd the regular choir consists of the following men: Fate snd second tenors. J. P. Wlldauo. D. A. Merrls. J. Bell, J. E. Malley, J. II. esse. J H. Pwgan, A. J. Brault. first snd sensed bassos, Thomas Meeaou. m. r us gerald, A. Hoben. A. Morris, J. Hoben, B EOer. B. winnemsp. " ' --""'" Coffey. B. J. Allstoek sod Edwsrd Atkinson. Cabers will proelds aeata for all who attend tbe services. , - m j m . Bt. Msry's. Albtns Msssss at S. T, MSasd 10 HO s m.. the msaaes st S snd 10:SO being high msssss. Ths school choir will slag plain chsnt during the S:30 o'clock mast. At ths lsst msss this will be the order for the choir: "Aeperges" (Gregorlsn). msle quartet; Kyrle. Gloria. Credo. Banctns. Agnus Del (Clmarosa s Military Mass); st tbe offertory Noel (Ad; sms). with elolln obligate; "Adeste fidella. Benediction of the most blessed sserament Immediately after msss. Tbe members i of ihe choir: Miss Msy Mslor. Mrs. M. Ksstlng, Miss Mollle Reynolds. Miss T. Donovss. Miss Alice Bolsnett. Mtss Julls Burks, bjs MlSS line Fsgsn. Miss Annie Fleming. Miss Alice Fleming. Miss Margaret Magulre. Miss Ells Sndth. M'.ss Msggie Bsrbsrs; Msrs M. J. Keating. J. Tsusrier. W. "heehy. Al alng. h. Lsmbertl It Tauschsr snd P. Msyer; Miss Josephine Kearney, organist. asssssn Holy Cross 10:80 p. m.: Beesslonsl. With Hearts Truly Orstsful." hoys' snrpllced choir; Kyrle "Kind Jesn Meese," choir; Gloria, Kind Jesn Meats," cbolr; offertory, soprano solo. "Adeste Fldells." Miss O'Orsdy; credo "Mlsaa Parvnlorum," choir; sanctua. Kino Jrso Masse." ch.dr; Benwlletus. v-bolr; Agnus Del. cbolr: "Angels. Ws Have Heard on High.' Miss MrKeniu. ssslsted by choir ; benediction. "O Balntarls," cbolr; Tsntnm Ergo, cbolr: "Holy Ood, We Praise Thy Holy Name.' B Frsnele' Mssses st :. :S0. T. 8:80 snd 10:80 a. m. Progrsm st the. B SO a m. msss: Processions'. Olorls In Er.celsls Dsn. chorus; Msss Is the Slith Tone (Dumoot); offertory, "Holy Night." solo by M. Glesssa: ccinmunlon. Adeste Fidelia, chorus; recesslonsl, "Heralds of Heavtn," solo by B. Irrcnnen eltnrus by the children. These numbers will hsve oTCbsstra sccompsnlment The 10:? a at. mass will be sung by ths senior choir, under the direction of Otto Kleemsn, snd sc comranled by the HoyCen orchestrs. Marso is Twelfth Msss will be snng. Ths sosilsu will he Mian Olesan, Miss Schlwlnnen snd Mrs. Vcrden. The offertory will be sung by Mrac. K.rrsrl Miss Mas Olssan will preside st the orgsa. . METHODIBT Taylor aireet Methodist 10:90 s. Bj.: Ssleo tlons from Handels' "Messlsh. by the quer ist choir. Mrs. W. A. Wstsel of Salt Lake City will sins. "I Know Thst My Redeemer Uveth." 