1 CHRISTMAS MAIL TO EUROPE IS IMMENSE ' . f Single 8toamship Carrying Mail Bags by the Thousands Yaar a Reoord Breaker. PAXNTflv OJU You Can Convert Some of Those Attic Furnishings Into Christ mas Honey Thro' a "Want Ad." Try It 21 Words for 15 Cents. e spscUlty 13 First et. Hot Ma BASMCBBBN OO Jobbwra. p.l.ts. sIL gkue. mmn ussw. Baamae SB TSy SSV. PLATTNO. THS OREGON PLATINO WOBKB, 41 lngtoa et. FHoea 3678. Putt la. nd lacquering. CLrPPINO. THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND. FRIDAY EVENING. DECEMBER 16. 104. (Jour Ml 8pcUl Bsrvlos.) New York. Dec. 14. The list Of the transatlantic mall that will reach the other aid In tlm for Christmas distri bution goes on the tmshlpa leavlrfg port today and tomorrow. Employee of the poetofflce foreign department tx preaa the opinion that the rush this year haa been the largest on record. On Bind ateeunehlp that have sailed thla weak there liave been no laaa than 1,000 bags of mail. These contained many thousands of registered packages In addition to the regular mall. The chief cantor of ac tivity during the last 10 day haa been the foreign postofflce, at Waat and Mor ton streets. Her the mail la sorted ac cording to destination and thence taken to th steamships In wagons furnished by the steamship oompanlaa. To get all of the mall aboard one of the big liners before It sails Is a task accompanied by much difficulty. During th pat week It ha been found neces sary to work day and night getting th mall on board and In mora than one in stance th last bag baa boon carried up th plank just before th signal for de part ur haa been given. Th fact that th parcel post system haa been established between the United Htatea and several of tk European countries during th last year or two ha helped greatly to Increase th volume of foreign mail at Christmas Urn. Th moat of th Cbrlatmaa presents seat abroad from thla country are de stined for England and Germany. Other countries, however, Including Inland. France and th Scandinavian countries, receive thousands of letters and parcels from America at thla time each year. A large proportion of th letters sent abroad contain maney orders from per sona In thla country to relative .In their old homes. Thla is especially true of th mall matter sent to Italy and to Nor way and Bweden. In th case of Ger many. England and France th Inter change of glfta la mora common. Pound of Coffee Free. That th "want ads" mar receive a wider introduction Into Portland homes The Journal la taking atepa to attain thla end. With every cash "want ad" for either the dally or Sunday paper The Journal la giving to th advertiser ab solutely free a one-pound package of 1 the Klectrlo Coffee company well known and well liked Pony brand coffee. Pony brand coffee la mad from coffee care fully selected, scoured, roasted, cleaned and milled by the moat Improved ma chlnery. It la carefully blended and dry roasted, thus retaining all of the flavor and aroma. It haa no superior In excel ! nee. and if once uaed will doubtlees become the regular coffee order. As for th "want ads" everybody knows they are the little giants that accom plish wonderful work They do a hun dred dutl and can be called Into play j to perform moat any labor. If you ar not a consistent user of either of theae, show that you oan be convinced by giv ing them a trial, tl work for it cents coffee free. . Our Guarantee. Every box of clgara we send out is sold under our absolute guaiaiitee that If you ar not perfectly satisfied we will exchange the Cigar or refund your money without question. Under such conditions a child could not fail to e cire th right thing at our place of busi ness. We sell all of the standard brands Imported Havana clgara. and ar sole sgents for the renowned Garcia cigar, alao the Ml Hogar and the Vega cigars. Our meerschaum and briar pipes ar of th latest and prettiest. We have many new things in amokers' article which are useful and beautify th home. Big Stcbel Co.. 92 Third street Preferred snook Canned (too. Allen sV Lewis Best Brand. nonor. notice or bxcxtvxr's sale or LAtrraaT. IN nnreaanco te the decree of the circuit court of the .tat of Oregon, for the county of Multnomah, outer. 1 en the 7th day of De cember, 1004. la th ease of T. J. Oelsler, trustee. vs. PortUnd Federated Trade foundry company, defendant, the undersigned will sell at public auction, for caab. on Mon day, tk 19th day of December. 1004, at 11 o'clock, noes, at the laundry plant hereto fore operated by th Portland rderatd Tradea Laundry company, at the Interaer Hob of North Seventeenth street with Qulroby afreet, is the city of Portlsnd. thla mity and state, all goods, fliturea and ap purtenances of said laundry baslaeaa. further particulars hereof may be obtained at my office. ::" Chamber of Commerce, In aald city of Portland, and an Inspection of the rty so to d bom may atso no nao. it desired The said laundry business will b continued In operation until the sals of ssld property, and the eoafirmatloa thereof by ssld court. Dated, December I, 1904. T. J. GBI8LER, Receiver. THE FARMERS' KIBE BETJEP ASSOCIATION ef Batt.vill. Or., hsa been doing buelneas for sine years. It bsa proven Itself to he ens' of the strongest, most reliable, fair asd square, as well as th cheapest