The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, December 20, 1904, Image 4

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Editorial Page of TEe Journal
LX Evening Post, ay: "The
A lison, one of the recogniied leaden of the sen
ate, on the tariff revision project, ha been the subject
I "of much speculation, unrelieved by
thrr nublic exoressions of his opinion. Mr. Allisons
nosition. it mav be stated on excellent
He has not readied a definite conclusion as to whether
the tariff should be revised or not, but does feel certain
that no matter how desirable revision may be, it ia not
.worth the price of party disunion, and that whatever is
done must be accompanied by absolute harmony within
Republican ranks. Any changes of the tariff, whenever
they are reached, must proceed conservatively and intel
ligently. These requirements, he feels sure, preclude the
tmssibilitv of action at a special session in the spring
since this would leave insufficient
What a serious view to take of the
walker. He never had any positive
thing. He turns with every tide as
as a cork. He is for whatever the party
ever it can do without too much trouble. He will stand
pat, on any old sort of a tariff if that will be easy and
pleasant, but if it is decided that the tariff must be re
vised, why, certainly, he agrees that
He is for whatever is sroinsr to happen.
vane could turn eaaier than Uncle Allison at a change of
nolitical wind. He has not so much
terest in standing pat as Aldrich, Piatt, and some other
senators have, but he would like to accommodate them,
and will unless tariff revisionists bring a stronger pres
sure to bear. If the Dingley tariff is a good thing, why
of course he is in favor of it. If revision is desirable,
certainly he is in favor of rtvision. He hat not yet made
up his mind. He has no notion of when he will make up
bis mind. He has not very much of a mind to make up,
but what there ia of it he can adjust to afty wave that
blows and any wind that blows, so long as it is a
strictly party wind or wave.
What is best or good for the people never troubles
serene Uncle Billy B. His life-job is to be easy in his
mind, and to approve of the things that are, yet always
to be ready to ride smoothly along the track of
any change. What he lacks in initiative he makes up in
equanimity. His seat being secure for life, nothing wor-
ries him. While he is entirely satisfied with the tariff as
it is, he will never be heard to protest against a change
decided on by a majority of his party, and it is entirely
immaterial to him what the changes are, or what hap
pens about anything so long as Iowa remains solidly Re
publican, and he enjoys a green, old age. Uncle Al
lison is not a very high type of a statesman, but there
pre worse types. -
ASHINGTON, D. C, society,
patch from that city, is shocked arm staggered
Kj-itaji turn vrtnnff women, daughters of Cap
tain Mullan, who have been society belles In the capital
city for years, have made arrangements to start a laun
dry Their father, formerly wealthy and able to sup
port them in expensive style, fell upon evil financial
times and became comparatively poor. His daughters
were able to retain their elegant home, but were not able
to keep it up and live in it in the style to which they
had been accustomed. No wealthy men proposed mar
riage to them in their emergency, or if so they did not
accept the proposals. So something must be done; what
were they to do? , ,
They decided to rent their house furnished, to live
themselves in less pretentious and cheaper apartments,
and to go into business, to-wit, the laundry business; and
it is stated that they have already been promised a great
deal of custom, enough to assure the success of their un
dertaking. And for coming to this very sensible, praiseworthy de
cision, instead of dawdling along in the outer rim of
capitolian society, living beyond their means, and anx
iously Watching for a chance to marry men just for their
money and what it would procure them, they are objects
of Washington society's shocked astonishment.
That girls who have been brought up and accustomed
to do nothing and be nothing useful or commendable,
but merely to shine with a false surface glitter in fash
ionable society, than which nothing on earth is more
From ths Contains Times.
It ought to make no difference to any
man in Oregon what Secretary Hitch
cock's motive may be In pushing the
prosecution of ths land fraud cases. The
question of his motive Is not for a mo
ment to be considered. Ths only mat
ter to bs considered Is, have there been
land fraud, and If so, who are the
guilty parties A Jury In the federal
court has effectually answered one por
tion of the question, and ths govern
ment's sttomeys and investigators are
fast unraveling the rest It Is Just as
Important to the people of Oregon that
the thief who robe them of thousands
of acres of the public lands shall be
made to suffer for his perfidy, as that
th smaller offender who steals bread
for his family shall be punished. In
probing the frauds to the bottom and In
sparing no man who is guilty. Secretary
Hitchcock, like Folk of Missouri, is per
forming a service that is delightfully
refreshing snd reassuring to his coun
trymen, snd signally commendatory of
his fidelity ss a public servsnt. It Is
his duty to do Just what he Is doing, and
any question. as to his motive is neither
material nor apropos. Let Mr. Hitch
cock purge th Und systsm of its sbuses
and frauds which have been notorious
end neglected for a long, long period.
