THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, THURSDAY EVENING. DECEMBER 15, 1904. 11 NATU0AIMT. nitpflim ma supplies. rArrttir DR. r. W. ni.nilkl. Naturopathic phyalcUB. Touray hldg.. aVcotvd aod Taylor, room laaa. KM. IWegwi. I arc tuber 6. 1804.-- Th bord 2. wnr tuvir - "- lion for th tlx uouia endlg June SO lBoo. Grocvrla mill If-I end flour. Brail nd 8k drr goods, drugs, atat tuner y. bather : (Ml flodiuga. boot ami laoe. plumbing, hrd wre, tinning rockery ud gaawrv. List, af Mil aupplira will he furnlahed by tb clerk of the board upoa application Ha aspics cbb ba sreu at tar asylum and ao-da mint or la accordance therewith. Where sample are required aud not furnished hi bidders, arilrlra BiuM be eajoal to sample to he area at tor aeylum. and blda will br aaaaurd to ha..- been on baaM of samples All guovle mut br to atrtel amrdaii..- with sample In original packags when possible, and delivered at the elate Inaaur aa luu. within tnrutjr days after the cuatract b. awarded, and blda moat ba on Maui forme. blch will ba furnlbd. to gether with Instruction to bidder, by thr clerk upon application. Each bid ob Boor I ar karat muat br accompanied bjr a eerllnod check for .0o. and rack bid on Sab by a certified rhrrk of 678.00, aud all other blda by certified obecke equal to tea . par cent of toe amount bad; cbacka of unsuccessful old dor to br returned Immadlatrla. and tboo of secepted btddrra when tbr contract la com pleted. Bid must be enclosed la sealed envelope and directed to tbr board, car of tbr ,-lerk. and plainly marked "Blda for Asylum Supplies, and tbr ciaaa of goods bid on abould alao br lnecrll-d on thr cuve- 1 Price, fltuess and qualltj lain rqual. preference will In- given to artlrlra menu faotured, grown or produced In thio atatr. When a partli'ular article I epeolflcall.v called 1 lor blda for other kind, or manufacture, or brand. equally good, will be rutertalucd. but to Inaurr rei-ognltloB of auch blda aamplr" of the articlea It ta propoard to supply muat ercompaoy them. Thr board reervef thr right ta reject any or all blda, to accept or reject anr part of a bid. Blda will be opened at the rapltol at Salrni at 10 a. .. , Wednesday, January 4. 1806. By order of tbr board of truatrea of the Oregon atate lnaane aarlum. W. N. QATENS, Clerk. KM roa construction or pohtaoe RAILWAY. THE BBderalcned will receive araled blda on til Saturday, thr 24th dsy of December. 1804, at 13 o'clock, noon, for the building, cou truotlng and equipping of a lis of alngle track, aundard gauge railway, with spur, siding, croaalnga. Inclluea. wharf boata. , buildings of all klnda. treatk-a. culierta. bridge and cattle guarda all comparlr and raady for operation, from a point below low water mkrk In the Columbia rlarr near t elllo, to a lnt at low water mark In the Colombia rlrer at Big Kddj. all In Waaco eountv. Oregon. In confiwrnlty to all reapocta arlh aha nlana and aiieclhca 1 1 m of the rilgl Deer of tbr board of portagr commlaalonen of the atate of Oregon, and aubject In all re apocta to the term and rondltlona of form of Footrart approved by aald board. A bond ,4a the aum of $oO,(in. baring aa aurety thereon aomr urrty company authorlaed to An hn.inraa tn the atate of Oregon, guarBB- teeing thr faithful performance of the con tract By the contractor, ana eonuiiioie-u ..,., wla aa reqolrrd In aald contract, will ba re aired from the bidder to whom the con tract may be awarded. Bach bid muat he ac companied by a certified check to the amount of 5 per cent of the bid. made payable tn the order of the treaurer of the Open Klaer -aoriatlon. to br forfeited to the atate of rmarrm hhnold ailfl bl.l be accepted and aald bidder fall within Iv day thereafter to enter Into a rowtract In conformity with hi tender aod farulah the aecurlty required for the completion oi the aaork. Plan, apeclfl cat tone, map, forma of bid., rtc. may be examined at the oMce of the board of port age commlaalooera of the atate of Oregon, at Salem. Oregon, or at thr office of J. V Teal, room Sla Woreeater block. Portland. Oregon. All blda moat be addrreaed and delivered to J. tt. Teal by 12 o'clock noon of the 21th day of necember. 1904'. The right la reaeryed to reject any and all hid. OI'BN KIVBIl ASSOCIATIOS By J. A. SMITH. Prealdent. W. J. MARINER, Secretary. Portland. Oregon. Kecrmber 18. 1804. NOTICE. KOTICB to Contractiar and Shlpbulldera Sealed propoaata will be recelred by the underalgoed, clerk of the board of commla alonera of the Port of Portland, up to 4 p m.. Monday, December IB. 1K04. for repair to the bull of the ateam tender Wrnona. axpeclflcatloua may be had at the ofnee of . . . , 1 i. . i,, I. a 1 1 !..,-( I,, nil llr aor aiarii iar ..n... . .......... - The hoard rcaerrc tbr right to reject any n bid. "AS. J- MAHBB, ' a IfTB oa llir aaapaau. WE wish to annoonce to the public that we. Tuttle Jt Wylle, hare opened a confectionery and ranch cafa at 434 Washington L Erery thlng new HELP WAjmiJ-JaavLX. ADVERTISEMENTS under thla elaaalflratloa coat IDC aor Zl woroa ana a aaauaui premium free. Dally or Sunday. THE original John A. Molar baa ope Bed ana of la umoua laruer college at ot nay auoat. Baa Francisco. Special Inducement this month; position gurnted: tuition earned While learning. Call ar wrlta Cbarlea Hal atead. agent. 