IAL, PORTLAND, SATURDAY EVENING. DECEMBER 24, 1904. TAXPAYER MYBE N IAKWC MONEY "antr TO A MAN WHO HAS A LITTLE MONEY TO INVEST THE REAL ESTATE AND BUSINESS CHANCE COLUMNS ARE AS INTERESTING AS ARE THE STORE ADVERTISEMENTS TO THE HOUSE WIFE. IF YOU HAVE A BUSINESS OR A PIECE OF PROPERTY CO SELL ADVERTISE It In THE .JOURNAL, TWENTY-ONE WORDS FOR FIFTEEN CENTS si MSSt. DBB. PATTERSON AND BBLLS Oseespetbs grsduato RtrbeetHe. Me. PUetoe sldg as ark t. Pas trsS Pit Tht Nsw Sohoots Ai NATUROPATHY. But Differ on DR F. W. BLOHM. Wstaispefkl IS IM 1 18 TUBSBS bktg.. Sec.sd ad Taylor, rsaea gSg. ProvlfJon for Thorn. B0BB OF TBB ROAD OVSBALB aad QUESTION OF BONDING OR RAISING THE TAX w' clothing, ssloo made. Poet lend. OS. FOB TO Eaot Bid Improvomont Associa tion Passes Strong Resolu tions Favoring High School. TKpun are divided as to method to pursue in rmlalng money to nuua u tul aohool building on Ui MM aid. Many are of too opinion that tbo neeeaenry 1100.000 abould bo ralaad br a addiUonai 1-mUl tax. Othara favor lseulng bond to oorar thle ooot, and tor vu still rir the now achoul hone In HollaOay Park addition and tha Im provements of other buUdinsa recom menSSd br the achool board. At tba masting of tha tazparara. to ba hold Tuesday night In tha aaaombly hail of tba high achool building, there promiaea to bo a lively dlaouaalon over tba nsattor, It a thought, however, that tba proponltlon to bond tha dlatrlot will be defeated and that tba funda will ba ralaad by taxation. At a meeting at tba Sbvat Side Im provement aaaoelatloa laat night reeotu Uaaa favoring tba erection of tba pro poeed high achool building wore peeeed. Speeob.ee were made by W. L. Bolae, H H. Newell. Thomas Hlalop and Joaapb Buchtel Priifaaanr Harron of tba high achool atated that additional room waa necee eay aaS that It waa mora economical to maintain one eebool than two. Prof. R H. Steele urged that provialon be made In the propoaad high achool far a manual training department. Tha rail lutlqna follow: "Reeolved. That Inafemuch aa an other high achool building la abaolutely Maeaaary to relieve tba preaaura upon tba facilltle at? tha prevent one. it la tha aenae of thla aaeoclatloa that ouch high achool building ohould ba erected on the aaat aide, aa over one half of tbo high achool puplla ooaae from that pari of tha city; and ha It further Reeolved. That tha aaaoctatloa con elder that the block bounded by Baa. Thirteenth. Alder. Fourteenth aad Stark treat a. is tha proper location far tha now high achool. aa It la central to all part of tba aaat aide, and within rea sonable reach of all ear line, baaidaa now being tba property of tha achool district , aad b it farther Reeolved. That it la the aenae of the aaaoclatlon that the coat of such high achool building abould be mat by M autag bond." WRECK KILLS TWELVE AND INJURES FORTY (Journal Special Berries.) tVa al TtaTattaM waaSMWtaaShasjSw SaSaml m killed aad 4 injured in a train wrack at Line laat nignt i ne una cxpree rraahed Into tha exprea from Boulosne both t ralna be1n daasalfcihaS, Tha dead 1 ahJI m eitn nf ti SVeinr-h ThTaerldah't ia one of ,h, worst that baa uotsurrad In many years am a rail way in rraaea. Tha ooaebas on hath trains were filled with paasasujers. many of them homeward bound for tba boll .i. t..iivitia of the AO tmiurarl ear- rl are not expected to lira aad othara will ba maimed for Ufa. Tha XeOls SSfslsSi wsa runnlrui at a rapid rata of spssd expootlns: a clear track aad whret the Bouloane expreae waa BaBhtad an In taut elapsed before tha eraah cama. Tba uninjured passin sers haatuy heajsn tha raaeue of tha victims and In a abort space of time the dead and injured ware removed from tha wiaTe and temporary re lief was be ins riven tha wounded pand 1ns tba arrival af aura-eons and nurses who wars hurrytae; ta tha eeeaea. On their arrival tba dead wars removed to undertevklnaT parlors and tha Injured ta the hospitals. BURGLAR KILLED BY JOCKEY UNIDENTIFIED 'Special Dteaaeak to The SearaaL) Seattle. Wash.. Doe. 14 -Although 41 hours bars pssssd sines tbs unknown bur star waa shot to death ia tha Maple Leaf saloon st Van Assail by Bddfa Smith, tbs colored Jockey, ao one has aapssrsd at tbs mors" to Identify him. He Is not a good subjsot for Identifi cation by