THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND. SATURDAY EVENING. DECEMBER M, 1101 t MANY POOR WILL BE FED BY ARMY Salvation Workers Send About Twenty-four Hundred Meals to the Indigent CONTRIBUTIONS WERE SMALLER THIS YEAR More People Will Receive a Free Christmas Dinner Than Ever Before. In tlx preparation! for Portland! Chrlstmaa faaat tba very poor have not been forgotten. The Salvation Array la today distributing- basketsful of dinners to families whose circumstances have made It entirely Impossible for them to secure one otherwise. During; the last two weeks about 150 members of this organisation have been engaged In the nrellmlnary work or providing ror ron land's poor. One detachment collected raonev. another band went Into the by wave of poverty and secured names and addreveea, and a third squad assembled iho nrvlnlons and Mcpared the baskets. Today the distribution began from the army halls ut !S Davis street, 7z Van couver avenue and 128 First street, un der direction of Major Dubbin. "Most of those poor people to whom baskets were promised are calling for them at one of these three places, " sum the major. "We are distributing the Hilvaient of about 2,400 meals. There re about 200 baskets, and they are filled according to the else or the ramiuea to whom they are assigned. The baskets contain turkeys, chickens, beef roasts butter, bread, potatoes, apples and vari ous other things that go with a Christ mas dinner, and each basket Is topped off with a good pie. All over the floor of the big hall on First street were evidences of the cor rectness of the major's statement. From nearly every basket drooped the head and leas of a dressed turkey or chicken. and packed around them were the other good things in quantities suriiciem io render the pie's position on top very pre- j carious. Everything was scrupulously clesn and well ordered. "We have spent about f 100 more this year than last year," said the mayor, "and we have collected about 1100 less than a year ago. Therefore contributions during the week will be welcome, as all these bills have to be paid." Chrlstmaa services will be held all day tomorrow at Columbia hall. On Monday evening at this hall a Christmas tree for poor children will be given, and presents will be distributed. Contribu tions of toys from people who can afford to give are solicited by the army. It is said the Salvation Army will this Christmas feed 200,000 poor people in the United States. At the county poor farm a turkey din ner will be served to the 170 Inmates. Christmas services will be conducted by Rev. Mr. Bruce. Presbyterian church people have looked after the arrange ments for the celebration. Mrs. H. J. Corbett sent turkeys for the dinner and H. Wittenberg sent cake and fruit. To bacco, for those who enjoy the weed, was sent by James Laldlaw, British con- .hL In the light of recent occurrences at the county jail the Christmas spirit does not move Jailer Grafton visibly In the direction of those members of the under world who are In his charge, and he will serve the prisoners with an ordinary dinner of boiled beef tomorrow, just the same as he would any other day under his contract with the county of Multno mah, state of Oregon. The rush of Chrlstmaa shipments through the local express offices Is enor mous, but by working overtime and in creasing the number of clerks the ex press companies are handling the busi ness with dispatch. The Portland post office Is similarly overwhelmed with business and from the amount of Christ mas packages that are being handled In the malls It is evident that Portland people have hosts of friends and rela tives In the east with whom they are on far betttr than speaking terms. The ex change of gifts through the medium of the T'nlted States malls Is growing enor mously In Portland each year. ARTIST CRANE MAKES THIRD MARRIAGE SHIFT (Journal Special Service.) New York, Dee. 24. It la 'earned In art circles that Bruce Crane has mar ried his divorced wife's daughter and returned with her to New York, and that a gold medal for paintings exhib ited at the world' fair was swarded to him at St. Loula The gold medal sets him among the foremost American ar- f I M. Th rnnnrt rt f V. I - m!. I. ... -" ... . in., mm i in 111 "equal of a remarkable love romance. Brace's divorced wife, the mother of his present wife. Is reported as saying: -,v'? sm glad of the marriage. The only reason I sought a divorce was to . enable Bruce to wed my daughter. So far as I am concerned the Incident Is . closed." , Two years ago Crane abandoned his . wife and eloped with his stepdaughter. Mrs. Crane secured a South Dakota Di vorce. ' Mrs Crane, the