THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. THURSDAY EVENING. DECEMBER 18. 1904. BUDAH BERNIQUE CLAIRVOYANT THE VEILED PROPHETESS CLAIRVOYAI JILFIK TODAY'S MARKETS Very Heavy Arrivals of Chickens Continue the Rule Along Front Street and the Mar ket Retains Its Former Weak Tone. Entered at the noetofflce of PortUnd. Or. " usuaportauoa through the mall u matter. I'oatage (or single copies: For an 8. 10 to 18 (i 'WW, I coot: 18 to SO mi, omUi ts "ages, S Cents. Tsuraom. Bdttorlal Booms. Office.. roxxxox advibtisimo xxtxxsxbtatttx. 'reand-Bengemi,, Special Advertlelng Agency. ISO Kuai afreet. Now Xork; Trlbuns .Balls ing. Chicago'. bubscXiptiox batxs. ' . Terms 17 Carrier. The Dally Jonrnal. with Bandar. 1 Tar... IT 50 Ta Dally Journal, 1 nir 8.00 Tha Mall. TrtnH.l' ik I" Wo p,i,, p., oaMeered. Sunday Included ; IS h Dally par work, dollrorod, Sunday excepted M Tormi by Ifefli 20 Dally Journal, with Sunday. 1 roar IT 00 The Dally Journal. 1 yaar .J The Dally Jonrnal. with Sunday, montha. 8.T8 Tbo Dally Journal. montha ITS The Dally Journal, with Sunday. 8 montha. 1.80 Tbo Dally Jownal, 8 montha M0 Tba Dally Journal, with Sunday. 1 mouth.. 88 Tbo Dallr Jonrnal, 1 montb ? The Sunday Journal. 1 yaar Xon Tho Sunday Journal. montha x.OB Tbo Semi-Weekly Journal. Zbo Semi-Weekly Jonrnal. I b II peg each laaua. lUuatratad. (nil marh in re- an. yaar ...S1.38 The Weahlw lanul. Tbo Weekly Journal, 100 columns of read ing each Issue. Ulna tra tod. full market reports, 1 year floo Remittance ahonld bo made by drafts, poatal notes, express -rders and small amounta ara accept sbls la 1 and 3-cent postage stamps. THE J J0TJXHAL. r. o. Box 131. Portland. Or WKXBk THX JOTJXBAX HAT XX YOBsTD. Tbo Journal ran bo found on aala at tbo fol lowing places: BOtSX, IDAHO Pioneer book stor. CHICAGO Poato(flca New. company. ITS Dear- born treat. DENVER. COLO. Kendrlek Book S Stationary company. 012 Serrnteenth atroat; J. Black. Sixteenth and Curtla etreets. KANSAS CTTT Van Noy N.m company. LOS AKQELBS B. F. Oardner. SBB South Npring street; Olleer A Balnea, 200 Boon Spring street J1NNE.1 APOLIS kf. J. Keranangh, SO Booth Third NEW VortK CITY Brentano's, Union square. onnRN nrden Newa company. OMAHA lllllard Hotel newa stand: Megeatb Stationery company. 1SOS Farnum atroat. SALT LAF.B CITT Kenyon hotel newa atand; Ilarrow Broa.. 48 Weat Second etreet. South. ST. LOl'IB Philip Boeder, did Locust atreet. AN FRANCISCO W. K. Ardlng, Palace Hotel newa atand; Ooldamlfji Broa.. SSO Ssttar atraet: Fred W. Pitta, 100S Market atroat SI-oKANE WASH. John w Oraban A On. TACOMA. WASH. Central Newa company. 1111 Pacific arenne. MEETING NOTICE MINNEHAHA TRIBE. No. 3. Improved Order Red Men. The regular meetluce will bo held In tbe new wigwam. Willamette ball. No. 1T0H Second atroat, at 8 o'clock p. in. each tnursoay erening. PAGE CARTER. Sachem I. CARSTENSEN. Chief o( Records. WEATHER REPORT. The disturbance noted yeeterday morning off Cape Flattery haa moved rapidly eastward and la now central orer Montana. No reporta were receirea this morning from North Head and Tatooab Island. Tha following mailnium wind Tclocltlee occurred daring tba laat 13 houra t Inland stations Spokane. 40 mltea, south -weat; Walla Walla. 88 miles, southwest : Ts coma. 28 mllea, southwest and Portland. SB BH(Bi wMstffc Wattt 1 '.. Rain baa (alien generally In the north Pacific atatea. From tba Mississippi ralley eaatward the temperatures are much below normal and enow la falling this morning In oaatern Tennes see and Virginia. Tee Indications ara (or partly cloudy weather with occasional light rain Friday weat o( the eeew mountains, snd rair and cooler weatbet la tnle district to (be east of tbla range. MARRIAGE LICENSES. Torn Johnson. 24; Gertrude Lawrence. 18. Hubert B. Newton. 82; Lena Shockley, XT. K. ..nam. 28; Bertha Lawrence, SB. C. H. Parker, 28; Jennie North. SS. Harry Stone. 38; Albla E. Fowler. SB. George M. Taylor, 40; Alma E. Gardner, 40, Z. Zimmerman. 21. Mabel Mllllgan. 21. SIXTHS. December 12, to Mr. and Mrs. Richard Neun hera. o( 8T8 East Mill atreet, a son. December 11. to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Prlton. of 2HH MrPberaon atreet. a aon. December 13. to Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Fisher. o( 604 Fifth street, a daughter. December 8, to Mr. and Mrs. Henry A. Chapman, of SOB Russell street, a daughter. December 4, to Mr. and Mra. I. 0. McErana, of 188 Market atreet, a son. CONTAGIOUS DI8EABEB. December 14. Jamea Chamberlain. 126 Oat nee (trect; tonellltls or diphtheria. December 14, Margaret Hackett, 2ST Adams atreet: scarlet ferer. December 18, Iuta Tonng, 206 McPheraon treet: dlpM'.i.rln. DEATH B. December 18. John Cochran, aged 41 years, at St. Vincent's boaplfal; cause, tubercular meningitis. Burial at White Salmon, Wssh. December 12, Russell Trawlck, aged B months, at 184 East Thirty fifth atreet; canae, pneumonia. Burial at Lone Fir cemetery. Decora her 18, Edgar M. Watson, aged tt year, at Serentb and Hoyt streets: canae, rccldenfatly crushed between freight cars. Burial at Lone Fir cemetery. December 12. Carl O. Anderson, sged 48 years, at St. Vincent's hospital; cause, uraemlc ccnrulalnne. Burial at Rlrerrlaw cemetery. December 14, Magnus Olaon, aged 6.1 years at 432 College street; cause, cancer of llrer. Burial at Lone Fir cemetery. December 12, William Matthews, aged TO yeara, at North ML Tabor; canae. senile decay and general debility. Burial at Bralnard'a cem etery. December 18. Margaret c. Gannon, aged P.. years, at Portland sanitarium: canae, chronic gastritis. hurlal at Multnomah cemetery. Crematorium on Oregon City car Haa. near Sellwood; modern, scientific, complete. Charge - A. lulls. SS; children. 