any ana who Is unable ta astsbllsh a character record and there fore few of tha rastrictsd dlatrlot celebrities bars called to take a look at him. Tha body will be held until tha ln queet Monday and If not than Identified win ba buried In tha Potter field. a Spend Xmss st Sssslds. Spsolsl round trip sxcnrslon tlcksts will be placed on aals by ths Astoria st Columbia River railroad to enable the people of Portland to spend Xmss and New Tsar's st ths beach. For addi tional Information call on Mr. a A. tswsrt. til Aider strest or telephone Main no AS tn OtTTDM from the Ixrularvllle Courier-Journal ' A party of huataru who returned re cently from a aojourn ta the wilds of North Carolina tall many stories of their nstivs gulds. Ths party wIsMrs to cross tbe Isks upon the banks of which they wars camped, made the nsssssary prepare tlaaa. Tbsn they naked tha sulde If he eould row. -He ?" he queried ta answsr. "lloV go. I rack'n not. Reck n X never triad TTnder these clrcumjitancea the party made arrangements to do tha rowing themeelve. and were coneeguently as tonished when th sulde. topping Into the boat, seated himself st the oars and prepared to be tbe motive power. "Why." exclaimed one of the party. "I thought you said you couldn't row." Tha guide was plainly pussled. and could bs heard to repeat to himself sev eral times "Ho'! ror "I reck n d yon all meant re like a lion, t cmta't do thst. Bat pan an o', why, T'vs dons thst all ssy Ufa. 1 shorely oan pull aa &." STOCKHOLDERS' MEETTN0. TVamxi'!eT meeting ef the etonkaillwi ef ths dold aad (Vaoar Mlaltut raantii yraawasvaf. wiU be held at tt& ofiwa, la Tancoeeer. Wsah . on the Jd day of Jaaaery. IMS. at 10 o'clock a. m far the efeen of electing a beard ef seea traatee la aarve far the ensuing rsr Prellmtasry meeting wU be held et the office ef the real4at tOS4 Stark street. - Frla, .ISM"M."I m swaes)a. rassse y SsssmeMs SaM sag Cesi ANNUAL or STOCK B THE OREGON WATER PO it OOMPANT Notice la K rows ft PANT Notl ejajSkhstamu a win a Fleet aad Aider (be, hi the city of Port- wear. hshaiia at k- ear of Ji day af ft hour ef JO .'clock of Teeaday. the 10Tb eaio meeting win it W the rgBlruisto of W. T. MUIR. Pntr Power m Baitway OiaiiaV ANNUAL af the Blear Tiew Ossxslsi j AaeoeUtloD The annual BessfhUJ of tba ere or iae urer view e met err Moo will ba halt at the bank at Ladd ft Til ton ao Monday, tba tb (Uj of January. 180B, at t:M p. m. A central ettendence la d AH ewaac ef family let la the era members of tba sssoelatlsn and euUt.4 to participate WILLIAM a MACK. ENZIE. Clark wiuiia M. LAU1I. NOTICE or SALS 1 will aH at public aa tloe at McOermlc . atabla. math at., aaer OBeaa. Portland. Or., on the Slat day of December 1WH. at 1 o'clock p. m . ea. tboroaraarad ataiUoa. called mid." color dark key. are tare year nest, te merer Mil for care aad keeping ef aald property and tor ay oast IK dJ.tntrwemeots of f aald reraano. or Dee. 21. CHRIS SIMPSON. TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN I hereby fin Seal that I abaolutely refuse to pay aar dehi that may be contracted b, my wtfl. air, n m. aioet. r. u sloat. I, ISO. ONE DOLLAR A YEA II PROTECTS TOU W lava nv.re accident and aickneee pollrloa than any other almllar company In the world, heoauae we laaue the aaMR poptfler and cheap net laaa ranee written; new plau, $1 a year par for SBSO policy . no i.tner iiiat ia Ut. free medical attend orlxiaal and pesslar fee- to either aex with at reaard to nationality, eolor or occupation. A promptly aad liberally nettled INSURANCE ASSETS SS00.600. SeSsbkl rearaeeetatlTee wanted erery where; good territory ettll open: Sberel contract to eapahi aeaaii ; prerluo experience not necas aarr. INTNRNATIONAL COMPANT. Ml Broedw.y. New York WAN I m Ittr or aaaMemaa to travel for a ea of SMM.OtM capital, aalary ll.OSI r and all eepeneae paid weekly. Addreaa. h itus etrtoe eama. etreet aad sum year -witt bar. O RN to learn barber trade la euth t eecure poalriona cone tent practice: ssert hv at met Ion aad ei a ml nation. waa while team Oauloera mailed fr Syatem Colleee. Baa rrmncteco. Cal DON'T wsat ad la ant Oae pound of Peay hrend -Elect rlr' aeffee free Witt eaah ad Remember. "tX ward far IS cent. HS after of a pound af beat Pony Brand eJawaet XZ '. "21 wards far