THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. FRIDAY EVENING, DECEMBER 16, 1904. COMMENCING TOMORROW, SATURDAY, THE STORE WILL BE OPFN EVERY EVENING UNTIL CHRISTMAS PUBLIC TEA ROOM SECOND FLOOR UNDER AUSPICES T. W. C. A. "GRANDMA" ML'NKA IN CHARGE. OPEN 11 A. 11. TO I P. M. MENU FOR SATURDAY Tea. Coffee. Chocolate. Bouillon. Milk la Bottle Hot Roll. Palace Grill Salad. Bread and Butter. Dessert Cakes, sandwiches. Rbbbbbbbbbb- .sssssbW sbbbbbI bbbbbbbbbbIbbJ "m asm Vasal EsdBS W KkWsst .bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbs. EsSmjUsBSK. JviX ssssVnln BBSsae' 1 1 E Woodman, Spare That Tree! In these practical. Incredulous times, even ao sacred a' celebrity a Santa Clsus Is In peril from the shafts and arrows of Infidelity. Indeed, ao hardened and Irreverent are some heretics that they even advocate the disillusions of children regarding the reality of the patron saint of childhood. Such lcono clasm Is not to be commended. Faith in Santa Claus Is one of the most precious possessions accorded to children and should be safeguarded. To this end we have under engagement up in Playland Park Toyland a real live flesh and blood Santa Claus. His offloe hours, from now on until Christmas, starting tomorrow Saturday will be from 2 to 5 and 7:10 to :S0 p. m. Brine or send the children they're sale, the building Is fireproof. Only steal, fire proof building In the city Fourth floor. Three commodious elevators larg est on the coast. Special Attractions in Toy-land-7 to 9 p. m. Saturday lie FOR TOURIST CAR WORTH SOc English Tourist Car, enameled In blue and told, our BOc value, for. each v 31 1 I ' j6 I lo mo TOTS WORTH 2Kn A vrr irn.lm tor Th Miller and His Wind Mill, our 25c value, for. each.. 144 lie FOR U. S. CRUISER WORTH 26c I'. 8 Crutaer Marble head with mechanical attachment, attractively enameled In white and red. our 25c value, for, each 164 TUaV , r -ii.. Qf. wn n i im nmn Minntrun mt.u I f COASTER WORTH $1.26 FOR $1.48 Boys' California Coaster, our $1.18 value, for 2 hours only at, each. -91.48 Me INSTEAD OF 60c FOR BUILDING BLOCKS "The Llt- fcrB tie Farmer" set of Building Blocks, can build farm wagon. H slelchs. seeders, forks, rakes, etc. our 60c value: sneclal from 7 to 9 p. m. at. each , 324 llo FOR GAME WORTH 25c Table Croquet 4 balls and mallets, our 25o value; special at. set 12s) There's a Host of Pretty Things for the Christmas Box IN THE HOLIDAY BAZAAR MAIN FLOOR THESE Specials for Saturday Evening Only from 7 to 9 o' Clock GLOVE AND HANDKERCHIEF BOXES. WORTH 16c FOR 20c Fancy hand-painted Glove and Handkerchief Bozea, celluloid top, allk sides, all colors, our ISc value; special from T to 9 p. m. at, each 20s) MEDALLION PICTURES. WORTH 60e. FOR 29c Large also round class Me dallion pictures, with gilt frame and chain, IS Inchea across, assorted sub jects, our 60c value, from 7 to 9 p m. at. each 294 26c FOR PHOTO ALBUM WORTH 26c Small slae Children's Photo Albums, site (VixS Inches, fancy covers, celluloid finish, our 16c value; special from 7 to 9 p. m. at, each 204 FOUNTAIN PENS WORTH $1.09 FOR 6c Guaranted Fountain Pens, In black or mottled finish, our $1.00 value; special from 7 to 9 p. m at. each 654 2So FOR PERFUMES WORTH 6e Fancy bozea of Perfumery. 