THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. SUNDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 18, 1804. PLANS FOR COUNTY pmttttttt-iiitttttntmtttttttttunig It Xmas Week's Big Cut Price Specials AT PORTLAND'S GREATEST CLOTHING STORK We CHICAGO The Big Store In the Middle of the Block 69-71-73 Third Street. Bet Oak and Pine w I f? Open Every SCHOOL EXHIBIT hpm KJirmi Wrapping and Evening During THIS WEEK Principals Have Enthusiastic Meeting at Which Many Prac tical Suggestions Are Made. Card Board Till 10 p. m. aaSBBSan. a V gggSSBsV f mWmX f KjsbW gggggggggggggg m i Am m M m : m m ask. agU m ggftgafga WLr9 : I w Boxes I 0.1 : BBBBBBBBBBBL DISPLAY PROMISED OF REMARKABLE MERIT It Will Be Composite in Char acter, and Will Include Work of All Grades. At a remit meeting of the Multnomah County Principals' association plana for the Multnomah county public school hlblt for the Lewis and Clark exposition Were outlined In detail. There was a Cull attendance of the principals and much enthusiasm was shown In the sjrork, ' Superintendent R. K. Robinson had .asked the principals to prepare susses Itlons for exhibit materlsl on arithmetic and geography, and there was a irener- us response. K. O. Adams, principal of the Mount Tabot school gave a lesson on ehalk modeling and showed how It could Be made to display relief Ideas In geog rsphy and Its educational value In class Instruction, together with Its utility for xhlblt purposes. He presented Interior photographs showing the work on black boards and sand tables. It. H. Baker, principal of the Wood took school, gave his Ideas regarding preparation or work in arithmetic, and ,Sava practical suggestions in business problems. Other members had! responses Which had many valuable suaa-estlons Superintendent Robinson outlined the principles of the plan of arranging the jeounty exhibit. He proposed making the Multnomah county exhibit a compos ite one. Including all schools outside the ,elty. The work Is to be arranged by sjraoes, commencing with the primary gold going on through the school. "Bach school Is to prepare such work as k may oesire, saiu Mr. Koblnson. -The display wlU be Installed so as to (best represent the real work being done in public Instruction in the county. It Is deal red that the exhibit shall express mm nearly as possible the exact condition f the schools." The principals reported a great inter test on the part of the public and the School officers. "There Is no question," said Mr. Rob inson yesterday, "that the school offi cers are fully appreciative of the ad vantages offered hv the ImIi nH ri.rb exposition to bring together an expres sion of the educational work that will not only place the northwest In a cor rect position, educationally, but will through a comparison advance material ly our educational interests." AIDED ON ROAD TO A VERSUS BY SISTER Peart Westphal, Pretty and Re fined, Found in Saloon at North End. Pear Westphal. the IS-year-old daugh ter of a wealthy sawmill operator of Sherwood. Or., waa found by Patrolmen Baty and Burke In the International saloon, drinking with a man and was placed under arrest. The charge against her Is vagrancy. In the police court yesterday she told Judge Hogue she had a disagree ment with her relatives six months ago and left home, before she was of age. For a while she lived with a married sister at Walla Walla. Wash., and worked as waitress in a restaurant Coming to Portland a few weeks ago. he secured employment in a lodging house and later in a restaurant. For a few dsys she has spent most of her time around the north end. Her sister secured a divorce not long go and came to Portland. The girl is comely and refined. She waa grad uated from the Tualatin academy of Wash Inst on county. She professed re pentance for her error, and said she was willing to return to her parents, who have been trying to locate her since he left Walla Walla. Attorney A. Walter Wolf, who ap peared In her behalf, asked the court 'to continue the girl's case until her Ister can be found. "Yea. I will do that cheerfully," re plied Judge Hogue. "if the girl Is will ing te go home, we had better send her there. I think, however, that I would llk to Interview this elder sister, who has been married and has had experience enough to cause her to try to ueter this .girl from leading a wayward life instead I4)f assisting her In wrong-doing." SLOVER'S INQUIRY CLEARS SIG MYERS