THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SATURDAY BVENIWO, DBCEMB1K H HO LACK OF MONEY IS inmiiiH ee.ptp ssiim a m COUNCIL'S DEFENSE AT LOCAL CLUBS H-i.T.r-.. i. . .-.-i-i-. -i- ji'-fcn 11 - - Menus Which Have Been Es pecially Prepared for the Homeless Members. MAY AID HOUSEKEEPERS WITH CHRISTMAS DINNERS Hotels and Railroads Have Drawn From All Parts Del icacies for ths Palate. Christmas cheer wlU be combined to morrow with the leisure that goea with Sunday dining a pleasant condition that doe not always attend Carlstmaa din ners In a buslneee community. It will he mora generally than ever before a home Christmas In Portland, and many sumptuous household dinners are being prepared. Housekeepers who are at a loss (or Ideas In preparing elaborate dinners may And helpful suggestions In the menus that will be served by Port land hotels and clubs, whose stewards have (or weeks been seeking the bast things the season's markets afford (or the Christmas (easting. Splendid din ners will be served by Portland hotels, the restaurants, the Commercial club, the Arlington club, and others. The Northern Pacific railway dining cars wilt offer sn unusually attractive dinner. Among the notable menus are the fol lowing: Arlington Club. Tss. Point Oysters on Deep Bbeil. YsesUs ley OysMrs ea Plate. Omb of Terra eta. Ceeeeasne RoyaL OslDsd Royal Chinook Balmes, Aacbory Sauce. Columbia River Sasalta a la HargaoeM. Cucumber.. Potato Daebeese. Teal Sweetbreads. Puree at Bplaaca. Flesh Maahrooma a U areas. Beast Tsrhey. chestnut Dresetag. Saeale o southdown Mutton. . . Broiled BsgUsb Salp. on To.t Bosun lettuce, Preach Dressing. Steattah Plum Puddlna. BrandT Base. tl frulttl lea OreeavVllnce and Appla Pla. tea. loauea uracsera. Coffee. Olub. Take Point Oysters. Mock Turtl. s la aaglalae. Oeneomme BSrlaa. Celery. Olives. Striped Baaa. Ooart Bouillon. potatoes iNoeeeae. gssaa PattUa. St. Hubert. -II ,fc . flh.llnta Beast Tarkay. Cbaatnat Dreeelag. Ptasi Padding. Bard aad Brand Saaee Ml fin... Pla. Pralu, Nuts. BalalBS. ranee. Take Point Oysters. Halted Nats. I Prtaeesea. Crjam of Terrapin, lied Wlaalavf Whit, nab. siuet or eoia eai tie of Oblekea lit. Mllaaaiae. Pla Money rtcawa. e( Beef, xorksarra raoaias- lleea Boasted. Preach Btrtsg Beaaa. Taraey oinu . tweet Poutaea. noccetaab, fa ah I I Haurr. mi Milk Paocb. Mallard Duck. Carrast Jelly- ..lad. Hearts ef Lettuce. Tarkay. Virginia Ham Stuffed. Pate de vats urai Pmm Pudding with I Mines PVs7aikk rkaasi reataala. Cs with Bread. fa Parfatti- lres lUoearooos. Bum Wees. rrSR. iraxa ano aaiaiu ammm da Mentha Booosfort. Mocha Wart. Seal rigs ta Oagaae Bloa TarUa. 3rta ofB Ooasorsma Celesha. OUvea. aoUta ftf fclnaftah lied Cucumbers. a-la4 '' - Oreesel Prima laettea or Asp we. Dear il. A m It rv,t a t eked amekUag fig B.I. If la In Batter. aBaa sam fTlBllfl PuBCh Beast Tnrker. OT"ar cranberry Jail nr. 1 n dim rVMIB. Baked Sweet Potatoes. iiMriim Salad Chrlataaaa Plum ui. pi. RaaDberry Ice Cream. - - I r,h Vrult. Baas) aad Baqaefort Cheaae. WataTwafsra Craekera. Coffee. .LA GRANDE JURY FINDS RASOR NOT GUILTY (Hparlal Dispatch to The Joeraal.) 14, Orands, Or.. Dec J The oaaa o( the sUte of Oregon against Albert Basor. charged with ths murder o( Banlamla Boas at Elgin last January, which came before District Judge Robert akin last Thursday and oontlnued un til last night, when It was taken by the Jury, resulted In a verdict of not arullty today. J The case grow out of a difficulty that happened at a sawmill near Elgin last January. Ross was employed by Raaor. the man who killed him. Rasor alleging that he was compelled to shoot Ross In order to save his own Ufa Ross had jabbed him In the (ace with a peavy. Innirtlng wounds