The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, December 17, 1904, Image 7

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And; Now the Disappearance of
Young Madge Wilbur Has
Alarmed Her Friends.
Left Home Because of a Love Af
fair and Was Led Astray
While Here.
Enlisting th aid of the polio, the
friends of Made Wilbur, a girl who
cam to Portland some time a so from a
southern Oregon town, are searching
high and low for her In the belief that
she has committed suicide. Though
they bop that their fears will not be
realised, th Indications, thoy say, are
that Miss Wilbur will not be found Id
The girl la aged 22 years, and came to
this olty several months ago. To per
sons with whom she became acquainted
here she volunteered Information which
shows that she had a quarrel with her
relatives over a young man with whom
she was keeping company, and that la a
moment of anger she left home.
Khe tried to obtain employment, but
did not meet with success, and in time
was led astray by a number of women
with whom she came In contact. A short
time ago she secured a room at the
Pleasanton house, corner of Third and
Columbia streets. Much of her time
was spent In the society of a young man
who Is said to be employed as clerk In a
larg mercantile establishment
About a month ago th girl is said to
have attempted suicide by fastening the
doors and windows of her room and
turning on gas. Th odor attracted at
tention and th door was broken open
as the girl was losing consciousness.
Shortly afterward sh Is reported to
have attempted to kill herself by swal
lowirrg carbolic acid, but her design was
frustrated. The girl declared she was
in despair on account of the life she was
leading, and did not car- to live' longer.
She disappeared last Wednesday, and
has not been heard of sine. All her
clothing and other personal effects, an
investigation showed, were left In her
Fair Commission Accepts Agri
cultural Palace and Admin
istration Building.
The stats -commission at Its regular
session this forenoon formally accepted
the agricultural palace and the adminis
tration building from th contractors,
but not without some question regarding
the former. When the matter came up,
Commissioner Richard Scott stated
that in making an examination of the
flooring, he found that knots exist In
abundance and he wanted to know the
reason for the apparent flaws in the
.beauty of th structure. Superintendent
of Construction Rrlxon was sent for and
he was Instructed, after the subject had
been discussed at some length, to se
that the knots were removedr
The agricultural palace cost 16,000.
It Is 460 feet long by 210 feet wide and
is one of the most imposing buildings
on the grounds. Th administration
building- cost !.ooo.
It is quit likely that Oregon will
make an effort to soour th next annual
meeting of the National Livestock asso
ciation. Commissioner Scott, who Is alt
the head of the livestock department,
was designated a special delegate to
the meeting next month at Denver from
the Oregon state commission, and he
may invite the association to hold Its
1906 convention la this city.
Secretary Olltner announced during
th" meeting that there Is much exhibi
tion material In storage In this city and
suggested that, inasmuch as the build
ings for which It ts Intended are com
pleted, the hauling of the stuff to the
grounds begin on Monday morning. He
was directed to proceed.
It Is believed that In Salem, this state,
lives a sister of th 1st Nancy Thomas,
who died recently In Utica, Ohio, leaving
the sum of $4,000 which will be inherit, .,1
by relatives In case any are found,
Friends of the dead woman are trying
to locate the sister, who Is believed to
be in Salem.
At the funeral of Mrs. Thomas there
were no relatives. She had many friends
but no relatives lived In the neighbor
hood. It le said that she announced fre
quently before her death that she would
not make a will, but It Is stated that
before her death, while sh was uncon
scious the attending physician induced
her to make a will.
It is for the purpoee of breaking th
will and . claiming the money that
-friends are searching for the sister, who
is beMevod to reside in this state.
Frank Ryan, aged 48. And a prominent
business man of Wallace, Idaho, died
last evening at 235 Twelfth street in
this city. Ills wife was with him at
the time, and Is having the body pre
pared for shipment to the family home.
Mr. Ryan is a well known hotel pro
prietor of the Idaho mining town, where
he has been engaged in business for
some time. ,
Baking Powder
No other baking powder com
bines all the perfections. Insist
upon fretting it if you want purity,
healthfulness, effectiveness, econo
my and reliability.
25 0uncefor25 Cents
Interest increases In th public meet
ing which will be held at the Marquam
Grand theatre tomorrow afternoon at S
o'clock to consider and discuss existing
local conditions, and there will b a
Urge attendance.
Many prominent speakers will deliver
addresses upon subjects that are of vital
interest to th people of Portland.