7:5) p. .. Dr. W. A. Cummlng will direct s large chorus In rendering Dud ley Buck's cantata. "The Coming of the King" snd Arthur Da N. Vors, the new organ 1st, will render selections of Chrlstmss music. (trace Methodist Eplscopsl 10:80 a. ra.. St. inlay school exercises. OTgSB voluntary B) "In Splendor Bright," (b) "The Heavens Ars Telling" (Hayda), W. M. Wilder'; opening hymn. "Joy to tha World," anthem, "The Star of Bethlehem" (Parke), choir; "Christmas Greetlug," Looser Balaton. "Chrlstmss Tide" (J. PrTdesni), choir; recitation. "How We Spend Christmas." Marguerite Egbert: recita tion, "What I Would Olve," Vlrglnls Tlft; eierctss. "Whst Can Uttle Children Olvet" class of beainslrss: solo snd chorus, "Dear Little Stranger;" exercise. "Bethlehem's Shin log Star " prlmsry class; tlluatrsted Chrlstmss lesson. Mrs. C. M. Wood; dnet. Manger Bsbs." Mrrtls snd Kuth Bsker; hlble pictures. In rtcltatioss snd songs: recitstlon, "Are Ws Poorer for Hiving?" Edith Carlisle, arrthem. "Angels from the Res I roe of Glory" (Netd llng n. recitstlon. "Advice of Bants clans. Rath Balaton: recitation, "A Chrlstmss camp n the Sen Osbrlsl," Marie Keller, class sisr- Clses. "Pilgrim's of thS Star." concluding with Hymn No. 84S. "All Rsll ths Power of Jesus' Vame. "March Beligteose" (BettemsaJ At the evening service the sermon will be presehrd by Bev W. a. Hollngshsad, and there will be special Christmas music Centenary 10:80 a. St.. anthem. "Arise. Rhine" (F. C. Maker); solo, "The Birthday of s King I Neldllngm) ; T:S0 p. m . anthem "Chrlstmss" (Harry Rows Shelley), dnet. "Hark Hark My Soul" (Harrv Rows ShaJ ky). Mrs. R. a Miller, choir director. EPIBCOPAIm a Good Shepherd. Bellwood street aad Van cover areaae. Prof. W. L. Rcoble, choir mas ter! Miss Jeesls 1sU, organist 11 a. m ptoceaslonsl hymn 478 (Costa ScoMei. Te Drtum (Von Boskerck); hymn 4S. Adeste Fldells: Kyrle (Olllwrt); hymn 81 (Mendelssohn)) offer ay anthem. "There Were Shepherds" (Psttl ): Bar sum. Ceres sad Saoctns (Gilbert) , Olorta la K ice bras, oi chant: recension a 1 hymn (Smarti 7:88 p. m nrocesalooal hymn (Ons ta Rcoble I- response. Trills: Magnific at Simper , hymn (Try. as); offertory snthem. "There Were Shepherds ' (Psttlson); hymn (Bedaer): reces sional hymn (Smart). Trinity -Ftrll vested choir. of bna and men Processional kymn. "Hsrk tab Herald Angela Ring": Venlte la ( Randall i. Te Deum III C (Calkin i JnhlUts IS B -f Garret i. . Introlt. 'Aries. Shine, for Thy IJgVt Is Come" (Ilvey); Kyrle (Tnars) ; Olorls TTM i Woodward) , hymn. "Angels from the Realms of Glory"; offertory "WVes Jesus Wa. Bora la Bethlehem" (Crairk .shank); geaetus (Wesley): eesuaasjsa hrSasV "Breed of the World"; "Gloria is Eswlsls '' eld ska at; w mil nasi brmn. "O ("oats All te Faithful" TV- mn.l,. .Ill h- auk, th HllSSl tlon of Carl Denton, organist and ohmrsieslsr. t. David's 10:80 a. Is. I riuLisssoasl. "CWlatUas. A waa." (J. Walnwrigbt) ; re sponses T Willis) ( MIASMS L Veatts (Tern sr); (Mar ruins, is, 46. 80 (Oaselsy. Pur ceil) ; Drum In D (Dt. Woodward) ; J abl ates la u (Moa ii west) ; samem. roth" (Oounod) 1S18-1SM); Intralt. bysui "U t orn. All Ys raltBfal" (J. Kosdtns) , OS8; t02); Kirle Stetson. CI lor Is Tlbl. Mens Orsrd ili.rthoW Tuartl ; hymn, "Hark the B srs Id Angels" (Mcudeleaohui (ISW-lSfT); oirertorj, "u i. inn town or actnieoem u. oirnuji IIH.1M.INUMI Miiranni CurOa csm-tlls. BenedltV tus. Agnos Dal. Ukafls la Bicelsls (Berttols IVurs): hymn, "Hark. Whs t Mean