DECEMBER W. ISM. ",JM v . HR THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. WEDNESDAY EVENING, RUPTION SALE ' ,,7, A r- .. '..;. ' .- - ,;,- .. , . . (, . I Ends Saturday Night! PRICES SMASHED TO PIECES n i H I in I 322 Men's Suits 65 Men's O'coats worth$i2.50 and$i5.oo, put into this sale at ... , Mr ERUPTION PRICES On Men's and Boys' Underwear All This Week Toys Free With All Boys Suits and Overcoats WHEN YOU SEE IT IN OUR AD. ITS SO MOYER CLOTHING CO. CAUGHT AS BRANDS FROM THE BURNING Weil-Known Denizens of the North End Join the Sal vation Army. NO BRAVER SOLDIERS AMID ALL ITS COHORTS Thomas Egan and George John son Abandon Evil Ways and Will Save Companions. In all Its legions throughout the world the Salvation Army has no truer soldiers, no braver recruits, than Thomas Egan and George Johnson, of army corps No, 1. MS Davis street. Johnson carries the crimson flag, while Hfcran beats the drum. Until four weeks ago Egan was known to every rounder of the north end as "Drunken Tom." Johnson bora an equally expressive name. Now they are known as "Barvation Tom" and "inns tlan George." Bon 1 a trained nurse and received an excellent schooling at Battle creek. Mich. He has had no legitimate ocoupa tlon for months. Johnson, also from the east, had exceptional opportunities when young. He Is now a waiter. 'Many years ago they cams west. Their Journey waa made only after thsy had "gone the pace" and had squandered the opportunities friends and relatives had offered. They drifted to Portland and floated Into the north end. In the stream of vice and vagrancy which flows through the streets of that district there were no drops of humanity that mingled more freely than they Kgan waa a "regular" at the Fashion saloon, Davis and Fourth streets, one of the component parts of the Paris house. There be found drinks In pro fusion and assisted In "touting" Strang ers To the police he was known as a gambler. . Four weeks ago be staggered Into army headquarters on Darts street. It was night, and Ensign Blgney was telling the story of her faith to a score of auditors Ha walked dawn the aisle and paused before the altar.' The people looked with horror on his actions, but Ensign Blgney continued her story. He began to talk Lieutenant Rogers quietly asked him to leave. He would not go, he said. He had come to loin, and all the ensigns and lieutenants and officers and privates In the army could not stop mm. Then she A Dainty Christmas Gift Ton are in doubt what to send your frianda as a Xraas remembrance something inexpensive yet expressive of the "Tuletlde" spirit. Our Special Holly Box With a handsome spray of holly leaves and berries embossed on the top in natural colors, and tied with two dainty bows of ribbon, la "Just the thing." The box is carefully parked In three divisions one with French Fruits, an other with delicious Chocolates, and the third with an assortment of dainty Creams and Bon-Bona. The phole prettily decorated with Candled Violets, liver Drsges. etc. Orer the top Is a laoe paper mat, bon-bon spoon and Christmas card, xne most attractive package of Xmas Sweets possible to put up, and a moat screptable gift. The candy Is absolutely Trash and pare mads In our "n factory. Pot up In two slsss SOS and SI. SO. Rent by mail, securely peeked, on receipt of T5d or $l.SO. Safa arrival guaranteed. Money back If not entirely satisfied. SWETLAND & SON 373 MORRISON 8TRRET We have as with any other f" ere his ring: pleaded with hint not to Interrupt the speaker. a , "Won't interrupt her "taf." ha said in his drunken way. "But she takes It too serious. She oughtn't tell them 'bout what's going to happen to bad people. Tell 'em what a good time they can have llf they want to." He tried to make love to the lieutenant and ensign; only whan threats were made that the polios would be called did he leave. Bran want to ths Cosmopoli tan saloon, where ha announced that ha wanted hla last drink before Joining the army. Hs returned to the army post, but found the doors locked. Then he went after his friend, Johnson, who waa also drunk. Hs seised him by the arm and hurried him to the post. "Ws're going to Join ths army," ha said. Knocks again failed of response, and they went Into the alley ncxtSto the building. "Oet down on your knees and square yourself!" commanded Egan. 