"There was a popular demand for sueh
a meeting to discuss the local situation,"
said John Bain of the Municipal league.
"It became so urgent snd Insistent that
the meeting was Anally called. - The
Munoclpal lea sue did not take the Initi
ative, though it is ready to assist in any
way possible, and takes great Interest in
such matters.
Congressmen Humphrey and
Jones Call on President Rel
ative to Lumber Award.
Roosevelt Promises to Look Into
Matter and See What Can
Be Done.
(Washington B ureas f The Jour ail.)
Washington,' Dec. 17. Congressmen
Humphrey and Jones of Washington
called today on the president to lodge a
protect against the Panama canal com
mission's award to the German Cosmos
Steamship company for carrying lumber
from Puget sound to the canal trip.
"The bid made by Americans was just
as low as the German bid." said Humph
rey, "the only difference being that the
Germans offered to ship the lumber in
broken lots, while th Americana bid on
cargo lota."
The president said he would se what
could be don In th matter.
President Likely to Seoure legislation
Regulating Kail way s.
(Journal Special Service.)
Washington, Dec 17. Sentiment Is
growing in congress in favor of regu
lating the railways and the president Is
likely to secure legislation this session.'
In a eonference members of both houses
were Impressed with his views strongly
and many' are Inclined his way. An un
foreseen development In the matter Is
ths fact that several prominent rail
road then favor a law to, check the re
bate evil. This had -much to do With In
fluencing some of the senators.
President A. n. Stlckney of ths Chi
cago & Great Western, appeared at the
hearing of the Interstate commerce com
mission. President Stlckney said: .
The government should either own
and operate the railway lines or super
vise and regulate their management.
The latter plan I think the wiser. Rail
roads, after alt; are as much subject to
control as the publio highways."
In this connection a dispatch received
by1 several prominent congressmen and
senators last night proves Interesting.
It says that through the Chlcsgo Ship
pers' association a joint conference of
all kindred organizations Is being, ar
ranged with a view of discussing Presi
dent Roosevelt's recommendations re
garding the railroads.
The movement started yesterday at a
meeting of the board of directors of the
Chicago Shippers' association. Resolu
tions Indorsing the president's attitude
towr.rd railroad rates will be sent to the
Whit Hous and to members of con
(Continued from Page One.)
slso a correct principle that in the con
struction of statutes, courts will be
aided so fsr as Is applicable, by the
courses, tendencies snd principles of
the common law and common law de
cisions. Common gaming houses were at com
mon law indictable as a nuisance, not so
much because of sny particular descrip
tion of crime committed within their
walls, but even "because they are temp
tation to idleness and because they are
apt to draw together great numbers of
disorderly persons.
Hawk's PL Cr.. Book 1. Chap. 78.
Sec. 6.
And In this Indictment It ts alleged
that such has occurred the "actual dis
turbance" which defendant contends
8c. 1I0 means.
It Is conceded also that the act
charged In the lpdlctment was an In
dictable nuisance at common law. Gam
ing houses were indictable, not only
when "actual disturbances" occurred.
but also when "actual disturbances" did
not really occur, simply beoauss of the
Inherent tendency. In themselves, ct
gaming houses to so operate. This In
dictment does not stop with any mere
natural tendency of such houses to pro
duce disorder, but goes on and alleges
that Idle and evil disposed persons ha
bitually came to the house at defend
ant's procurement and bought pools and
made bets on horse races and all to the
common nuisance and annoyance of all
good citizens; and If a Jury should find
such alleged "actual disturbances''
and "disorderly" conduct occurred In
fact, then In law It was an set grossly
disturbing th public peac. under a long
line of decisions snd authorities. No
matter hoWetqulet and orderly a gaming
house was, it was still public and In
dictable nuisance at common law, and
even Its evil tendencies alone were
enough to establish Its status.
See State vs. Layman, 6 liar. 610,
cited In defendant's brief.
Oamlng- Blouses Indictable Wn Isaac.
It is claimed that In this Indictment
no actual disturbance of the public peace
Is charged; but can this Indeed be true?
The indictment plainly charges the de
fendant with maintaining a common
gaming house, which set constitute,! a
disorderly act at common law. and It
goes on and charges what. If so found.