IS cente " THE COLCMNOB LirORjriA CHRISTMAS WEEK 1 lb soft-shell almonds. ISc. 1 lb sew walnata. Inc. fancy mixed lor. Una. TSa First St. CIUnrLABg aad een.ple dMtribntore wantr eeeaj a bej a : aa canvassing: good pay. C seatenss avsv. ca.. n. t. gt'NDAT m a day ef rest. Tea should look went ad, they are fall ef IntereiU r tl aad Remember too. far U WANTED- Lady or gaaUemaa far business llllllla. salary U to MS JeT weak. Ad dreee with stsmp 0. W. Kellogg, general eeuvary. sSTSATZONB WASTED MAUL cUVERTIBBMgNTS radar thla claaeiflcatloa hjmlil see Urns a lately free. Dally sr WANTED gee peaalkle man to manage aa of See aed dmtrlbutlng depot far large mann fscturlng concern, salary 1BS per month sad aasSstloe. Applicant must have seed ref erence aad MOW; capital at ' Swat. SM Meat Twelfth St.. HOOD, sblebodled BUB. willing to do say kind af work at rsaeoaahle wag: Just the kind ef man yea need Cell or addrea WM PBAKE. SO North Second St. TSOBOVOH bookkeeper aad sslseasa (S4). varied Sssnastlls erperieace. wbeaseal aad retail lines, wishes peerttea: beet rsfsrsecss Address Lai. ear J sexual. psrttti by aa exaerieaeed tire aad good ea esttsutaa. with reliable company, rstwseess sicaangs. x w l . care JoarnaL WANTED A position ea a collector or some otiier oatoide work, by yuuag married maa; Al ettr referencea. Addtlai W T 2. ear J on real. KKKPFCT ABI E yassg man and wife, awed sda cstlon. set ta perfect hearth. ay light work IS per assets aad board. It l, care JesraaL TOUNS light good education, act strong, any M per month, rosea end besnl. F. L 1. care Journal. A YOL'NO man witt his forenoon to klmeelf weald US up Mela would like iBjslijBuat Mr tha fat sauna Cull BBSS. SITUATION wsnted by sn ixperlsncwd skss Is Oyster stand ; a ay sort of work LAS. csre joerasl fATIOSS W. ADVERTISEMENTS Inserted ee time Sunday. iflcstlon tely tree. Dully or GENERAL repair! eg doe to Udles wardrobes. pressing, rleenlng snd binding skirts s spe clsltr. SSI Alder, opsulrs ADTRRTISSMENTg cast If tar ward aad ralaabl re. Dally sr Seeder. AGENTS WANTED to StH ear superior, high gred nrwy stack; new tocx : new ens compute outfit . cash weeklr. writ todsr for furnished free; choice territory. Capital City Nnreerr Co.. Batoa. Or. AGENTS Big peodte la handling the Shady Hat Fsetenees , ' dee away u pins: wad stsmp far prtleetor. Diets compear Walla Walls. Wash. THREE I. die. wasted to solicit order Apply t once sno inreeiiauis 1 .treet Tske Union srsnue ear A COUPLB M satire o ceres tie aes or women BOOMS. NSW aafarelehed rooma. $3 to 84 per month. reedy by Jaansry 1 CaB 1ST Mill et. on the eoraiaa rear ul tar Oaatranaactlnn ef eaah other hails aa mar ba leamlb aaaeaameata or dm-e proportion, ueats eenenr. weaker ladamnltr . aoeclflr ladeaMUtr for Ion of Saab or ereabf aea: aaaay other THS ertafhal J oka A Molar baa opened new ef MM wltt ee ef Uoodry. bath. Fheae Oar SKA THE LINDA VISTA Nlaaly faratabed keeplnc aad elngl reoBM; (aa. bath- and pbons 247 H rifth etreet. aaer oourthouaa. as sixth st HSALY.' CHEAPEST aad beat single rooma and h kseplng aoltaa. $1 38 week, else In Teatb. near Stark. FURNISHED boaaa tar rant, elso housekeeping Inqulra 38 Fifth at., ear Msdtoon ADVEUBTIBIMXNTS eader tbl aaat 16c for word aad prauuum tree. Dally or Senear. FOB RENT Ta ad wife or ta i alao two larg aa are nioty r at ST N. ad. Iaaul from Wi at.. ksJf black Ihisgton at FRONT parlor nicely fumlabed: one me t rooma la the city; ba KT!La."? heated by faraase: eattal (entlemen. alao large aasova en. co. 1TRMSHED unfpralebed aad stash) rooma. alao ainale aleaplas blc. BDew Waablnxton. bet. Front aad rirat at Oak- k-uralahad TO 1 per week aad up. Phase ROOMS ea aatto or alnala Se atorea. bath aad electric llxhta; uanaleat. aonclted at iarquam. KSUj Sixth at OTIS ' New kaihSaaV homelike rooma ft! SO Seat Burnalde aad Union rw fnrnlabtna. per week aad FOR RENT One hwaja front room, with cat and hath. Apply at UT St. Phone Mala SMS. . NICELY fumlabed aam tar rant, etow Betel Berg, core beat. ISth and' SSm the day. ta cantor of uaecai. srs FliSHUIHBD par mmwtm. with JS and M Clay. Mr. H Wator CHEAPEST aad heat aerated I 1 week aa Oilman. Fhet IB Portland. Mwar.rSBr CLIFTON. NEATLT Taylor at BOARP and root sm eav aear Waekiact prreat family