THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL'. PORTLAND. FRIDAY EVE NINO, DECEMBER g, U01 9 MANY EXHIBITS ON WAY TO THE FAIR Life-Saving Apparatus to Used on Lake, Shipped From St. Louis. Be FIRE ALARM SYSTEM TO BE PUT IN OPERATION Enlarged Building for Liberal Arts Display Will Be Ready in Three Months. News came today from St TouIb that the government board haa shipped the first carload of the llfesavlng apparatus to Portia ad. Thla shipment Includes the McClellan surwoat, which will be used In the exhibitions on the lake during the exposition. The car should reach here within It days. A shipment of HE caah registers has been made to the corporation. They will be used at the ticket offlcea of all con cessions In which the corporation haa a percentage interest. A large quantity of material for the concessions and mkeeellaneoua exhibits departments la on the road. It la ex pected that freight of this description will arrive every two or three days. The executive committee of the Lewis and Clark corporation will Immediately put in telephone fire alarms, and within three weeks, or as soon aa a company can be organised, a regular fire depart ment will be Installed, consisting of an engine, chemical and hose truck. Pumps will be put In snd a code of atgnala will be given workmen, watchmen and firemen. It la expected that the "Palace of i Manufacturers. Liberal Art and Varied Industries" wlJVjttand on a site east of the Agricultural building within 0 days. The new temple la to coat within 110, 600. and will contain 00.000 square feet of space. The plana will be drawn Im mediately. The committee acted In thla matter upon a formal application for the building which oame from the committee on exhibits and transportation. DANCER CHARGED WITH LARCENY Colored Performer on Vaudeville Circuit at Salem Arrested and Locked Up. (Saeelal maps tea to The Joarnal ) Salem, Or., Dec. St. Benjamin Jar rett, a colored terpalchorean artlet doing the Edison vaudeville circuit, was ar rested In this city laa( evening and locked Up In the city Jail, with the charge of larceny booked against him. The negro, who waa playing the week at F. T. Merrill's local theatre, stole, it Is allaged, two pairs of trousers and an overcoat from the office of Dr. W. C. Smith, and a bicycle from Harry Boaler, of this city, the stolen property being found in his room. Jarrett came here from the Bijou theatre in Portland and had made a hit here aa a dance artist. Injured In Bunaway. Mrs. Q. A. Bach of this city sustained a fracture of bar collar bone In a run away accident last o.enlng. While driv ing along the streets of Salem her horse became frightened and started to run. and In turning a corner upaet the buggy, throwing the occupant heavily to the ground. Mrs. Bach also suffered sever bruises about the head and shoulders. SERVED AS A NOTARY CContlnued from Page One.) theleaa tt la stated on high authority that the government haa ample evidence not only to Indict but to convict them. Only two wltneases, George R. Ogden from the general land office at Washing ton, and T. K Wilson, were before the grand Jury thla morning. Both are sup posed to nave given teatlmony bearing upon the charges against Loom Is and Ormaby. Aa the Investigations of the grand jury proceed It become more and mora evident that the full extent of the land frauds haa hitherto been unsuspected. Many men In high stations war In volved and the number of fraudulent entries was legion. It Is expected that the Jury will not conclude Its labors be fore the middle of January, at the earliest. Among the new men being drawn Into the grand jury mesh 1 Dr. W. H. Davis, present mayor of Albany. It Is probable that the grand jury will adjourn this arternoon until next Tues day. MORMONS REVERE THE PROPHET JOSEPH SMITH (Journal Special SerTiee.) Salt Lk City. Utah. Dec St. In Utah, Wyoming and Idaho and wherever else the Mormon faith haa gained foothold today was specially set aalde for observances of Joseph Smith s birth day anniversary. Among the faithful this date and June 1. which is the birth day