THE OREUON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND, FRIDAY EVENING, DECEMBER 18, 1904. 1 TOWN tOPICS toviokt umamm. MnrqiMm Grind ..lumbt. I'm) Ire . tirand Star , Baker A Ih.n , Houar" The Ir. A Kal.l Scar Vaaderllle Vsndcyllw Vlli.l.Klll Art-i'lf .,i,i..,iii. Irle 4 Vaudealll. HJo'J Vautlrvlllo that tlit drug -t te of 'Albert Brnl. corner Peeonrt und Washington, la on your Hat for-tomorrow. Handsome and appropriate goo Is that make apprecl Bled aifle sra everywhere and at a price that makes selection an eaay task, pretty perfume seta, fillet and m i ni. ure rates, purses and pockelbooks, with name in gold i tumped free, high grade rax .ra and shaving necessities for gentlemen, fountain pena but a vlalt fo our pise will Klve you a, better Idea, and icpoy you for the time taken. The Thai las Glrla, a club of young women, will prexont a comedy, "Offer ings to Knlly," at Arlon hall tonight. The eutertalHment la given for the ben erlt of the Boya' and Glrla' Aid society. There are, ten In , the raat, all members of the club. Bpeclaltles will be Intro due oil. Thomas Dobson, the boy so prano, offering a song, and tha Nord atrom brothers appearing In their song and dunce numbers. The music la Un der the direction of Melvln Ogden. Thomas A. Rdlaon haa at last per fected the phonograph. Every Kdlaon record guaranteed to outlive two records "of any ther make or anoney refunded. ' Wo carry the largest Block of Kdlaon phonographs and records In the city. Easy payments. Any Id machine traded In The Portland Phonograph Agency, t Wright's Music House, Seventh, between Washington and Alder. The Jury In the caae of A. I Mc Faddfi) vs. J. B. Tltlotson. after taking 1 i ballots and being out one night and half a day. was unable to reach a ver dict, and this morning waa discharged by Judge Clclar.d. This esse was brought. to secure $10,000 for malicious, prosecution, Tlllotaon having caused McKsdden'a arrest last December for forgery; he waa acquitted. Thomaa J. Davis, who died at his residence, 324 Mill street, Wednesday, had been a realdent of Multnomah county for ii years lie was a native of New York ami was 74 years old. He Is survived by a daughter, Miss Josle Davis, a teacher In the Harrison-street school. Funeral services will be held tomorrow at the residence. Arrangements are completed for the annuel meeting of the Oregon Historical society tomorrow afternoon at 3 o'clock. Through the courtesy of Mayor Wil liams, the council chambers have been tendered the society for the day. Mem bers are arriving from out of town points, and the attendance promlaes to be Urge. ' Mrs. Sarah R. D. Dukahart. 564 Tasn Mil afreet, died last night as the re sult of drinking a quantity of carbolic acid. Mrs. Dukehart was 64 years of age and was well known In the. city. Htr huSband died November 1. Since his death she had suffered with mel ancholia. She was born In Baltimore, Md. ' . Bunkers 60 by 100 feet, with a ca pacity of 4,000 yard!) of sand and gravel, are being built by the Diamond Sand coraoany nt the foot of Ankeny street, as part of Its extensive rock-crushing plant and storage yirds. The young ladles of Centenary M. S. church will continue their basaar Satur day afternoon and evening. Fancy arti cles aultable for Christmas presents to be had at reasonable prices. Place, Ninth and Kiat Pine streets. Christmas preaenta. In the line of palms, plants, fern balls, ornamental shrubs, etc.. are always acceptable. Our Japanese stocks are In. You better call and see them. Portland Seed Co.. Front and Yamhill streets. A modern building, containing two 6 room flats, designed by Architect R. C. F.warr. Is being built by Mrs. K R. Clsry on Irving street, between Twenty second snd Twenty-third streets, at a cost of S6.S00. SA public meeting of the King's guild will be held In the First Congregational church tonight. Rev. E. T. Ford of Ta eoma. Wash., will sddress the meeting. The public Is Invited. C. C. C. Tonic will holp you to ba strong and useful, to do your dally task with Joy snd profit. For sal at Knight's. 107 Washington. We clean a no press your clothes and shine your shoes for $1.00 per month. Vntqt-e tailoring Co.. 