After a careful Investigation Police Sergeant Slovrr reported to Chief Hunt yesterday that she Is unable to dis cover a single circumstance tending to prove the truth of the report that Pa trolman 8lg Myers has been In the habit of smoking opium at a Cblnese laundry on Russell street, Alblna. Patrolman Croxford Informed the chief a few days ago that such a rumor was i current In Alblna. It Is believed by the police that Patrolman Myers, who has always been regarded 'as a trustworthy and efficient officer, has been made the victim of a plan to injure him, concocted by persons In Alblna whose punishment for misdemeanors has been due to his vigilance. This Means You. Ton certainly need gas and electric Chandeliers, glassware, stand lamps. Undaav and Welsbach burners for the hoi Maya- Call on the M. J. Walsh Co.. 141 Wsshlngton street, where you can find the largest and most up-to-date Stock of gas fixtures, gas burners end glassware. Promptness snd good work manship our specialty wntwu DOUAH CIST Lewis & Clark Co n Brooch for a Xmas Present Priest M . S Mi $kVM Vtt a Uww S Qarfc GcM Seller Mounted on this beautiful gold wreath, the coin not the least marred or matu rated, sold over the counter or mailed to any sddress at 14 BO for slxe No. 1. and l for No. X. The coin alone sails they grow tot age. E I 6 2 I H persons who are mat 2 aajsaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaal or aipi assist Ofcrtst presents to oat MM I friends and s w mm this week mi ggggggggglgggggl press company or n eV mmT If desired. Bapert IU ml of town relatives. we bars established for postal free service, where goods will he lapped and packed, also delivered to tha est- if desired. pie will paok any articles yon may desire, BO mat- where bought. giving Cthe advantage of Insr TMr nminli packed neatly and safely, free of any charges. The C Chloag-o, the people's S favorite keajfgjsj place. m January Clearing Prices Will predominate Xmas week. No faint heart half-way business about it, but as fast as lines get broken in sizes and variety they will be put on sale immediately and closed out regardless of cost or loss. Every hour of the day will produce unparal elled bargains in each department of Men's, Boys' and Children's Suits, Overcoats, Cravenettes, Pants, Hats, Shoes and Furnishings. Below will be found a standard schedule for all week. The wonderful values and immensity of the style and stock will open the eyes and gladden the heart of all diligent people. m a : i P m mm mm i w mm m s And next Saturday, X-mas eve. till midnight. A triple " . ' expert salespeople, also tailors, bundle sud k Hvsry people A fresh corps of salespeople will report esek evealag ipsclsllr for tho Tsnlss trade, insuring to ps trans cheerful sod pleasant senior, ss sslsspeopls that have walked all dsy are tired sad not is condition to (Its the people their best efforts. The Chicago a-snts Its cus tomers to be cheerfully served snd every detail of conveni ence snd sstlsfsctlon Is csre fully looked after, regardless pf any extra nips net. Ws know and roe know that alesswa snd others that bsve sorted hard sll day are net' In condition to rive custoin rrs their best efforts and be is eoortsons and pleasant as they will be when not over worked. So we kave pro" rlded for the best service. nwn m. unwrnw Young Men's Suits S3.7B fr All-Wool Dark Color 17.50 Sutta. S5.00 for All-Wool Very Nobby 110 Suits. SS.SS for AU-Wool Single and Double-Breasted (12.50 Suits. ST.SO for All-Wool and Worsted 111 Suits. SS.OO fT Imported matettals. very fine, tit Suits. Sll.OO for choice of the flnet and best Suit in the store. This offer Includes all our finest grade, that we sold at 120, $22 and even ttt. This sals of the choicest snd finest grade Of Toung Hen's Butts t One Half Value Is the greatest slaughter of fine goods ever made In the heart of the season be sides ws show the largest variety on the entire coast. Young Men's Overcoats and Cravenettes Wa can supply you with tha kind you have In mind and save you exactly what the below figures represent: S4.BO for fine and nobby 17.50 plain or bolt Overcoats. SS.OO fo vrv handsome tit Overcoats; 10 styles. S8.BO for choice of 100 112.60 Overcoats. 