THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND. FRIDAY EVENING. DECEMBER ! 104. It OREGON GLEE AND MANDOLIN (XUB SHANAHAN'S I mm Km kTI SHANAHAN'S SHANAHAN'S SHANAHAN'S The Glee and Mandolin club of the University of Oregon will give a eon cart of much Interest to the music lovers cf Portland tomorrow evening In the auditorium of the High school. There are quite a number of Portland boys In the club, and no doubt they will receive a hearty welcome from their many friends. The city Is represented- by Harvey Olafke, St. Clair Thomas. Hor aoe Fenton and Robert Rountree. During the concert Mr. 'Rountree will appear In monologue specialties. In which he Is very clever, for It will be recalled the success be made In "The Ameer," given by the Multnomah club last spring. During the early season the clube have given a number of con certs in eastern Oregon and the Wil lamette valley. At each place they nave been enthusiastically received, and the music they rendered earned the praise of the press and critics. ' The program which ha been prepared for Portland la one of Interest, and follows: A Toast to Oregon . .University Olee and Mandolin Clubs Hop Lee (Chinese Dance .Hearts Mandolin Club. Hal Ha! Ha! Ha! .Abt Olee Club. "On a Street Car" Mr. Rountree Floating Idly Atkinson Mr. Abbett and Olee Club. Alamo Love .Mandolin Club Love's Language Hearts Olee Club. The Swell.... Mr. Rountree Poor Ned K o river Glee Club. Sunset in Georgia Mandolin Club Peter Gray . .Mr. Rountree and Olee Club EllXlr JuventatlB .Stanley . Olee Club. Ticket for the concert can be se cured at Woodard & Clarke's ln-advance. LINN COUNTY IS TO DO GOOD WORK Systematizes Its Efforts for ' Suitable Lewis and Clark Fair Showing. TRAMPS WHO WHIPPED MIENER ARE RELEASED Prosecuting Witness Run Away " Blind Man Is Given a Bible Taxes Received. i (Special Dl.p.trh to The Journal ) J Albany, or.. Dec. 16. The committee appointed In this county to prepare for a suitable exhibit of the products of Linn county at the exposition next year met yesterday and organised under the fiame, "The Linn ; county Lewis and Clark exhibit committee." County Judge C. H. Stewart was chosen chairman, F. J. Miller, secretary, and K W. Langdon, treasurer. The greatest enthusiasm pre vailed and the outlook for the success of the committee is bright. President Jefferson Myers of the state commission was present and addressed the oommlttee on the Hens of county exhibits, and offered to give all the help possible to make the. work of the Com mittee a success. Several members were added to the committee, that every section Of Lthn county wilt be' repre sented. The committee will meet again next Thursday morning, when, toe work will be divided -into several departments' and superintendents appointed to take charge of, the different divisions. The' committee now consists of the following members " C H. Stewart, F. J. Miller. T. J. But ler, K W. Langdon, F. M. French and C. L Shaw, all of Albany; O. H. Russell. Sweet Home; A. Lewelllng. Tangent; J. H. Scott, Shedd; Eugene P. Palmer. Tall man; M. M. Nyers, Syracuse; Sam M. Garland. Lebanon: Riley Shelton Sclo; T. .F. Smith. Halsay: J. C. Cartwrlght. Hartisburg, and F. M. Brows. Browns villa Jrurt a Mala right. The two tramps who assaulted Wil liam Mlener at the depot In this city Wednesday night were yeaterday ar rested and after an examination were dismissed. They contended that they had come here with Mlener In a boxcar, that he had some money and that they all ate at ills expense. Later they en gaged In a quarrel and in the light he was knocked down after he had Inflicted Severe pnulshment on both of them. Mlener, when the men were arrested, hurriedly left town, and thereupon both men were dismissed. Mlener ts a Dane, and it Is supposed he made the charge ef assault with Intent -to commit rob bery. In order to have big former part ners arrested end held so that he could draw down some witness fees. At the prayer meeting In the .First Christian church last evening one of the most pleasant Incidents of ths winter was the presentation to one of the mem bers of the church of a valuable and Interesting Christmas present. It was a Bible, the only one of the kind In Al bany, consisting of 11 volumes, and was presented to Mr. David W. Brewer, a member of the church who has been blind since he wss 2 years old. The Bible Is in the New Tork point system, familiar to the recipient, and contains all the books of the Bible. The entire work cost a considerable sum of money and weighed. 