147 Washington. Main lit. 5 MAI. F. H. Kiddle of t.a Grande Is a guest st the Perkins. , A. J. McMillan Is In from The Dalles. C. K I. .minis of Eugene Is at the Im perial. F. H. Van Norden of The Dalles la In the city today John D. Daly of Boise. Ida., Is reg istered at the Imperial. J. A. Churchill of Baker City Is among the guests at the Perkins. Jsmes Flnlayson came In from Aa torls this morning and la at the Im perial Gilbert Hunt, a well-known merchant of Walla Walla, la hers, accompanied byj his wire sno two natigniers. T. T. Qeer of Salem Is at the Perkins. Christmas Jewelry.. We extend you a cordial in vitation to visit us and in spect our immense line of DIAMONDS WATCHES JEWELRY We sell on easy payments. Your credit is good. -srr - - - '....7 "JSoT-..- ' Open from 8 a. m. to 0 p. m. W. H. LESH Sll DEKUM BUILDING ANOTHER WITNESS TELLS SECRETS Mrs. Annie Elliott of Price, Utah, . Take Stand in Smoot Hearing. TESTIMONY SIMILAR TO THAT ALREADY ADDUCED Charles H. Jackson of Boise, Ida., Declares that Mormons Rule State. (Journal special srrtlcr.) Washington. 'Due. 1. The fit at wit ness In the .'.nnoi hearing today wjie Mrs. Annie Billot of Price, Utah. She was converted to Mm -monism In Den murk, and . nine to America In 172. She woiked a. u cook In ihe homo of Attor ney Jenaen of Mrlghim i'lty. who waa counsellor for Ilrlkhum Young. Jenaen !md more man one wife. Tito witness suld she wen' tiiroiigli -endow ment house ' several times as the repre sentative of deud women who were be ing marrie-l for eternity. The witness ulso told of the oaths taken In the ceremonies of the endow ment huuae. She UCSuiibsw the robes which hs i in bore a hsstH on the left aide, u snuiir on tha rtsjfc: aide, u rent over the abdomen at.d another lent Over the knee. Vi.ey were for the purpose of reminding the Wrai of I lie oath taken. The wltne i withdrew from the church becasae alio found it wits not what she thought It vr:id whe.i she entered It. The wltneaa said the endowment robes were worn afterward by both males and females as undergarments. "Do you suppose every Mormon in thi room in good standing Is wearing; tbose undergarments- asked senator uver man. "Yes, I know they are." responded the witness. " She never heard of any of th penalties prescribed being in ill. t ml on anyone. Bhe did not fear bodily harm when She went back to Utah. H)iit she expected to suffer a loss of haalness. Charles H. Jackson of Boise. Idaho Democratic state chairman of Idaho, de clared thnt whatover the Mormon church wanted In Idaho It carried out, and that it would be Impossible for either the Republicans or Democrats to win any point if they were opposed by the church. He said that not a Mormon voted the Democratic ticket at the laat election. The hearing was then ad journed until morning. THE FAIR WILL HAVE MANY NEW FEATURES Oskar Huber, director of works of the Lewis and Clark exposition, returned yesterday morning from hla eaatern pilgrimage, the object of which waa to secure for the fslr some of the most notable pieces of statuary exhibited at the St. Louis show. He obtained up wards of 10 of .the finest specimens and they will arrive here within a few weeks. The big exposition Is n jw a mass of wreckage, or practically so. It was turned over to the wrecking firm of Harris Bros.. Chicago, and through them Mr. Huber Is dealing for some, of the great electrical effects which struck his fancy, i "Our exposition," ssld he this morn ing, wilt be different to any ever be fore held. Of course 'we cannot com pare with St. Louis, nor Chicago. In ex tant and architectural magnificence, but we will have many features that no other fair has had. None other haa had such a magnificent site, such water fa .'littles, such compactness snd general' loveliness as Portland's show will have. "It was extremely gratifying to learn of the wide publicity tha exposition has received In the middle states and the anxiety of the people to learn all about this section of tha country, and especi ally tha fair." Mr. Huber found a great amount of work awaiting him upon his return and started In vigorously to accomplish it. frequent meetings for Better roads Portlsnd