THK OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, gORTL'AND. THURSDAY BVENINQ, DECEMBER H, 1901 WOMAN PRISONER CHARGES CRUELTY Very Serious Allegations Are Made Against Police Matron Simmons This Morning. CRISIS IN TRADING (Continued from Page One.) RUTH OSBORNE STORY CAUSES A SENSATION Says She Was ''Cruelly Beaten and Knocked Senseless on Floor of a Dungeon. Police Matron Simmons, tn a com . plaint mad this morning to Chief of Police l in hi and Polici Judge Hogue by Attorney W. T. Vaughn.' la accused of conduct toward Ruth Osborne, a pris oner under her care, which will be made the subject of an Immediate Investiga tion. I It Is said by Attorney Vaughn that4 Miss Osborne was In a hysterical conai .tlon when taken Into custody Monday night. She was arrested while standing i on the bank of the river, as It was thought she contemplated suicide. This the girl denies, saying that confinement the 'county Jail bad shattered her nerves, and that she was wandering round in the fresh air tn the hope of benefiting her condition. Matron Simmons is sccused of throw , Ing Miss Osborne Into a dungeon while , she was In this hysterical condition. The girl objected to being placed on a cold stone floor, with no cot In which to rest, and In the struggle that ensued her -wrists were badly scratched. Oettlng hgr Inside the dungeon, she asserts. Matron Simmons struck her a heavy blow on the chest, knocking her down with such force that her head truck the floor and she was rendered Insensible. Other women prisoners are aid to have objected so strongly to the alleged treatment that the matron ' finally took her out of the dungeon. The bed -on which she slept with an other woman had only one blanket as a coverlet. It. is stated, and the prisoner suffered severely from the cold. The matron la chsrged with having refused . to hull. I a fire in the women's ward, though all .the women petitioned her often to do so. It is further alleged that for three days Miss Osborne tried to Induce the police matron to notify Attorney Vaughn that she wanted to see him. Mrs. Sim mons Is sccused of Informing Mlsa Os borne that she called up the lawyer by telephone snd that he said he knew no such person aa the prisoner. Miss Osborne did not see her counsel until taken Into the police court this morning. She was in such a nervous I were short 11 shares of anything It would he promptly cornered." Priam Threatens Lawson. A sensation wss sprung by the World when It published the story which says that H. H. Rogers and other Standard Oil Interests are planning to have Law son Indicted under the laws which caused the conviction of Uoeltn for rsldlng the Brooklyn Rapid Transit. Rockefeller is holding back, not wishing to have Stand ard OU affairs aired In court. The Journal says: "If. H. Rogers, chief stock marker and agent of the Standard OH company came to the res cue of Col. W. C. Qraene today In Ills tight with Thomas W. Lawson. lie an nounced that Standard OH money would take care of the stock of Greene Con solidated Copper company and the bears were Invited to sell It without fear that Oreeue would threaten to call at their offices. The stock rose from 1- to 127.60. It Is officially reported that the control of the company was handed over to Rogers by Greene, who made a visit lo 2t Broadway Monday, while the raid on the stock market at its worst. i: H. Harrlman, whom Oreene named aa the largest stockholder outside of himself, It is believed, acted with Rog ers In buying the stock. In spite of the sensational telegrams which pasaed be tween La w son and Greene It la not thought there will be any trouble and it is nearly certain the men will not meet. La wson Denies Mis Death. The Standard Oil Interest fathered the Atchison Interests today and that stock closed at about the highest point of the day, at tt. and ahowed an ad vance of 1.3?vt from the closing of Wednesday. With practically only three or four aales today, Chicago A Northwestern showed a remarkable advance of $3. 