828. Visitors S a. aa. to B p. m. Portland Cremation aaaoclatioa, Portland Or. Tha Edward Holman Undertaking company, fnneral dtrectora and embalmere. SSO Third atreet. Phone 60T. J. P. Flnlcy A Son. faneral directors and embalmere. bare remnred to their new estab lishment, corner Third and Msdlson streets Beth phones No. 0. ranersl wreaths and cut flowers a epeeUltj at Ross City Greenhonat. Twenty -served aad East Morrison, opp. cemetery. Clark Broa. for flowers. 289 Morrison atreet SEAL ESTATE TRANSFFHS. Hawthorne estate to J. J. Richardson, lota 11 and 12, block 2. Hawthorne Flrat addition $ 1.100 Xuphemla Alnalle to S. St. Clair, lot 6, block 1. Albtna Ilnmeatead 200 Aloya HaroM to N. Undenbanm, lota 11 and 12. block 8. Willamette addition... IS A. J. Dehiihr to It. Debnhr. Iota 1 aad 3, block 31. Alblna Homestead 4fto Mary A. Sharp tn J. M. Collard, lot IT. block 82, Portsmouth 828 Anna S Bernard to c. H. Korrel. weat BB feet lot 10, block 11. king s Second addition Clarence M. Dllley and wife to R. J. Dehuhr. lota 1 aad 3. block 21. Alblna Homestead , 400 Ferdinand Oplta and wife to C H Knrell, lota T, 10, block II. King's Second sd dlllrm 1 Elisabeth Blount and hnaband to H. J. 1 Phelpa, lota S-8. Inrlnalre, brack IT, Weat Portland Park . 10(1 W Morgan and wife to C. A. Priest. west 4 southeast Vi lot 4. block 17. Ioic Fir cemetery U"Jj ; TS A. D. WlllOUghhr to C. E. Ksrser. lot 10, tract A. First Street Terracee S00 Robert II ( raddock and wife to H. F Stemler et al , Wtt 8, block 18, Uncola, Park annet 3,800 r Dunning and wHe and eiecutrls. hg r Hegnor, lot S, block 1, Metsg. i s addition Rolnert Can a M. H. Carr, weat u north wsat L sc. n.m IS. township 3 north, B ' H BU ford a nd wlf e to ' A. ' ieoti.' 'kit . IT. MoB 3. Blrkferd Tark tterWto ?. B. Wlleox, tratte, bah, IV. toctoaire. kfcwk , Buhmm- 16 4T i?" if""' Joamai, win Sunday. 0 montae. a. la The Dallr Journal. month. 3.80 The Daily Journal, with Bandar, S months. 1.M Tha ) it t..i a .w i an CHICKENS COMING IN LARGE SUPPLY Receipts Show an Increase But Demand Is Small and Prices Duller. GEE8E AND TURKEYS ARE BEING SOUGHT Orders for Onions Coming Fancy Potatoes Better Hop Market Firm. Front Street, Dec. 18. Tba principal market features are: Chicken receipts eery keary. Geese, and turkeya being Bought, Kgg market ta Just eteady. Orders (or onions are coming. Hops bare a belter (eellng. Frisco la buying aome flour. Arrlrala o( dressed hoga are heary. Car oraagea arrlrea tbla morning. Rome iteelbead salmon arrlres. 4 0(( grade beana bad (or prices. Chicken Receipts Ar Vary Hoary. The supplies o( chickens along the atreet this morning were quite beary. Tbe demand la rather light and even at tbe present low prlcea tbe market la weak. The trade doea not seem to care much (or chlckena and tbe demand will likely rule amall until after tha holidays. There la a great ehortage n( both tame gees and turkeya and demand for both la rery good at tbe top printed price. Wild game la coming In rather fast again, but the demand la (airly good aqd but little difficulty la experienced In dlaposlng o( tbe receipt at former prlcea. Sgg Market Barely Steady. The market for fresh Oregon egga waa barely steady today but no rhangee were made la tba qootatlona. Tbe receipts, although not large, ara plentiful enough at tbe preaent prices. There, la now no outalde demaqd for our (reeb egga aa tbe Puget sound market hare recently ahown a big slump and ara now practically tbe same aa oar own. In the cold storage grades tbe only one showing actlrity are tbe aelecta. wblcb are quoted a trifle weaker. Orders (or Onions 0 tan lag. Some orders are now being recelred (or onions. For theae the dealer will be able to pay from 82.10 to B2.3B. but tba latter price la aa exception. Tha market here is firm but unchanged in price. Fancy Potatoes Quoted Firmer. For (ancy Bur bank potatoe the demand la showing an lmnrorement and prlcea are firmer around the dollar mark. Dealers her com plain a great deal on account of the action o( soma o( tbe larger grower o( the Will amette ralley In shipping their product to the Ban Frsnolsen market, wnen juei aa goou. and sometimes better, quotation can be ob tained bere. San Francisco can use nothing but tbe best Oregona at tbla time and la not Cylng more than $1.10. With practically 2io leht charges the consigners do not recelre aa good returna aa they do at borne. Tbe receipt In tbla market at the moment are nominal. Hops Kara a Better Feeling. All through the hop market a better (eellng ta rating. Thoee dealer who ware so dnmplsh a feerdaya ago are now falling Into line one at a