Those Bblr Voices?" t'aUbsrla"; recessions I. "While Sbep tsrds Wstchsd" (T. Eats) (BVIth-eeat.). sea sung: Processional. "Angsts; from ths Realms of (Jlorr" (II. Smart) (l13-sT); Responses T. TSIlla I 1ft in-loan) ; rnsims. liu. las v rw, Voodward): Magnifies!. Nunc Dtmittis (A. H. Rrewer; anthem. "Slim. O IleSvsns" (Oaul)l carols, (a) "O Little Town of BrthWbsni (Bednsr). (b) "It Can. Unon ths 'Midnight Clesr" (Willis). c) "All sir Heart This Night Itrjiilccs" (Eberbngl; recessional. "Hark the It raid Ansel i Btug" (Mendelssohn). St. JSStnsws, corner e irei ana v,i"' streets Hymn. "O 'OossT AH 'slthrSI' (BesdlBg): "K.rrle keelson, ,r (Elver). "Qloris Tlbl." i Anon) l hvmn. "O Uttl Town of Bethlehem" (Kedner); anthem. "Birthday of the Kln." Mrs. it. Martin, oS'srtsry. ."Ulory to Ood In the lllgbeet"Ooauod) ; "Sursuta (lords snd Hsiictus." (CsrmWgsi: hymn. "Bread of ths World." i Hodges i; ''Olortn in Bicelsls." told rhsnt); "Nunc Dlauttis," (Laodgon); hymn. "It Came Upon Mtdnlfh, Ctesr,' (Willis). PRESBYTER lAji, -uisnsh Mrs J. M. c Miller choir director las arranged ths following music for morning: Voluntary, "O Come. All Ye Faithful ": so them. "Brightest snd Bast" (Feasts); offer tory, "Lead Me, Urd" I Os horn) . solo. "Olor lous Morn. ' MlSS Maud DlsbroWi autbere. "Christmas Thankaglvlng" (Lorsas);; postluds. Msrch In F; voluntary. 'Ohsry to Ood lu the lll,iheat"; responsive reading; song, "Joy us i hrlnmas Bells." children; pesyrr; soso. "The Stsr of Bethlehem" (Adsms), Mrs Res tb Fiwler; hyan, "It ('saw I'pon s Midnight Cater, rsesssloasl (Vests Msrtrn): anthsm: brief sermon by pastor; song. "Bo, Not Ons. children; Offertory In F (Bchumaan) ; hymn, "Jesus Bhsll Belaid benediction; postlude Cslvsrr 7:80 s. St.: Prelude "Christmas Sketch" (Brewer): quartet. "Where Is He7 (Coombe); contralto solo. "O Little Town of Bethlehem": quartet, "Ood Bo Isjvad tse World" (Stalnsr); soprano nolo, "Wake and Slug Good Chrlstlsns, (Bumner-Sslter) ; nuar tstT "Angels of Light" (Hsvsns); barf tons solo, "Shout the Olad Tldlags" (atoirsrB); quar tet. Ts Deua. (Buck); postlude. March. (( cone). Choir-Miss Una Unahas, soprano. Miss Vlrglnls Spencer, contralto: LsflB M. Jonrs, tenori snd George H. Street, bsritoos. cirat Cumberland 10:80 s. m. : Bnnday school children's service. 7:80 p. ":."'? voluntary (Bsrtlett); anthsm. , W'thdwr St the King" (Neldllngerl; solo. "Thst .Glorious SV.ng of Old" (Boesr; dnet. "Hely. Holy tiord . . .. . . t . . "lsAnlnsr M ay rrl ft ICanipana l firtrtlll rHIl"'. mvvaaaasgk --J r i Asnmaii ) tsnor solo. Tbe Newborn King" "The Glorious Morn" (Rapolr); contralto solo. (NeldUngeri; anthem. "Wblie an 'lungs were In Quiet Silence" i Dunham). -nri.hoot First 10:80 a. m Prelude, "B,f.wll hou' Words" (Gullmsnti: snthem. ''Brlgbtsst sud Beat" (Msraoi; snthem. "It Came Ipon the Midnight CU-sr" 'Strelea.,: postlude March i. . . i ,,ii,,s with Tlolln onngsio. The An- "1 'rallied eel's Messsce" ( Drsssisr) ; SBthsm. fa a Manger" (Bcbnecher): rarci, """P. w U.K." , iMeve 1st: Tlolln