mother of his present wife, is a nlecr of Dr. Burchard. whose "Rum, Romanism, Rebellion" caused the defeat of Blaine In 1884. OYS 8TEAL XXTVEfl. JW (Sealal Dispatch to The Jonrsal.) Julletta. Idaho, Dec. 24. A dnxen small boys, ranging in age from 10 to 12 vaars. broke into a freight car here Thursday and secured n quantity of fine pocket knives.' They sold them for 10 cents a piece. Suspicion1- was aroused, and when cornered two of them con fessed. The knives were billed to a lewltnn Arm. M my of them were re covered. The boys will be punished. WORMS "I had f. tared from what medical mea Catarrh of tba Stomach, in failed Dyapeeria aod Catarrh f i serasaaM a mi of uaae.reta .ad waa anr mwm ao bm aaaa j sea aa ' Tea a wlatltaa. aasirnia feast ten ma. Joda ear doctors aar friM wees 1 1 aa bowad blm thlrtv fat .nil in ,nnik day the roaalndari about tba aasse '.aasab 7 wa rwaaainaanaoooi in flam aaflBlora serai ihat mmm . . i - m . i tba bad baas assets bit vitality (or I seraeaJOTed tba baal of health ...r i abia taaUaioB rial win appeal tn otaar aoflarart.' Chaa. Blaakatoc a. 1111 bltlaltr Maae. watt PhliaaelsbU. Pa. Best For The) Dowels kss- inwuoweir candy caTwurnc riaaaaat. Palatabla Potest. Ted la I stover slakes. Waaaaa er Hrli ! aid la balk Tba raaaiae tahut at Ujood neOeed, i.n Hi Utter aaaat.e tablat alaaaad Ceo. waaraaaaaa an rare ar loaf woaer beak Sterling- Remedy Co., Chicago or N.Y. M AslUAL SALE, TEI MILLION BOXES MAY APPEAR BEFORE CRAMP JURY TUESDAY (Continued from Page One.) lie spoke with indignation of the charges against blm and said that he would have no difficulty In disproving them. I "I have little to aay at this time ex cept to declare In the most unqualified terms that I waa in no way concerned la toe land frauds." said the senator. "I have done a great deal of work for people of Oregon who had business wjth the general land office and I waa fre quently flooded with letters ssklng my assistance, bnt I have never been con cerned In any fraud upon the govern ment. Until I am fully acquainted with the alleged facts which form the basts of the rumored accusations against me. I can say little more." An Infernal tie. "One of the rumors is that you re ceived large sums of money for expedit ing claims to patent. Is that truer' That Is an lnfernsl lie," replied Sen ator Mitchell with Indignation. "If that statement is made by anyone it Is an absolute falsehood." "Then you received no money for your services in expediting the claims in which Puter and Emma Watson were interested?" "No, sir; and If any one has sworn to anything Of thatkind it Is infamous perjury. There is not one word of truth- in It. Not on dollar waa paid to me." Senator Mitchell stated thst he would have something further to say for pub llcation a little later, after he had had opportunity to learn the nature of the charges against him. A protracted con ferenco waa held thla afternoon be tween Senator Mitchell and Assistant Attorney-General Heney. Hermann Says "Wait." Congressman Hermann, who returned from Washington In company with ben a tor Mitchell, appeared at the postomce building about 10 o clock this morning. The grand jury had just begun it session, but the congressman mad no effort to invade the juryroom. H called upon United States District At torney John Hall, with whom h wa closeted for half an hour, and afterward visited Judge Bellinger's office. Mr. Hermann was asked what he had to ay about the rumor connecting him with the land frauds, and he replied "Until I have found out the nature of the charge against me I can aay very little, except to assure you that I In no way Involved in these fraud. I have no fear of the outcome." "Were you acquainted with Puter before he came to you with that letter of Introduction from Senator Mitchell? Only very distantly, vary distantly,'' aid Hermann. "I had met him perhaps two or three time before that. But my acquaintance with him waa very dis tant, just a with the rest of the people concerned In these transaction. The congressman was not disposed to discus the ubject fully until he ha had opportunity to learn more definitely the precise charges which he must meet, and the conversation ended. Tssspsriag With Jury. It Is freely asserted by the secret service men now In the city that ef fort have been made to tamper with the grand jury. In the Intereat of per son suspected of complicity in the land frauds. The jurors come from all parta of the state and many of their friends and acquaintance have recently ap peared In Portland under circumstances that have aroused suspicions of a deep laid plan to approach the jurors and Influence their proceeding. On man whose