OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. LND. ORBOON. CRT M 01 T t K0TICIB. CXTT MOTICXt. wet. I... M - a an Ash 1st ATMM. Hly; lot 8, Louis Arnold, . H 10. urn ot. lot i, rrtotiu unit, aa-ju; wj FrankUa Drake. HI a. ion asisun. ai Hb W. Natoon t 6, Mary tMtaf.tt.Wi i iw, aa.10; 1. School Dlatrlct No. J. School District No. tot 8. School District lot 4, School District No 1. HlO HO. 1, School District No. 1. H10: lot . School District No. 1. $2. 10; lot T. School District No. I. at 10; lot 8. School District No. 1 1.10. block oo, lot l. ersta in , "wa tin. In. a mi h I. POM I1.1U Mil O 11 W. allelic. 11 10; lot 4. moiiis rd. 12.10; tot 0. William B. Jolly (9 in. in, A u-ini., R Jails. 12 10; lot T Sirtla Scbs'de. CLIO; tot 1. Martta Sehads, 10. BLOCK 57. lot 1. O. P. S. Plummer. 12.10; aorth to of lot 1 o. P. S. Plummer. si on. ... L. li a A Outrlo. 11.00; north U of let S, A. gulrlo. 11 06; south V, of totl. Hollli Alger. l.dl; tot 4 Hollts Alger, tt.10; tot I. Jamsn ..Jj"J: 2.10. lot 0, J SACS I.. JOftMWW, t" It foot of ssst It foot of tot TV Aho 0. Judo. 10.08; wool W toot of ssst Mi foot of tot 7, Abbls O. Juos. 11.00. wo OO tost OI toft MO I0OI OS . -1 of out tt.t foot of tot ". A0O1 II 00; north 28 foot of toot ' 0. P. S. Plummer, 10.06 ; est 8 5 1. 6. P. t. Plummer. 10.10. wsst fut nl -sat H I Bat UK 1UL I ISO OS l t to foot of oTSJcK lot 7. nsnnle B. leyior, e'-w. Be. tot i. Bonto C. Post Batata, Heirs of. in i iuu r Vast Eststs. Heirs ot &U: tot I. Otelto MM .tt.lt: tot A Estate, Heirs of. HtO. aUeOCK fat t tfu .K K 'avast of Lot L A. P. onnort .O Hit -rath 2ft CMC of lot 1. A SB " ML mmm 7ft ftit Of if Berth r sr. Xorirn. aiTOi barton. 12.10; lot 4. Emily J. Y Moors tt.10: tot t, loon Oorktoh. 12. 10; tot 8. Kdwsrd J. Hart. 13. 110; wsst to of J 1.00; weet V of or lot i Fannie E. Dledrich. tot a. raaato K Dtodrtoa, tot 7 ru"if i Louts Coon. 1100 8. Louis Coaa.IL 00. K to. tot 1. Jo eti i 1 Jimtt Uumiih- I Hurapn I (IDU, fl.W. OlcVVBI saw, ens si - - ray. iS.iO; tot 1 Jsssos HunuihrBJ, H10. tot A. A. P. Neunert. HM." 4. tWa K. Lena. 13.10; seat to foot of lot 8. - . 1 -M - . aa a S In e C. to, lio; west 4A1 foot oi e Bottler. 19.00. west 46 5 Uholtojlotitor. t0.t0; tot T. Ismls U tot t, toe hello , . .., Ina A t ill. ...r,,;. 1,1,1 tTt Mot Back Bin Sao. BLOCK 61, tot t MlcAeel MeCslrstt Euto. Heirs of. ti-10; lot tVOotaMia taetaae A Lose Society. 12.10; west MB foot of tot t. Genu Ssrinas Lose toctetT. 11.00; soath IS tost of lot A Auau.ts aUrks. 0.ao; let 4. Aoausu Mark. tt-10; to VW A. end I. B Lewis. 12.10; lot 1. . I I B. I-wta. ML 10; hTt, W1UJ.B. limn I mo; tot I, WlUlem luaaoo. tt.10. A tract or land botwooo two lines respec tlrslT sot foot aad 2B0.6 tost DrU of end psrsllel with the north Um ofArttari stroot aad aotwooa the west line of first treet end a MM 106 foot wsot thoroof eae) parallel therewith. Jsmes HuBwhrej.10.8t. A tract of toad oetweoa two lines respect Its ;1j 300 toot sud 230 B foot north ot end parallel with the aorta lino of Arthur otroot aad he twees the oaet Use of Second street end s llao 106 fast oast thereof aad psrsllel there with. Mot Back Hln. to 88. A tract of toad between two Uaoa re spocttTol 220.8 fact aad 341 feat north of and psrsllel wltk the north line of Arthur street end between the wsst llao of Ptrot street sad a line 106 feet went of and parallel there with, Augusta Marks. 10 88. A tract of toad between two lasso respec ttrolir 330.5 foot sod 241 foot north of aad parallel with tha north Una of Arthur street and between the ssst line of Second street and a Una 106 fast oast thereof sod peraltol therewith. W A. and I. B Lewis. 10 SB. A tract of land between two Mnee reepec tleelr 330.6 feet and 341 feet north of sad psrsllel with the north line of Arthur street ind between the west lino of ftocond street sod s line 108 foot west thereof ant parallel therewith. Isabella Bottler, to 86 A tract ot land between two linos reepec t le It 330.8 feet and 341 feet aorth of and parallol with the north Una ot Arthur street aad between the east line of Third street sn a Una lot foot east thereof sad part Dal there with. Htnrj Tlaun, 10.88. A tract af toad between two lines ma if tleelr 300 faat aad 220 8 foot aorth of and psrsllel with the north line of Arthur street end between the west Una af Second street snd s Has HM feet west thereof and parallel therewith. Edgar Popple to a. 16.68. A tract of toad rrtns bttwson two Ihaaa re spectlTslT tOO foot aad 220 s foot north of aad parol Is 1 with the north lino of Arthur otroot aad BSlitaoo the oast Has of Third street 004 a line 106 foot east thoroof and parallel therewith. Anton Blecbofberpsr, 10.86. A tract of lead between the south llao of Vermont street snd the north lino ot block 10, Southern Portland, and between the Oast line of PoBBarlTaala street aad the wester It Itae of the Ore son and CaUforala Rsllrosd Cemoaar'a rbrht at way, Martha af. t'rowsll A trs -t of land between the soath llao of Tor mont street and the aorth line of block 80 Southern Portland, aad between the west Use of Coaaeetleat street suet tha easterly line of the Oregon and California KaUroad Oooa- Binr's rlftit of wsj, C. P. Crowsll Estate. Mrs of, 12 40. CABlrTHERt' ADDITION TO CARtTHBBS' ADDITION to the city of Portland -BLOCK 63, lot 1. Edward Brady, tt 10; tot 3. Ed ard BrsdT. sz 10; lot 8. Israel Msdwsd. L10; lot 4. Isabella Bottler, tt.10; tot t, earr Tlaun. 83.10: sooth la of lot A tv- ella Tlmm. n 08: north S of lot 6. Anna Reenicae, pi. on; let 7, Edward Brady. 1.10; lot 8, Clara M Harding. 33.10. OCK 88. lot 1. Edcar Ponorton. 12.10: 3. Edaar Poooletoa. 12 10: lot 8. Edaar pie cod, s i". seat ioh xset ot lot a lea array, ai no; weet 80 fast lot I, Oi tot 8. J. lot 6. J ooorae r, Bottler. BO. BO: s S3 Henry Woltrlng, tL06; 1 Henry Woltrlng. tl.Ot: i lot t, Aaton Btohofberger, 11.08; aaat to f In B tatna S1 OS . . Tbeophll Bllleter. t3.10; south 40 'feet of lot 8. Tbeophll Bllleter. 11.70; north 10 feet lot x. Anton rJtinoroerger. 10.40. BLOCK ft, IM fi oB; H 08: i. Jot north V of lot 1, Charlao P. Booetar. south to of tot 1, Katie P. aapoaatrk, lot 3. Katie P. Babeaetek. 13.10: lot John P. Ctnles. 33.10: lot 4. John V C'aplra, 12.10; west m feet of lot 8. Mlko Kpsteia, si.su; wssx sw rsor or lot a, Mike Bps tats, ll.oo ; aaat lOto foot of lot 6. Anna E Woltrlng. tn.2o, oast lVt feet ot lot . Anna E. Woltrlng, po 20; lot T. Anna F Woltrlng. 12 10; lot 8, Anns B. Woltrlng. 33.10. BLOCK tt. tot 1, Addis B. Mur ray. 13 io, tot 2. Addle B Marray, tt.10; 1st 1. Praak H. Orao. 32 10; tot 4. o P. 8 riumm.r. f2 10; east S3 1-6 feet of lot t. J. R. 0. TbompsoB. 00. 88; wast 73 3-3 root ef lot B. Jamas Short. 31.46; east 13 8-6 fsat ot south S or lot 8. J B O. Thompeon. 30.10; waat 72 2-8 foot of soath H of lot 6. Jsmes Short lo 70; north to of lot 6. Addle B. Marray. tl.Ot; tot T, Addle B. Murray. 33.10: lot L Joseph Pink. 33.10. A tract of land hnnndsd snd described oa fol Iowa: Commencing at tntereectloa of west lias of Second street with south Mas of Honker atrsot thence southerly to north line of Wonts street, thence west to ssst line af right ot way of Oregon A California Ball way Company, tbencs northerly along tha east line ef aatd right of war to its m toraeetion with tha south lias of Hooker otroot thence oast to beginning. C. B. Smith. 140 00. CABt'THEKS' ADDITION TO CABUTBBM' ADDITION to the City Of Portland -BLOCK 87 all St 1st t lying west of Oregon A California Rsllrosd Ooapaay's right of way, Jeremiah Worlck. tLtO: all of lot 6 lying waat of Oregon A California Railroad (Tom peay's right ef way, Jeremiah Wsrlch, tl ns all of lot 7 lylBf waat or Oregon h California Railroad company's right of way. Ellaabeth Baumgtrtner 11 IB: aft ef lot 8 lying west sf Oregon A CaUforala Railroad Compaay' right af way, Oabrlol Baantgartnar, lo w. BLOCK 68, east an reel or lot 1, Jean I a Has law, tl 7ft; sest at foot of north 20 feet of lot 2, Jennie Baa Lee, tO.TO; weet 31.6 feat ef tot 1. Albert B. and Elsie B. Wright, tO.40; west 31.8 feet of north 10 feet of lot 2. Albert B. and Elsie B. Wright, t0.lt: aouth tO feet of lot 3. MeUsea E. Hug. l 28; aorth 40 feet of lot 3, Melissa P. Hag, tl 70; aouth 10 feat of ssst 80 toot of tat t. Albert B. Wright ao.36; ss.t 80 feet sf let 4. Albert r. Wright. 11.10; aooth 10 feet of wsst otto feet f lot 1. Maltoaa B. Hag. fp.lt; west atto oat of lot 4. Melissa rT fine. 101. all of 1st t except the Oregon rTs!tfornls Ballroflt Company's right of way Msttoss " Hug, 30.06; lot t. Maltoaa B. Hug. li st; south o feet of tot 8 oaat ef Oregos A California Railroad Company's right of way. Meiiata B. Hag, 90tt; north feet of lot 3 east of Orajna A California Railroad sod B Wright to TO: an of lot t aaat sf Oregon A Callfsrals Rsllrosd Compaay'a right of way, Albert B. and 1.la B Wright t0 BLOCK tt, tot L Oregon Katlwsy Aj Maries Hon Company. tilO; 3, Orwgoo fclllw.y A Natlgation Compaay. 