Otve to Mr. Hitchcock the credit and
honor du an honest discharge of a pub
lic duty, and b that token set up reason
for othsr men in high official position to
purge ths public service of dishonest
salary drawers or outside parasites who
fatten off of other than ths honest in
dustry that the commonality of mankind
must resort to for a living. Politicians
may not like Mr. Hitchcock; the people
ought to.
A MOST OF job un
From the bunsmulr News.
Hers Is a little bit .of mining news
of over half a century ago. It was told
to the writer on a recent visit to Oregon
by Simon R. Lane ss sjf incident of
hla father s early mining days In Sis
kiyou county. California. "It was dur
ing the winter of lsSS-ll thst Oeneral
Joe I-ans was mining in a district near
Treks. Thar .was a knot hols in the
side of ths shin near his bunk through
which he could look out osito a pises of
ground hard by; and the general had
often amused himself while reclining
on his bed peering through said open
ing once he had a most impressive
diessi that in ihis particular spot on
which ths ys rsstsd la looking from
Sunday) and every 8undy morning at
Portland, Oregon.
to the New York
and do something
selves, so shocks
attitude of Mr. Al
and suffers a qualm
any interviews or
authority, is this
time for study and
venerable Iowa egg-
opinion about any
easily and naturally
is for, and what
it snouia oe aone.
Never a weather-
of a busmess in
perous, if so much
men and workingwomen, at least in portions ui saw
country, are not getting their share of it
TV,.,. mitmm tht a rlnv nf sneculative bubble-burst
ing is coming. Then, we suppose, the working people
will be told that their wages must oe reaucca, ocmuk
i,.r.i - - tnr mnlnvrre Genuine orosoeritv oueht
to go all around,
prohibitive of such conditions as are constantly reported
ftom various industrial centers.
IN A YEAR or so, pretty certainly within two years, a
portion of the Yakima Indian reservation, compris
. , vara! hundred thousand acres, will be thrown
open to settlement,
nto that already
: - ; annual nroducts. The Yakima vauey is
reports a dis
already a very productive region, largely in consequence
of extensive irrigation, and is destined to be one of
the choicest garden spots on the Pacific coast.
Tk. .i.,t,,r-,i innnri destination for those products, the
natural trading place of the people of the Yakima valley,
is Portland. All that is needed is a comparatively short
railroad, from Vancouver or some point on the Columbia
..... ft.;, la nf the enterprises that have been
talked about a great
they begun, in talk.
The great Yakima valley is Northern Pacific territory.
Year after year, decade after decade, that valley's pro
ducts must be lifted half a mile high over the Cascade
mountains and dumped at that railroad's Puget Sound
terminus. Some day the Northern Pacific will build a
line down the north side of the Columbia river, and a
branch therefrom into the Yakima valley, but until it
chooses to do so we must simply fold our hands and wait.
Even then it may take a notion to carry the products of
central Washington around by the river-rail route to
Tacoma; and if so of course Portland will have nothing
to say or do by way of protest. We have been accus
tomed to utter submission and subservience to the rail
roads so long that we seem powerless to protect our
own interests as against their schemes and policies.
But Portland is becoming not only larger but more
alert and aggressive, and there should be ground for hope
that during the next year it will take such measures as
will insure speedy and direct rail or rail-and-river con
nection between this city and the Yakima valley.
ssld position a great quantity of gold
could bs found In a natural condition.
The dtvulgement ding-donged in his ears
for daya, and even nights, but hs fought
It off as a mars fancy, or superstition,
snd would not even search the spot with
mining tool. Ttme went on for a few
months, and one day he saw a prospec
tor delving Into earth In his neighbor
hood, but thought nothing strange
thereat, until ths miner began to find
pay dirt, when General Lane'e attention
was called thereto. Within a few weeks
between 110.000 snd 110.000 In gold val
ues were abstracted from the pocket.
The general wss not deceived when he
bethought himself of the 'hunch' hs had
had; went and lay on hla cot, opened
out the knot hole snd peeped In the
direction of where the poor deluded
prospector was fairly coining" gold;
when lo! Oeneral Lane's optics dilated
and expanded, for the spot was ths iden
tical one seen In his 'vision.' Oeneral
Lane never spoks about this only In his
immediate family."
From the New York World.
One of ths Republicans swept Into ths
Fifty-ninth congress by the landslide
in Missouri Is William T. Tlndall of
Sparta. The congressional convention
for the Fourteenth dlatrlct nominated
Mr. Tlndall without his knowlsdge or
consent. When ths notlcs of his nomi
nation wss reoelved hs said: "Pshaw I
I'd decline It, only I hat to waate a
2-cent stamp on It."
One of the wags In the Republican
cloak room Is responilbls for this story
about Representative Ketcham of Nsw
York, who is qutt deaf.
