The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, December 15, 1904, Page 10, Image 10

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WHBggW Hg!? rjg!?'"""" ""' "" . . . .
. Tan StamDs Are Now Dropping.
I Electricity Being the Sole
Br- Energy Used.
K . roruf WITTIwr. RTOPFR
New Plant Is Pronounced One of
the Best in Southern
Oregon .Region.
(SpMiai DtopatcS to Tb. Jooraal.)
Ashland. Or., Dec. 15. Ths new 10
tamp mill of ths Opp mine, near Jack
sonville, started On its first run this
week. The mUl Is run with electric
power supplied by the Condor Water
ft Power company, at Gold Ry. The
plant la regarded by mining men as one
of the best In southern Oregon. The
I capacity Is about St tons per day with
Opp ore. The company has about '600
tons of milling ore on the dump. A
crew of to men is employed at the mine.
Ore bins are filled In readiness for work.
A force Is engaged In opening up the
stones and will have them in shape to
take out ore in large quantities as soon
as the milling plant Is able to handle
Special Dt.pstrh to The Journal. )
Sumpter. Or., Dec. J5. An unuaually
goo l body of or has been opened In the
lower drift of the Imperial mine. Cable
Cove. The management shipped SO
tons of ore the past week, most of which
la said to have come from the lower
workings. This drift is reported to have
attained a length of more than 500 feet,
which brlnga it under the ore shoot
opened in the told Imperial workings. Aa
explored and atoped' on the old level,
the shoot had a length of about S00
feet and varied In width from one to
three feet, much of the rock between
the heavy lining of -gouge being shipping
grade. Ore averaging 100 a ton was
considered about usual for high-grade
stuff In early work, and when the wlnsa
was sent down 40 feet below the main
adit there was both Increase In slse and
values. The new tunnel will explore the
. shoot ISO feet deeper, and the early ship
ment of high-grade ore Indicates that the
' prophesies that the Imperial would 1m-
prove with depth, seem amply connrmrd.
The new Intereats comprising Michigan
capital have secured the mine at its
brightest stage of development. Steady
shipment of ore and concentrates la as
sured during the entire winter.
(Special Dispatch to The teams!.)
Vancouver, B. C, Dee. 16. Mining is
looking up In the vicinity of Kamloops.
The Iron Mask mine's new machinery
Is running, and the company that is de
veloping the bituminous coal deposits
of the district Is adding to general pros
pert jr. The Jacko lake belt la also at
tracting attention and indications are
that this part of Kamloops will soon
The AJax and the Monte1 Carlo groups
are the most promising properties at
Jacko lake. On the Monte Carlo a vein
80 feet In width baa been exposed by,
extensive surface work, values running
high In copper and gold. On ths AJax.
adjoining the Monte Carlo on the west,
the vein has been shown to be .to feet
wide and considerable oxidized ore has
been found. This has been assayed as
high aa 28S In gold, silver and copper.
Frederick Burbidge of Spokane, who Is
associated with A. Burcb in construction
of the Crane Flat dredger. Grant county,
Oregon, was at the Hotel Portland yea
terday. Measra Burch and Burbidge op
erate on a close corporation basis, di
vulging nothing relative to their plana or
results of work. Delivery of the dredger
machinery Is about finished, and con
struction Is under way. Karly spring
will find the plant In commission, unless
something unforeseen occurs. The dredger
cost approximately 150,000, flut was pur
chased by the Spokane men for less, and
moved from the location in Idaho. All
parts of the plant are said to be in ex
cellent condition, and when it Is finished
the Crane Flat boat will be one of the
best smaller plants in the state.
(Special Dispatch to The Journal.)
Waldo, Or., Dec. 15. Colonel T. Wain
Morgan Draper, one of the principal
stockholders in the Waldo and Monu
mental companies, of this district, has
shipped In a churn drill, to be used In
placer prospecting. The work will be
done on one of the tributaries of the
upper Illinois, where hydraulic opera
tions have been conducted for half a
century. The chum drill Is the usual
type used for proving dredge ground,
which haa caused the district to fore
cast another dredger for the camp.
There la a large amount of ground that
on the surface has every appearance
of being good for dredging, and so sit
uated that the hydraulic appliances will
not reach bed rock. In such work aa
that being done by the Deep Gravel
company It la proved that heavy boul
ders would not interfere materially with
dredging. The failure of the first
dredger ever brought to the district,
which was located at the old China dlg-
' s-ss
Baking Powder
What better prJ of its
being a good thing? Be tare
you get the genuine.