action have exlcted especial suspicion 1 Henry Ford, a prlvste detective. Secret Service Agent Burns says that he ha positive proof that Ford made overture to the de fendant In the Puter trial offering to fix" the Jury which waa trying them. but the proposition wa rejected. TARRED AND FEATHERED THEY HOLD THE FORT (Jonrnal Special gerrlea.) Minneapolis, Minn., Dec. 24. Tarred and feathered after having been accused of poisoning the stock and burning the barn and grain of Ou Lindstrom, a neighbor, John Pawling and hi house keeper of Andrua, wis . are guarding their noma with shotgun. A quarrel took place between Pawling and hi neareat neighbor, Ou Lindstrom, a few day ago The nlgat following, the burning of Ltndstrom's property and the extensive poisoning of his stock oc curred mysteriously. Pawling was sus pected and a whltecappers' visit fol lowed. Masked men dragged Pawling and the woman from their beds to a barn lot, where they were stripped, tarred and feathered. They were then ordered to leave the community and never re turn. Pawling, however, returned and secured the arrest of eight of the wealthiest men in tnat Motion on a charge of assault. rnnimir.TnR is Fnnwn ww.aaeww.w.. .w . WW atmgmt UNCONSCIOUS ON CAR (Special Dispatch to The Joeraal ) Tekoa, Wash., Dec. 24. F. H. Ham mond, conductor on the Tekoa-Wallace branch, was found In an unconscious condition on th top of car whll th train was being mad up yesterday, lie wa hurried to a hotel, but died Inside 6t 16 minutes without regaining conscious ness. Death I thought to be du to Injuries of th brain" received two year ago, and from which he never fully recovered. HI wife died a year ago. He leave two small children. He was a member of the Order of Railway Conductors and Ragles, snd was aged 45. He had been In the employ of the railroad for many years. Uournal Special gerviee.) New York. Dec. 24. Judge Thomas of the United Btates circuit court today overruled the demurrer of P. A Bamaby. President J. K. Atkinson. Secretary F. O. Dexter and the director of th com pany which owned th steamboat Qen eral Slocum, and who war included for a share in the responsibility for th dls- tr. They demurred on th ground that they were not the owner of the craft. WTTE FOB ALrOBTBO (Jonrsal special garrlee.) Madrid, Dec. 24 It Is anticipated that an announcement will shortly be made of th marriage of King Alfonso and Princess Vlctorls. daughter of the Duke of Connaught. King Edward' brother. The wedding, it I satd, will occur In June. It Is understood the princess will renounce the Protestant faith and Join the Catholic church.y (Special Dtapatrh to The Journal , Julletta, Idaho, Dec. 24 -Jean Westh erby and K. U Dygert. who have been attentive to a pretty school teacher here, got Into a quarrel over who was th preferred suitor and finally slashed each other with ugly knives Dygert wa Much worsted. Wathrby has been arrested. SIGLER INDICTED BY GRAND JURY Councilman Charged With Using Office to Collect Old Debt From a Contractor. FERDINAND JOPLIN IS COMPLAINING WITNES8 Accused Man Maintains He Was Within His Rights in Holding Up Warrants. Councilman R. D. fllgler wa Indicted by the grand jury this morning charged with "threatening Injury to the property of another with intent to extort a pe cuniary advantage or property." A bench warrant waa Issued and served upon Mr. Slgler. In order that there might be an arraignment at once The indictment recite that Slgler 1 a member of the common council of the city of Portland; that, as such, he ha power together with other councilman to control the manner in which munic ipal improvement are to be done, who aball do them, and in various way to help or injure the interests of person o employed. , Ferdinand Joplln of the . firm of del bisch & Joplln, contractors, wa doing work for the city tn street improvement and prior to September 22, the Arm had completed work on Multnomah street and desired to receive from the city the money du. When the work was, don Joplln had a conversation with Blgler. In which waa brought up the matter of the Jop lln contract, and Slglar Informed Joplln that, unless the latter would pay cer tain note claimed by Blgler a owing to him from Jopltn, the latter's money would be held up, saying : "Tou will get no more assessments mad until you pay those notes." The sum asserted by Slgler as du waa 1212.21, and the indictment place upon Mr. Slgler the accusation of using hi official position to collect a private debt The facts are. that in compliance with Blgler's demands. Joplln signed over to Blgler three warrants aggre gating about that gum and did so under duress of Blgler'. threats These fact