mutual speratlng in this stst. If you are a member you cannot do better than remain. If you desire protection it will pay to la Test I gat this, the only strictly farmers' association In th state. Wo hereby notify th farmers of Multnomah, Washington asd Clackamas count lea that 1. J. Kern la tv longer onr agent: that we will not be responsible for htm In any way what ever. Th secretary will be at Portland. Or., mm Sis Allaky building. Mondays and Tuesdays of each wk, mull January 1. In rase you wish to see htm personalis By order of th board of directors. Francis Fei Isr. president. Henry L. Benta. secretary. Aurora. Or., Route No. A NOTICE to Contractors and Shipbuilders Sealed proposals will be reeelred by the undersigned, clerk of the board of controls slonere of tb Port of Portland, up to 4 tm Monday. December 19. 1904. for repairs th bull of the steam tender Wenons Specifications may be bad at the office of the board In tb etty hall. Portland. Or. Th board reserves tke right to refect sny or all Was: Halt. J. M All K u. Clerk of tk Board. ArCTION will be held nt tke Swedish Mission chnr. h corner Seventeenth and Ollean. by tk Ladles' Sawing eoeiety, Saturday evening at g o'clock, December 17, 104. All are In vited. ' WE wtsb to announce to the public that w. Tottie A WyBe, ks opened n confectionery end lunch eafs at 434 Waehlngto st. Every thlag asw HF.LF WANTED MALE. DVEBTISEMEMTB under thla classifies tlos ess? lie for 11 words and vahmbl Breasts free. Psily or nenday. TUB original Kike A. Meier kss opened eee ef Z fa moos tarber colleges at 44 ci.r street. San FTinrlsco. Spec11 1 inducement thla month: positions guaranteed; .tuition earned while learning. Call or write Charles Hal VjeDf 51". Morrises at . Portland. SPECIAL THIS WKIK , I ran Cihlrerdlll' ground ehoeelate ISe 1 package Fore ...j. - . IJJc I can mnstsrd sardine Be ' CHEHAK BEOS. 7M First St. COLUMBUS CALIFORNIA n.. rUMf hesdansrters for cook a and waiters all kinds of wta no pe gin retail. P. Loreft. IS. Fourth st. Phone Bed 1 90S A" elderly man to da chores on a eeii-trr place: small wages. Inquire IAS Fourth st. gnro-AXiosB rr msie evDTBBTlABMJsrfTB" awaar tads iaaeinUdee tnsertad on Urns ekeelataty free. Dally a Bnaday. FIBBTCLASS WATCHMAKEB WANTS POSITION . AT ONCE. Address M 41. care Journal. EXPERIENCED dlakwaafcer waats work la hotel, restaurant op print, hoarding house ; wages tl per month and found. ' Address P 100, care Journal. MAN and wife desire position en road, gentle man as salesman or advertiser, lady demon strator; salary and aipsssss; referee. Box E 124. care Journal. FIRST-CLASS steam engineer weald Ilk amy kind ef engine work, la or set of the etty; beet of reference. Addreaa O X S, car Journal. MARRIED man wants work on farm; experi enced farmer and dairyman; wife will cook It necessary; atate wages. Box O 904, ear Journal. SlTl' ATION WANTED by young mss .Xpert eneed In banking; work In country bank or tor ; reference. Address K SOS, Journal. ELDERLY man. steady sad sober, with raf.r eecee. deetrr position a night watchman Address WES. cere Journal. WORK te repair sad mass gss and electric stores. Edward Elksrt. MS Belmont St. Phone Scott 2888. TO UNO msn desire work In machine hop or other Inside employment Phono Scott 1706 BT first clsss 4-boraa teamater; sober, eaneh sua good reference. 0 SIS. ear Journal DETECTIVE Strictly confidential honest work ; refers sees. W 802. care Journal. i SITUATIONS WANTED TEMAI.E, ADVERTISEMENTS nnder thla cl. sal flea tins Inserted eas time sbeolattly tree. Dally or HONEST and respectable young woman wanta work aa chambermaid or any housework; Al references: S year In last employment. Ad drees M 82. ear Journal. YOCNO lady dealre position aa stenographer; years' esperieuce; best of references. Flor nee Baker. Phone Union S2ol. GIRL 14 year old waste place to work for board, cloth and go to school. Addreaa 484 Rest Eighth asd Carutbera. SITPATTON wanted ss waitress, S yonng yadles; S or 7 years' experience. Addreaa r 111. rare Jeerasl. PLAIN dressmsklng and sewing at reasonable price. O 83, care Journal. WANTED AO EST. ADVERTISEMENTS under this classification cost ISe for Si words and s jveloabU premium free. Dally or Sunday. AOBNTS WANTED te sell our superior, high grade naraery stock; new and complete outfit furnished free; cash weekly; writ today for choice territory. Capital city Nursery Co.. Hahtm, Or. WANTED TO XXXT. ROOMS In all part, of the city, furnished. Apply 22TJ Ooodhongh bids. EXPOSITION ACCOMMODATION BCRBAC. Caster direction of t Lew la and Clark Pair CespsiBUaa. ; Pho rOR RENT HOrrSEREEPINtf ROOMS. 11.73 PER WEEK Large, clean, firshakail housekeeping room, with eee of leuadry. sets, noons; also ehesp furnished cottages A Landlssn. 