21S Morrison at.. Portland. SPECIAL THIS WEEK 1 can Ghlrarilelli' ground chocolate IOC 1 package Force 10c 1 can muatard rdlne 6c CHKHAK BROS. 764 Flrat at THE COL1 MRUS CALIFORNIA Win Depot, bradqoartera for cooka aad wtlter; all klnda of win 6c per glaaa retail P. LaratL 14S Fourth at Phone Bed 1BBS. HELP WABTED FEMALE. LADY repreaentatlve at oace to appoint agent. Call or write Ueorge W. Bradford. 411 Eaat Sacra men In at. Take Union aye. cay. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. ADVERTISEMENTS under thla claaalflcatloa Inserted ona Urn absolutely fraa. Dally or Suaday. FIRST-CLASS WATCHMAKEB WANIS POSITION XT ONCK. Addreaa M 41, car Journal. WANTED -Situation of any kind by young ban; cbb write good, plain band and have do objection to traveling. George W. Baldwin, International Hotel. 72 North Third at. HAN and wife deelre position on road, gentle man aa aaleaman or advertiser, lad demon tester ; aglary and espenaea. reference. Box B 124. care Journal FIRSTCLASS ateam engineer would Ilk any kind of engine work. In or out of the city; beat of referencee. Addreaa 0 X . car Journal. SITUATION WANTED by young man experi enced In banking; work In country hank or a'nre; referencee. Addreaa R 900, Journal. A WELL teeommended porter would like to have a aaloon to clean up In the morning; 6 year' experience. Addreaa P 408. care Journal MIDDLE AC.EIl man desires work morning and even tag tn r-. change for lioard; reference glren Addreaa 11 120 care Journal. F.I DEBLY man, and eober. with refer eneea. desires position aa night watchman. Addreaa W 2. care Journal. GtMlD poulfrr dreaaer watit raaltlon at any place; koow all aboot poultry liualneaa. Ad dreaaj 8 16. care Journal. WORK ta repair and make gaa and electric fixtaraa. E.lxard Klkert. 1440 Belmont at. ra) Scott 2H08. WAWTaalkWork or anr klnrl bj strong young man: twaine won prercrren. j. a. roiiard 1S4 Sherman at. YOI'NO man desire work In machine ahoo ot other inalde employment. Phone Scott 2706 BY flrat elaB 4 borae teamaler; aober. capable and good referencea. bib. care journal SITUATIONS WANTTD- EI MALI A l VEBTI SFM ENT8 aader tkU rliaalfleatlon laaerted oa tJas akaotataly fro. Dally ar Baadsy. HONEST and respectable young woman wnta work aa cbamDermata car any noaasewors , hi refern.-es; 8 i esrs In laat employment. Ad dreaa M K2. rare Journal " WANTBI By lady of experience, work with good real estate man on cauausaaaios ; can give best references Addreaa B 001. Journal A oMPETBrtT. kalaatW lg lady want prarl Ilea aa caretaker of children. eowipaolnB or r.-pmlng4v-uae Q Sfl car Joaraal. 1" N lady desire position a tenogrepber : 8 years' xperlenee; best of referencea. FTor aajiee Baker. l"boBe Uarlra BSfil. AOOD M.Me soman slab- work by the oar: e a per teheed saaher aad leooer 288 Third It.. upatatr Pboa Main .116 BtTI 4T10W WBBBld a walla.. 1 young yoiea. or t year eaasii o-aii-v. autarai SJ ill. rar J You Can Convert Some of Those Attic Furnishings Into Christ mas Money Thro' a "Want Ad." Try It 21 Words for 15 Cents. AGENTS WANTED to Bell oar aupertor. hlgh- frad nuraaVy atock; new and complete outflt urnlahrd frre; caak weekly; write today for choice territory. Capital llty nuraery i. Sab-Ill. Of. INDUSTRIAL INSl'BANCE AOBMTB Ladlea or a, ml, ii. n do yott waut to better your condi tion by working for, faat-lllng Insurance plant J. V. Matrair. room 01- aaaruuaua va ADVERTISEMENTS nnder thla Claaal flea t Ion coat IV- for VI word aud a Talaable premium free. Dally or Sunday LADIES to aollclt ordera. Apply at once 411 Sacramento at I nlon aye. car. WANTED TO Ult. BOOMS In all parte of tha city, furnlehed. Apply 220 (ioodnough bldg. EXPOSITION ACCOMMODATION BUREAU. Under direction' of the Lewla and Clark Fair Corporation. Phone Mala 36. EMPLOYMENT A 0)1 CI Eg. KILLED AND UNSKILLBD .LABOR of dracrtpttoaa, promptly eapplled. Fraa bare to mploiera . aa aiarva rui-l oTURtT orPlCB 3D North atecowd treat. Bear MALt help of all deacrlpMoBa for all lodoatrlaa promptly upplla rre ot cnarge io rmp,a C. B. HANSEN, Jr . Phone Main 1MB. MOUNT HOOD EMPLOYMENT AOENCT. far BUk fee to eon HELP. Mtnger Coliln. 270 Barn aid. Hood 114T. PIONEER EMPLOYMENT OO Labor contrac tor ; help free to employer. XIB HELP w.nted and eupplled. mala or nana aa. Nad. mala or female. B. O. DRAKE. S0BH WMblngtoo at. a. lay axo WORK for HANSEN'S OmCB. 20 North Secoad t. FOB BCTT HO'ISAJCEXPUIO BOOMS. 1. TS PBB WBBK Large, ale a. fiualakd bonaekerplng rooan, wttn ue oi launorj. nam. phone; alao cheap far a had cottagaa. J. tandutaa. 1B4 Bberman. Phone Clay JOS. THREE unrnUhed houaekeeplng rooma to couple without children: reference required. SO Eaat Thirteenth at.. North. Call forenoon. 888 SIXTH ST. Nicely furnlahed bona keeping apartment; light front rooma. Phone Main 4zri. I'UBNISHED houae for rent: alao houaekeeplng rooma. Inquire XSB Plfth at., cor Madlaoo. DO you want furnlahed houaekeeplng room? Call aod aee tbrm. 17 Weat Park. FOB KFJIT rnBBTJKrP BOOltS. THE ASTBB HOUSE Tha brat located hoaac In the city, with beautiful ground, only 3 block" from the Portland hotel; all newly furnlahed. electric light, porcelain bath: large rooma suitable for two gaotlemea or fan. I Un without children, and flrat-claaa . Inline cooking ; room tingle or ro ulte; tran sient or by the weeg or montn. aoi acTeoao t. cor. of Madlaon. Phone Mala 0X11. P. F. Olaota. prop. FOR BENT To man and wife or to two gen tlemen, alcove room: alao two large and one an, all room. These rooma are nlcly furnlahed and ateam heated. Inquire at 07 N Twentieth at. half block from Waahlngtoa at., or tele phone Main 46X11. f'BONT parlor room, oleely furnlahed; ona of the moat convenient rooma in tne city; nam. phone, gaa. house heated by furnace; aultable for one jr two gentlemen; alao large alcove rtatarn. 