time. Some (ew ordera are being recelred (rom the egat on a knala of about 2c for choice and the' other In proportion. Tbe English market, according to -lateat cable, la aald to be better with mora buying, Trleee la Buying Soma Hour. On the next outgoing ateamer to thp hay .11. fwttsnri flour men will ship Quite a large cargo o( flour and (eed. The market there baa a netter appearance, iiu i. ui.u... Nothing la doing in tbe orient. The wheat market remains quiet. Prlcea unchanged. Arrlrala af Dressed Hoga Ara Keary. There war beary arrlrala of dressed hoga along the atreet today and the market waa a trifle weaker (or tk poor stock, but (or the good remained unchanged. A coneldersMe amount of poor-grade real haa been coming o( late and. these bare aold at lower prices. Fancy reels Is steady and unchanged In price. Off Orsde Beam Bad for Prions. Tba markets are filled with off grsde beana and this Is weakening the prlcea (or tbe flret claaa atock. Tbe pink are showing tbe greet eat fluctuatione on account o( tbe larger re celpta o( damaged atock of this grade. Today's ruling wholeaale prlcea: Orala . Flows aad Feed. WHEAT New and old Walla Walla. R4J 86c; hluestem. K&0c; ralley. 7c. BARLEY Feed, 822.78; rolled. 123.75; brew ing. $22.00. CORN Whole. 838.00 per ton; cracked, 828 00. RYE $1 88 per cwt. OATS Prodvoers' price No. 1 white, 337.00; gray. $28.00e2T.OO. FLOIR Eaatern Oregon Patent. S4.SB; strslahts. SS 75 ralley, $4.10; grahaaa. w B4.00; 10 14.45.1 MiiJ.MTrPFfcV-Bran. $18.00 per ton: mld- dllnga, 825.00; shorts, country, $33.60; chap, $18.00. ' HAY Producer' price Timothy. Willamette ralley, (ancy. $15.00016.00; ordinary. $13.001 gtanOr eastern Oreaon. 815. 00M 16.00: snixra. $13.00018.00; eVarer. i 1 iej i2.uo; ill.009lt.0B; cheat. $U.00130. grala. Hap. Waal aad Hides. HOPS 11K4. 22BUr (o 28V.C (or choice; 26SQ27,a (or exports; 288; (or prlmea and meniuma. WOOL Nominal. Valley, coarse to madias, 17$ 18c; fine. 10c; eastern Oregon, lSOMc. MliHAIK New. 80c. BHEKP8KIN8 Shesrlng. loA20c; abort wool. SOQSuc; medium wool, SOtjoOc; long wool. BOcttil.OO eacb. TALLOW Prime, per lb, 4J5c; No. 3 aad grease, 24I3HC. CHITTIM BARK 4c per lb, buying price. HIDES Dry hide, No. 1. 16 Ibe and np. lBQlBVse per lb: dry kip. No. 1, 5 to 15 lbs. 18c; dry cal(. No. 1, under 6 lbe. 16c; dry salted bulls and stags 1-8 lea than dry flint; aalted bides, ateer, sound. 60 lh or erer 7Q8c; 50 to 60 lbe. 7ttr; under 60 lb and cows, BttQTHe; ataga and bulla, sound. IS'..,- JiVf. to ov in, wc; aouna. iu to 14 lbs. 8.-; sslted. lc per lh less: culls, lc per lh less h,.se bide, salt,.!, each. $1.2o01 74 ; dry. each, $1 MO1.60; colts' hides, esch. 2O50c; goat skins, common, each. 10015c; Angora, with wool on, each, 25cO$l.n- Butter. Xgga aad Poultry. BUTTER FAT Sweat, 2X',c, aonr, 26 He. BUTTER Oty creamery, beat. 381,080c; second grade, 2241 25c; outalde fancy, 27 Ho; ordinary. 26r; Cold storage, 22 ',e: eastern and California, 22H026c; atore. IBQlSHc. EGGS No. 1 (reah Oregon, 82Hc; eaat ern arlects 2B037Hc: cold atorage, 34025c CHEESE New Full cream, twin. lVc; Touog America, 15c; Eastern, 15016c. POULTRY -Chickens. mired. per lb; hana, 10c par lb; rooetera. old, 8c per lb; young, 90BVir Per lb; broilers, 10c per lb; fiver.. 10c per lh: ducka. old. lnie per lb; young, llfi;ic per lb; geeae. BOBHc per lb; turkeys. lTpiIHo per lh; draseed. fcc per lb. WILD GAME Teal, $1.75; widgeon, $1 7BO tlon B B. Dawltt Connell and wife to T. B. Wil cox, lota 1, 2, 3, block 4. Johnson's ad dition 16,500 Park Land company tn J. A. Gray, bits 84, SB and .. block 71. I ntrrralty Park TOO George W. Brown to C. A. Watson, kit 24. block 2. Arleta Park No. 3 1 London A San Francisco Bank tn William A. MarRae, lots 8 and 4, block 230. Hollsdsy's addition "... 1 P. J. Mnrphy to M. T. Murpby. lot 6. block 20. i Brothers addition to Carutb rrs' addition U. J. Mathers to R O. Welch and wife, lot 14, block 80. Sellwood 200 Dell M. Shlnn and hnaband tn Ci. H. Al len. lota 6-0, lncluelre, block 1, shlnn . addition 1.27 Sheriff to A. Warner, lots 1 10, Inclualre, brock IS. Leber's addition 13 B. J. Jennings et al. to It W. Bnrdnlk. lot 4, block 66. Sunnyslde 828 Oat your Inenraace aad ebatraete t real eststs from tbe Title Gusrantee A Trust com bs ay, Chamber of Commerce building. BUILDINO PERMITS December 14, Lewis and Clark Oheerratlnn company, frame tower, Hawthorne terrace i coat. $1,600. December 14. Fidelity Trust company, dwell ing. Ha wi horns arenas between East Thirtieth and Raat Thirty second street., coat, $3,000. December Id, Mrs. Ida t Gordon Cbnrcb. cot tage, Spokane arena between Esst Thirteenth and East Fifteenth atreeis, cast, $1,400. rtecensbar 14, w. T. Bloeslng. dwelling. Gantanbaln arenas between Mam and rigid east, low. 3 00; mallard, 88.00C3-50; caaraabacka. $4 BotJ 5 00. Frulta aad TagaUblaa. POTATOES Beat Oregon, BBSrMe cwt; buytra' prtoea. TOtJTSt-; second grade. TOaJSS sack; baying price, 554J6Bc; aweeta, beat. II A. crated. Bl BBOl. 40; New CalUarala. 6c lb. ONIONS -Local. $3.40413.60; buyers' price, country, $2 10 W 2. 25; city. $2.1002.26; gsrllc. 