If THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, FRIDAY EVENING. DECEMBER 16, ItOf. BUDAH BERNIQUE CLAIRVOY-AINT TODAY'S MARKETS Big Bugs Trying to Fore Stock Value. Up in New York Lswson Still Active and Promisee to Do Some Thing. CLAIRVOYANT THE VEILED PROPHETESS BateaaS at tke poetofBr of Portland, or far Bnaaairtatloa through the mall aa eecoad- uaa nialtvr Pneteg. for alagle aylaa: r .r to 8 10 to 11 Bege palr. 1 Ml; IB to (0 aagee. 1 ceula; U t.4 aagee. crata. mru Avmriinro re preses t ative Vrelud Bvngamtn Specl.l A avert lei og Asenrr. 10 N.eeag atreet, Vew Toft; Tribune T1M tns, Cblcaa. moumw rath. Tanas by Cents. KnallT Journal, wltb Hundar. I ve.r. . ITS" Datlr Jouro.l. 1 veer 1,0,1 Tb petlv (mml wttb Sender. month. S T 11)7 Journal. month 1 D.IlT Journal, wttb Bono. montha. 1M The Datlr Jearaal. t Boatba 1-M The Daily Journal, wttb Bandar. 1 month. Tbe Dally, par delivered. lacnraea .... Th- Dally, par .IB .10 delivered.' ' 'Sundav' Tarma br Mail. The Dallr Journal, wltb "titular. 1 ... .IT.BO ia pally Journal. i yaar "" Daily Journal, with Bender, e m octal . a. in Dally Journal. month. l- 'f S Dally Journal, wltb Sunday. S montha. 1 a Dairy Journal. 8 montha 1 ' Dally Journal with Rnnday. I montb.. .g DallT Journal. 1 month ? ay Joamal. I yaar a- y Jcaraal. montba I f The Semi-Weeklj Joamal. CW Haarl-Wratlr Journal, t to 11 pagee eark taaa. llra.tr. tad. tall mar bat re aat, 1 yaar . Tha Weekly Journal. The Weekly Journal. 100 eolnmna af read lag each laaoa. lllo.tr ted. hill marbrt rtpurta. 1 yaar tl-08 ' a. aWU ha aaaAe In drafta. noatal Sstia. ibbubb daca sad amall amount, ara taota ta l ano -cenl poariiaa "t""ii-j. me juun.i.L. P. O. ltl. Portl.ad. Or. THA JOUBSAL MAT BE FOUXD. Tba Jooraal caa ba found aa aala at tba fol SOUul , l!!Sb PttBkMT book Blare. CHICAOH, Poatofftoa News compaur. IT" Daw sera atrart. MfTKR. COLO. Kendrlrk Boob m.Mrejeey raaipaay. BU Seventeenth atraat; J. Blae. SUtaaaib and Cnxtla atrrrta KABBAH CTTT Tan Noy Nawa company. LOB) ANOBT.CS R P. Gardner. 280 Booth aria atraat; Oliver Ralnaa. MB Boatb MIhBapolTs be . KaraaaagV BO Boats HI TOSH CTTT Braataao'a. fnlon aquara. OT.DE.NO.rtaa N.wa n,n.. ObfARA Millard Ratal now. at and btaaaatk rlnaa I f anaanant 1 ana hmnm tra. BALff LAKB Cttf Kaayati total aew. ataadl Barrow Broa . d Weet Second atraat Boats. ST. LOPTS Pfcltla Roadar. 81 Loroet atraat. BAN FRANCISCO W. E Anting. Palace Hotel aawa aund: OolSaaalrh Broa., ISO But tar f atraat: Fred W. Pitta. 100ft Martat atraatT POKANB WASH. John W Orabam A Co. AOOMA. WASH Central Nawa company, lit! Pari Ac aeenee. meeti o notice. HDBLITY Lodge. No. 4. A. O. U. W. Meat para ara raquaatad to mart at lodcaroom. In Ixayua hollduc, Snaday, Dacanibar IB. at 1 p. am. aharp. From tnanca will proceed to tba realdenoe of our lata brutbrr, William H. tea oar whara tka radga will coadoct tba riiuanaiic runrrai aarrica or tba, or oar. laat all aaalat In paying a laat tlibata ta a faithful Btamkar and offtrar. W. K. BSNVIF.. Maatrr Work i WBaaiar. Racordar. TtntlBAL NOTICE. DAVIS- Tha fnnaral aarrleaa of Ttinmai J. Darta will ba ha Id at SS4 Mill atraot. Ha fur day. Darrmber IT. at 1 .no p. m. rrlrnda and acquaintanrra ara raapcctfully Inrttcd ta at taad. REPORT. modrratrty cord waatbor rrrcyall. mornlas In tka Rocky uouutalu aad eoaat atataa. while llckt anow la fall Jng In tha Dakotaa, kllnneaota aad aloof the It U much cooler la tka Willamette Tallry, tba aound country, eaatara - Orefon. Idaho, Montana, Naaada and Utah, and ooiTtaaond. laxly warmer la tba middle weatarn, middle Atlantic aad Naw Boa-land atataa. Taa araaanre kaa baaa to fall along tba onaat. Indicating tha approach of another, dla f kaaea. which win taaaa rain Saturday In weatarn Oregon and waatara Waiblngton and light rain ar anow la paatarn Waahlngtun and loano. it win na warmer tnnigat in waatara Oregon and warmer Satarday la eaat- era uragou aad eoutoern laaao. MABRIAOE LICENSES. Adolph Bchaffer. to, Hophla Llntemter. i. U. PortL.W; Nancy E. Turner, ilk Henry A. Waat. SO; Ida A. Marpky. B A. ktarakall. St: Maudu Boaa, XI. Clyde Baa be. M; LnU CbanneU, M. Oeorwe Bearer. M; Carrie Orieger, IT. BIBTHB. IWesfcar IS. to Mr. aad Mra. Jamea N. Ada ma of S48 Sand.r road; a danatiteT. December lk, to Mr. and Mra. J. W. Cooper af Befi Beat Oak treat; a ana. December la, ta Mr. aad Mra. William J. White at 1TSB Pnrtaaamitb aaanaa; a aau. 00NTA0I0UB DISEASES. Beeeaiker IS, Shattack aUeeta; tlarrett at Ilarrla arlet ferer. aad DEATHS December IS, TImbert t'ambala, aged B montba. at Bt. Vlncent'a btatpltal; canae, tknaab in. nth aad throat and raatum. Burial at Mount Ual rary cemitary. Cremateriam aa Oragea city ear Itaa. aear allwood; modern, aclentlflc complete. Ckargea - Adalta, tU; children. (St. Tlaltora a m. to n p m. Pert la ad Cra ma tlan aaaoclatlea. Part lead Or. The Bdward Holmaa I nrtertaklag remaaay. funeral direct ore aad ambalaMra. ZJU Third atraat. SOT. J. P. Ptaley A Sea. faneral dlraetora aad aeabalmera. bare ra morad to tkalr aew aaua llikmiat. corner Third aad Madman atraeta Berth aheaee Na. . Paaeral wraatka aad rwt flown a aparialtf Bt Baa a City Oraeakoaee. Tweatr-aecoad aad Beat Marrlaon, opp. cematerr. SEAL ESTATE TRANSFER A. M. Wright to V. H. , Birth, lot S. bVck 4. (oucb addltlnh SU.'kK) Ellea M. Walt ta A. B. HoVemb. lota 1 and t. block 1TB, Park addltloa . 