663 Even tt, cor. Sevrnternth. Phone Mala 3084. ELEGANTLY furnlehed room. In new building. with hot aod cold running water la each roam; free phone aad bath; large living room for use ot guest. 207 Fourteenth at., near Taylor. 2 1JGHT front rooma for housekeeping, with sink and pantry, hath In connection, (in ana IIS month; alao atngle rooma t.60 up. Phone 6000 Main. City Hall Hotel, Fifth and Madl aoa. FUBNISHED rooma. 808 Jeffrraon at.: Jnat furnlahed. up-to-date rooma; gaa and electric light; furnace beat. Phone Black ISO. Alao nl. oil- furnlahed 0-room houae; piano Included. ELEGANT oatade rooma with flrat-cUaa board for two people. $40 and 846 per month: ateam heat electric light, gaa porcelain hatha; at tha Linden. Market at bet. 3d and 4th. RIVERSIDE HOTEL 846 Eaat Oak Furnlahed aad unfurnlahed housekeeping room: lodging 81 per week aad tap. Phone Scott 384. ROOMS en ralte or alngle; houaekeeplng rooma, gaa atovea bath and electric llghta; tranalent ollclted. Mrqum, 148H Sixth at. NICELY furnished front room, with or without piano; suitable for two or throe gentlemen or man and wife. 447 Main at. THREE rooma. alcoae; furnlahed oa uufur Blabed; hath, freshly tinted; private family. 60S E. Pino. FUBNISHED rooma bv the day. In center of buatneaa aectlon "Tb Castle." 872 Waah lngtoa at. TWO nicely furnished front rooma; light, heat. Ebone. bath; 810 each; board reaaonable. 036 th at. FURNISHED rooma. Upper Alblna. board If d alred; 2 block from car. 831 Gantrnbeti, a re 0NB largs front parlor room: refined persons dealred: private family. 431 Montgomery at CHEAPEST nd best located rooma In Portland. 81 week np. Oilman. Fliat and Alder ita. TIB OTIS Union ay, and Eaat Rurnalde; now throughout, bath, ga Bad electric llghta NEWLY furnlahed qalet iranaloat rooma. 184 Fourth at. ITBHa Kra CLIFTON. 283H First t.. cor. Colombia Salts 82 86 per week and op. FINK, comfortable, furnlahed rooma. 201 Tenth at . cor. Taylor. FUBNISHED room with board. Inquire 681 Third at. NEATLY furnlahed rooma, reaaonable. Taylor at. BOOMS AND BOARD. WELL furnlahed rooma with or without board; home cooking: all eonvenlencea 448 Third at. FOB RENT STORES FOB RENT A very desirable tnr. 1T4. In the heart of the retail dlatrlrt: reaaonable rent: 3-year leaae. Addreaa by letter. C P, 101 Journal office. TO LEASE--Bakery and atore building with 10 rooms upetalra: oven Is in flret-rlaas order: good location. 14th and Handera ata. : a anap at u I'ortlana iTuet co. ox HOUSE FOB BENT FURNITUBE FOB SALB NEW house of 8 room, with fine new furni ture tor rent for 1 year: furniture for aala The Mi aw Fear Company. 248 Stark at. ' WAJTTED MlBOELLAsTXOUS. WANTED Mora apriyln sad wbltewaahlng; th only gaaolla co IB pressed sir apraytng outflt on the coast. M. O. Morgan A Co., 870 Mllwaokl at WE will build a houae or fli roar old one very reasonable, have good reference; call re write H. Wabl. New Waatara hotel 382 Ollaaa at WANTED - Horses to board: atable near Grand are. and Eaat Stark; heat of car at reaaon able price Phone Black 8882 PERSONS Intereated ta law abould write aa; ! greet advantage. W. C. Kullach. Beaver ton Or. WANTED- Cheap bar for dog feed. aWlwaod. 72, I S BUSINESS CHANCES. ROOMING HOI SK HEADQUARTERS. TAFT CO. 126 0 Ahlngtoo Block. Pboa Mala 160. W make a SPECIALTY OF JMIN 11,11 Bars e. . ... ,,r the MOST DE8IR ABLE LOCATIONS tht are for Bala. Good locations are going faat. Note our partial Hat below of both Urge aud amall on. If tbeee don t a alt, call IB. 60 BOOMS Hotel, ateam beat. w brick building, atrlctly modern ana up io osir house full of good people, cbeap rent and long leaae; clearing bow 1260 por month; leaae. Price, 14.178. 44 BOOMS New. modern prraaod-brick build ing; exqulalle rurnlture ano raii - sua. anal mid water la a room: 6 year !; reBt ooly.,1176. In cluding hrat. Thla houae will pay o ft r cent a montn on aoa il,..,. lc. 18.000. 40 ROOMS Steam heal, hot aad cold water la all rooma. new bouse and all new fnrnttore, clearing absolutely abore all egpeoara 82) per month, cheap rent aud Bod leaae. and beat location in in ciiy. Ic 18,000. 88 ROOMS Steam beat, hot aod cold water la all rooau; furntahlng extra fine; cbeap rent; good long leaae. making good big money. A real bargain for 16.800. 88 BOOMS Swelleat place In tb rlty; an Axmlnater carpet, golden oak and ma hogany furniture; clearing oyer 8aWO per month; cheap rant aad good long fraaa; bona fide reoa for Bailing; cluatvely with u. Price for quick aakt. 10,000. 88 ROOMS Fur once heal, hot aad cold water In all room, rrnt 8126 per month. 2 year lease, furniihed elegantly and clear Ing above all eitienaea 106 per month. Quick aala price. 4.600. 84 BOOMS Steam heat, hot aad cold water In all rooma. the eery beat location la the titj; baa been nnder the aame management for 10 year. Hoti 1 clearing bore all expen 8250 per . month If yott are looking for ome thtnggood, don't fall to see thla. Price 81 BOOMS On Waahlngton; 18 furniahajd; bal ance ii ii furnlahed. well location; extra well furnished, good leaae, 83.000. 24 ROOMS New house and all new furniture ana carpet oi toe oral scaur, .mi pi long lease, houae modern and a money maker. If you want something nice look at thla. Price 83.760. BOOMS Wall-furnlahed, ona of th boat corner In the city; hlgb-elaa tradr. Thla will itand the closest of lovetlgtlon; lea. Price. 