2 bottles In box, assorted odors, our f6c value for 9 hours only at, the box 364 SMOKING ETS WORTH 0c FOR 15c Smoking Sets, with cigar cutter, match holder, cigar bolder and ash receiver, on wood base, our 10c value, from 7 to 9 only at. set 354 SMOKING TABLES WORTH $1.50 FOR 96c Smoking Tables, with cigar and match holder, cigar cutter and ash tray attached, our $1 .60 value, for I hours only at. each 954 s 'l i vase i i wm L Jf I J Hi The Land of Christmas Delight Speaks out before one's view In this wonderful third floor Houseflndlng Store. A scene of rare beauty greets ths eye end prlcee like these below cheer the overworked Christmas purse. These specials for Saturday evening, 7 to 9 o'clock. DECORATED TABLE LAMPS AND GLOBES 1-8 OFF OF REGULAR PRICE Our $1.60 value for, each Sl.OO Our $2.00 value for, each $1.33 Our $3.50 value for, each 52.38 Our $9.90 value for, each 88.60 Our $4.60 value for, each , 4.1. OO Our $6.09 value for, each f l.OO ALL LAMPS AT SPECIAL SALE PRICES. CUT GLASS AT SPECIAL BALE PRICES Wa are exclusive agents In Port land for Libber cut mass. Cut Glass Bowls, our $9.60 value, for. each 58.25 Cut Glass Bowls, our $9.90 value, for each 66. OO Sugars and Creams, onr $8.60 value, for, each 53.69 Water Bottles, our $9.60 value, for, each r 54.25 DECORATED CHINA DINNER SETS. Our $40 00 value; special at, the sot S24.50 Our $62.00 value; special at the set 684.00 Saturday Evening Bargains in the Man's Shop SIXTH-STREET ANNEX FIRST FLOOR Our splendid Men's Shop Is even attracting attention from the high-price clothiers. Well, we sell the same things here but for less. These bargains for the two evening hours 7 to 9 only. Lots of others for the daylight hours. 20c RICHARDSON'S PURE IRISH LINEN HANDKERCHIEFS FOR 10C BACH A 11ns of Richardson's pure Irish 1 Inert h sen stitched Handkerchiefs In all widths of hems, our beet 20c grade for. each 104 fie FRENCH FOLD FOUR-IN-HANDS FOR 46c EACH Ws received yester day by express a nice new bright line of French fold Four-ln-Hands, the best 76c bargain ever offered, for, each 454 This Store Will Remain Open Even ings Until After Christmas Starting SPECIAL EVEN ING CHRISTMAS Tomorrow, Saturday Night ! SALES FROM 7 TO 9 P. M. MARK THIS EVENT! AN ASTOUNDING AGGREGATION OF MATCHLESS SPECIAL VALUES, IN FORCE FOR TWO HOURS ON SATURDAY 7 TO 9 P. M. ADDED TO THE HOSTS OF RE MARKABLE BARGAINS OF THE "MANAGERS' SALE" ADVERTISED DURING THE WEEK I ALL FORMING A BARGAIN CARNIVAL UNPRECEDENTED IN THE AN NALS OF MODERN WESTERN MERCHANDISING! The store grows busier and busier and we need more help. Now, we can't take everybody who applies the business wave of Yuletide is upon lis, and w have least time for breaking new" people in. There is opportunity for some who can, we know, immediately take up certain duties opportunities worth coming to see about. And the beauty of it is that those coming in now have opportunity to show either immediate fitness or adaptability and that means hope of continuous employment or the knowl edge that you are apt to be stjnt for when an opening does occur. With this Christmas rush season necessarily comes longer hours for helpers, as willingly accorded us by our splendid em ployes as they are reluctantly asked by us. But there's a summer vacation .without loss of pay ahead fellows and girls and we close Saturday nights again after Christmas, and Saturday af ternoons next summer. Tempus fugits: It's a cheery, willing lot of salespeople that will wait on you evenings until Christmas, and bargains were never so great and so plentiful. OPEN EVENINGS UNTIL CHRISTMAS. A Monster All-day Sale of Women's Suits, Silk Petticoats, Coats and Furs, an Extraordinary Evening Sale of Women's Waists Saturday 2d Floor THE GREAT HALF-PRICE SALE OF Women's Suits Continues SUIT IN THE SECOND-FLOOR SAI.ONH. EVERY TAILORED CLOTH