far 1 gentle T North EAghteanth. FIRST CLASS and board. SOS Cm a comfort. Phone Clay; ree- ROOMS Is all carte of tbe dtr IsTJrewXxSsW ACMTSX)iiATION BUREAU. direction ef tbs sad Oku FAr yoR REJrr mo Sew 8 room house with bath. Forty fourth aad Beat Yamhill at., on block from Mount Tabor car. Key at Dlckeon'a Oroeery, Farty- T Wo sen side is a send location. i on. Inquire of Ha tman Thompaou ft Powers, g BhMSMS FOR RENT trws house, suitable far twe famines; bar, chicken yard, fruit, flowers hug garden; SSI amat Salmon St.; SSO. Fheae Scott 15S4. Apply iwl Tsylor St.. oor Park. ' pUeOO i ksnsia turatture aed SSMMS east w ... i' i SS.0O0; li mlnntee' wait from eeewt beau.. WAjrraw Rwjrt. fZ&JZJSr9 KADDBRLT TUB If 1 1 ft Commission Pot Bin II snd furniture moved by r I perls need see. US Berth Third st. Phone Mai MBS. EIGHT -room houee food condition. hhuki from Jefferson at, ear 11 ne, gig. Fewer Furniture Co.. 1st aad TayMr. JUST completed T room modern harass, hath, gss etc.. Union aad Knott; SM Powers Furniture Co.. let snd Taylor. ARE roe looking foe boa to eeatl If a, maybe you ceo be suited 1 the following eda. Read them ever. FITS-BOOM cottage, baessseat, MM far olsbed S4T East Nineteenth lit month. Holladay Park car. SIX -room modern, new. Park aad Lincoln at: SM. Powers Furaitur Co.. 1st aad Taylor. MODERN 4-room see aear fair gruuad: SM. Powers Furniture Co., 1st aad Taylor. FtHNISBKD S-reom cottage, bath. yard, baa aeat. 4M Bait Teeth at. - OOOD heusae M to (Id per Lend Co.. Calvetelty Fart. nth. Urn FOR RBNT S recm house with bath. Union are . North. 1 SKILLBD AND UNSKILLED LABOR of Xltolriyrin. areskatly sssgttoA Free ef Mere te imalsiwi. HANSEN S BMPLOTMBNT OPTICB 34 North Secoed street, near ami eel 8 a. MOUNT HOOD BMPLOTMBNT AORNCT. fUT oun rrs to roe ikli aili mbi.p at ft Coliles. IT0 BatnlS. Hood llfT. FTO NSKB BMPLOTMBNT 00. labor s; kelp free 8 .mployers. 318 k anSb.bTS. sTncS! FOR 138 no just what ran sr tooting far. n re- room fist in good condition: bethreom. kot eed cold water; rooms well lighted: nesr fair grounds Call at 1M North Fourteenth St irring. FOR RENT 2 4 room, modern Sat. 48T snd 4SS Meeoe st 4 blocks from Union srs . flO aad ild SSIH MaiTxim St., room 9 FOB RBNT A large sampto room or kail, tog flee. Apply etovetev eraa. ftoasaaugk iheSg. BOOBS FOB BENT FTTBBITUBJt FOB SALS FTJBNITVBS ef a Mb; bonss for S3 Sixth St. niisnaaauajBuaar. FOB REST E ARMS. BANCS mlteble for aad small deary. Sear Meets. tils, hi Tenth aaer Stork. MeCwy. BS IN what way could yon diaooe of your oron- erty. real aaute. or la fact anything elaa ae eaally ae with The Journel "want a da. '? xi wersa tor is eeate. FOR SALE OS TRADE One half Interact la aawmlll. 10.000 capacity. wagona tea ma. campa. three mile flume, good harbor; M mnee rrom Vaaceueer. B. C.; controlling ehout 100.000,000 feet timber, half cedar. Ad- area w T a. car Journal HOI SE8 AND LOTS for aale on Inetallmenta ; large and email acre tract near car line; soed farm near Portland. SS6 per acre J L. TARN ELL office opposite I. 0. O. F. on Union 4811. Monterllla. Or. RED (roadbooeel hotel at BaJtea to lc.ee far a term of year; a too broom cottage to eell ea Inetallmanta or rent C. H Plggotl, Uwyer. owner. 4 Mnlkey bids., city. FOR SALE Oumhert' cigar aad confectionery ature; the beet paying cigar aad confection ery baataaea la The DaDaa. Aaerea Ouartawlh Tea u n Houee. The Dallea. Or. HALF Intereat la aa eetabltabed paying hoal in aoconnt or otner engngemi partner retire. FI LLER. Room aa 11. Si 1H let WANTED Partner with BSOO for an eateb llabei wood and frame huelneea Addrea C. H PIOOOTX lawyer. Portland, Oregon NAP Per eale. grocery (tor. Call and ea Phone Union 4S12. Will call at te Oood rraeona for eetltng. POS SALOt Sawmill everything complete; good huelneea. will Mil (11 or half Internet. Ad drea A X 11. care Journal. GROCERY riret-claea. central, leaae. low rant, doing a gawd huelneea. about ;i.noo. X 0 4. car Journal FOB RALE Fine dairy: will par IS rente for milk at ranch F zox. care Journal FOB SALS With lean, good reatauraat. Flret at. Good location. FOR BATT-StAT ESTATE. ADVERTISEMENTS oast 16c for 21 thla elaeetn-etlo and a valaabl i free. Dally WI HAVE BARGAINS, WHT pay rent on email farm of 16 to acree aear the