83.800. . SO ROOMS Furnishing fine: good. nice, clean houae: i Dancxa roriianu caoaea, ire, rent right. 82,150. 18 BOOMS Furniture all nice. Including .pl an'); gooa location; cueap rent, aiauj houaekeeplng; alwaya full. 82,050. 13 BOOMS Superb location; owner will add 4 more rooma: hot aad cold water id rooma; elegantly furnlehed and making good money. Cbeap at 81.000. II BOOMS Location Tenth at., nicely furnlahed cheap rent, and la absolutely clearing above all expeneca 842 50 per month. A decided bargain for 6850. 8 BOOMS furniture all good: location vary ,,-ntral. rent right. Price I860. tglvOOM flat at your own price; furnlahed el- ganiar. ibiiuuiui e1 e -- gc Monday, sure, call In and get par ticular. GROCERY STORK. On WMbtngica at . doing cash bnalnra. of 840 per day; nice, clean ioeg. az.auu. CONFECTIONERY. On on Flrat at 8500 On on Morrlaoa at 1,000 DELICATESSEN. c wi,, . MMlnh 49X1 On on Waahlngton; receipt 8.15 ' sooo WB CAN MAKB TEBMS ON ANT OF TUB ABOVE. ALL TITLES GUARANTEED. BUYERS PROTECTED AS WELL AS SELLERS. WB WANT 10 TO 18-BOOM HOI'S BB; ALSO 80 TO 40. TAFTaa" 00.. 125-8 Ablngton Block, loo ta, Third St. EMPIRE INVESTMENT CO. Room 8, Chamber of Commerce. Phone Main 6330. Good roomtng-houaea are getting very acarce. We bar a few GOOD ONES and yon can gait In on the ground floor If yon act quick. We submit a few of our bargain. 10 BOOMS Flat of 10 rooma, well fitted np; good claa of roomer ; a practical woman abould make 810 a day In thla Aat: owner want to sell quirk. 8760 cah. on eaay payment. 81 ROOMS An elegant uptown corner; tram heat, electric light, no vacant rooma; houae la now earning aboat 8200 over rent; thla boas can be bought cheap. 11 ROOMS Th beat medlum-alsed bona on oar Mat. the furniture 1 of th beat; the room ara full of old time roomer; rent only 800. Prica 11.300. 17 ROOMS Al location; 16 ateady boarBer; can have any Bomber of table border; good furniture and carpet, fine dlulng-room ; plenty of everything required; half cash. Price 81.800. 8 BOOMS New flat, new furnlahlng: owner must go eaat at once; fiat la atrlctly modern furnace beat; rent 840. Price 8860. 8 ROOMS Rent 860; Eleventh at : good furni ture and carpeta. You caa boy thla for 8SO0. RESTAURANT. RESTAURANT and lunch connter. fine locr1on: 40 chain; good outflt. Wr will guarantee thla proposition: rent 846. Including water. Price for quick e. 8760. DrXIUATESHEN Morrison it. 81.000. CANDY, cigar and dellcateaaen; new, dean ato.k. good little trade: near arbool; living room; rent 826. Price 8480. FISH AND POriTBT. Al location, good bualneaa. good outfit and a chance for a live man to make big money; rent 886. Price 8050. WE WANT 20 In in room house; alao some from 50 to 100 room. EMPIRE INVESTMENT CO. Ri,ni 8. Chamber of Commerce. AMERICAN EM PI1 Y ME NT A REAL ESTATE AGENCY. 80 ACRES partly Improved, located In awithern Oregon, near connty aeat of about 4.000 in hnbTtanta; house, barn, orchard and 6 acre of young trees; price 61. 600 ; will sell on eaay terms or trde for city property. 8260 100 errs, timber claim, la Douglas eountv; will cm lee 12.OW.nno. 8 aectlona of best timber land that will mile on aa average 3,000,000 feet to tb cilia.' Have on hand several aaloon. rooming hnaae and lunch counters from 3250 to 80 088 Make anarlalty if bu.vli g. telling aad renting rooming-house . All kinds of help furnished free of charge Real estate bought and Mold. 28 North Third at. Phone Main 2118. FOR SALE Well established general merchan dise business at Aurora. Or.; great bop center and prosperous cnnimnolty; laat year's busi ness amounted to 321.000; will br greater thla year; owner cvirnjielled to retire, aeeonnt of other interest. For particular address Will Bros., Aurora Or. 61 "MO -New A-room house, near car tin; coal 89.808 $.-. M Good paying hotel. 32. loo Lodging bouae. 04 room. See our list. C. R. DON NELL CO.. 230 Stark at. FOR SALE Gumberf cigar and confectionery store, tb beat paying cigar and confection erv bualneaa In Tne Datlea. Addrea Oambcrt Tobacco Houae, The Dalle, Or. WANTED 12 M' ..n n aeara time, good farm aecurlty. 303 Commercial bldg. P 43B, The Journal. f. FOR SALB Saloon and fixtures; good trade; pig bargain oaiy ai.iasi. t. ciaaea, ocio, or. BUSINESS CHANCES. WANTED Men with capital to Invest 1b ob of the beat bualneaa entrrprlae In the city of Portland: It will pay you to Investigate thla. Call bb Jullua H. Alexander. 188 Mor- rlaon at FOB SAf JB A ale cigar aad confectionery atore, 728 William ay., Alblna, to b had at a reaaonable price. Phrasa call after T o clock evening. RESTAURANTS. roorulua lioiieca. rlty uroo- crty, frma; don't buy or tell till yon con sult Alert Heal Etate Co., zis Uoodnough Phone 0303. PARTNER wanted Lady with 823 capital atari good paying bualurae: no experience Bcaary; pieant work. A our a iw, car journal. FOB SALE Caab grocery. $1,400, or will In voice;- average aalea 860 per day; Jfood loou Hob. See owner. 828 Everett it. No agents WANTED A man with $160 to Invest la a proaprroua bualneaa. H BOS, care Journal FOB BENT HOUSES, New 6 -room houe with bath. Forty fourth and Eaat Yamhill sta., on Dlook rrom Mount Tabor car. Key at Dtckaaa'a Grocery, Forty, fourth and Belmont. TWO aew modern 0-room houae oa tb aat aide In a good location, 818-00. Inquire of Hartman. Thompson a Powcra, 8 Chamber of CommercB. 