SUIT AND EVERY TAILORED VELVET Silk and Cloth Shirtwaist Suite alone excepted. ' " Values range up from 516 to 525. A number of the famous Schroeder Models are Included In the collection. Description would be useless, so varied are the styles. Every Tailored Suit la included AT ONE-HALF PRICE 118 SUITS FOR 57. SO end every value at half, up to the magnificent 1250 Gowns for ?125. Sale ends Saturday night ONE HALF PRICE. EVERY WOMAN'S COAT 1RAK ICALLY REDUCED NOT ONE RESERVED OR SPARED. EVERY ONE IN THE HOUSE GOES INTO THE BALE . Expertly Tailored Coats of beautiful workmanship In very noatest. latest modes. Materials are broadcloth, kerseys, handsome tan coverts and popular mannish mixtures In tweedtsh goods. Tourist styles, three fourths length and 27-tnch box ahapes. Also the form-flttlng Coats, Macks, navies, tans, browns, blues and fancy mixtures. Reductions like this untU Sat urday night: t 6.50 values for 54.05 126.00 values for 518.75 $ 8.50 values for 56.05 480.00 values for 522.5 $11.80 values tm....t.,T. 50.35 118.00 value for .'.-526.25 $16.00 values for 511.25 $18.60 values for 528.85 $20.00 values for 514.85 A grand opportunity for those unable to get to the store during the day to take advantage of the wonderful bargains la WOMEN'S SUITS AND COATS STORE OPEN TILL 9.3 0 P. M. SATURDAY. Silk Skirts Half-Price ALL DAY SATURDAY $18 TO $40 value High grade Skirt or Petticoat. Materials are of heavy, fancy brocade silks and plain taffetas, with rich lace and applique trimmings, accordion plaited ruffles and lace Insertions. In a gen erous oolor line, embracing light blue, pinks, reds, greens, hellos, grays, brocades, browns, plain blacks, etc. Magnifi cent values at the regular prices of from $16 to $40, ail go In ALL DAY SATURDAY At exactly HALF PRICE. Every Fur Cost tmd Neckscsxf in the House , r Vtm&uSly Reduced Nothing so elegant or suitable for Xmas gift a the rich fur. Extra Special All Day Saturday Handsome $15 Neckscarfs $8.98 Opossum arid beautiful Electric Seal Neckpieces In very styles. Extra ! Extra ! ! Extra ! ! ! 7 to 9 P. M. Only Saturday Sensational Waist Sate ! Pretty $3.50 Tailored Waists 98c For two hour only. Very smart man-tailored Waist In mohair, flannel and granite cloth materials, reds, tans, navy, brown, black and handsome plaids and stylish fancy mixtures. Plain tailored, with fancy stock and silk ties or Uk collar with tie. Best value in the city up to $8.60, from 7 to p. m. Saturday only, ohole for HHe newest fashionable Silks and Dress Goods Saturday Evening Almost like money from home,' IN THE FIFTH-STREET ANNEX FIRST FLOOR. And we've selected the evening specials with a care In mind all the time to include only colors that may bs chosen equally as well Under electric light as daylight. The values are anmatchable anytime o' day. SPECIAL 7 to t P. M . SATURDAY ONLY. Crepe de Paris, fashion's newest and swallest fabric, all pure silk and wool, with beautiful rich lustre, havs the appear ance of being all silk, and positively the best value ever shown at $1.60 per yard: specially priced for Saturday evening, 7 to 1 p. m. only ........ 51.12 The colors are cream, pink, champagne, grey, copper, onion, golden brown, seal brown, emerald, reeada and hunters' green, tan, mode, light blue, lilac, royal and navy blue, cadet and cardinal. BLACK SILKS FOR SATURDAY 7 TO 9 P. M. ONLY 14-Inch all pur allk bUck Taffeta, our regular $1.00 quality; special, 7 to p. m.. per yard 694 27-lnch all pure silk black Taffeta, our regular $1.16 quality; special. 