THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, TUESDAY BVKNINO, DECEMBER tO, 1901 NINE KILLED AND EIGHT INJURED Falling Wall Demolishes Crocker Hotel at Minneapolis in Early Morning Hours. FLAMES ADD TO HORROR OF THE CATASTROPHE Death List May Be Increased as Fifty Quests Occupied Build ing Several Are Missing. (Journal Special ferric. ) Minneapolis. Minn.. Deo. M. Nine persons arc known to have bean killed by the ralllnc of a wall upon the Croriker hotel at 10 o'clock this morning. The list may be Increased, as several guests are missing. In addition to this eight persons were Seriously Injured. The dead are: William Bray. William Hlllyblad. Charles A. Clark. William Andersen. Charles M Kenyon. John Immerman. James Ritchie, Haute Baldy. ' , j Joseph VUlette. AU were guests. ' i ' The seriously Injured are: J. W. Crocker, Mrs. J. W. Crocker. Howard Crocker. Jennie Murray, Mrs. Anna Monevine, Mrs. Margaret Lei'lalr, Mrs. Evylln Williams and Lottie Kruger. The wall which fell was that of the ruined Peck building, which was de stroyed In the fire of a week ago. The Crocker hotel building was a frame structure of fragile strength and was occupied by to guests. When the wind wept the Peck wall down it crushed -the -hotel as though It were an agg hell. To add to the disaster -the ruined hotel immediately caught Are from the furnaces and In an Incredibly short time was biasing furiously. Streams of water directed against this frose on the outside and left the lower portion a biasing mass. In which the bodies of the dead and Injured were Incinerated, while from the arreckage came cries of those pinioned beneath timbers and awaiting death by fire, water or exposure. One portion of the building was not ho badly damaged as to prevent the escape of Its inmates and these at once began to lend their efforts to the resoulna- of the injured. Their efforts. however, were of little avail and when the full flee force waa called out all were debarred. The first body recovered was that of William Hillyblade and shortly after Anderson' a body waa found. The third body recovered was that of James Ham ilton and the bodies of a roan and woman are In sight WIFE SAYS HE TWICE THREATENED HER LIFE Charles Rhodes was held by Police Judge Hog this afternoon to keep the peace en the charge of threatening to kill his wife. His bonds were fixed st $J50 snd have not yet been secured. The defendant was recently before the court on the charge of persona ling aa officer. He wore a star when taken Into cus tody today. i His wife testified that Rhode de serted her six weeks ago for another woman. She a Wo re thst on two occa sions he sstd he would kill her. Rhodes denied the charge. MISS ROOSEVELT TO BE PRESENTED AT COURT (Journal Special service, i New York. Dec. 10. It is understood that Alice Roosevelt will be presented this winter at the BrlUsh court under the auspices of Whltelaw Held, who has taken a house for the see eon In London. Miss Roosevelt for some time hss been an intimate friend ox Mies Jean Reid. whose popularity In New York society Is very great Whltelaw Reld, who was ambassador to the coronation of King Edward and special envoy to the dia mond jubilee of Queen Victoria, la a favorite in London society and haa met King Edward In a social way. Dolls Given FREE With Ladles' and Girls' Shoes. Ounsvl Or drums given free with Boys' Suits! or Overcoats. We save you a cash price from $2.50 to $6.00 on a Man's Suit or Overcoat Complete line of Men's Hats. Pants. Underwear and Overooat. 