"Ketcham went to a dinner ons
night." the tale runs, "and sat next tS
a lady who tried to make him as com
fortable as possible. There wss some
fruit on the table, snd she ssked him;
'Do you like bananas Y
'"What's thatr returned Ketcham.
" "Do you like bananas T
" 'No.' Ketcham replied. 'I never wesr
them I stick to ths old-fsshloned night
shirt .' -
"There is sn old negro down la my
town," ssld John Sharp Williams, the
Democratic leader of the house, "who
did me s service. I wanted to reward
him, so I said:
" Uncle, which shall I give you a ton
of coal or a bottle of whisky Y
" 'Foh de Iawd! Massa John.' hs re
plied. you-aU sborsly knows 1 buhn
The Journal Building, Fifth and Yamhill
hollow and deceptive, should when confronted with a
condition of emergency decide to become independent
useful and laudable to maintain them
and ataggers society that it feebly gasps
of fatntness.
These young women will be cut by society, of course,
but since they have had the good sense to dety artificial
society this far by becoming useful members of the
larger society composed of the whole people, we may
assume that they will smile while fashionable society
gaspingly wrinkles its insincere brows, and pursue
firmly their course while society staggers, and sinking
languidly into a graceful attitude rings the bell for its
smelling bottle.
THERE ARE ALWAYS two sides, if not more.
We hear and read a great deal about prosperity,
and it seems to be a reality. With a great ma
jority of the people of this country it certainly is a
reality. Farmers are almost all prosperous, and when
that is so most other people must be getting along fairly
well. There is more money per capita in circulation than
ever before. There is great activity in all kinds of in
dustrial enterprises. Doubtless far more holiday money
will be spent this year than ever before.
And yet curious and ominous reports keep coming
from eastern cities. Dispatches from New York say that
the number of unemployed men there is greater by 40,000
than it was a year ago, and that never before have appli
cations for sid from charitable societies been so numer
ous. Not only in that city but in others the supply of
labor greatly exceeds the demand. Employers in many
industrial lines are contracting operations and reducing
their payrolls. Wages have not risen with the rise in
the cost of life's necessaries.
How much ofthis situation is due to a systematic at
tempt to break up labor organizations it is impossible to
. n,,t U is rrrinn that if the country is so very pros
money is being made, the working-
- - a .! L l
be divided among all classes, and be
bringing thousands of new people
rich and prosperous vaney, ana greany
deal, but that have ended where
From the Saturday Evening Post.
It ts one of the commonest remarks of
ths day that great success Is not worth
ths penalties that attend It. Ths timid
clttsen looks st the front-page cartoon
picturing ths statesman as a monkey, or
reada ths morning editorial calling ths
financier a wrecker, or solemnly peruses
the letter from Old Subscriber condemn
ing ths vigorous preacher as a moun
tebank, and then concludes thst It Is
fsr better to shun these dangers by
never doing anything that calls for crit
icism. There sre even faint-hearted wives
who would prefer thst thslr husbands
and sons keep out of ths strenuous ac
tivities of lifs for fsar that thsy msy
be ridiculed or caricatured. It Is uss
less to quots to them old Dr. Johnson's
remark that hla book would not be a
success because It was not being abused
enough, or sdd the very fsmlllar meta
phor of the kits and the wind, for auch
truths have little effect upon the go
essles who would measure ths span of
years by creature comforts and mild
mental satisfactions.
It is a question ss to whether or not
ths timid people do not really suffer
more than those who gat the hard
knocks. They have thslr swarms of
little worrls and strong men would
rather be stung occasionally by a hornet
than harassed continually by mosquitoes.
Indeed, to the big workers ths great
difficulties are the best encourage
ments All men come to the point of
choosing between the little obstacles
with the little Ufa or the big obstacles
with ths big possibilities After that
thoss who make ths larger choice pre
fer mountains to ant-hills, good stout
blows to Insect bites.
i 'Israeli called success ths child of
audacity. The man who seeks the prises
becomes by his boldness sudaclous, snd
when he gets well Into the game the
very perils he runs snd ths rebuffs thst
hit htm hsmmer Into his consciousness
ths necessity of striving further, doing
better and reaching a higher mark Hs
cannot climb down without failure, or
stand still ' with crsdlt, for audacity
needs a MSw and better climax to each
act of the play
8o the slings and arrows of fortuns
are In their way good and ussful. They
may hurt, but they stimulate; they msy
goad, but they drive drive onward and
upward. And each nsw elevation bss a
Joy that is worth ths pains.
Small Change
That strand Jury doesn't look good to
some people.
Only four mora days to get ready for
the year a area teat holiday.
Mrs. Chadwlck Is undoubtedly the
champion fain tress of the country.