00 from the cloalng of yesterday. The market opened tl.SO higher, at 201, and closed at 204. Colorado Fuel it Iron suffered a small decline today, after hut a small range In prices. Illinois Central closed over a dollar higher at 152 V while Louisville Nashville waa up the same amount. Union Paclilc common closed fl higher, and the pre ferred ended the session with a gain of It oenta. Southern Railway waa but a quarter higher at the dose and the rest of the Hat showed the same pro portionate advances. A rumor waa current on the London Stock exchange that Lawson had beeu assassinated at Boston, to which Law son replied: "I'm not completely assassinated yet." There waa a rumor that Lawson had been called off. This waa put In cir culation by the Standard Oil crowd, but it waa denied by Lawson himself. Brokers' Opinions. Mr. Bryan of Logan a Bryan, promi nent stock brokers, saya "I do not like the looks of the stock market. It is nervous, and 1 fear a further heavy break." Mr. Bryan, however, adds: "It Is only loglcsl to think that the Lawson scare has lost moat of Its ef fect because the trade tht can be atam- TELLS ENDOWMENT HOUSE SECRETS J. W. Lundst'om, Witness in Smoot Proceedings, Quotes Retribution Obligation. condition that she was barely able to stand. Her face was colorless and her I neded la cretty well out of the market. lips dried and cracked with fever. Im- it is a rule that bad things that ara mediately after the conclusion of the , advertised and that are expected by all hearing Attorney Vaughn summoned never do much harm when iney come. I Dr. C. C. McCormack, the assistant m more afraid that It will hurt the ' rounty physician and his client was given medical attention. "My body Is bruised and discolored in spots where I wss beaten." said Miss Osborne. "I would almost ss soon spend three days and nights in a madhouse aa to go into that woman's custody again." , "I hare detailed, all the facta to Chief Hunt, and asked for an Immediate and searching Investigation." declared At torney Vaughn. Owing to the Interference of Chief Hunt, Mm. Simmons' version of the af fair could not be learned. Chief Hunt entered the room Juat aa Mrs. Simmons had been Informed of the charges against her and had started to make a statement. "What are you doing up here?" We roared to the reporter. "Why didn't you get permission from me?" Ma was informed that Captain Orlts macher had signified his willingness for Mrs. Simmons to be seen. "Csptaln Orltxmncher hasn't a word to aay about it." shouted the chief. "Don't you dare open your mouth, Mrs. Simmons." Mrs. Simmons sgaln attempted to speak. "Shut up, I tell you:" fiercely oiderert the chief. "I won't have you talk to this snsn at all. Walt until charges are preferred before the police commission, and then let the matter come out right." Sergeant Slover, who assisted In tak ing Ruth Osborne to the women's qusr ters In the city prison, declares that the enlarges sre untrue "When the patrol wagon sWlved at the station with the woman." he said, "ahe pretended to faint. After being taken upstairs, however, she revived and im mediately began to Indulge In the most bitter sbuse. her profsnlty being directed particularly toward Mra. Slmmona. Po liceman Venable and I took her Into one of the cells snd locked her up. Mrs. Simmons did not touch her. except to search her. She was not roughly handled In the least. . Her sccusatlona are wlthotrt any foundation whatever. I waa surprised that Mrs. Simmons re tslned her temper ss she did under the torrent of vilification that was hesped upon her by the woman." trade than 1 am of any bad smash.' The following views were expressed by the brokers over the special wires of Overbeck. Starr Cooke Co.: Dick Broa. The market haa been very irregular. .There was rib Important news. Lawson's message Waa leas Impressive than heretofore. The Leather stocks war under pressure and the local trac tions shares sold off' after a previous rise. Sentiment waa generally more bullish than of late. There waa a great deal of short covering and new bullish manipulation by western Interest waa alao much In evidence. Logan A Bryan Wall street advices are Of more bullish tendency, indicating the return of confidence in that quar ter. We continue to feel rather hopeful 11.41 market, and while we do not look for any sustained advance, still we be lieve we have passed through the crisis. The market Is likely to continue nervous nrrd unsettled, and we doubt if it will develop anything better than a trading affair until after the first of the year. BEFRIENDS MAN WHO RESCUED LITTLE SON Sc.-eHi IM.patch tn The Journal. 1 Seattle. Dec. 15. John P. Kay. the well-known Seattle attorney. 