delegates who have returned from the state convention of the Ore gon Good Roads association say It was ths bast meeting ever held In the state In tha Interest of good roads. The at tendance was large, the speeches valua ble and the enthusiasm great. "Now. If they only won't forget all about It when they get home, the con vention will do a world of good for Oregon." said W. R. Williams today, discussing the work or the convention. "One of the bast things dons was to resolve to hsve four big meetings esch year Instead of one annusl convention aa heretofore. There must bo some thing doing all the time to keep the sub ject of road Improvement before ths people, or they will weary of the work snd put It out of mind. As soon as the discussion stops the subject Is laid aside and no more good roads work Is done until the convention day of the fol lowing year rolla around. Then every body Is up and enthusiastic again for good roade. The way to get good roads la to hammer away at It the year round. This object will be accom plished to a largo degree In the holdln of four meetings a year. There Is talk of holding the first of the 1906 meet ings some time In January, at Grant Pass." MUSICAL MAN TRADES WIFE FOR ACCORDION (Jnarnal Speelsl service. ) Mlddleshoro. Ky.. Dec. It. Joe Beas- loy. living not far from Rexbury. tired of his wife Atid traded her off to John Hamuels. a neighbor, for an accordion worth 76 cents. Mra. Beasley refused to go with Samuels snd he tied her hands and feet, put her Into a wagon and took her home. Mew, Pes sir y escaped and swore out a warrant for both men. Beasley was found playing the musical Inatrumcnt and showed fight when the officers st tempted to arrest him. Samuels says that he will sue Beasley. Mra Beasley is now In cnsrgn of the Beaaley home, and it Is likely she will remain there for some time. Inasmuch ss Beasley cannot pay his fine. He la charged with assertion. Samuels is charged with assault... j , tnoT t Speelsl Dtapateh to Tbs Journal.) Msrslifi.-ld. Or.. Doc. I. A rhango In tho' channel due -to the shirting sands of tha I'mpqua bar caused the schooner Lucy to go ashore yesterdsy evening. The vessel was bound from Sah Pedro, and Csptstn Peterson, who although he was familiar with the channel, observed the change ton lata to turn his vessel. Tho crew reached land safely snd It is thought the vessel may be saved if lata assistance Is received. a HfH & Archbishop Farley of New York now bears the additional title of Monsignor. He has been appointed by Pope Pius to be an assistant at the pontifical throne, which entitles him to a scat in the college of patriarchs. OFFICERS ESCAPE FROM PORT ARTHUR Use Open Boat and Brave the Storm to Escape Through the Japanese Lines. . ARE BEARERS OF NEWS FROM THE BELEAGUERED Dispatches May Decide Plan of Campaign Japanese Bud get Shows Economies. (Journal Speelsl Service.) Chefoo. Dec. H. All sorts of rumors have been occasioned here today by the arrival of seven Russian officers direct from Port Arthur. The party came In an open boat, hav ing escaped In the midst of the storm which swept over the district yesterday and today They brought Important dls n. itches snd admitted that this waa tho object of their perilous trip. ' Immediately after their arrival they were directed to the Russian consulate. Where Cood Things Are Plentiful SPECIAL T We have made up a special as sortment of chocolates all fresh and pure. Ten varieties of creams, nuts, fruits, jellies and marshmallowM. with overcoata of hlgh-grnde chocolate. To Induce early buying wo will sell thero 25c lb. Not more then four pounds sold to one person and put up In paper bags only. Our stock of Xmaa sweets Is now complain and early purchasers will receive? attention Impossible to give dur ing our Jater rush. wsjoasssd sow wUl re in perfect condition for We at ka this a gnarnat. SWETLAND &S0N 373 Morrison St. aTo connection with amy ether Soto hearing ear aaam. Oet the right place. There la But One "iwoilaiwSV 0M0RR0W Saturday Only where they were at ones closeted snd where Interviewers of sll descriptions were shut out. The dispatches were sent forward In cipher and with great brevity, ftence