That bin Republican majority In Con
gress la liable yet to make Teddy trou
Mrs. Chadwlck ought to play the In
aane dodge well; she has had experl-
By the time the .Sevastopol Is de
stroyed a few more times It may get
mad and Are back.
With so much water squeezed out of
stocks lately, It Is a wonder that wall
street was not flooded.
The republic of Panama now has an
armv of only 26 men. which la SB
more than Is necessary.
Ths slump in Amalgamated Copper
has no appreciable effect on the average
town copper In uniform.
Of course, congress failed to reform
the currency so as to give everybody
enough money for Christmas.
A party machine will have a hard
Job grinding out the usual, or Indeed,
any grist In Portland hereafter.
The western boy, unlike the boy back
east, doesn't expect or hope that Santa
Claus will bring him a new sled.
There are still a few Republican state
senators who have not come out as can
didates for president of ths senate.
The Igorrotss at fit. Louis mads
enough money to keep them in first
class dog meat the rest of their lives.
Whether Mrs. Chadwlck Is insane or
not, there seems to bs no doubt that
with all her smartness she was and Is
a fool. i
The Punishment of one big thief la
more to bs desired and will have a bat
ter effect than the punishment of half
a dosen little ones.
If the birth of the csarewltch was a
niece of good luck for the Russian mon
arch, where would he have been at if
twin boys had been born?
An English court has decided that a
man who earns his living by a profes
sion, trad or other occupation la not a
gentleman." Per contra, a hobo la a
In deference to a large portion of the
community, the sportive features of
Christmas should be confined to Satur
day and Monday, and not mads promi
nent on Sunday.
With an income of over $14,000, end
an opportunity to show off hla uni
forms occasionally, General Miles will
not grieve much because be did not
get a nomination for president.
If there has been Jobbery In the
construction of the Morrison street
bridge, search It out, run It down, ex
pose It. and If possible punish thoss
guilty of swindling ths people. It Is
quits time to undertake this work
One thing ths people wsnt to know
Is, why those fraudulent caaes were ad
vanced and made special by a land com
missioner who in all probability know
ths nature of them? People also havo
a pardonable curiosity to know why
thoss letter books, or portions of them,
were destroyed.
Ashland ia In ths "throes" of sn ex
citing city election campaign. Ths "cltl
ssns" ars pitted against ths "people," as
Two applicants for ths position of
postmaster of Forest Orove each aent In
a petition signed by nearly all ths pa
trons of the office, who wished to show
no partiality.
A curtoua thing happened In Foreat
OroVe the other day; a man advertised
an umbrella he had found. Five people
claimed It, but the first ons to do so
got it for ths present.
Thoss who hsvs been testing the Eng
lish walnut in Waahtngton county find
that It can be grown very successfully,
but it Is said that ths French walnut
is svsn better and more hardy.
A Klickitat farmer aent hla hired man
to Arlington with a load of potatoes to
sell, snd a neighbor sant soma buttsr,
both of which products ho sold all right,
but put the team In a livery stable and
the money In his pocket snd skipped.
Ths arrival of men from both the
north and south, who havs been long out
of work and are eager for any sort of
Job, has about filled up the big gap
made by the recent walkout of the steel
and construction ganga on ths Southern
Pacific lines In Josephine snd Douglas
Sherwood correspondence of Hlllsboro
Independent; When farmers ars under
the necessity of coming to town to buy
bsled hay for their stock, then Indeed
there muat be famine In stock feed. One
of our merchants Is selling them baled
straw st 17 per ton which Is thankfully
picked up and no questions asked.
Ashland Tribune: Proper advertising
will make the name of Ashland synony
mous with "perfect pesches" the state
over. Ashland cannot afford to rest on
laurels already won; ahe must Increase
her orchards. "Peach blow" Is good,
but we must have more "pesch" snd
lsss "blow" If ws would maintain our
Lebanon Kx press -Advance: The North
ern Pacific owea Linn county f (.2(0.07
on taxes now dellnqusnt, due on their
timber clstms which they gobbled up by
aid of the government In lieu of aome
worthless dirt up pn Mt. Tacoma. Un
less paid, ths property will be sold for
taxes In a month or two.
Several Sclo dogs have been poisoned,
causing the News to say: Sclo hss too
many dogs; but ths poison routs Is a too
cruel method. Besides, he who will put
out poison, does not care whether hs
kills the worthless curs or ths most val
uable dogs we have. We have no uss
for cltlsens who are guilty of such
cruel snd cowardly work.
