19 THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, FRIDAY EVENING, DECEMBER . 1 1904. ERUPTION SALE ENDS IN A VERY FEW DAYS Agassi It PRICES SMASHED TO PIECES 322 Men's Suits 65 Men's O'coats worth$12.50 and$15.00, put into this sale at ... . p C Child's Russian Overcoats, mm Military style, belted back, velvet collars; J J sie3to8 rr girls as weUaa for boys-M' Boys' Long Overcoats, fa - a mm Velvet collar, belted back; sizes 8 topa Young Men's Long: Overcoats, ' a aT mm Ages 15 to 20, gray striped cheviot, vel- 'fc J vet collars Just 100 in the above lot K 50 Doz. Men's All Silk Four-in-hands, 4 mm Regular 50c values; this week while they last, ERUPTION PRICES on Men's nd Boys' UNDERWEAR A.LJL. THIS WEEK New line Men's Cassimere Pants best $3 p values . . tpl.VeJ tBn&St mmm ' mWmtm W " mW Footballs Free WHEN YOU SEE IT IN OUR AD. ITS SO MOYER. CLOTHING CO. r ---r- H ft . I Watches Free CITY RECEIVING HOSPITAL NEEDED Physicians Point Out Necessity for Central Place for Gar of Emergency Cases. COST WOULD BE SLIGHT OVER PRESENT EXPENSE Plan Suggested by Drs. Zan and Biersdorf Contemplates County Paying Its Share. Portland la In great need of a recetv Jng hlopltal. according to City Physician J. C. Zan and city Health Officer H. it. Bleradorf. They aay no other city with aa large a population aa Portland on the Pacific ooaet la without such an In stitution. They aay that at thla time, on the eve of the Lewis and Clark posltlon. provision for caring" for emer gency cases la much more necessary than aver before. They are of the opinion that the city and county should share the expense, and believe that the coat of mainten ance. In addition to what the city and county now pays for eVnergency esses, would be very alight. According to the plan proposed no ad ditional physicians will be necessary for the first year. The work could be done by the county phyalclan, the city physician and assistant and the city health officer. At the present time the city and county pay a large sum each month for hospital ezpenaea for emer gency cases, all of which would be cared for at the receiving hospital The med icines to the poor which are now dis pensed at aome drug store would be given out from the dlapenaary con nected with the receiving hospital, re aultlng In a great aavlng. The money thus saved could be applied to the sal aries for nurses. An ambulance would have to be purchased, and horses and a driver would have to be In readiness for service, but It Is believed that the am bulance could be made almost self supporting. It la eatlmated that to establish and equip an emergency hospital with, beda, operating tables. Instruments, ambu lance and horses would not exceed $1,000 and that the cost of maintenance, over the expense now Incurred for emergency casea. would not exceed over $200 a month. Thla divided between the city and county would be a small Item, The plan will be presented to the board of health at the next meeting by Dr. Btersdorf. He wlU ask that the proposition be submitted to the county commissioners, asking them to confer with the city bosrd of health In estab lishing an emergenoy post In this city. '1 believe It Is abaolutely necessary to have an emergency hospital," aald Dr. Biersdorf yesterday. "The city Is growing so fast and we are having so many casex which demand Immediate at tention that It la Impossible to handle them to good advantage. We have as FREE CANDY WITH SHOES - CANDY FREE 1 I w 0 a a S 0 2 0 "J !dmV . -mmm. SHOES SHOES FOR MEN SHOES FOR WOMEN SHOES FOR BOYS SHOES FOR GIRLS SHOES FOR BABIES DONGOLA KID SHOES VICI KID SHOES PATENT KID SHOES PATENT COLT SHOES Lace and Button Styles, All Shapes, and Priced Down Low. DO YOU WANT TO GIVE AN APPROPRIATE GIFT, one that the recipient will greatly appreciate? Then why not a pair of nice Shoes or Slippers ? Either one would make the best kind of a Christmas or New Year's present. We can suit almost any one in that line. Come around to our store and look over the many styles in the Shoe and Slipper Lines we want to show you. M Slippers wtxmmm rom woni slippebs rom lOTS WLxrrwmM ros axsxa PATENT VICI KID as BLACK riLT SLIPPERS aim raxT lurrau aas rmxT aasrnaa biows fbit lumsi WHJ fut lumsi in, riLT LisrsjD sxfoss iLL-FELT SHI sew styles sad prtoesj, greatly to-. M mW FRXE-A BOX OF CANDY WITH EVERY PAIR OF SHOES - FREE TIE STOIC P0I : TI E cCONOIIICaU, Baron's Shoe Store 230-233 MORRISON STREET. NEAR SECOND TIE NONET SAVERS IN