20 per cent less com parison high rent stores' prices. We are corner First and Yamhill. JOHN DELLAR Fine Leather Goods The lasting kind, therefore appropriated, for gifts. Leather employed are seal, seacow and pigskin. Mountings In gold and sliver. We off'r the following suggestions: Satchels, shopping bags, vanity bags. Indies' purses, card cssss, coin purse, wallets and olgar caaea. Open Evenings the Entire Month YOUNG AVERY IS STILL REPORTED HISSING Brother Arrives, and With De tectives Combs City for Boy, But Without Result. No clew has been found to the where abouta of U B. Avery of Eugene, who disappeared December 14 while a guest at the Imperial hotel. W. W, Avery. brother of the miss ing man. reached the city yesterdsy and he conferred with the detectives, who confessed that their efforts have been futile, Kvery other means by which missing men may be located will be resorted to. "My brother was well acquainted In Portland." said W. W. Avery. "He worked here several months and knows lanni. Ha had no oblect. I am quite positive, for leaving the city and I can t believe no nas none mi "Our relations were so Intimate that when we were aeparated we wrote to each other every day. He confided to me things that to others would be trivial, so I know poaltively that he did not leave of his own accord- He had only a small amount of money at the time of his disappearance, some $10 or 120, He waa not In trouble and did not drink, as the" term goes. He la 23 years of age. Is 6 feet 11 Inches In height ....a i. Ma has two finaers and part of Ms left hand missing which ought to Hfi a sure man oi lunuiaun lion. i.. . -Anm a ttm Tmnerlal thlnas were left as If he Intended to return In a short time. He left a email pacaage of laundry with instructions to have it returned soon. Such artlclss of cloth ing and toilet as are in constant use were left In the room. MAYS' DEALING WITH PUTER RING (Continued from Page One.) it.. SkliXZ are Me vita attached to the r . .......rt In those affidavits Jsoobs. swore that he was peraonally ac quainted with the fictitious settlers In ....... ..i.i., it-7 ami that thev had often , - -- -. - purchased goode of him. Another wit ness today was u. a . vvoou. wnu In the Jury room for only a few minutes, i. ..Mjtfi that ha was railed UDon to give testimony as to some question of title. , , . 8. H. Ormsby. the former-euperlntend-ent of forest reserve, who was declared by Mr. Henry during the Puter trial to have been one of the conspirators In the land frauda, appeared before the grand jury at 1 o'clock this afternoon. He came in responseto the subpoena which was Issued several days ago. Ormsby is one of the men who are said to stand In serious danger of Indictment BOARD OF AGRICULTURE CONVENES AT SALEM (pedal Dispatch to Toe Journal! Salem. Or.. Doc. SO. The etate board of agriculture met at S o'clock this af ternoon In the capital building. Much business of Importance came up for consideration and the board mar elect officers before Its adjournment tola af ternoon, Hon. Jasepr Wllklns. the only member of the board who has expressed an opin ion with reference to holding a state fair next year, la In favor of holding tha fair and says It will do the Lewis and Clark fair good rather than harm. JOHN F. C0RDRAY WILL BUILD PRETTY HOME Ink. V Curdrav who recently Sold Cordrays theatre for a good sum. la already reinvesting Ma coin In Port land real estate. He haa been granted permission to erect a ss.ivu resiarnco on East Twenty-first street between Conch snd Burnslde streets. As the coat Indicates It will be a handsome cottage and la to be used as a home by Mr. Cordray nimseii. . M'CULLEY IS GRANTED A NEW EXAMINATION (Washington Boreas ef The Josrnal.) W.aklnvtnn 1W 20 At the rMUHt of Senator Fulton. W. D. afcCttlley of joncph was granted a new examination for the appointment of assistant pay master of the navy. McCulley passed his examination last H.f avaa alok before ordered to duty and subsequently failed on his physical examination. OPTO W. A. Simons, proprietor of the Orpheum theatre, was adjudged guilty of keeping open after hours by Police Judge Hogue this morning snd fined I 'jr.. Through Attorney Dsn R Murphy sn appeal will ho taken. Martin Denny was found guilty on the mint charge and the case continued for sentence. Tom Tracey. his psrtner, was discharged from custody. Artware ELECTRIC LAMPS TIFFANY VASES DRESDEN PLATES DUTCH MINIATURES BRONZE STATUES CUT GLASS ROCKWOOD POTTERY CUPS AND SAUCERS BOHEMIAN GLASS FANS OPERA GLASSES Patek Philippe Watch AN APPROPRIATE PRESENTATION GIFT Msde in Geneva, Switzer land. Positively the world's best. SOLE AGENTS FOR OREGON Mail Orders Attended to Promptly and Carefully FIFTY-NINE IS NOW. THE EXACT NUMBER Five Mors