that mads his con dition serious (or several weeks. Dis trict Attorney Lomajt appeared (or the prosecution and 8am White of Baker City (or the defense ARRESTED AT PENDLETON ON CHARGE OF FRAUD (Bprrlal Dlapatch to Ths Journal ) Pendleton. Or., Dec. 14. Martin Hunt imila, .m,t I '- r. h. With Ob taining money under false pretenses. He secured. H la alleged, small sums (rom everal prominent business men Dy rep resenting himself to be a son o( O. W. Hunt, the builder of the "Hunt" rail road, known as the Washington Co liimMi Rlv.r railroad. Hunt's aon re sides here and Is one of ths trio o( students dlamiBBcrl rrom ) aie coiiege e, year ago on a riwrm vj nntny. KC Baking Powder It AN ECONOMY The price is one third that of any other high grade bale ' ing powder. 250unottfor25ointt 1 IFHi V L. V itsTle.! II draBaBBBBaBBBBBam IbxtbV JsrlaW' t Gladys Vanderbilt, she ef the $3,000,000 dowry, was introduced to society in New York last week by her mother at a gorgeous dinner dance. The picture shows the Vanderbilt home and Miss Vanderbilt in her coming-oat gown. SHARPER THAN A SERPENT'S TOOTH 80 Eighty-Two-Year-Old Irvin Harris Finds Ingratitude of His Children. IN DIREST PENURY HE GOE8 TO THE POOR HOUSE Gave Property to Sons and Will Spend Remaining Days as Public Charge. 7- Irvin Harris. S3 years old. taxpayer in Multnomah county a I nee 1Kb, solon 01 a proud Kentucky family, cultured and of (Ine sensibilities, has gone to me poor farm to spend his (sw remaining days aa a charge on the county. Ha owned 160 acrea of land at Orient, a small town In this county, which bs deeded to Bis sons, William and Henry Clay Harris, but now that he Is old and Is In sore need he Is denied. Us Is assarted, ths support he naturally expected. He was counseled to permit the county court to bring the necessary action at law to compel his children to care (or him. His reply waa that no preierrea to uie in the streets rather than accept any auclt aid, (or the reason that his sons' wlvee were prejudiced against him and had made It Impossible (or his eons to pro vide (or him. "I have only a (aw days ls(t." said ths venerable Kentucklaa, "and I hope I am vlolatlang no rule of legal proprl ery In asking ths county to care (or me during the little time that rematne." His petition was granted, and Dudlsy Evans. In charge o( the county board o( charities, gave him ear (are to pay hie way to the poor (arm. "T won't be much bother, I guess," eaid he to Mr. Bvane. as he left the latter's o((lce to go to the poor (arm, "and the bother won't be (or very long. But, at any rate. It will he a place of refuge for me. and I will gat something to sat and a place to sleep, though t will have to walk to the poor (arm, as I have not a esnt of monsy In my possession." It was then Mr. Evans produced the I -cent place and sent him out to board a oa. JED HART BAD ALL THE WAY THROUGH Jsd Hart, proprietor of the notorious Oreen Front saloon, was bound over tq the grand jury this morning on the charge of assaulting John Murphy with s stove lid. Murphy's nose and jaw were broken, he alleges, while he was resisting an attempt to rob him. Pa trolman Orl(f Roberts arrived on the scene In time to prevent fur'thar Injury A (lne of 140 was Imposed on Hart by Judge Hogue (or flghtlng. Hart has been In, trouble on various rhsrgee pre viously, and the court stated thst he would not show him the slightest lenl enry, ae he was convinced, that he was bad Bit the way through." Times and prospects good In Klamath county were never so GAMBLERS GAIN THE DECISION But Sheriff Word Takes Appeal and Will Hold on to the Property. PETER GRANT AND MIKE SOLOMON WIN A CASE Justice Reld Says Can Find No Reason Why Officer Should Remove