110 pounds. Brewer at tended the prayer-meeting as usual Isst evening, and at the close was presented with the Bible by - Rev. Clark Bower, who made a neat addreas. Brewer had no inkling of the matter and was overcome by the gift, but he managed to make suitable reply to .the pastor and expressed his appreciation of the magnificent gift. The first move toward securing the Bible for the blind man was made by Mrs, Bray of ths Methodist church and later the work was taken up by the members of the Christian church. Sheriff R. L. White yeaterday after noon paid to County Treasure James Elklns 11.049.52. money collected during the past week on account of taxes. The money was received on account 'of the rolls for the years ltoi, 103 and ltOS. FUNERAL OF CORVALLIS MAN TO BE HELD SUNDAY (pedal Dla patch to The Journal.) Corvallls, Or.. Dec. It. The funeral of the late Seymour Chipman. who died yesterday at S o clock in the afternoon, takes place at 1 o'clock Sunday from the Christian church. The funeral sermon will be by Rev. Handsaker, assisted by Dr. Thompson of Independence and Rev. Mr. Noble of Corvallls. The funeral will be conducted -by the Mssonsy and Interment will be in Crystal Lake ceme tery. The deceased was 71 years and f months of age and was a native .of Ver mont. He lived many years In Illlno. and Iowa and married Prudent Makson in Iowa in 1161. He came to California In 1890. and to Portland In the same year, and resided afterwards on Gales creek and In Forest Grove until he came to Corvallla in 1193. He is survived by a widow and five children, as follows: Mrs. C. B. Mover of GUmore City, la.; Mrs. Lillian Simp son of Portland. Charles and Clarence Chipman and Mrs. Vldella Miller df Cor vallla BLUE MOUNTAIN GRANGE OPPOSES APPROPRIATION (Special Dispatch to The Journal.) La Grande. Or., Dec 10. Blue Moun tain grange No. 646 of Union county. Ore., Is opposed to the appropriation of tl(6,000 by the Oregon legislature for the Portage railway. At ita last meet ing it was agreed that It did not believe that the benefits derived by such build ing would Justify the heavy expenditure necessary to build the same, and that It believed that the ship canal which the federal government proposes to build is the only means of beneficial improve ment In transportation. DECIDE TO HOLD FOUR MEETINGS Good Roads Association Ad journs Second Annual Con vention at Salem. ADOPT RESOLUTIONS BY UNANIMOUS VOTE 7 . Counties Willing to Pay Expenses of Conventions to Be Favored Ones. A f '.rants Pass man has. been offered 616.000 for a supposedly played-out mine for which he paid $460. 10 o'Clock . Saturday Night! TO MEET the demand upon the "Sunday Journal'' made by classified advertisers on Saturday, "The Journal will accept such advertising which will be printed under proper classification up to 10 o'clock on Saturday night 21 Wordstar 15 Cents and a Valuable Premium Free 1 1Q O'CLOCK SATURDAY NIGHT (Special Dispatch to The Journal ) Or., Dec. l. The Oregon Good Roads association concluded its second annual convention here with the close of lis session yesterday afternoon. A decision was arrived at whereby four meetings will be held next year. These meetings will be held quarterly. Eastern Oregon Is scheduled to gat two of these conventions, the Willamette valley one and southern Oregon one. The meetings will be held in the counties that will pay the expenses of holding them. The sum of 6600 will also be aaked of the legislature in the form of an appropri ation to pay the expenses of the Good Roads association. After discussion the following resolu tions were adopted by unanimous vote: Resolved, That the best interests of encouraging the building of good roads throughout the state would be subserved by the association holding four meetings annually, one to be held In southern Oregon, one In western Oregon and two In eastern Oregon, at such times and places as may be selected by the exec utive committee. Resolved, That we favor national and state aid in road building, and recom mend the appointment of a commission to disburse the amounts appropriated. Resolved, For the safety of the travel ing public and the preservation of our Improved county roads, w would recom mend the enactment of such legislation as Would empower county courts to make rules and regulations regulating the usage of public highways and the traffic over same. Resolved. For the purpose of opening. changing and improvements of county roads and the reducing of grades there on, we would recommend enactment of laws conferring upon county courts the right of eminent domain, thereby per mitting them to condemn private prop erty for such public purposes In the same manner as now exercised by rail road and public