anniversary of Brlgham Young, are the two most important days of the- year. In many Instance the observance of Joseph Smith's birthday entirely takes the place of the customary Christ mas celebration two daya hence. Exercises will be held tonight In all Mormon meeting house. Interspersed with music and recitation there will be discourses on Joseph Smith and hla life work. The story will be re-told of his birth In ltfrs-ln a lowly farm house In Windsor county. Vermont, hla discovery of the sacred platea, the story of his subsequent career. In which he founded the Mormon religion, and hla tragic death in Illinois. Hew Articles of incorporation wer filed In the Office of the secretary of state lata yesterday afternoon by the Star Land company, the Incorporator being J. L. Freeland. Carey F Martin and l. w. Martin, all of thla clty. The capital stock is SS.000 and the object of the concern I to buy. own, sell and leaae real estate and water powers, and to purchase lands at sheriff's sale, to handle evidences of Indebtedness and to acquire mining properties. Also to con duct a real estate and Insurance busi ness, to operate hop and other .farms, and merchandise, hardware and furni ture Store. Th headquarters of the new corporation will be In Salem. Th governor, secretary of state and stat treasurer, as trustees of the estate of th late A. R. Burbank, who left ail his property for th purposes of aiding in the support of an orphan home her or at Portland, have sold two more lota of th land and turned them Into money. They are two lot of 41 acre each and lie la Yamhill county. Tha two lot wer appraised at $2,000. but th board realised It.tOO for them. One other lot waa sold some time ago en which $705 waa realised. Thar are no orphan' home In this stat and th board will retain th fund until there 1 enough to found on on th part of th state, or until some other persons see ft to found some such an Institution. There are a number of town lots In Portland and other places yet belonging to th estate (Journal Special Berries.) Hise. Ida.. Dec. tt. Arrangement on an extensive seal have been com pleted for the reception and entertain ment of the many visitor who will be her next week for the annual conven tion of th Idaho Teacher' association Tha convention will begin it sessions Monday and continue for three days. Superintendent A. C. Sears of Idaho Kails will preside. To On re a Cold in One Bar. Take Laisttre Bronx. Qnlnlse Tablets. AS eraeftsra reread tb mosey If It falls to ear. K. w. Qrvve's sigaatare es eaek sea. SSe. STEEL TRUST TO HAVE FORMIDABLE COMPETITOR (Journal Special Serrlee.) Indianapolis. Dec. 23 Hugh Jacob son, representing a French corporation that sustains the same relation to Europ that the steel trust does te this country, la her looking for available sites for th establishment of factories. He said that he had three possible sites in mind, on on Lake Michigan, on at Toledo and one near Toronto, Canada, but that be believed Indiana represents th best field, for the reason of coal, oil, transportation facilities and the prox imity to Chicago. "We propose to Invest ts.000,000 In America to begin with.! said Jaoobson today. "The first factory will employ 4.000 men and -will Include furnace, smelters, rail mill, tool and ateel mills." FIVE MEN SENTENCED TO THE PENITENTIARY (Special Dispatch te The Journal.) Wallace. Idaho. Dec. tt. Five pris oners were sentenced to penitentiary terms yesterdsy, James Fry and Wil liam Fielding were given 20 and 15 years, respectively, for holdup and sa loon robbery. Frank Mitchell pleaded guilty to forgery and got 8 years. T. J. Burns waa convicted of burglary and waa aentenced to 4 years, and J. Beau champ Bums, his accomplice, got two years. A XJk. (peeUl Dispatch te The Jearasl.) Let Grand. Or. Dec tt. A building belonging to W. R Hamilton, on Adams avenue, valued at $1,000, was totally destroyed by fire at t o'clock thl morn ing. It waa being used for a saloon' that was run by Charles Rockwell, and the stork valued at tt.000 waa also totally destroyed. Only a amall insur ance was