12 in, tot I, Oregon Ballway A NarlgstVoo fompanj, $3.10; ot 4. Oregon Ballway A Nsrlystiea (mpsy. H3in tot 6. Orsgoa Ballway A Naelgatlon omaaBy. ftl: tat 6. Oregon Ballway A larigatlon Compsny. 13 10; lot 7 Oregon lallwty A Ns rigs Hon Compsny. t3 10; toft. ws . wit l,. ateei, ai.io; i n i i assssfcsas: feat 4 g t manual BeDtlst Church. H 26; ssst 44to feat of tot T. Busts 0. Post Bouts, uoirs or 06, west I foot of tot 3. eooeph Oeha. vol aaot ivs.0 (eat M tot i. Baas wooer, ut; seat 104.6 feet of tot 3. Boas Water, 06; lot t, Mosa Weber. 12.10; tot 4, tuaa Kosa Wooer, tt soar, aa.10: seat a rest or lot a. Weber, tu.06. east 1 feet af tot 6, sto res i of lot 6, Magadelool B. atarlatotf. w oo west 81.6 leot of oast to.6 tart at tot MiailalBBl K. Mariaton. to. 86, wast TO too foot . of tot 6. tt 6. IskasUSB aad Lrdto Matraer. 11.40 40; dla 10 feet ef tot a. Babes Has sad Lrdli atatcaer, ai Coha. tl 06; t to sf tot Joseph of tot t, uoau. 11.06. weet to at tot T. il 06; west to of lot S, WllheUBlaa Mushier 81.06: aorth 1 feet at blocs tu. Lnauowu Owaar, pass, block tl, wsst II fsst of tot 1, Berth A. Barnes, tu.au. waat hi foot of tot 1, Sarah A. Barnes, 10.60, asst 78.6 fret of lot 1. Boas, a. Wsosr, Sl.o 76.6 foot ot let a. Baas a. weeer. tl-ao; test si feet ot tot 8, Maes H. Weber, fi.au wsst 36.6 fsst of tot S, Patrick Marrej. 60.60; waat 36.6 fsst ef tot 4, Pstrtck Murrey, so AO. aaat 61 fsat of tot A Leaa A DO Is. 11. SO, ssst 8.6 tost of tot 6. i'atnea Mtursy, Eiu; east u.p soot ox m o, s-euive aun.j. lo: aorth 46.66 feet of west loo foot ot 6. Patrick Marray, tl.oo, waat lol.o fest of tot 6, Ursa la Tepfer, 1200; wast 101.8 fsst of south 4.46 feet of lot a. Ursula ranter, au.io; east to oi lot T, nary jtcoo., 11.00; sett to of tot 6. Mary Jscous, LU6; wast to of lot 7. Mrs. Mark O'Nsll. ll.oo. weet to of tot a. Mrs. Mark O'Nsll. 61. uo; south t foot of block Tl, Una sown Owasr. o.oo. BLOCK Tt, lot 1, HaffasU Bonongllo, SO To lot 3 llharLa V. Etwart. 12. 10: lot 3. Chsrtos P. Blwert. 3.lo. west 11.03 feet of tot 4, D. Leoaard. 10.80. east Tt fest of lot 4, Louise Corn, tl.tu; tot 6, C. P. Suilin. 'a. ,, p kilo; aorta as J -a leot si an o, tasja yuv. to UA aaath fit n.1 taa of lot 8. PTOd Lat pars, 1.10, tot 7, lecurlty oe rings A Trust Coeapauy, 13. M); tot a, Becurlty Sarlaga A TtBat Compaay. taio. BLOCK J a aorth 100 test of block It. Oregon Ksilrosd A Narigstion Cotupauy, ta-UO; ssuth 60 feet of north 160 feet of west 100 feet of block TH. uustar Bchtsl. ll.oo. south 60 feel of aaath Ban Baat af araat leO fast af block 73. Natbaa Peercy hwUU, Heirs of, 33.00, south 63 feet of north 283 fsst of west 100 feet of block 71, Isabella hiaksn. fi 26, south 6 foot of north Bat faat of wsot 100 feet of block Tt, Aasto AUsaortO"; ss loo feat ef south 60 feet of north 631 fsat of block Tl, Clmone CaaaUto. tlOO; south 41 tost of aorth (tt fOet of wsot 100 foot ot btoik TtV oba"o-ssl. td.60; soath 60 feet sf garth 160 fast of seat 100 faat of block TS, wUk Ladtos' EudsaToc Society, tloo; south 6o feet of north 3U0 foot of east loo faat of block Tt, TaeAora burko 1A00 south to of south Tl faat of north 27s feet of aaat loo test of Mock TK Theresa Do Patoo. 11.46; north to of south Tt fast of aorth 3Tt feet ot oast 100 foot of block 71, Angsto hUs Bossa, 11.46; south to feet of north 43t faat of east loo feet of block Tl, Llngl Capataato and UUrlgsDSo Belsrdone. tt-OO; south 100 fast of north 438 faat of wast 100 fsst ot Ltock 71. Jotsph Behos 14.00, sontk 60 foot sf north 171 faat of east 100 faat of block 71. John aad Mary Barbeto. t-00. . A tract ot lead twuadod and Asurlhaf as follow t. Cow msec log at Intersection of weet Mm af POavth street with south Una of Meed street. It si tended westerly, thence north 00 foot, thence west 10a. 06 rest. Usees soath 40 foot, thence weet 106 foot, theoce aooth 80 foot, thence east 212.06 fast to beginning Catherine Cots, 66 0. , . A tract of land bounded snd doscrthot as follows: ConasSBClag 100 feet aorth of south east earner of Fourth street snd Maaato otraat. If attended westerly, thence north 36 feet, thence waat 100 feet, tbeaoe soath tt fsst. then ca cast 100 fast to baginnlag. BUaabaU P. Cols, 11.00. A tract ef land hounded aad deecrlbed as foUows: Commencing 100 foot aorth and 100 foot wast af nootheeat corner of iourth street saw Maaato street, extended westerly, thanes aorth tO faat, thence wast 12 08 test, thence south 10 fsst. thence aaat 12.05 faat to begin IBS, ML 1. McGrath, 60.26. f A tract of land bounded aad described aa fol tows: Commencing 100 faat north ot soe th ese! corner ot Ponrth and Meade streets si tsadsd westerly, thence west 313.06 fsst, theoce aouth 60 faat. thence oast 106 toet, thence north 40 fsst, thence aaat 106.08 feet thence north 10 faat to heglaalag, Beimel T. Hlaada. 12.&0. A tract of lead bounded and described aa follows Commencing 60 feet north ot In tersection of east Una of Plfth street, es teaawd southerly and the north Una ot Meads street encoded westerly, thence aorth 80 foot, thsnce aaat 60 foot, thence south BC feet, thence west 80 feet to beginning, Thoa. aad Amatuiao A. Media, 10.60. A tract of land bounded and dascrlbsd as follows: Com aeo ring 60 faat north and SO faat east of intersection of oaat Una of rifth street ei tea dad ooatbarty oad north Una af Meade street extended westerly, thence north tt faat, thence oast 70 fsst. thanes soath 60 foot, thence west TO foot to beginning, I. E. Norgard. 11.40. A tract of land bounded and deecrlbed as follows: Commencing 300 feet north of In toraeetion af waat line at Ponrth afreet with aouth Mas of Mesde street ax tended. amstartJ, tnsnce wast 212.06 fsat, theace South So foot, thence oast 112.08 foot thence south 20 fast, thence east 100 fast, thence north 78 feet to beginning. Thomas Duffy, 13.20. A tract of land bounded and described ss follows: Commencing 00 faat wsst of north waat corner of block 88, Oarathere' Addition to Cs ruth ere' Addition, and on an exteaalon of aooth Una of Meads street, thanes wsst an an eiteniloo of south Una of Meade street 317 TO foot, thence south 100 fsst snd parallel with saat Una of Fifth otroot. ex tended southerly, thence seat 330 feet, thence rtk 100 feet to beginning. JtBMS Short. A tract of land bounded and described at follows Commencing 100 tost sooth of north tt corner of block 88. Caruthers' Addition to Csruthers' Addition, theace west 200 feet nod parallel with south Una of Meade street, thence aooth 60 feet end parallel with weet lino of said block tt, thence asst 300 feet and parallel with south Una af Meade atrsot thence aorth to place or beginning, rranetoet Heioi, fs.uu. OABITTHEBB- ADDITION TO CARf TTHERS ADDITION to the City Of Portland BLOCK Tl. aaat 30 fast sf aorth 100 feet of block 71. Balfour. Outhrle at Co.. 11.20; west 60 feet of esst 80 feet ef north 100 foot of block 71 Louis Trammer, 12.00; wast 30 feet ot osst 110 fast of north 100 feet of block Tl. Lu- rretln Nest tO.BO; west 80 feet of oaat 180 feet of btoek Tl, Theresa Plan. 64.00; aorth 41 faat of soath 3 faat of aaat 80 feet of block Tl, Mary Jucbealrh. 11-66; wsst 60 fast of east ISO feet af south 60 feet of black Tl. Mary Jacaemlch. U-00; east T4 fsst of aouth to feet of block 71, Battle John son. 11.60; west 26 feet of oaat ISO faat ot aooth 60 fact of block 71. Victor Ctooffrey. 8. B0; west 81 feet of east 180 test it north feet of south 100 fest of btoek Tl, Henry B. Melater. tl.tO: esst tt fret of north S faat of south 100 feet of btoek Tl, Henry K. Melater. 60 80. BLOCK 77. son thereat v of block 77. Joseph Simon aad Cyrus A tfelph. U 28; northwest V of block TT. Win leld T. ttapbsas. 94.fA; north to of northeast to of Block TT. Monie Ktsnrord. izm, south to of nortbesst to of btoek 77, Bruno Nlckol, n.10: north to of aoathaaat to ot block TT. Sanaa B. wsusce, axio; soots u ot soath east to of block 77. E L OoldwelL 13.10. A tract ot lead bounded sad described sa foUows: Commencing at Intersection of south Una of Porter street with the wsot line of Oregon A Coilfornln Rsllrosd Com peay's right or way. thence wesi roi 10 rest; tnsnce south 100 tost thence sest 60 36 faat to wsot line of Oregon A California Rsllrosd Company 'a right or way. tneace norrnweaieriy to he glaalag. Lncrstla Nsst, t.i IB. A tract of land bounded aad described ss follows Commencing at Intersection of south Use of Porter street with seat Una of Fourth otroot, thsnce aaat an asath Una of Porter street 78 2S foot, theace soath at right angles to Porter street 100 feet thence wee' 86 03 feet aad parallel with Porter street to east Use af Ponrth etreet. thence northwest to beginning, Henry Thompson Estate, Heirs of, if 86. A tract of land bounded and described as follows: Commencing at Intersection ot north llao ot Woods street aad eaat Una of Fourth street, being 980 fiat aooth aad B0 22 feel eaat af aaatbwaat earner of block 67. Caruthers' Addition to Caruthers' Addition, thence esst oa Berth lias of Fourth street 88 90 faat. thence north 100 feet at right angles to Woods street, thence weet aad parallel wiin norm una 01 wood 101 11 foot to oaat Una af Ponrth street. street OUTsr U. Holmes, m so. A tract sf land boaadod sad dascrlbsd ss r Ottawa: Commencing at Intersection of north lino of Wood street snd west Una of Oregon A Oallfarnta Rsllrosd Company's right of way, thence west on north Use of Woods a treet 63 7 feet, thence aorth at right saalaa to Woods otroot to a point 100 feet north of north lias sf Woods street thanes ssst snd parallel with the north llao of Woods street 13.14 fast to point on want Una of Oregon A Calirorala ttofjroad Oosjpany'a right of way. thence southeasterly to beginning, Lou las M. Poster. 