Paraphernalia. In Justice Raid's court this morning a decision was rendered In (aver of the plaintiffs -In the ease of Peter Grant ae-atnet Sheriff Word to recover pos session of the property at 11 H Alder street and the suit of "Mike" Solomon against the eherlff to recover possession of ths saloon at ltO Fifth street. Ap peal bonds wsrs filed In both cases by Attorney Thad Vreeland for Sheriff Word. Under Sheriff Morden was ths only wltnsse for the defense. He said he was acting under Instructions of ths sheriff when hs raided and closed the place. He had reason to believe that a poolroom was operated there. It wee held by the court that he must state the source of his Information and what reasons he hed for believing a gam bling game wee eonduoted at the place. Morden'e belief, eaid hs, was based en instructions from Sheriff Word aad newspaper reports. "Mike" Solomon swore there was no pooT-selllng In the place, so far aa ha knew. He would not permit gambling of any kind on his premises, he stated. Ths names of horsee were posted on the blackboard In the room to the rear of the saloon at the request of ths Na tional Preed association, whose repre sentative asked permission to post the nsmes simply as an accommodation to the public. He granted the request he said for ths purpose of ae'eommodating his patrons and helping his saloon bual neaa Ih rendering hla decision Judge Reld atsted that ha failed to see what right the eherlff had for taking possession of ths property or (or seising the gambling paraphernalia Warrants should havs been Issued, the proprietors arrested and the cases brought to trial. Yesterday the case of Law Jim, a Chinese, accused o( conducting a gam bling house, was dismissed (rom Jus tice Raid's court on the ground that there was net sufficient evidence to con vict. MAT Within a few days Detective Day will go to San Quentln penitentiary. Califor nia, after S. M. Mason, who Is accused of passing a forged check for about If0t on Ben Selling, the clothier, two years ego. After leaving Portland, Msson wsnt to Los Aagelee, Cel., where he was convict ed of passing a forged check, and wae santenoed to two years In San Quentln HU sentence will soon expire. CUPID VERY BUSY PAST YEAR County Clerk's Office Records Show a Big Increase in Mar riage Licenses Issued. OCTOBER WA8 BANNER MONTH FOR MATRIMONY January the Lowest, March Next, and to Date December Weddings Are Few. Marriage licensee to date. 1804 1 4.16 Marriage ltoenses Issued same pe riod 1903 1119 Increase during 1904 117 December to data 164 , f (ft December, l SOS 94 Feee received by county for same. 1M4 $4,301 During the current year 1,41 mar riage licensee were issued, an Increase of 117 over those Issued for the same period last year. The feee at f a li cense brought to the county treasury $4,301. which pays the salaries of sev eral of the deputies employed by County Clerk Flelde. If the fee la Inereaaed to ID at the coming session of the legisla ture the revenue from this source will amount to considerably more. During the past few days the county clerk's office noted with consternation that December, regarded aa the beet marrying month, was showing a marked falling off from the record of December of last year. Just aa Ohtef Deputy Praap was making ths summary at the close of business, two pairs ef men came Into the office, and. with the usual' hesi tancy, one from each couple asked for a marriage license. This brought the total for ths month to date to tl, one more than In December a year ago. October wag the best marriage license month ef the year, 16 oouples purchss Ing tickets In the matrimonial lottery; January wss the month In which the lowest number wee recorded. The year by monthe was: January, M; February. 