Is tantamount In law to actual disorder
resulting. It Is expressly conceded by
the defendant, both In argument and In
briefs, that this Indictment charges an
indictable nuisance at common law. It
is slso expressly conceded that main
taining a gaming hous Is an Indictable
nuisance at common law, not because of
any actually committed offense of In
citing actual disturbance of th peace, as
commit ting vice or Immorality or crime,
but simply because of th Inherent
tendency of such places to lead to these
results, and such evU tendency even
mad It an Indictable nuisance, pr se.
"t Is unquestionably true that some
action should be taken by the oltisens of
Portland to remedy conditions, but in
order that the proper action Is taken
the subject should be gone into thor
oughly and discussed from every stand
point That Is the purpose of th meet
ing to b held tomorrow afternoon."
Addresses will be delivered by the fol
lowing: Or. B. P. Hill, llahbl a a
Wise. Rev. Father George Thompson.
Dr. A. A. Morrison. N. J. Blagen. B.
Livingstone, Samuel Connell and R. W.
The doors of the theatre will be
opened at 2:10 o'clock. An orchestra
and a male quartet will furnish muslo
for the occasion.
No actual, disturbances or other bad re
sults were really necessary. Suoh being
conceded. It la not going much further
to hold that If actual disturbance, ac
cording to common law meaning, is al
leged, that a crime has been charged.
Poolrooms Clearing Blouse of Gamblers.
This much of th common law on th
subject of, publio nuisance, this court
holds, as set forth In the indictment. Is
Included in our statute, section 1,930, Jn
both Its letter and Its spirit. Ths courts
of this state though no common law
crimes are here punishable unless made
so by statute In construing our stat
utes, are not unmindful of th changing
forms, but not of substance of gaming
and gaming houses and of the rapidly
growing prevalence of the new form of
race-horse hand book gambling, not
merely at race-tracks, but even thou
sands of miles distant, and In ths very
center of business and population and at
the very door-steps of the homes of the
people of this nation generally. Th
maintenance of such publio houses. In
the nature of clearance houses for gam
ing, if resulting as the Indictment
charges. Is certainly much more a dis
turbance of the publio peace than" any
mere sending of challenges, or of going
armed to the alarm of th public, or
other acts of a similar character which
repeatedly have been so held by the au
thorities as constitutes a breach or dis
turbance of the publio peace and wel
(Continued from Pag One.)
my work go through th council,
he . refused. He demanded security and
said that he would hold up th work
until I gar It to him.
"I then turned over to him orders for
three warrants, two of them amounting
to 1112.35 for work on East Salmon
street snd the other for 1200 for work
on Union avenue. Immediately all of
our assessments went through without
any trouble.
. sjigtsv saw Xls Chaao.
"When Slgler came to me, I told him
that I 'had paid his father over twlc
th sum of th loan in brokerage and
payments, and basldes th not was
outlawed several years. My partner had
nothing to do with the deal between
Blgler-s father and myself, yet he had
to suffer and a portion of the warrants
belonsed to him. Slgler saw a good
chance to make some money and he
took th old claim and compounded th
Interest on it at five per cent monthly
and compelled me to pay it. Had I not
done so we would have bean ruined.
"The work held up amounted to
MI.OOO, Including Improvements of East
Salmon street. Marguerite street. Fall
ing street and the Holladay park work.
Including several sewers and streets."
Councilman Blgler frankly admitted
today that he had been instrumental
In holding up ths work in order to
compel Joplln to pay him the $U.
This money was loaned to Joplln
many years ago while joplln was In
great need" said Slgler. "Joplln kept
up the' Interest and made several pay
ments, but finally the payments stopped
My father could get no money from him.
It was my money which my father had
let htm' have,
"Tim passed and nothing was said
of the debt until Joplln was at work on
the Holladav Dark addition. I wrote
to my father and told him it would be
good time to get his money rrom jopun.
He went to aee him, but Joplln would
not give him any money, neither would
he renew the notes.
Councilman Held Up Work.
"He stated that he was an honest
man and would pay what hs owed. I
thought if we could get him to renew
the notes or make payment that the
debts would be renewed and we could
garnishee his warrants.
"I took the notes, all of which were
outlawed, and placed them in the hands
of Shannon of the engineer's office to
collect The notes were there for some
time and Shannon could get no money
from him. I then went to Elliott and
asked him to help me out I asked him
to hold up acceptances, which he did.
At any rate, they did not go to the
executive board.