8010c per lb. FRESH FRUITS Apptss, extra (ancy. $1.50; fancy Oregon. $1000125 per box; cheap grades, 8oO?6c par box; oranges, naral. B3.00O3.T6 per bog; seedlings. $1 76 per box: Mandarins , $1 76 per box; Jap orange, one 'box; Bananas, no in; lemons, choice. $8.36 per box: fsnor. $8.76 par box: limes. Mexlcaa. 66c per 100; pineapples. $3.6008.00; pears, il.OOOl-BOl grspes. $1.60 per box; ..1, BOOO ah KK1 Iu BIO kkl i prunes, 3c per lb; strawberries, $2.00 par 15 lb crste. VEGETABLES Turnlpa. $1.00 par sack; oar rota, $1.00 par sack; bests, $1.35 per sack ; Oregon radlabea, 16c par dos; cabbage. Ore gon, $1.500175 cwt; lettuce, bothouae, 250 80c per doa; green peppers, 7c per lb; colli pep- Srre, 15c lb; celery, tJOj75c per dos; tomatoes, sllfornla. $1.1601.36: psranlpe. 76cO$13S; pis plant, 303Hc lb; string beans, 4c: cauliflower. oOcOBl.oo dta; butter beans. 8c: pumpktna. lc lb; borseradlab. TOBc pat U; sprouts. 6c; mush rooms, 36c par lb: artichokes, BOOooc per doa. DR. ED FRUITS Apples. eraporatadT 7QSc per lb; aprlcota, BVkOlSe par lb; sacka. He per lb leaa; peaches. rlU12c per lb; pear. Kir lb; prunes. Italian. 8H04HC par lb; renrb, 3H04HC per lb; figs. California black. 6O6Va0 per lb; California whit, par lb: plums, pitted, par lb; dates, guldau. Be pee u; tarda. $1.60 per 15-lb bog. 1 Srssariaa. Bat. Eta. SUGAR Back basis Carta, $6.40; .powdered. $6.86; fruit granulated, 86.-8; dry granulated, id. 16; beat granulated. $6.06; extra C, $6.16; golden 0 $6.60, bbla, 10c, Hbbla 38c, botes 60c adrance on aack baala, less 35c cwt (or caab, 16 days: maple. 14016c par lb. HONEY 14 HO lac. COFFEE Package brands. $14.88018.88. SALT Fine Bales. Ss. ws. 4s. 6a. To. 81 80. table, dairy, OUs. $.50Olla0: 100a. $8.00; Imported Llyerpool, 60s, $16.00016.00; 100a, $14.60015.00; 224s, $11.60014.60; sxtra fine, bids. Is, Be, 6s, 10a, $4.60; balk. 830 lb. $4 w: sacka, 60s, toe. SALT Coarse Half ground. 160a, per ton, $6.3006.60; 60s per ton. $6.6606.00: Llyerpool lump rock, $16.60016.60 per ton; 50-Ib rock, $6.260d-T6; 100a, T5J0.2S. (Abore prices spply to sales of was than ear lota. Car lota at special prlcea subject to fluctuation. GRAIN RAGS Calcutta, $6.TBO 00 per 100. BICB Imperial Japan. No. 1, 4ie; No. A 4c; Now Orleans bead. 6ViOBc; Adjact. Hc. Creole, 4c. BEANS Small white, 4c; large white, IV, pink, 4c; bayou, 3c; Lima. 6c; Mexi can reds, 5 He. NUTO Peanuts, Tc; Jumbos, BVic per lb; raw, BOlOc per lb, roasted, cocoa nuta, BbO BOc par doa; walnuts. 14016cper lb; pine nuts. 10O12HC per lb; hickory nuts, 10c per lb; chestnuts, eastern. 16016c per lb; Braxll ants. 16c par lb; filberts. 15318c par lb; fancy pecans. 14016c per lb; almonds, UOlaa Per lb. Mssu, Flab aad Prorlalone. ' FRESH MEATS Front atreet Beef, steers. 406c per lb; pork, block, UkiHe lb; packers. 06He par lb; bulla. 202hc per lb; cows. H0r4He par lb: mutton, dressed. 406c per lb; real, extra, THOSe per lb ordinary. SOTc pas lb; lamb, 6HooHc lo HAMS, BACON, ETC. Portland pack (local) hama, in to 14 lbs. 12c per lb; 14 to 16 lbs. 12V per lb; 18 to 20 Iba. 124c per lb; cottage, He per lb; breakfast bacon, 1401Sc par lb; picnics, Be per lb; regular short dears, un amoked. 10c per lb; smoked. He per lb; clear backs, unsmoked. 1140 per lb; amoked, 10e per lb; lutoa butts. 10 to 18 Iba. unsmoked. ae per lb; amoked. Be per lb; clear belllea, aa amokvd. 11c per lb; amoked, 13c par lb. l.i o A l. 1, A It II Kettle leaf. HIS. tunc per lb; 6a, In He par lb; 50-Ib Una, 10c pel eteam rendered, 10a, Hc per lb: 5e, BH per in; tlHc per lb: tubs rls.c nee lh- Alia HA-c ner lb. CANNED SALMON Columbia rlrer 1-Ib taua $1.85; 2 lb tails, $8.60; (snry l ib flat. $3.00; H lb (ancy flats, $1.25; fancy 1-lb orala. 1175. Alaska talis plak, 85OB0c; red, $1.60; nominal 2a, tall. $2.00. . . FISH Rock cod, Tc per lb: flounders. 6c per lb; hull but. 7c ner lb. crabs, $1.25 per dos; striped baas, 10O12HC per lb; catfish. 7c per lb; salmon, steelheads. 8Hc per lb: froscn allfer eldea 6tc lb; herring, flc lb; eolea, tic per lb; shrimps. 10c per lb, ehad, dressed. per lb, perch, 6c per lb; shad ran, par lb: shad. Be per lb; black cod, 6c per lb; Columbia rlrer smelt, 10c per lb; silver smelt, 6c per lb: lubstera. 1 2 fresh mackerel, 8c; crawfish, 20c per doa; flounders. 8c per lb; sturgeon. 7c per lb. OYSTERS Sboalwater bay, per gsl. $3.36 per aack. $4.00 net; Olymnta. par sack. $6.36. CLA.MA Hsrd shell, par bra, $3.00; raaor clama, $2.00 per bog. Paints, Osal Oils, Eta. ROPE Pure Maalla, 14c; standard. 13e; SIssJ. J04c; Istle brand Steal. c. COAL OIL Pearl ox Astral esses. 31 He per gal; water white. Iron bbla 16c par gal, wooden, par (al; headlight, 170-deg, cases 23 He per gal. Iron bbls 17c per gal. LINSEED OIL Purs rsw. In bbls 63c par gal. case 67c par gal; genuine kettle boiled, cases 58c per gal. bbla 64c pet gal; ground cake, car lots $25.00 per ton. leaa titan car lota $36.00 per ton. GASOLINB 86-deg, esses 83c per gal. troa tbla 36c per gal; store, cases 24 Ho per gal. iron rims IKo per gsl aia.' o.fc-urg tbla 16 He per gal. deg caaea SB per gal, Iran PAINT OIU-Raw bbls 38c par gal. caaea Bsc per gal: boiled, caaee 40c par gal. TURPENTINE In caaea 85c ner gal. woods a bbla. 81c per gal. Iron bbla 79c per gal. 10 lb case lota 84c per gsl. WHITE. LEAIt Ton lot Te per lb; 600 lb lota 7c par lb, leaa lota 8c per lh WIRE NAILS Preaent baee at $2.60. RECEIPTS OF SHEEP WERE HEAVY TODAY Portland I'nlon Stockyards. Dec. 18. Tbe bog market continues lta weak tone but price remain tbe aame. Cattle are quoted strong and unchanged. Sheep ara the name. The re ceipts today were 50 hoga and 1,800 sheep. official ruling prices: Hogs Best eastern Oregon. 