carried on the building and stock. It Is not known how the fir started. AT COLT AX. (Special Dispatch te The Jeuraal.) Colfax. Wash., Dec. 21. William 0). Davis, aged 71, died at the home of S. B. Kills yesterday. He crossed th plains from Ohio In lt4(. settling In Yamhill county, Oregon. He Is survived by a widow, two sons, six grandchildren and a brother. WOODARD, CLARKE & A GOOD STORE TO SHOP IN Plenty of room, a full force of skilled, polite salespeople and absolutely the finest and largest display of Holiday lines ever shown In Portland. LARGE SHIPMENT OP ART SKiJNS JUST ARRIVED, All Colors, 6S0, 85c and 91.00 Our Display of Fine Leather Goods Fine Stationery We have some of th handsomeet Box Papers ever shown. Every package a work of art. The box, whan empty, make appropriate collar, handkerchief and caff boxes. Oregon Tlew Papeteaie Each en velope and not head bears a photo gravure of Oregon scenery; box for , aTs) Cut Glass At Special Prices Is a revelation. It comprises thousands of useful articles of practical value to every one. Glance down the list. The newest and most desirable shades and designs. BILL BOOKS, CARD CASES CIGAR CASES, SUIT CASES DRESSING CASES TOILET SETS. ROLLUPS HAND SATCHELS MEDICINE CA8ES MUSIC ROLLS PHYSICIANS' INSTRUMENTS Make your selections NOW. We stamp any name FREE in gold while you wait. Fine French Perfumes Our display of Perfumes Is absolutely complete. All well-known makes are represented by their lateat and best creations. The perfumers' art has changed greatly during the past decade; delicate, lasting perfume have rai.ii Tha itmnr naratatant Pomade extracts of earlier days. Our ex hibit of holiday packages In CUT OLAB8, Bohemian Ware. Austrian Court Bake. Swiss Baskets, is well worth seeing. All our perfume sold at popu lar prices. Direct Importations From the Celebrated Perfumers. . Ambre Ducal. Safrano. Oul Nou- Boger Si OaUet Mew Odor Bouquet veau, Le T re fie. Violet (Vee-o-Lay ). Barailllere, Armoris, Feodalls, Van- Au Kadsura, Bouquet Fames. Ambre cedor, Santalla, Rave Fleuri Andro- Royal. meda. S easts Delicate, lasting, fragrant Saf- Sd Plnaud's Bouquet Parthenls, Vet- ranor. Ambre Royal, Le T re fie, Wood lada, Laurlanne. , Violets, Indian Hsy. Fountain Pens MILLIONS OF DOLLARS in valuable time are wasted every day by the senseless dip, dip, dip of a pen in the inkwell. A good Fountain Pen should be in every hand that can write and we have them. Every one warranted perfect. Money back if not sat isfactory. Pens bought now can be ex changed after- Xmas. Prices $1, 32, $2.90, 33.30, 33 American Watches Each ons warranted to be good time keepers. nun Metal, 1.95. Nickel Finish, tJl.OO. Stem Winders, 1.50. Jardinieres The Famous Louwelaa Vare Benares, Brass Trays, . Plaques, Candlesticks and Vases Pocket Electric Lamps Absolutely safe, every one should have one, $1,100, 9 1.25, f 1.50. Triplicate Mirrors A comfort snd pleasure to every woman. Reasonable in price, beauti ful and durable. Heavy bevel French plat, oak and ebony frame, 53.75, 5, 58, 915. In plain frames. Of, 9&.9S, Fine Stereoscope And one doaen views, T9 your own selection. Raffia and Rattan New lot Just received. , Gold Fish and Aquaria 25c 50c Oold Fish Food. box. 10 Gillette Safety Razors Full Stock Just received. Manicure Sets Fine raxor steel fitting, handsome peart snd Ivory finish leather and ebony eases, 93.50, 96. OO, 98.50. Shaving Sets In ebony, celluloid and leather stag, st ..., Playing 'Cards With Oregon, Washington and Alaska Views. Toilet Cases and. Sets Infinite in variety no old Ebony Brushes i-incn bowi, venus design; special , 93.69 Rich designs, exclusive patterns; each piece a crystal beauty. Our price put It In every one's reach. Salts and Peppers Sterling silver tops, full cub, exquisite designs, pair Set of Finger Bowl, regular 17.10; special This Cut Glass took gold medal at St Louis. Ormolu Clocks Perfect Umekeeper. new and ar- Photographic Words tistto designs. 