The house of a rsnchsr living In ths
Lsmunta neighborhood. Crook county,
burned one night last week, and one
of his children, 4 years old. was horned
to death. Ths children had gone up
stairs to bed with a candle, and set Are
to the bedclothes, whan they ran down,
and the parents thought all of them were
safe until too lsts to save ths little ons
thst remained behind.
a . -j- - II
Oregon Sidelights
ii . ..,XSJ
on Democracy
t ii
William Jennings Bryan contributes
to ths current Issue of ths Saturday
Evening Post an articls on "The Re
organisation of ths Reorganized De
mocracy," in which he discusses ths
causes of ths overwhelming victory of
ths Republicans and polnta out soms
of ths problems confronting ths Demo
cratio party. He says In parr:
"Whether ths overwhelming victory
won by the Republican party in ths re
csrlt national campaign Is to bs con
sldered ss an Indorsement of ths presi
dent and his policies, or ss a rebuke to
the Democratic party. Is a question
which cannot bs fully determined until
the' returns are oomplete. It la evi
dent, however, at this, writing that ths
falling off in ths Democratic vots was
much greater than the gain In the Be
publican vote, and In soms places ths
Democratic loaa was even greater than
ths gain shown by all other parties
combined. This would indicate a con
siderable stsy-st-homs vote, snd the
man who stays at home usually doea
as because neither his own party nor
any other party arouses his interest
Ths great majority of the members of
ths Democratic party voted tnelr ttcxet.
although a very considerable number
of those who voted did so with much
lsss snthuslaam than thsy manifested
In former years; but voted because thsy
felt that Judge Parker's election would
bring certain much-nesdsd reforms,
wheress President Roosevelt's promised
nothing of ths sort.
"But In spits of ths advantages prom
ised by Judge Parker's election it Is
svldent thst a great many Democrats
were so devoted to economic reform and
so disappointed at ths party's failure
to maks a vigorous attack upon ths Re
publican policies all along ths line that
they refused to support the Democratic
ticket. This disaffection waa far
greater than ths Republicans themselves
expected, for In slmost every Instance
the Republican plurality waa consider
ably larger than the Republican com
mltleea claimed ths day before election.
It Is only fair to Bay that Mr. Roose
velt's personality contributed to aome
extent to ths magnitude of his victory,
for opposition to him was Isssensd by
the fact that eon thought him a re
former In disguise. There Is nothing in
bis official career to encourage the be
lief that he will propose any reforms,
and yet It Is unquestionably true that
many voters In his own party and out
side of it srs expecting that hs will
'turn loose" ss soon as he Is Inaugu
rated aa president In his own right. a
Though It will require four years
for the country to form an satlmats of
ths value (or cost) of ths recent vic
tory, it Is already evident that ths over
whelming character of the defeat has
put an end to the attempts of ths so-
called 'conservative Democrats' to
emasculate the Democratic creed. The
fact that the party, notwithstanding
Judge Parker's 'gold telegram.' was de
feated by a larger plurality than even
when ths platform contained a 16-to-l
plank, has made It impossible for the
eastern wing to tempt again by a
promlae of victory.
In the beginning of the campaign
some of the literature aent out con
tained editorials from New Tork papers
declaring that ths party had repudiated
Populism' and waa again 'safe and
aane.' It waa not long before it was
discovered that such literature was
harmful, and during the' latter days of
ths campaign the real danger became
apparent, and earnest appeals were
made to thoss who wers fighting ror
economic and Industrial reforms.
That there is need of reform la al
ready apparent to millions, and It will
become spparsnt to Increasing num
bers aa ths years advance. The extent
to whloh ths public is being exploited
today Is not fully realized by sny large
proportion of the people. If It wsrs the
Republican party would be turned out
of power by a vote largely In excess
of that by which It won In ths recent
campaign. It Is ths duty of ths Demo
cratic party and a duty which It la
now free to perform to present to the
public ths reasons for refusing longer
to trust ths government to Republican
"Take, for Instanes, ths railroads.
They are atocked and bonded for ap
proximately twlcs what they are worth.
"Ths trust question prsssnts some of
ths same phases ss ths railroad prob
lem. Nearly all the trusts ars over
capitalized and rely upon their control
of ths market to collect dividends, and
besides this thsy ars constantly narrow
ing ths field of Independent enterprise.
"The Democratic party has declared
In two platforms that a private mo
nopoly Is indefensible snd intolerable.
It has demanded the enforcement of the
criminal law and It has also demanded
that ths privileges of interstate com
merce bs withdrawn from ths trusts.
It has a chance to bring this question
before the public with increasing em
phasis, and It will profit by the public
sentiment which must ultlmstely con
demn private monopolies of svery kind.
"If the Republican party Is afraid to
promtss tsrlff revision during ths cam
paign It la not likely to maks sny ma
terial revision after a grsat victory.
" "Ths labor queatlon Is growing in im
portance. The manufacturers ars or
ganising to fight the legislation asked
for by the wage-earners. Ths tendency
of this Is necessarily to widen the gulf
between labor and capital, and the sit
uation cannot help being aggravated If.
for any reason, there Is a falling off
In production and a decrease In the num
ber employed. Ths Republican admin
istration must meet this problem.