2.280 0. O. Sahlalrom awl wife to W. W. Shaf fer, leU B. 10 and 11. block 1. Koee lawa aaaes SO) kt B. Roe ta B. A MIL hi... lot S, block 4V Baanyalde addition 1.B00 Portlaad unlveralty rt .L to 0. W. Bate., lot IT, block 50, I'nlveralty Park BOO Frederick U.n.erford and wife to A. K. Beam, lot iff. block 46. Hunnyalda I William A. Deuipaey aad Wife ta O. T. Croenl. lot 1 fractional block 1. (We addition 02f & H. Jeter aad wife to 1. B William, lota 1 and 2. Mock 3. Strobe's addl tloa (00 Jamea A Gray and wife to Park laind eomnaay, bit 4. block SS; lot So, block Tl, Onleeralty Park ano John M. rittlngrr and wife to A. '.HI. lot IB. block ID. Lincoln Park V1 Alnewortb National bank to A. '.-11. let 18 black IB. Mucin p.rk Sno Marie lloenel and bu.band to C. O. St. Mali. let. 1S-20. inclualve, block BT. Prnlnaular addition No. 4 1.S00 Tyler Woedward, tru.tee. aad wife ot Security rtaviag. iruet company. truetee. block S. Fultoti. 10 acre. Irt I S. SouthmaT'l donation ln. I i-lalm. 1 Tiler Woadward. Treate. and wife, to Security Having A Trilt crmp.ay. tree tee. Mra lb waat u aoutheaat Vi eer tloa 11. northweat U northeaat U aec Ik.n 33. tewaafcTp 1 vrthr.ng. 1. ea.t. sad etiar 1 IT. Ala me ether pcopert truetee. to rWnrlty Bav A Treat company, tnmtee. math w at U aartlea 2-t. townasip 1 aeotk. range S eaat, and. otkr-r prop act j , 1 C. P. Seiiert, truetee. aad wife, to Secur ity Savlage Trail onmpaay. tru.tee. lew SB arrea eectwa IS. townehlp 1 aouU, raage S eaat , I at rear laaareaca and abatrarla te real eetete rrem tha Title Qua re a tee 1 Treat af orameroe eatining. imBnt PEBMITB Miff Blag, repair to lo.oae. Clack BBS SSSaWaF atrecia. HOPS ARE QUIET; TONE IS IMPROVED Brewers Are Only Buying for Immediate Use Exports to London. LION COFFEE ADVANCES FIFTY CENTS TODAY Turkey Market Reaches High Point """ Chickens Very Dull Came Sells. Front Streaf, Deo. IB. Tka principal market feat urea are , I.lon coffee SOe ap. Turkey market rallng higher, t'blckena a vary poor aate. Hop market la Iniprorlng. A new turn in onion alttmtlon. Ordinary pota'taaa ara weak. Heary reoalpta of freak meati. Oallfornla ataemer briuga regetablra Good demand rule wild game. Local Bak reoalpta light. Sep Mtrknk Ia Ira preying. A noticeable Improvement la apparent la the bop market. Tha ceolee ahew .a better itl'pnaltlnn and dealeia here aaam ta bare recurered from tha vary elcfc apell which the y found LkemaelreB ap to a abort time ago. Erea me moat Doarian or toe n era prune w admit that tha hop market kaa rery likely al- r......)...rt tk. kn,(nm nf tkt .....nil'. prl.ea, and wltb . better demand, which la 1 u: jm awe lu luir, ui uirwi win awawaeea. Ihe following la the report of tbe New York nop ucutH-lllig coaipanj. iw i-uiie. ... London Trade confined te narrow lltulta aad Iioiu.'ra mw. u't iee.u w - Ouaaumara atlll buy aa a paring ly aa poaalkla, by tbe retail aatare of their ordera that little c. nfiJcncc la felt la tha future Continental A fir mar aad mora confident tone rrrralla, without, bowwrer, any chanse la valoea. New York The general trade eoatltmae to drag- The ordera In are too amall to eaatatn anything Ilka a firm tone to our market, and vaiuee can oniy no uiau wimuiwi. -- - Tklrty-eeeen renta la tka top price here for choice New lore aiaiaa, auu w mw w-e Pacific coaata. Exporta ta Europe for the week, 4 476 balee. I'acinc Coaat Since our laat we hare had a decided lull In thla market, but there la na . . .. I,, Bn.aF. are takllllf cnange io repwr, - - ............. - -- only what preealag reqolrementa oblige them . .. - - ,. .... .LMaiiUia in fnrca to, WOIH RH'lUt'l B aalWW iw . t-ualiieaa." Lion Coffee Followa Adyaaea. Thla morning local whojeaalora were notified a . . i a n ., advance OJ lOe .TWOiaey ni"'T inwaaa, a of tur per pound In tba former quota tlona Tbla make the aew price of Lion the same aa that of Arbuckle, which ehowed aa adfeoce aercral dare ago. Turkey Market Ruling Higher. The ecarrity of turkey etrppliea continue and the price baa already reached within He of the rery hlgheet figure reached during tha lhaukaglvlug aeaeaa. Today aonie dreaaed tur keya were adld on tbe atreet at Uc. while tba hlahaat price Thankaglrlug waa SSMiJ. "ra blrda are hardly coming at all. Tbey are quoted around lStJlflc. The Mppllea of chlck ena contlnoe too Urge fof tba dearjaad aad the market remalna weak at former railage. . a w- k.rrt to nlitaln The lame gaeae aou - drra.nl la larger. Wild bird, are ajpjjpg In alBaral anppiy Wltal ana waaw-aa. a A Mew Turn In Onion anuaiioa. A new featare baa aprung up la tha onion altnatlon which kaa up to. thU time been ... . i w artarteaa. fmifl Kan Fran- . anur unran-vm. aa,.