have not been denied by Mr. Blgler, who. admitting hi threat againat Joplln, Justifies hi action and says that he would repeat hi action. H take the ground that It ta proper for an official thu to us hi office t protect hi private business and prac tically denes the grand Jury and dls darna the InsMctnsent; k r Th grand jury returned four other Indictments of minor character: JSkS Mi nfJOjW. chargad with adultery. L-we ?sirat N charged with assault with a dangerous weapon. William Conn, alias "BUI Booty." charged with larceny from a store lo cated st Eaat ' Twnty-lxth and Powell streets Frank Seeley. charged with larceny. Bench warrant were Issued for the parties accused PRESIDENT CASTRO IN FEAR OF UNITED STATES (Journal Special Berries.) Washington. Dc 24. President Css- tro of Venezuela Is said to be nervously apprehensive that h may soon become Involved in war with the i niteo states. Unofficial advlcea confirmed at the state department ar to th effect that Castro has placed a number or (.'reusot guns ai Lat Ouarra and Puerto Cabello. These runs sre of much longer range power than those used by Castro merely to cone with an ordinary revolution. That ( astro has reason to rear action by th United States that will force him to meet his obligation is Quit certain. The failure of Veneiuela to pay Indem nit v to England, Germany and Italy as fixed by a court or arbitration is caus ing impatience abroad. This is a cause of serious anxiety here, and it may be necessary to compel Castro to keep hi promise in order to avert action by th power which might lea a to complica tion. Delav In the settlement or the asphalt controversy in th federal high court of Venexuela promises to add to the fric tion between the two governments. If there is further unreasonable delay, and If the decision of the court Is grossly In Castro' favor, a apprehended, a crisis In th relations of the two countries may be reached. OPEN SHOP TO BECOME INTERNATIONAL FIGHT (Journal Special Serrlc'.) NW fork. Dc. 24. WKh th Indus trie in which David M. Parry, presi dent of the National Association of Manufacturers, ana me miens in dustrial association are Interested aa the central point of attack, organised labor is about to Inaugurate a war on th open shop wblch Is to be international In scop. Th fight, which t to b con tinued a year, was planned yesterday by th executive board of the Carriage and Wagon Maker' International union, and will Involve 00,000 men. General Secre tary P. J Mulligan of the International union said: "Th executive board has decided upon a 12 months' fight ggalnst the open shop. Union forces ar to be concentrated In th carriage and wagon manufacturing centers where the opn-hop policy ha been introduced. Th fight will be be gun by increasing th number of organ isers In all cities where there ar open shop and where Parry has factories." COLORADO DEMOCRATS PUNISHED FOR FRAUD (Journal special Serried.) . Denver, Dee. 24. For participating in fraud on th ballot at th recent elec tion the atats supreme court today sen tenced laaac Ooldman, Edward Sweeney. Democratic election judge, to serve four month In jail and to pay a fin of f 100. Clarence P. Dixon, a Democratic elec tion officer, was sentenced to serve four month and pay a fine of $250. W. H. Hunter, a Democratic judge, jumped hi bond and ha dlaappeared. ' (Journal Special gerVled.) Rome, Dec. 24. Th cardinal were received today by the pop and offered their ''hrletmss greeting. Th pontiff thanked the prelate and converse.! fa miliarly with them for half an hour. (Joesal Special gerrlea.) Madrid. Dec. 24. While driving In an automobile yeaterday. King Alfonso had a narrow escape from Injury. The wheel of hi car broke nd th car over turned. atsay Hatha ra adstlslatar Pise a Oar wits (hair ealldres here bbsbbmsIi Cress, BIG CHARGE FOR EXTRAS (Continued from Page On.) In regard To -substituting flr blocks treated witn a preservative ror oaa planking, and treating the plank sup ports for th blocks, Mr. Bihler gay that substitution of blocks for oak planking was wis from the standpoint of cleanliness, appearance and lasting qualities, and this change did not cost the city a cent But some time later the queatlon of treating th planking be neath th blocks, nailing strips and guard rails with preservative wa taken up and angles to prevent the block creeping were arranged for. He finds thst the treatment of the boards snd timbers cost about $6,800. allowing $42$ for the angle Irons. Mr. Bihler eays on page $ of his report that the block pave ment would doubtless outlast ths plank Ing beneath unless th latter wen treated, and adds. "For this reason, snd the great