SI0ES I (a) (a) X (ft JN 0 z If) Ift 0 E If) E H Q Z u a (it FREE CANDY WITH SHOES CANDY FREE large ' territory to eover aa Ban Fran cisco, and they have three fully equipped stations for emergency eases, while we. with 1(6,000 people, have none. m "I am In favor of s Joint city ana county hospital established In the center of the city and fully equipped. Two nurses, an ambulance and driver and beds and operating tables will be nec essary. I believe we can squlp a hospi tal for $1,000, snd the cost of main tenance over and above what the pres ent cost of handling emergency cases wlii be very small. We will -sate the hospital bills, which are very large, and also the dispensary bills to a large ex tent. We could also make our ambulance nearly self-supporting. "I feel that we should take Immediate steps to carry out this project In order to have everything In worklne order by the time vlaltora arrive In Portland." Dr Zan was no less emphatic In his assertions. He deplored the fact that such a large and rapidly growing city should be without one. "I believe that the best plan for an emergency hospital In this city would be for the city and county to eo-oper-nte in establishing and maintaining one. By doing so the cost would he slight The hospital should be centrally lo cated where all emergency cases could be treated. The dispensary should be there also. Instead of having It at some drug store. A great aavlng could be made. "The health departments of the city and county could unite, and no additional physicians would have to he employed. Enough could be saved from hospital end dlspenssry hills to psy the nurses. I believe that after the hoapltal Is es tablished we can run It with very little addltlonnl expense to the taxpayers." THE PACIFIC MONTHLY. Magazine Devoted to This Section Now Enjoying Prosperity. That Portland and the Oregon coun try Is forging to ths front and that the people of the east are anxious to learn something about this wonderful section. Is evident from the large num ber of Inquiries received by ths Com mercial club and ths publicity depart ment of the Lewis and Clark exposi tion for literature on Oregon. Another evidence Is the Increase In circulation of ths Pacific Monthly, a magaalne de voted to the Interests of this section. The publishers state that they are get ting ao many requests that It la Im possible to supply the demand, particu larly for the Issues of August, Sep tember, October November and De cember. These requests for the maga zine hsve come from Washington, D. C, Illinois, New York. Colorado and In tact nearly every stats esst of the Rocky mountains. The requests for the December number will total nearly 5, 000 more than the number printed. For January, 11.000 copies are being printed and there are Indications that this will not meet the demand. The magastne also shows that east ern bualneaa flrma are realising Its Im portance, for N. W. Ayer a Sons have Just closed a contract for advertising, which Is the largest contract ever signed by the magastne The January number of the Paclflo Monthly will be one of rare Interest. It has been Increased 12 pages, of which If will be devoted. to the reproduction of soma remarkaoly fine and artistic full-page views of ths Columbia river, taken by Mrs Harsh H. Ladd. This will be a forerunner of alx special editions to be Issued during 106. all of which will be handsomely Illustrated. The magastne Is doing much for this territory and deserves the unqualified support of every loyal and progressive cltlsen of Portland which It Is now receiving to a very encouraging degree. AN APPROPRIATE CHRISTMAS GIFT Eclipse Steel $35 to $40 Each Ranges -5 - t T- es We Guarantee an Eclipse Range for 15 Years Make your good wife happy Christinas morning buy her a Range at once while it only costs you the small sum of $ 1.00 DOWN And the Balance $1 a Week We will take your old store in exchange, allowing you full value. We give you a 15-year guarantee on the new Eclipse Steel Range. If the range is not all you require or expect of it, you can return it. There is none better and we would like to explain the Eclipse's good points. No trouble, we assure you, and buying not necessary. Holiday Furnhtir of Every Description. Open Every Night Prom Wednesday Uatil .After Christinas I. Gevurtz Sons First and Yamhill Streets The Uttle-at-a-Tfme Store Cavorts Salts It For Lest aTT?TffTVTIMIMf llfllf IMMvlvfvtvyfyyfVyfftffftMfftvttvtTTtt?y??fTfg, 1