orieruary, iRnrnwskll: anthem. "Star of the Orleist" etty): postluds. Rcessknal (Clark). The 1 i,nieiie rietcher una. sirs. ss - bck. Uurenl'e.se sna i,ni s. u Shermsn D. Brown, violinist ; Edgar E sea, organist. Mrs. Cour- CONOREOATIOJf AT. Kunnysldr ( ongregatlunal church Caraer Bast Taylor snd Cast Thirty-fourth alreeta Morn ing service: Orgsn voluntary; dogology; Inm ost Ion, bvmn by tbe congregation. "Joy to the World '; snthem. "Tidings of Jay"; Scripture reading: anthem, "Ming. Te Bells"; prayer, duet. "The Babe of Bethlehem." Mrs. Harry Stone snd Miss I. tilu Trueblood; hymn by tbe congregation, "While Shepherds Watched": an them, "Praise Ye the Ks,ther"; sermon, "True Chrlstmss Joy"; hymn by tbe congregstlou, "Hsrk. the Hersld Angels" ;benedlctlon. Even ing service. The evening service will bs In charge of the Bundsy school. Singing by school and congregation, "Chrlstmss"; Scripture read ing: prayer by the pastor; song by the primary .-lass: recitation, "The Uttle Bsby Jesus." by Lcretta Lynch; recitation, "Little Stars for Jesus." br six girls, duet "Brightly Beaming on the Way." by Miss Nettle Klugery snd Miss Ethel Trueblood; motion sopg by prlmsry chil dren; recitstlon. "The Dream Star." by Miss Kllse Shearer; exercise, "Pthrrtms of the Star." by the juniors: Christmas offering: anthem. "The Glorious Bong of Old, soprano solo by Mrs. H. Stone, with flute accompaniment and chorus by the cbolr: address by the psstor; song by tba congregation: hens diction. Hsssalo-street Oongregstlonsl church Ths fol-lon-lng will bs ths progrsm: Organ prelude, Mrs; r. B. look, children's processions!, prim ary department of the Bnnday school: chorus, "Glory te Ood": contralto solo. "() Light Divine." Miss Olsen; chorus, "Arise, Shine, for Thy Light Is Come"; responsive chorus. "Tbe Angels' Serenade", soprano solo, "Tbe Brith dsy of s King." Miss Gilbert; chorus. "Bajotcc Orcsrly." cbolr and congregation; Christmas hymns snd. Scripture responses by cbolr and congregation. In tha choir are tics. F. R. look organist; MtsS Gilbert. MlSS Lottie Hsmptos. Miss Berry, aoorsnos; Miss Olsen, Miss r.thel McK archer, sites; L. P. Hsll. Ctsrles T. Tinker, tenors; T. R. Cook. Frank PlymptoB, bassos. 9vm. The White Temple qnartet and cboros choir, ui.der the direction of Prof. J. W. Belcher, will render s Christmas choral service. Miss Grace Kemp will prastda at the organ, and tha qnsr tet Is composed ss follows: Miss Ethel Lytic, soprsno; Miss Ethel Shea, contralto; Prof. J. W Belcher, tenor; L. Thompson, baritone The musics! progrsm la as follows: Orgsn voluntary,- "March of ths Msgl Kings" (Dubois,. Miss Grace Kemp, organist; chorus. "King, All Glorious" (Bsrnby): qusrtet. "Brightest and Best of the Sons of the Morning" (Marso) ; gusrtet snd chorus. "Behold, I Bring Too Good Tidings" 1 1 meai; msle qusrtet, "There Dwelt In old Jndes" (Orlggs). tenors, J. W. Belcher, A. McCsIl; bassos. L. Thompson. R. Harder chorus. "Tbe Angels' Messsge" (Dreesler), violin obtigsto, Mais Cornelia Darker; qnartet. "Cradled In s