Inconvenience resulting from th necessity of repair on th floor th additional expenditure may be Justified. though I do not see that any benefit will result from treating th planking between the track. Later, In answer to a direct queatlon, he says very posi tively: "I question th policy of expending this amount for th treatment, admitting that a different opinion may be had of it." If the latter judgment 1 to prevail th city lose here $8,800 for the pre servative treatment. Convenience Cost Big Sum. Considering the last addition made by the executive committee after th orig inal contract waiting rooms, floor sys tem of the center pier, hanging foot walk around th center pier, floor over a part of th protection piling, roofs over motors and machinery on draw, iron stairway to draw protecting pier and two torehoue on protection pier. Mr. Bihler say that these ar convenience and not necessities They cost $7,985. He did not find specifications of sixes. so could not report accurately on real coat, but estimates the whole at $0,000. in the original plan he say an engine house was provided. The tender house snd waiting rooms ar not neoeaitlea. The flooring of th center pier was pro vided for In th original plans, but was not in th alternative pier constructed. and Mr. Bihler ssys of flooring for the protection pier: "The flooring for the protection pier to th extant Indicated 1 something I fail to see any necessity for." Th result of this summary indicates that a good portion of th $7.9X5 paid for this additional work is not a neces sity, and could have been omitted with out serious inconvenience. Closing the general report, Mr. Bihler says: "As far as the physical condi tion of the bridge la concerned, in regard to quantities and quality of material and character of workmanship, I consider it quite up to specifications and a credit to the city aa well a to th builders." Two separate sets of interrogatories were filed for answer, and Mr. Bihler re plies to each in detail with reference to hi main report, where he has cov ered, the point previously. In th con tract entered Into originally It was pro vided that extras should b charged for on the basis of actual coat and It per cent additional mm nroflr n Bat fnr a tools. Th expert ay that the unit price system of paying for such is th more satisfactory; What Addition Cost. Th total cost of the additions to the bridge was $52,380. Most of this work Is elassedsas an Improvement, but not necessity. When th first contraot let the engineers felt that they were providing for a good, safe, en during bridge. Question 9 of th coun cil bring out th point expllclty: "Are the specifications as prepared by the city engineer for construction of Morrison street bridge up to the stand ard of such matters, and do they show a good knowledge thereof on hi part 7" "Th specifications prepared by the city engineer for this work are In ac cordance with general practice. They tat with reasonable clearness what 1 wanted and show good knowledge of the work on the part of th man who pre pared them." Why th additions war made, all be ing recommended by the city engineer, after approval of original plan and specifications by th consulting engi neers, l given further dubiousness by th following statement of th expert : "I do not consider steel stringers a necessity, though an Improvement. When the plan waa accepted with wooden stringers It wa supposed that this was what th city wanted, as thsy war specified In the call for bids. I presume the change was mad because steel stringers ar better, and as there was money available to pay for them." The council committee will proceed with it inquiries before taking aay action on th work just finished. Mr. Bihler will probably take up the Balch gulch bridge next, or possibly the First street structure over Marquam gulch. TAKE HILL BY STORM (Continued from Pag On.) an minister to Great Britain, today received an official report of th cap ture of th Russian forts at Hoyangehu kou yesterday, and of th subsequent at tempt of th Russians to reoccupy the work. Hsyasht says th capture of these positions Is practically ths last of th outer works that will be eesentis.1 to th flnsl assault and conquering of Port Arthur. GIVE THEM A SHOVEL AND LET THEM ESCAPE (serial Dispatch to The Jonrnal I.ewlston, Idaho, Deo. 10. Officers have hit on a novel plan te rid th town of bad characters. Any on caught and found guilty of a petty offense 1 given a shovel and put to work on the street. Th officer gets out or sight and ths man make a sneak. Ths plan has been tried many times, and th man has never been known to return. s L I Journal Special gerrlea Cleveland. O., Dec. 