83 25; best Wil lamette yalley, $5.0005.10: light, $4.00; China (ata. $4.00; stock, r. and (coders, $3.2504.23. Cattle Heat eastern Oregon steer.. $3 5041 8.66; light and medium steers, $2 75 of 3. 23: beat row. 82.750 8 00; medium cows, $2.tii2 6n; old and light cows, $1.6003.00: Blockers snd feeders, $3.000226; hulls, $1 .7303.00. Sheep- Best (ancy sheep. $3.6008.75; lambs. $3.75; ewes, $8.76; atock sheep. $2.85. XOOB WXAX IX CHICAGO. Chicago, Dee. 18. Lleeetock receipts: Hogs. Cattle. Sheep. Chicago 88.000 8,000 18.000 Kanaaa City S.0O0 6.000 4.000 Omaha 7.000 3.000 8.000 Hoga Opened weak and 5c lower, with 8. Out) left oyer; receipts a year ago were 88.000. Prices: Mixed and butchers, $4 SO O 4. 55; good heary, $4.6004.60; rough besry, $4.3004 40; light, $4.1804.50. Csttle Strong. Sheep Strong. LIVERPOOL WEAKNESS SOMEWHAT DEPRESSING (Furnished by Orerbeck, Starr A Cooke Co.) New York, Dec. 18. T. A. Mclntyre A . aay: Tbe unexpected weakness in Llyerpool bad a aomewbat depressing Influence on the cotton market while the latter waa narrow and professional In character here. Speculation contlnuea entirely professions! snd we (all to And anything In the situation that wonld In duce ua to change our poaltion on tbe market and we continue to faror ecalplng operations for moderate tnrng. Tha market la about 14 points off. The official cotton market : High Jaeuary February March ... April .... May June July August . . October . . December XEW TOXX OOFFXE MAXXXT. New Tnrk. Dec. 18.- Coffee closed unchanged to 6 points np. Official prices: Bid. Ask. I December . .$7.20 $7.25, June Janusry .... T.35 7.80 July Februsry ... 7.38 7 46 August asarek 7.60 7.66t!eptemtier April T BO 7.65' October . Bid. Ask. SO 7.00 . . T OO 7. 86 . . S.OO 8 IB ..810 8.15 .. S.13 8 211 . . 8.30 6 26 y . 1 si cinyrmner cash coffee: No. T Klo. 8 7 16c; No. 4 San tos. vc. New Tnrk Bugar Market New Tort, Do,. 16 -Sugar: Refined, un changed, rsw. steady: 1 entrlfngsi, 4Uc: Mnaco. 4r; Ixmdon beat, np Hd to 14a for December and Md for January. Boston ta Xat Tartar. Boston Dec. IB. The atock exchange will be closed Saturday. December Si, Open. High. Low. Close. . . 71 7.M 7.60 T 614163 . i. T.80 7.80 7 75 7 ewft 7 I ... 7.80 T BI T.T6 7 77li . .. T.B9 TBS T.OB 7. Mew . .. 8.61 8.03 T BS T.BSOSn . .. B OB T.BBOtT . .. S.18 8.14 8 00 8.00O01 . .. 8.1.1 8.15 83 8 n0Ml2 rV flSB SHORT COVERING WAS THE CAUSE Chicago Wheat Market Hae a Strong Feeling Through out the Seeeion. PRICE SHOWS ADVANCE , IN ALL THE OPTIONS December le One and Three Eighths While May Is Seven Eighths Up. THE WHKAT MARKET. Open Ctnaa Close Today. ... $l.i7 ... 1.004 Today $107. Wed. $1.0644 December May July 1 in .84 V ':SS (Fnrulahed by Orerbeck. Starr A Cooke Co.) Chicago, Dec. 16. Logan A Bryan aay: The wheat market ruled strong all through the ses sion. Tbe strength In tha New York markets caused extenalre short corertng. Tbe Mlnneapo Ua market ruled steady, muring an adrance of l '. 1 -ndl linns underlying tbe market, aa we ae them, are maintained. At the moment wa aee nothing to warrant a bull market In wheat. It la a trading market with good awlnga In eltber direction. Elerator Concern Buys. In corn tba feature of this market waa tba persistent buying by a prominent elerator con cern, which seemed to bare an unlimited order In the May option. Tbe strength Induced a little an-rrt corertng. but no demand appeared from tbla source. We continue to feel that May corn, under 46c pressure, will not hurt much to buy. The market la largely a scalping affair aad rerp professional. Oats Market Helped. Snort core-ring and tba strength In other markets continued to a amall adrance in oata. The market held lta strength all through the session Tbla market la likely to be Influenced by tbe action of tha corn market. Today'a official markets: wnsAT. Open. High Low. Close Dec $ 1.07 $ 1.07T $ 1.07 $ 1.07 May 1.081 1.11 1.004. l.lOKK .11 1e.11; July. 88 Ha .88 OK CORN Dae... eM4 U .45HA Jan 43& ,434 42', 42S.H May 44Vi .46& 4s, .46B Jcly 43 .46a .46 45 fg OATS. Dec... Hi: 'M .20 :n' .31 2S .11 M 31 May. July MB8S PORK Pec 11.25 12.56 Jan 1X40 12.85 12.40 May 1275 12 00 12.70 12.87 Lard. Dee Jan S.S6 8.87 6.86 7.07 V Mar 7.10 7 July 7.22B SHORT RIBS. Jan B.48 6.50 6 42S 6.60 May July 8.75 6.80 6.72S 6 80A 6.92A FRISCO MARKET HAS A BETTER FEELING (Furnished by Orerbeck, Starr A Cooke Co.) San Franrlaco, Dec. 18. B. F. Mutton A Co. aay: There haa been a stronger feeling la the local wheat market today. A rery large abort Interest la now In it. It will retiulre outalde buying to dislodge the shorts, which doea not TT"k at m f T peowifclng There haa been foreign buying orders bere for several day bnt limits hare been too (ar from the market. Barley contlnuea dull but Arm. Today'a official 11:80 a. m market: WHKAT. Open. High. Low. Cloaa. May $1,484. Si ft $1.46Vi, $1.45 BARLEY December .... 