14 Sherman. Phone Clay SOS, UNFTBNIHHED housekeeping single rooms. $4 up; suite, 10 per month: furnished rooms 11.50 per week up. 204 H Washington. Phone Rood 44S. THREE- unfurnished heuaekeeplng rooms to couple Without children, references required. SO East Thirteenth st.. North. Cell forenoon. St , SEVENTH sr. one auit housekeeping rooms, well lighted; suitable for mas sad wife; modern hooa: bath, gaa and phoas. FI'BNISIIED bouse for rent: also housekeeping rooms. Inquire 2SS Fifth St., ear Madison. DO ye want furnished housekeeping roomer Call and sea them. ISI WatPsrk. TOR BENT FTJBNiaHED ROOXB. FOR RENT To mas and wlfa or to two gen tlemen, alcove room; alao two large and one small room. These room are nlcly furnlebed and stesm heated. Inquire at 87 N. Twentieth .t half block from Washington at., or tele phon Main 4002 FRONT parlor room, nicely furnlabed: one of the moat convenient roome in the city: hath, phone, gaa. house bested by furnace; eultabl for eee a two gutlmn: slao large alcove room. BBS Everett, cor. Seventeenth Phon Main seat. ELEGANTLY furnished room. In nw building, with hot ssd cold running water hi each room: free phone and bath: large living room for use of gueats. 807 Fourteenth St., nesr Tylor. FI RNISHED room. SOS Jefferson SC.; Just furnished, np-to-dats ronma; gas and electric light: furnace heat. Phone Black 188 Also nicely furnished 8 room bouse; piano Included. ELEGANT outside rooms, with finrt-rlsss bosrd tor two people. $40 snd $45 per month: stesm heat, electric light, gas porcelain bathe; at the Llndell. Market at. bet. 3d snd 4th. HAVE you tried Pony brand "Electric" coffee? Th Journal gives yon on pound free with everv rh want ad; SI words for IS cents. BIVERSIDE HOTEL 848 Eaat Oak PurslaBed and unfurnished housekeeping rooms; lodging fl per week and up. Phone Scott 84. ROOMS en suit or single: housekeeping room, gas stn.es bath and electric light: transients solicited. Marquam. 140V, Sixth at. NICELY furnished front room, with or without Mass; soluble for two or three gentlemen or msn snd wife. 447 Msln St. THE OTIS" New building, new furnishings, very homelike: room M.SO per week and dp. Bast Burnald and 1'nloa ar. THREE ' rooms, aleov; furnished or nnfnr nlshrd; hath, freshly tinted; private family. 588 B. Pin. FCRNIRHF.D rooms hv th day. In center of business section The Castle." 871 Wash ington St. TWO nicely furnished front rooms: light, heat, phone, bnth: 110 each; bosrd reasonable. 838 Sth st. CHEAPEST and brat located room In Portlsnd. tl week up. Oilman. Fltft and Alder ate. NEWLY furnthed qni,t tr lest rums St. 'Boss nso BOSS. CLIFTON. 283 H First at. tl 2ft per week and a. ear. Oolombla -g.it BIBB, comfortable St.. ear. Tavlor. furnished rooms 101 Teeth FIRNISHED Third St. room with board. Inquire 81 NEATLY Tsylor ressonabl. S4T BOOMS AND BOARS. BOARD snd plea. ant room, private family. central location, nlee neighborhood. 487 Beat Ankenr. near Ninth. WEI 1,1. fnrniibed mom wth or without bord: me cooking: all convergence 449 Third st. hoi HOUSE FOB RENT rVRHlTVRX FOB SALS NK.W house of 8 rooms, with See net tar, for rsut tor 1 yeer; furniture for sal. The thaw rear Company. 34S Stark St. BUSINESS ORABQEB. BOOMING-MOUSE HEADQUABTERA TAJT k CO. 138 Ablngton Block. Phone Mala ltd. We make a SPECIALTY OP BOOMINO HOl'MES. and have ma ay of tke MOHT DESIR ABLE LOCATIONS that are for sale. Oeod location are going feet. Noto our psrtlsl list below of both large and email on. If the don't salt, eall Ja. SO BOOMS Hotel, steam neat new brick building, strictly modern and up Is date; h jum full of good people) cheap rent and long less: clearing asrw fSBO per month; U. Pries. 4.1TS. 44 BOOMS New. modern priaald brick build la; exqnlslU furnltur nad carpets: stesm host; hot and cold water In all rooais: s-year lease; rut only 17B In eluding best. This heuss will pay 8 Prr cent a month en the investment, rice. $9,000. 40 Rooms Steam heat, hot and cold water in aU roome, new boose and all new furniture, clearing absolutely shore all esponaea (SAO per month; cheep rest and food lesso. and best location la the city Price 86,000. SS ROOMS Steam kt, sot gad cold water In Sll rooms; furnishing, sxtra nne; cne.p nt; good lone Issss, maaisg go" money. A leal bargain for Wt v.vw. IB ROOMS Sw.llt place I the city I all j AasniDssasr tsrvvi., a""" Sio kogaay furniture; elearin ever SSOO per month; cheap rent snd good song leaae; bona fids reasooa lor eelllng: ex cluslvsly with ua. Pries for quick sal. MOOS. SS ROOMS Furnace heat, hot sad sold water la all roome, rent 1S8 per month 8 rear leaae, furnished tlegsntly snd clear lag above all expenses 1S per month Quick sal price. 4.BO0. 84 rooms steam heat, hot and eoM weter In all roome. the very beet loestlon In th city; has been nnder th aama management foe 10 years. House Is clearing above all expenses 8880 per month. If you are looking foa some thing good, don't fsil to eee thief Pries 18.760. 24 ROOMS New house end sll new furniture and carpete of the beet grade, rest cheap, long lease, houae modern and a money -msler If yea want aosn thing nice look at this. Price 13,780. 80 ROOMS Furnishings 8ns; goed. elee, ejleen house; 2 blocks Portlsnd Hotel: lease; reat right. 82,180. IS ROOMS Superb location ; owner will add 4 more rooms; hot snd cold water In rooms: elegantly furnished and making good money. Cheap at 11,400. 11 BOOMS Location Tenth at., ejeely furnished, cheap rent, and is absolutely clearing above all xpne 842 B0 per mouth. A decided bargain for SS0O. 8 ROOMS furniture all good; locution very central, rent right. XT ice 8880. CONFECTIONERY. One on first st One on Morrison st DELICATESSEN. One on Morrleon; receipt 8S0.. ... On on Washington; receipts 838 ..SAW 1.000 8.000 WB CAN MAXB TERMS ON ANY OF THE ABOVE. ALL TITU5S OCARANTJTO. JHJTBBS PROTECTED AS WELL AS SELLERS. WB WANT 10 TO IB-ROOM UOLSBB; ALSO SO TO 40. TAPT A CO 12S 6 Ahlngtnn B 10H Third B' AMERICAN EMPLOYMENT REAL ESTATE AGENCY. 