"Though the production of gold has
for ths time being made less scuts the
demand for ths restoration of bimetal
lism, still there sre other phases of ths
subject that are likely to present Issues
which will embarrass the Republicans.
'The growth of municipal ownership
In the cities has been accompanied by a
growth In public aentlmsnt favorable
to the extension of governmental ac
tivity. "There Is an increasing demand for an
enlargement of the money-order aystsm
to most the nssds of rural delivery, and
this, of course, mssts with the opposi
tion of ths banks.
"The consolidation of ths trunk lines
of railway, ths raising of ths freight
rates and ths political influence exerted
by the railways these, taken together,
ars Increasing the number of thoss who
bellsvs that railroads should bs classed
among natural monopolies and taken
out of the hands of private individuals
and corporations.
"The demand for the election of Sen
ators by ths people Is strong among
ths masses, but this too Is opposed by
the corporations.
"As ths expensss of ths nsvy con
tinue to increase that subject Is likely to
become mors snd mors an Issue.
"Attention has been called to some of
ths problems (and there are others)
which the Republican party must meet;
they are problems Intimately connected
with ths welfare of the country, snd
the Republican party la not In position
to offer a permansnt solution of any of
them. It Is too much undsr ths In
fluence of ths great corporations to
settle these questions upon ths peo
ple's slds, and thsy can never bs settled
until they ars settled upon the people's
There ts every Indication that ths
Democratic party will now address itself
to these reforms, and trsas, by deserving
success, lay ths foundation for a real
Tne Play
A queen In America's operatic court Is
Johanna Oadskl, In whoss honor musical
Portland turned out in magnificent ar
ray at ths Marquam last night. Nsver
In ths history of that auditorium was
thsrs an audience more reluctant to
leave It, and rarely haa a musical recital
been so largely attended, ths advanced
prioas considered.
Ths management was sensible In set
ting the stage to lass than one-third Its
depth, thus allowing none of the mar
velous tones of the singer to die be
hind the footlights. Madams Oadskl
rendsrsd a program that all but trans
ported the listeners to a realm divine.
There were so many favorltss among
her selections last svenlng that one ex
perienced considerable difficulty In
making a choice, but to my notion the
artiste wss at bar vsry best In the aria.
"My Heart St Thy Dear Voice." from
Saint Saens' "Samson and Delilah,'
which opened the second part of her
program. The aria rsprsssnts ths woo
Ing of Ssmson before the departure of
his strength, and the dramatic rendition
given by Oadskl mads it almoat possible
to see ths conspiring Philistine ready to
take away that strength. Ths soft ef
fect of the final "1 love you" was a su
perb example of Oadskl's technical qual
ities. It wss thrilling in Its tsnderness.
Her dramatic firs developed first In
"Brlklng," snd "the art patetlque" was
exhibited In Franz' "Aus Melnen Orossen
These were all sung In the language
of the composers, and until, as an en
core, ths madams gavs "To Love," it
wss not a certainty in ths audience that
she spoks English. The encores, by ths
way, wsrs numerous and Oadskl re
sponded alwaya with a smile. At the
conclusion of her concert, after her ren
dttlon of the aria from "Tannhauser,"
the crowd tat for a moment, aa if under
a hypnotic Influence. Then it arose and
demanded ons mors song, and than one
mors. Aftsr which, shs was tendered
the greatest ovation of her triumphal
Madame Oadskl Is assisted by H. Bel-
mar Meyrowlts st ths piano. Hs la skill
ful and temperamental to an astonish
ing degree, but In each of hla solos dis
played uneaalneaa, which led to the
thought that hs hss not long been be
fore ths public as a virtuoso.
Ws ought to shake hands with Oadskl
for the beautiful manner In which shs
rebuked late comers. Whensvsr shs saw
an uaher aeatlng people aftsr ths ac
companist had begun ths Introduction of
a song, shs frowned her disapproval, and
ths concert cams to an abrupt halt until
ths tardy ones, thoroughly abashed, wars
in their chairs.
The Musln Concert company was well
received lsst evening at ths White
Temple, notwithstanding ths heavy
counter-attraction. Oadskl.
The organisation la headed by Oylde
Musln, an able violinist. Who waa re
peatedly encored, and Includes Oulllaume
Koentgh. pianist; Madams Grace Whist
ler Mustek and Marlon Oresn, vocalists.
The program was selected with good
Judgment, snd gave great satisfaction.
In winter quarters In what la now
North Dakota.
December 10. The wind waa from the
northwest, ths weather moderate, the
thermometer 24 degrees above aero at
sunrise. We availed ourselves of this
Changs to picket ths fort near ths river.
From the San Francisco Chronicle.