"Joplln could not get his worlt
through and he went to Hannam, one of
the engineers, and he told the contractor
that he had signed the acceptances for
the work four waeks before. Hannam
then came to me and asked me about the
matter and I told, him to tell' Joplln
that I was holding up the work snd
that I intended to do so until he paid
me what he owed me. That was the
acceptance of East Salmon street.
"Joplln then came to me. He said he
wanted his street accepted. I told him
I wanted my money, that I bad been
waiting for six yars for mln and that
he had only ben waiting for his four
weeks-.- He said that he must have his
money snd I told him to get It. I
finally told him that I would hold up
this acceptance and every ether -acceptance
of his work until he paid me what
he owed me."
Mr. Slgler then stated that Joplln
signed over warrants for work on East
SalrAon street and on Union avenue
amounting to 111 I.
"It was a Just dbt." continued Blg
lr, "and I conaldex that I had a right to
BO 14 up his work until he paid ma.
That's all there is to It and if the
grand Jury want to Investigate It let
them go ahead."
aaTOaur to south attuca.
(Journal Special Henries.)
Berlin. Dec. 17. Prof. Robert Koch
departed today for South Africa to en
gage In further scientific Investigation
of rinderpest and other animal diseases.
His Inst trip, devoted to the discovery
of remedies for these diseases, was In
behalf of the British government In
the course of the professor's investiga
tions some theoretical and scientific
problems aroee which he did not have
time to solve. The present trip will be
devoted to th study of these prob
Remarkable Effect of Malady on
Mils. Andes, Found Under
the Firs.
Suffering from Bright's, She Has
Been in Unconscious Con
dition for Many Days.
At Good Samaritan hospital lies Made
moiselle Andree, partly conscious And
emerging from the deep stupor which
has overpowered her for the past 11
days. She was found unconscious al
most two weak ago lying beneath two
lonely firs at Beech street and Ganten
beln avenue.
Her case is one of th most remark
able that has sver been taken to th
hospital, physicians sssert To th med
ical profession it Is said to be of pecu
liar interest, for the reason that It is
the first time on record where acute
Bright' disease has had so strange an
When she was found It was believed
that she had either attempted suicide
or had been lured to the lonely place
by others who sought her death. Or. W.
B. HamUton was summoned, but could
detect no trace of poison or other drug,
and for a time the case was on of mys
tery. Efforts to arouse har were futile, and
she was removed to Good Samaritan
hospital, j For six days she remained In
the sam comatose condition, unable to
speak or move. She was unable to re
ply to questions or to give any Infor
mation concerning herself or the manner
In which she reached the desolate place
under the trees.
Sine her removal to the hospital she
has been under the car of Dr. William
"The woman was suffering from aoute
Bright's disease," said Dr. Jones today.
It is a most remarkable case, and I
have never seen on similar to It I
have frequently known of patients suf
fering from Bright a disease who became
unconscious and remained so for soms
tfme. I have known them to be uncon
scious for as long as two days or per
haps a trifle longer, but I think there Is
no other case on record where a sufferer
was unconscious for Ave or six days.
"I have also failed to see or read of
a case where the disease caused such
effects and antics as the woman per
formed. She remembers nothing of her
wanderings on the night before she was
found. Ths disease must havs affected
her so that she became delirious or Intoxicated,-
as It wsre, before becoming
hysterical. In that almost unconscious
State of delirium she must hav walked
for many miles, until sh became totally
unconscious and lay down where sh
happened to be.
"The cas Is interesting. The woman
Is conscious now and will probably re
(Special Dispatch te The Journal.)
Victoria, B. C, Dec. 17. Returns from
the Yukon, where an election was held
yesterday For representative in th do
minion hous of commons, give Dr.
Thompson, conservative candidate, a
good majority.
Th figures are: Thompson. 1,614;
Congdon, liberal, 1,021. . The defeated
candidate was formerly governor of the
Yukon. The defeat of the government
candidate is held to be due to the feel
ing aroused against administration a!
fairs In th north.
art. ORxrr nr.
(Journal Special Barries.)
Halifax, N. B., Dec 17. Earl Grey,
the new governor-general of Canada,
was sworn In here today. The event
was accompanied by the usual solemn
ceremonies. The oath of office was ad
ministered by Justice Sedgwick, the act
ing chief Justice of Canada. Prominent
among those In attendance wer Sir
Frederick Borden, Hon. L. P. Brodeur,
minister of Internal revenue, and sev
eral ministers of the crown.
A W.
(Journal Special Serrle.)