Manger" (Scbnecker); chorus. "There Were Shepherds" (Msrks); gospel solo. "Hsve Ton Any Room for Jesus t" Miss Ethel Lytle. UNITARIAN. First 11 a. St.: Voluntary. "Fantasia on Church Chimes" (C. A. B. tfsrrlss); anthem. "The Glsd New Sons" (Philip Urrely): re sponse, "At Thine Altar Gently Kneeling" i Manse ,m i . in them. "Hark, Hark. With Harps of Gold" (Hanscom); snthem, "Tbe Rlrthdsy of a King'' (NeldJluger) ; posthide, "Cathedral Grand Msrch" (Oeorge H. Byderi Church of tbe Good Shepherd 8 a. in first celebration of holy communion: 10 a. m . Sun day school; 11 s. in . Processional Hymn 47(1 iCosts-Scohlo); To Deum (Von Boskerckl. Hvmn 40. "Adeste yideles": Kyrle (Gilbert!. Hymn 81 (Mendelssohn) i offertory snthi m. "There Were Shepherds" (Psttinaon): Sursuni Cords snd Bsnctns (Gilbert); Gloria In Kicel sla (old chant); Becessloosl Hymn 60 (Smart). T:80 p. m. : Procaaatnnal Hymn 474 Cns(a Scnhlei; Responses (Tsllls); Magnificat iSlm per); llymn 88 (Dykes); offertory snthem. 'There Were Shepheids" (Psttlson); Hymn 88 iBidusr); Recessional Hymn 80 ( Basel ). W. r. Scobfs, cholrmsster, snd Miss Jessie Lewis, orgsalst. CHRISTIAN. Pint Christian 10:80 a. m., orgsn prelnde; qusrtet. "Ths Holy Child" (Katnryns Llneban) : contralto aoto by Msss Esther Leonard, an them. "Tbe Blrtbdsy of s King" (NeldUngeri : baritone solo by Mr. McKlnnoa; sermon, quar tet, "Angels of Light" (Havens); violin ob ligate by Muss English ; offertory, bees eolo. Charles Cottar: anthem, "The Chrlstmss Her aid" (Coombs); communion, 7:80 p. m. ; or gsn prelnde; carol "Christ Is Basra" (Robyn): recitstlon, Fdi.s N(T. recitstlon. tafsnt clsas. eolo. "Ths Herald Angela (Bchaecker), O. I Fry; violin obligate by Miss English; scripture feeding; song, Infant class; recitation, Laura Hsll: carol. "Rlig. Vs Bells" icmagh Letter, offertory, violin solo. "Bmsaai" (Bensud, Miss Anna English, reading. Miss Xrouaae. tenor solo. "0 Peaceful Night" (Nsfsllnger). A. J. McHolland: sermonatte. pastor. Mum Ksthryns Llseban. ehrar director! Mrs. M. Viols Crawford, organlat. Miss English, violin: P. Engllso. cornet; L. Mown, trombone St. Jamas' 7 a. a. : llymn. "Come Hither. Ts Faithful"; hyan. "Joy to the World"; I'aslm 88 snd Gloria Pstrla; Scripture Issssja; solo. Mrs Arthur Haldermsnj sermon by tbe psstor; aatbsa, "An Angel Serenade"; hymn. ' Hrjolce, Rejoice, Te Christians" 11 a. a.: H. In Mr. I,ettow; gasnel lesson, hymn, "Hsrk. Whst Mesa Those Holy Voteosr'; sermon. "Following ths Star": anthem, "Tno Angel Choir": hrma, "Hark, the Hersld AaSsls Sing." PEOPLE'S CHRISTIAN UNION. At the People's Christian L'aton a Chrlstmss concert will be glvea by the t'sloa orchestra. P. R. McCurdr. director, ss follows Plan., solo Miss Nellie Poulterer ; vocal solo Mrs. J. F. Howard: ilther soto. Prof Town- Equitable Life Policy Holder Should read the analysis of tbe Equit able Mfs financial methods In the cur rent rrurrlaer of ths Bra Magailne, 10 cents, sll news stands. FIRST DEMOCRAT FROM THE SIXTH Robert Bum Only Democratic Legislator From That District in