7 to I p. ra., per yard ! 36 In. h all pur silk black Taffeta, our regular $1.80 quality; special, 7 to 9 p. ra.. per yard 51. lO 81.1.1 51.25 51.50 61.75 Cuff Sets, some of whit linen em all whfto all hand embroidered and vety Our $2.60 value for. set 51.80 Our $3. 25 value for, set 59.44 Our $4 so value for. set 53.16 lot of beautiful embroidered hemstitched to 9 p. nv Saturday; special, each.. 864 i. used for trimming bats. Our $4.00 value for, the yard.. 62. OO Our $4.60 value fnr, the yard. .58.25 Our $6.00 value for, the yard. . 52.RO Our $8 00 value for, the yard. .8.00 THE CHRISTMAS POSTOFVTCB. Santa Claua has placed mailboxes at the entrances to all the elevators on each floor for the reception of letters from his little friends. Write and he'll try hard to get It for you. Place your letter In any of the boxes. Patrons are Invited to use the Rest Room on Second Floor. This Is YOl'R store make It "Liberty Hall" while doing the Christmas shopping. Free Phones, Lavatories and Toilets. 17. 8. Mull Box In store. Stamps at Stationery counter. '" - mrm i i , , ,, .... , . mmf There'll Be a Rush for These Muslins at Half-Price BETWEEN 7 AND SATURDAY EVENING DOMESTIC AISLE 1ST ' FLOOR. - Who said that staples weren't Included In the Managers' sale Specials? What's more staple than Muslins? Not even wheat. And for Saturday evening 7 to 9 o'clock we'll keep the yardsticks flying nn 1 patrons on th quickstep carrying away our regular bent 10c quality of fine Cambrlo Mus- II n froji 7 to t p. m. only at, yard 5 Wholesale Stock of Christmas Gifts AT LESS THAN WHOLESALE PRICES AND FOR ALL DAT SATURDAY SELLINO. TOO- -In the Holiday Baxaar Aisles First Floor. AMERICAN WATCHEB WORTH $1,60 FOR $1 50 American WatoheL nickel case, open face, our $1.60 value for. each v.. 61. SO BOYS' NICKEL WATCHES WORTH 15.00 FOR 11.18 Boys', Nickel Hunting Case New England Watches, our $6.00 value for, each 63.10 GUN METAL WATCHES WORTH $3.80 FOR $2.25 Men's Oun Metal Watches, New England movement, our $1.50 value for, each 82.25 GOLD WATCHES WORTH $11.98 FOR $98 Ladles American Watches small else, gold filled, enamel back, our $11.9$ value; special at. each. 66.08 MEN'S WATCH FOBS WORTH $5c FOR J9c Men' Watch Fob, black silk with elm in. also full ntckl plated Watch Fobs, our $6c value for, each. 804 89o ROLLING BLOTTERS FOR 19c Sterling Silver Rolling Blotters, with handle, our 89c value; special at, each t 88c" HAT PINS WORTH 5c TO $1.60 FOR 49o A lot of Jeweled and Plated Hat Fins, our 85c to $1.50 values; special at, each 404 $1 . 65 FOR WRITING SETS WORTH $2.8 Ladles' Ebonold Writing Sets, on tray, containing 2 ink wells, stamp box, paper knife and pen holder, our $2.98 vatug, special gt, set.. ; . .' j i u m n h . m n i 1 1 686j CLOTH BRUSHES WORTH $1.49 FOR ffCo Ebonold Cloth Brushes. sterling silver mounted, our $1.49 value for, each 854 BONNET BRUSHES WORTH 79c FOR 42c Reel Ebony Bonnet Brushes, sterling silver mounted, long white bristles, our 79o value for, each.... 484 PAPER WEIGHTS OF REAL MEXICAN ONYX Our 70o value; special at, each ......... ,194 PERFUME ATOMIZERS WORTH Mo FOR $9c Fancy glass decorated Per fume Atomisers, silk covered, ball top, our S9o value for, each 384 $5c SMOKERS' SETS FOR SOc Smokers' Seta In fancy box, containing pipe and cigarette holder, our 65c value for, set 304 INFANTS' SET8 WORTH $1.00 FOR 80c Sterling silver Infant" Set, with brush and comb, our $1.00 value; special at. et . ...604 A STARTLING BARGAIN CONTRIBUTED BY THE CHIEF OF THE Millinery Reserves 7 to 9 p. m. Saturday Only NEW SALONS SECOND FLOOR ANNEX. 