25 Ounces for 26 ctBti
gings, does not discourage the placer
experts who have examined other tracts
The deeper bade of alluvium along some
of the larger streams, the tributaries to
which have proved such rloh placer
ground, are deatlned to be the scene of
much dredge work in the future.
t Special Dispatch to The 1 oar u. 1.1
Vancouver. B. C. Dec. Is. At an Im
portant meeting of the dlrectora of the
British Columbia Cupper CO., limned,
held recently in New York, the directors
authorised the preparation of plans for
two additional 400 ton smelter furnaces
which will double the capacity of the
company. The new furnaces will be
modern In every respect and have all
the latest improvements.
It Is officially stated that the British
Columbia Copper Co. has no debt of any
description, but has a large balance In
the bank, and It Is said further that flie
company is earning about 20 per cent
on lta capital stock.
Governor Brady of Arizona states in
his annual reporf that hla territory will
be second In the list of copper pro
ducers of this nation in the present
year, and In another year will probably
rank ahead of all others. If Arlsona
were permitted to Include the product
of a Caiutnea mine. bonora. Mexico,
which la barely across the line, the
territory would exceed either Michigan
or Montana. There are several new
mince in the southwest country, the
rapidly increasing product from which
promises to bring Arlsona to the very
forefront In the Industry within a snort
lime. If not in a year.
The .smelter of the North American
Copper company, at Orand Encampment.
Wyoming, has been blown out for the
winter, after a run of six months. Last
winter the management Installed an 800
horsepower steam plant to work auxll
lary to the water power, suit it seems
that the water, for milling arid other
uses freeses. The production of the
smelter for the six months was about
3,000,000 pounds of blister copper.
Tf member of the Colorado legislature
will introduce a measure at the next
session regulating stock companies, so
that there will be greater protection
to purchasers of mining stock by giving
full publicity to stock company opera
Official figures of the output of the
Canadla-n Yukon territory for the first
10 months of this year show a yield of
19.210.665. There will be some more
gold sent out, but this is regarded as
practically the total output for the
season. The falling orr rrom naicyon
days has been steady, despite predic
tions of a larger output for the pres
ent year.
From elevator boy and hotel porter to
mine operator la the step that haa been
made by James Jensen, formerly of the
Imperial and the Perkins hotels, of this
city. Mr. Jensen has purchased a giant
snd with his partner Is preparing to
wash gravel on Canyon creek, of the
Cow creek district. Douglss county.
The magnitude of hla holdings there is
not indicated, but the enterprising young
Port In nder Is understood to . have ac
quired a good piece of ground.
(Special Dispatch to The Journal.)
Spokane, Wash , Dec. 16. A shaft Is
being sunk on the Last Chance property
of the Okanogan district, which is owned
by Jonathan Bourne of Portland.. The
Last chance la altuated near the former
village of Ruby, and the preliminary
work now under wsy indicates the own
er's purpose of continuing development
In the property that has promise of be
ing a good producer of the white metal.
I Special Dlapatch to The Journal.)
Granite. Or.. Dee. 16. Development st
the Blue Bird la being pushed with en
ergy. Since the stamps and roll plant
have been put In commission, with a cy
anide plant to handle tailings, the man
agement haa Increased the force In the
main tunnel, which Is being driven to
open the large Sullivan vein that crops
on the hillside several hundred feet
above the mllletta.
The total coats In the Balllet trials
at Das Moines, Iowa, were approxi
mately 6100,000, which Judge McPber
son taxed to the defendant, but he will
not have to serve time to pay the same.
If he should ever make anything the
court said that hla property would be
subject to payment of this amount.
The San Frsnclsco Call Is making a
novel gift to lta subscribers. Some
time ago It arranged with the largest
rose growers to plant to different varie
ties of roses. These have flourished,
and now the Call, with each new or
renewal of a six months' subscription,
sends free of charge six plants of any
of the following varieties: Mile. C. Ber
thod, yellow; Bride, white; Bridesmaid,
pink; Hunan Cochet. pink; Cornelia
Cook, white; Btolle de Lyon, yellow;
Catherine Mermet. soft pink; Clothllde
Soupert, pink, deep, center; Helen Gould,
red; Mile. F. Kroger, fawn and creamy
pink; Mrs, R. B. Cant, crimson-scarlet;
President Carnot, blush rose; Aurora,
silver pink; Meteor, crimson; Marie Von
Houtte. cream blush tints; Ivory, snowy
white; Golden Gate, white, pink border;
Mile. Lambard. salmon pink; Kmpress
Eugenie, sliver pink; Elsie ' Hey man.
salmon pink.
