The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, December 17, 1904, SECOND SECTION, Image 20

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i YOU SEE. I wii taking . ice long tail our over the Great Deter
ftn my Magic Broomstick I had gone to terribly far without teeing any
thing but rocks and sand, that 1 began to get sheered. Just then I noticed a
my speck that seemed so be moving among pile of rocks fsr below.
3 WELL, I DROPPED tmvard it with all speed, but pulled up with
a sudden jerk when I discovered that the speck had turned into a ferocious
lion. The great beast was sneaking along like a cat after a mouse, and
seemed about to spring on something behind the rocks.
m v C OH -Hri L
3-1 SAILED AROUND to the other side to watch the fierce lion
tpnng on the antelope, or whatever it was. Whewl I Mry , tJvt
M.g.c Broomstick when ! discovered it wu a real live man. a hunter, and
he was sound asleep under his little tent I ' M
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' ....... . 6 THE LION gave a mighry leap into the air after us, and just
LIKE A FLASH I shot down toward him. shouting like mad j WELL THE HUNTER watched hold of the broomstick and cluh, tnt nu(Mtr by , foot torc tht thoeo him. The hunter's fight
"The hon! The ftonl Fly for your life P He tumped up to quickly he Jumped on it in a jilly. "JOGGLETY J1GGLETS!" I cried, and wc shot ing blood was up by this time, and he asked me to turn to he could attack the
i nearly knocked the tent over, frightened half to death. "Grab the broom- ,nt0 tne alr JO quickly we both nearly fell over backwards right into Mr 1 lion As we swept around and swooped down on the animal, the hunter
stick, quick!" I screamed, as I saw the roaming lion crouch for the final , . shot oB all the cartridge! ia itt iace.
tpnng Lto ,p,nB
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7MR LION ROARED and howled, and nut hi tail between hit
legs and ran like a dog escorted hv an attachment of tin cans. A few mmuies
Lner he rolled over dead Then the hunter told me how he had run out ol
food and water, and had given up aN hope of ever getting out of the desert
live. "I made a great discovery, and if you can get out of here alive you
re welcome to all the gold you can cairv awavl' said he. '
THEN HE LED ME down among the rocks, and pulling aside
big bowlder, uncovered sacks of gold without number. "A robber's cave I"
he said. Just then a cloud of dust appeared on the lion on . "Quick I The
robbers!' he called. "Then," said I, ''snatch up all the gold you can tie on
this broomstick, and we will both escape I It is a Magic Broomstick, and
ill carry anything you can pile on It I"
o WF TIED A LOT of the bags on, but n was ticklish work with
those wild robbers bearing down upon us like a hurricane. When they began
to rue at ut, we jumped aboard the broomstick and sailed through the air
like a streak, and it Wat not long before we arrived in a civiliacd country
and were ta ved.
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