'It's off with this 'bum' life with us. John Bar leycorn must die. We're going to be Salvation army soldiers and cut out the 'floasle' life." "Officers of the army saw them from a window above. Thsy remained on their knees In the alley for an hour or so ad vising each other haw to "square them selves." Next day they wean sober and applied for membership. They were sdmltted, and It soon bcame known through the district that "Drunken Tom" and his friend had "mixed wld the army guys." When thsy took the oath of allegiance the place was packed with the curious. "You've taken the best customer we bad." said George Ryan of the Faahlon saloon to Ensign Blgney. Officers of the army say there are no better soldiers on the streets than the converts. They are widely known in ths district, and always havs large and deeply intereated crowds when they tell their story by the glare of the arc lights and amid the hum of commerce. BACK TO THE RICE FIELDS OF CHINA Raids Will Be Made on Chinese Without Certificates by U. S. Inspectors. NETHERLANDS DIPLOMAT WEDS AMERICAN GIRL national romance which began under the auspices of Mrs. Roosevelt, culminated In a wedding today, when Mlsa Elisabeth Glover became the bride of Jonkeer R. de Marees van W. Swlnderen, the minis ter from the Netherlands. Miss Glover wss presented to the&plomat for the first lme at a tea given last spring at the White House. Today's wedding ceremony took place at noon In the church of the Epiphany. which was thronged with a fashionable assemblage that Included members of ths diplomatic corps and many parsons prominent In official Ufa In addition to the president and Mrs. Roosevelt Bishop Batteries officiated. The bride's only attendant waa Miss Isabella Hagner. who Is the social secretary of Mrs. Roosevelt The Belgian minister. Baron Moncheur, waa best man. The ushers wts six In number, three being resi dents of Washington and the remainder being friends of Minister Van Swlnderen who came from Europe especially to at tend the ceremony. These gentlemen ware Count Adam ds Moltka da Halt field of Denmark, Count Va Llmburg Htlrcim. and Baron Van Trallvan Berovs- aerxen. ooin or Holland. jt. Following the ceremony at the church there wss a weddThg breakfast and re ception at the home of the brlds's par ents on K street. The gussts here were limited to the members of the diplomat In orps and cloae personal friends of bride Leong Beong. a laundryman. waa ar rested yesterday afternoon by Chinese Immigration Inspector Barbour as an unlawful resident of the country. He came to Portland about 10 years ago; when aaked why ha did not secure regis tration papers at that time he replied that he waa careless, and ths matter had escaped hla attention. Chinese Inspector Barbour says others will be arrested within a few days. While no great raid has been planned. Barbour and hla deputies will try to ar rest ail Chinese who are Illegal resi dents. Hundreds of Chinese are hero who ought to be deported, the Inspector says. Many Illegal residents are known, their fellow countrymen having Informed on them, but a sentiment In favor of the Chinese exists that seems to prevent many officers from doing 'a duty, which If executed, would drive the uncertl cated Immigrants back to the lies field of China. Pictures for 1906. We have on exhibition a fine lot of framed pictures showing all the new effects In platinum, carbons, water col ors, oil paintings, etc. Good goods and moderate prices. Open evenings. Ban born. Vail Co., 170 First, between Morrison and Yamhill. saw WE WILL BE OPEN EVENINGS UNTIL AFTER CHRISTMAS A propriate SoS A WATCH WE SELL TMF. BEST CtJll I f i VaJTLlTC rWatAai DAI A SlaT ft? I llm WATCHES ON EARTH OITILL uf I ITIsLH I O VUYYIl, DALAIItL ql Tf 1.1.1 An entertainment will be given at the Seamen's Institute tonight, to which all are Invited. The following la th pro gram: Selection on bagpipes, R. A. Bart; song. A. R. C. McKensle; recitation. Miss Mysle Sharp; dance, Miss Pottage; l a i . r . , , . . J , , i 8ne.-t. I Or.IcO rcucn """""a, i. ."" ssawj ' ' ... I T Ut,.iln I irh ani Flirts Wl Item Bjf Washington. D. C, Dec. 21. An inter- " ""V" Cdrmlck and Frank D'Arcy; song, Mrs. Anderson; duet Mrs. Howard and T. Ruddiman; recitation, W. Charters; song. Miss Rosa Forbes; piccolo solo, T. Rud diman; song. Miss W. Henderson; sail ors' hornpipe. Master James King; song, W. Learmouth. RATIONAL TREATMENT ar Stomach Diseases Discard Injurious Drugs fifycozone Enderud br L$dmf Pkyneitmt. Send twenty-five cents to pay on Frm Trial Botth. Sold by leading druggists. tjajuGfAAlaeA e2M PfttNCC ST.. NKW VMK. w A T C H E S You Pay a Small Payment Down, Balance (1.00 a Week -Bl . saiswak asasr mm A T C H E. S We Are Showing All the Celebrated Waltham, Elgin and Duber-Hampton Movements In solid silver, solid cold and filled cat ted IS and 20 i I $1 a week We have them from rente and , the latter war- 15 and 20 years, for a small payment down $ 1 7.50 Up If you want to make a Christmas present of a Watch, buy it here. It's money In your pocket to do so. "The Utile-at-a-Time Store" I. GEVIRTZ & SONS CORNER YAMHILL AND FIRST STREETS Klevurtz Sells It for Less" and brldgegroom. r