city when yon can bay the asm from a with Simla! eaah per meat aad ka tenet lea tha reatt ST. 000 will bay 1ST acre farm near by; the wend thereon la worth 3 UWU- see a quick Deetaaoa. Wars S Co., -4IIS Chamber of Commafue. A SNAP 8 acre chicken raack. S mlnutee' walk from car tine, 6 room bonne. S chicken hone. -acre fenced for chlrkene, good. lrg '-litern. plenty fruit: price 11.000. In quire of W. A. Sleaa, owner, aav commla eir.n Botcher ebop opfioalt I. O. 0. F. hall. Moatari:u. THREE choice SeeTlew. Ing Bearh Waih Iota, lying alonauld railroad track, three blocka from Searlew atatlon. at SSM for tbe three, or will Bell aeparately , delightful eetm. n em. in journal. NNW modern T-room honae. corner lot 4 hlocka Sunnyeide car. S blocka Mt. Scott line, cloe la; oae fifth down, balance to en it purchaser Owner J. A. Gray Phone Union flSOl. FOB SALE Choice dairy tock farm, bay potato aaa bop rerun: tracte close la; trrham iota and J. B. CbaUtrr. Oreeham, Or MOHTLT LOT Sw sal by owner, ea Tea reaver eve., bet. Hancock end T1 11a monk I. Sire ef Norgard ft Petterenn. toiler, oar. ird and Tamblli Ms. JOURNAL want ade are tacreaalas la nu dally hecanee of rsenlta: bare you something to ll. rent sr sichange? 21 words for 18c. rr R BALE- I on for j room houee. with new woodshed, cellar, everything handy: high ear ser lot SOxlOO. Ml Preecott st A BARGAIN Lota S and 4. Arlets Park, near Highland ecbeol. S140; seey tor am. Owner. BS1 Williams are. LOTS WANTED in saehsnee for Room IS, Wlntera block.. Grand aes aad But Deris St. FOR SALS New. modern S-room cottage, cheap for cask. Dr. 1. F. Drake. 818 Dkm. FOR SALS Dee treble cottage at Forty-third aed Eat Taylor. Price Ssfo Easy terms FOB SttS MTgCETJ.SRaWTJS, 4 DROP-HEAD sewing machines la light aad dark oak. s tightly scuffed The abor ma chines have bee la the office some time and win be aald vary cheap. If you are con templating buying don't mass freeing them At 403 Washington st.. the Singer Manu facturing Co. Phone Ms la eSSN. 9 OS Lsdr Ai Sent snd Japanese pi ne pheaaaata. Imported An- govt cata, parrot, singing aad fancy birds Portlsnd Bird Co.. SM Third and :ST sixth st.. North. FOB SAL I large and an small set ef Srst Clsss gold snd bullion scslss. also one est ef analytical and bullion balance, all tar toe than half price. 304 tt Waahlngton St. J. H. Flak. L'MtEB WOOD TYPEWRITER, writing. TSkeJator. Ball besrlng Light I greet St. Phone Bed BILLIARD AND POOL tsMss roe soSBDMVistUUB COLLI 4B Third M. Portlsnd. BNDBB 00.. FOR HALE Nsw plsno; will gte t month.' toeeone free to purchaser on plsno or vole. Wetter Academy of Music. Secoad and Mor rlon. NEW snd semad-hsnd ptsnoe at bsrgslne. no and ap; organ MS; free leeeeea, easy pay ments, 341 V, 1st and Mela, room IX 4,000 CHOICB Italian prune trees from I te 8 feet long t B cents each. F. B. Crahtree FKBBH Jersey oow far ssls - Call at corner ef Commercial aed Bandena streets. Upper Alhlna FOX terrier pap, from nrl winners, Okrl st ems pr saint. SM Meade st Main 48S0 FBINTSD entelopee car da, ststements. tl per BOO. Eureks Co. Box Si 8, Portland. FOB BALB Canary birds. SOT Pennoyer at. FINS i FOB SALE LrVTtSTOCK. THBBB Sr.ita papplee for ato. Iambi st or phone Main 41SS. Cull Oo- W ANTED -More spraying and whlt.ws.hlng the only gaaeMna compressed sir surer) ag outat oa ths cosst. M tl. Morgaa ft Co.. STO Mllwankl st. Phone Bast SStT. WANTED ABOUT 1000 pound boree for Its keeping: will gusriats beat of cere. Phoo ept Blcg ax. ' an. ' TBS beat way offered to find tbe finder of any article le through The J eves! r la sotted column, bear this la mind, 21 for lor LOST FtTs-montb old Fox terrier pappy, an swer to nam of "Toodtos, ' black spot at root of tell, ten epot oa ltd of heed, reward for rsturo. W. L PANG BORN. SM North rap t. LOST Five-toeatha-oM geotck terrier peppy, an swsrs to asm ef 'Todlee''. black spot st met of tall, tan spot on neck, reward for return. W. L. PANOBOBN. SO Nerthrup et. FOONDu-la W. I. Buckler s carpenter shop, blsck slouch kst Owner can has same by calllag y Sersutt lad jtark atreeta. LOST Card rose, roots Inlna cheek aad re ceipts, payment stopped. Return te 330 FOB BALE Pratt reach. Santa Clara California ; 13 ecree prune, s rears eld. re quire ParlBe Land Inrsetment Co.. 1ST Flret et., room T. IBS-ACRE fsrm for sal, w mh from Saver' Henry Jones. Saver, Peak county. Or. FOR SALF HORSES AND 0ABSIAS HORSE, buggy aad harneee for sals. 10 mtnntss' walk aaat na Villa srs from Hlbbard at., second house ssst of cemetery. A A. Hale. Moata villa. SO ACBBB nf eordwood timber lend. 4 miles from railroad only 333B. 0 211 Journal. TO CARPENTERING and mlsceUsneoos repairing done cheaply or will eschsngs for anything ef value Wbst here you? Phoas Oarpester. Scott 2SBR POR SALE, or eichange for launch or beach property. 