80 ACRBB partly Improved, located la souther Oregon, near county seat of about 4.000 ln hahltanfa; house, barn, orchard and 8 acres of yOUUg trees; nrlce 1 1, BOO; will sell on say term or trade for city property. 828010 acre, timber claim, la Douglas counts; will crulea 12.000.000. 8 section, of beet timber lend that will cruise on aa average 8.000.000 test to th claim. . , Have on hand sever! saloons, rooming house, and lunch counter from I2S0 to 88,000. Make specialty cf buying, selling and renting roomlng-bouee. All kinds Ot help tarnished free ef charge. Real estate bought nd old. SS North Third at. Phone Main 2113. DOt'BLB hoes, east side. S roome. basement, bath, carpete on all Boors, cooking stove, free phone, furniture ell new, gss everything new. first clsss throughout, rent 318. lease any time: anyone renting this house can buy the furniture cheap. GREAT NORTHERN REAL ESTATE CO. 8 Lebb bid.. tX7 Wash. at. Phone Main 8122. FOR SALE Well eetabllabed general merchan dlee business st Aurors. Or.; grest bop center snd prosperous community: Isst yrar' bnsl cess amounted to S2S.0O0: will be greater this year; owner compelled to retire, account of other Interest, for particulars address Will Bros.. Aerors, Or. WANTED Men with capital to Invest In one ef the beet business enterprises In tbe city of Portland: It will pay you to investigate thla. Call on Julius H. Akxander. 188 Mor rison it. WANTED To rent a few unfurnished houes no charge for renting boos; rents ceneeted. GREAT NORTHERN RPAL ESTATE CO S Labbe hid.. 2S7 Waah. at. Phone Main gl22. FOR SALE Oumbert'a etgsr ssd cosfectlonery atore: the beet paying cigar and confection ery business In The Dalle. Address Oomberfs Tobacco House. The Dalle, Or. FOR BATE A nice etgsr snd eonfectlonery atore. T29 Wllllsms are., AUdaa. to be hd at a reasonable price Pleaae cell after 7 o'clock evenlnge. FOE BALE Ch grocery . 11.400. er will In voice; sversge sale 8B0 per day: good loes tlon. See owner. SSS Everett st. So agent. CANDY nd rlgsr store must be sold aeenont of sickness; cheep rent. Bee ewner, 366 Vk First at. WANTED 82.800 on B yesrs' time, good farm security 802 Commercial bid. P 438, The Journal. OR SALE Saloon and Sxturea; good trade; big bargain enly 11.080. V. Cladek, Sclo. Or. WANTED A roan with 31 B0 to Invest In a pros perons business. H SSS. care Journal. EMPLOYMENT AOENCTEB. SKILLED AND CNSEILLED LABOR Sescrtotlona. nrosantlv spplld. I ebsrs to emploters HANSEN'S EMPLOTMBBT OPFK'B SS North Seeend street, esar MALE help of sll decr1,lon for sll Industrie r aptly snpnlled frve of charge to employ! B. HANSEN Jr 88 N. Second sL Phons Msln IBS. MOUNT HOOD EMLOYMB.tT AGENCY, far Blah free to run REL.IABL iiai.r to eon RELIABLB HELP. Meager A Collins, xTO Iter aids Hood ust PIOKBER EMPI-OYMBNT CO. tore; help (re to employers Leber eentree SIS HELP wanted and rap Med, mala female. R. O. DBA KB BOSH Weoatngtoo j clay 448 WORK tor men. men for work H A NSF.N 8 OFfiCB. S North W ANTE D BE AL ESTATE. WANTED 4 or Broom boo: atate location end price; no agents. Address L 101. Jourssl. WANTED MISCRXLASrlOrrB. WANTED Mora oprartag and whitewashing: the eely gesetlne compraiaid sir spraying outfit on the roast M. O. Morgan A Co.. 870 Mllwsakts st WE srlll build a boos or Sx roar old oee very Me; nave good rrrnees: eall er write H. Waal. Raw WeStera hotel. 833 OIIan t WANTED -Horses te bosrd. (table ever Grand see. sad Best Stark: brat of cere at rraaon able prl pes. Phon Blsck 3332. WANTED -Cheep 73, FOB BKsTT K0US L' N KC KM Mil ED Sous to rent; 3 block, from eaat aid ef ateel bridge. ORB-IT NORTHERN REAL KsTATB CO. 227 Wublugton st. Phon Main 8123. New 8 room house with both, Forty-fourth and Eaat Yamhill sts . on block from Mount Tabor cara. Key at Dickson's Grocery. Forty fourth snd Bslmoot. TWO new modern 8-room booses on th enet Ide In a good location, 118.00. Inquire of Hartman. Thompson A Powers, 8 Chamber of Coaaataree. AN boaeat endeavor will be made te local you. Call and sa our Hat of houae. POWERS Fl ltNlTL'RB CO.. First and Taylor. 9-ROOM house, ressoaahls price; opportunity for single lady to keep lodger; rooms all nicely famished. Inquire 84 North Second 8-ROOM bouse, bnth. Fifteenth near Flanders. 120. POWERS FPRNITLBE CO., Flrt and Taylor. KADDERLY Transfer A Commission Co. ; pianos and furniture moved by experienced man. 110 North Third st Peons Mela 18b. b-room Set. sll modern conveniences, 8 blocks steel bridge. 820 , POWERS FCRNITURB CO.. Flret and Taylor. 4-ROOM cottaga; 89. 271 Porter. ... 8-room rot tag; 313- 800 Hood; plastered snd pspered. Cell st 780 4th at. NEW 'rooming house. 16 roome, close t.TA POWERS Fl' UN 1TC BE CO.. Firat and Taylor. B-ROOM Seas I. large ground, here; Carson re at hens. 0. P. Wi FOR RENT New -raa boeee, Upper Alblna. Phone Best 980. x FOB SSIt Ti'M. RSTAm iOT8BTiaaaia uosssr sssss --T--r-.-cost 18c for 21 words and s vahmabla premium free. Dally or Sunday. WB HAVE BARGAINS. WHY pay rent on email farm of 10 as S a era nesr ths city when you csn buy the seine from ua with nominal caab peymeet 3 inierrat le- than rent 1 r.000 wtfl hey 1ST acre farm near by; the wood thsreon Is worth 16.000. See us quick. Davidson. Ward Co.. 408 Chamber of Ooeamers. S ACRES 8328; boo and 3 acree. 