104: March, tO; April, lis; May, 101; June. 1S5; July, lit; august, lit; Sep tember, 141; October, 111; November. 117; December to date SI; total. l,4tt. WANTON COUPLE MAY BE IN PORTLAND NOW Chief of Police Hunt has been re quested by the euthorttleo ef Spokane, wash . to endeavor to locate J. R. Wood ley snd Mons Smith, who recently eloped from that city. The two left Spokane for Seattle and were traced from Seattle to Portland. Woodley le a mining man who has poeed aa a private detective. He and the girl were convicted of Ille gal cohabitation end fined. They took an appeal, and while at liberty en bonds also took their departure. Herman Smith, an expreebman, who le the girl's fsthar, has rsglstsrsd an oath to kill Woodley II he le round. Allen Lewie' Beet Bread. Dsmurrsr of Samusl Wagner, Who Sued for Damages Over ruled by Judge George. FELL THROUGH BRIDGE AT NORTHRUP 8TREET City of Portland and Members of Executive Board Eliminated From the Case. r.. Am. tiit. moniinaT overruled .v. aM. r , . ih. .newer In the ease of Samuel Wagner against the elty of Portland, members of the council and executive board. Wagner eued for 16.000 damages for injury receiver, in ltOI by falling through a defective k.m m am Hnrthrun atreet. By the elimination of Uie city of Portland and the members of the executive board the defense falls upon the council, the court ruling that action taken In street im provements was at the Instance of the council, which has original power In the premisee. rienoe, city Attorney at.mj. ,v, attorn. ti,r Ih. ctlV Which SI S .amamMm waa no Ifinrfr In the case. could not defend for the council, end Richard Williams was secured to ap- His answer set up inai, ai me time of the accident to Wagner, the elty council had no funds at Its disposal wherewith to repair Nortnrup street. hence was not liable. The faota are that money waa In the treasury, but had been apportioned, no balance remain ing for Northrup street repairs. Judge George overruiea tna aemurrer i t.w answer, holding the council's defense wss compstent, If true,, the determina tion of facte to be made In the trial of the oaee. ....... p..... v..,,,,. a rt.twn a. decision In favor of the General Electric oom- pany which was eued by a. A. eiineon ..... am linn .luTnuffo for lnturlea auS- talned while working at the company's North Portland power piani. In the case of A. F. Flsgel, trustee, against Charles Koas Bros. Judgs Cle land decided In favor of Knsn. and In so doing held In substance that a buyer of hops or other produce, drawing on a house In the east snd buying In his own name was .virtually an agent, and that attachment on produce bought by him with the firm's money would not be legal; in short, that It would not be right to take one man's money snd . in .nnlh.r The asent wan aued and hops bought with the flrm'a money were attached. Judge i ieiana overruioa motion for a new trial. MUSIC TO BE SUNG IN CHURCHES TONIGHT At the nhurchea tonight there wilt be beautiful mualc In hdnor of the eve Of Christmas. The nrorram o( the services at Trln Ity. beginning st 11:45. will Include the following selections by a picked male chorus: Processional Hymn "O, Come, All Te Faithful." Kvrie Gloria TIbl. Sursum Corda. Sanctus. Agnes Del" Msnsuscrlpt Hymn 'All Hall ths Power. Communion Hymn "Breed o( ths World." Gloria In Kxcelsls. In F Dykes Solo "Cantlaue de Noel ' Adam Receaslonal Hymn "Hark, the Herald Annie Sing." At St. David's the program will begin at the sams hour a quarter before mid night: Processional "Hark the Herald An gels Sing" ..Mendelssohn 1S-1S4?) Introit "It Ome Upon the Midnight tUear" R, S. Willis Kyrle Elelson Hugh Blair Hymn "Cairn on the Listening Ear o( Nlghf J. B. Dykes (H2I-17) Gloria Tlbl: Nlcene Creed In U Hugh Blelr Offertory "Ths New Bora King" .... 