THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND, FRIDAY EVENING. DECEMBER 16. 1604. Send In your Mall Orders and we will save you money on every article, as we are not in the Clothing Trust Open every evening until Christmas to give the workingman a chance to buy where he can get the best values for his money. Corner Third and Burn&ide Streets THEMllJB The Entire Holiday Stock of the Sterling Clothing Co. Bought by us at 40c on the dollar and being sold at One-Half the Sterling Price Is the magnet that Is attracting the crowds to THE HUB. Only seven days left In which to take advantage of these unmatchablc bargains. Good news travels fast. Everybody Is talking and thinking, about this grand merchandise event. You can buy the World's Best Holiday Presents here at THE HUB and you'll have plenty of money left with which to buy and stuff a fine turkey. Facts are stubborn things, and you can't get away from the fact that THE HUB Is the friend of the people. Here's the story for Saturday's shopping: The Sterling Clothing Co's Fine Fall and Winter Overcoats Extraordinary Sale of Fine Hand-Tailored Overcoats That Is Without a Parallel In the City of Portland. ft fi7 "or choice 01 hundreds of elegant AC For hundreds of elegant Fall and 3)0. sO Winter Dress Overcoats, made in box and knee lengths or just below the knee, to the ultra-fashionable long belt coats. Sold by the Sterling at $12.50 to $15. AW For Overcoats, with over 500 4)1 1.40 to make your selection from. Elegant high class, hand-tailored garments ; none of them made to retail at less than $22.50 to $25; in black, blue, broken plaids, pin stripes, mixtures. Fall Dress or Winter Overcoats, a ereat manv of them imoorted materials, all hand-tailored, in black, blue, gray, steel, .brown, tan, etc.; short box opera or long garments, with or without belt. Sold by the Sterling at $16 to $18. A a f For the best in the house. Ab 3I4VO solutely the finest Overcoats made ; garments that the famous Sterling Qothing Co. asked $30 to $35 for. Pants We can supply you with the finest and best Pants in America. The Hub took all the Sterling Clothing Co.'s fine stock at 40c on the $1.00. That's the reason we can sell 'em at these prices. 89c For all the Sterling's fine durable Wor sted Pants that are worth up to $2. $1.48 For all the Sterling's perfect fitting, handsomely tailored Pants that al ways sold for $3.75. $1.98 For all the Sterling's strictly pure all wool Pants, in the swellest of patterns, that always sold for $5. The Sterling Clothing Co's Fi Fall and Winter Suits Christmas bargains in the great Sterling stock of fine Suits, Overcoats, Cravenettes and Pants, bought at 40c on the $1.00 and now on sale at prices that cannot be equaled from ocean to ocean. Every garment new and fr esh. made in the latest approved styles. Men's Suits at One-Half Price 4k7 tZ For choice of 800 All-Wool or 4I.Ud Worsteds, in single and double breasted styles, in black, blue ; also plaids, checks, stripes and mixtures; in clay wor- steds, serges, cheviots, tweeds, homespuns' and cassimeres. The very latest and best styles. Sold by the Sterling at $12.50 to $15. fcA AC I or choice of 700 Suits, excellent 4y7D All-Wool or Pure Worsteds, in select patterns of very choice clay worsteds, serges, cheviots, tweeds and vicuna ; in dou ble and single breasted sack, cutaway, frocks ; sewed with pure silk throughout and made with shape-retaining shoulders. Sold by the Sterling at $16 to $18. AC l'or choice of over 1,000 single 4Mi.yO and double breasted sacks, in imported and domestic materials, high class, all hand-tailored, sewed with double test pure silk, triple warp serge or Italian cloth lining, shape-retaining collars, front and shoulders ; 100 styles of patterns and colors. Sold by the Sterling at $20, $22 and $25. M J AC For choice of over 700 of as Tr.VO fine and good Suits as money can buy. You can take choice of the fin est and best single or double breasted sack. Sold by the Sterling at $27.50 to $35. Sterling Suit Cases Hundreds of 'em, and all bought at 40c on the $1.00; that's why we can sell you Suit Cases at these prices. 91.50 For the best $4 Suit Case on earth. 93.00 For the Sterling guaranteed $7.50 Suit Cases. 95.00 For a solid sole leather Suit Case that the Sterling sold as aJeadei at $12.50, and they were well worth it. 97.50 For the Sterling Beauty Bright Honeymoon Suit Cases. They're swell for swell occasions. Underwear The Biggest Bargain Ever Offered by This Remarka ble Cut Rate Store. 91.00 Takes the choice of all the Sterling's $1.50, $2 and $2.50 finest Lambswool Underwear; 10 varie ties to select from. . Hats All the Known Brands All the Popular Shapes AH the New Colors, Are Here. $1.50 For the Sterling's $2.50 and $3.00 qualities. $2.50 For the Sterling's $4.00 and $5.00 qualities. Fancy Vests Make Nice Holiday Gifts. Here's Some Fine Silk Figured Ones That Are Up-to-Date. $1 50 For the Sterling's $4, $5, $6 Silk Figured Fancy Vests. Suspenders Big assortment of the President and Uncle Sam reg ular 50c and 75c Suspenders. At The Hub, per pair 25 SOe For the Sterling's $1 and $1.50 Hounday Sus penders. 91.00 For the Sterling's $1.75 and $2 Holiday Sus penders, in fancy boxes. 1 Shirts All the Leading Brands and Makes Dress, Soft and Fancy Bosom. SO For the Sterling's regular 75c to $1.25 Shirts. 91.00 For the Sterling's regular $1.50, $2 and $2.50 Shirts. Socks Make excellent Holiday Gifts the brother, father or son would be pleased with some of these. IO CtS. Is the price for the Sterling's Fast Black or Tan Socks; worth 25c. Regular 25c Socks, half dozn in a box at 91-10. Suitable for Christmas presents. Just a Line or Two of Truth About The Hub's Motto SATISFACTION OR YOUR nONEY BACK means this: That If any person at any time buys anything at THE HUB that Is not In EVERY WAY satisfactory to you, bring It back and get your money: no questions asked your way Is the right way: nothing too good for HUB patrons. . Shoes Every pair of Shoes sold at The Hub is guaranteed to give entire satisfaction. We sell more Shoes than any two stores in town. $1.98 Men's box calf, velour calf and congress calf shoes, with solid leather insole and counters, and late spring styles; value $3 and $3.50. $3.00 For your choice of 3,800 pairs of the Sterling's famous $5 and $6 bench-made Shoes. You can pay $10 for a pair of shoes, but you can't buy a better shoe than the Sterling Shoe. Dress Gloves Here's an opportunity to secure the best Glove Bar gain ever offered to holiday shoppers. Every known make, style and color of glove is included in this tre mendous bargain offer. $2 and $2.50 Dress Gloves from the Sterling's Superb Holiday Stock are on sale here now at the unheard-of price of, per pair si. 00