1s now in Tscoma trying to save i'taka lath II. a . Japanese who once ssved Fay'a little son from death by drowning, from being deported. Ishll wss nrrested a short time ago on the charge of attempting 'to -shoot Miss Bessie Woolsey because ahe refused to marry him. The immi gration department took the matter up with the view of deporting the alien on the grounds that his set prevented his remaining In the country. When Pay heard of the trouble the fellow waa In. he remembered how the Japanese onca risked his life to save lils little son. who since has died, and lie Immediately resolved to return the kindness by offering his services In the alien's defense free of charge. STEAMER SAILS THROUGH A GREAT LAKE OF OIL 'fosrsal Special Service. ) New Tork. Dec. 15. Thst the erup tions In the oil fields near Humble. Tex . were but a part of a gigantic disturbance near the earth's surface In that region. Is Indicated by reports brought to this port of a marine disturbance In the Gulf of Mexico, through which the steamship -Man Jacinto passed lsst Thursday. The steamship wss on its regular trip from Gulvrsinn. when ahe ran Into an immense field of crude petroleum. 150 miles south of New Orleans Thursday morning The surface of the water whs bubbling with nil. whlrh was apparently "rising from the bottom of the se. For s long distance the fluid spread making the gulf smooth as glass, despite a HlRb wind. It la thought the oil wss released from the submarine depths as the result of an earthquake probably the outburst In Texas nay be traced to a similar disturbance, ROCKEFELLER'S INCOME SUFFERS A DECREASE i I our ml Special Service.) New York, Dec. 16. To the stockhold ers of the Standard OH company checka ware ntslled today for amounts repre senting a dividend of seven per cent on their holdings. This la the last quar terly dividend for 104. It makes a total dividend for the year of ISO a hare as compared with 144 last year. and 545 In 1002. Despite this rut. In their Income It is not probable that the fortunate stock holders of the "greatest trust on earth" will be pinched for Chrlstmss money. John D. Rockefeller, who Is credited with the possession of 400.000 shares, receives this year from his oil Invest ment only $14,400,000, as compared with $17,600,000 laat year. The decrease in his Income of $3,200,000 will be partly. If not wholly, made up by Mr. Rocke feller by the Increase In his dividends on Consolidated Gas and various other companies that are largely owned by Mr. Rockefeller. KANSAS CITY OFFERS PREMIUM FOR BABIES (HperUl Dispatch tn Tbe Jnnrnal ) Topeks. Kan.. Dec. IS. In order to en courage the raising of big families the commissioners of Shawnee county have voted to increase the salary of every employe In the court bouse $6 a month for each baby born In his family. "In placing a premium on babies," said Commissioner Sterne, "we sre simply carrying out the Republlcsn policy of encouragement to infsnt Industries and the Roosevelt Idea of big famlllea. In caae of twins, the clerk will get a raise of $10 a month and If there be triplets. $15. The county boerd has no way of offering a bounty to people generally aa an Inducement to raise big families but It can reach employea of the county through a salary Increase, and we pro pose to do It." MITCHELL'S BILL FOR UMATILLA SETTLERS fWaahlngtan Rurean ef Tee Jenrnal.l Washington D. C, Dec. IS. The sen ate Indian Affairs committee will favor ahty report Senator Mitchell's bill providing for the Issusnee of patents td purchssers of Umatilla reservation lands. ' Senator Pulton today Introduced Chairman Baker to the president. Faker has been requested hy Secreary Dover lo remain In Washington until sfter the holldsys In order to meet chairman Cor tetyou Baker, who had arranged to stsrt for Oregon today accordingly changed his plana and will remain. DIPHTKZmiA nr WtUlOI. IMperlal IHspalra tn The Journal l Wallace. Idaho. Dec. 15. Diphtheria In dangerous form Is becoming epidemic. Six esses have been quarantined to prevent the spread of tbe dlseaaa. DISCREPANCY CAUSE OF HIS LEAVING CHURCH Had Occupied High Positions in Councils Both in Sweden and Utah. (Journal special Service. ) Washington, Dec. 15.