Drenched to the akin by their drive
In the rain seven blocks to a supposed
fire and back to the station, the members
of hose compsny No. 6 were sngry men
this morning. Fire headquarters on
Fourth street waa called up by a man
who excitedly declared that a building
was on fire at East Fourteenth and Best
Sherman streets. Hose company No.
8 hurried to the scene. At Blast Twelfth
and Sherman streets a halt had to be
called, aa It was found that ths street
had not been cut through.
An Investigation showed no Are snd
nothing that would have warranted any
person In believing a building waa burn
ing. The men returned to the fire sta
tion at East Seventh and East Harrison
streets, and had to change their clothing
at once in order to avoid catching' colds,
the horses had to be rubbed down, and
the apparatus wiped clean of mud. It
was an hour later before the tired and
angry men were able to rest.
Engine 8 waa called out last night by
a chimney burning out at ths home of
C. U Brlner, 242 Monroe Street There
Is sn Insurance of 61,000 on the house.
The damage amounted to only a few
Another chimney burned out st Wood
lawn, the alarm being answered by chem
ical 4. No damage resulted.
Jsckrahhlts. ones vary numerous
thereabouts, have vanished from the
vicinity of Dufur.
Mariners Say It Was the Worst
Inland Gale They Had
Every Experienced.
Vessels Reported Off Coos Bay
Waiting an Opportunity
to Cross the Bar.
One ' of the fiercest wind and rain
storms of the season raged last nlgbt
along the waterfront, and had any of the
ships been anchored In the stream tfiey
would undoubtedly have drifted ashore.
Hktppers say It waa one of the wildest
nights they had ever seen.
For a time the rain descended in a
steady stream. The hardest rainfall
was for an hour ending at 8:10 last even
ing, during which the precipitation was
.48 of an Inch. It is believed the rain
fall was heavier up the Willamette.
Driftwood came down the river all
morning, and so much of It accumulated
around the piers of the Morrison-street
bridge and blocked the weat passage wsy
of the draw that a couple of steamers
were kept busy a good part of the day
removing the debris. In the accumula
tion there are many logs which bad evi
dently broken away from their moorings
at some nawmlll. These will be held foi
the owner.
The storm was much worse down th
Columbia river. The steamer Undine
was forced to remain nt her dock In As'
no la last evening. At 10 o'clock thlJ
morning the steamer was still lying a'
Astoria. She will leave up aome time
today, and the Mascot will go down u
meet her.
Off the mouth of the Columbia tb'
Wind was blowing at the rate of (4 mil"
an hour, und storm warnings were up all
along the coast.
This morning the velocity or the blow
Is only 36 miles an hour, but the warn
ings are still up on San Juan de Fuca
Officers of the steam schooler Au-
rella say that when they were coming
up the coast yesterday there were three
unknown vessels hovering orr coos nay
waiting for a cessation of the storm to
cross the bar.
It Is believed that a number of steam
ers are on the inside or i oos Day, un
able to leave on account of the severity
of the storm. The Alliance and F. A.
Kllbnrn. which sailed almost a week
ago from Portland, are supposed to be
there bar-bound. The Alliance was at
Marshfleld a couple of days ago, but no
word has been received from her since
then. There haa been no report or the
Kllburn's sailing.
The Aurella passed the Columbia river
bar just In advance of the heaviest of
the ntorm yesterday afternoon, and
reached Portland late last night. Short
ly after docking in the city by the sea
the first officer says that one of the
worat Inland gales he ever experienced
began to rage. The vessel brought a
full cargo of general merchandise and a
lot of passengers from San Francisco.
Among her freight is a large shipment
of phonographs.
Some Queer Things Brought from Dark,
Fathomed Oaves of ths Columbia.