480 acres sultsble for Irrlgstlon. nesr Bend Or. Phone Hood 3ST. FXSBONAL. A DTKRTTSEM F. NTH eader thla classification cost 15c fur 21 words and eslnable premium sres, 1'sjiy or eunasy. THE MATRIMONIAL REGISTER, price I Or contain description of ever 10O local Isdtes ad gentlemen seeking merrlage nssrly 3.000 correspondent In Oregon end Wsabtngtoii; If yea mesn bnalneea. write ne. Interstate Introducing Society. Box tOTS Portland IT IK net true thst Lenta ft Tonus have bought ths Beaton studio. 1S8U Morrison etreet. I bee not sold tbe piece to these men or any one else J. W. Wfli MARRY: Oregon Waahlngtoa. Callforala la die, some wealthy; Improved methods, quick results ; addresses free. Star bin 83. Okk Isnd. Cel. MANLY vigor restored by Dr. Roller UT Wars Globule Oae month's treermeat. S3; t month. JO net er en rely sssled by mall wnoaara. ciarae a on., i-onienu- or. "THE BOOK Or NATURE- "Bos of Ut. "Ms be! Orer." Weary of a Star ' "Nam;' aatolsafbe tree. A Bthsmm, BBS First at. YOUR preecrtptiou srs mors accurately aad reseonsbly ailed et Evsssll's Pbarm-y MT Morriao t . between Flret and Second st "THREE YEARS IN ARK ANSA W" beet all hooka yon ever saw, 25c J ones ' Boob Star, 3S1 Alder et. RACING -H won 840 la S weeks. Addrea H. flalpln. Oakland. Cel. ASPHALT PAVTJfO. THE Trtalded Asnbalt P.rlng Co. ef Office 8BS Worcester blk. BABOTNO AND XJBXTatStaTS. OREGON ROUND LUMBBB CO.. st. Phone Grant Ufa. CAFES. ERICKSON RESTAURANT 11 a. m. to 13 p. ra.; under are mt sagsmial. O. B. EVANS, prop. Second and Bnrnslds THE OFFICE MS Waablnrtoe st Main TTI. Pickett A Tlgaeeus. s CHARCOAL ASK ronr drsler for ths old rellsble rhsrcosl handled by all dealer.: made by the eld ret) bl and mast experienced burner la the tate. H. f Baker AND ESBERO ODNST CI OAR CO DMMMitaii ef , FINS CIGARS Perils ed. C0VTRACT0RA. HAWKINS ft CO - Residence. SOS Fourth phone Front 1SSS; ceBMUt work ef sll scrtptleasi step work spedsltr: vers CRAB. H CABTBB ft CO . (formerly Carter ft Kilt; cement contractors HI Tsggart. BSSt ISTS. AD work maranteed. OAR PESTERS AND BUILDERS. A. J. AUTHORS and H. B WOOD, osrpeetors aa bonder, reps in eg sea jooning, store snd offVcs gxtar hollt. Shag BM ColomhU Phone Clay IBM. DKB ft STUFF, building snd rvmodeHag; store flxteree pecU1ty. 283 First st. Phone OOBJtlSglON aXjTNCMABTU. EVERD1NO ft PARRELL. pr it Sees sad aaab slon merchants. 10 Front st.. Portland. Or. Phone Mela 1TB. DA YEN PORT RROS.. IM Fruwt et rrult. pro dare: consignment solicited: prompt returns COAL AND WOOD. GREAT WKSTKRN COAL SO.. 441 Hoyt. sag. Eleeenth Producara aad miners of shed Iniap aad net aootlesa house enele; lamp Sfl. nut M. dellrered within I mil of yscaa; satisfaction gnsrseteed. Phone Main sag. WESTERN FEED ft FCEL CO.. or. Front ami Hoyt street, dealers In domestic and st coal, blsek. milk coal, ckarcoal and c coke Coons Main huh. ALIUS A FUEL CO -De tors le eordwood coal ad green and dry sis b wood R. R. sad Al blue see., 3 block ssst of tarry. STEEL BRIDOB WOOD YARD Wood and Offlc. 31 Holtodar evean. Pkoes S C B YELIN. Srat-etos wood eed reel; el M Aihln. srs.. near ferry. Dry lanwos. COLUMBIA Wed ft Coal Yard Eaa and Hswthorne Phone East tMT. Eighth OREGON FUEL CO.; U kinds of cool ad weed. Fheae Mala SB. HOOVER ft CONWAY SIS Wstar et, LOOKOUT FOR FIRES first r)s wort. D. 0. Wood Scott SSS4. Lear orders at A eery ft Co.. S3 Third. Phone Mala ItTK CLAIR V0T AST AND PALMIST. MADAMS JOHNSTON Clalrroya at. saamh. sard reader: I r1re tarts rellskto snd lm portent on til sffslrs sf reel Ufa. Biagu 80s. SB Seventh st . nesr Oak. BBNBT BBBOBR ISO First it : wUnpr. Iagrln. t.pestrlss. applleu frlian. lator- lor decorating una v. . L i n D r V msklng Ml kteilhiB M DBS A KINO -Strictly a t MM: toteec 40 cuy st 0B0CKKHT AND WHOLESALE wikwi sad gleaswars. Pa it, Biglli Co.. 100 to 10 Fifth, ear. Stark m. DAN0INO. 4RS ORANTS sdolt and rblaSree'l ctotoil. JpMauuAauAs Bhemad. ABD BOBSS a n FINANCIAL AOENT No com asi ts a position to te I. lm proved reel estste sr Mr building urpoaeat ear smsaai; moderate ustsrset W ss eeovs loses freak plena end advaaae msesy nauoiag prsgreaM. upooe is nt sftor aes year. WWMO U. STRONG Flnsndal Agent. THE STAB LOAN Amy ssbtrked -mploya. wage earner aaa get ee SBLSeUa. wttbeut mortgage Month. U-Mentb Wee m nmJntr Y er jM.SS or MM R nC kipaj te a I 4.88 er S3 no or S1.0C SALARY LOANS Too can borrow money fr as aa your sslary or Income f or oes to etl fnss, in snr smount from M to S10 lowest rets at tnt-rwet eje wait, ns As Mr: sll negottntione are strictly private en confidential narnfents sesnrnded la case of sickness. The Creeeeet Loss Co.. SM Ore ALARY LOANS- A ne esisrasd person hiring rteedr oeltl..n -1th reepnodMe BVm eaa "hteln money on the r r-,rn enf plan, with- . Ai-tnrtos biclg. ty WA.VTE" Money te Maa. We em net pes phenomenal Intereat. eecurity abeolntely rHt- wemmu SQCARE-DBAL BROKFRAC.r COMPANY. Phone Mela 4080. IT. i r"7 nsrment plan to salaried nee- Pis: t rstee: strictly cnnnornTiai. Ea.ploce, Lee Co., Tl The Dekam Phone 324 Third sd Wsshlnrton ""I'T. T" LOAN ea reel, pereonsl and eat teel eereettT: sneciel attention to ehattoi Z; yy- en ooagai. m, w. e-aw - Fes ton hldg . 84 Btxth St HIGHLT resnectshl. place erb. S3 fnt aaa borrow aemey on dls JVwswy. Collateral I-sa Sank, nltoa et Telephone Blsck TL BE The Donn Lawrence Co., reel estate aad amanelal auto: ssooey to Mas ea mortgage oorltl ,t low rstes I sseee teem MM Ts StO.OM leSM Fwst st MONET ADYANCSD salaried people resmsters Jr.-.mT SC-'T.m-l OinPr Md ea pis no fnrattere sod other cna .... zz"izrr&..nsrizi I Vet BBS - city. CHATTBL Iran. In smonnts rsnginc free SM ro ao.imn; rooming bouse s enectsity. n Ers Lesa ft Trast C.. MS AMsarkoa bleg. DO TOU NEED MO.XBTT Wa havs tor lm mediate loans from M P on aay isearity. mmsmsu . arsnng. so xurqnam. nnnrwe-iMii Ot frSiai.BU se l.nu.i.i on nrei - clsss res) eststs security IIS Chamber of rmniu W. A C T . MONET to Vara to salaried people or otberv ewuensrsi sscnruy : smsn men, seerx noes noiee noaght. SSS M MOjnrr TO tOAN an Msml er sslhasiiiil kioe TSJS Ihtor i"- MONET TO LOAN to Isrr er I rAeckkOT" Fs'lll'sa Wi-T "' LOANS at rawest rates ee feral hue. piseos: ear secorlte notes pnrchased. Eastern Loan office. 448 Sherlock hldg. MONET TO LOAN ea Clark. sass eoenty Made. B. P. aad F. B. Bflay. 808 Chamber ef Com I PORTLAND STEAM CLUAN1N0 AND DYEING worse; practical Barter le pert-' : OREGON Dying ft Steam Cleaning Works B. Tetter, prop., IM Bnrnalde Phone Clay Baam B. W. TURNER. aaa ji ELECTRICAL WORKS. NORTHWEST ELECTRICAL ENOl NEE RING Compear. BOS Stark st.. PorUsad: O. E for eserythiae la tbe eleven re I Bee. Mate ISM FTSHITUM FACTO OHFOON Furniture Menafaeturtng Compeny Maaafscturera af faraltura far tbe trsde. Portlsnd. Or. FURNITURE ataaefaetortnf sed seecfal irStia le Baewaeky's fai allele fsctory. T0 Frost st. FOREST RESERVE FOBSBT BBSBBYB SCRIP FOB SALS Ap Chamber of Com WADBAMS S 00.. wholesale grocer, mans farturere sad commission merchsnu. Fourtk aad Oat sto ALLEN ft LEWIS commission an orodec er chsnts Front sad Dart at., fort lead. Or. BVBAB BATS ROLLS. J J BO Fto. manfr. baaua hair rolls M S Sth. Fheae Bast Mil Store, ggg Mirriiie at SWITOBAu FOB SALE, SWITCHES made, corahlnga bought or msds to order. 84 B. Twelfth at Phone Esst 1710 HOTEL Portland. American plea: M M per day. BELYBDBBB; Barupiia plea- sth sed Alder its IMURAN CK. Mbm L WBITB. Bra tasaraaea. Dskum J as Mel. WOOD, mptoy' 11 shinty aad U dlridaal eacMsat earety heeds si sU klada Fbeee 4T. Sua McKay hldg. B. F. BABTBLB COMPANY. Sre Ineeranc 4i Shell. -ok hldg. Oregon Phone Clay ex. FIBB INgCRANChW. P Keaasdy ft Co . bide, phoee Msia laau. ARTHUR WILSON. Sr hldg Phone Mltn 1008. PALLING HAIR. Dsndruff or Baldness Cabinet baths and scslp tretitmeat glrin. pimples sed hlsrkheede permsnenllr ruretl Csll room 41, Batolgk hldg.. fU4 WasMngloo St. Nape, aa testimonials. Mrs. Anna Lackey. FSBNCH Mdtoa give bathe aad stoat. SOB Firth t. MUsicAL. gELr-PLATINa PIANOS Cecil!. n self plsy ie pmaos protnamcs is beet By ktodleg mastciaa; aam Cecltlan plsno pbtyer. B. v. TXmVS! Well Maate Houss, M0 I.ESJSONS as, pleae. guitar, baato. miisUHa, ihub: laetrasasai lor ssie. 31 H rirst st . PRBJ H. STRONO. ... i n Msen "Sm.