13-88. A tract of read bounded and described aa follows: Commencing oa south lies of Por ter street at tha Intersect Iob of Poartb street . the see wast sa asath llao of Porter street PT.M fast to wsst lias of old Ponrth street extended southerly, theace south 60 feet oa weet Uae of aid Ponrth etreet extended southerly, thence eaat aad parallel with asatb line of Porter afreet 10AI6 fast to wsst Use of Fourth street, thence northwesterly to begtnalag. Ellen 0. Morrison, 1 2 0B A tract of lead bounded and described so follows: Comma Bring nt point eo eaat line ef Poartb street 110 foot soath sad 16 fsst esst ef southwest corner of block 87. Csr uthers addition to Carnthars' addition; thence wsst 10t.lt fsat to weat Ilea ef old Fourth street attended southerly; theses aooth 330 foot am weet Uae af old Fourth afreet si tsadsd; thsnce east 118 13 at to west line of Ponrth street as sow established; thence r."Hrirs a stfs.',"r 0 D Mn A tract of ltBb bounded sad described ss follows. 1. m mend tig at a point on west line of Ponrth street, oald point being 180 feet south aad 10.06 feet aaat of aootawsat corner of btoek 67. Caruthers' addition to Carathors' addition; theoce wool and parallel with south Una sf Porter street 118.46 tost ot old Ponrth street extended nerth oa said west Use of aid Fourth strset at teet 113.13 foot to west Maa of Fourth street southerly to beglaalng, Harry ILIA. U. A tract sf lead tiaallt aad described sa Bws; Oaat m earl as at Intersection of north of Woods street aad waat Uae of F.urth street said point being ttu feet south aad 3B.76 faat aaat at southwest corner of btoek at. Caruthers' addition to Cerutbera' addition theace weal 133 teat aa aorth line ot Woods street extends d westerly to waat Una of old Poartb street, southerly , theace north 100 feet oa ssid wsst Una sf old Fourth street: thence east sad psrsllel with south Uae of Purler street UK4U fsat to waat Una of Ponrth street, tbeaoe southerly to beginning. Charles jsbxs, pa.mr. A tract of toad lying bet BBSS tha north Maa st Woods struct sad tha aooth Hue of tot 3, block no. Caruthers' addition to Oar others aeVmloa. uu ma ij una of Hood street sad a Maa 100 faat westerly from aad parallel therewith, City of Port land, 11.60. CAKl 11U..IB' ADDITION TO CAKI THICKS AUDI hum to the City of Portland B1AJCK hi, tot 1, tt L, May, 13.00, tot 2. Fer dinand Oundorph. t2.sw; lot 1, John Mair, 81WU, lot 4. James U. Hunter, 11 68, lot 6, Jobo Mnlr, 1246; tot d. Hernias Hell kempcr, 2.u6. BLOCK 83, tot 1, The Oar aies MsTings A Lena Society. 13.20; north 81 fsst ef tot 2. Tha Oermau Barings A Loan buclety, HOC, south 2 tsst uf lot 3, Frank P. uilaam. tu-lu; tot s. Praak P. OUhau, 12.00; lot 4, Frank P. Ollham. 3ou; lot 6, John A. LoekeL 12 20. lot 6. aobastlau Plymale. 11. bo; let T, Uoorgo W. tsordoo. 11.60, tot 6, The German at slags A Loan Society, tl.OO. BLOCK 80, lot 1, .Northern Counties Is rest went Trust 11 KB; lot 2, Northern Counties lnrsstmsnt Trust. 1160, tot 1, .Northern Counties luTsetment irutt. 12 40, tot 4. Frank A. Tell. 11. 10; lot 6, Frank A. Tell, 1.M; tot 6. Praak A. Tall, 11.20, lot 7, Mary C. WarraB, 6100; tot 8. Prestos W. Gillette, 82. uu; lot 0, Osrrto B. Wood, 13.00; lot 10, May D. iDgslla, 13.00; north to of lot 11. Gust J. sod Usrsn ulsen. ll.oo, soath to of lot 11, Gusuf A. and Carolina Cerlsos. ll.oo; lot 12. Klla C. labia. (3.00; tot 11, Frank A. Tell. 33.00. CAMUTBMBt' ADDITION to the City of Port land, as told out by Us Sooth portlaad Meal Estate Assoc let Ion -BLOCK 100, tot 1, Oregon Ksilrosd A NaTlgstloa Company. 11 uo, to 2, Oregon Ballroad A NsTlgstlon Compaay, 12.ou; lot t. Oregon KslU-osd A Narigttlou Company. 13.00; lot 4. Oregon Uallroad A NtTlgtlion Compaay, 13.00; tat 1, uregoo Ballroad A Ntrtgttloa Ooapany. 3.00; lot 6. Orsgoa Ksilrosd A Narlgatloa Company, 63. OO; tat T, Oregon Ballruad A N a Tigs t Ion Company. 13.00; tot 1, Oregon Ballroad A Navigation Company, 13.00. BLOCK 101, tot 1. I ulted States Ssrlngs A Loan Company of Mluuesoia, 13.00: lot 3, J. I. Scott, 1100; lot 1, I be I Land Company and Robert H. Thompson, 12.00. lot 4, Ibex Land Company aad Robert H. Thompson. P. 00; lot 6. KrerdiDg A ParraU, 13.00; lot J. K. Scott. S2.0U; tot T, J. E. Scott 33.00; lot 8, United States Sa Tings A Loan Company of Minnesota. 13.00. BLOCK 102. lot V Llxlls C. Wella, 6100; lot 2, Mary Prancea Hurley, 1100; lot 1, Mary Francos Hurley, 1100; tot 4. Grace L Bronongb, 13. U0; lot 6, rt J. La Prance, 13.00; lot 6, B J La France. 6100; BBdlndod to ot lot 7, Ibex Land t ompsnj. 61.00; aadlrlded to of tot T, Anna B. Council, ll.oo; lot 8, Jacob Los 11, 12.00. BLOCK lot, lot 1, Peter and Stole Bronor. 3100: tot 3, Peter and Elale Brencr. 1100: tot 3, Oregon Mortgage Com- Ciny, Ltd., 1100; kit 4. Lottie Trapp, 3100; t B. Molllc Stanford, t3.00: lot 0. Mollis Btanford. 33.00: lot 7. Mollis Stantord. tjLOOi lot S. Mollis Stanford. 12.00. BLOCK 103. tot 1, Ibex Lend Company, 1100; tot 2, Ibex Land Compaay, 32.00; lot 8, Ibex Land Compaay, 13.00; tot 4. Ibex Land Company. 3.00: eeat 60 faat ot lot 6, Ibex Lead Com Ray, 11.00; east 60 feet of lot 6, Ibex Lend sspany. tl.OO: aU of tot 6 except esst 60 fret, P. O. Welch, 10.85. all ef lot t except eaat 60 feet P- i- W'aleb. 10.60; tot 7. Ibex Land Compaay, 11. 30; lot 1. Ibex Lead Company. 11.06. BLOCK 106. lot 1. Oregon Hallway A Nartoatlua Company, 1190, tot 3, Oregon Ballway A Narigatlon Company. U.T0; tat 3. Oregon Ballway A Narlgattoa Company. 13.40; tat 4, Oregon Ksllway A Nslgstlon Cenipnny. 13.16; tot 8. Oregon Ballway A Narigatlon Compaay, 1100; lot 6, Oregon Hallway A NaTlgstloa Company. 1100; lot T. Oregon Ballway A Navigation Company. 12.00; tat 8, Oregon Railroad A NsrlgatioB Company, 1100. BLOCK 106. lot 1. William M. Gregory aad J. V. Beach. 31.00: tot 2. William M. Gregory and J. T. Basel,, (100; lot a. William H. Gregory sod J. V. Beach, 3.00 ; lot 4. William H. Gregory and J. T. Beach, (3.00: tat 6, William M. Gregory and J. V. Beach, (1.P0; lot 6. wu Ham ht. Gregory snd J. V. Beseh. (1.T0; lot T, WllUam M. Gregory and J. V. Beach. 1.16; tot 1. William M. Gregory and J. V. Beach, 11.18. BLOCK 107. Oregon Hallway A Narigatlon Company, 16.10. BLOCK 108. tot 1. Thomas nucha na ii, (2.36; lot t, Thomas J. Cnttel Estate. Heirs of. 13.30; tot 8. Richard i B Collins, 106; lot 4, Richard B. Collins. 11. PB ; lot 6, Portland Trust Company of Oregon. 12.00; lot 6. Portland Trust Com: pa ay of Oregon. 12.00; weet S3 1-3 teat of tot 7. Leonard Schad. 10 86; weat 13 14 feet nf tot 8, Leoaard Schad. 10.68: eaat 06 3-3 feet of tot 7, Jobs Lewy, (I .'to, aaat 66 1-1 feet of lot 8. John Lewy. 11.10. BLOCK 103. lot 1, Amite E. Newsome. 13.00; north 87 to feet of lot 2. Robert Wllllsma, 11.80; south 12to feet of lot 2. Victoria Ftebtger. 30.60 north H tot 3. Victoria Pleblger, 11.00 aooth of lot .1. Fr.nk snd Victoria Pleblger 11.00; lot 4. William King. 12.00: an of lot 6 except Oregon A California Ballroad Com- nanr'a right of war. William King. 10.85; all of tat except Oregon A Call torn Is Railroad Comosnr't right ot way. Willis King. 10.10; all of tot 7 except Oregon A California Railroad Company's right of way. William King, (1.00; all of lot t except t. r.ll..Pnl. Uallenan rm,n, umw v- ... h ..b.uu u e . rleht of war. William King. 11.40. BLOCK lit), tot 1, Henry J. Thompson Estate. Heirs of. 12 00; lot 2. Henry J. Thompson Estate, Heirs sf, 12 no. lot (t P W. Wakefield. 13.00: tot 4. Sosbb M. Wallace. 1100; lot 6. Ferdinand Gnndorph, (2. no, lot 6. Ferdinand Oundorph. 1100; lot T, Ferdinand Omdorpb. 12 00: tot t. Ferdinand Oundornb. 13.00. BLOCK 111. all of tot 1 except Oregon A CsUforBla Ballrr.ad Company's right of way, Cbartoo C. Smith. (1.30; all of lot 2 except Oregon A California Ballroad Company a right of way. Charles C. Smith, to 80; all of lot 3 except Oregon A California Ballroad company a riant or wsy. i nsries v. nmiin. &TO; aU of tot 4 except Oregon A California Ureal Company t rlgkt ot way, 10.T8; all of lot t except Oraava A Calirorala Railroad Compaay'a runt of way. Charles 0. Smith. SOO; sU of lot 6 except Oregon A California lttaad Company's right of way, Charles C. Smith. 