-a. .a. 1 ,i--ia,r there hare recently pnrchaaed beary .uppllea of otUon. In Au.trall for January-February delivery. Tbeae. " rdlni to tbe adelree. wllf ba Uld dawn In L. Vranclaao at 2.6 p hundred pound, duty paid. If thla I. true It will mean that or.-g.rn grower, aad dealer, who have been S5m o. obtaHUns tbe high prj ' wblrii ruled la.t aaan wlU b.v. to take a back t. Tbe potato market la firm for fascr "tock. belt amall poutoea aeed a lock principally--! aelUng aiak it MBT-SBBBaV. , Today', lullug prloaa: Oral.. Plour and Peed. W BEAT New aad aid Walla Walla, B40 ,nd v "whole. MS.00 par taa; eracfc 12k 00. "TSi'r.Terat-N 1 white. 117.00; "lofRau OrBPataata. S4.(B trVlgbt $H To; allay7 KW; srahaak. w 4mjiTl-Fi?BraB. I1B.00 per toe. mid dUan. (A.oO; aherta. country. IM.60; chop. H A T ProdBaara' nrlea TlBtby, Wlllameite va"c fanTy 1S MO1B.00; ordinary. 1100f 11 00 ea.tern Oregon. Ill .ot'OlB 'h; raUel ll.uoSl-00; cheat. 111.0011.10. Hepa. Waal aad Tfldaa. HOPS 1B04, Hc far porta; M Sir fur choice; SBVaOlSa for prime, and sa-iKii Nomiaal. Taller, eoaraa ta lTOISc; Bna lr; ea.tera Oragea. 12ic. hToHAlB New, BOc. t-HBBPSKlNS Sbearlag. IO4JB0C; abort wool. BOajeOc, medium wool. SOSjnoc; BOCKSl.t.1 e.ca. TALLOW f Prime, par lb. 40c; Na. S aad t'HITTIM SABK tc par lb, buying price. HI DBS Dry bldra, no. I, IB lb. .ad aa. liailVtc par lb: dry kip. No. 1, ft to IS Iba. 13c; dry e.lf. No. 1, under S Iba. 16c. dry aalted boll, .ad etage. 1-1 lea. th.a dry Bint: aalted bide., efevr, wead, 60 Iba or over. Ttjee; BO to BO Iba, THr; under So lb aad cow. BMBjmc; .tag. and bull., aound, d'ye, kip. IS lo) lbs. Be; aoand. 10 to 14 Iba, Src: caU. aaaad, under 10 Ihe. Be; green (aa tted. Ic per lb leaa; call., le per lb leaa; buiae hldee, aalt.d, each. l l-tajl TS. dry. each, 1 One ISO; colu' hldea. each. 3SB)oOc; goat .kin., common, each. inOlbci Aagara. with weel on eark. 2SoC$l 00 Batkar, Sggs aad Peal try. Rt TTCK PAT Sweet. 38 Vie; eoar. 31 He. Bl'TTBH (Tlf creamery, beet. f,Qftc; aecond grade. 222f- oatatde fancy. ItHc: ordinary. 3Bc: onlu atorage. 33jlc; eaatara aad tallfornla. UVkeSBc: atore. ISBlllkc. F.OOS No. 1 freeb Oregon, 32W- eaat- rn aeleeta 3603TV.C: oold atorage. I4Q2Sc. CIIEESB New Full cream, twla. UVe; Young America, lsr; Raatera, IBSSlSe. POITLTBI Chicken., mlied, Bve per lb; hen., 10c per lb; rooetrra, old, Br per lb; young. Omii'. c per lb; broiler., lOe per lb; fryer.. lOe per lb; duck., old, lOHc per lb: yonag. liay'.te per 10: geeae HiryHvte per in turkey liUluc per lb; dreaaed. 2oa22r per Ih. WlI.D OAMB Teal. 31 TB: vrtdgcoa. 1 TStj 2.011: mallard. SS.OOeJS.oO; c.nvaabacka. M-B0 t. . Frulte aad Tagakahlaa. POTATOES- Bret Oregon, B&aMe buxra' price.. 70J37V; eecead grade. TO. otBSSe BT.3B, aack: burlr.e orlce SSttBSc: aweet.. Iieet crated fl.Sldl.40: New California Be lb. ONIONS Loral. 8I.40J2.nO. buyer.' price, country. (2. 104)2.28; city, 12.1082.28; garlic. Mill", per lb. FBBSH FRCITB Applee eitra faacy, 11.80; f.nry Oregea. I1.00CJI.3S per hag; heap rra.be :to5 Jbc x r h..i : orange, naval, $2.urt2TS per boi- needling. II T8 per tan. Mndarlii.. 1 T8 per boi: Jap orangra. BSe bos; banana.. Be lb; lemon., choice. 1.1 23 per but: fancy. IS-T8 par boi: lianas, Meilcan. 6bc per 100: pineapple.. S2 oO 00; pe.ra. Sl'S'ttl.iO; grape.. Sinn per tail; eraiiberrlea, 0 nt) per hbl: Jerary. 310 per bbl; prnnee. Sr per lb; etrawbitrrlee, $2.UU per IS lb cr.le. VEOFTABLBS Tarnlna. 11.00 per nek: car. rctt. II O11 per aack: beet. 1 138 per aack; Oregon radlahee. 18c per doe: e.bbege. Ore- Ion, ll.80gjl.T8 rwt; lattice, botbouae. 280 or par doe; green pepper. 7c per lb: chill pap pec. 18c lb; celerv ,n0a)7&c per doe; toroatoee. California II 161 3b: jarealpa, TswgfSI 38: pie tl.nt :iJ2'io Ih: atrlng beana. 4c: cauliflower. II r." d". butler bean. Be; pumpklna. 1c lb; boraeradlab. 7Ce per lb: .areata Be; avian, roorna. 38c per lb. artlchnkee. IBSjSN per doe. DR. BP FH! ITS Apple, ev.oor.ted TBJBc per lb; apricot SVtAIV per Ih: earka. He per lb lea: peackea 112c per lb: pe.ra. per lb; prunee, Italian. 8Ho4He per lb: French. v,4T4o pee lb: Sga tallfornla M.ek SOSHe per lb: r.Mfnrnle white. per Ih: plent pitted, per Ih: datea. goldea. Be pee m: ferda. l 80 per IB-lb has. Sraasrtee. Veta. ita. BUOAB Bach haala Cake. IS SB; eewdered. H . fr.lt graaaMtsd, SI. all 4kf graa.l.t.4 H ll; beat granulated. 96.0b; extra 0, Mil, CtBea 0 kaVoo. bbla, luc, Ubbla Sftc. basee I advaaca oa aacb baele. leea IBe cart fat seek. IA daya; maple, Mrjloc per lb. HONBY leVgAlM. CO FKBK Package bran da, f IS SB. BALI Una- BaToa. la. aa. aa. aa. 10a, f 1.10; table, delry. 60a. aw avajl 1 bo: luoa in 00; Imported Liverpool, boa. Blk.OUfJia.VO; 100.. (M.kuaiS.00; SMa, tlk.MdiU.aVJi eitra ta. bbla, 2. le, be. 10a, ii.Su: balk, BSO Ike, fi.OO: eacka, boa. Boo. SALT Coeree Half groead. 