the presumption Is thst the more detailed wording will be sent direct to ths csar by special messen gers. Thst the dispatches have full bearing on conditions In the fortress there csn be no doubt, snd through them will cer tainly come either a hastening of tho Baltic fleet to the scene of action. Stoeasel having given assurances that he can hold on until assisted, or else the fleet will be ordered to return or "make haste slowly." the situation being regarded as hopeless. J A PAH BBSVOM M. (tyaraal 8 peeks 1 servtea.) , Toklo, Dec. 18. The general budget Is to be submitted to the house tomor row. The war budget has not been changed, l.ut the ordinary budget haa been reduced by 17.000,000. The govern ment has promised additional retrench ment to the amount of lftOO.00. leaving a deficit of about f&.OOO.OOO. TO MAKE BIG DISPLAY AT THE PORTLAND FAIR (gnedal Dispatch to The Joaraal.) Moscow. Idaho. Dec. 1(. The Busi ness Men's club of Moscow, through Its president, has appointed the following permanent committee In connection with the Latah county-Moscow exhibit at the Lewli snd Clark exposition In Portland next summer: H. T. French. B. T. Byrnes, Thomas Reed. A. 8. Haun. I. B Judson, M. J. Shields. F. M. Veatch of Moscow; C. E. Wood of Oenessee; H. A. Russell snd H. M. Wessels of Kendrick; Fred Wil cox. Wash.. Walheter and B. J. Jones of Prlnert n. The duties of this commission will be to make a great display st Portland dur ing the fair advertising the resources and advantages of Latah county. It la believed thst thla county can excel In the exhibit of agricultural and horticultural products. Since It wsa thla county that ao materially helped Idaho win the grand prlte at St. Iuls In these lines the cltl- ons of this section feel able to meet the exhibits from sny place In the world for such products. , (Special Dlapatrk te Ths JssraaL) Vancouver. B. C. Dec. IS. Indian Tom Noot, .the eelf-confessed murderer of an Indian woman, was brought here this momlngr'TTe murdered the woman November 9, during a potlatctf of the Nawhlttl Indians. At the prellmlnsry hearing ha confessed. He Will be tried at the spring assize. sTocarr 'Jaaraal Special Servtes. ) Chicago, Dec. IS. Prince Fushlma and retinue visited the stockyards todsy. where they were guests of the Saddle snd Sirloin club at a luncheon. The party will leave tonight over the Union Pacific for San Francisco. TO FfSITEsTTilT. a I mptch t The J I ) Colfnx. Wash.. Doc. It. Deputy Sheriff Neslew left for Walls Wslla to day with A. S. Kutch, sentenced to the penitent Isry for five years for hold ing up Pete Moon. He also took to prison Jamea Plowman, sentenced to one year for stealing n wstch. ST iRpeelal Ptapstrh to The Jenraal. ) Kettle Falls. Wash.. Dec IS Llonle Polsara. sged It, wss run Into by a roaster yesterdsy. causing a double frac ture of the snkle and a bruised skull. She may die. (Special Maps ten to The Journal. ) Northport. Wash.. Dec. IS. A hesr weighing SI 4 pounds, the Isrgest ever killed here, wssdillled by Prank Trie? In Black canyoa yesterday. A Leather Rocker Makes an Ideal Christmas Present Can you imagine any more sensible present than a big. comfortable Leather Rocker? There isn't ao hour of the day when it is not of use. The ones we'd like to show you are all built on honor. The construction is guaranteed, the workmanship the very best, and we abso lutely guarantee every piece of leather. Our word of honor goes with every Chair that no split leather is used. Every inch of leather is warranted not to crack, peel or s lit. If it does, we'll replace it free of charge. Remember, an absolute guarantee with every Chair, isn't that worth considering? flYOUR CREDIT Special Sales In Every Dept. COLUMBIA THEATRE 14th sad Waablastoa. Pteons Halo Sll. A. R. HAM. Attn Lessee and Manager. Tonight, tomorrow mm lee,, met night, last pi rforaiancee of the mperb rolumbla Stock Com peer In tbs powerfal S-aet drams, "The Prodigal Daughter" The great sensational burae raes seeae. SO people on atase SO Klreatlag, absorbing, exciting, the sweetest, saddest story aver tola. Evening prleae Entire lower floor, SOe. onlforni price, no aitra charge for logs elrrls; balcony, SOe. SSc. SSc: gallery. IBc. Matinee Entire lower floor, ate. an aitra charge Cor logs circle; balcony. Xr. ISc; gal ir. I0e. ' Bos office open all sr at Dollr Varssi Candy Shop. S2T Mnrrleon. 