--A retribution obligation taken by Mormons In the en dowment house ceremony aa quoted thla morning by J. W. Lundstrom, a witness in the Smoot proceedings, Is aa fol lows: "Oh, God, eternal father, we aak Thy bleaslng on the church and holy priesthood. Help us to keep Thy cov enants, snd all who raise handa agalnat this church be accursed forever, and that vengeance be visited upon the na tion for the blood of Joaeph Smith." Lundstrom declared his separation frdtn the church arose from a discrep ancy between the late and early revela tions of the prophets. "Has your throat ever been cut?" asked Senator McComag. "Not yet," answered the witness, cheerfully. Lundstrom was first called to the wltneaa stand late yesterday afternoon, but his- hearing continued until today. His first testimony was along lines' similar to that adduced today. He told of occupying high positions In the church both In Utah and In Sweden. He said that he had heard the endow ment obligations taken six times, and that the entire ceremony was a series of oaths of sacrifice and retribution. FAIRBANKS WILL RIDE THE MASONIC GOAT v (Jonrnal Special Service.) Indianapolis, Ind., Dec. IS. Charles W. Fairbanks. United States senator and vice-president-elect. Is tn be msds a Ma son in this city while at his home for the holidays. His Initiation will take place In . the Scottish Rite temple In order to accommodate the crowd that is expected to be present. Thst the Masons are preparing to make a big event nut of the Initiation la evident from the fact that two members of tiie Oriental lodge left here tonight for Washington to request President Roosevelt to be present and take a lead ing part In the Initiatory ceremonlea. OWL CUTS OFF LIGHT OF AN IDAHO TOWN (Special Plspeteh to The Journal.) Granges llle Jdajio. Dee. IS. Thla city was In darkness Mondsy night. The cause waa 'discovered yesterday, when a dead owl waa found under the wires In the suburb. It had made a short cir cuit by touching two live wires 'and had been eleotrocuted. The owl will be mounted as a aouvenlr. aaajajajajajajaaj TEN DAVS OFF UNTIL THE GOOD OLD CHRISTMAS TIME I Are you prepared for your share in the gift-giving festivities that must take place in every household to insure peace, happiness and good will? Come here and let us show you and consult with you about what to give. We have many NEEDFUL AND USEFUL GIFTS Suitable for every member of the family. Then, too, we have a harvest of TOYS. It will do the little folks good to come and see them you know how much good for you were a child once yourself. See our line of useful Christmas gifts in merchandise. OH, YES. ABOUT TRADING GOLD STAMPS WITH ALL CASH PURCHASES For every in cent purchaae or mul tiple thereof we will give you HAH. Stamps. Paste these on the back of a sheet, which contains four pages, which we give you. holding SO atamps each. When you have filled one or more pages, bring them to us and we will give you In exchange beau tiful silver and chlnaware of the beat quality. Tou will soon secure a handsome dinner set and a full supply of high-grade silverware, ab solutely frea. WIAT TOU or ST. TO OUT AID XT 1 Page Gold Stamps 1 Butter Knife. 1 Sugar Spoon. X Round 6-Inch Vegetable Dish. 1 y2 Pages Gold Stamps S Individual Butter Dishes. X Creamer. X Round 6-Inch Vegetable Dish. X Pickle Dish. 2 Pages Gold Stamps S Sauce Pishes. X Gravy Boat. X Meat Platter. S-lnch. X Round 7-Inch Vegetable Dish. X Oblong 7-Inch Vegetable Dish. X Cake Platter. X Quart Pitcher. 3 Pages Gold Stamps X Large Berry Spoon. ' X Gold Meat Fork. X Pie Knife. X Gravy Ledle. Teaspoons. X Sugar Bowl. - X Meat Platter, 10-lnch. ' X Round Vegetable Dish. S-lnch. X Oblong Vegetable Dish, S-lnch. 3 JPages Gold Stamps 6 Pie Platea. 7-lnch. X Round Vegetable Dish. 9-lnrh. X Pitcher. 7 pints. 4 Pages Gold Stamps S Breakfaat Platea. S-lnch. X Meat Platter, 1 S-lnch. X Celery Tray. 8 -Inch. X Cracker Jar. X Teapot. KV2 Pages Gold Stamps X Covered Butter Pish. 5 Pages Gold Stamps Dinner Plates, t-lnch. S Soup Platea. 8-Inch. X Large Berry Dlah. X Meal Platter, 14-Inch. 6 Pages Gold Stamps S Table Spoons. S Forks. S Cupa and Saucers. X Covered Vegetable Dlah, 8 Inch. 8 Pages Gold Stamps S Knives. , X Orange BowL J. K. STANTON, Manager The Boston Store COR. SALMON AND FIRST STS. asa ..ii .a. -jtLaL-!..,... , , . ,.. atafawSA AaL. aa9lt Easy Work Selecting Holiday Presents Here Everything in Plain View Anything and Everything for Men and Boys Men's Suits and Overcoats $10 to $35 Smoking Jackets $5 to $10 HANDKERCHIEFS MUFFLERS GLOVES UMBRELLAS NECKWEAR $1.00 to $10.00 - 50c to $1.50 MANHATTAN SHIRTS $1.50 to $2.50 SUIT CASES - - - - $1.50 to $20.00 Salsbury Hats $2.50 A $3.00 Hat for $2.50 BOY'S SUITS $1.85 to $7.95 Boy's Overcoats $2.85 to $10.00 Waldorf Hats Stetson Hats $4.00 jfc This Is the Big Store With the Little Expenses and the Little Prices. Cor. Morrison and Second Sts. a .u U1W ariSA.Vs V V 1 111 LilVs J1L11V XJAA11UVU CU1U IXAV JJl.Ub J Famous Clothing Co. w a . .. . -