100a, par tea. Bb 2ua o, Sua per ton. So oJO.oo: Uverpeol lump ruck. 116 6011. SO par tea; 60-lb rvak, M SHe 76; ioue, (1 T6CJ6 :. (Above prlrea apply to aalea af leaa tba car lata. Car lota at a pec 11 price aubjart ta Buctsatlaaa. ORAIN 11AUS t alcutta. $6 750100 per 100 UK S Imperial Japaa. Na. 1. c; No. 1. 4e; New Orleans Bead. 0Vac, AdJ.ck. IVc Creole, Ac. BaUNS-BkaaU white, 1c; i.,ga white, ivc. rink. 4c; bay on, Se; Umaa, 5c. Mast- u red. 544a. NUTS Peaaata. Tiic; Jamboa. SH par BV raw, WQiuc per lb. roatrd. cocoanota. toSJ Oe per doe; walaata. ltajiSc par lb; pin. auu, 10OUV.C per lb; hickory aala. 10o per lb; cheelauU. eeatafa. ISiSlSe par lb; Braall eate. Itc per lb. Slberu llle per lb. tancr p. can., 10 15c per Ibi .Imonda, ISO 15c per lb Meata. Flak aad Prerialeae. FRESH U BATS -Front atreet Beef , Bkc per lb; park, block, BVk lb; 1 oStHc par lb. bull. J' lb packer.. row. ettfavewe par la mutton, areaaao eai" extra. 7Wk.Sc per lb; ordln 4 gybe per lb; ordinary. BCJTe lb. lamb. fjk.ii7.u.c oer lb. HAMS, BACON, ETC. Portland pack tloc.ll I-.ma. 10 to 11 Iba. UC per lb; 14 to IS Iba. lZc per lb; IS to 20 Iba. 111k. per lb; cottage ; per lb; breakf.at bacon, UfklSs per lb per 10; Breakfast bacon, l.ajias per lea, Be . par lb; regjilar ahart clear, an te!, 10 par lb; amoked. lie par lb; clear ta. unaraoke.1. c par lb! aaaaked. lut pi. nice moki baefea per Ik; Unloa butt. 10 to IS Iba. uuamokad. ac per lb, amakad. Be par lb; clear be 1 lie., aa looked. 11c per lb; emoked. 12c per lb. LOCAL LABI) Kettle leaf. 10a. 10V.C per lb; 5a, lo.c per lb; 60-lb Una, 10c per Ik; alr.m rendered, 10a. c per lb: 5a. 'c per lb; boa, tWc per lb; compound tlercea. BVac par lb: tela dX. n.e Iko IK, nee lb. bAaSCP s A I, alt) Pi Columbia river t id ; Sib telle. 12 50; fancy 1 lb Bat, hw; fancy fiata. ll 28, faacy l ib ovala. 17, Alaal aaka tall Dink. UDOOc: red. ST. 50, aomlaal a, tan. sz.vo. rilH Bock cod. Tc par lb; Sounders. Be par lb; baUbut, Te per Tb; craba. fl 25 per dea: alrlpad baae, locjISt,' far lb; catfieh. Tc par lb; .almon. eteelheeda. SUa par lb; fraaen .liver Idee Beic lb; herring, Be lb; aolre. Be per lb; ahrlmps, 10c per lb; abed, dreaaed. per lb. perch. 6c per lb; abad roe, par lb; abed. Be per lb: black cod. lc per lb. Column!. river emelt, 10c per lb; .liver amelt. Be par lb; lubaura, UMc: freab mackerel. Sc; crawflak. 20c per doe; flouadera. 6c per lb; turgeon. Tc per lb. 0Y8TBBS Skeelwatrr bay, per gi. .2 per aack. 4 Otr-net; oiympl. par aerk, Sl.lB. CLAMS Hard abelL per bat. S200. raaor cl.au. 91-00 per baa. Paaata. Deal 00., Bto. BOPB Pare Manila, lie: .t.nd.rd. 12a; SImI. 0e: I. tie braad Blaai. . COAL oil. Pearl er Aatr.l i'..ea. tlMr per gal; water white. Iron bbla lc per gal. wooden. par gall headlight. lTO-deg. caaaa 23V.C per gal. Iron bbla 17c per gal. LINSEED OIL Pur. raw. la bbla Mr per gal. caaee 57c per gal: genuine kettle boiled, caaaa c per gal; genuine kettk e.l. bbla &4c oer eal: bOc per gal. note aec ground cake. r.r lot. 2s. 00 per ton, leaa tbaa car lota SSB.eo per ton 0A8OUN BB-deg. ram SEc per gL traa tbls 21c per gal; atora aaa aavte per gai. 33c per gal. Iron 110a ooia lac per gal BBS B 1 ns-oai Ibla lb V per gal. PAINT OIL Raw. bbl lie par gel. caaee BBC per gal. Dolled, cam 40c per gai. TCRPf NTINE In rnae. 88c per gal. woode. bbl., Blc per g.l. Iron bbla The per gal, 10 lb CWHITB LBufl-V)u lata TKe par Ih; 800-lb Iota TAa par lb. leaa hrta Be per lb WIBB NAILS Preaaat baae at 12 60. SHEEP RECEIPTS ARE STILL VERY HEAVY Portland Unloa Stockyards. Dae. IS, The receipt, of .beep continue rery beary, but the demand la rood. Hoge ara a lao coming In a eteady etrraa., but tbe market la weak. Cat tic are .low to arrive The market la firm. KeeeiAfa todAy: 13B hogs, 37 cattle and 1.887 sheep. Offlcl.l ruling price.: Hog. Ret ea.tern Oregon. 38 28: beet Wil lamette valley, S.V004TS.1M. light. 14.00; China fata. B4.nn; stoekere aad feeder.. S3.3S4fl.3S. Cattle Beat eaatern Oregon .teera. 13.800 8.68; light aad medium a teera. 2 73U.T25: beet rowa, 12.753 OO; medlnm cowe, O 0O4)2.S0: old and light eowa, f1.80S3.00; abx-ker. and feeder.. 12 113.25; bulla. 11 T52 Sbeep Heat fancy .beep, 33800.1.18; lamba, I3.T8; ewea, 13 73, stork abecp, 12 38. EASTERN HOOB T.OWEB. Chlcaga Dee. IB. Uveetock reeelpte: , lioga. C.ttla. Chicago 80.006 30.000 Kanaaa City 10.000 3.Wm Omaha 1.000 1.3O0 Sheep. 8.000 2.000 6.0011 llnga Opened Be lower wltb 14.000 lert aear: receipt a year ago were 40.000. Prices: Mixed aud butchers. It 26C4 bo: good heary, M.