14. Although Christmas I being celebrated In this city as never before, there Is a touch of sadness' in many hearts owing to the sudden death of Sam Brlgga here last Thursday of pneumonia. BrtggS was one of the best known Masons In A merles, and occupied a high rank in the Knights of the Mystic Shrine. For over a score of years bs waa potentate of the Al Koran Temple, thl city, and wa Imperial potentate of the Mystic Hhrlne In America from 1$$C to 1891. His funeral will be under the Masonic ritual. Journal's Vancouver Office. To Christmas number of Th Journal 111 ba on sale tn Vancouver at the Columbia hotel and all other new stand at $ cents a copy. A ( Special Piapatrh te The Jearaal.) c.reer. Idaho. Dec. 14. Mr. Mary A. Rrb, aged 7. died of heart trouble her yesterday. So leave several grown shtl- drsn. BIDS OPENED FOR THE PORTAGE ROAD Only One Covering Entire Work Including Full Equipment of Line SEVEN IN ALL OFFER TO UNDERTAKE WORK Engineer Will Figure on and Compare Bids and Award of Contraot Will Come Later. Bids for the construction of the portage road were opened at noon to day at the office of J. N. Teal in thl olty. There were aeven bidder. Only on bid was based upon a completed job, Including all new materials and equip ment This was a flat bid of $170,000 submitted by A. K. BnUy. N. J. Blagen bid $247,000, on "re-layer" rails, or $210,000 without rails. Nelson & White bid 1115.823 on all but equipment and rails. Bmlth & Howard and J. C. Henry made bid on the basis of quantity jirlces. which has not been figured out. Robert Wakefield bid on a quantity price basis, snd also a flat bid of $166, .413 without rails. Joseph Paquet made a bid on quantity price basts and also s fiat bid. A j. Mccab submitted a bid on equipment. The portage board engineer will figure out th result of all the bid, and th result will be known about next Tuesday." said Mr. Teal. "From Indications I should say the road will cost between $170,000 snd $180,000. -on can aay that with th money now in th hands of the portage board and the funda secured by the Open River asso ciation the portage road is assured." GRAND JURY IS AFTER POLICE DEPARTMENT . a s Investigating Irregularities Said to Exist in Releasing Prisoners Without Trial. Gen. C F. Beebe, member of the po lice board, was before th county grand Jury today; Captain Qritsmacher, of the police force, had been previously called. In connection with these appearances. ths report is in circulation that the grand Jury is making a thorough inves tigation Into the police department, go ing Into recent rumors of irregularities, and covering escapes of prisoners and the proceedings in the "karlgaroo" court held at the city police headquarters by Chief Hunt, at which he has been ac customed to discharge prisoners with out authority from any magistrate or judge. The current reports ar to the effect that the grand Jury is endeavoring to ascertain whether there is any founda tion for allegations of "graft" In the police department, such charges having been common during many months psst, and often taking th form of specific charge in certain instance. Many well-informed persons look for startling disclosures. FEZ BEING DESERTED BY FOREIGN RESIDENTS (Journal Special gerrlea.) Tangier, Dec 24. The Brltieh min ister has Instructed th British consul and all British subject to leave Pas. It 1 believed that other legations have received similar Instructions. The situation steadily grows worse and open war Is hourly expected. AT LBWDTOH. (Special Dtapatrh to The Journal.) Lew la ton. Ids., Dec 24. Fire started In the basement of the Neai block Thursday night. Although smoke and water did considerable damage, th ef ficient work of th fire ladder averted a conflagration. Th segregate loss Is $$,000 fully covered by Insurance. Th loser ar Clyde Vsar, undertaker; Mrs. Jamison, proprietor of a bakery; Toukman. th barber, and M. Neal. owner of th building. Th fir caught from sparks dropped from wooden floor supports passing through th flue and Igniting the basement floor. Arden Story from Oklahoma. Oklahoma Correspondence Kansas City Journal. For seven years prior to Jan. 7, 1S99. Mrs. Beverly Crisp had been deserted by her husband, and she believed him dead. They were married in Wichita Kan., In 1$($, when Oklahoma waa open ed for settlement, and came directly to the territory, settling In Arapaho, Custer county. .