9.50 for choice of 100 tit Over coats and Cravenettes. S12.BO for choice of tha best in the house all our finest tit, ttO snd tit Overcoats and Cravenettes. MEN'S SUITS More than 2,000 for you to choose from. The Chicsgo does not say more than 2,000 and mean a few hundred. We are Port land's greatest clothing store, carrying the biggest all-new stock and sell more good clothing than any store in Oregon or Wash ington. Did you ever stop to think why The Chicago leads? Investigate. There must be good reasons for it. dST For choice of 500 All-Wool or Worsteds, in P ' CJV single and double breasted styles, in black, blue, also plaids, checks, stripes and mixtures, in clay worsteds, serges, cheviots, tweeds, homespuns and cassimeres; the very latest and best styles, made by Cahn, Wampold & Co. to retail at $12.60 and $15. diQ ,Kf) Fr choice of 700 Suits, excellent all-wool or P "-'V-r pUre worsteds, in select patterns of very choice clay worsteds, serges, cheviots, tweeds and vicuna, in double and single breasted sack and cutaway frocks : sewed with pure silk throughout and made with shape-retaining shoulders; made by the great Cahn, Wampold & Co. to retail at $16 to $18. For choice of over 1,000 single and double breasted sacks, in imported and domestic materials, high class all hand-tailored, sewed with double test pure silk, triple warp serge or Italian cloth lining, shape-retaining collars, front and shoulders, 100 styles of patterns and colors, also fine blue and black; made by Cahn, Wampold & Co. to retail at $20, $22 and $25. , JSC) or cno'ce ' over '00 of as fine Suits as H eJV money will buy; you can take choice of the finest and best single or double breasted sack, made to retail at $25, $30 and $35 ; or choice of all Cahn, Wampold & Co.'s finest silk or satin lined, made to retail at $30, $35 and $40. If you are a good dresser this is a chance of years for you. Come early. $12.50 Overcoats and Cravenettes Fully 1,000 strong. A display of overgarments that will agreea bly surprise you for style and quality, and more than please you for low prices. The purchase of the Cahn, Wampold ft Co. fine wholesale stock at 60c on the $1.00 enables us to sell finest qual ity fall or winter weight Overcoats and Cravenettes at less than actual wholesale cost. $7 JKjpv Does wonders; hundreds of elegant fall and winter Dress Overcoats, made in box and knee lengths or just below the knee to the ultra fashionable long belt coats; made by Cahn, Wampold & Co. to retail at $12.50 to $15. liQ JSf) For choice of hundreds of elegant Fall Dress r JV-J or winter Overcoats and Cravenettes; a great many of them imported materials; all hand-tailored; in black, blue, gray, steel brown, tan, etc. ; short box, opera or long gar ments with or without belt ; made by Cahn, Wampold & Co. to retail at $16 to $18. JSC") Cravenettes and Overcoats, with over 500 to make your selection from, elegant high class- hand-tailored garments, none of them made to retail at less than $20; in black, blue, broken plaids, pin stripes, mixtures. These garments merit the attention of the most critical and thrifty buyers. x .KQ Fr the best in the house. Every Craven W ette or Overcoat that we own, including all the high class Crouse & Brandagee and Acorn combined with all the Cahn, Wampold & Co.'s finest garments that we sold earlier in the season at $35, $32, $30, $27 and $25, are now on our coun ters and in this great Xmas Bargain Sale at $17.50 for choice of the best best. ' Real Half. Price Sale of . . . Boys' and Children's Suits and Overcoats We secured at our price tha D. M. Pfelser ft Co., Chicago. I1L, entire, manufacturers' wholesale stock of Children's, Boys' and Toung Men's Hulta and Overcoats, and will give to the parents the best bargains ever offered In Portland, in the very newest and choicest of Oood Clothes. Suits, 1 to lt-year sises. In all the prevailing and exclusive styles. Suit Prices Norfolk. Cnssark, Buster Brown, Reefer and Double- Breasted styles. For all styles tt.tO Holts SI. 25 For all styles tl.00 Suits.. SI. 50 For all atyles tt.OO Suits.. SS.OO For all styles tt.00 Suits.. S2.60 For all styles tt.00 Suits. SS.OO For all styles $7 on Suits. S3. SO For all styles tt.00 Suits. S t.OO Children's Overcoats 14.50 Overcoats for SS.SS tt.00 Overcoats for SS.OO $7 oo Overcoats for S3.SO tt.00 Overcoats for S4.00 BaaattttttttttttAttttttttg 3 a i : : wmyam : ... BSSS Srt mm Exchange Dept. Goods Bought for Xmas if BBBBBBV B time infill Christmas HBnj and Thursday, December S. fam aaaa ooVor. alsaaa a f anything- anemia sot be ss satisfactory. Spsetsi S 5 aasssassaaaaas Amm e " Sunday delivery their roods yj eatid at any special time. Orders bought for presentment are ronaomaois in mar- i ohandlaa only, aad foe j the artloles syeotfled by Z tha donor. Lnsiimmtt)tmvm.)t.n.itttt)iS FURNISHINGS Xmas bargains In this glgantlo stock of dependable and extra fine Shirts, Underwear, Oloves, Umbrellss. Smoking Jackets and Bouse Coats, Handker chiefs, Neckwear, Mufflers, Collars, Cuffs. Jewelry, Fancy Bilk or Wash Vests. Smoking Jackets snd House Coats,. t4.1t. 15.86. Fine Sweaters, wool and wor sted 1. 