Quarter Century. SAYS PORTLAND DOES NOT ENCOURAGE TRADE Points to Bueineee Done in Coos and Curry Counties by San Franciscans. - Rearing modestly the distinguished honors of being the first Democratic member of tha Oregon legislature. i.a Blslh slsteleV Is, 9A vasrs Robert Burns arrived In Portland this week on ths steamer Klltwni, from his home at Coqullle City. Coea county. Ha said his first surprise qn landing was du to ths fact that there was no omni bus nor representative of any hotel in Portland to meet tha psaaengers, al though 40 people disembarked from ths boat and sought notei accommodations. Ha said they did not regard this recep tion as cordial and thars waa grumbling as they scattered, carrying their own luggage, to seek hotels. "It seemed to me rather remarkable that Portland does not go sfter the trade of the Coos bay country." said MP. Burns. "While our part of ths country has no rail connection with the outside world, we have direct steamboat lines to Portland and San Francisco and Portland Is 100 miles nearer than San Francisco yet all our business goes to San Francisoo. Our people. Ilka the average of humanity, do buslnesa with those who seek and appreciate their trade. We naturally feel moat friendly Piriim, it helnsp a nart of our own state. But the San Francisco business 1 mA vlelt list end there, la a HIS 11 vvis, " o , . - good deal of San Francisco money and enterprise seen mere in aeveiupmg ure resources and trade of tha oountry. The esswsswu Ment. iu,iii to know that ('OOB SIISUV uv,.,. -..... and Curry counties are rich and rapidly developing ss a neia tor iraae. ana mrj cultivate It. Our people would be much niu.i o ... mnrs evidence of Portland enterprise In Coos and Curry counties." Coos 'county hss bsgun proaucing two new crops hops and cranberrlea. There are sxtenslve bogs where it has been found that great crops of cranberries can bs raised, superior to ths eastern berry. Lsat season a hop-growing ex periment was mads in ths Coquille val ley, whoae complete euccess lnduoed .-., ,,, .a Into that Industry. The tsst CW was raised by John Mf-I "Our coal and lumber industries are flourishing." said Mr. Burns, "and In Curry oounty the Bandon OH company ts drilling for oil. with exopllsnt Indi cations of success. Coal mines sre be ing opened and tha old onea are being better equipped. The Pearts brothers have sold a large mine to the Coquille Coal 4V Lumber company for 110,000. and the company Is putting In first class equipment. Ths Pearts boys Will st once expend their money opening mines in 40 acrea that they have purchaaed back of Coquille City. Prospectors for oil sjs at work on I.ampa creek." , Mr. Bums will spend Christmas in Portlsnd. snd than go to Salem to take hla seat at the opening of the session. He Is an Arkansan by. birth, and one of the youngest members of ths house. Al though comparatively a newcomer Iri Oregon, having hung out his shingle ss a lawysr at Coquille City only two years ago he seems to have pleaaed the people of Coos and Curry countlea. He