31 At): all nf lot T except Oregon A California Railroad Company's right of way. Charles C. Smith. 11.90. all of lot 8 except Oregon A Csllfnrnls Rsllrosd Com psay s right of way, Charles C. tmlth. 11.6a BLOCK III lot 1. Fred Keborse. 13.00; lot 3, Prod Rehorse, (3.00; lot .1. Northern Coan ttoo iBTsatment Trust. Ltd., 11.00; tot 4, Vers Haynee, (2 on; tot 6. Vera Haynea. (2 00; lot t. Northern Countlse Ineestment Trust. Ltd., 13 on. lot T, Fred Reborat. tl.OO; tot 1, Fred Rehorst, (too. BLOCK 113, tot 1, J. Inset Eatata, Helra of. 13.00; lot 2. J. tweak Eatate, Heirs of. tlOn; north 40 feat of tot 1 J. Iweek Estate, Hslra of, (1 80; aooth 10 fact of lot (, H. W. tmlth. 10.40; tot 4. M. W. tmlth, 13.00; west 4A feet of lot 8. Hermaa H. ttetnforth. tn.iai, east 16 feet of tot 6. P. L. Wright 11 .10; tot rV J. W. Sweek Bststs. Heirs ot, (1.00: tot T. J. W. Bweek Estate. Hslra of, 12 no. tot 8, J. W. Sweek Eatate. Helra of. 12 no BLOCK 114. tot I. George D. Wstklna and K. D. Rood. 13.00; lot 3, Oeorgs D. Watklns snd E. D. Rood, 13.00; tot 1, Franklin Drake. 1100: tot 4. Franklin Drake. 1100; west to of lot 6. Columbia Ineestment Company No. 1 81.00; west to of lot 6. Columbia Investment Company No. 1 11.00; saat to of lot 6. Mary Leata. tl.00: eaat to ef lot 6 Mary Lsats, (1.00: sadlTlded 4-8 of tot T. Hannah Bloom. 1.60; undlTlded 4-1 of tat I, Hannah Bloom. Il.to; undlTlded 1-fl of tot T, Mathilda. Jeonla, Mary aad S. Bloom. 30.40; nodlTidrd 1-6 of lnt 8. Matkllda, Jenala. Mary and S. Bloom. 10.40. BLOCK 1167 lot 1, The Northern Counties Inrasfawnt Trust. Ltd.. 13.00: tot 2. The Northern Counties Ineestment Trust. Ltd.. 13.00: tot 1. Elisabeth A. Thomas. 1100; tot 4, Ellaabeth A. Thorns a, 13.00; west 80 feet of lot 1, Isaac twett. (1.30. east 40 feet of tot 6, There Brown. (0.M); aouth to of lot 6, V. E Rogers, 11.00; north to of lot 6. Fred L. Hlggs Bad Itetla M. Rlgga. 11.00; tot T, Byron P. Cardwsll Batata. Helra of. (100: lot I. Myron P. Cardwsll Estate. Heirs ef, 13.00. BLOCK 110. lot 1. John H. aad Mary D. Mlddletoa. (3.00; lot 2. Nay Church man. (3.00; lot 2. Amend W. Reed Eatate. Helra of. 1100; lot 4. Amend W. Reed Ea tate. Helra of. 13.00; lot t. Margaret C. Fail ing. 13.00;. lot t. Margaret C. Falling. 13.00; lot T, Mary A. BnlllTaot, 13.00; lot S, Brid get and J D. Kennedy Eatate, Helra ot. 13.00. BLOCK 117. tot 1. Mary FYs aces Barley. 3.00; tot 2. 0 sorgo W. Craw. 13.00; tot 3. MSTT Frances Hurley. 33.00: lot 4. Mary Prancea Hurley, 3100: lot 6, Dora Spraaer. 00; tot A, Dora Sprauer. 33.00; tat T. was Rlbbecks, 1100: tot 8, Pelli Flodley. 1100. BLOCK lit, 1st 1, Bllea Murphy. 13.00; 1st 3. George Bukowoky. 1100; lot 1. Carrie Ktrkley. (100; tot 4. George Selkirk. 13.00: aaat to of tot 6. Annie M. Jacob berger, ft. 00, esst to of lot tl. Annie M Jacobberger. (1.00; weat to of lot 8. Cather. las Abb Howe. (1.00; wast to of left, Catherine Ann Howe. (1.00: eaat to ef lot T. John Klrklry. (1.00; aaat to of lot 8. John Ktrttoy. 11.00; weet U, of tot T, Fred I. Wright ll.oo; set to of lot 8. Fred L. Wrlrkt II. 00. BLOCK 118. tot 1. Uaxle c Wella. 12o, tot 3. Llsale C Wells. 12 00 lot 1, J. S MrAlnln, 12 oo tot 4. J. B. Mr Alpla. 13.00; tot 6, Benjamin P. aad Phase I J. Johnson. 1100; tot t, Benjamin P. snd Phoebe J. Johnson. 11.00; lot T, Llixle C. Wells. 12.00, lot 1. Llaals C. Wella. (BOO. BLOCK l Jo, lot l. Oregon Ballroad A NaT gallon Company. 13.00. tot 3 Oregon Ballroad a nsTigaiioa iwmpany. bb.uu; t RallmarT A Nsrlgstlon Company lot 8. Oregon 13 00: lot 4. Oregon Railroad A Narigatlon Compaay, SAtl tat 6, Oregon Ballroad A Narigatlon BBBaay. 33.00; tat t, Oregon Railroad A Narlgstlnn Compsny. (300. tot T Orsra is west aoatharlr MTigauoa company, x oo; tot 6. Orsfoa Balbxad A Narigattoa Oaasaaay. 33.00. BLOCK 131. tot 1. Oreaan BsAreed A NsTlgsUoo Oumpanj. (100; lot 3, Oragoa Ballroad A NsTigsttos Company. 1100, let 1 Oraaon Ballroad A Ms & 00; lot 4. Oregos Ballroad A NaTlgstloa uaajt. (lou. lot I, Oregon Ballroad Narigatlon Compaaj. (too, tot , Oregon naiiroaa a .sngaiioe uvmpanj, sa-oo , uii T, Oregon Rsl broad A Narigattoa Compsny. tt-OO; tat 8. Oregon Bxllretl MaelAhttoa tympany, 1100. BLOCK 133, lot L Orsgon Ksilrosd a NarigauoB compaay. n ou. 101 2. Oregon Ksilrosd A Narlgatloe Company (loo: Tot 1. Oregon Railroad A Nsrigatlot Comnanr. 82 00: Tot A Oraaon Ballroad i Narigatlon Company. (100; tot 6. Oregos Ballroad A NaTlgstloa Company. 33.00; wt Oregon Ballroad A Narigatsoa Company. (2oo, lot 7, Oregou KaUroad A Narigatloa compaay, II oo; lot a. Oregon aaiiroao a Nsrlgstlon Company, tluo. iLOCtt 133. lot I, Laura M Gammona, (100; tot 1 Laura M. Gammons, (luo, lot t, Praatoa W. Gillette. 82.0U: lot 4. Preston W. Gillette, 12 uo. lot 6, Arthur G. Oharcktay, tl oo; lot a, Arthur G. Church ley. 12 00; MK in- Teatort' MflrttiM BaenettT nMmir. Ltd.. loo: tot 6. H. 1.. Templeton. 12.00. BLOCK 134. lot 1. CaraUae Vaattao. 83.00; lot 2. Caroline v ant ins, 12. uu. wt a, am Reed Estate. Helra of. 13.00; tot 4. lot 1. A. J. Glesy. 12O0. lot 1 A J Sissy, s z.oo; north to of lot a. J usage aeuaea. 1.00; south vi or wt s, in uoiaenosrg, si uo. t 4, AOs ana a. rsnno, ss.uw; tot e. Oregos Mortgage Company. (3.00; south to o o, Alice tn aowan, 11 w, iwrui ys 01 8, Charles Houghton, (1.00; tot 7, H P. and Flora C. Gerapaek, 1100: lot 1, Cora snu r tors . . viarayaea, iw, ' - a. v"a B. snd Lillian A. DsLlnd. 1100. BLOCK 136. lot I, Jullua H. Berger. 12 00; tot 1 Ida H. Berger. 13.00; tot M. George 1. aad Minnie LlrlngatoB, 12 00; lot 4. Martha Hen saaw. 13.00; lot 6, A. L. Vpaaa. 12 00; lot 6. Fred g. Plane, 32 00; east if faat of tot 7, German Ssrings A Loan Socletr. 11.10; esst 87 teet or lot 8. Osraaaa Sarlnga A Loaa Society, 11.10, WSBt 41 test ot lot T. J. H ... . ,a -. La a 1 u Brlttow. 10.86. BLOCK 127. lot 1. Wllll.m B. DrtakelL H00; lot 3. William E. Drtoekcll. 3.00; tot 1 Percy H. Blyth. 1100, lot 4. Frank snd Loulss B. Rummelln. 1100. lot 6. William E. Driaksll (100; lot A W llUam B. nnaxsii. gioo; lot 1, saaaw o. aeiueimer, 12.00; tot 1. lessc Oesurts. (2 00 BLOCK 138. esst 76 tost ot tot 1. Loula Marott. (1.60; waat 36 test of tot 1. Hannah L. Usrdy. 10.10; waat 26 feet of lot 2 Hsaaah L. Hardy. 10.(0; aorth tof seat Tt faat at lot 2. Mary Col saw a. (0. f 8 . aouth of ssst T6 feet of tot 1 Bridget Kennedy and John Kennedy Eatate. Heirs of. t0B, lot 8 City of Portlsud. 12.00; tot 4, Oonataaca snd Fred Tillman. 13.00; tot 6, Marcus Kuedy. 1100; soath to of lot 6. Bar ah Coha. tl.OO; north to of lot t, M. J. Moss 11.00: tot T. Poijrth Preebytorton Church. tt-OO; tat 8. Fasxtk Praabytetiaa Church. 'dOO. BLOCK 129 tot L Fred Spegeto, 1100; north 86 feet of tot 1, iAwnTr twltBtof.tl.4t; aaath 14 feet of lot t. Joba Mulr, 10.66: north 41 feet of lot 8, John Mulr. 11 65; aouth 1 teet ot tot 8, Marctsaa B. Boyd. fo.tO; lot 4. Marsiaaa B Boyd. 1100; all of lot 6 sxosnt Oregon A California Railroad Compaay'a right of way, Nannto M. Starr. 11. HO; all of tot 6 except Or egon A California Rsllrosd Company'a rtoht af way. Nannie M. Starr tl.lt; aaat to of tot T. Hannah McCarthy, 1.00; saat V of lot 8. Hannah McCarthy, ll.oo; West to Sf tot T. Mrs. Martin A. Elfers. tl.OO; waat to of lot 8. Mrs. Martin A. Elfert. (1.00. BLOCK 130. all of tot 1 except Oregon A, r1irnrnla Itallrotd Comntnr't rint of way. Charles CerdinelL (1.70: tot t ffsW W. prsna, 1100; bji a, mine m. nisra. a.'. lnt A n-ltHe 11 atarfe 3100: west to of lot t. Alice B. Weleter. (1.00; weat to or lot U, a. UlS VS caw ana , vei t- w-w T." , 6. Altos B. Welstsr, 11.00; oaat to of lot B. Robert Uriagstone, 11.00; eaat to of lot 8. Robert LiTlagatoaa. ll.oo. eaat to of lot 7, nooert utipitwst, t-", aa- ts " " . taraol snd lltrr Dtutoff. tl.OO: oaat to Of lot 8. larael aad Mary Da u toff. tl.OO; wsst to of lot T. P. A. ttoly. Trustee. 11.00; west to of tot t. P. A. Daly. Trustee. (LOO. BLOCK 111. tot 1. P. Byaa, 83.00; all of sooth to of lot 3 except Oregon A California Railroad Company a right of wsy, Oeorgs N Woldan. 16.H0. all of north to of lot 2 eireot Oraaon A California Ballroad Com- nana'. elatiT of war. Polly M. Ford. 0.06; sll of lot S except Oregon A Csllfornls Rail road Company's right of way, Philip Lsw toa, 11.80; all of tot 4 except Oregon A Cali fornia Railroad Company's right of way. Philip Lawton. 11 .88. eaat 41 feet of lot 6 except Oregon A California Ballroad .Com- pany't right of way, Eatetla Smith, 10.05; asst 41 feet sf soath 30 foot of tot t sxeept Oregon A California Ballroad Company's right of way. F.stells tmlth. 