( 1.80; rough heary, 14 .20 a 4 38; light, illBaJ 4.48. Cattle Steady. Sheep Steady. FIVE POINTS LOST BY COTTON TODAY (Fumlbrd by Overbeck. Starr A Cooke Oa.) Naw York. Dm. IS, Cottoa rkieed 8 point off. official arlcaat Open. High. J.nearp T 53 I . i.niary 7 no March Ai'ril May June July AUBtt.t ea t otrelier U vai pool , Dae. IB. Cottoa cloeed polnta Iowa Foreign Coffee Marhata. Haw York. Dm. IB. Havre and Hamburg coffee advanced 14 point. - w Primary, Shipments aad Clea Chicago. Uac. IS. Primary receipt. Today Year Ago li". I. Ruab. Wheal 720.000 640.000 Cora tafc-Mfw 400.000 shipment wars: Wheat 3T8.0O0 S2S.00O Oora B7,0tm into. 000 Clear. acee were: ne. i .no nour, pu ree boabela; cars, 8T.0O0 bu.be Is; oat. 10,000 buebele. Chicago Oaah Wheat. Chicago, Dee. IB. Oaah wheat cloeed about Ic up. Official prices: No. t real No. 8 red No. 2 hard winter No. 8 hard winter No. 1 northern eprtag No. 3 northern aprlng No. I aprlag Low. tToee. 7. SO 7 88 T.M411T 7.45 7 6.1 T.63Q6B T.BB TBS 7.70 T.T40T8 t2 t aa 7.st T.sitjsa T.SB T.BB T.B3 T.MttB7 T.BO T.BO TBo T.01&S2 T.B4 7.1m ,T,3 TBBljBT T.B.1 fW T.M tmIbb T.B04JS3 TBI T.M 7 47 T.804182 Llvernool Oetkaa Le-wer. Bid. Aah. .fl.ll 11.16 . 1.10 1.14 . 1.10 1.14 . 1.03 l.lo . ill 1 is . 1.08 1.15 . 1.01 1 13 Primary Oraln Receipt.. Chicago, Dec. IS Primary gr.ln today: Kanaaa City Wheat. BT ear. agslnt BT rare year ago. earn. Ill ngalnat 30. Oat.. 12 agalnet f- St. Louie Wheat. 87.000 buebeta agalnat 6noi yaar ago. Corn, 63.1a) boabela agalnat 1111 bushel. Oat. 43.0X1O buabel against 31,000 buebele. BAN FRANCISCO ORAIN MARKET. Ran Franelaco. Dec. 11- The official 11:30 e. in marbeti WHEAT. Open. High. M" ' rViV December .... 1.121, 1 I2'4 leOW. 11.46. Cloee. 1145 . 1.1314. I 12', Chicago drain Oar Lata. Chlcaga. Dec. 16. Orala car bna: Car. Ur.de Bet. 1803 Wheat 12 SB 4 Corn 144 414 Data 42 It IB Wheat car today: Mlnneapnlle. 481: Dtilnth. MS. Tear ago: Mlnoeepolla. 812; Darath. 80. Argeatlna Oram SklpraeaU. Chicago, Dee. 16 Argentine grain ablpmenta Tbla Week List Week Leat Tear Rnak. Bank. Kuan Wheat 661.000 30S.OO0 1S4.000 Corn .2.381.000 1.BS8.000 1.440.000 Liverpool Oral. Marhet. Liverpool Dec. 16 Clone Wheat. May. 7a 3,4. Sd down: March. T 3d. t down. cra March. 4a . i down. May, da 41,4. Md dowa. TENNESSEE COAL UP FOUR DOLLARS Bullish Feeling Rules on New York Exchange on Small Trading. PACIFIC MAIL SHOWS A HEALTHY RISE Amalgamated Copper Three Dol lars and Fifty-two and a Half Up. (Furnished by Overbeck, Starr A Osoke Co.) New York. Dee. is. Thla waa a ball day on tbe .tock exchange, although tha only bulla were the buyera tor tba Am.lg.m.ted Standard Oil Intareata. Tha principal gain waa made la Tattas.au Coal 1 Iron, which advanced 14 to 11 H. Amalgamated Copper went to us aad .bowed a rlaa of SB BSV. Tha eame gain waa Bade by Sugar Refinery It rloaed at 111K. t . t-aut advanced BS.no. PacISc Mall was a. live and showed a rlaa of SSliy. with tha rlcae at e41i Steel areferred advanced 12.STU at S1U. and Car Foundry roae 12.12', and cloeed at U. Moat of tha stack, traded in showed galaa. The official stock market: 4 Dflscsirnox. Anaconda Mining Co... aaai. uopner to A t m 1 eon, com do ur.ftrred. . . . Am. C.r A Pound. 102Hi"2 com do pref rrrod Am. Sugar, com Am. Smelt., cam do preferred Am. Ice., cos do preferred n.lllwore A ohlo, cam. do preferred Brooklyn Rapid Tran.lt Canadlaia Pacific, com.. Chi. A Alton, cuss , do preferred Chi A Ot. Waat., com. 1 hi.. MIL A Bt. Paul. . ("hi. A North., com Chl. Terminal Hy Chee.pvrake A Ohio Colo. Fuel A Iron. com.. Colo South.. 00m do 2d preferred, do let preferred...... Delaware A Hudaon D. A K o com do preferred.. Erie, com do 2d preferred do let preferred Illlnol. Central Loularllle A Naabrllle.. Metro Traction Co Manhattan Elevated Mextoan Central Ry M St. P. A St.. M. . . . do preferred. ... Mlaaourl Pacific M.. K. A T., com do preferred New York Central Norfolk A IV eater n, com. do preferred North American.. N. V out A Waat.... I'ennaylvanla By P. 0.. La. A 0. Co Preened Stool Car. com . . 100H 1 loo nn 32 u ill: 10841 1ST H 80 I so ttit;' oa laBHilSPiA 7Skl TH ioo'lio? 4lt 4.1 'a. 1S6H 138 106 108 fm&OrtLm. !'. ma S ll Kradlng, com do 2d preferred. .... do la praft rred Ptp. Iron A Steel, cum do preferred Rock laland. com. do pre. erred Southern Ry., com do are fern d Southern Paclflc Bt. L. A B. r.. 2d pfd do let '.referred St. Ia. A t. W., 00m. . . da prnferred , a , Tazaa A PacISc Trnn. Coal A Irua T., St. L. A w earn... do preferred Union P.clBc. rota do preferred r B. Leather, com . . . do preferred V. fl. Rublier. com do preferred D. S St. . -1 Co.. earn.. do preferred Wheel. A U K . com.. Wl.coneln Central, com do preferred Weatern Ualou Tele. . . . Wabaab. com awaF-ma ITS, is'4 do preferred Total aalr for day. 818,100 akarea. Moaey, l par eaat. SAB- FRANCISCO MIS" ISO STOCKS San Frsnclaco. la tlona: Dec. 111 official mining quo- Bid. I .08 .08 .31 .30 1.05 .22 .48 .21 M .18 1.T5 1.00 I Bid. Alpha Hale A Noreroea . ll.Ofl Alia Andea Belcher Beat A Bclcber. Bullion ( aledoala Challenge Cnollar rontidenoe Clou. I a 1 . - V a . . . "i. Imperial . Ion. New York, crown Point . . . Eureka on .... Kxebequeg ket.t Hide Uould A Curry. . Julia .07 liiatlea Kentucky Lady klaxlcaa .... Occidental . . Ophlr Overinaa .... Potual .00 1.00 .0 1 85 .TS 3 25 .OB .15 ! .21 .03 . M - .OTA .IT .58 .OS Scorpion savage Hrg. Belcher. . Mlerra Nevada Hllver Hill .. .0.1 .14 .no a .45 .01 .21 .15 int. Louie I Indicate ll'uloa Con .. itah Yellow Jacket TUNOPAH KXl'H A NOB. Bid. I $ .UHk l Montana Bid. .11.68 . .OB Nevada ... Midway ... North Star . Gold Field . McNamara Sand Htorm Extenalon . S.I rteai uo B4 81 Oold Moantala.. 