10 a. m. till 7 p. av phona Mala 110; after T p. at. t theater Mala Sll. Neil attraction. "CAKILLE. marling Snndar ma Usee. Tonight at S:18 s'cloek. tomorrow 2 IS. Florence Robert In Ibsen's Oreat Play, A DOLL'S HOUSE" Last Derforauace Sstarday night, Marts of the Lowlsass." ng prices $1. 7Se. SOe, SSe. e. Special matinee prices TSe. 50c. ISc, See. EMPIRE THEATRE T.i Baktr, nager Phone Main 117 Prices Kveslags. IV ase. SS sad 50c. Matl see. tor. I5e. SSe. Parked. Jammed to the Ooora last night honest. Tonlgtit. tomorrow matins snd night. Matinee Saturday, a 4 art comedy drama. THE FATAL BCA I a traducing FRANK JAMES "Tha Mas Who Xever I rase a r rest is." SPECIAL Snnday Matliee. SnndSy snd Monday Sights. DECEMBER IS. It, Amerles'a greatest home pMr. Jamas A. Bernart ssttttfal ronsedy Drama, SHORE ACRES Preaented under the direction of Mra. James A. Heme, with entire new eresery and meekanl cal novelties A, auperh production guaranteal I'rlce Vnr alt nerformanee. 15r. 2V. 35e. SOe. Seat seats, boxes TSe snd St. Beets ess be orearrd by phone. Main It: a MZXT WCZX. five nJghta and Ssmrdar matinee, atartlng Tueeoay. rveember 2n. BLACK PATfl TSOtrSADOTTBS. Prices Bvealng. J Sr. 2.V. .ft. Site. Matinee. 10c, ISe. 3Be. Sal of eal toda; CUTLERY EVERY BLADE WARRANTED Silverton. Col., Doc. IS Th Midway Terminal Silver Lake salne. owned hy the Onggenhelmera. was destroyed by Are last night with s loos of SltO.OOt. The mine was on of ths greatest produ cer In ths stste but must now close Indefinitely. Prolan od stock QsaaoS woods. en A Low la' Bast Hrand. Allen lgsasgBMaaSSk asaSaa am BJ LSxaw. Tfm m jSlsLaBBr aBBSF-dsT b 3ns aSPTrSl aaFBrEB Vs9 HA'' sPSxaSer 'QggSSSagSgT- SSJ BSF K HUrnHI JsJI vtrtfl"w" " w Tg? j j HIGH SCHOOL AUDITORIUM UNIVERSITY OF OREGON Glee & Mandolin Club Concert TICKETS AT WOODARD, CLARKE OV CO S Saturday Evening:, December 17 AVUflKHTS 300 75 Cent Seats roa sale ni Ainrxx. OVID MUSIN OREAT XLSLAX TIOLmST. aad his esmnaay ef artieta. Monday Evening, Dec. 19 First Baptist Church PRICES St, li 60 11 00 Thla wonderful virtuoso may never he hsrd In Portland again Don't miss the opportoslty. DIRECTION Or EI. MORE RICE. Seats for ssl at Allen-tlllhert Piano company. Sale opens Thursday. December IS. at t a. a. The Star Theatre Oar. Park aad Washington. The Boot aad Stoat fashionable TSSmOTlUe Theatre The Molassos WerU'i Ore teat Passer. SINK BO MM BRRR , CLOSE BROTHERS 4 riELDINO COSIEST FOUR MAUD STALL. ED TT7RMER THE PROJrCTOSCOPE Shewa S Sn to turn n. m . 7:40 to in n p m Oeneral admlaalon. Inc. reeerred box aeata. SBe THE GRAND THEATRE Tesay aad Tanlght, A MATCHLESS PROGRAM O lieadliners IO TBS CLUTOaMW Tk BenMttoa f the Ceatary TH E M ARTELS Wonderful BlreHst. SMITH AND CHESTER lliN . Is operatle enetlet. o bsieh an wmfr The eonarraatlonal fallows. WILLS AMP COLLIMB "A Day la Madrid." BEBOIR BBOTMBS Bnlllhrlat and aernhatie marrBt. MR ALT BOBHEB "Dewa st the Mh.". " lltaatratot seag. THI OSAHMSOOPS ftYitt (f tsit MtvHiig pti'sjf S). AnmlasloB t aay seat. It BOB Ssst. Ste. Special Sale of Cut Glass Today MAKE YOUR OWN TERMS B. B. RICH AXTswnjrra. THE LYRIC THEATRE SrnU andAloar Streets. This Weak: wnEELEJt WTLBOW TRIO EDDIE DE TOE. MISS WliSSE. wm a hast. SmSiaiaV. J. w. WOOD. J. W. WOOD COLOR'S BROS HE VATASCOPE. :B0 t.4:B0. fm to TBI Performance tan to -4 ). T:BS to loan a. "i ADmmn I" rnni. no signer. The Arcade Theatre The Orlgtaal MBBV Tsaaeeille Beaaa. Tbkj wk. - REMMIE F AMILT A. ' ROLLINS AND WILSON. AUBANN DELL AMD HONTTOB OEXEVriTE ASDSXL AMERICAN BIOSCOPE Show 3:30 te 4:30 p. a.. 7:30 to 10 SB p. W Admlaalon, to Is say seat. BAKER THEATRK Third snd Vamhtll ata. Keatlss A PVtnd. Mars. Largest Tassemie h.u mi I. O BELL k IACX BALL THE BIOGBAPH lOr. Perforaanee 1:3S. 7 m. til Blfou Theatre tfc&L0" ABD TSOSgSBB DB. Wl a no Afternoon. fra S a 4 SS. Biishsi tnmt t 10 so Bwader. sssmasess spaa B ts It JS. is east. CCKCBBT HALL Wasaaasaassnsf lRRISON SB OS. BALDWIN THOMPSON. 01 SXTEL 'AJiaXTT