10.40; weat tl feet of tot 1 except Oregon A CaUfornln Railroad Compsny'i rlgkt of way, William M. Gregory. (I 00; waat tl feet sf sooth 30 feet of tot 6 except Oregon A California Railroad Company a right of way, William M. Gregory, lO.eO; north 80 feet of tot 6 eiccr.t Oregon A Csllfornls Ballroad Com paay a right of way, John H. Mlddletoa. (1.18; all ot lot T. except Oregon A California Ballroad Compsny s right sf way. 10. 66; Sll of lot I sxeept Oregon A California Railroad Compaay'a right of sray. Olfa M. Lasa. 11.10. BLOCK 133. tot 1. Leora PauTkss, 18.00; lot X Orsnt Phegley. 13.00; lot 8. Alice J. Plimpton. (100; lot 4, Alice J. Plimpton. (300; tot 6, Anna C. Marott, tt-OO: tot t. Ida B. Oors. tt-OO; tot T. H F. Btraoa, 1100; tot 1. B. P. Btrgsa. 1100. BLOCK lit, lot 1. Prod A. Lite. (lOO; tot 2. Fred A. Uts. 12 no; lot 8. William Tarraot (1.00: lot 4. William Tar rant. (100; lot I, First M. E. church, Trus tes. tToO: tot 6, First M B. Chorcb Trus tee. tt.00; tot T, Fred A. Lita. 13.00; tot 8. Fred A. Uts. (3 00. BLOCK Its. tot 1. Adeline M. Underwood, 33 00; lot 1 Adeline M. Underwood. 3100: lot 8. Nancy B. Atkln sofl Eatate. Helra ot. 3100: lot 4. Nsoey B. Atkinson Estate, Hairs of, 1100; lot 6 Sum ner J. Bsrbsr.jp.00; lot 8. Bumnsr J. Barber, JlOO; lot T, William C. Ilarmar. 12.00. lot M, William C. Barmar. (3.00. BX0CK 138. esst to of tot L Frank T. Bchaek. (1.00; aast to of tot 3, Prank T. Schack, (1.00; weat to of lot L WllUam P. Olds, (100; west to of lot 3, William P. Olds. (1.00; north U of lot I. A. B. and L. Buttner. tl.00; asatb to of lot 8. Daniel W. Hoelblog. 11.00; lot 4 Daniel W. Hoelblng. (2 00; tot t. Oeorgs StowelL tl.00; tot A Oeorgs Stowell. tlOO; lot 7. Alexander I. PattnTln. 13.00: lot 8. Ateitnder 8. FSttUIW. B2.W. ni.to c i,. faat Of lot 1. Mary J neimee, mes, 10.60 ; roll, il.60; 1 M W. esst Tl fest of tot 1. Anna Hen in a rn r ritretn. 1100: lot Auna H scroll. Smith 1100: lot 4. M. W. Smith. 12 00; lot 6, M. W. tmlth. tlOO: 1st 8, M. W. Smith. 12 oo ; tot T. Henry Wetnbard. 12.00. tot 8. Henry Wetahard. 13.00. BLOCK 13T, lot Z M W. Smith. HOO: tot 3. M. W. Smith. 12.00. lot 8. M W. tmlth. JlOO; lot 4M WTmKh, (100; lot I. M vT Smith. 13 00; tot A M. WT Smith. JlOO; tot 7. M. W. Hmlth, W OO; tot 8. M W. tmlth. lt-00. BLOCK lis, lot L Oragoa aUllread A Nari- Ption Company, (ioo; fot 2 Oreon Raltooad N.Tlgstlon Company. (100; lot J. Oregon Railroad A Narigatlon Compsny. 8100; Tot 4. Oregon Ballroad A Narigatlon Company. 100: tot 6 Oregon Railroad A N t rigs tloo Oompaay. (100; tot 6. Oregon Ballroad A Narlgnlon Company, 13.00; tot 7. jsgoo Rsllrosd A Narigatlon Company. 13.00; lot 8. Oregon Railroad A Narigatloa Company. 11.00. BLOCK 111. tat L Oregon Rift road a K'aetaatlna CnmnsnT. H00: lot 1 Oregon Railroad A Narigatlon Compaay. 12.00; Tot 3, Oregon saiu-oaa a narigauon company, aa Mi, lnt A ISaaa Ballenad A NsTleStlOn Company, (3.00; tat 6 Oregon Ballroad A NsTlgatlon Company. . HOO; lot t. Oregon Rsllrosd m nsTtgaxiOB company, taw, mn T. Oregon Railroad A Narigatloa Company. 3.00: w 8. Oregon Ballroad A Narigatloo Comseny, (2 00. BLOCK 140, lot I. Orsgon Rsllrosd A Narigatloa Compaay, (100; Tot 3. Orsgoa Railroad A Narigatloo Company. (3.00; lot 3. Oregon Railroad A Narigatlon Comnanv. (100: tat 4. Oregon Ballroad A Narigatlon Compear. (100; tot 8. Oregon Railroad A Narigstloa Company. 33.00; tot t. Oregon Railroad A Narigatlon Company. (1.00; tat 7. Oregon Ballroad A Narigatlon Compear. 13.00; Tot t. Oregon Ballroad A Narigatlon company, gx.ov. bluuk isi. lot 1. Oregon Railroad A Narigatlon Company, sino- lot 1. Oregon Ballroad A Kariaatlon Comnaay, (2 no. tat I. Oregon Ballroad A Narigatlaa company. uu; wt e. vregon Railroad A Narigatloa Oonrpeny. 3100; tat 1. Oregon Rsllrosd A Narigatlon Company. 1200: Tot 6. Oregon Railroad A Nariaatlon Company. (2 ''. Tot 7. Oregon Railroad A Narigatlon company. Saw; wt s. Oregon Railroad A Narigattoa Company (100. BLOCK 141 wt i. nicnaro ana sua runs 3.00: wt 1. Rlcbard and Ella Pnak, (loo tot 3, Msrtnn Msry Taylor 12 no lot 4 Martha Msry Taylor. Tsytor. 2.ra; U n, lot 8. Fred Baetele tot 6. Fred Spagele. iZ no .agele (3.00 tot T. John Mulr (3.00; lot t, Joba Mair (2.00 Ttl.oi'K 143. lot 1. Oregon Rsllrosd A Nsrlgstlon Company. (3. OA: tot 2 Oregon Ballroad A Narigatlon Company. (3.00; Tot It. Oregon Railroad a irsnffsaon company 3.00; Tot 4. Oregon Railroad A Narigatlon Company, (3.00; Tot 6. Oregon Ballroad A VsTlestlon CnmnsnT. 1100: tot 8. Otruron Railroad A Narigatloa Company. 13 00; Tot 7 Orrron Railroad A Nariaatlon Cnmnanr HOO; tat . Oregon Railroad A Narigatloa Company. 11 00 BLOCK 144. waat to of tot I. Peter Olhoal. tl.OO: weet to of lot 3. Teter Olhont: tR OO: eaat to ef tat 1, H. Smith. 11.00: east to of lot 2 S M Smith 1.00: aaat to of tot 3. Joba Kerrntb. tl.OO; east to of tot 4. Jobs K ecru ah, 11.00; weet to of lot 1. John P Hartman. tl no west to of tot 4, Jobs P. Hartman. tl "V tot 6. Mary t. Mlddletoa. tlOO; tat t. Mary s MlddlstoB. 13.00: waat to of tot T. Leaore t Gregory. 11.00; esst to of lot 7. ladle A. Wrinkle. 11.00; ssst to sf tot t. ladle a. Wrinkle, tl 00; weet to of lot a. Abrnm oilier (loo, BLOCK 1st. tot 1. Oregon Railroad A Narigatloa compaay. HOO; lot I Oregon Rsllrosd a srlgsooa nomaany 2.00: Tot 1. Oregon Railroad A Naelaatlon Co mpsny 12oii. wt 4. Orsgoa Railroad A Narigatlon compaay. x tai; wt 6. Oregon Railroad A Narigatlon Company, tf.00; lot 6. Oregon Railroad A Narigatloa Compear (300: tot T. Oregon Railroad A Narigatlon Compaay. (3.00. tat a. Oregon Railroad A NaTigatlon Compsny (2 no BLOCK I4A. lot I. ifatllda Sandstone. (2 0O tot t. Matilda Baa aa Baas. (Ago; tot a. Matilda 100: tot 4, Matilda Sands tone, not; tot .a,0","" Ksilrosd A Narigatloa Compauy, (t oo. Tot 6 Oregon Uallroad A Narigatlon i0"??' 00; Tot T, Orsgoa Railroad A NsTlsarlaa Cnn. 16.06; tot 8, Oregon 4T-to,,fM.te:u. & tot 1 Sarah V.. Edith and Ssausl L. Cnmo- '",. "o .'nt t. Ssrsh ., Edith aad Samuel la Campbell, 18 06; tot 4. Sarah V Mdlth sad Bamasl L CaanyheU. (6.00; tot 6. H. J. "pson Estau. Hslra of (3.00: tot 6. . Thompeon Estate. Heirs of, (100; st to of tot T. idea CstUn. 12.00, ssst to of 1st g, Adam t stUn. (3.00; weat to of . .AUi-T5? TrMt Oompsny ef Dundee. Scotland. (3.00; weat to of lot 8, A Ills nee VJS"', D", Scotland. 1100. HPS Kalo i11 to of tot 1 except Oregon A CaUforala Rsllrosd Company's right ?f ".Via araham Dllley. 10.60; all of west B "'o,10 1 4spt Oregon A OsUtornis Rail road tomnany's right nf way. Cyrus Culpsu. O-tO; all of aorth to of tot 2 sxeept Oregon A California Railroad Company a right of way. HarTey 1 Orson, (o eSi, all of aouth ..of a" . 1 sxeept Oregon A California Railroad company a right of way. Lawrence itr,c"4.l,n "; '1 f t 8 except Oregon A CsUforBla Ksilrosd Company's right of wsy, Lawrence Strand. 11.60, all of lot 4 except Oregon A California Railroad Com- iays right of wsy, Lawrence strand. '; tot 1, Lawrence Strand. 12.00; J" t, Lawrence ttraad, 32.00; soutl Jl Jf. st to of lot T, Lawreoee Strand. 10.80; north to of ssst to of lot 7. Hsrrsy K Green sn.BO; west 60 fset sf lot T. Hsrrey 1 Green. 1.00; eaat to of lot 8. ivTr.u Cy.ftZ- H of tot 1, Abram Wiley. (LOO, BLOCK 141. lot 1. John P. Caplea. 13.00; north to ef i, j, jODB r. kTawaa..tJA, anaji to of lot 1. William n0: M Wllll.m H Stylor. R2; i? , J- Mil . tt-OO; ssst to of a SnJT' w H. 8,rn"i tl 00; east to o? lot !' R?i ."i. Honi 100i wl H o' wt Christopher Ksutman. tl.OO: west to t tot 6. Christopher Kaufman. 11.00: lot T, Jfra. 1-A. Owens Adair. 12.00; lot 8. Mrs. ?' L rrwsWgjsVaSm (100. BLOCK 180. lit !', Preston W. Ollletts, (7.00; tot 3. Mary SO'"'". tT.00; north 40 fast of lot 3. P. D aws. Trustee. (3.60; aooth 10 fset of t 8. Wtlter Klettt (1 40; all of tot 4 sxceat Oregon A California Railroad Com ta,"T; rtot of way, Walter Kletta. 16.80; sll of lot 8 weat of Oregon A California a'!l..Co"Pr,', right of way, J. I'saer, iP"f: all of lot t eaat of Oregoo A California ColiSn .mpr', r" of wsy. Walter K lee 1W f0 ; all of tot t weet of Oregon A Callfornls Rsllroad Compsny . right of wsy. AdeUns Wild 30 30; afl of tot T weat of Oregon A CaUforala Ballroad Company a . -wf.7' ,ol", ' Wlld- l( o "t T eaat of Oregon A California Railroad Com pany a right of way. Jeaephlne O. Orerend. 0.60; all of tot t aast sf Oregon A California Railroad Company'a right of way. Josephine 0. Orerend. (T.00. BLOCK 151. tot I, Oregon Ballroad A Narigatloa Company. (3.00; lot a. ,nn nsuroso S ntTlgalloo CompanT, tt.00; tat 8. Orsgon Rsllroad A Narigetioa wV"Ti' 06: Tot 4. Oregon Rsllrosd A Narigatlon Company. (100; wt 6. Orsgon - ---a-- J. e -" , aa-vo, no o. trregoa Ballroad A Narlgtttoo Company, (T.00; lot ijf" Ballroad A Narigattoa Cotapanj. fi lot T Oregon Ballroad A Narigatlon aiiroeo m it a Tig a two Company. (7.00; lot . aa? JtoHroad A Narigatlon Cnmiiany. 00; Tot T Oregon Ballroad A Narigatlon "paF. troo; Tot 1. Oregon Rsllrosd A T'(to Comnaay. (TOO. BLOCK 152. I 1. Edward K no wise. tS.oo; sooth 20 feet Na lot of lot 2. Arthur E. HcRreen. (0 80: north 30 i!a - C. Bayer, 11.30; aouth a? Si J Dor,h W trtt tot 8, Joseph C. Barer. 