-iftar'hme ttmltt: I-ONNEBBBM ft UADEMACHBR. W-hh?a--rjm BDSHONG ft OO. Fleet sea avark .Tax, wg. iiioaarspning. oiaea eappltee; work done ea Ml Hinting otBee la the ANDERSON 4 DDNIWAY OOMPaS. prlettsav. jhtAeaTaohiag. Maak books. Fheaa Mat if. FAINTS, OILS AND F. B BEACH ft CO Palat Co., Jk beet thing, mad. to paint snd Be best t mlldlne m raswrisii ri.rPb"oVhta,:TK a spedslty "Tf "1L-00 Vm w,rat She, -- -' r FLATTBS). THB OBBOOH PI -AT. Nil WORKS. 401 ORKS. 481 Ponshias. Fheaa fSTS. ad lsequsing. CLiPpnroa. Man wonvv rtuw ss' I CI.IPPtNOBI las ap She. 11 and order utVs vrias eiea l town 1 town ia any or aS d1ir axeaeaeajer ate. sice; sSisess em s'l contract Portland offle. BOOFTN. TIN ROOFING guttering, repalrtus aad reeersl J Losll. Big Jerfseso st BOFB PORTLAND CORDAGE CO Career Fa aaa wortaree srs . Port Is nd. Ofr. svs: STAMPS. JK BTAMFWOBKS. 34 Alder abMB Msln TT0: robber stamps seals, stencils. Bag gaae. trade ekscks; send far oetotogsm. BTOBAOS ABB TRANSFER. ore, pianos sun rnrn.inre mere, nsceee ready fur Mlpptog and shipped; all week gn.rsnfeed: tors, tstory brick. Srsevsel wwihumi for stars g. Ottto its irnTss, : sX. OLBBIf. nM Haht S4T. a O. PICK, office SB Pint st between Snd (MB r.: :bone8nl plsnoe and fUrsd- and Clay sto. SHOWCASES AND SHOWCASES of every saueriprlos; beak, her end store Slims made to order Ths Letaw Msnufsctnrtng Co.. Portlsod aad geattto. LARGEST etock la city: Diehold work: lockoer opened Repairs tall work, steel ceiling, trset f? J?weg aisiltlBg year petrceepe. J. E. Dsrls SB Third St. TSANgFKK AND OREGON TRANSFER INBFBB CO.. 8. Beery hi 18 Berth SPECIAL DELIVERY lie. SSM Water 's M Phorre Ms Is SSS. Torr typbwriteb bsamoabtsbw 3S0 Stork Street. We rant, repair eell. ca iT eveaange rypew ell meehla. I and ap to tlS rrspher er typhi ... - - cThtriT Stsdsrd m.cklne. gss and ap to ttSB. least i asm W hare list of Stock UNDERWOOD YI8IBLB TVTPWRTTSB, at M Fleet at., phoee BM 1881. TOWEL 8UFPLT. CLEAN TOWELS DAILY Comb, nrueh. aeae. 11 per month. Lawrence Broe. ' Towel Btoppiy Co . Fourth and Conch. Phone 43. WALLPAPER. "2 ft Yt Tlor.lPurMaad!" FINANCIAL. OFDOB ft BAM FBAHCXBOO OhaskBa sf Ceamm Building. Thhtd sad Head office. 8S Oid Bmsd Street. This bank tranaacm a general bsnktng msses loana. aiaoounta niiia ana Istters of credit trallabl for trevetete and MS tbe purrhsM ot saerchandlss la say city f the id. oesis in toreigr snd domestic rtrklaee latereat paid on sll time deooalt W. A. MACRAE. Manager. CBOTJBOTT BATOf OS ftJTBOST OO. J BBS Morrtaoa Tiaala Oeeersi SA VIaB DEPART Intercet Allowed on Time and Seringa Deposit. acis bs arnsaa tor Mute. Drafts and Letter ot Credit Available la AN ran of the World. C. r. ADAMS Presides! L. A. LEWIS ..First TIce-PresAdeal A. L MILLS second vice President B. 0. JUBITB Secretary u oTPoTTLAvI?AKNBA,, ST COB. THIRD AND OAK 8TB. ta a Oenerel Banking Buaiaeea. bORTHWE Ttanss.-U 0 RAFTS ISSUED. A.sllsble la All Cities of the t nlted Euripe. llong Uoeg COLLECTI0BS MADE ON FAV0 Preeldent J v. Al Vice President W Cishler A Mist ant ceahler. IA BSCkUSTI SATlOSAJSAgl, j. frank Watson. . . . R. L DURHAM. Vice Pr .eldest B W HOYT Caahtor GEORGE W. HOYT Transacts 01 Assistant c. skier rw.lt. end Letter nf Credit edit leeeed Aeaukt Aeaitoala to All ran of ta worm. Coltoettoae e Spedslty Gold Dust riMBT BAT10II.iMABIB Desbjaatod Dseosltory and Flaaaelal Agent ef the United State. Preeldent NwTnj C..hl.. e.l.lant cssnter mjrtnA A setela nl : Caseter B. P. BTsTYNg lit Imaed Avellsble la Bare th B stern Ststss ai.nt Ceeheeam eed Tetoaiiahla sold oa Nsw York, m issue. nice pnncipe. p.'. HUH BOO 11BI- WIS " in - ot I , Tofidnn. Psrls. Reell. Fraakforl S toe- - Paris. Itorlla. FruakfUft M SU Mslb, Hons Kong Yokohsms. Cue ekAgss, ffirtotlsnl. Stockholm. . Pilatsk-B. Be cow Enrich. II on.. In hi v- Collection made on fsenreBM v88. Cultoattoee amd st sll polnie ea htveeaMe term" Lettere or rre.ui u c.oiianie ea gupc sed .11 pnin' Ij JOlitL -rA JgmjSLsjnm 11 one law B W SCHMBKB AM WRIGHT