1.12V, 1.12Vs 1 ltt -12V Msy 1.10 I 10 1.0BV4 108 OUTSIDE WHEAT CLOSES. Milwaukee ... St. I. nils Kanaaa City.. Chicago Minneapolis DulntA I , 1 12M.B York MM rranotseo. per cental 1.46 New San Frsnclsco, Chicago Cash Wheat. Chicago, Dec. 16. Caab wheat closed about 3s off Official price: Bid. Ak. No. 3 red $1 14, $1.16 No. S red 1 08 1.18 No. t bard winter 1-OS 1.18 No. $ bard winter 1.11 1.10 No. 1 northern spring 1.1BH 1.18 No. 8 northern spring..., 1.03 1.16 No. S spring -SB 1.18 Primary. Shipments aad Clearances. Chicago, Dec. 16. Primary recelpta: Today Year Ago Bush. Bush. Wheat 666.00 8115.000 Corn 710.000 291.000 Shipments ware: Whest 348.000 301 000 Corn 636,000 186.000 Clearances were: Vtneat ana Iiour, oo.pu buabela. corn, 37,800 bushels; oata, 400 bushrla. Snow Betters Crop. Cincinnati, Dae. IS. Price Curreet aaya: Snow in the central regions psrtlslly relleres the wheat crop snd In the central portion It Is essentially bettered. Corn Is offered freely where prlcea are mslntalnd. Wheat and oata are marlng moderately. Liverpool drain Market. Llrerpool. Dee. 15. close,. Wheat. May. 7a 8dT d down; March. Ta 3d, d dCom -January. 4a 4d. d up; March, 4 34d. d up. Oklcsgs Orala Car Lota. Chicago, Dee. 18. Oraln car lota: Cars (J red Est. 1B03 Wheat 27 43 80 Corn 8BO 1 BBO oata 68 11 63 SAX FRANCISCO LOCAL STOCKS. San Frsnclsco. Dec. IB. Local stocks closing. 10 .10 s. m.: Bid. ...mi ... 10 ... 66 T3 14 u" :::So ... S3 6 ' ...10T Aag. Spring Vslley Wster Mutual Electric 11 Ml S. r. Qae A Electric '.isnt Powder Hawaiian Sugar Honokea Sugar Hutchinson Sugar Kllanes Suear 811 74 18 14 n 21 04 ft Makawell Sugar Onomea Sugar .. I'sankau Sugar Alaska Packers' Cel. rrult Cannera Oceanic Htesmshlp Pacific states Telephone.. BOSTOX COPPER STOCKS. Boston, Dec. 1st Koyal . . . I'nlted Stataa . Atlantic f'npuer Range Trinity Mass Mohawk Old Dominion Parrot Qulncy Tsmsrack ... 16. Official copper cleelng Bid. I .$ 25.00; Arcadian $ 24 50: Adrenrure IB.OoCentennlsl 6H.'gl Daly Weet io 75'0reen Copper. . . 8 75i Michigan 40 60Catumt 4 34 60 0aceoa : 26 no Pboealx . 102 on Bant Ta . 10.60 Shannon Bid 1 78 6.60 24 75 12.00 B.13 14.1 Oil B1 50 Cklaaga Leoal Btocka. Chicago. Dec. IS. Local stocks closing: Bid. Ask. Natlonsl Biscuit 56 67 do preferred., 118 116 l ulled Box 1 2 do preferred 10 11 American Can m 10 do preferred BS 88 national 1 arnon e-a ,l'l J . . , , M 4.1 do preferred ion no 136 Dlsmood Match IBB Demand Sterling New Tork. Dec. IB. Demand sterling, 417 2$ May Option. ,...$1.10 ... I 12', 1.02 .... 1.10B i.m.n STANDARD OIL IS TAXED TO UNIT Big Interest Had All It Could Do to Keep the Market Steady. AMALGAMATED CAIN IS NOT LARGE TODAY Sales During Session Were Very Small Activity in Reading. (Furnished by Orerbeck. Starr A Cooke Co.) New York, Dec. 15 - This was a rery dull day en tbe exchange. There were aome amall gains, especially by Amalgamated Copper, which adranced 60c at the cloaa from yes terday's session, after a full day'a work by the Bis inlai d OH Interest The sales today up to noon amounted to 467. 200 shares and (or the aeaalon but 757.520 shares Moat of these were Amalgamated and Beading. Today'a official ruling prices: f HI DBBCXIPTION. Ansconda Mining Co... Amsl. Copper Co 102 100 100 81 101 on Atchison, com 8.1 U 82 do preferred. . . .,, Am. Car A Found., com. do preferred. Am. Sugar, com Am. Smelt., com do preferred Am. Ice, com do preferred Baltimore A Ohio. com.. do preferred Brooklyn Rapid Tranalt. Canadian Paciflc, com... Chi, A Alton, com do preferred. Chi. A Ut. Weat.. com.. Chi.. Mil. A St. Paul... Chi. A North., com.,... ( hi. Terminal Uy . . . . Chesapeske A Ohio Colo. Fuel A Iron, coax. Colo. South., com da 2d preferred. do let preferred Delaware A Hudson D. A B. 0.. com. do preferred Xrle. com 102I101 101 8 BH 80! soli Bl SBj BO 13ilSH 138 7B T7TAI 7S. 112 1113 T TT. .in Ml llfl i 58! 88 I 68 126: 128, 128 l 40 38 W gii.1 so 22 23 I 23 do 2d preferred. . do 1st nref erred Illinois en tnil Lnnlarllle A Nashrtlle.. Metro. Traction Co Manhattan Elerated Mexican Central By M St. P. A St. M do preferred Missouri Psciflc M . X. A T.. 00m do pre (erred New York central Norfolk A Weatern. com . do pre (erred N. T., Ont. A Weat rennaylranla Ry P. Q., L. AC. Co Preaaed Sleel Car. com.. do preferred Paciflc Mall Steam. Ce. . Reading, com do 2d preferred ....... do 1st preferred Hep. Iron A Steel, com . . -rjo preferred Rock Nlaiyl com do preferred Southern Ry., com...... do preferred Southern Paciflc St. L. A S. F.. Sd pfd. . St. L. A S. W.. com do preferred Texaa A Paciflc Tennessee Coal A Iron T St. I. A W.. com. . do preferred Union Paciflc. coax do preferred U. 8. Leather, com do preferred V. 8. Rubber COta do preferred IT. S. Steel Co., com.... do nref erred 106 1 108 I lu5 ln6 2BI 80 I 21C, 20 62 I 62 I 61 I 61 16 188 XHK T8l 77! TS 2 43 4314' 43 W 138 !188 184 105'104 105 01 ysi a 1 1, 48 I 49 77 I 78 S3 B2 771, 81 1414 66! 67 30! 81 Vs I S3 ' S3 1 88U,! Hg 05' 08 JSi AS3 24' 24! 24 I 34 55 i 65 I "86! 