Burglaries, to Which No Clews Are Had, Re ported to Police. Having struck a good steady gait in (he city, burglars are pegging aim with a pertinacity that la keeping the police on the rack. Five morerobr , i i ... i ,,, . I , .. lla iif thoae to which no olews have been ob tained, making 6 now On the records. Andrew nelacour arnvea ner irom 7 v. rw l, hrinftrfne with him a roll of blankets, a pair of log gers' boots and other personal effects valued at i0. They were lsfj on the A W . M. ,,f Airier atraat In rare of the night watch man; the goods were stolen, Bath Hunter of 20 Clay street re ported the loss of an overcoat, a coat and pair of trousers and a razor. A valuable gold fob with a jewel, the f ML' n Rtmhla with BIs- alnger Co., was abstracted from a.vest left hanging In a roar room. Patrolman Iaakson reportedythe theft of 7 from the Grotto, a cigar and candy store, conducted at Sellwood by C. F. Franklin; the thief thoughtfully locked the door behind him. Coroner J. P. Kinley Is minus a silver mounted revolver, which waa stolen from his office. JAPANESE CAPTURE TWO MORE STEAMERS British Blockade Runners Pay for Their Daring Will Make Trade Hazardous. (Journal Special Service ) Tokio, Dec. 10. The Japanese have aetsed the British steamer Nlgretla. whloh wns bound for Vladivostok witn a cargo of contraband goods. She waa sent to Sasebo for trial before a prise court. . , ' Tho British steamer King Arthr waa also captured while attempting to leave Port Arthur yesterday, and was taaen to Sasebo. It la understood she took sup plies to Port Arthur. There Is much satisraction nere over the capture of the Nlgretla, as there has been aome criticism latsly of tha ease with which the Russians have ap parently succeeded In seourlng supplies. The government now proposes to make the trlfflo of blockade running an ex tremely hazardous one. (Journal special karri ca.) San Francisco. Dec. to. The customs officials In this city have been directed by the state department to warn ship ping to keep away from Pescadores Is lands. This Indicates that Important naval operations are expected in the near future and. taken in connection with the Washington dispatch yesterday to the effect that a big Japanese rieet haa aalled south to mast the Russians, becomes most Interesting. OATTB AT (Journal Special Service.) Antwerp, Dec JO Rear-Admiral Davis, the American member of the Dog- gerbank commission to Investigate the North sea affair, arrived aboard tha Fin land today. MRS. CHADWICK IS A VERY BUSY WOMAN (Continued from Page One.) that Mrs. Chadwlck, when last here. Pur chased lace from the Decoster company amounting to 1,000 francs. The bill haa not been paid, according to officials of the company. TWO BANKS FAIL. Chadwlck Sensation Causes Withdrawal of (Journal Special genie. ) Conneaut. O., Dec. 10. The First Na tional bank Mere and the Marine bank at Conneaut Harbor, have closed their doors. Since tha exposure of Mrs. Chad wlck's dealings depositors have been withdrawing their money from the two banks, finally compelling them to close. The officials of the two Institutions say 'they don't hold any of the Chadwlck paper. The capitalisation or the two banks la $75,000. AMERICAN DELEGATE CAUSES POSTPONEMENT (Journal Special Bar tie. ) Paris. Dec. 10. President Loubet to day received st the Ely see palace the members of the International commis sion which Is to inquire Into the North sea Incident. Owing to the non-arrival of the American member the hearing waa postponed until tomorrow. A LIST OF CHRISTMAS GIFTS That venerable old man, Santa," is fast preparing for his annual journey. Gifts from this "foremost jewelry store" will be numerous for distribution. However, he still hss room in his rig for those happy Christmas surprises. The lateness of selecting will not inconvenience your choice. Of course, the stock is somewhat depleted from heavy buying, but still there sre many handsome snd useful things left for your selecting at the lowest prices. PENDANTS SUNBURSTS BOWKNOTS HEARTS -FLEUR-DE-LIS FL0R0D0RA GIRL PLEADS INNOCENCE (Continued from Pag One.) When she and Toung went to Welling ton