21 II. -tomtit rt Red Top IT Jltn Bulger ::i Tun. Kiteuatnn . SSI .22 .42 .20 BOSTON COPPER MARKET. Beaton, Daa. 16 -Official copper atoeka rloaa: Bid. I Bid Adraatara Bingham 5 7.1 Michigan .... u.12', 84 25 Mohawk 50 . 1BTH old Dominion.. 25 80 1625 Parrel 20 00 Arcadian .... Atlantic Calumet Centennial . . Copper Kange. Daly Weat . . Oreene Copper Mas kilning. 846.00 Phoenix .. 25.50 Shannon 87.23 Trinity .. 12 00 I Victoria . 2T.13HlWlnona .. 8.T8 i Wolverine NEW YORK COFFEE MARKET New York. Dec. pednta up wltk a 16. Coffee cloeed 10 to 18 srket rery eteady. Official prlcee : Bid. Ask. I 17 88 17.40! July .a.. 7 50 T.55Augnat .. 7.68 T.TOlSepteraher T.73 t.eDIOctober .. T.BB T.B0! November Bid. Ash. .$S OA 18.10 . 8.10 8 20 . 8.10 8.35 Janna ry February March .. April .. May ... June 8 30 8.88 8.35 8.40 T.SB 7.40 7.U6 S OH December c aah coffee AC. Na. T Kla. Sc; No. 4 Sentoa. Demand Starling. New York. Dec. IB. Demaad sterling. 417 25; no day.. 464. to. PORTLAND BASK STATEMENT rlnge SBSI.8S4.8B . SB.2H7 IW ancea SAN FRANCISCO LOCAL STOCKS. aa Franrlacn, Dec. 11. Local atoeka doalng 10 80 s. m. : Bid. Central I.ieht IH San Pr.nrlaco Oa. A Elactrl 86 Aak & T4 IS 32?J 1 B5 i, la ni roeder ... Hawaiian Hugar . Ilnnokea Bngar . . Hutcblnaon Mugar Mnkawell Sugar . Paanheu Sugar .. Alaeka Packer' CiJIfoml Wine . SS ! .107 Oceanic Bteamebln Pacific SUtee Telephone,. H 2.6714. 8.871, 11.121 4 1- ', 12.25 104 00 BUYING ORDERS FROM NORTHWEST Purchases by Outside Markets Forces Chicago Wheat Pit to a Higher Point. DECEMBER ONE AND FIVE EIGHTHS UP May Option Five Eighths Higher -July Unchanged Short Covering a Help. TUB WHEAT MARKET Oaca 1 Imo Clone Oaln Today. Today. Tbura. Today. ll.OTk, SI.w4bU.0TV Olja December 1.101. i.u.t 1 lO'eB .uuk USS .BS4 .BB4 .00 (Piiralabed by Overbeck. Htarr Cooke Co.) Chicago. Dec. lS--Ia5..n A Brraa ear; Tke .gain led our. and buying from that center cauaed aome Uttia oat aide dem.ud aad tree covering by abort.. Tha market waa ant very active ana wblle It did not retain the full advance, atlll It cloeed wltb a fairly Arm ton Condition., aa wa view th.m, ara amelyiaged. - Thla la tha third day of tha advance and tha break from tha top would indicate that there haa bean aome prolt taklng aa a large Seals. We continue to feel that tha market la a acalplag affair. Wa doubt If higher price can be maintained. Can Market Plna. Tke corn market la arm. Oommteekiu houee have been active on the buying aide. The eaah demand continue, moderate aad I demand le lthelr to Imaroea later 1 anrport B..tern market, are bare of atocha. Ia view af tbeae fact., combined with large abort Intereata. wa till Incline to the belief that purchaaea of May aader 48c will not hurt much. Oaah Kenan Buying Oaks. la oats tbe eaah beaeee ara again prominent oa tha buying aide. Otherwlae condition are unchanged We aee nothing at tha moment likely to change condition. In thla market. Provlalona Sam. In flaw. Tba prevtak.n trade la still slow and while aome little Improvement I. noted In the outside demaad It la still alew and timid. We continue to feel tbe market la likely ta continue of a acalplng order. Today', official market: WHEAT. Open la High. Low I 11" I LOT Cleae. 1.07 . 1.10 l OTIl I I .SVB 1.11m, .Ml! COKN. .88 .48 48H O ATI. ur.sa pobk. 11.30N 1282 12 WO 12.B2V.A jar T.12A 7 22 HA MA o-SOA 6B2V.A 12.80 1268 12B0 1250 13.00 1. A 111'. 1.S5 a 0 T.lT'i T.lTVk S.S5 T.12H T 22', 7.12S T.22H SHORT RIBS 682H 660 6B6 OUTSIDE WHEAT CLOSES. -MAY OPTION- Tbura. Milwaukee 11.10' Mtnnespoll. l.IZ ultnn . 1.1S I OK. 1 a Ol I . 1.1BH 1.13 1 02 1.12 raauaaaa ' 'ij .... New Tark Chicago San Franc teco. 1 MMU) l.HHA rental.. 1.404 1.1 1.45 Seattle Oraln Market.. Seattle. Waab., Daa. IB. -Wheat. Sue, Club, BSC. . blueetem. B OF OOSTDl From tbl Springfield Republican It Was a woman who Invented "con dsnaed milk." wblcb, while .nobody wants It who. can sot tha original arti cle), la navarthelaaa of great value on journeys, on shipboard ana for emer gencles. It was each an emergency that led to the first oondemaed milk, for Mra. Al bert Cashtnr;or. of New Orleana, 80 years ago had a alck baby, and muat get expert medical attendance If it were to live. That could not be had nearer than New York city, and It waa A long; aea voyage away. Mow to keep the lit tle baby alive through that voyage ahe did not know. But ahe had put up many preserves and many jelllea In her time, and ahe be(an . to experiment on milk, and succeeded, nn . put up a lot of jara of her original condeneed milk, which fed her child through the