91.86, 99.75, 93.50, 96.00. Photo Albums Not th old. time-honored assies, but new. attractive, up-to-date designs, ' from tb tiny Stamp Album at 15 to 94. T5 We burn your nam on leather al- Halr, Hat. Cloth. Tooth and Nail -A first-class Brush Is always accept able. Our are solid back, long Si berian bristle. Will laat for year. Just received.. . 82. SO. 93. SO, 95 Oompetltloa and SO. - Souvenir Postals Burnt Leather and Oregon Woods, of th Lewi and Clark Fair. Perpetuated Palms Photography stake for bright boys and girls. If a liberal education. The boy with a camera 1 never a cigarette fiend; hla Interest 1 along higher lines. Th child who tore to picture beauties of nature and life Is not going to go bad vary far that's been our ob servation aurtng to year or camera- ana we see all sides of it Ulnar, t OA AS ar cheap; w'v made them popular. Baby Ansco No'. I, 31 And th No. t for S2.00, ar best suited for children under 10 years. Above this age select the ; a. Never fad or look aid. Always fresh and beautiful. Every on potted and delivered .without extra charge. Compare thess prices with the green house plant which need constant oar Our palm ar all potted. Pries Two feet high pv BOd Thro feet high 75 Forty-five inches high SOd Tree Palm from 98. OO np to 812 ANSCO HAND CAMERA No. 1, 85.0O Or th No, 1 for 9. SO No. I 97.50 ANSCO FOLDING NO 4 919.80 And No. for . 917.00 JUST FIT THIS POCKET. All thsse Cameras make perfect photo graph. Any child can use them, and we always develop th first film free, giving every Instruction without charge. Come In and let a show you. or If you are too busy we'll sand you our "Ansco" Booklet, which tells you all about our Cameras. IIIIIH1' W do expert devel oping and printing no sloppy machine work. Send us your films and plats. 15 try TO 85. OO New Ideas, new colors, new bindings. PHOTO AMaTUAXS TOM IMS, IBs) Beautifully illustrated. for the unmounted print MS different designs. Iiiir. A DH ft A DW AX if CMMliati money taken it roll value. Free delivery to all parts of the yf JJ LJ tLJ sLAtiLi CV s J Coapkte Tdephoat Exclaa$c, Nc II, with direct con Mctlod to every department of sor WE REINT .INVALID CHAIRS AND CRUTCHES city. store GOLD MEDAL FOR MAYOR WILLIAMS Mayor George H. Williams ha re ceived notice that he was awarded a gold medal of the second class together with a diploma of the medal of gold by th International Philippine commission of ths St Lout exposition. The communication was from Gustav Nlederleln, secretary of .the superior board, and Leon M Guerrero, as latent secretary, who were here with the com mission laat fall. They heard Mayor Williams' speech which waa delivered before the members of the commission and It pleased them so much thst they decided to award a medal to Portland's executive. It Is the plsn of the commission to vote certain chiefs, commanding officers, soldiers, musicians and others a special medal of honor In gold, silver or bronse. The medal I a combination of th design of th official badge of th .In ternational Jury of award of th Louisi ana purchase exposition and th Philip- last week $27.noo worth of white Man international Jury of award. k.u t0 a flrnv 0rf0D Th Union Woolen mill sold on day mills are gaining a fine reputation. Dependable Watches I STORE OPEN EVENINGS THE ENTIRE MONTH One Day Left to Buy Your Gifts Handsome Cut Glass Opera Glasses Umbrellas Toilet Ware Manicure Sets Shopping Bags Salad Bowls Fruit Dishes Mail Orders Attended To Promptly and Carefully RELIABLE DIAMONDS These last hours of gift purchasing finds our stock equal to the occasion. While buying has been exceptional, we still have a most excellent array of wares to choose from. This results from our policy of having, at all times, the largest and best selected variety in the northwest of all that goes to make a jewelry store of quality and up-to-date styles. This lowness of price is fully attested by the great concourse of holiday buyers who have favored us with their patronage. In closing, we wish you all a very Merry Christmas. EXQUISITE 9 1 ataaBkv m JEWELRY Fine Art Lamps Tiffany Glass Bronze Pieces Dresden Vases China Plates Dainty Colognes Picture Frames Write for Our Illustrated Catalogue