It Is learned that ths sum allotted
to Luther Burbank of Santa Rosa by ths
Carnegie institution for the purpose of
enabling him to instigate researches in
the development of fruits, vegetables
and grasses is 1100,000. This magnifi
cent allowance will bs paid to ths wizard
of horticulture in 10 annual Installments
of f 10,000 year.
The appropriation was made In conse
quence of the representations of Judgu
W, W. Morrow, ons of ths trustees of
the Institution, who Is now In Washing
ton. Hs succeeded in Impressing his co
trustses by relating some of ths won
derful achievements of Burbank In
originating and hybridising frulta
flowers and vegetables. Ths trus
tees vsry willingly granted ths ap
propriation. Burbank will remain In
California, but will now be able to carry
on hla work on a larger seals than here
tofore, and with the added advantage of
being freed from bualness cares. In all
probability he will continue his experi
ments and Investigations at hla Santa
Rosa home. Burbank has bsen working
on the improvement snd development of
fruits and flowers for it years, and In
that time hss attained world-wide fame
as a wlsard in hybridisation. Aided by
the splendid allowancs from ths Car
negte institution, hs will probably make
discoveries In the next 10 yeara that
will Immensely enhance hla already
great reputation.
AjnrtJAX, f AkCE Of COBTOl
From the Chicago Evening. Post.
Every year, shortly aftsr ths opening
of congress, the stage is prepared for
the revival of that ancient farce, "Why
I'm Agin Civil Service." Ths passing
of time my Changs ths cast, the ssme
farce players may not appear, but tbsrs
Is no change In ths lines, not a varia
tion In the "business." It's the asms old
farce, no mstter who playa it.
Yesterday Messrs. Hepburn of Iowa,
Bartlett of Qeorgla and Orosvenor of
Ohio wsrs ths funmskers. Their humor
consisted chiefly of an attempt to appear
serious, and the houss was convulsed
with laughter at thslr lugubrious t hrusts
at ths msrlt law and ths civil service
commission. Mr. Hepburn had tsars In
hla eyes when he repeated the well
known line, "I denounce ths present
merit Systsm ss un-American snd until
for our uses." Mr. Orosvenor with mov
ing pathos told how ths civil service
commission had hounded a poor rural
msll csrrler In Ohio. Never hss ths old
fares been presented with such spirit;
nsvsr was the merit system attacked
with such sidesplitting buffoonery, and
nsver was it mors proof against thess
sssaults than It Is today.
It might be mentioned that this farce
Is alwaya presented In two acta. Ths
first, as plsysd yesterday, attacks ths
merit system, usually through an appro
priation. Ths second discovers farceurs
voting "Yea" with a loud voles when the
appropriation In question comes to a
final issue. It Is aU vsry funny sad
vsry foolish.
bewis and Clark
rVoman Sculptor
From ths Dsnvsr Post.
To a Denver young woman. Miss Alios
Cooper, haa fallen ths pleasant task of
immortalising In clay ths memory of
ths Pocahontas of ths west. Sacajawea.
ths "Bird Woman." who with hsr baby
strappsd to hsr back tramped to the
1'aulflo with Lewis and Clark, and aa
thslr guide shared all ths hardships of
ths Immortal expedition.
But though shs shared their hard
ships shs mlssss ths glory of any public
acknowledgment for many yeara. Not
until the St. Louis and the Portland ex
positions did this heroine of ths north
west begin to win the appreciation that
is her due.
A million dollars was appropriated by
Oregon to honor the heroes of ths Lewis
and Clark expedition by a great expo
sition, but thla heroin of the Journey,
who more than once saved the little
party from annihilation, was completely
forgotten by the men of Oregon.
Ths women of the northwest came
promptly to the rescue of their neglected
sister. Mrs. Eva Emery Dye headed a
movement of ths women's clubs to srsct
a status of Sacajawea. It was to cose
$7,000, and was to be designed by a west
ern woman. Ths honor of executing It
fell to Miss Alice Cooper of this city.
Ths story of ths Lewis and Clark ex
pedition is ons of ths spies of American
achievement. It Is a tale of pluck and
of perseverance against odds of which
Americana are proud and no member of
the expedition la entitled to more honor
than Sacajawea, the Indian wife of Ton
lssalnt Chabonneau, a ne'er-do-well
French voyageur. She was a Shoshone
ths daughtsr of a chief but had been
captured by another tribe and sold to
Chabonneau as a Slav
Tha Isadora of ths expedition took hsr
and her husband along with thsm be
cause they thought shs might bs useful
among the Bhoshones as an Interpreter.
So Sacajawea. tha girl-wife, who was
soon to bs a mother, wintered with the
party st Fort Mandan, entered Into ths
mystery of motherhood there, and when
spring cams bound hsr pappoose to a
flat board and tramped acroaa t.he conti
nent with ths stoicism of an Indian.