11.10: north 1 feet of tot t. Arthur K. MtoBrsen. .lt; south n ftet of lot 8. aJelT tjjtJaaBtasB tot 4. Peter Hobklrk. f 00: tot 6. The Title Guarantee A Truat Company, (3.00; tot . The Title Ouaraatea A Trust Company, 1100; lot T. Joseph C. Bayer snd Peter Hobklrk. (3.00; tot 8. ifJS., C. Baw toi pfUr Hobklrk. tloo. BLOCK 111. lot 1, Victor K. Strode, (t.00: tot Jfa Kste Strode. (3 00: lot 3. Ferdinand ee,3?"i.. ? '00 61 Prrdlnand Bsrtela. (100; tot 8. Oscar aad Lory Rbatturk. (100: lot 1 Oscar aad Lncy Shattuck, 13 00; lot I ,nd Hscheney (2 00; lot 1. Phllln OeTnrta. (loo BLOCK 184. lot 1. ,Uh,h Thompeon. (3.0O; lot 2. Elisabeth A. Thompson, (3 00; lot (, Jamea R Tbomn soa, tl.00; Bit 4. Jamea R. Thompson. 33.00; tot B. Hsnnsb C. Stewart (3,on; it Ssnsh C Stewart, (loo. M T pf,'-,-1 A 2?SS!f' J!100: k)t Pt BUsabstb A. Thomss. (3.00. BLOCK 161, lot 1. John O Hoffman. 3100; wt 3. Hans J. Schemer 12 00; lot 1. Ella & ,W?- fB-ttl tot 4. Ella C. tabla, (3.00; tot 8, John Mulr, J2.06; lot 6, Anton and Roes Bnkowsky (3.00. t T Jonn Mulr J?.?iJot WllUam M. Ladd, Trustee. 12 .00. BLOCK 111, tot 1, Oregon Railroad A Van gatton Compsny. 2.00; lot 2. Oregon Rsll rosd A Narigatloa Company. 3100; tot K Oregon Ballroad A Narigatton Company. 12.00; Slot 4. Oregon Ballroad A Narigatlon Company. 00; tot K Orsgoa Railroad A Nariaatlon . oipsny. 2.oo; tat 1. Oregon Railroad A NaTigatlon Compaay. 33 00; tot T, Oregon Ballroad A Narigattoa Cotnpaay. 82 00; lot 8. Oregon Railroad A Nsrlgstlon Compsny. H00. BUrCK 16T. tot 1. Oregon Rsllroad A Nari gsttoa Company. (3.00; tot 3, Oregon Rail road A Narigatloa Compaay, (2 00; lot 3. Oregon Railroad A Narigattoa Company. ttt; wt 4 Oregon Railroad A Narigatlon Compaay. HOO; tat 6. Oregon Railroad A Narigatloa Company. (100; tot t. Orsgon Railroad A Narigatloa Company. (3.00; lot 7. Oregon Ballroad A Narigattoa Company. 12.00; tat 8. Oregoo Railroad A Narigatlon Compaay, 12 00. BLOCK 168. tot L Ore- Cm Railroad A Narigatloa Compaay. tt.00 I 1 Oregon Ballroad A Narigatton Com pany, (too; tot 1. Oregon Ballroad A Nari gattoa Compaay . H00; tot 4. Oregon Rail road A Narigatloo Company. 13.00; tot 6, g Oregon Railroad A Narigattoa Company. 00; tot A Oregon Rsllrosd A Narigatlon mossy. (100; lot 7. Orsgoa Ballroad A Narigatloo Company. (100; lot 1, Oregon Railroad A Narigattoa Oompaay, (3.00 BLOCK UN, 1st 1. Oregon Rsllrosd A NaTi gatlon Company. (2.00; tot 2. Oregou Rail road A Narigatton Company, 100; lot 3. S Oregon Ballroad A Narigatlon Company, 00, lot 4, Oregon Railroad A Narigatloa mpany. 12.00; tot 6. Oregon Railroad A Narigatlon Company, 12.00; lot 6. Oregon Ballroad A Narigatlon Compaay, HOO; lot LJ!"!" Ksilrosd A Narigattoa Company, HOO; tat 1, Oregon Railroad A Narigattoa Compaay. HOO. BLOCK 160. tot 1. Albert Pshreabach. (2 on. tot 2. Albert Fehrenbtrh. H00: tot I. Albert Fehrrnharh. (2.00; lot 4, Albert Febreabarb, (3.00; tot 6. Albert Pslaibsch, (100; lot 6, Albert Fehrenbach. H00; tot T, Albert Fehrrabacb, (3.00; lot 8. Albert Fehrenbach HOO. BLOCK 161, tot 1. Cathsrins W. Owsbs. (2 . tot 2. Cath- art as Owens. (100; tot I, Elena Sherwood. 2.00; tot 4. Elena Sherwood. HOO; tot I, leery Becke, (300; tot A John Plebach. HOO; let T. John Pis seek. (2.00; lot 6. Episcopal Fund ot the Protestant Episcopal Church of the Diocese of Oregoo. Trustee HOO. BLOCK 183, tot 1. Ferdinand Bar tella, HOO; tot 3. Ferdinand BartelM. (2.00 ; tot t. Corinne E. Wood. (2 00; lot 4. Corlnne E. Wood. H00; tot 6. Jacob Kamm. Hoo: lot 6, Jacob Kamm. 13.00; tot T. Sophia Sut toB, H00: lot 1, Sophia Sutton. (2.00. BLOCK lit. The Home. (16.00. BLOCK 184. lot 1. The Home, H00; tot 2. The Home, HOO; let 3, The Home, HOO; lot 4. The Home. 32.00; lot S, The Home, (100: lot 8, The Home. (2.00: lot T. The Home. HOO ; tot 8. The Home, 13.00. tome. 32.00. BLOCK IBB all ef lot t west sf Orsgoa A Csllfornla Rsll road Compsny s right of way. John aad naroara ttiio. si. so; all or lot 1 lying east st Oregon sr. caiiiornia Ha stlroad Com- I pany a right sf way, William I- Or 10.80; all of north 30 feet of tot 2 lying eaat of Or, egon A California Railroad Com- pany. a right ef war. William L. Green to 60. all of soath 10 fset of lot 1 lying oast ef Oregon A csllfornls Railroad Com pany'! right of way. Leaora t. Gregory. 10.16; sll of lot 1 lying west of Oregon A Callfornls Railroad Company'a right of way. John aad Barbara Wlld, 10.70; all ef lot 4 lying wast of Oregoo A California Railroad Osmpaay's right of way. Jobs aad Barhsrs Wild. (1.40; tot 6, Jsmes N. PbIIIIotc. HOO; tot 6. Jamea X. Fullllors, H00: tot 7. A. f. Nsunsrt. HOO; aouth 10 fset of lot 1, Jacob Cager, (1.20: north 20 fret of tot 1, Jacob I nger. 10.80. BLOCK 108. tot 1, Boss Ksmlaaky, (4.30; tot 3, Boas Kamlasky. (18.no: tot 8, J. 0. Hoffman. 119 SO, tot 4, William T. Holts. (22 20; lot 1. Matthew Reidt. (I 80. tot (7 Joseph Bauer. (8 8o, lot 7, Tortlsod Trust Compsny, IStO; lot 8. N. E. Rile. 14 80. BLOCK 167. aast to of lot 1, J. C. Ainsworth. (4.30: 2e I west to of lot 1, J. C. Ainsworth. (3. no; of lot 1, Nry Churchman, U.60; of lot 3. Ney Churchman. 82.40: all of tot 1 except Oregon A California Rsllroad Company's right of way, Alliance Trust Company M to. all of tot 4 except Oragoa A CaUforala- Ballroad Company's Right of way, John A. Blast. (410; all of tot 8 sxeept Oragoa A Callforola Company's right of way, William J. Lehigh Estate, Helra of. Ill no. all ef lot lying weat of Oregon a caurornia Railroad company s right af wsy. WllUam J. Leklgh Estate. Heirs sf. (7 55, sll of lot 1 lying eaat of oregoo A California Railroad Companr'e right af way, Alllaace Truat Company. 10.78; all ef 1st 7 lying weat of Orsgoa A California Railroad Company's right of way, Wlllltm I. Lehigh Eatate. Heirs of. HAS: sll of lot T lying eaat ef Oregon A California Ballroad Compaay a rlgkt of way. W. P. Wlegaad. (4 25, all af tot 1 sxeept Ore goa A California Railroad Company'a right i af wsy, W. P. Wlegand (1 TO. BLOCK IN. tot 1. Free ton W Ollletts. (1100: lot 2 WllUam H. Churchill, H10; lot I. ate Hatto B. Morgan. IB 80 , tot 4. Mellnda K Morgan, 113.00; tot atorgaa. 112 00; lot 5. Mellnda K Morgan. IT .15: tot 6. MeUada B. More a a. 86.00: lot f. Praatoa W. matte M rs)., it (, preaton ' W. Gillette. 17 30. BLOCK 161. tot 1. D. C. Pelton H40; lot 2 I) C Pelt, ,,, (d OH . tot 1, Catherlae W. Oweaa. MOO: tot 4, Catherine W. Oweaa. HsO; let 1. Dtrid Itaaras, 111.00: tot A Dsrid Stearns. At 40; lot T, Portlaad Treat Company of Oregou. (a 40; tot 1. Portlaad Traat Compaay of Oregon, (13 00. BLOCK UO. sadlTlded to of lot I, Ctemttae aad Lydls Rodney. (8 80; nadl Tided K of tot t, clemtlas and Lydls Rodsey. 13 66: undlrlded to of tot 8. Clem tine sad Lydls Rodney (3 86: undlrlded V of tot 4, Ctomtlse tad Lydls Rodsey. HtO; usdlridsd V4 sf tot 1, Hannah R. Morris. 1 30; undlriacA to of wt 1 Hsanak R 1 aatsridsd to af ash Morris. 10 68; undlTlded to. sf tot 4, Hsaaah B. Morrla. (1.10, tot I, 0. W. and Marxarst V. Allen, la so. usdlridsd to of tot 1. Clementine snd Lydls Rodney. A.10; aadlrlded of let 7. Clementine aad Lydta Rodney. (4 10. undlTlded . of lot 8. Ctom eatl6e A Lydls ttodaay, M S : aadlrlded to of tot tt. Hanoab R. Morrla, (1 40, undlrided to of tot 7, itanaah H Morris, (3.40; uu dinned u ot tot 1, Hannah R. Morris. 12 to BLOCK 171. tot 1. Oregon Railroad A Nasi gallon Company. 14 NO. tot 2, Orsgon Rail rssd A Narigatloa Comnanr. Hoo: tot S Oragoa Railroad A Narigatton Company, 18.80: lot 4. Oregon Ballroad A Narigatleei Company. 84.80; tot t, Orsgon Rsllroad A Nsrlgstlon Compaay. Moo, lot 8, Oragoa Rsllrosd A Narigatlon ( .mpsny (3 do; lot T, Oregon Railroad Ay Narigatloo Com pany, $3 60; tot 8, Oregoo Railroad A Nari aatlon Company, (l.su. BLOCK 172, tot 1. Oregoo Railroad A NsTigattoa Company. 11 so. lot 1 Orsgoa Railroad A Narigatlon Company, ta.to; tat 3, Oregoo Rsllrosd A .Narigatlon Company. 18.60; lot A Oregon Oregon Rsllrosd A NarlgatlsSj Company. S.Stl, lot 6, Orsgon Rsllroad ANsrlgatloB impaay, 11 to. lot A Oragoa Railroad A Narigattoa Company. (3 So. lot 7, Orsgon Rsllrosd A NaTigatlon Compaay, H(0; lot t, Orsgon Railroad A Narigatlon Company, S4.H). BLOCK 178, tot 1. Oregon Railroad : Nsrlgstlon Company. 13. do. tot 3. Ore- f:on Railroad A Narigatloa Compaay. H40; at 3. Oregon Railroad A Narigattoa Com pany. 11 .40. tot 4, Orsgoa Ballroad A Nari gattau Company. 13 60; lot 6. Oregon Rail road A NaTigatlon Compsny. to.60; tot . Or aeon Railroad A NaTutstlou Company. Si 40. Mt T, Oregon Railroad A Narigattoa onipany, (3.40; lot 8. Oregon Ksilrosd A .Tsrigaiion compsny. 