hotel, he registered ss Caeaar Tuum and wife. She waa compelled to leave the Imperial hotel because Ml Han, Young's partner, told the proprietor who she waa. Young, she said, supported her, and often gave her large sums of money. She said Toung intended to go to Europe be cause he was unhappy, and thought he ought to go. Also Young said he feared that hia wife would do hrnt harm. The witness said the reason she didn't take the trip to Europe was that she waa afraid to go alone. She loved Young affectionately and devotedly and would gladly have laid down her life for him. She admitted that Smith and his wife, were familiar with her relations with Young. . Yesterday tiie witness denied that Young struck Iter. Today sha admitted thgt after they left the Flannery saloon aha had a dispute with Young, who puahed his hand in her face and that she was crying. The witness told of taking the cab the next morning and of Joking Young about his hat, when the bookmaker told the driver to drive to a hat store. Young had had 40 drinks since the night before. She knew Young was going away, but thought It would be for not more than a month. Miss Patterson then replied to 'ques tions regarding the shooting, and said ahs waa looking out of tha cab window when she heard the shot, and did not see the revolver nor the flash, but saw the smoke. Sha denied the accounts of the shooting whloh she gars to Re porter Mara ton, and aald she told the truth to har counsel, but not to other people. She also dented that an opera' Hon had been performed on her. After which the defense rested. Mrs. Young took the stand and swore that Young wore a black, not a brown, derby hat on the day of the ahootlng. . A recess was, taken until tomorrow. Mlaa Patterson half staggered out of the court, with the aid of tha prison warden. The most dramatic scene of the trial occurred late yesterday afternoon when Nan Patterson waa first plaoed on tho stand aa a witness in hsr own behalf. Not only did she positively deny having shot Young, but asserted that she would give her own Ufa to have him back were it In her power. The defendant positively dented the pawnshop story. Young, she said, asked her to take a alow Bteamer and meet him at the Hotel Cecil in London. For this purpose) he gave her 1200, but she did not give him a decided answer. Tha witness then recited the events leading up to the cab fid following. Bhe aald that Young was very much wrought up and told her he wished she could go with him, but know It could not be. H said: "If you don't come. It may be three months before I see you again, and It may be never." Young wss highly excited. Then th witness beard a report, and Young fell over In her lap. To thewiirect question repeated as to whether ale killed Young, tha witness replied, "I did not." MORMON WITNESSES EVADE SUBPOENAS (Continued from Pago-Ona) X la. Tanner, superintendent of the Mormon Sunday schools, has four wives. One of the four he married two years ago. Thomas Chamberlain has seven wives and had his 60th child In his 60th year, aaaerted the witness. Ha told of a number of arrests and convictions , for polygamy, and In no oasa, however, did the convlotlon result In changing th habits of life of the guilty persons. FAILED TO APPEAR AGAINST HUSBAND 8. B. Ferree, held on the charge of threatening to kill hla wife, the pro prietress of th Waldorf hotel, waa die charged from custody this afternoon by Jollce fudge Hogue, Mrs. Ferree fall ing to put In an appearance. Assistant District Attorney Haney and Assistant City Attorney Fltsgerald recommended such action. The oomplalnant recently secured a divorce. At th time she waa said to have been stag struck, her husband not contesting the suit for that reason. H Informed the authorities that he has ssnt his former wife nney since the divorce snd denied that he had aver threatened her life. XS DEAD. Sorrow came to the home of Mr. and Mrs. Zenss M. Young of 110 Broad street, Montavllla, this morning when death called their little i-weeks-old aon, Paul Cyrus Young. The baby had been 111 but four days. The funeral will take place tomorrow at 10 o'clock from the family residence. . , Plao a Our haa cured magna for man? yean. It Is still on the market. 