1. IMO. II, 11.60. It. tl. It. r H 100 Styles of Shirts In neglls-ee and golf lie, 10c. Tic, tl. 11.11. tl.10, It. 11.60. Underwear tic, 10c, tie. 16c, tl. Ii sv tl.ll. all underprlced. Umbrellas 45c. 71c. 11. SI 25. US", tl, 12 so and up to tio. Hosiery, good wool or cotton c. llViC 10c, 15c. tic. 60c. 7 Sc. 11. Night Shirts 60c. tOc. 75c, tl, tl.10. tl. up to 17. SO. Neckwear 10c, lie, lie, tie, tOc. 75c. tl. 11.11, tl.10. Jewelry half value sale 1,000 pgirs Cuff Buttons. Studs, etc. Silk Vests ti ll. Suspenders 16c, lie, tic. 60c, tec. 75c. tl, 11.60. Handkerchiefs, all kinds to, te, 10c. 12 c. lie, lie, lie, too. 7li. tl. Mufflers, fine silk 60c, 76c, tl, tl.10, tl, 12.60. Oloves, heavy or dress lie, lie. tic. 60c. 65c. 75c, 1. tl-ll,, 12. There is no place like The Chicago for Men's and Boys' Good Shoes. Our immense business in Shoes keeps this stock moving all the time, and the result is very best and latest styles. We turn our entire Shoe stock every 30 days, that's the rec ord for the past eight months, and it cannot be duplicated in all Amer ica. Every pair of Shoes we sejl is warranted to give entire satisfac tion. That's the kind The Chicago sells. We are big cash buyers and sell Shoes at about what other stores have to pay for them. $1.65 For choice of 1,000 pairs, 11.50 Shoes; calf, box calf, valour and vie! kid; In Bluchers and baL 92.65 For choice of more than 1.000 tl.10 and 14 Shoes, patent colt and vlcl. calf and valour; In congress, bals. and Bluchers and boot tops -a shoe ssle that It worthy of the name. 1,000 Pairs Holiday Slippers at Wholesale Prices. Boys' or Little Gents' Shoes This end of the shoe business is run on the Glory Basis. We do not aim to get more than actual selling cost. We want the little fellows to wear Chicago Shoes. They are great. HATS Every Hat In this entire, fine. ' new, fresh stock must be sold, even If we shoulder a big loss. $1.35 For choice of 10 styles of tl soft and stiff Hats. black, brown, gray, tan aiM ecru. SS.SS For choice of SI styles of tl and some soft or stiff f Hats; exact duplicate of Dunlap. Knox and Stetaon fall and winter styles. SS.68 For Genuine John B. Stetson It Hats. ROt4 Caps at this store are town talk they are treat. Boys' Furnishings 'A Price 7't) for 15c double-knee black Stockings.' lOf for 26c double-knee black Stocktons. S for 10c Suspenders: THt) for 16c. and 1SH for tic Suspenders. 10 for a big left of 20c and 16c Caps. 19d fnr fine quality 40c Fleece Underwear. 10 for Boys' Negligee 40c and 60c Shirts. 33s) for extra good quality and make of tie Black Sateen Shirts. 37' zt for assorted colors 7td Sweaters. 87 H) for basket weave, all worsted 11.75 Sweaters. 194) f"r Boys' 40c Wslsts; de tachable band, percale or flannelette. ST'idV fr Boys' extra quality 76c unlaundered Waists. Footballs ev ST" t rree 2 Am Commencing w IssB m Monday From t m mMmKi p. m. s I I SsaaaH S m mala balaomy m m mi m m presented " BaaaaV ffffSV Chloag f ! "BBav the Wa will distribute foot ball lists to all boys that eaU at tha store. This ! an extension of one day over tha original time mentioned. Boys, S a soys- ana c un dress department, take right stairway to tha XOsts are returnable aad footballs amy evening from 4 to S o'clock. Coma, boys, this IS the last free football distri bution this season. Ho purchase necessary- The o gives sll boys opportunity. aTo prise baits or prize prioes at the Chicago. JOHN KERN IS A PHYSICAL WRECK Will Nsvsr Recover from Effects of Terrible Beating Received Few Months Ago. ASSAILANTS MUST PAY FIVE THOUSAND DOLLARS Eighteen Pieces of Bone Taken from His Skull His Logs Rendered Useless. John Kern, boiler maker, will receive $6,000 ss compensation for a beating given him by a gang of drunken men last August In Alblna. Kern eued them for 110.600. and the Jury gave him a ver dict for 16.000 yesterday afternoon. The money thus received, however, will not restore to him hie physical pow ers which