8-ROOM bouae, reaaonable price; opportunity for single lady to keep longer: rooma sil nicely furnished. Inquire 88 North Second FURNISHED bouae for rent; a atrlctly modern T-room house, fin location, Sunnyald. 823 per month Phone Scott 1834. JUST completed, a 7-room, modern house, 8 block rrom steel bridge. ; POWERS FURNITURE CO., JVIrat aod Taylor. KADDERLY Tr.oafe- ak Commlaalon Co.; plaoo. and furniture moved by experienced men. 110 North Third at. Phooa Main 1086. WE have a great number of other house. Call and aee our Uat. Price from 88 up. POWERS FURNITURE CO.. F1rt sad Taylor. 4 ROOM cottage; 88. 371 Porter. 0 nsira cottage; giz. ouv uooa; piierea na papered. Call at 780 4th at 8-IIOOM house on Hoyt.near Twenty-third. 880. POWERS FURNITURE CO., Flrat and Taylor. 4-ROOM houae on Columbia, close la, 820. POWERS Fl K.N III HE CO . nrsi ami xayior. 0 room house, large ground, barn: Canon Heights; Inquire at Bouae. c r. Werner. FOR RENT New 0-room boas. Upper Alblna. Phone Eat 880. FOB laVM "BTSI ESTATE. ADVKRTISBMBNTS nnder thla claaain-atloa coat 16e for 21 word and a vaiuauie p.-rmlum frre. Dally ar Sunday. 7 ROOM house and 2 lota 60x100 each. 22 fruit tree, beautiful lawn, furnace, hath hot aad cold water, etc.. price 81,860. or will exchange for a good paying Mloon. Tb abore muat be aold at one. t 5 room hone and lota. 88x100. near fair ground. 12.000 and 82.700. 12 room house, eaat aide, main are., 8000. 25 -room house, central, room all full, 82.230. 8 "louse end lots near fair grounds. 37.000. 28 lota, Hawthorne are., 31.800. Alao 4 Bahama. 8 reatauranta and 2 good cigar atore. all paying If you don't see It her ring np Main 8122. GREAT NORTHERN REAL ESTAT1S Ul. S. Labbe bldg., 227 Waahlngton at. WB HAYB BARGAINS. WHY pay rant oa amall farm of 10 to 20 acre Bear tne cuy wnen yow can Bray asos same from aa with nominal caab payment and Interest lea than rent! 87.000 win buy 157 acre farm near by; tha wood thereon ta worth 18.000. See u quick Davldaoa, Ward at Co., 408 Chamber of Comroene. B ACBES 8328: house and 8 acra. 8680; 8 14- acra tract. 336 per acre, aa acres, gio; all Dear 0. W. P. car 11b ; 10c fare; very eaay term on all; these are an pa; take BBtacada car. Bay agent. Brat houae south Date a crossing. FOR SALE Up-to-date. 8 large roomed cot- tag, modern: ground luoxiuu; nice nam. woodahed. chicken park, variety fruit: streets Improved; sewer; will take amall farm In exchange near city. Phone Union 8082. Premiae 873 Eaat Tenth St. North. SIGHTLY LOT for al by owner OB Van couver are., near Hancocg. inquire or nor- fird dj Patterson, tailors, cor. Third and amhlll at. 84 ooo s bouse, furniture ad groond: coat 80 000; in minutes wau, rrom court noose; rents will pay for property la 6 yaara. i. Isndlgan. 184 Sbermaa. JOURNAL want ada are Increasing In number daily becauae or results; nave yoo Bometning to sell, rent or exchange 1 21 words for 16c. FUBNITUBB In 2T room house, wall locatad. 81 2is); must be cn; cnep rent, apply c.i North Third t. Phone Main 2113. LOTS on Thirty-eighth t., 1 block Booth of Hawthorn: corner 8280: Inside. 8200; eaay terms P 608, cars Journal. FOB SAI.F, fl room cottage, with hot and cold Water connection; ISO lurauura oa aaaaaaa. Address 800 Alder at. FOR SALB 40 acre 11 mile from Portland. 8000. Apply 28 North Third. Phone Main 2113. 2 LOTS. Isiurelwood. Br ear line. 3160 each. Addrea or call owner. 811 Leo are.. Sellwood. $1,260 WILL BUY 4 -room house, lot 34x00. 428 Front: terms. , FOB SALE EABMS. A COMPIETB creamery outflt located near Port land on B. B lln; 12-H. P. holler and en gine. 300-gallon churn. Alpha separator, butter vat, ate. all complete for operating a flrt class creamery bualneaa; will trade all or part Intereat for a amall farm. Great Northern Real Eatata Co.. 8 Lahb bldg., 237 Waahlngton at. Phone Main 6122. FOR SALE TS acres line piling and milling timber, standing thick, level land. 8 mllea from Portland, on county road, 4 mile from Beverton; a bargain. Address 6 North Union are. W. J. King. FOR SALE S.04 ore, amall 2 room bona, las mile from Vancouver; good soil, gravel road. Inquire 2SS Larribee at.. Portland. 56 ACRES near Seappoo, 61.800: 00 acre. 33O0; 130 icrs. 8800. J. B. Godfrey, St. Helena. FOB RENT FARMS. I HAVE sever si buyers for good prelrle farm; lo for prairie homestead relinquishments; If von wish to aalL addreaa Box 644, Tha Dalle. Or. BANCH for rent, tork and Improvement for aale: or might trd them for Portland or St. John property. J. M. Melklejohn, Wll- holt. Or. FOB RENT MISCELLANEOUS. FOR RENT A large sample room or hall, top floor. Apply elevator man. Goodnough bldg. lost amb rovm. CAME to my enclnaure, laeceqiher 14, 1804. on bay mare, 4 or 6 year old, coacbed mane, bell on neck. Owner call, prove property, pay charge and lake bar away. . A. O. Wolfer. K20 MlMlalppl ho. LOST-Perl dragon pin. garnet setting, reward If left at Journal office. Fill Nil Hold brceh: call st Journal office. TO i MMKaWt. TO exchange, lot for driving bora. TT8 Baat Bornalde at. OMISTZitM Un TIMBER CLAIMS. PARTY of 6 wanted to go Monday and locate 8 choice timber claim and 2 homesteads; meet and arrange with cruiser today at Gem Book Slur, 228 Pint L FOB SALE MISCELLANEOUS. FOR SALB 1 large and one amall act ot Am elias gold and bullion ecalee; also on art of analytical and bullion balance, all for Iras than half price. 204 S Washington t. J. H. Flh. UNDBBWOOD TYPEWBITBB. vMalbl wrttlBg. Tabulator. Ball brlng. Light raaala. Agency SB Froat ft. Phone Bed PJ BILLIARD AND POOL tablaa for real or Cat THB BH U N8 W vKt'a LK K COLLBNDBB CO.. 88 Third St.. Portland. FOR SALE Furnished 8-room house. 