90-90. oino-a tia. lot f. Oregon Rsllrosd A Nselgsttoa Com psny. (4.20; tot 2 Oregon Rsllrosd A Nasi gatloo Company. (3.00; tot 8. Oregoo Rail road A Narigatloa Company. HOO; lot 4, Ore eon Railroad. A Nariaatlon Company HOO; lot 6. Oregon Rsllrosd A Nsrlgstlon Compaay, (4.10; tat t, Orsgoa Rsllrosd A ntrigtoon company, si w. wt w goa Railroad A Narigatlon Company, HOO; tat 8. Orsgoa Railroad A Narigattoa Com paay. 84 20. BLOCK 1T6, tot 1. Oregon Railroad A JUrigatlon Company, (4.30; tat 2 Oregon Ksilrosd A Nsrlgstlon Compsny. (.1.60; tot 1. Oregon Ballroad A NaTigatlon Company. 83 60; tat 4, Orsgon Ballroad A NaTigatlon Compsny. $4.80; lot 5. Oregon Ksilrosd m .Tarigauon company, sa.no. .... a. Oceson Ballroad A Narigatloa Company, (1.80; tat 7, Oregos Ballroad A Narigatlon Company, (3 60, lot 8, Oregoo Railroad N nangatwn company, fi.ow- ... .a. tot 1, C B. Buell. (T.SO; lot 3, John Mulr. (4.10; tot 3, John Hulr, 13.00; tot 4, John Mnlr, 83.00; lot 6, John Mulr, 34.16; tot . John Mulr, 14 30; tot T, John Mulr, (4.60: lot 8, 2 K. Bool, (6 00. BLOCK ITT. tot I, 14a McCabs Tsswsll. (4.10; tot t, Ida Met she Taiwell, 13 60: tot A John Mulr. Hit- tot 4. Joba Mnlr, COS; lot 5. Joba Mair. 16.00, t A John Mulr, 18 S3, lot 7, Joba Mnlr. JMt; tot 8, Oeorgs TaxwsU. IB OB BLOCK ft, undlTlded to of lot 1. 0. O. Oammooa. 3.00; undlTlded to or 101 u- u- Gammons. 1 m: undlTlded to of lot 8. O. 0. Gammona. (110: undmded to of tot 4, 0. O. Gammona. 4.20; undlTlded to r wt n. u. u. Gammona. 4 20; undlTlded to of tot 6, 0. O. (lammoua. 3.00; undlrlded to of lot T, 0. 0. Gammons. I.OO; UnUlTKlSU y VI MIT O. M. V - untuun...-. 1.30; undlTlded to ox wt 1. Jsmes anu ,11th Gammona 13.00: undlTlded to of lot 2. James snd Edith Gammona, (2.10; ondl oint i nf lot :t J a mes snd Edith Gammons, a in- undlTlded u of lot 4. James snd Edith Gammons. 14.20; undlTlded to of tot 6. Jsmes snd Edith Gammona. 14 20, undlrlded to ot tot t). Jsmes and Edith Oammoas, H00; undlrlded to of lot 7. Jsmss and Edith Gam ,,,,,. li u, undlrlded or lot 8. Jsmes and Edith Osmmoos. (4.30. BLOCK ITS, lot 1. Ssmoel B. Wrens. (1100; tot 1 4. P. Caae, BOO; south to of tot 1, Annie A. Brack, an, nnrrh u of lot 8. Annie Brock. 14.80: lot 4. Aaaie Brsck. 11100; tot B. Thomaa Schneider. 17 20; north to or wt o. eosrpu Best. Ki.00; sooth to of lot 6, U. S. Grant aa amah saast . i a, SF ewra,. Qaa at A at ,u. an I rJUt "i . H.UU, awl I , limiTIBl A- sm, ft."", lot I. Thomas Boyd. 17.20 BLOCK 110, all of tot 1 lylog eaat of Oregoo A California Railroad Company'a right of way, Unknown Owner, o.ert; sll of lot 1 lying weat of Oregon A California Railroad Company's right of way, Preston W. Gillette, (8.00; sll of Tot 1 lying waat of Oregon A California Railroad company'a right of way. Praatoa W. Gillette (3.00; all of tot ( lying weat of Oregon A California Railroad Company'a right of way, Preston W. Gillette. (4. NO: sll of lot 4 lying weet of Oregon A CaUforala Railroad Com pany's right ot way, Praatoa W. Olttotto, 1X20; lot 6. Preston W. Gillette. 12200; let 6. Preston W. Gillette. 11.10; lot 7. Praatoa W. Gillette. 18.60; tot t. Preston W. Gil lette, 111.40. BLOCK 181, tot 1. C. B. Donahue. 17 30; tot 1 C. R. Donsboe. 18.00; lot 1 Preston W. Gillette. 116.60. lot 4. Prestos W. Ollletts, (16 80; tot 1. Charlee R. Donahue. 17.20; wt S. Charlee It. iwnasns. At an- lot 7. i -hut lea R. Donahus. M. 10: tot 1. Charles R. Donahue, 17 20. BLOCK 182. lot 1, Charles E. t. Wood, (11.00; tot 1 Charles H. B. Wood, 11800; mt a, manee a. a Wood, an arc tot e. Charlee E. s. Wood (4.10; lot T. Cbsrles B. H. Wood. (8.00; tot S. Charles E B. Wood. ST. BO. It Lot K IBS tot 1. Amtndt W. Read Eatata. Hairs of (T.10; tot I, Amanda W. Bead Eatate. Helra of. 14.10; tot 8. Amanda W. Reed Bststs, Heirs of. H60: bit A Amanda W. Bead caiaLe. neira di, so vo, a-. " . Miaaaua . . SIS SA. tna a , state. Helra or aa an. . a new muii, iieira m, a,a,w, iv a, aa, W. Bead Bststs, Heirs of. 10.60. BLOCK 1S4. lot 1, Preston W. Gillette tllOO; tot 3. Preston W. Otltotte. 1S.90: lot 1, Praatoa W. Glli.-tte. HOO; lot A Praatoa W. Gil lette, (4 no tot T. Preston W. Ollletts, HOO: lot 1. Preston W. Ollletts. 17.20. BLOCK 180, lot 1. Praak aad Mary Hackney. 16.BO; lot 1 Prank ssd Mary Hscknsy. 16.16; tot S, Frank snd Hary Hsckney, (B 15; tot t. Prank snd Msry Hackney, 16.16: tot T. Prank snd Msry Hsckney. 16. IB ; tot t, Frsnk snd Msry Hackney, td.60. BLOCK 181. lot 1. John Mnlr. 14 20: lot 1 John Mulr. OS; tot 8, John Malr. HOI; tot 6. John Mulr. 1306; tot T, Jobo Mulr. Hot; tot 8. John Mulr. (4 .20. BLOCK 1ST. lot 1. John Mulr. 36.30; tot 2. John Mnlr. 81.88; lot 8. John Mnlr. 806; tot A Joba Malr. HM; tot T. John Malr. 83.80; wt 8, Joba Mnlr. (S AO. BLOCK 188. lot 1. Oregon Railroad A Narigattoa Company. HtO: tot 2. Oregon Railroad A Narigatton Company. 12 40; Tot 8, Oregon Railroad A Narigattoa Company. 3.40; Tot S. Oregon Ballroad A Narigatlon Company. 12 40. lot T. Oregon Railroad A Narigatlon Company. 12.40; tot 8, Oregon Railroad A Narigatloa Company. 12 4n HI "' K 1S8. tot 1, Oregon Railroad A Nsri- rtion Company, (3. SO: tat 3. Ore gin Ballroad Narigatlon Company. (3 80: lot 3. Oregon Rsllmsr. A Narigatlon. (2 40; lot A Oragoa Railroad A Narigatlon Company. (2 40 tot 7 Oregon Railroad A Narigatton Company. (2.40; lot S. Oregon Railroad A Narigatton Company. 1. 60. FIRST STREET TtTBBACBB. City of Pnrtlsnd. Oregoo BLOCK A. lot 1, Thomaa W. JcBklne. (2.06; alt Thomas W. Jenkins. 11.30: tot 8. Thomaa W. Jenkins. 11.80; tot 4. Thomaa W. Jenkins. (3.06; tot 5. Thomas W. Jenkins, 11. Ho; tot 8. Thomss W. Jenkins. 11.45; tot T. Thomaa W. Jeaktne, 11.48: tot 1. Thomas W. Jenkins. 11.30; tot 1. Thomas W. Jenkins. (1.20; tot 10, A. D. Wllloaghby, (1.10: lot 11. Thomaa W. Jen kins. (l.M. BLOCK R. kit 1. Msry Jenkins. fB.tO: tot 1 Julia E. Clark. 14 in. lot 8, Is R. Stokes, 14.70; tot A Thomas W. Jenkins. (8 00: lot 6. Thomaa W. Jenkins, 13.40; lot 6. Thomaa w. Jenkins. (16B; lot T. Joseph f'hsrfenater. (150: lot 8. M. B. Smith. (2 18; tot 1. at. B. Smith (2 05 BLOCK C. tot 1. Nathan Coy. (3.00; lot 3. Nathaa Coy, (4.80 BLOCK D. waat 31 feet of tot 1. Hoaxer V. Wood worth, en, SO; weat 21 feet of lot 1, Homer V. Woodworth. (0.50: esst 127 feet of tot 1. Thomaa Schneider. (1.46: asst 127 fsst sf tot 2. Thomaa Schneider. (1 48. tot (, Thomaa Schneider. (1.46: lot 4. Thomaa ScbnsMar, (1.46: tot I, T. T. Bnrkbart, 12 so. . A tract of land lying between two lines reepecttTely SO feet and 130 feet south of snd parallel with south line of Lowell srenus and between two lines rrspeotirely 100 feet and 117 feet wast of and psrsllel with west Una of First street, Thomss Schneider 10.50. A tract of land lying between the Booth Use of Lowell scenes and s Use 10 fset south of and parallel therewith aad between tbe wsst line of First street ssd s line lot (set weat of aad parallel therewith, I. T. Bark bart. (1.10. i All of lota 6 aad T. block D. Pint street Tee races, City of Portland. Oregon, lying aouth of a line 60 feet aooth nf and parallel with tha aouth line or ly-wen arenas snd west ef a line 127 fret west sf sad parsllsl with tbe weat Una of Pint street. Homer T. Woodworth. (0.80. FIRST STREET TERRACES. City ef Port land. Oregon BLOCK D. lnt 6. Homer T. Woodworth. (1.30; lot 1, Homer V. Wood worth. 11 30; tot 10. Homer P. Woodworth. 11.80; lot 11. Homsr T Woodworth. (1 11. BI.ock B. tat I. Frederick A. Walnole. 12.40; lot 1 Frederick A. Walpoto. H4d: tot 8. Frederick A. Walpoto. 13.40. BLOCK P, lot 1, Frederick A. Walpoto. (2 80,. tot 1 Frederick A. Walpole, H0; wt 3. Fred erick A. Walpoto. 4. 80; lot 4. Frederick A. Wajpsle. (3.60; tot S. Frederick A. Walpole. PORTLAND HOMESTEAD BLOCK 1. sooth SB fret of north 150 fsst of tot 1. Thomas McNamee. HO": north 111 fset st tot 1. I nlted ttstss PlrtoUtr A Gasrsstee Com rear. (7 05. aorth 104 feet of soath 184 ret of tot 1, A. OVr trade aad Julia K. Marks, (0.80; sontk (0 feet sf lot 1. J. Edwsrd snd Bertha T. Werleln, 84.66: ssst TO fest of tot 3, James Col line. IT.It; north to feet of south 100 foot of weet 100 feet of tot 3, Ida R. So kes. (4.10; asatb to feet of weet inn fest of tot 3. Lonlas M. Poster. P.S.V aorth M feet of weet too feet of tot lira. B Wleprecht. 4 80; tot I, Jaea pales Crocker fit 2" BLOCK 3. tot 1. Rachel la) -Bay. 133 to; lot 1 Portland Trust Com pany of Oregoo. (3140; tot 8. Portland Trust Compaay ot Oregon. 181.40, lot 4. School Pit tr let No i, in to BLOCK a. suhdlrialon 1 of tot I. WllUam T. Nattkna, HSt; sabdlrtetoa I sf tot 1. Aaaie Nai ling f i - aabdlriston 1 af lot 1, A. Wolf. 1430; aslHtlrlatoa 4 sf tot 1. J. Schmidt. Mi. satUilalua t st tot 1. P. ot suasDTisasa X ef let X, Hit; suodirisloB t of k)7 1 Hit; aubdlTlatea 4 of lot 1 (336; auadlrisloa ( of tot Blmar. H36: saMleistoa t sf Thompson. HtO; sobdlrisloa T Basil . as. as. sabdiTUtoa FYs noes L. Msce. Hit. iTleloa t at M0YBBB- St Bill VISlObS of Let A ror nana nomsstssa IMKX a, m 1 ef lot t, tarns C. Butler. (IT Ttoton t st tot 1 Mara AIMtock. a HTl: dirlsloa 1 of lot 1 Louis Kraettner. tundl Ttoton 4 of lot 1 Joba e.TSi tubdlTlsloo I of una , -1 ...... seas. of tot A 'joaeob 'i eabdlTlstoa T af let 1. Joasah Crbesch. aubdlrislon 8 of 'lot 8. Joseph Urteach, subdirisien 9 ef lot 0, Loala Kraottaer. subdtTlatoa 10 of tot 3, Ftoreaca P. (1 80. PORTLAND HOM E8TE A D SubdlelaloB A tot t. Bea W. Bartcb. Hit; sahatiMskA of lot 4. Era W. Burtrh, (4.381 ash Julia A. I'lrtch. 