8880; 8 14 aere tracts. 836 per acre: 28 acree, IIS, all near O. W. P. eer UnV, lOe fare; very easy terms on all: th are snsps; ttk Bstteaoa ear. Bee sgest, arst hooss south Oat s crossing. FOR BALB Hp-to-dnts. B lars rooms, eet t.ge modern: grounds lOOtlOp nice bsrj. wuedshedT chicken park, verlety fruit street irnved ew.,; will take m. 11 farm It. exchange, near city. Phone l'u V2 Premise 973 East Tsnth St.. NortlL SIOHTLT LOT for aala by tiwner. on Van couver are., near Hancock. Inquire of Nor gird A Patterson, tailors, cor. Third snd Yamhill StS. a 000-8 bonne, furniture snd ground: rast IB 800; IB mlaut' wsll from court aoess; rent wlU py for property In 8 yeer. A Laadtgan. 184 Sherman. JOURNAL wsnt sds srs Increasing In number dsllv beeau of results; hsve you omthlng to sell rent or ei change? 21 words for 18c. HOMESTEAD relinquishment. 4.000 000 feet yel low pine. 4 mllee from 2 sawmills. 100 feet from county road. T 704, cr Journal. FURNITURE In 27-room hoc. WeU Vocal d, 31 200; must he caab; chrap rent. Apply 29 North Third at. Phone Main 2118. rvr on Thlrtv-etsMh St.. 1 block outh of Ilswthorn; corners 3260; inside. 1200. easy terms. P BOS. car journal. KR SALE a-room cottage. .with hot and cold water connection; also furnlturs of mm. Addr BOB Alder at. TOR SALE 40 acres 11 miles from PortUnd. 1100 Apply North Third. Phone Mnin 211S. 2 IITS. Leurelwood. nr esr line. 1180 eech. Address or cell owner. 811 Leo a vs.. Sellwood 11.280 WILL BUY 4 room hones, lot 84x80. 438 Front; terms. TOR SALE FARMS. FOB SALE 8.04 seres, amall 2-room house. IS mile from Vancouver; good soil, gravel road. Inquire 288 Larr.be St., Portland. 88 ACRES nesr Seppoos. 11.800; 80 sere. t: ISO XT. 3800. J. B. Godfrey. St Helens. m TOR BENT MISCELLANEOUS. FOB RENT A large sample room er hall, top floor. Apply elevator man. Ooodnoogh bldg. LOST AND FOUND. TnF, beet wsy offered to Snd ths loser or Bnder of any ertlrle la through The Journal r Is settled columns: bear the) In mind; 21 words for lie. FOUND Oold brooch: cell st Jonraal office. XSTRAT NOTICE. CAME to my encloeure. December 14. 1804. on by mar. 4 or S yer eld. reached maur. bell on neck. Owner call, prove property, nay charge and tak her away. A. 0. Wolfer. 820 Mississippi ar. TO EXCHAN0E TO exchange, lot for driving boree. 77B East Rurnstde st. HOMESTEADS AMD TIMBER CLAIMS. plrToTranted to'goMondsy snd locate 3 choice limber rtalma and 2 homesteads; meet and arrange with cruleer today at Gem Book Store. 228 First et. FOR SALE MISCr.I.LAKEOrjTB. THOMAS A. EDISON haa. at last perfected tbe phonograph. Esery Edlaoe record guaran teed to ootllv two record of any other make or mooer rfunded. Ws carry the lara tat itock of tdleun phonograph nd record in the city Bray nymnt. Any old m chlne trsded In. The Portlsnd Phonograph Agency st Wright'. Mnsle Hoe. Hev.nth b.'tween W.shtngton snd Alder. A RECEIVER'S sale of tbe PortUnd Federated Trades Laundry company' plant In this city la advertised among th. legal ads tedey's issue of this paper. Tb6 ssls will tak. pUee Beit Monday, the 19th lnat and offers sblsndld opportunity to acquire a .fully equipped and operaUng Uaadrr. , I SALE 1 Urge snd on msll set of arst ... gold and bullion acalra; sUe one set ' ana Ij tl.-al and bullion bain nee, all for leaa ion els :. :..Ln..i tin half Tm WB WteiHISI St. I. H. Fisk. THINK s moment snd sen If there lent soms thng you hsve U, sell, to exchenge or to rant Journ.l "w.nt ede" do wonders for results: 21 words for 16. UNDERWOOD TYPBWBITBB. writing TsheUtor. tail osssrios- ' - Agency SB Front st. Phone e inax. BILLIABD AND POOL tab as fast reat er Sat THMBnBR..Ns'wrKiLKBWLLBNDBB OO, 4 Third Bt. FvetlaaA FOB SALB-FurnUked ArUom hras. S bbvek. fmm potoff!re: rent 82 80; leaae trana f erred; 8800. most eall o account aicknee L 806, The Journal. nOHBR prlJt Sta. JJbJhJIy sd, 1: Stelnw.v. ISO; ergen vrtth rnlrtvnv 80. cost 1128; phonograph complete. 8 341 V Firt St.. eer Msla. FOB 8ALE"-t ssh register good ejnew 3I2S. enet 180. SBV North Sixth. Blegel a Cash Grocery. . I COMPLETELY furnished heuaekeeplag room for l cheap. btsjv aeiisrsswa - .w. BW1TORR83 TOR BALjL SWITCHES made, combings bought or made to srdee. 84 B. Twelfth su Phoae Bast mo. FERBOBAle, ADVERTISEMENTS under thla eUeeiflrstlon cost ISe for - 21 words snd a valuable premium free. Dally or Sunday. SEVERAL drop-head Singer eewlng machines, lightly scratched, for aala -at bslf price If bought at once caab or easy terms. Call or address East Hide Singer Sewing Mscbln Store. B4A William av . PortUnd. Or. MANLY vigor restored br Dr. Roberts' Narv Clobnlea One month's tretmnt, 3: 3 month. 88; sent esruraly sealed by mall. Agents. Woodard. CUrke A Co.. PortUnd. Or. THE BOOK OF NATURE." "Book f Llf." "Mabel Orsv." "Story of a SUve." "Nans:' ratakagnee free. A. Bchmsls. 239 First st. YOUR prescriptions are more accurately and reasonably ailed at Brawll's Pharmacy. 2S7 Morrison St.. between Firat and Second at. WnY become gray? Mayor'a Walnut Oil pre vents grain; 30c nd It bottles; mall 66c. 11.10. E Mayor. 1824 olln. Portland. Or. A RESPECTABLE MAN can ecur a Urge sum cash by marrying a pretty h.lre. Addreaa Dr. Curran. 