3 block from poatoffk-e; rent 82260; leae trana feired;8800: muat sell on account lcknes. L 806. I be Journal. FICHER upright piano, allghlrr used. 81.16: Stelnway. 850; organ with mirror. 30, coat 3126: phonograph compute. 80. 241 H Flrat at., cor Mala. FOR SALB Ch rcgttrr. good aa new. 6126: coat 3190. 0H North Sixth. Blegvl'a Caab 3 COMPLETELY furnlahed houaekeeplng room for aale cheap. 306 H Jefferon t.. room 14. FOB SALE New, upright Neguent piano, 3125, Call 4T4 Alder at. ' PERSONAL. ADVERTISEMENTS under thla cllf1ratloa coat 15c tor 11 word aad a valuable premium free. Dally or Sunday. SEVERAL drop-head Singer aew Ing machlnea. lightly Bcratenea, tor i uia If bought at once. cah or easy term. Call or addro Eaat Side Singer Rcwltig Machine Store. 640 Williams n . Portland. Or. MANLY vigor restored try Dr. Holier ta' Narre Globule On month' treatment. 8e; 8 month. 88; aeat securely sealed by mall Agenta. Woodard. Clara m vjo.. rnuaasur. "THB BOOK OF NATURB." "rJook of Ufa.' "Mabel Grey." "Story of a Slaw." "Nn; . a - BSJB Ftral at. caiarjsurs nrr. sa YOUR prescrintlona are "Bears accurately and reasonably filled at Era soil's Pharmacy, 227 Morrlaoa at . between First and Beeond ata. WHY become gray Msyor' Wlnat Oil pre vent greyne; roc ano n oonica; man our, 81.10. B. Mayor, 1824 Olin. PortUnd, Or. DO you want a bbb la a piano? Call and ee me. i nave a imie avauir. avanj rv.. ale cheap. Nlley. 866 Stark. A BESPECTABLE MAN can eeonr a Urge um ca an n y marrying a v" r , j n.,..-. ... . Curran. 1242 Wabash, Chicago. MARRY! Improved method; quick reault: mny wealthy; adaraaia rre. oxar, a oa, Oakland. CaL THREE YEARS IN ARKANSAW" beat, all book yon yer aw. 26c. Jone' Book Store. 281 Aider t. FOB BENT OFFICE BOOM. DESK room, with light. bet nd phono free: gronnd floor. Z3a w ningion aa. a ,a Clay 1083. FOB BENT Front deal room. 10; rear. 87; half offlce. 310. bbo t,Dmoer or v omoircce. ASPHALT PAVrNO. THB Trinidad Asphalt Paying Co. of Portland. Office 863 Worreatar nut. BABOINO AND LIOHTEBINO. CAFES. ERICKSON RESTAURANT Merchant' lonch 11 a. m to 12 p. m. ; Boater new management 0. B. EVANS, prop. Second and Bornalde. THB OFF1CB. 2S6 Washington at. Main 771. Pickett Vlgaoaaz. CHARCOAL. ASK roar dealer for tha old reliable charcoal, handled by ill dealera; made by tha old reli able and moat experienced burner In th atatr. H. 8. Bakar. CT0AR6 AND TOBACCO. ESBBBO-GUNST CIGAR CO. Distributor f FINB CIGARS, a Portland. Or egos 01 BENT OONTBACT0BB. HAWKINS A OO Residence. 80S Fourth at . phone Front 1288: cement work of all da- scrlpttoB. atop work apacUlty Btred. CHAS. B. 0ABTBB A CO.. (tormerly Carter A Bill; cement contractor. 074 Tag gar t- Pboa Bast 18T6. AB work guaranteed. 0ARPENTEB8 AND BUILDERS. A 1. AUTHORS aad H. E. WOOD, carpenters ad builder; repairing and Jobbing ; (tore and office flxtare built. Shop 208 Colombia. Phone Clay 1861. DEE A HUFF, building and remodeling; tor future a specialty. 282 Flret t. Phone qy 024. COMMISSION MERCHANTS. EVERDINO A FARRELL. produce and commla alon aerchanta. 140 Front t.. Portland. Or. Phone Mala 178. 0AVBNPORT BROS.. 160 Front t. Frulta, pro fine; consignments solicited: prompt r. -turns CB0CKERT AND 0LA8SWARE. WHOLESALE crockery and glaaware Praet. Hegel A Co.. 100 to 108 Fifth. Stark at. COAX AND WOOD. GREAT WESTERN COAL CO.. 441 Hoyt. cor. Eleventh Producers and miner pf washed lump and nut Bootless house roala; lump 80. nut 86, delivered within 1 mile of yards; satisfaction guaranteed. Phone Main 84S. WESTERN FEED A FUEL CO.. cor. Front and Hoyt street, dealer In domestic and ateam coal, blacksmith coal, charcoal and coke, phone Main 1018. ALRINA FUEL CO. Deler la cordwood. coal and green and dry labwoid. H B. aad Al blna ire.. 2 block eaat of ferry STBBL BRIDGE WOOD YARD Wood aad coal. Office. 218 Hollatlay avenoe. Phone B. 434. C E. VBLIN. flmt class wood and coal, office 88 Alblna ara.. near ferry. Dry alabwood. COLUMBIA Wood A Coal Yard. Eaat Eighth and Hawthorne. Phone East 2007. OREGON FUEL CO.; U kind of coal aad S44 Morrison. l'none Main BB. HOOVER A aad eoal. CONWAY. 813 Watar at. aala DANCINO. MRS. GRANT'S adult and children's rlaaaes. Weatara Academy. Morrison at., cor. Second. CLAIBTOYANT AMD PALMIST. PALMIST AND CLAIRVOYANT Dr. Lyon, th renowned psychic palmist and clairvoyant, will be with you for a short time at th Kingston, Third at., next door Booth Rtker their. Remember. It doctrr give you a wonderful life reading of the past, present and future; nam given; satisfaction or no charge. If you ara In trouble consult him In Fl matter. Th doctor also cures chronic dleeaar of long standing, druglesa treatment. Ufa readings $1. Consultation free. MADAMS JOHNSTON clairvoyant. plml.t. tad la card reader; I give facta rellabla aad I give isc ts reiUBB ffsir of real Ufa portent on ill aff. Beading 60c. Seventh at., sear Oak. MAGNETIC HEAI.IN0. MBS. L. B. HABT successfully treats all dta esse: method taught. "New Thought' rooa. 811 Touroy blda;. Mala 4178. DYEINO AND CLXAJTIBO. PORTLAND STEAM CLEANING AND DYKING Works; practical hatter 1b cooDectloa; frithrr Dos nd plumes claa bed and curled by aa x part, HI Koorth. Pbon CUy 704. CLOTHES CLEANED AND PRESSED fl Pl Booth. L'ulqu Tallarlng Co., 847 Washing OREGON Dying A Steam Cleaning Worki H. Vctter, prop., 363 Burnald. Phone Clay ii. i'. I. W. TURNER, prareaslona dyer and BOS Jsffenoa st Pbon. Mi-ln 8813. M0BXY TO L0AB. fW H. 8TRON0. FINANCIAL AGENT. Money to loan. No i-otumlaaloa. I am In poaltioo to make Immediate loan oa Improved real estate or for building purpose i By amount; moderate intrrrst We ap prove loans from plana and advance money aa nalldlng pro grew. Option la repav aart after oa yr. FRBO U. STKONO. Financial Agent. 