was elected by 65 votes In spite of a ma jority of 716 for tha Republican State ticket. ' FIRE APPARATUS FOR EXPOSITION GROUNDS in., neitieiam nt the tirs, underwriters on ths fire protection for the Lewis and Clark exposition Jgrounus nu ., -1 - ii i itTi I s to tha realization W1VJ 1S1 1 .,iu - ...... is iJ ti.riarv that the arounds be furnish with the proper fire apparatua at an early date. A contract nsus own awarded. According to the contract let, te.. ei, .nr.. entile should be Installed bv January 1. The contract calls for one first-class metropolitan engine, one combination chemical and hoae wagon, enmhinstlan chemical and truck. Eight horses will be necessary, and the apparatua snouia oe lnsiasieu wy It lias also been recommended by Chief Dave Campbell, of ths rire aepartmeni. and Oeorge Walker, superintendent of the flrs-slarm system, thst an alarm system with If boxes be Installsd on tha grounds. Winter Ratss to aquma Bay. Ths Southern PaciRc Co. wilt sell, on Wedneedsy snd Saturdays of each week, until March tl, 1906, low rate round trip tickets to Yaqulna, limited to ( days from data of sale. Ths sale of these excursion tickets during the winter months is a new departure and has bean brought about through the desire of our locsl sportsmen to enjoy the exceptional ly fine hunting and fishing privileges of that section. Portland Hotel Christmas Dinner. Proprietor Bowers announces thst the regular Christmas dinner st Hottl Portland will be served on Sunday, De cember 26. All reservations for ehslrs must be made before Saturdsy night. A special menu has been arranged fo' the dsy. the price of which Is 11.50. . COLUMBIA THEATRE 14ta sad Wssblngton. PI one llsln tlx. Down-town box office. Main 110. Tonlgbt lsst performaace of tbs supers Cot an bis Stock Compsny. presenting Dumas great emotional drama. CAMILLE Bvenlng prices Entire lower Boor, BOe bs! snr, BO,-, Mc, JBc ; gallery, lOc. Matinee Btitlre lower Boor, sV; balcony, SBc IBs: ssllerr lOr Down b,wn box office opes 10 a. m. fill T n. m. at Dotiv Varden rsody Skup, 1ST Mar rtson St.. phone Mala 110. After T p. m at theatre, phone MstB 111 Nest weak. . tart lag la asm i aw matinee, Carlstsass wssk. . "THE OHaJUTT BALL." ' tXltCSBT BUL BLAtlBB BIOS. CONCERT EVBBY N10BT. 12 SsS PXRNSIPB CUTLERY f TL- II.J.I ; I lie mwKi ! . . i ' ' Jn the recent Eagle Rock hill climbing contest, of the four fattest foreign cars (racers) with an average of 82 lt horse power and costing an average of $14,500, the average time was 82 seconds, while a 15 horse-power White stock car, just such as we are selling in the Portland market thia season, and cost ing $2,600 at the factory, made the climb in 83 8-6 seconds, or only 1 8-6 seconds behind cars, costing six times as much and with six times the horse-power. What does this mean? It means that the owner of a 1806 "White" has the best mount that money will boy, re gardless of horse-power or price. Our shipments to Portland have already commenced. Sales of this car in California have exceeded all