2fte. Diamond Jewelry EXCLUSIVE DESIGNING MOUNTED IN PLATINUM SCARF PINS CLUSTER RINGS arfifnCtSnaHrA ; SOLITAIRE RINGS EAR SCREWS STUD8 NECKLACES LINK BUTTONS maaAaaaAAAssaaaAAAaAAAAAAAAASASAarAAAAASAAAAASAASSSSaaaaaaaVaaaaASaaSSaaSiSAaaNSaW Eclipse Steel Ranges $35 to $40 Each Holiday Furniture of Every Description. 1 Open Every Night From Wednesday Until I. Gevurtz (8b Sons First and Yamhill Streets the Uttle-at-a-Time Store ttftttttwtffffftfffttfffftf ELOPING WIFE LEFT SICK SPOUSE rf. H. Loomis, After Long Illness, - Revives to Find That He Is Deserted. WOMAN FLEES WITH BOY OF ONLY TWENTY YEARS Although Humiliated and Deplor ing Notoriety, Convalescent Will Have Them Arrested. H. H. Loom Is lay at asanatorlum con valescing; from an Illness that had car ried him to the brink of the grave. Aa the blood began to pals with renewed vigor through his veins his hopes, grew stronger; business cares again began to Interest him; he longed for the day when h would be able to return to his home and be happy In the love of his young and pretty wife. Beautiful picture. Here Is another, so It l aald: At the home of the sick man, on ITnion avenue, his pretty young wife listened to Frank Frits, thres yearn her junior, who has not yet attained his majority. Frits was Intrusted with the conduct of I.oomls' business whll he waa oonflned to th sanatorium, but found plenty of Desk Fittings INK8TANDS f -MUCILAGE BOTTLE DE8K CLOCKS LETTER OPENERS BLOTTING PADS BILL FILE8 PAPER CUTTERS STAMP BOXES SEALS ERASERS Write for Our Illustrated Cata logue, Valuable for Suggestions AN APPROPRIATE TMAS We Guarantee an Eclipse Range for 15 Years ttffttfftffftfTfttt?ftySttfffttt?ffSf ftMfSftf?! 1862 COAL ROCK SPRINGS COAL CO. Sell the Only Genuine Rock Springs COAL. In the City. WHY? Be cause we are the exclusive agents for th Union Paclfta Coal Co. There is but one Rock Springs In Wyoming, and the mines' were opened in ltd by the Union Pacific, which is the sols owner snd miner of Rock Springs Coat Don't be deceived by any Imitation or wouldbe Rock Springs. Rock Springs Bast Morrison time in which to make lor to ths wife at his employer. The climax cam yesterday afternoon, when wife and lover, so tha injured hus band Informed th polio last night, left the city together. "I did not have ths slightest suspicion that anything was wrong whll I lay 111," said Loomis. "My win cams to see me regularly and was kindness per sonified. She Is only 23 years old, and Frits la but 20. Though I hsd been at home only a few days, I noticed that everything waa not as it should be. There Is no question of my wife and Frits eloping. Sines it has occurred I Toiletware MIRRORS BRU8HE8 COMBS PUFF BOXE8 MILITARY BRUSHES BUFFERS PIN TRAY8 COLOGNES POWDER BOTTLE8 FILES BUTTON HOOKS For Table Use Carving sets, soup ladles, berry spoons, oold meat forks, pie knives, butter spreads, oyster forks, salad dishes, sugar and creamers, table bells, fish knives snd forks, coffee spoons. Jam pots, brsad and butter plates, gravy boata ' GIFT Make your good wife happy Christmas morning buy hsr a Range at once while it only costs you the small sum ol 1.00 DOWN $ And the Balance $1 a Week We will take your old stove in exchange, allowing you full value. We give you a 15-year guarantee on the new Eclipse Steel Range. If the range is -not all you require or expect, of it, you can return it There is none better and we would like to explain the Eclipse's good points. No trouble, we assure you, and buying not necessary. After Christmas Gevurta Sells It For Less COAL 1904 Coal Co. St., saw Blver . hav learned of a stats of affair a exist ing ever sine I took sick which drives me slmost frantic." Loomis will swear to a complaint against ths elopers. Pioturss for 1905. We have on exhibition a fine lot of framed pictures showing all ths new effects In platinum, carbons, water col ors, oil paintings, etc. Good goods and modersts prices. Open evenings. Ssn born. Vail & Co.. 170 First, between Morrison and Yamhill. Goods Laid Aside , for Xmas DeliveryPhone Main 1025.