108 Second at., pear Stark. THB STAB LOAN CO. Any aalarled employe, wage earner, caa get o his note, without niortgsg Month. H Month Wrek Of -Repay to as 13.33 ar H n or 33-16 Repay to ua 8 0 OS or 88.85 or 81 03 615.00 Bcpay to a 4.00 ot 32.00 or 81.08 SALARY LOANS Yoa can borrow money frea ks' on your salary or Income for una to Ml mnotba. In any amount from 85 to 3100; Jowat rate of Intereat: an wait. d lay: all negotiation are atrlctly private B confidential: .payment unnded In ca of sickness. Tb Crescent Loan Co.. 317 Ore- gonian BMg SALARY LOANS Anv salaried peTBOn hi vteadr nnsltion wfth responsible fl.-m baviBg i caa iieMiey eu ana eaay lorn-put plan. "r irJlJiobl,cUT. " "'lay. all hnidnea treated ";lj .otnSdestlal. NORTHWEST LOAN CO.. Ul ALtngton blda. etre.. with WANTED-Money to loan. We caa get yea Phenomenal Intereat: aecurlty absolutely gilt edge. Js wr-BJ-risAL BBOKRRAOR COMPANY. 1S8 Seventh at. Phone Main 4080. LOANS on reay payment plan to aalarled peo- tle; lowaat rates; strictly confidential tnployea' Loan Co., 716 The Dekum. Third and Washington via. Phone 884. MONRT TO LOAN on real, personal and col. lateral security; special attention to chattel mortgages: note bought. C. W. Pallat. 804-6 Fen ton bldg.. 84 Sixth at. HIGHLY respectable place wb. ladle Bd Eata caa borrow money on diamonds aad ehT. Collateral Loan Bank, 208 Wak Etna at. Telephone Black 71. SFE The Dnnn Lawrence Co.. real astat aad Saaaclsl genta: money to loan on mortgage securities t low rates la Irotn 8300 to nO.ObO 148H Flrat st. MONEY ADVANCBD salaried people. a Barters, at., without aecurltv: esv pavmant: Isrg eat braslnewa In 4 principal cttlea. Tolman. 223 Ablngton bldg. MONEY loaned oa pianos fnrnltnre and other chattel securities all badaesa etrlctly pel vat. NORTHWEST LOkN CO.. 63t A blag- ton rung . city CHATTKL loan In monnt renglBr from 38 to 86.000; rooming honeea a anedalt. New Era Loan A Trust Co.. tM Ablngton hldg. no v-c, Mass . a S a", , mi, viiivt v aa nav ror im mediate loan from $5 up on any aecurlty. Rtlnrat A Keating. 6o4 Marquam. MONTY to loan to aalarled neonle or ot on collateral aecurltv : amall loans, short time; note bottght. 333 Mohawk bldg. MONEY TO I OAN on Improved or anlmproved dry property. In anma to suit. Parrlsb. Wt kins A Co.. 2B0 Alder at. MONEY TO LOAN In large or amall aaasaar BB rood security; Went rata. rVUUars 01 Beck. SOT Fatllng bide. LOANS at lowest rate on furniture, piano: Bar security note purchased. Eastern Loan office. 448 Sherlock bldg. MONEY TO LOAN en Claekaaa county tasda. F F. aad F. B. Riley, first Chamber of Com DOS) AND M0BSX HOSPITAL. DA A J. CABNBT. f on, rtiiioTTl to i and Firth at. . V. A, vrterlnary ar Gobsb at., hex. Fourtk DECORATORS. HENRY BERGRR 180 Flret at.; wsuraaraar. Ingrains, tapeatrlaa, appllqvja frteasa. Inter ior decorating. DRE8SMAKINO. MRS. McKIBBKN. artlt1e Baking. 861 Morrlaoa at aad eloak- DIvESSM AK1NG Strictly up to data: deatgn. 485 Clay at. latest ELECTRICAL W0 BBS. NORTHWEST ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING Company. 808 Stark at., Portland: 0. K. for everything la tha elrrtrleal Una. Phsss Mala isbA. FURNITURE FACT0RIE8. OREGON Furniture Manufacturing Company Manufacturers of furniture for tha trad. Portland. Or. FUBNITUBB mannfacTarinjr ad apectal order. Is Rovetisky's furniture ISrtory. 370 Front St. FOREST RESERVE 8CSIP. innEST HK1ERVE SCRIP FOB , SA I.E Ap proved, unrestricted, r.cly for Immrdlat oae; loweat prices. B. F. A K B. Riley. 808 Chamber of Commerce. OB0CEBB. WAIIIIAUa A ro wholeaala grocers, caa bis. factarera and commtsaion mere Fourth and oax ata. ALLRN A LEWIS commlaalon and produce mar rhanta Front and Darl st.. Portland. Or. HUMAN HAIR ROLLS. J 3. BORG. msefr human balr rcll. 43S R. 81b. Pbon Eaat 2311. Store. 8S0 Moniaon t. HOTI LB. HOTEL Portland. American plaa: S3, 88 par day. BELVEDERE; European plaa; 4th aad Alder sta INSURANCE. ISAAC L WHITE. Sr 800 D-kom JA8. Mcl. WOOD, employer' llahtlltr and IB dividual accident aurety bonda of all kinds. Pbon 47. ao3 McKay bldg. B. F. BARTBL8 COMPANY, Insurance 448 Sherlock bldg. Oregon Pbon Clay 688. FIBB INSURANCE J. P Kennedy A Co., 281 Sherlock bldg. Phone Ms In IRIIa. ABTHUB WILSON. Are Insure or. Sherlock bldg. Phone Mla 1008. LUMBER. rough and dred lumber up Union 1874. n rar loads. Call MASSA0F.. FRENCH ladlea give bath and massage treat ment. 80S Fifth t. Phone Main W.IO MTSICAL. SH I ' PLAYING PIANOS Ceo' Han aelf pisy Ing pianos pronounced the beat by leading mnelclane; a nan Ceclllsn piano player. E. U. Well Music Houae. 360 Alder at. MR. AND MBS H. A. WEItRER h.njo. mando. Ha. guitar Inatractlon. Main 8088. 176 W. Park. MUSIC DEALERS FISHRR MUSIC CO.. 100 Third st Victor talk ing a china; rep.lrlng. Bad 883. BUSHONO 4 00 Kioot aad Stark (ta.. print ing, lithographing, blank book aad office eatiptlea; work dona oa time: nutst complete printing offioa la the wast. Vain 104. 'ANDBKSON A DUNIWAY OOMPAVY. prlntlna. RHMgiapbing. blank book. Pboat) Main if. MEDICAL. DBS. PATTERSON AND EEL I A. Osteopaths, graduate Klrksvllla Ma. MT Baatoa Bldg.. 84 Oth at. Pbon Wast in, PLUMBXBA. PONNEBBERG A BADKMACBBB. sanitary plumbara. 