1. Kspolr Suraum Cordla. Sanctua. Benedlctus. . Hugh uiair Hymn "O Come. AI! Te Faithful" (Adeste Fldeiee) John Reading (14-I(t2) Agnus Del Hugh Blair Hymn Angela rrom tna xteaims oi Glory" .. V. W. Goodrich (MB.) lord's Prayer Merbecke (152H-1&R5) Gloria In Exoelsls Hugh Blair Amen (after benediction "uresaen. Hymn 'While Shepherds watched .. T. Este (XVlth-csnt) Receaalonal "Chrtetlana, Awaks" ,j j. wainwrignt MISTLETOE BARRED AT CENTRAL SCHOOL The mistletoe episode at the Central achoel. Bast Thirteenth and Beat Waah- incton atresia yeaterday waa given pub licity by a woman whoae daughter at- tmds the ninth grade A, or wnion Miaa Hamilton le teacher. She talked with other patrons of the aohool and among them It was decided that the anair should be given to the papere. The story as published was vetted to day by Bt least half a dosen pupils with the exception of the reported scuffle between a bey and a girl. Miss Mary F. Hamilton vigorously denied the story but mede the following statement this morning: "There was a party In the ninth B room. Central school, between 11:16 and 11:46 Thursday morning. The party waa opened with a peanut ehewer, and during the festivities, one of the boys, filled with the Chrlatmaa spirit, klased the teacher, whereupon she In turn Mused him, all regarding It aa a great Joke. The prevloua reports have mis represented the affair ' MUST SERVE TIME FOR A CHRISTMAS TURKEY For stealing two turkeys from I. Friedman, a eentenoe ef 90 days In the county Jail waa Imposed on Tom Wil liams this morning by Police Judge Hogue. Tbe severity of the sentence wae due te the fact that Williams also stole the hook on which the turkeys were hung. "1 guees this man conclud ed to bring the turkeys along so he could have a good Christmas dinner In Jail," obaerved the court. In pronouncing sen tence. "Well, I knew I wouldn't get much chance of having turkey handed out to me here," snswsrod Williams. RAT POISON AND GLASS . WAS RICE'S LAST DOSE After drinking a mixture of rat poison and ground glass In a ateln of beer et the Tumwater aeioon. with suicidal in tent, lnat night Andrew M. Rice waa taken to Oood Samaritan hoapltal In critical condition. He was ettended by Or S. C. Blocum. the assistant city The Klad Ton Him AfwaYrs Boosrltt. Mad Which has heem te use for 80 yetvrs. sontvl All CoontorfUts, Imttertioss, and "Jxut-ma-uooA" are be Experiment that trifle with and en.lan.rer the health of What Is CASTORIA is a harmlese sahstltnte for Castor OH. gorlo, Drops and tthms; Syrups. It Is Pleasant. It contain neither Opium Morphine nor other Narootte substance. Its age la its sruarantee. It destroys Worms nd allays Fererlshness. It cures Diarrhoea end Wind Colic It relieves Teething- Troubles, cures Conati nation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the) Stomach and Bowels, giving The Children's GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Boars ths at Mr Bar m er rr e - W r The Kind Ton Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. KX.OTH ewe u: ERN IS rime SVeee Base XrOTS see or. Buahes sfeTUSSU? In platting the beautiful Said between the original Kern Park and Next to the Car Line We want to attract flower lovers, and those who take an tntereet In beautifying their home grounds. In addition to twelve rosee free to every buyer from now on. we will aieo give - I' $250 IN PRIZES From SI to I1B for the beet lawns, beet gardens, etc. Those who have already bought, as well aa those who ehall hereafter buy, may compete for theee prises. Oet off et ST CAM1 Holiday Bargains House 356 Ivy St. Nearly