14.10; sat D of lot 4. Flora J. Dolaon. 14.11 Tlston E of tot 4, JuMa I'lrtch. (3.36; Ttalon r or lot 4. Julia l inch. SS.SD t la Ion O of tot '4, El aubdlTlaloB H of lot 4, Era W. Bur ten Era W. Burt BLOCK A aouth 00 fset of tabdl at let 1. Cyras B. Howlett, (Law oo reet er sbmutiswb B or lot Howlett. 33.40: north 10 feet nf 'tiibdJraaion 10.73; BoxrtkT . - - . I , , a n - , an aa . A ill HH 1, ' DBF 1-1 IT. UdllTII. Sl.lV, 80 fset of suhdlrialon B ot lot I. Char km w i ntteii. 12 06: west 10 feet of snbdlstolaa C of lot 1. Charlss W. Cottsll. 10.60; saat 160 feet of eobdlTlsloa C of lot 1. Mary E. Marshall. 68 86; south 8 feet of waat 10 feet of suhdlrialon C of lot 1. Cyrus B. Hewlett. 0.1"; north 87to fast of wast 10 fsst a! aubdlrislon 0 of 1st 1 . Charlss W. Oottotla 1.66; aorth Tto fest or east 100 fsst et suhdlrialon D of lot 1. Mary B. MarshaB. 11.70. soath St feet of eest 100 tsst at , aubdlTlaloB D ef tot 1, William J. Kslly. Hal: aubdlrislon E of lot 1, J. R. Jaakel and H. Manderille, Hit; subalrittoB P ef tot 1, Frank Schwarback, Hit; wsst 10 feet nf sabdlrisloa G of tot 1. Patrick Mar ray. 11 55; eaat 10 feet of wsst 80 tsst ot snbdtiUtoB O of tot 1. M. Brerest. (l.tOj eaat 00 faat of subdlrlsioa u of tot 1. Granrille C. Baft. (l.M; esst 80 feet of aubdlrislon H of lot I, GranriUe C. Raff. (1.60: weat 4)0 feet ot subdlrlslon H of tot 1. Jobo Bennett (1.46; ssst 30 fsst of west 80 feat ef aubdlrislon U of lot 1, M. Ersrsst. (0 60: tot 2. Bea Selling. (26 90; aubdlrialoa A of tot 1, Sarah W. and B. W. Plater. H10: tubdlrlsloa R ot tot 1. Sarah W. and B W. Fisher. HM; sooth 30 fsst ot sobdlTtoloB B ot tot 8. Ssrsh W. aad B. . W. Flshsr. (1 56; soath SO tsst or satnH ! rislsa Q ef tot 8. Sarah W. sat B. W, Fisher. (1.66: north 6 fsst st eahed Ttoton B of lot 8, Alfred P. Bears. Jr., (0.00; north 6 fsat of subdiritlon Q of lot I, Alfred P. BsaiB, Jr.. 11 55: aabdiristoa C of lit k, Alfred P. Basra. Jr.. (1.66; aubdlrislon p of? tot 1, Alfred F. Sears, Jr.. 11.66: lubdl Ttoton E of lot 3, Loulss B. Prssp. (1.46; subdl Ttalnn F of lot 8. George W. Watt, 11.461 aubdlTlalon O of tot A George W. Watt,: (1.46; snbdlTlsloa H of tot 1, Josephine Krattlger. 11.46: ashaTrtotaa I of tot t. Ina.nKln. Kr.ttlaar tl SB ' an hdtTSt I OO J of lot 1. C. W. Lsick. 11.46; subdlrlsioa K of lot 8. C. W. Lelck. (1.41; subdlrislt ot lot 1 Oeoras W. Watt. (1.46: sabdjr If et lot 1 Geores W. Watt. 11 48: 81 ristoa N of tot 8. Loulss B. Prssp, tl.4t aubdlTlalon 0 of lot 8. Alfred F. Bears, jr.. (1.41; aubdlTlalon P of tot t. Alfred Pa lean. Jr.. 1146; aubdlrislon A or lot a, Merehsnts' Nstlonsl Bank of Portland. (A. 60 J aubdlTlalon B of lot 4. Merchanta' Nations I Bank nf Portland 11 45: subdlrlslon O lot 4. lot 4. C. M. Smith, 11 48; snbdlriatoa V C. M. tmlth. (1.48; subdlrlslon f lot 4, lot 4. C. M. tmlth, (1 48; subdlrtsloa w ox Dora L'arath. (1 .48; subdlrlsioa lot 4. Dora I'arsth. (l.M; subdlrlssoo lot 4. nil Krattlger. 11.46; of lot 4. Ball Krtttlger. (1.41; subdlT J of lot A Brail Krsttlgsr, tl.46: aubdlr A oi lot 4, Jonn ateeroocner. i.so; raw rlaloo L of tot 4, Joba Baerbocher. (l,4t tubdlrUlon M of lot A Newton L. Glinam. tl 43. sabdlrisloa N of tot A Newton L, Gllhsm. (1.41; sabdlrisloa 0 of tot A Mer chanta' National Bank of Portland. True tee, (1.43. aubdlTlalon P of lot A Merchants' Na tional Bank of Portlaad. Trustee. 11.80, BLOCK 6, aubdlrislon A of let L Richard) 0. Prince. 16.6V; aubdlTlalon B of lot 1. Richard C. Prince. (4 80; sabdlrisloa 47 of lot 1, Joba M. Sbrlglej. 14. SO: auboiriatoA D sf 1st 1. C. W. Lslct, 34-SO: subdlriatoa B of lot 1, Jaka Doanerberg. HM; snbdl rislnn P ot tot 1, Anns Louise Siegers, tt.ttl south 42 to fsat ef aorth tt faat of rabdt TUloa H of lot 1. exeent Oregon California Railroad Company'a right ar way. Richard C. Priors. 11 20; sooth 41 to test at aorth 88 feet ot eobdlrisloa O ot tot 1 sxeept Oregon A Csllfornls Railroad Company'a sight of wsy. Richard, c. prises, north 42to fsst of aooth 88 feet of risloo H of tot 1, Clareaae M. Dllley. north 42to fast of sooth 86 re. ristoa O of tot 1 except Oregon A California t.hmal fnmn, n, el rat of war. M. Dllley. M M; south 42 to feet of auMlTlswo 0 of lot TT C. W. Lelck. 11.61: asata ASto fsst of subdlrlslon H of lot 1. C. W. Lehtk. tl.66; north 43 to fsst sf aubdlrialoa Hjst it 1 sxeept Oregoo A Csllfornla BsItreaA Company's right of way. Richard 0. Prince, C TfT; subdiritlon A of tot 3, Aaa Plaa, SO; eabdlrislon B of lot 1, Robert Cs bill. HM; subdlrlslon 0 of tot 3. PwrttonA Traat Company nf Oregon. (4.80; oebdlrialoa D or lot 2, Portland Truat Company ot Oregoo. HM; subdlrlslon K of tot X B. Muchateln. (4-80, subdlrision F ot tot 3, t. Mvcbstela. (o.40: aobdlriaion O sf tot 3. Ward C. Wetmore, (1.10; su bdl rialoa H of tot 1 Ward C. Wstmare, HM: sshdl rlalon A of lot 8. W. B. Itof. (4.80; sabdl risloa B sf lot 1, W. B. liar, M. 0 so Mi rial on C of lot 1 W b. I tor, t4.10i sobdl rlslon D ot tot A W. B. Ilsr. HHlsll o sabdlrisloa B of tot I ssst al p-kj aaj At Cailfornla Railroad Oomoany'a right of way, W. A. Carrie. 14.66; allaf aubdlTtotoa P o lot 1 esst of Oregon UfoaTBtoTtoHoaaai Compsny'i rtoht sf wsy. W. A. Carrie, lit: sll of subdlrision 0 of lot 8 ssst of .Oregon A California Railroad Oompsny; a rtorktot F of lot 1 wsot ' of Orsgoa A CaUfortola Railroad Company'a rlgkt of way, Kate Bometseb. (0 2; sll sf aubdlrialoa O of tot t (HINIIT araat of oragoa a i tinomia in pany't right of wsy. Kste Rometsch. aubdlrislon A of let 4, H R. G bhs, aubdlTlalon B of lot 4. H. B. OlbbB, aubdlrislon I of lot 4. George Arnold, subdlrlslon 1 or lot s, ueorge trs, , all nf eubdlriataB B of tot 4 w A California ataiireau company Wsrd 0. Wetmore. S - . aa dlrialoa F of lot 4 wsst of oragoa fornla Ballroad Comnanr I naai ti II 70: all at of lot 4 oaat of Orsgoa A CeMforala Rallrtstd Company's rlgkt of way , O Lelck. 11 66; all of suhdlrisloo Pot 1st 4 eaat of Oregon A CaUforala rla 11 road Com pany right of way, a W. Lelck, HM ill or subdlrlsioa G sf tot 4 sxosat fhrs gon A CaUforala Railroad Company a right of war. Fr.nces M. ttereaa. aubdlrialoa II of tot 4 weat of Oregon California Rsllrosd Compaay'a right of way. Frances M. Iterena. M 38: all of St ii n InS A aaat of Oregon A Calitor bdlristoa Calltornto Mall- road Company's right of way, O. w. so so nf new a north 150 faat at? .... ne naaa A California Railroad pany'a right of way. Martin WlBch, HJBl south M feet of north 100 foot ot krt 1 Mat of Oregos A California Ballroad Com. aaay't right of way. t-mer B OolwelL HTOi soBtb 80 Tset of lot 1 oast of Orojtaa A Csllfornls lUllrcaid Comras rltrbt af way, Msrr A. Clarke. 12 70; sRsf tot 1 Tresrl of Oregon A CaUforala Railroad (owBenjs right of way, Unra A. Bach. 11.10: aahrM rislon A of tot 1 J. H. Bsyst. HM; aaksM rlslon B of lot 1 J. H. Beyer, tt Hi abjM rialoB c of lot 2, B. C. Josanoaen, HlOl subdlrlslon D of tot 3, Kate B. MoBtswmsry. (4.10; north It fsst sf subdlrision B o( lot 1. Msry A. Ctorks. (l.M: asatb 4B tret of aubdlrialoa B of lot 3. Rose A. Jaama tl so n. etl, an feat af snbdlTlsloa P ot i tot i 6a aaa M. Oppenboff. H; soath 178 fest of suhdlrialon r or mi a, ims e. ii.. .1. SS TH- aneth SO fsst Sf WOSt ISA Seal nf lot 3. Fred P. Boody. tt-Ml OOTth 60 fest of eaat 30 fast of tot 1, taaaa M Onoanhoff 81 70: esst 43 to feet of sowth flO feet of north 120 feet of lot I, Prst P. htoedy. HM: weat into feet of soath foot ot aarth 1 feet ef tot t, Joba A Honck k. M.85; east 43to i mj i of lot 3, t. AneilB. HM: wast llTto ot asath 110 fset ef loTS. Loali Arnold. feet feet 120 13 soath 130 feet af let 4. La era Beak. (21 43: west 41H IV7l X!T of north lit feet of tot 4 William .e".- man. (4 10; wsst 42to feet of east 63to too , reas ef north 110 fsst sf tot A Barsh J. 14 10 (4 10 A tract af toad lylag Iretwwea. ths. ssajgb Itneef Lwwell srssae aad a Una 110 fast heath thereof and parallel tnerewiin sen oe.-e-a tks ssat Use of Front a treat and a "r 34B1 feet west of snd parallel with the west JMfJ Corbstt treat. Thomaa Sen nalder. gin m, PORTLAND- HOMESTEAD BlOCK T. no feet af hi 1 are asm tv Bro ear m ..... i K 1 SO feat of tot 1 T.. . ... -k a-n to suratlTtotoB A of F.lls L Wyakona. MM; sohdlrie1n La e wit- 1 Wiekiwa BBaBsM 8BB61 st tot 1. Ollre L. 'JJJ6:.? D ef wt 2. Lner t. Merwto, HM rl.lon F. nf lot 2. Abbto L. . rraeaar. subdlrlsioa W ot let I. ABBSe fa. at , i tit 14.46; aanth 100 fast autwllrlalon er ei south 100 fast Of James colMaa. H dirts ion tl .or wi aoath 100 tt 9 reet ex. rttSra of aab- OaU-way.