voyage. Tha fact Inter, ate. l several people In New Vork. and finally Mra. Caahlngor gave her proceas away to a pack of sharp fellows, who made fortunaa out of e omi en rod milk and never gave her a cent. posthbw km atjto j. Ft om the Chicago Tribune. Parisian poet men are soon to ride In tbelr automobllea, and not only bo grand but rapid. It Is Intended to run tha wagons between the central pastofftce and the different branch offices 111 tbe city. Borne of the latter are located at a considerable distance. The new postal cars are operated by accumuln tors. The total weight of the car la 1.4 tons and the batterhsa figure for 1.300 pounds. The motor la placed In the center of the truck and driven the rear axle by chain gearing The bos which forms the body of the car la considerably larger than before. It car ries a net load of 1.400 pounds. It Is expected to run at a spied or li miles an hour within the city, but the oara have been tested as high aa SI ml lee an hour. Of the 15 cars which are te be put In aervlce li will operate regu larly hnd three will serve aa relays. A charging atatlon oontalnlng the latest appllanoea haa been Installed In tbe cen tral postofflce building. From the Chicago Journal. Actuaries employed by Insuranoe com panies sfdopt a atandard method of com puting proapoctlve ages of rink To ascertain how many years a person of given age la ordinarily expected to live, the present age Is deduoted from (0, and two thlrda of the remainder will Indicate the likely future Span of Ufa. i. Actuarial schedules are a unit In thla system of calculation. In illustration of the above statement: Age 10 de ducted from 10 yeara ahowa that 40 yeara la the atlotment, while age (0 from 80, leaving balanoe of 10, repre sents that 11 yeara and t montha should. In favorable routine, elapse before the Insured Individual's life la olftaalflott In the pant - tense column. Thua It will be obeerved that Inaurance eorporatlona go the biblical allowance) of "three-score and ten" years bettor. a Mrs. Moat animals are afraid of fir and will fly from It In terror. To othera there le a faeclnatlon about a flame and they will walk Into it. ovob though tor. " I TliLl. YOUK NAMB SfMJcial This Week. 50c $10.00 Life Reading leer era as ml.takaa la taa predicoea rn.de by tb. great ua4 wonderful payehls You star wfh as haa If It U .avlaable la sake a change In bualnee, la love, la SSB rlage. "Shall I ancced In mv now undertaking 1" "Can I obtain mv hone mv wtahea. mv a ra ti! Clonal' "Shall I ever aajar the luxarlee af wee lth r' "Caa I traat me 1endt" "Mara I enemleer "When ahall I marry V "Hew often ahall 1 marry V "Shall I aver ha. Ata.weeaBv" "Doea another share tha love that rightfully long, to mar' "If no. wheal V r "Am I loved la return?" "ft there a rlel ta my loeer' "When ahall mv love affair terminate to marriage" "Whan ahall mv someetle trcabVea eaar "Bow caa j make my Ufa aad hem. happy r "When ahall my abaent friend retura?" "Why do I not receive a letter T" nOUBS 10 to DAILY AND SCNDAY. 29IK Morrison St.. Corner fifth rioox of AND NOW WE THINK OF GOOD THINGS TO EAT The next thought is where to get 'em why, st Fellows, of course. He's the man your friends and neighbors patronize. You're next. 91.00 17 pounds best Granulated Sugar. 25 I pounds Plain Mixed Candy. 20 Pound French Mixed Candy. 20 tf Pound Choice Chocolate Creams. 15a Pound Best Mixed Nuts. 15 Pound Boft-ahell English Walnuts. S . ' Quart Fresh Roast PeaarTXts. 25f pounds Fancy Now Dntos. 5 Pound Best Rtoe Popcorn. I pkgs. Condensed Mince Meat FELLOWS 374 Washington Street Quick Delivery. Phone Main 2594 Are you perfectly satisfied with the meata your butcher serves you with? If so. all right: but If not, we want to hear from you, either In peraon or over Eaat 412. HINDORf BBOS. ISO Orand Asm. rrompt Delivery. CHICKENS 14c POUND Tillamook Creamery Butter 50t Full Cream Tillamook Cheese, lb 15 S dox. guaranteed Eggs. . ,1 55o Try our HOLLEY BRAND Butter, fresh churned daily, roll 65s Nothing better. Enterprise Creamery 127 FIRST STREET " Between Washington and Alder Phone Maui 6S34 turad by the host. A horsg In a burn ing stable goes msd with fear, but a dog Is aa cool In a flra aa st any time. He keeps his nose down to the floor, where the air Is purist, and aets himself calmly to finding his way out. Cats In flrss howl plteously. They hide their faces from tbe light and crouch In cor nets. When their rescuer lifts them they are, as a rule, quite docile and sub dued, never biting or scratching. Birds aeem to be hypnotised by flra and keep perfectly atlll; even the loquacious par rot in a Are has nothing to say. Cows, Ilka doga, do not Show alarm They are eaay to load forth and often And their way out themasives Drummer What la tha population of thla town, uncle? Uncle Rastus Pouh hund'd an' teen public an majohlty, aah. oowrao. Borxm a co, (Eetabllahed lkl.) WaTBAT AWTJ STOCK nOXIBIa Boom , Orcrnnd Tloor. CaTAkfaSBB OP CrOaTirnO-B OVERBBCK, STARR A COOKE CO. Members Chloagro Hoard of Trade. teBaATSf. PBOIlllOBI, OOTTOB, BTOiTBTB AVWS BOMBS. 