500 Children's 75c Hats at 10c Each Yes. that's right: 10c each for 600 Children's untrlmmed felt Shapes and rrady-n-wear Hats In oretty styles In red, blue, brown and white. Actual 75c value for the two evening hour 7 to 9 only at a choice, for loo All Day Saturday in Millinery Salons ANOTHER DAY S SALE OF A MANUFACTURER'S STOCK OF LATE MILLINERY. New winter Hat, value to $1.00. slaughtered for. each 484 Bpeclal value In Children's Hat for 404 100 large brim Scratch Felt Sailors with silk ribbon streamers, In colorings of red, blue, brown nd white, actual $2 and $2.60 value, for 404 All Caps snd Tams radically reduced. Choice of our entire stock of 75c values In fine ssrge. leather and flannel Caps at 404 A Great Special 2 Hour Evening Sale of Christmassy Things in Women's Toggery 7 TO 9 P. M. ONLY. SATURDAY WOMEN'S FURNISHING AISLES FIRST FLOOR. Pretty garniture sure to please women buyer or Xmas buyer of gifts for women. SPECIAL TWO HOURS' SALE OK COLLAR AND CUFF SETS. HANDKERCHIEFS. LACES. RlflBON FLOWERS. TOMORROW NIOHT 7 TO 9 O'CLOCK FIRST FLOOR. HAND EMBROIDERED COLLAR AND CUFF SETS Very stylish Collar and broldered In colore, other of colored linen embroidered in white, still otttors ol smart and stylish. Vary pretty for Christmas gift Our $1.7$ value for. set 61.31 Our $4.00 value for, t 62.88 Our $1.18 value for, net 61.57 Our $6.00 vslue for. set H.I. CO Our $$.00 value for. act 62.80 Our $2.00 value for. set 81.48 HANDKERCHIEFS 16c- FOR HANDKERCHIEFS WORTH 40c AND 60c A and scallopod Swiss Handkerchiefs, our regular 40c and 60c values, from T SWELL RIBBON FLOWERS Roses, violets, lilies, sprays, shower bow, cones, wri gown, etc, a few saxhes, all at HALF PRICE fof two hours only tomorrow night. SPECIAL PRICES ON FINE LACES FOR TOMORROW NIOHT 7 TO 9 O'CLOCK. Elegant Point Gauxe. Net Top Icet, 81 Gaul On loons and Rands also some handsome Straight Bends Our $1.00 valu for, the yard. . . 504 Our $2.16 value for, the yard Our $1.28 value for, th yard. . . .584 Our $1.60 value for, th yard our $1.60 value for, th yard. . . .754 Our $$.00 vslue for, the yard Oar $2 00 value for, the yard. 01. OO Our $1.60 valu for, the yard WE KNOW PERFECTLY WELL OUR CHRISTMAS Footwear Stocks are the Largest and Finest in the City And th prlcea ar mere fractions of those asked by other stores. These spe cial for Saturday evening only 7 to 9 o clock. THE SHOE STORE ON THE "FAIR-WAY" First Floor 8lxth Street Anne THRICE GOOD SATURDAY NIGHT SPECIALS FROM THE SHOE SECTION 7 to 9 oclock. $1.60 FOR WOMEN'S $1.00 SHOES Fine Kid Shoes with patent tip, heavy or light soles, medium or full round toes, military, Cuban or opera Heels, our $3.00 value for 2 hour only at, the pair $1.60 MEN'S SLIPPERS WORTH 75c FOR 4(lc Men's Fancy Embroidered Velvet Slippers, our 76o varus; special Saturday night from 7 to 9 o'clock for. the pair 484 $7c FOR BOYS' SLIPPERS WORTH41.26 Boys' House Sllpperst In blaci. kid. flexible soles, our $1.25 valu; special for two hours at, the pair 874 Stroll Thro' Booklovers' Lane Saturday Evening 6TH STREET ANNEX TO THE "FAIR-WAY" VIA THE DOMESTIC SHOPS r- BOOK SPECIALS SATURDAY NIGHT 7 TO 8 O'CLOCK ONLY, 8c FOR STORY BOOKS WORTH c Children' Story Book, new and inter eating llrusteeted storte for the little ones, our 6c value for, each 54 69c FOR BOOKS WORTH $1.00 "Life and Adventures of Santa Claus." by L. Frank Baum, Illustrated In colors, our $1.00 value for, each S04 $c FOR HANDY VOLUME CLASSICS WORTH $5c Handy Volume Classics, cloth bound, with