Shs helped ths msn msnd thslr clothes.
She hslped cook thslr dinners. Shs tend
ed ths little fellow, who was Just be
ginning the Journey of his life, aa well
ss ths Journey across ths untrodden con
tinent. But though Sacajawea, was a woman,
shs waa also a heroine. Shs savsd a
capsized canoe that her husband had de
serted In a windstorm, because ahe knew
it contained valuable charts prlssd by
ths Issdsrs of ths expedition. Ths Indian
princess cheered ths party by hsr good
humor and was an inspiration to them
by reason of hsr pluck
Here comes In ths romance of ths ex
pedition. Horses muat bs got from ths
Shoshonss to contlnus thslr Journey
across ths Rockies. Could Sacajawea
win them over to help the white men
Sacajawea, who had been stolen from
ths trtbs when she was a little glrlT
With much difficulty a eonferencs
was arranged. Lewis mst Cameahwalt.
thslr chief, snd Induced the Indians, who
wsrs still very suspicious, to accom
pany him to camp.
They eat down and smoked ths pipe
of peace, still watching each other Jeal
ously. Then Cameahwalt began to
speak Just ss Sacajawea entered. She
ran forward and nung ner arms snout
him, bursting Into tears. The two splen
did Indiana stood before the assembled
crowd In a stress of emotion. Sacajawea
had won ths day for ths whites.
On the return Journey from the coast
the "Bird-Woman" saved the party again
several times. The sight of her and the
smiling little pappoose charmed away
the fear of the suspicious tribes that
were met. She discovered the "proper
way to follow when ths party waa lost.
In a tlms of famine sbs gavs nsr last
piece of bread to Captain Clark.
These were the glorious yeara in tne
life of Sacajawea. and It la something of
this glory that Miss Cooper haa carried
Into her strong status of the "Bird-
The sturdy nobility snd simplicity of
ths status ars Its distinguishing quali
ties. Just ss they are of moat of Miss
Cooper's work The young Indian prin
cess stands lithe and straight like a
young pine. You see In every line her
sturdy strength, hsr nobility, hsr rather
heavy grace, and her vision of ths great
ness of her task. She la the guide of
greatness and the artist makes her real-
Is it in ths upllftsd back-thrown head,
the rapt look of leadership with which
she looks Into ths unknown f ut urn. Even
her chubby pappoose haa bean for the
moment forgotten.
Alice Cooper studied first at ths Den
ver university under Preston Powers.
From there shs wsnt to ths Chicago Art
institute and Joined the class of Lorado
Taft, ths famous sculptor. Evsn from
hsr childhood, when shs lived on Cham
pa street with her parents, sbs dabbled
In clay and pinched It Into smiling fscss.
But under competent training ahe came
to the front rapidly.
Mlas Cooper haa done soms modeling
that has attracted ths favorable notlcs
of ths Chicago critics. A mounted cow
boy Is perhaps the best, thing shs hss
dons. It waa taken from' life on a Colo
rado ranch and la an excellent piece of
work In Its strong simplicity. Ths cow
boy sits listlessly on his little broncho,
which stands patiently aa it haa stood
for hours apparently. "The Frog," a
piece in arrested motion. Is also a atrong
piece of work Bo, too, is "A Summer
Breeze," which shows a happy, lithe,
nude figure of a girl atretched on the
turf,-her locks blowing In front of hsr
aa shs puffs the down from the dande
lion. The lines of the youthful figure
are excellently modeled. jm ,
In Miss Cooper's work, whether It be
of the ideal or the "native born," there
is a refreshing absence of mero clever
ness. Honesty, directness, virility thesn
are the promising points sbout this
young; srtlst's work
The women of the entire west were
invited to compete for the Sacajawea
statue. From them all Miss Cooper bore
away the palm of victory. This will be
the first status svar erected in honor of
an Indian woman. After ths exposition
Is over It will be preserved In ons of
Portland's parks. Thst a Denver woman
has been selscted for ths Important task
of preserving in permanent form a me
morial of ths heroic wofk of Sacajawea
la cause for congratulation to art lovers
in this city.
Learn From ths Heathen.
From the New York Independent.
Here ts a lesson from the heathen. In
the district of Wsh-heln, the province of
Sz-chuen, Chins, thsrs was a terrible
drought. No rain fell for 11 days, at
Just ths tlms when rice was to bs trans
planted. Famine stared the people In
the face. They prayed, thsy fastsd from
meat, fowl", eggs; they made vows, but
still no rsln. At last they derided thst
the snger of the gods was for some sin.
snd concluded that It was for the sin of
growing opium. Thereupon thsy sU
greed to grow no mors opium. They
gathered snd burnt berore tne inoie all
their poppy seed. Thsy signed their
words each with bis own blood. Then
ths rain cam.