-a After making every effort to obtain Information aa to th whereabouts of her husband, Mrs. Crisp married W. I. Thompson of Weatherford, O. T., Jan. 7, 1899 They lived happily and had ac cumulated considerable property. But suddenly the long dead husband turned up. and It was found that Mrs. Crisp had never been divorced from him, al though they had not lived together for some seven year before She married Thompson. Yesterday th tatter filed proceedings for divorce in the district court here. Mr. Thompson state that he believe hi wife was perfectly honest when h. thought her former husband was dead. OW V, Howard Pyl In Book News. It is vary rasonsbl to argue that no creation of human fancy could last ss fairy tales hsve tested through no one knows how many hundreds and thou sands of years unless it was vsry good. For that which is not good snd not sound must surely die, and only that which 1 good and sound shall last through ths grinding of ths st- Bo I believe that parent ahould fill their children's Imaginstlons full of f ilry tales if they would make those Imaginations strong snd healthy. as for thst man or woman ifho haa not these bright and Joyous things of fancy flying like golden bea through the dim recesses of his memory, I can only say that I think his or her parents must have been neglectful of th earlier train ing of their child, snd that T am sorry for that poor soul who haa lost so much pleasure out of its Uf. Tonng Lady Tou are a wonderful maater of the piano, t hear. Professor von Ppleler (hired for th occasion) I blay sg(ompanlmnt sometimes, "Accompaniments tn singing?" ' Aggompanlmewls to gonveraatlons ." Nw York Weekly. HEaALTH is the Most In buying food-articles, you must con- -sider several things: Economy, Results, Easy Handling, Reliability; but the most important is Health. Health means everything. In clothes, furniture, etc. if the buyer gets a poor or imitation article, the only harm is loss of money. In buying food-articles, if imi tations are supplied, there is a loss of money, and probably an injury to health which is beyond price Remember these facts when baying baking powder. ROYAL BAKING POWDER ABSOLUTELY PURE CONSUL MILLER REACHES HIS HOME Says Place at Kobe Is a Very De sirable On, But He Has No Official News of It WAR HAS DEVELOPED A DISREGARD FOR LIFE Observations Lead Him to Be lieve No Mediation Possible Between Ruseia and Japan. (Special Dl.patrh te The Joarael.) Eugene. Or.. Deo. 14. Henry B. Millar. United State consul st Nluchwang. re turned home this morning. He was In disposed today, but granted the reporter of The Journal a short Interview in hich he said that be had returned to the United Btates on slok leave and will remain for an Indefinite time. On hie return voyage he spent a month in Japan for his health, a few days In Hawaii and a short time in California. When asked concerning the new posi tion offered him st Kobe, he could ssy but little about It. but thst It was very desirable position and h possibly would accept it. Newspaper report ar all thst he hss seen of hi posslbl ap pointment. The consul wss reticent about speak Selz Royal Blue Shoes arc money's worth Every time you buy a pair of Selz Royal Blue Shoes you get your money's worth; they're better than they cost, $3.50 and $4. The important thing about Selz shoes is that the name is like the Sterling mark on silver, it always means "good shoe." ' You may be sure of it ; we are. Get Selz Royal Blue $3.50 and $4. LION CLOTHING CO. Outfitters to Mm and Boys 166-168 THIRD STREET Mohawk Building Important ing of his work done aa consul, saying that it was all In his Use or duty as aa official. Discussing th war Miller went Into a short detail of th method ef th two armies. He says th utter dis regard for th loss of life is astonlsblng and that no picture can portray the ghastly aspects. The plan of giving battle at night time Is becoming populsr with the two armies, snd during th day time artillery dual always occur. Miller is ef the opinion thst no mediation is possible between the two countries until a settlement can ba arranged between themselves. (Jesrsal Special Barvtss.) Berlin, Deo. $4. Former frown Prin cess Louise' has left Lelpsto en route to Florence. There i a report from Rom that She haa engaged rooms for her children whom shs says sh intends to hV brought to Florence st all costs. TWO TA1 Arthur Leader was fined $is by Jus tic Raid yesterday afternoon for hitting hi father, J. H Leader. Th court se verely rebuked the boy for his lsck of filial affection and respect. Ths moth er and her daughter occupied seat In court, but showed no emotion during th proceedings. O ATM B.000 (Jaereal Special Berries.) Vancouver. B. C Dec. $4. A great cava ha been discovered near Revel- stoke. B. C, by Charles Deutchman. a tourist a-ulde. The cave is two mllss long. 2,000 feet deep and th Interior Is of great beauty. Have the - SELZ ROYAL BLUB SHOES