Medallion picture on cover, subjects. Include cream of th world's classic. Th publishers' price 1 $6c, our regular price la l$c; pe dal for 2 hour only at, each. 7 .04 Women's Knit Underwear BUTINO WILL CENTER HERE SATURDAY NIGHT 1ST FLOOR KNIT WEAR SHOPS AND HOSIERY COUNTERS. These extra special: ON SALE FROM 7 TO 9 O'CLOCK P. M. ONLY. WOMEN'S HIGH ORADE KNIT UNDERWEAR AND HOSE. ALSO MILI- TART HOBS SUPPORTERS. $1 09 FOR WOMEN'S SILK VESTS WORTH $1.78 Wosaen'a fin white 811k Vest, silk crochet trimming and shoulder piece, a wonderful $1.75 valu; special for 2 hours only at, each 81. OO $2 65 FOR HALF DOZEN LISLE HOSE WORTH $4.60 Women' fin high grade Imported Black Lisle Hose, which w sell regularly at 76o the pair; Saturday night for two hours only Instead of paying $4.50 for half a doaen you may buy them for only, the box 52.55 6$o INSTEAD OF 75c FOR HOSE SUPPORTERS Women's velvet grip Mil itary Hose Supporters. In ptnk. blue, black, gold, white and lavender, our 7 So value; special for 2 hours only at. the pair 534 SPECIAL VALUES FOR ALL DAT SELLING ON SATURDAY WOMEN'S AND INFANTS' KNIT UNDERWEAR: You may ptck from any of these bargain values all day tomorrow at th advertised prices: SPECIALS IN UNDERWEAR FOR WOMEN. Knit Underwear and Hosiery Aisles, First Floor. Prices made during this month on Women's Knit Underwear ar away be low the clearance prices. WOMEN'S $1.25 VESTS FOR 79c Women's fin whit Vega Silk Vests, with long sleeves, our $1.25 value; special at, each 704 WOMEN'S LINEN MESH VESTS, PANTS AND UNION SUITS Vests and Pant, our $2.60 value for, garment .' 51.75 Onion Suits, our $5.00 vs.u.- for, suit 68.50 69c FOR WOMEN'S SILK AND COTTON UNDERWEAR. WORTH .$1.18 Women's Silk and Cotton i'Merode" Vet and Panta, all styles, ur $1.25 quality for. each 604 ' INFANTS' UNDERWEAR Infants' silk and wool Vests, Alma sieve. vry fin?, soft quality Six.- 1 2 3 4 6 Valu $1.00 e. $1.10 ea. $1.20 ea. $1,110 ea. $1.40 ea, $1.60 ea. Special at .. TOO ea. 86c ee. 95o ea. gl.OO ea. e. Don't fall to attend th great sale of Women's Hlgh-Grade Hosiery. Finest Silk and Lisle Hose at less than half price. After Dark Specials in the Annex Stores ON SECOND FLOOR. 7 TO t P. M. Wonderful prices on wanted thins) will create two hours of lively evening selling tomorrow night In this popular eect Ion of the store 7 to 9 p. m. only. FANCY CLOTH BASKETS WITH COVERS Swiss make, very pretty nod appropriate for a Christmas gift, regular $1.60 and $8.76; special at. .62. CO LADIES' FLANNELETTE UOWNS In pretty pink or blue, and whit stripe. 11 high neck and turned down collar, trimmed In plain domet flannel, nith fancy stUchlng, regular price 90c; special at 504 LADIES' BLUE ANDJWH1TE CHECKED MOTHER HURRARD OR ARTISTS' APRONS With strap over shoulder; regular price 60c; spe'l il 45C Pertinent Suggestions of Things Helpful in the Home SPECIAL 7 Tp 9 P. M. SATURDAY FOURTH FT.'WiR. Everything that finds place In our home fitting shop expree true beau ty beauty to which culture and refinement give sacred sanction, Thee prices, however, would not make you conscious of it. For ih two evening hours only--7 to 9 p. m. $4 96 FOR LACE CURTAINS WORTH It. 60 Dish Point !.aei Curtains, foor good style, beautiful pattwrna. our $$.60 value: special Saturday night rrm 7 to 9 o'clock at. th pair 4.86 PORTIERS WORTH $8.00 FOR $4.$$ Tapestry Porthws. oriental pat fringed top and bot'om. our $.00 value; special ror x nourw nniy $1 16 FOR PORTIKRS WORTH $8 68 Taps-try IXrtMft JW 66.60 value; special Saturday from 7 to 8 p. m. at, IB a