Washington. Dec. 17. Miss Pauline
Morton, daughter of the secretary of
the navy, was presented this afternoon
st a tea given by har mother. A pro
fusion of bouquets made the drawing-
room fragrant and carried out the color
scheme of pink with a setting of smllax
vines. The assistants Included many
of the 'ladles of the cabinet circle. Miss
Morton Is a very attractive girl, and is
likely to become a belle In official cir
cles. She Is not yet IS years of age,
and recently completed her education In
Forest Park seminary.
Grandest display of fine scenery ever
seen Portland at the oorner of Third
and Alder streets. On exhibition from
9 In the morning to t at night.
Yes, you hard-working
man. If you but knew
how much money I can
save you on your
Watches, Clocks, Jewel
ry, Diamonds and
Optical Goods
If you but knew, you
would not be flocking
down to the high-toned
store and pay exorbi
tant prices for what
you get. You would go
direct to Goodman,
where ALL sensible
people go for their
Watches and Jewelry,
and you could save
nearly 60 per cent on
your purchases, as all
my customers do.
Chas. W. Goodman
Jeweler ana Optician
25 1 Front St., near Madison
In order to still mora widely introduce the want ads into Portland homes another valuable
premium will be given with every cash "want ad" for either the Sunday or Daily Journal foe
the coming week.
Rjl KbbbbbHtbIi BJbbbI
SBBsMbI LL8bbGk2 B"
RATE: Twenty-One Words
r i
AXteetabk Preoaralionfor As-
slmilating the Food andBeguIa-
ung the 3 touacre anauoweis or
Promotes Digeation.Cheerful
nessandTtest.Contalns neither
Opium .Morphine nor Mineral.
A perfect Remedy for Comflps-
Tlon , Sour Stonvsth, Diatrhoea
Worms .Convulsions .Feverish
neas and Loss or Sleep.
Facsimile Signature of
Hotel and Restaurant Goods
Wa manufacture Hotel Ranges, both Portable and to set in brick, 4 feet to
10 feet, or loncer. Csrrv in stock Conner and re-tlnnerl hotel cooking utensils:
also the Amethyst, Imperial, Colonial and Opaline Enameled waree. The larg
est variety of stores and ranges on the Paclfio coast- Ws respectfully solicit
your patronage.
orm PBron ra blaxjt see.
The Old Arm Chair
or any old thing
Rasmussen & Co.'s
IN. E. Corner Second snd Taylor
Baasyl as
"Want Ad"
For Infanta- and Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Bears the
For Over
Thirty Years
& Going Co.
Taks "B- Car to 13th Irving.
Fit Guaranfd. Pricmt 0I.SO Up.
Ceeee mnd Commit Our Expmrt.
Lauw-DawU Drug Co.
THIS Time It's
Pony Brand Coffee
A coffee imported and roasted by
Portland, Oregon.
Pony brand coffee is made from coffeea
carefully selected, then scoured, cleaned and
milled by the latest and most approved ma
chinery. It Is carefully blended and dry roasted, thus
retaining all of the flavor and the aroma.
Every pound is guaranteed to please the
consumer or it may be returned.
As for the want ads, much might be said,
space permitting. If you have used them
you know what wonderful little giants they
are for accomplishing big things. .They run
your errands, sell your property, supply
your help, rent your rooms and a thousand
other things. You should get the habit of
using them
for IS Cents
Thursday evenings from seven
to nine.
BOOXBrEBlTJrO (laboratory
(Pernin System).
(Touch method)
rauox, Tuesday. Wednesday
and Friday evenings from seven
to nine thirty.
TUITION, 6 Moj., 125.00
Br th month six dollars for th
first month, five dollars par month
for th following five months and
four dollars per month there
after. Call or send for Catalogue
Through the kindness of
the Y. M. C. A., day and
night school is being held
ss usual at the association
building. Fourth and
Yamhill streets, telephone
Main 013.
Elocution sod Vocal Culture
Art of Expression.
Apply to Miss Louis Forsyth.
ST. HELEN'S HALL. Portland. Os.
Laasons given br Miss Leon
Our class in all appltratl of th
art convene each Tuesday and Thurs
day afternoon 2 to 4 o'clock-
OS Sixth Street.
Phon Red 1753. Portland. Or.
City Brewery
bargee aad Most
Brewery is the
Bottled Beer m Specialty
uKcutt ror
- --