84 Fourth at. Bod pbon. VOX A Co sanitary plumber. 831 fVeond hex. Mala aad SalinoB. Oregon Phrase Mala 3001. 0VEBALLA BOSS OP THB BOAD OVERALS aad markaa la' clothing; Baton aada. Naaatodtaar Bros., manafacturera. Purtlaod. Or. PAINTS, OILS AND OLA88. F. R. BBACH A CO Pioneer Paint Co., wiling the beat thing made to paint and genera ral building ig umirrieia: winaow-giass ana glaslrtg fatty. 1B Flrat at. Paori Mala 1834. a peril BASMUSBRN A CO Jobbers, paints, ell. glass. a,a iuu aajora. rsrrona nu xuyMT. PLATING. THE OREGON PLATiNO WORKS. 481 Wash ington st Pboa 80TB, Polishing, plating aad lacquering. , BESS CLIPPINGS. MAKB MONEY1 USE PRESS rrf.twwt atrial King np Rise!- ii nd order month's aervlee covering every town la any ar all coast state; ila : ! r messenger service; advance re ports oa all contract work. Portland of fire. 108 Second St. BOOFTNrJ. TIN ROOFING, guttering repslrlag and general Jobbing. J. LoaU. 213 Jefferson st. ROPE. PORTLAND CORDAGE CO. Corner Fourteenth aad Northrup st , Portland. Ot. 3UBBER STAMPS. P. C. STAMP WORKS. 248 Aldae at Main 710; rubber stumps seala, atendta. bag gag, trada check; tend for csteloaeaa. BT0RA0E AND TRAN8EEB. SAFES, plaaoa and fnrnltnre mo red. packed ready for shipping snd shipped: all work guaranteed; 1 large. S-torv. brick, fireproof warehouse for itorafa. office 188 Ftm at. 0. M. 0L8RN. Phone Main B4T. & 0. PICK, office 88 First at., between Start aad Oak ata.; phone 680; piano and fnral tare moved aad packed for shipping; roa modioli fireproof brick waraboaa. Froat aad Clay ata. SHOWCASES AND FIXTTJBEA SHOWCASES of every description; bank, bar and store fixtures made to order. Th l.otk Manufacturing Co.. Portland and Seattle. SAFES. LARGEST stock In city; I Heboid work: lockoara i opened. Rap Ira tall work, steel celling, treat ment and good meriting your patruaasa, 3. B. Darts. 08 Third at. TRANSFER AND HAULING. OREGON TRANSFER CO.. 184 North Sixth. Phone Main 88. Heavy hauling and ttnrag. POST SPECIAL DELIVERY No. 2001, Waak- I. r-aon Mala nr.! , TYPEWRITERS. YOST TYPEWRITER I1EADOUABTERS- sou mark Street. W rent, repair, aell. axrhange trpewrttar All sopplles for all msctilne Standard machine 8211 and bp to 6100. Do yon want a stenographer or typist I W bav list of good anpllcsata. Phone Rlsek flBTl. UNDFHWOOD V7SIB7.B TTPSWRITBR. It m Front at rbore Bed 1881. TOWEL SUPPLY. CLEAN TOWELS DAILY Comb, brush, so p. 81 per month. Lawrence Broa," Towel Supply On., Fourth tad Coach. Phoas 488. WALLPAPER. MOBQAN WALLPAPBB CO.. 184-186 8ooad bv.. Dot. x amhiii aad Taylor, rortlaaax. FINANCIAL. 08D08 A BAM FRAWC1SCO BANK, Chamber of Commerce Building. Third aad aiai a Birsax. nrtd Offlce. 68 Old Brod Street, London. Till bnk lrnact a general banking bul- tM-. makiv loan, dlaooaota bill and laauea letters of credit available for travelers aad for the purchase of merchandise In any city of tka world. Deals tn foreigr. and domestic exchaugt. Intereat paid on all time deposit. W. A. MACRAE. Manager. SSOaTBZTT BATZMOB TBITMT OtX, 888 Morrison St., Portland. Or. Ttnaacta a Oanrral Banking Businea. SAVIX0S DEPAHTMLNT. Intereat Allowed on Time and Savinga Deposit. Acta aa Trustee for Estate. Draft and Letter of Credit Avallabl la All Parts Of tb World. C. F. ADAMS Presldeat L. A. LEWIS First Vice-President A. L. MILLS Second Vlca-Presldstat U. 0. -IL'BITZ Bcralary I IMZTXflD STATES SATTOMAL BANK, U OF PORTLAND. 0RE00N. laORTHWEST COB. THIRD AMD OAX BIS. Transacts a Osaaral Banking BusIbbsb. DRAFTS IS8I ED. Available In Ail Cltlea of the United State aad Europe, Hong Gong and Manila. COLLECTIONS MADE OX FAVORABLE TXXMS President 3. C. AINHWOHTH Vice-President W. B. AY EH Ccahler It W. SCHMEKU Assistant Caabler A. M. WRIGHT MEBCHAHTS' WATIOl AL BAST. PORTLAND. 0BE00X. - J FRANK WATSON Prealdent B. h. DUKHAM Vlcu-Prertdedt B. W. HOYT...., Caabler GEORGE W. HOYT Assistant Cashier Transact a General Banking Baalaaa. Drafta and Letter of Credit Issued Arallabla to All Part of the Wtsrld. Collectlona a 8i.rlalty. Gold Duet Bought. CURST MATTOMAI. HANK r of Portland, Or. Designated Depository and Financial of tb United States. Prisldent .-A. L. MII.U4 Caabler 3. W. NEWKIRK Aeelalant CTkhler W. C. .AL Volt l Sro.nd Assistant Cashier B. F. STEVENS Latter of Credit lmned Available In Europe and the Eastern State. Sight Exchange and Telegraphic Transfera old on New York. Boston. Chicago. St. Lonl. St Paul. Omnh. 8n Frenclaco nd th principal points In the Northwest. Sight and lime bills drnwn In um to soil on London. Parla. Berlin. JCrenkfort-on tha Maln. Hong Kong. Yokohama. Copenhagen. Clrlstlanla. Stockholm, St. Petersburg. Mob cow. Enrich. Honolulu, sicollcctlon made on favorable term. I ADD ft TTIiTON. BAMKFMB, I (BtM1hd la IWV8 I Transact a General Banking Businea. Collection made t all nolnla on favorable terms Letter of credit Issued av.-illable la Europe and all points In th United State. Slsht Earning and Telegraphic Trsnafert sold on New York. Wsshlngton. Chicago, St. Lent . Denver Omsha. San Francisco and Montana and British Columbia. Exchange aold on LoBJa. Prl. Berlin Frankfort. Hong Kong. Yokoboma. Manila and Honolulu . . KOBBII MMOS. ft aTmCTTJBMXMW, Offr 0' t Fda Invtmnt In Municipal and BaflraBd Bond., Write ar Oall. 1 68' 4 First Street. Fortl.nd. Oregon. MORTOAOB LOAN8 On Portland Baal Batata at Lowaat Bate, Title Insured Alytrart Fnrnlahed. TTT UT OOAMABTT-M ft TBU8T 00. Boom 4. Chambar af Commsrca.