84 84 S 32V, ' 33 68 I 68! 67: 67v. 88 88 I 84 I 84 80! 61 I 60! 80 107 6 108 107 108 1 m h.i ITS 16! 1614 103 102 !lOI 102 til 31 30 i STllf, I HB 08 ss Ml 2S 211 N7 18 MM 27 101 18 27 V. Wheel. ALE com. 18! do 2d preferred, do 1st preferred .1 20 2N 27 , 40 48! 45 I 45 Wisconsin Central, com do preferred Western Union Tela. . . . Walisah. com do preferred 21 44 BS 22 I 21! 21 44! 44 I 44 82 t 82' 2 21 21 11 21 41! 42 I 42 I 4a Total aalea for day. 757.520 aharea. Money. 243 per cent SAX FRANCISCO 817X1X0 STOCKS. San Frsnclsco. Use. 18. OMlclal mining quotations: Bid. Oonld A Curry. I 23 Beat. A Belcher. 1.09 Con. CaL-Va.... l.T Baraga 38 1 hollar 33 Potoal .14 Bid. , .08 . .23 . .46 . .06 , .01) , .08 , .67 , .07 . .43 , .63 , .78 , .IS , .21 , .34 .04A t tsh Bullion Exchequer Seg. Belcher... Orermaa Justice t'nlon Con Hale A Norcroaa 1.00 Crown Point .18 Uulls Yellow Jacket. Con. Imperial.. Kentucky Alpha Coa.,.. Belcher Confidence .... Sierra Nersds .14 Caledonia ,02A I Sllrer Hill ... .03 Occidental .... ,08 I Scorpion .33 Challenge .88 And .48 Iron. New Tork TONOPAH EXCHANGE. Bid. 11.68 . .84 . .06 : T Bid. ' -a . .28 . .23 . .86A . .03 Montana Mldwsy . Rescue . Nersds . Bed Top Jumbo . . Betmont . . . jfcXsmara North Star Jim Bolger . 3tern PORTLAXD BAXK STATEMENT. Clesrlngs Bslsuces 8632.210 97 . 78.T18.75 Xew York 81'rer. New Tork. Dec. 18. Sllrer closed at 60c. RETURN ENGAGEMENT OFBREET'S COMPANY Portland la to have another engas ment of the Ben Greet pluyrra. who gavg the wonderful performance of "Everyman" In this city last week. Man ager Panglo announced today that he had mad arranfements for the return of the company between Chrlatmaa and New Temr's, when it will present "Th Star of Bethlehem." which, like "Every man." la religion tn nature, and "Ham let." In the latter play the town will expe rience for the first time the novelty of a complete five-hour performance as It was xlven in the days of Shakespeare. The performance, will begin In the fore noon and run until dinner time, and will be completed In the evening, the Intermission being long enough to allow the attendants to go home for the even ing meal. In olden days no Bccnary ac companied Shakespeare's plays, and it Is said that Mr. Oreet will dispense scen ery In his performsnce. signs being used, such as "This Is a bench," "This Is a hedge." "This Is a throne." etc. Oreet himself will play Hamlet. Tbe return of the company will he Awaited eagerly by those who witnessed the great performsnce of r.veryman GRACE CHURCH MAY CALL EASTERN PASTOR flraoe Methodist church Is considering calling a pastor and the matter haa been referred tn a pastoral committee, of which J. K. Olll Is chairman. No defi nite call NBA yet been Issued, and the committee haa In view a number of able men In the east Rev. Clarence TrueWU- B 167 167 1B6 1$7 1308 304 202 !203 12 13 11 11 46 47 48 46 4.1 46 42' 4.f. 31 21 30 31 84 B4 83 I 8.1 BT 6T 66' 66 184 186 184 lc - 86 87 Nii'. 87 86 86 I 85V,! 85 .IrliaiTl... : 84 78 74 73' 7H Il52ll5:l 152 162 187 1138 186 1884, 11H 121 11S11U .j... 1163 20l 21 30 20 87 ST ST BT .iivi ,ix ', a as 60 1 81 l I TELL, YOUR NAMES' Special This Week, $10.00 Life Reading 50c There are do mitt In the prediction maae d? toe rreet na wonaerrui percnie. Ton 011 y wish .'hange wien 10 snow ir n aartaable ts rrake tn business. In lore la mar- e. Shall I ancced In me new undertaking?" "Can I obtain my hopes, my wishes, my am bitions T" "Shall I erer enjoy the Injuries sf wealth 7" "Can I trust my friend t" "Hare I enemies?" "When ahall I marry T' "How often shall I marry T" "Shall I erer be divorced?" "Doea another share tha lore that rightfully belongs to me?" . "If BO, Whoa?" "Am I lured In return'" "Is thare a rlral la my lore?" "When shall my lor affair terminate ta marriage?" "Whan ahall my domeerlc troubles end?' "Row can I make my Ufa and home happy I "When ahall my absent friend return?' "Why do I not recelre a letter?" ROUKS--10 to 8 DAILT AND SCNDAT. 291 Morrison St., Corner Fifth Same rioor of Boston Dental Parlor. LVaaaaajX 71 L f arlj A O SPICES, o COFFEE,TEA4 BAKING POWDER, FLOORING EX AaSttfSarY, RlaMlFHrTJT, alrtsviltrni CL05SET ft DEYER5 ' rORTUBrtt,0tOON. WEINtURD'S City Brewery Largest and Moat Oeaajlsqs Brewery ta tha sTorthweat. Bottled Beer a Specialty TILIPHBSI Mo. 73. ' Offlce 13th and Burn aid a Streets. PORTLAND. OREGON. MRS. WINSLOW'S SOOTHING SYRUP IMS baanassd by Billions o( Motaers for their ohfldren while Teetering foe orer Fifty Years. It soothes the child, so: 1 we ami a, soiiens us gums, cures wind colic, and la U allays an pain, cures wtna y ror aiarrno. BUTT-FITS 47KXTS A BOTTLE. NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION. NOTICE Is hereby siren that the copartnership heretofore existing between 3. Q. Owen and George v Myers, doing bnslnesa under the nsme of J. O. Owep Manufacturing Com- I pany. la tbla day dtaanlred ny mutual consent. I Ssld J. O. Owen will continue the business under tbe firm name aa heretofore, pay sll legsl debts and demands agalnat said firm, j and collect all outstanding debts and de mands due ssld firm Dated rortlead. Oregon. December p. 104. f. 