were broken permanently when he was set upon by his assailants and left almost dead at his own doos, He may never again pursue his occupa tion as a maker of boilers, the evidence disclosing that his legs sre Injured so as to render him s crjpple and his skull Is fractured. i Jeorge Mllger Is accused of being the principal In the assault, and of using a boulder with which to pound Kern Into Insensibility. A. Baum, Jacob Hurt ung, Phil Schmidt and George Wolf took part In tha assault. It was at John Sinner's saloon in Alblna last August that the affair took place, according to the evidence brought out In court. The Ave assailants had spent f 10 In Sinner's saloon, the effect of the liquor causing them to become boleterous and inducing Sinner to close his saloon and turn his guests out Into the night. They kicked open the door and Sinner appeared with a loaded gun, which compelled the boisterous Ave to subside. Then Kern, living next door, came on the scene. Inquired the trouble and for his pains snd solicitude for ths peace and dignity of the state of Oregon waa set upon and beaten and lift for dead at the gateway of hla own home. Attending surgeons removed It pieces of skull bone from Kern's head s.nd a human skull was shown In court to Illus trate the anatomical features of the esse. MAY ISSUE ALL-NIGKT SALOON LICENSES In sll probability an ordinance provid ing for an additional liquor license of tlOO a year In advance for all saloons which desire to keep open their floors from 1 to I o'clock a. m. will be passed at the next meeting of tha council. Councilman Fred Merrill will Introduce the ordinance, and he states the propo sition has already received the Indorse ment of a majority of the council mem harg. He Is of tha opinion that at least M of the 400 saloons of the city will take advantage of the new ordinance, should It be passed. This will bring an addi tional revenue of ttt.OOt Into the city treasury the first of the year. With this Dlrmet Importation of JAPANESE GOODS Brass ware, Satsuma. Bronze and all kinds of Curios. Fancy Chi na ware and Baskets, Bamboo Furniture , LARGEST STOCK LOWEST PRICES K. N. Kiriyama Co. 267 WASHINGTON ST. tha city will be able to make many de sired Improvements In fire snd police service. Orandest display of fine scenery ever seen Portland at yie comer of Third and Alder streets. On exhibition from I in the morning to I at IT IS BUT A STEP From Filth to Cleanliness Tou can arrive at the station of personal neatness by the pleasant Union Laundry Route Laundry Second and Columbia. Tel. Main III. Our wagons call anywhere you want them. Whales Wot Wear Bxtl notion. Ths It-foot whale blown ashore on tha Maine coast the other day brings evidence that its generation Is not verg ing toward extinction, as It haa been ths fashion to aasert In recent years The kind-hearted old woman who won. TJ? r -TTIJ SPECIAL 1 ILetL III Cut Rates Boston Painless Dentists are now giving their annual CUT RATE PRICES on all dental work. Ths charges are less than collage prices and all work done by our painless system and by specialists of from 11 to 20 years' experience. NO STUDENTS em ployed. TEETH extracted, filled or crowned absolutely without pain by our secret preparation applied to tho gum a TEETH BoTsTrtom rree Examiiiatlofa Frea Silver rililags Saw Bold Fillings Tea Bold Crowns S3.00 Fall Sot Teeth Sa.00 AS Work CSTaaSllS 10 Years Have your teeth extracted without pain and replaced with new ones tha same day. Come In at once and take ad vantage of low rates. Be sura you are In the right place. Boston Psinlsss Dentists mow s li. Morrison. Lsrf tat uoaesrm fax the world. I gsaaBnaai dered "what waa to become of the poor whales" when petroleum came In, with Its ruining competition, ought to have lived to see this Maine whopper, with prosperity and racial well-being written all over It. In spite of Standard OU and all tha expedients of rivalry. TO TOU ! AHD TOU ! AND TOU ! Yes, you hard-working man. If you but knew how much money I can save you on your Watches, Clocks, Jewel ry, Diamonds and Optical Goods If you but knew, you would not be flocking down to the high-toned store and pay exorbi tant prices for What you get. You would go direct to Goodman, where ALL sensible people go for their Watches and Jewelry, and you could save nearly 60 per cent on your purchases, as all my customers do. Chas. W.Goodman and Optldar. 33 1 Front St., near Madison