corporations. Resolved, That the sincere thanks of this convention be expressed to the Southern Pacific railroad for the sub stantial aid rendered In the good roads movement by granting low rates of transportation for delegates; to the press of the state for reporting the pro ceedings of the convention so fully, and to the Salem Commercial club for cour tesies extended; to the city of Salem for the use of the ball: to the Stalwart quartet and to Professor McElroy's or chestra for the very excellent vocal and Instrumental music; to Beall It Co. snd the Buffalo Pitts company for the excel lent banquet provided at the Willamette hotel, and Hon. John Albert for provid ing special transportation for visiting delegates to inspect the model road lead ing from Salem to Liberty JAMES WITHYCOMBE, H. J. HUBBARD. J. O. BORTH. H. HAYNE0. THOS. F. RTAN. , Commltte. Judge T. F. Ryan of Clackamas county presented a resolution which was also adopted. It advocates the passing of .a taw that will prohibit the burning of brush slashings or timber during the months of May, Jung, July.August, Sep tember and October of 1906. The pur pose of the proposed law Is to keep the atmosphere free from smoke so that vis itors to Oregon during the Lewi snd Clark fair shall have an opportunity to see this strife. O. B. (Special Dispatch to The Jnaraal.) La Grande. Or.. Dec. 16. The La Grande chanter of Eastern Star has elected the folowlng officers for the en- ulng year: W. M.. Mertle Aldrlch: W. .. Dr. Hall; A. M.. Mrs. Bohnencamp; secretary, Mary Warnlrk. treasurer. Mrs. Worst ell; conductor. Mrs. C. W. Voyea; assistant conductor, Mrs. J. Leslie: trustees. Mesdamea Aldrlch, For- VfC MUV fHXst TR ADINC STAMPS For v,r 10 Prh or mu't'P' thereof we will give yeu . A H. stamps. ' - these on tn oaoK or a sneer, wnion contains tour pagea, which we give you, he M teas 60 Stamps eaoh. When you have f Iliad one or more peges, bring them to us and we will five you in exchange beautiful Silver and China war of the best quality. You will soon secure a handsome Dinner Set and a full supply of Silverware absolutely free, or, as stated above, If cash or U0 In merchandise for 10 pages or 500 stamps. Bustling Spirit of Christmas.... Is again circulating in our midst, proclaiming in its own breezy way the near approach of Yuletide, that most delightful of all seasons of festival and good cheer; a period of the year when friend remembers friend ; when presents, those speechless tokens of regard and quickeners of our kindlier feelings, are passing and repassing among us. The thought uppermost in the minds of many peo ple as Christmas approaches is. "What shall we. give?" Let us admonish you to give something sensible and useful as well as ornamental, something that will comfort and beautify the home. Our store is simply overflowing with just such gifts. Our prices will cause them to become your prop erty on sight. Never before have we made such elaborate and extensive preparations for the Holidays. Our Christmas Corset Specials Our Corset Stock includes all the new models, and is on display in the corset depart ment. The best makes of corsets are found that will fit you and be comfortable and still inexpensive. Armorside V "ElotigoHip." Will Not Break Down on the Sides. Made of routllle, three bone sateen -covered stripes, full bone bust, medium length, cluster hook for hose supporters, trimmed with rich Valenciennes lace, satin bow, Venus back. This model covers a wide range of figures; ; colors,, white, drab and black, sites 18 to 30. Price fl.OO F. P. Corset Made of beat quality Alexandria cloth, medium 4-hook model, deep hip, stitched vertically at bottom, a reducing feature. Valenciennes lace, ti limned at top with satin drawing ribbon and bow; fixes IS to SO; colors, white and drab. Price, $1.00 per pair. Also made in batiste. The R. Sb C. Corset The best double bust gore, straight front, extra long waist, trimmed; color, drab and black; worth 11.60. Our price fl.OO Never-Rust Corset Lace- trimmed, fine coutille, steel bone, warranted not to rust; color, white and gray; worth 1.50. . Prlc. '. fl.OO F St537 Sura Good Corset 1 TvBP Straight front, made of steel bone, short and medium lengths, lac. trimmed; colors, gray, whit. and black; worth 76c and $1.00. Our price 5O0 With Hose Supporters 1 good Straight front. In gray and white, with hose supporter.; worth 75c and II. Our price BOO SILKS AND DRESS GOODS For Xmas Presents Jap. Wash Bilks, all color, and black w Satins, all shades, extra special. 260 Silk Crepe de Chine, all the new colors, 17 in.- ...650 Fane v Silks, new dots and stripes 5O0 650. T50 Blk. Taffeta warranted to wear . .48) 30 in. Blk. Taffeta, guaranteed. . 