0. OWBS. UEOROE W. MYERS. son of St. Luke's Methodist Episcopal church of Jersey City, is being seriously considered, with others. Bishop Spell myer of New Jersey has the final ap pointment, but tn the case of Important churches he consults the congregations before acting and he is now awaiting de rision. SPOKANE MAY HAVE WHOLESALE DISTRICT (Special IHapatch to The Journal I Spokane. Wash, Dec. 15. Rumors of tho Great Northern purchase of property north of Front avenue and west of Di vision have grown until the reported buy now includes all of the property on the north side of Front avenue extending two and a half blocks west and north to the river. . If the Great Northern la the purchaser of all this property, that section. It ts said, ts destined to become a wholesale, district, as haa been talked of for sev eral years. L8t summer several of the business men undertook to form a wholeaale dis trict, but the railroad company would not agree to put In tracks and the scheme fell through. IS OPXXATED OBT. I Special Dispatch tn The Journal.) Dallas, Or, Dec. IS. A serious Oper ation was performed yesterdsy on Mrs. D. M. Metsger. wife of Prof. Metsger. by Drs. Bird of Salem and Mcf'allom and Cary of DAllaa. Th patient will re cover. AUCTION BALES TOhtOXXOW. By i. T. Wilson, in rirat" atreet. at 10 a. m Sale of groceries, clothing, etc. J. T. VH arm, auctioneer. . By lieorge Baker A Co, Park led Alder streets, at 3 p. ax. Sale of honaebold furniture, etc. George Baker A Co, auctioneers. Fraferred Stock Canned Bloods. Allen A Lewis' Best Brand. OVERBKCK, STARR A COOKE Members Chlrargo Board of Trad a COTTOW. 103 Third Street, McKay WB DO A BTBICTLY C43M MTssBttWI I Continuous Markets by Private Wire. Quirk Mm tyvtt I lUlea. baaskara. aavd Ualted Staiaai IHIlBahBf fcs) Sir Frauds Drake 'V'l" IU Vl . 1 a34JV v u ' 111' Wasthlnartnss 1 S , ' s, Street. VIA jage a Life Readings for S Tkla AJ 1, 8aW m aaao ry rpejas. vniy I DO 1IRBEBT s 11 EMS'LT AOXKX Gl ARA.VTEB to make you no charge fall to rail you by name In (all, naaat your friends, enemies or rlrala. I aay to tall you whether your hnaband. wtts weetheart Is true or false, tell yea gain tbe lor of the one yon moot eren though mllea away how ta eat rang) business. speculation. lawsutta; boar marry the one of your choice; hear ta gain youth, health snd vitality. Bel erll InBueoee. cares drink habit; la treasures, cures sll nereoils diseases. How can I karat good taakt How can I succeed tn business T Hoy make my home happy I conquer my snemlssl marry tha one I causes T marry well? Row can How can Row csn How soon csn I marry I Row can I conquer my rlral T How can I make aay ana Were aval Row aeon will my Iotst propose' Row cart I get a letter? How can I get a goad position 7 Row so i reasore bad Influences) How can I control any one? Row make distant ears think of nasi Row can I hold my bee hand's lore! How csn I keep my wife's lore? H0TJB8 DAILT.- 10 TO T. AND BURBA 808 WASHINGTON ST., COX WWXU - AND WASHINGTON BTS. Dr. W. Norton Davis. IN A WEEI Ws treat successfully sll private sag rhronle diseases cf men. also blood. heart, llrer kidney and throat trouble. ear 8TPBILLI8 (without mercury) ta) at cared forerer, la SO tn SB days, we rates STBIOTUSB. without operation as sals, as "w. aena drains the result ef aet( hnaredlstsly. We ess reetore the sagaail of aay man under Bn by mean or local seat peculiar ta ourselrse. We Care Gonorrhoea In a Week The doctors of thta Instltate are I Kdustes. bars had Bkiay year I ta been knows In Portland for have a repatatloa ts asalntata. snd 1 tags as esse unlets certain ear (acted. w guarantee to car tn every cast take or charge so (as. ffi sanitation tere confidential laatrncttre BOOS, Basiled free la cktla wtaugst. If yoa easnot call at office, tlon hlaak. Bows treatsxent Of SS boors re 8. snd 7 to a holidays. 10 ta ML It leading tn the X. Established 18SS. Dr.W. Norton Davis & TAB Hoy Xtotol, at. X. Cor. Thlrel Bine Streets. pomTivAATo. onxaoM, s BLOOD and NERVE TONIC A TABUT TO TAXX AT MBAL TIBTXL Acting sn the Baaed and serve ft ftaaaaas the laflg from DtBSBia, 0v4rwerlt BT DasBsssraaat. To Soa Fink aad ItrtngtH, ( net fit). To esrao KVeaesaas from dsg Caaea. To Croat rVerv For 00. To Improve tee geaaaegv To Stop Dliry Spoilt. To wrae Hoalthf Ssasw To Stop III rigi no In tar. fae Liter mrtho. ToCurtiKldneu Onto. To Rtmooo Llr tpotU To Hako Bkiri 0av. To Our Damtptta. tlllootno aad Conotl patio. SOLO BY DRUGGISTS, OK BY MAIL OS) RICUPT ' OF PRICE, 78c. A BOX; 3 BOXES M. DA BOSANKO CO, PHILADELPHIA. XA. Every Woi 1 la interested aad shoal. HAsTVTL ask rear grasatst fa. It. If he cannot annnlr the 4BTIL. secant no Ihar, Dai send stars n tot luatrated book assist heirs 1 particulars ana aireoflone in- , usbleto ladles. WARVSU. OSA, Ida- Be w York. For Bale By WOOD ABD, CLABsfg ft OO, BOttl m BABIU aUarlOb COMMISSION) CO. 1 Incorporated Room 2 Chamber of fommerce, Orountl Floor. Capital aad Surplus SSOAawajst, Brokers la Grain, ProvisJoru, MocKs and Bonds Largest tMrata Wire System la Aa aad Oeessr eaejee. I :. K. ALDKN, Man DOWTKrt,f'ihJdK1 81. Building, Fenniaayd. Of. We Charge Me Istsrest to Csrrytag SApehs.