1242 Warsah. Chicago. MARBYl Improved method: quick results; msny wealthy, addresses free, Btar, Box 82. Oakland. CaL THREE SEARS IN ARKANSAW" beats all book, yon ever saw. 28c. Jones' Book Stor. 291 Alder st. rOB RENT OFFICE ROOM. DESK room, with right, heet and pases free: ground floor. 233 Washington at. Phons CUy 1883. POR RENT Front Seek room. 110; par. ST; half office, 1B. 838 Chamber of Co mm woe. ASPHALT PAVINO. TUB Trinidad Aanhalt Paving On. ef Portia sd Office 8BS Worcester bfk. BAROIRO ART) SIOHTERIBO. OBEOON BOUND LUMBER CO.. St. Phone Grant 1171. 181 CAFES. EKtCKAON RESTAURANT- Merchants' Pinch 11 e. m. te 12 p. m. ; under new management. O. B EVANS, prop. Bet end snd Burnald. THE OFFICE. 2S Waal.lngton at. Mala 771. Pickett A Vlgseaax. Phone S CHARCOAL. ASK your dealer for the old reliable charcoal. handled by all dealers; made n.v ins old reli able and moat experienced burner In the atate. H. B. Baker. CIGARS AND TOBACCO. ESBBRO-OUN8T CIGAR CO. Distributors of FINE CIGARS. Portland. CEMENT CON TB ACTORS. HAWKINS A CO Reside nee. 306 Foarth at. phone Front 1288: cement work of all de acriptlooa; atop work apecfklty: work gusr anteed. CHAS. H. CARTER A CO.. (formerly Carta A Blli; cement contractora. 874 Taggers. Pkeee Bast 18TB. All work gssranteoA CARPENTERS AMD BUILDERS. A. J, A0TH0RI and H. R WOOD, rarpeetsrs snd builders: repairing snd Jobbing; stor asd office Bitnrea built. Shop SOS Colombia. Phone Clay 1881. DEE A HUFF. balMIng and remodellngi store fixtures s specialty. 202 First at. Phone Clay 894. COMMISSION MEBJIKABTS avsoniMn M. riBDKt.1. urodtkoe and alon marrhant. 140 Front t.. Portland. Or. Phono Main IT. DAVENPORT BROS., 180 Front t. FTslts. pre dnra: consignment ollctted: prompt return. OROCKXRT AMD GLASS WARE. WHOLESALE crockery aad glsaswara. PrsL Hgs-e A Co.. 100 to 10 Fifth, eer. Stark at. O0 AX AND WOOD. GREAT WESTERN COAL CO., 441 Hoyt. eor. Eleventh Producers snd miners of washed lump end nut aootleea houa cnaU; lump 3d, nut 18, delivered within 1 mile .of yarda; aatlafactlon guarsnteed. Thone Main 948. WESTERN FEED A FUEL CO., cor. Front and Hoyt street, dealers In dome tic aad ateam coal, bUckamltb coal.' charcoal and coke. Phoae Mate 1018. ALBINA FUEL CO. Dealer In eordwood. eeel snd green snd dry slabwood. R. R. 'and Al pine eve., S blocka eaat of ferry. STEEL BRIDGE WOOD YARD Wood and eoaL Office. 218 HnlUday avenue. Phone E. 434. C R VELIN. Srst -class wood snd coal: office 83 Alblna see., near terry. Dry ilBbwoeA COLUMBIA Wte-d A Coal Yard. Eaat Eighth and Hawthorne. Phone Eaat 2887. OBEOON FUEL CO.: all klnde of coal aad 844 Morrison. Phon Main 86. HOOVER A CONWAY. 813 Water st and eoaL PBoae Main 488. DANCING. MRS. GRANT'S adult snd children's ciaa.es Wee tern Academy. Morrison at., cor. Second. CLAIBV0TANT AND PALMIST. PALMIST AND CLAIRVOYANT Dr. Lyon, the renowned psychic palmist and rUlrvoyant. will he with you for a short time at the Kingston, Third St., next d-r aoutb Biker theatre. Remember. It, dnetcf glvea yns e wonderful Ufa reading of the pt, present and future: names given; satisfaction or no charge. If you are in tronble consult him In all matters. The doctor sl cures chronic dlaesaes of long standing: ru-uglc treatment, llf readings 1. Consultation free MADAME JOHNSTON Clairvoyant. palmist, esrd reader; I give fsrts reliable asd Im portent on i II affairs of rest Ufa. ResJlags 60c. 88 Seventh St.. near Oak. XAOBET10 HEALING. MBB. L. H. HABT successfully traits II dta ea.ea method taught "N Thought" 144 4173. reading room. 311 Tourney bldg. Main DTE1NO AND CLEAinBa PORTLAND STEAM CLkAMNt: AND DYEING Works; nrartlcal natter In connectlos; feather boas aad plnntea cUaned and curled by as si pert. Sll Fourth. Phons CUy 704. CLOTHES CLEANED AND FRESHED 1 per month Ualqoe TalUrlng to.. 847 Waahlug tea et. OREGON Dying A St-m Cleaning Work IT. Tetter, prop. 838 lltirnalde. -no:,e Clay 1831. I, profeealoB.I dyer and eieanev. st Phone Main S81A DOG AND HORSE HOSPITAL Z ?. A. re aeon, removed te 29 GUaaa at.. ad Fifth sta. DZ00RATORR HBNBT BERGER -180 First st I wsUneper, Ingrains, tapestries, applique ter MS decoy. ting DBEBSSLAZrHo). McKIBBEN artlatte dress aad eleek- bins 881 st. DRESSMAKING -Strictly eg) deelgna. AM CUy at. le astes latest MONEY TO LO A. FBED PJ. STRONG. FINANCIAL Mnu. ... sr.. I A4KBT I ib Is a position to ma k immediate loan oe Improved real eststs or for bonding pars; ay amount: moderate Interest We B neov lesas from plsne and advance msy ee mi 1 1 ding progveaBB. option Is reeaf eat after one yeer. FRED 11. STRONG. Financial Agent, 108 Second at., sear Btark. THB STAR LOAN OO. IW aaUried employ, wage-earner, eas get ee kU note, without mortgage Month. u Month Week n-Repy to e lioSS or 18.88 or 83.88 828.86 Beosy to a 8 8 86 or 8.188 or II 83 3:8. on Repay to aa 4.00 or 13.00 or Si. 04 SALARY LOANS Too ran borrow money frote ss OB your salary or Income for oee te Ml months. In nay amount from 8 to 1100. Jowrat ret of Interest: as wait, no de Uy; sll negotiations ar trlrtly prire end ConSdentlal; payments suspended In caa of sickness. Ths Creesest Loss Co.. 217 Or gonlaa hldg. SALARY LOANS Any salaried person bavins s ste.dr nosltton with reaponribW 8.'m can obtrtln money on tbe esay p.ynent plan, with sir: assist i w or neiayi all ostein xrv.w,, f'etly e. nSdentlal NORTTtWBBT LOAN CO., ' . SSI A Ilington bldg. -It v., WANTED Money to ken. Wa ee get yoe Phenomenal Interest; security absolutely gilt QUABE-DRAL BROKER AOB COMPANY. 