new e-rootn cottage, full basement, porcelain bath and sink: house In perfect condition and ready for Immediate occupency; lot 50x00 feet- Price $1,750 House 360 Ivy St. Brand new full 2-Stery modern room bay-window front house enameled alnx. porcelain bath, full avxlOe-foot lot. Price $2,250 Wakefield, Fries tfat Co. 399 stark st. Phonm Main 14. N. a. room house, lot MxieO. Price 11 Almost new I-rom . feU full basement, modern; lot exl00 -. ea el A 40 eoree good houee and barn and orchard 1 mTlVfrom depot, county eeat. Pr,aJreX' near car line; well Improved: r,.rriea. fruit; a bargain at li.MO. pert CSSn- . 1 aS. nrniurlv For rarma, acrear. homestead and timber claims, see Maxwell & Burg SIS Ablagton Blag- IPoTttaad, Or. A. F. SWENSS0N ft CO., BROKERS 11 and 18, B6B WaeWagton t. Houses and lots In all parte of the oltv. Money to loen on city real es tate Collectiona in United Statee and Euripe SpecUil attention to collection of InVerltince. end settling r of estate. In European oountrlee. Scott aTU phyelclan. The pulverised gleee elone Is regarded fatal, and Rice's condi tion this afternoon Is reported ae un- a. a.til. The man has worked for the Baetern & Western Lumber compeny ror me paat five month a. Me occupies a .n aba hniiaa a, dulld street Papera In hie possession show that he hes a divorced wife In Michigan, and wsl afterward married to another woman at Everett, Waah. Deepondency le believed to be tne cauae pranruiii the suicidal effort. Men of North Myrtle ereejt end vicin ity are working together In making good roads and thus set ss good example to be followed by men of many other le calltlee. DOUBLE THE VALUE OF YOUR. PROPERTY If It Is low and marshy Inktall a drslnage system of our tiling. It la tne neat, u is ine muei iaai- lng. a price. but not In value. Brats Vile, Sewer pise aad r it ttags. unad Sriek, Terra ootte Pipe, rire Brick. DIAMOND BRICK CO. lei BaeeaU Bt., PerVaad, Or. Teed Foot Aakeay S- OBI TAMK on St. BOOTT OAS UgB. DBUB W at. bjtats uoavraai. aw , aaomsoa street. has borne the sirrustnre sapertision since) Its infkner. anmsnAinittAlnalva von in this. healthy and natural Signature of tt sw VMs orrv. eo by ioo feet. Tree to Bvery Buyer. INSTALLMENTS I Rent Rates Buy Homes cottages built and aold et coat on easy monthly payments only one payment down. EVELYN .- ' '' , I l!,ia Heart of Mt. Scott dla trlct. 2S mlnutea frnrt. First atreet. Lots S3.00- sOWTf and oarxif . Alleys and wa ter mains, all city con veniences Agent on grounds Ctty office, open eveninge. Geo. W. Brown Room tot Falling Bldg. Phone Main 2129. I I Homebuilders and Speculators Your Attention! Do not fall to carefully examine WAX. BUT PAR property. It Is located oa iba n sightly tasle land between tbr rltrra ml on both car Unas Mo qaestlpa -Walnut Park will becoBM the west Vsiashts real dent proper tr la tbe city ef Portland. Prices mast liberal. Terms rah; uiontblr or quarterly peyneata Till, perfect. War- rantj deed gWea. Oeasplets coatraet wife eacb sale. Do yourself a klndpeaa bj calling er aeadlns for WALNUT PARK maps. SMKHHEB, I hate many are choice berfatne la I'artlaad property W. M. KILLINGS WORTH Pleaeer Seal Fatal. Dealer, set Chamber er PAR 1 . - i . -r '. ; $3S LOTS All unsold lots In, Peninsular Ad ditions sre for sale at $35.00 liuat be sold to close out estate of L D. Brown. Lots sre cleared, high, tightly, level; Bull Run water, X streets graded and the price is ore quarter for whet adjoining property it selling. This perfect abstract fur nished with every sale. Sherman D. Brown 351 Stark Street. Two New Modern Houses BsSt SOth and Kverett sta. : R rnnms, -gas and wood fiber wslla tl.lM each. Van W. Anderson Boom SSI XMKey Bigg., Third aad Stark