102 Third Street kfcKar Building. Portland. Or. WB 290 A RHOnf OOMMIBSIOaT SUBlBSseS. ConUnuoua Marketa by I rlvate Wire, yulck Barvloa. RKFERKNf T.8 Iadd a TUIetv bankers, and United States National Bank of Portland. Sir Fr tach 303y4 Washington Street. 10.00 Complete 50c Life R etrtfa for This Week Only I DO HSRKBY SOLEMNLY AOBBB AND GCARANTKB ta make 7 on Be ebarga If I fall to nail reu br name In full, uamaa nf Cnar frlaaak. enemlee re rival. I promt.. toll rna wfcether roar kaahaad. wife or sweetheart Is true or falsa, tell you new to gala tbe leva af taa one roe asaat desire, eveu though mile away: bow to auccerd In aneineee. apcultion. lawanltt; now to marry tka aae nf your choice: haw to re gain youth, health and vitality. Reuwv.-a evil msoeaae, curve drink knelt: laealee treaaurea. curaa all aarvoua dlaeaaaa. Hew can I have good inek 1 How eaa I anreeel In bualaeaal Hew eaa I make my kerne happy t Hew eaa I conquer my eneaaleat Haw caa I marry the mm 1 r hoe Ml How eaa I marry welll How aaua eaa I marry! Hew eaa I naagaar my rival! How sen I make any oaa km mil now aooa will my lover propone? Hew eaa I gal a letter new eea I set a anal noaltlon? Now oa 1 ,retnove eal Inf luencoe I now caa i control any oner Row nuke Iterant onae think of aset How eaa I hall my hnaratad's love I How can I keea me wife' a love 1 HOI BK 4AILY. 10 TO T. AND SUNDAY. BOSH WASHINGTON ST., COB IIFTH AND Washington ITS. ion Vaii mm WHOLESALE AND BET AIL. Groceries and Provisions New Store 1 47 First St., bet. Morrison and Alder. Phone Main 1212. Batter and Eggs a Specia lty Vegetables and fruits always fresh as the dewa of the morning. Every thing neat as a pin and clean as a newiy-coinea aonar. Western I). Q. sugar, per aack . . One sack good hard wheat flour. 8.90 gl.ou asc a pounds goon rice New croD drv nrunea. ner lh. .. I pounds Italian prunes 1 puunds seedless raisins -1 pounds best cleaned curranta . . . New crop tomatoes, standards, t cans "rn - b. rkge. Oold Dust One 1-lb. pkg. ammonia washing .iillU , Kele-Naptha soap' li bare Royal Savon aoap rtebv Klephant aoap 2 bottles Solder's Catsup . ... .. - ... i- English Walnuts. . 1 pound white honey 10-pound pall pure lard 5 pound pall pure lard Good Oregon creamery butter. . . . So lio SSo 15c bo I ... a.-u - - 1S-5 ISO OV Eaat sale Delivery Taeasay aad rnd.y. The cresm of all good things In gro cerlsa always In stock. Our prlcea are liways Hfhi. you gat the worth or 'our monev when you trade with ua. A.J. FARMER Wholesale and Retail Grocer Third and Jeilerson You can eava 10 per cant by dealing with me Boat Creamery Butter.. 6le and :- roll 1 . aBBs isasl Pals Potatoes, aack $1.00 W uux .rcar I pounds good Rice a paga. rrincess noyai Maccaroni , . . -u 1 fb. Schllllng'a Baking Powder lee 1 lb. Royal Baking Powder 40o 1 lb Arm A Hammer Soda lo I bar Naphtha Soap to II bars Royal Savon Soap ir, bars Baby Elephant Soap tte 10 bara Diamond C Snap 23c I bara Owl oap 2...- 10 Iba. Saco or Tantoca s. lb. good English Breakfast Tea, r- sat eugsr-curea name, l id I .; lb. Gunpowder Tea fne 2 cans Primrose Cream lie It Ibc. TV O. Sugar . . 1 aerk best D. O. Bus arar i., n. 1 eark good Hard-Wheat Flour. .. .11. o- 20-lb. pall beet Laird Il'.Oi 10-lb. pall pure Leaf Iasrd II t-lb. pall pure Leaf Lard IOi 2 bottles Snlder'e Catsup ..JSi 1-gal. can Table Byrup to 1 lb. new Soft-shell Walnuts l.V 1 lb. Rice Popcorn s. 8 lbs. fancy Its lien Prunes 28i 1 lb. Lemon Peel 1 , 1 lb. Orange Peel v., 2 lbs. Citron Pool j.v Deliveries on East Side, Tuesdsy and Fridays WASHINGTON MARKET 111 ytret Btraat, Bet. Washlnctea aad Stark. Psaae Main S410. Rolled Rnaata 10 tn Z14 Prist Bib Rnaata li Slrlola Steaks iffii Tenderloin Sleaka 12'-,r Porter bonae Hteeka 12, tn I Round Strata : Inn Plain Steak a. 8 Iba for Leg Ilattoa 10r Leg Lamb ,. Hie Mutton rftorjn. It Iba for 1.V Loin or Itlb Tbopa lOe Shoulder of Mutton nn.ii - Mnttnn Stew .J, 4" Tork Rosats 10 to 12' Pork Cboya 10 t 11V Veal Ro.ata 10 to 12' Veal Chop. 10 to llu... annate ifeet. 8 lbs for e TV H.rnbnrger. 8 lbs far Sfle Sugar t 'tired Breakfast Baron m neat Baatern Sugar i 'nred llan Beat Craatnery Butter PreaS Ranch Bsce Bread. 1 loavee for Chtahaae TAIrXB a KRA ..BO tn Su.. Be .18 to li- 9tf2.nde.rd Market B BAB OX MARKET 817 EAST BURBHDE Phone Eaat Tt. All lelrphona order promptly stteneM tn Same Butter, Same Cow Our Price 8Bg Others 65c and 70c - Creamery butter Best creamery butter . Dairy butter Renovated butter .... B-aVwn oer dosen . . . 40c and too . . .lie and 10 t 40o . . . 40o and fin . . .lio and )m 11 11. . . .14c and li-i 100 ana tspr. y. ;;!;;.;;; pounds for 21c Beat sugar-cured Picnic hsme .... Breakfast bacon Choose Swiss cheese . . . c. lie tea for. per pound Java-Morna oonee Arbuckle' s Lion coffee . . 2 LA GRANDE CREAMERY 04 TAMEILL