129 Seventh at. Phone Main 408O. LOANS on May payment plan to eelsrled peo- iower rates; strictly eonnaenxiai Employ,,- Loan Co.. T18 Th Deknm. Third and Waahlngtoa at a Phone 224. shlngtoa sts Phone TO LOAN on rest persons 1 snd OSS lateral 1,111.11 . . 1.1 a. morf save. - ham k..- .3 n ur Pallet 8Q4-B Fen ton bldg.. 84 Birth St. e - - wirai 1111 u. w. HIGHLY reepeetahle piece whe. ladles snd Ent can borrow money en dlsmonds snd eesry, Ccllatersl Loan Bank. SSS Wash ton St, Telephone Blsck Tl. SBR The Dunn Lawrence Oo. reel estate snd maneiai agent: money to loan on mortgage seen rl flee at low rata la seme irem 1800 t. sin see v. . . . ilia. iww r ins si. MONEY ADVANCED salaried people esaaatev etc.. without security: essy paymeet; larg est business In 4 principal title. Tolas a 223 AMngtoe hldg. MONEY loaned on piano., furniture unci other en. ur i 1 urtTiea ; all nnsjae. syncriy pn Veto. NORTH WEST LOIN CO.. Bit Ahtng tea bldg.. city. CHATTEL loans In amounts ranging from 828 to .- im.i; rooming nouses a specie llf. new ar Loan A Treat Co.. SOS A hi ng ton hldg. DO YOU NEED M0NET7 We have tor im mediate loans from 86 up on any aecurity. arrinmeta Keating. WM Marquam. MONEY to loan to aaUrled neovrle or othev ..w o.ii.irrni woino, aniaii io.ii,. eieu. . . note bought. 833 Mohawk bldg. MONRY TO I OAN on Improved or unimproved city property, in snms to autt- rarrlau. wi Una 4 Co.. 280 Alder at. MONBY TO LOAN hi large sr smsll amount! . William O on rood aeenrltr: lowest ratea Reck. 80T Falling hldg. LOANS at lowest rates on furniture, rdan any aecurity notes pnrcbaaed. Eaatera Loan ornce. sn rtneriocx ping. MONET TO LOAN an Clackamaa county Uads R r. aad r. B. RlUy. 80 Chamber of Com ELECTRICAL WOBKB. NORTHWEST ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING Company. 808 Stark St., Portland; ) K for everything la th eleetrieal Ua. Phon. FURNITURE FACTOR IE A OREGON Furniture Manufacturing Company Msnufacturars ef furniture for the trad. Portland. Or. FURNITURE manufacturing and speeds I order. JLMvsaeky' furniture factory, 370 Front st rORXST RESERVE BORIS IOREBT RESERVE SCRIP FOR 8ALB Af- Cved, unrestricted, ready for Immediate ess: set prices. E. F. A F. B. RlUy. 808 Pamper of Qamm.ee. OR0CERA WADHAMS A CO.. whole..!, grocer, msnn faetarers and commlaaloa mercnssU. Fourth and Oak sts ALLEN A LEWIS, eommkasloe aad sredeea bt ehsnts Front snd Davis sts.. Portlsnd. Or. HUMAN HAIR BOLLS. J. I. BONO, manfr human hale rclls 4SS R Sth. Phoae Beet 2211 Store. SSS Morrieoa at. HOTELS. hotel Portland. American pUn; Is. ft per day BELVEDERE; European pUn; 4th and Alder I INBUBANOE. I8AA0 L. WHITE, firs la bid. Dakum JAS. Mel. WOOD, employers' llsblllty and In dividual acc1dnt mrety bend ef sll k'nds Phone 47. SOS M Kay bldg H r. BARTEI.S COMPANY. Cre Inssrranee. 443 Sherlock bldg. Oregon Phon CUy 828 PIRB INSURANCE J. P Sennedy A Co.. Sherlock bldg Phon Main 1888. ARTHUR WILSON, lire Insurance, hldg. Phon Main inn. Sherlock LUMBER. ROUGH and dreased lumber la car lesds. Call BP Union 17. nnTfi'f FRENCH tsdlea aire bathe and maaeag treet- ment. 208 Fifth at. Phone Msln B838. MUSICAL. SELF-PLAYING PIANOS Ceelllan eeir-play-ing piano pronounced the beet by leading mualctan; also Ceelllan piano pUyore. B. L. Bell. Music Hon, 830 Alder ft. , , inn uoa a a Wl-nrn Kenan B. galtar Instruction. Mala S088. 1TI w. Park. MTJSI0 DBALERA FISHER MUSIC CO.. 190 Third st. Victor talk- tag mstaiess; repairing. NATVR0PATHT. DR. F. W. BLOHM. Naturopathic phyalclan. Tnuroy bldg.. Second and Taylor, r .m 304. PBINTIBO. BUSHONO A CO. Float and Stark sta., print ing, lltkograpblng, blank eeeBa and office ULtplle; work don on time; meet complete printing of Bee Is tke west. Mala I0A ANDERSON A Di NlVsAY COMPANY, prtntlaa. lithographing bleak boo a. psoas mam i Aidsv St. MEDICAL. DBS. PATTERSON AND SELLS. Ostecpsth. graduate KlrksvllU, Me. 217 Feoton oldg.. 84 Sth at. Phone Wst 171 rLUMBEAA PONNERBBBO A kADBMACHBR, sanitary plnmbere. 4 Fourth st Beti pho eee. FOX A Co.. eanltsry plombsrs, 381 Feeoed Set Mate and Salsvon. OrraoaT Phosw Mala S01 OVEBAJ-LA B08R OF THE ROAD OVERAL8 and overbss lea' clothing: enloe mad.. Nta4ter Brae., aaansfaetmare. PartlsaA Or. i USB PR CLIFPIBBBt Ring ap BUe!: tl snd sd order laonth'e vensg tow te aav aa all state; eatir messenger service l sgvanas sn port on all contract work. Portlsnd srOss, its Second St. ROOITBvV. TIN ROOFINO. guttering repairing and i Jeffereo t. Ron. rtlBTIivn roantos a d North rap t.. Portland Or. BfJRBBR STAMTB. P r IViur nrnava o in .it- Main 710: rubber alanine aesla aSeweVss gag, trade checks; send far ratal ignsa. BTORAOE AND TBAN8FEB. SAFES. pisBOS. And furnltn-e moved, ready for enlpplng and shipped: all guarsnteed; larg. 8-tort. brick, flrei warehoose for storage. OfBee 128 0. M. OLBEN. Pbone Mala 647. 0. O. PICK, office 83 Firat bete and Oak at.: pbone 898; plan, and furni ture moved and packed for .hipping; esse, modlona fireproof brick warehouse. Front and Clay sta. showcases AMD rrxTrrMB. 