expectations. Sales at the present time outnum bering last year's business at this time. In order to have your car ready for your friends and the 1806 fair, an early order will be necessary in order to avoid the congestion that is sure to come with the spring market. Catalogues For Distribution. J. B. KELLY AGENT 2 214 Second Street ;ee... A REQUISITE robeWine ( FLUID FACE POWDER) The Straight Roiid to Beauty Creates a Marvelous Complexion QVTBB THE STUN A YOUTHFUL APPK ARANCH. BLUMAUER-FRANK DRUG CO. DISTRIBUTEES PORTLAND, OREGON MARQUAM ?J,iI?w- raiB- X3BAS ATTBACTlOaT Man Tass., WeS., Dec. M. IT, ss. MAXINB ELLIOTT IN HBR OWN WAY Prlets Lower II nor, eicept lsst 8 rows, tt; lsst S rows. Ii v j Bslcony. srst S rows, iVJSj sseond rowa (l; tlrrl 3 rows toc. last i rows. 60c. Gallery. 2T.. SB. Bosss sod loges. 112.110. Se.ts srs now selling. Tonight, at S:1S, o'eloeB, last rerfnrmsnee sf ths operatic sun-ess. "tke FetntcTJSs osno.- Tbe best voices tkls saasea. vsalag prices 1 1 B0. II, T8c, BOe. SBC. Sft. Heats srs bow selling EMPIRE THEATRE eats eaa he ordered nr Phone Main 117. Prices Bvenlug. 16V. 26c Se, got. Ms line,-. 10c, lBc, 2BC, Toolgbt. lsst performance at Tb Greater Black Pattl Troubadours Hear Blsck Pattt slsf "iawsaee Blver." Bee John Backer, the Alabama Blossom. CntXIiTSIAS ATTBAOTIOB. roar nights, stsrtlng Suostsj auttnee nsssss her tfl. Matinee Moodaj, December SS. IBs landslide of laugt ter, - YO.N YONSON TOTJ ALL WAftT TO SSB -The fnnav Irish Widow, ths I .amber (amp fch Midwinter, tha Kresklng of ths Log Jam, ths Lumbermen's Qasrtet. PltlfBS- Roth mtln...e. irv. l.V and 2Sr. Rvenlng, ISc. tec. 85c and 50c. The Star Theatre ear. Parh sssi Wsshtstrhsa. Ths Beat asvs Mob, rashioasvhls TaoaawlUs TBS sail Mexican Quintette World's riaSBtrt atnslalaas. TAT, TAB! ASTD BTOWSA. a AXIs T BLbBK Tl eBBBBJBBBBBB SSSBBBBSggBsssgsBBB, wSff , ASTD W BBS SS. BBJ C ul.rk.eei" l nimc Comer Salmon far ass-rrsrsiasisiassk THE QRAND THEATRB; TOBAT TOaTXOsTT I 10 TMAt 1. I. XLOaUDeS. ath'ss4 Ai-im oe. Soaring Parce, "Who's Brown t" BATB0MD ABB TBICBT. A "Mr." snd "Miss" "Mistakes. - THE CTBl 1TIB BIBTBSB. Vocal Doo, FLOOD AND 1 HA Barrel r area and Neat Egg KB. HARRY O. OB BAT. rlacitationa KB. ALT BOBBBB, nisstrsted Song, "Two Uttle Orpaass Are) Ws." THS QEAN DIBCOPX. "Ths BBburbanlte"--CvcloBa Of ran. Admission to snr sest. 10c: bss seats. The Arcade Theatre Ths original fajailv i This S Wi OASPXB ABO JOBES. THE FAJRCHTLDS. KITCTHIE ABD BIOB IBEBS FBABXLIB ST PXBJf HAST OEBgVIEVI ABBEXL. AXZB10AX BIOSCOPE. 2 30 to 4 SO p at.. T:t0 to 18 SO a. Shows Admission, I", .to say asst. BIJou Theatre Slsih St. ( Oirgosiaa Program This Week- ST. MAM DIVIBE DODSON. XXaTBIX SEBTLZT. PEARL BXTSOhT. MUBBAY HILi "THE STBIK1." Oaf THE VTTAgrXlTS. AdmBssoa 10c. Afterrawssv frees 1 ha 4 SB srsBlags. from T to 10: SO. ons from 2 to 10 SO. finoaja. THE LYRIC THEATRB Bevsath snd Alder Streets. Tkls Week l ' T Birr Baa. THOMAS W. BAT. LABX. THE T1TASC0PB. Performances 2:30 to 4:S 7 SO tt MiS) m. Admission 10 cents- no hlghsr.