9S0 Crepe de Albatross, blk. and shades Of 3 In. Blk. Henrietta 190 New Plaids from 1B0 up to BOO Tourist Coatings . .OS') up to f l.SO Rainproof Cravenett. 65 c up to f2.2S All-Wool Waist lugs, all .hades. MM Novelty Dress Suit Pattern., Gran ite. Mohair. Crepe Cloth. Hrllllan- tln, Venetians, .f 3. BO to fT.SO KNIT GOODS For Infants and Children. Children's Fancy Knit Ail-Wool Sweaters; white and colors; special fl.OO Infant." and Children's Crochet Silk Hoods. Wool lined, trimmed with ribbons: white and colors; spe cial.. 250, BO T50 and fl.OO Infants' Knit Sacques, plain and mixed color., trimmed with silk stitching and ribbon; spe cial.. 36. 500, 75c nd fl.OO Infants' Knit Booties, plain and fancy knit, trimmed with silk stitching ; spe cial.. 100. 1 5c. 20c. 260. 5O0 Infants' and children's Knit Leg- gins; white, red, bule and black; special 25e 360. nd BOO Children'. Fascinators, all colors; regular 60c . special 250 .Crochet Circular Shawls; plain white and white with colored bor der; special. .500. 750. fl.OO. i.w, and 9S.XB Ladles' Crochet Scarf Shawls, trimmed with fringe and .Ilk at Itching. , special 4O0. BOO. TB0 Ice Wool Shawls, black and white. with heavy fancy border.; spe oial 50. 750. fl.OO. l. BO. f l.6 Aprons For Xmas Gifts Ladle.' Fancy White Aprons, made of fine lawn and Swiss, trimmed with lace and ribbon: spe cial. .350. 6O0. 75c. and fl.OO Ladles' large White Aprons, hem stitched and tucks, plain or with bib; special.. 250. 350 and BOc Underwear Ladies' White Wool Union Suits, button across the front; regular 12.00; special fl.26 Ladies' Wool Plaited Vest, and Pants; regular 75c; special. . .500 Ladle.' extra fine Fleece Lined Vests and Pants, white only; special 350 Children'. Fleece Lined Union Suits, special 260 Children's Camel Hair Wool Under wear; regular 60c; special. ;. .350 FURNISHING GOODS... For Men Men's Fancy Honeycomb Sweaters .500 Men's Wool Merlon Socks, black or colored, two pairs for 250 Men's Blue Flannel Shirts, double or single breast, from.. fl.OO up Men's Japonett. Silk Initial Hand kerchkrfs TH0 Men's Silk and Initial Handker chiefs 260 .nd 5O0 Men's Silk Mufflers, in black, white and fancy colors 500 Large variety of Men's Tie. In Tecks, Four-ln-Hands and English Square.; choice of any two in the store, value up to 31.110. Men's Umbrellas, large from - Scarlet Underwear, doubt. California flannel Men s pure Linen hematltcbfd Hancikercniers HOLIDAY GUTS For Men Fancy silk Suspenders Men's Fancy silk Suspenders, with fancy buckles, each pair in a box; special 5O0 Men's Fine Silk Suspenders, with silver or gold-plated buckles, on. pair In a box; a very suitable Christmas present. Prices S2.50 to T50 Silk Handkerchief. Fine hem stitched Silk Handkerchief., with finer embroidered initial in corner, at 250 and BOO Men's Fine Japanese or Twilled Silk Handkerchiefs, from.' 260 to fl.OO Men'. Fancy Japaneae Handker chiefs, with colored center or fancy borders, at 260 500 Silk Muffler. Men'. .Ilk Mufflers. In black or white, with fine bro caded figures, at BOO Men's All-Silk Brocaded Mufflers, large size, in white, black and fancy figures, from BOc to f 2.50 CHILDREN'S WEAR.... For Xmas Children's Whit. Dresses, slse. 1. 3, 3. made of fine Swiss and lawn trimmed, with lac. tucks and em broidery; special... .500. 050. T50. fl.OO. S1.25 and f l.SO Children's Heavy White Corded Silk and Embroidered Silk Bonnets, trimmed with chiffon and ribbon: price. 250 to f l.SO Misses' and Children's fine Knit Skirt, plain and mixed colors, special 860 and BOO Infant.' Kimono, and Sacques, mad. of Daisy Cloth, finished with crochet edge of silk; special . .250 Infants' Bibs, trimmed with lace sad stitching; SO. 100. ISO. 20 CHRISTMAS HOSIERY Misses' Fin. Hlbbed Black I.lsle Hoae; regular 25c; special. .. ISO Boy.' Iron-Clad Hoae; regular 31c; special ISO Misses' .nd Children's lxl and 3x1 Bibbed Cotton Hoae; special, tww pair for 260 LADIES' AND MISSES' HOSIERY For Xmas Ladle.' Lisle Thread Hose, drop stitch and lace pattern.; special 260 Ladles' Extra Fin. Black and Col ored Lisle Lace Hose; special . BOO Ladle.' Fleece Lined Ribbed Blsrk Howe, extra heavy S60 Ladle.' Ribbed or Plain Black and i ray Cashmere Hose 260 Ladle.' Extra Flaw Black Cashmere Hose, gray heel, and toee; special 860 Ladles'' Black Silk Hoae; pecial.... fl.OO. fl.TB. f3.50 Ladles' Kxtra Fin Plain Black Llsl. Hose, special 350 Three pair, for fl.OO Misses' and Children's lxl and Sat Ribbed Cashmere Hoae. all m sixes 20 Infants' Mae. Pink and Whit. flM Ribbed Caahnter Hew. .Ilk two pair Sjf, rest and Bacon.