8HOWCSFJS of every description: bank, bar and stor Sxtur nsnde to order. The Lathe Manufacturing Co.. Portland and Seattle. SAFER LARGEST stock la city-. Dtebold opened. Repairs, la 1 1 work, steel celling, treat ment end good meriting J R Dsvta. 84 Third at TRANSFER AND HAULING. OBBOON TRANSFER CO.. 184 North Phone Msln 88. Heavy hauling and atnrage. POST SPECIAL DELI VERY No. 200 H W Main 81 YOST TYPEWRITER H F.A DQO A RTERS 230 Stark Street. We rent, repair, sell, eiehange typeailtar. An enpplles fne all machlnee. Standard machines 129 and up to 818. Do yon waat a stenographer or typtatl wa have Hat of good sppUeaake, Phone Black 2871. UNDFBWOOD VISIBLE TYPEWRITER agency st SS Front et.. phons Red 181. TOWEL SUPPLY. CLEAN TOWELS DAILY Comb, bruah. see. I per month. Lawrence Rroe.' Towel Supply Co.. Fourth and Coach. Pbone 42. WALLPAPER. MORGAN WALLPAPER CO.. 184 188 stu est. Xsmblll aad Taylor. FINANCIAL. I OMDOM ft RAM miOUOO BARB, L UJkUTHJD. Chamber sf Commerce Building, Third aad Stark Streska, Heed Office. B8 Oid Broad Street, London. This bank tranaacu a general banking bust-' nea, makes loans, discounts bUU snd Isaac Utters of credit available fur trgvelera snd fug tb purchase of mrcaaudin In auy city of the world. DesU lu forolgu nd domestic exchange. Intent -paid on all time Urpualta. W. A. MACRAE. Manager. SRUUmiTI BATCTOB ft TMTJRT OOi,' 268 Morrison St., Portland, Or. Traasecta a General Banking Busineaa, SAVIR0S DEPARTMENT. Interaat Allowed on Tim and Seringa Deposits. Acts sa Trustee for Eststee. Drafts snd Letters of Credit Available la AU Part ef the World. C. P. ADAMS PrseldeBt L. A. LEWIS First Vice-President A. L. MILLS Second Vice-President R U. JUBITZ. Becrstery u "I IT ED STATES NATIONAL BAgX. N x MABspt 1 kin ADTfiAM W VI YVMAAtsAWAfr UUA.UWSS . CRT H WEST COB. THIRD AMD OAK STS. Transacts a Oanerai Banking MusianSS DRAFTS ISSUED. ArelUble In All n lea ef the United State, aad Europe, Hong Gong and Manila. COLLECTIONS MADE OR FAVORABLE TXBMS Pre.ldent J. C. AIN8WORTII Vice-President W. B. ATBM t'ssbler R W. BCHMBBM Assistant Caahler A. M. WRIGHT M1 ERCHANTS NATIONAL BAMX, PORTLAND. OREO0N. J FRANK WATSON President It L. DURHAM Vice-President B W HOYT Caahler GEORGE W. HOYT Aeslstaat CaebJe Trsnasrta a General Banking Buaineee. Drafta and Letters of Credit Issued Available to All Part of the World. Collection s Speclslty. Quid Dust Bought, rnhBTT MATXOVAX. MARTk r ef Portland. Or. Designated Depraltnry and Financial Agejt ef the United State. Prvaldeot..... A. L MILLS Caahler J W. NEWEIBK Assistant Cssbler W. C. ALVORD Het.-nd Asslstsnt C.shler B. F. STEVENS Letter of Credit Issued Available la Europe end tbe Eastern State. Sight Escbsnge snd Telegraph! Ttaimfors sold on New York. Boston. Chicago. St. Leasts. St Psul Omaha. San Francisco and tba principal point. In tb Northwest Sight snd time bill, drawn In .urn to nil on London. Psrls. Berlin. Frankfort -nn-tk-Msln Hong Kong. Yokohama. Copenhagen. Clrl.tisnln Stockholm, St. Petersburg, aloe cow. Enrich. Honolulu. Collectlona made on favorable terme. LADD A TTXTOM. BANKS MB, Establish d In 1H89 ) Transacts a Oanerai Bank lag BaaUssa. Collection, mad. at nil pntuU on fkvorahi terms Letter, of credit Issued available la Europe and all polnta In the United States. Sight Eschsnge and Telegraphic Tranafen sold on New York. Waahlngton. Chicago, St Louis Denver. Omaha. San Francisco and Montana snd Britl.h Colombia. Fveheng sold on London. Parla. Berlin. Frankfort, Hong Kong. Yokohoma. Manila aad. Honolulu. hEOXBZSJ MMOB. ft CWreUSl'HMBllW, . Offer 01 t Edge Investments in Municipal sag Railroad Bono, sna sr uan. ISSH First Street. Portland. MORTOAQB LOANS On PortUnd Real Eststs at Lowest Ratea. T'l"s lmrured. Abstract Furnished. TITXE OHAJRAiresTJsV-ft MORI CO. KOOm . t nsmrrey ui w.is, r 1 e. -, . N0TI0XA PROPOSALS POR STREET MAINTENAN01 Sealed proposals will be received si the ofBre of ths Auditor of tbe City of I'ortUnd uatt' Wetlnraday, Dcmbr 21, 1804. .t 4 o lock p m. for the repair and mvlufenaece of Bp8 proposed Improvement of Ruaaell streel from the west line of Uentenbeta evenne to th west line of Williams avenue, 'o the rasas- r prcvllled bV ordinance No. 13.9S4. Bids must be In accordance with printed blanks, which will he furnUhed os sppllcatlcn St ths office of ths Auditor ef lbs City of Port, land Skid improvement moat be repaired whs the proper munlclpsl sutherltles .ball dlrvet, and shall be maintained In good eoedltloa b;f the full period of time for which eeerri. shall be awarded. Each proposal must stste tee number of years Ssr which tb. bidder rwonvsaes so mls tain said street Improvement sod the staount eech yeer for wbleh he BrapeasM 14 4a eaM " No preoee.1 er hid wiU be roaridmd aMt8 scc..n,panle4 hy cheek payable He order of the May. f tbe t'lty ef rwrfftad. aertlfled hv . responsible bank for SB SSswews euusl to III per ran! ef the ggreeete prs t , he forfeited sa fixed Snd II pildsted da la ce tb bidder aegte. te or ref.-ara te - ...I ssntA a aultable BBS tke fallbftvl per form eee sf aald worg la Che rent eh contract M ewwreVvl to kirn. The right to relct ear sad sll Ms U beeeky Re order sf ths Eieewtlvs fkssrd. TIIOS c. I as V I . t J f in. t Ity of 'Usa . Auditor rartlaad. Oragos. December IS. MAKE MONBY I L