Strange things are picked from the
bottom ofthe Columbia river by the gov
ernment dredge W. S. Ladd. While
working at Pillar Rock yesterday after
noon a strip of iron weighing is pounos
was gathered up. carried through the
pumps and suction pipe for a distance
of several hundred feet and hurled upon
the bank of the stream, the machinery
of the dredge sustaining no damage by
the operation. The Iron la two feet In
length, three Inches wide and three
fourths of an inch thick. It Is supposed
to have been lost from the hull of a
ship, and United States engineers Intend
to keep the relic
The other day an old fashioned monkey
wrench was found In the material which
the dredge had taken from the river bed
Judging by Its make It Is supposed to
have been In use about 50 years ago.
Small strips of platea from sailing
vessels sre frequently brought np snd
conducted sshore through the suction
pipe. Not long ago a particularly heavy
piece of Iron got in the pump and broke
one of the wing plates or the rotary
Those operating the dredge are keeping
a close lookout on all the curloa
brought to light from the depths of ths
Columbia, expecting to find among them
some day a few reminders of the Lewis
and Clark expedition.
Commission Determines Ass
Lets Contract sod Will Dredge Klver.
Port of Portland tax levies were fixed
at tha following rates at a special meet
ing of the commission yesterday after
noon: 1.6 miles on all aasessable property
In the confines of the port, the pro
ceeds to be placed In the general fund;
0.8 of a mill to be applied to the refund
ing bonds and 0.4 of a mill to pay In
terest on the outstanding dry dock
bonds. The drydock plant Is not subject
to taxation.
The Willamette Boiler works, whose
bid wsa 81.600, wss awarded the con
tract of building a boiler for the steamer
Mary." said the Mis
tress. "In fat are always
order Golden Oat
rtoihl.J gwee wM GOLDEN OATS
COrreE bat sattsfaetlaa. Na
prts.s M ceaaaas aa erackery.
I aaa 8 Ik. eraaaa.itgkt Has.
Nevee said la hula.
J. A. Foltfer EL Co.
Cetahllatsarf half a CsHurjr
8r Francisco
Store Open
Every Evening
From Now Until
The time is limited
There's been a mighty scramble for bargainst since we started this sale. Such extraordinary fine goods and such
tremendously low prices never before greeted Holiday Day Shoppers in the history of merchandising in the northwest.
THE HUB IS PORTLAND'S ECONOMY CENTER. Friday's Bargain Story reads like this:
$3.00 Suit Cases. Bar-
in Friday price,
50c Neckwear, a big va
riety of patterns. Bar
gain Friday price,
Wenona. If the firm can remove the
old boiler and place the next one in po
sition It will receive 150 for the work.
Bids for repairing the hull of the vessel
will be opened next Monday.
The dredge Portland will clean, out
the channel leading through the 'east
draw of the Morrison street bridge- Cap
taln Oroves, superintendent of the
dredges, will arrange for the work.
Lsom May Oorer Kaaun monte
sad Make Three Trips a week.
While the Leona will not meet the rut
In the passenger rate which went Into
effect on the Kamm line yesterday, a
fight may be begun In some other man
ner. At present they are making the
round 4rlp dally, only calling at La
Center, Wash.. - while the Ksmm boat
stops at various points on the Lewis
river. According to one of the owners
of the opposition boat, they may make
only three round trips a week and call
at all the towns visited by the Kamm
steamer. It la contended that this plan
will nave more etfect than to cut the
Steamer Olenola went to Oregon City
this morning with a barge of oil. On
the return trtp she will do some work
at the Clackamas rapids.
Schooner Eldorado, which reached the
mouth of the river this morning from
China, Is In command of Captain Smith,
well known at this port. The vessel will
probably return to the orient with a
cargo of lumber.
Olrvln ft Eyre have chartered the
German ship Arthur Fltger to load s
general cargo at Hamburg for Portland.
The German ship Anna began receiv
ing lumber at the Inman-Poulsen mill
yesterday for Taku. China.
Astoria. Dec. IS. Arrived at 7:30 and
left op at 46 a. in., steamer Colombia.
from San Francisco.
Arrived dowa at 10:30 a. m. schooner
Annie Larsen.
San Francisco. Dec. 14. Sailed,
schooners Irene snd Luton, for Portland.
Astoria. Dec. 14. Arrived, at 12 noon.
schooner Eldorado, from Tslntsu.
Astoria, Dec. It. Condition of the bar
St I a. m.. rough; wind, northwest;
westher, cloudy.
lirooB cosnPAsnr vat costs.
The steamer Surah Dixon, which wsa
dsmaged yesterday by tha schooner
Annie Larsen at ths Washington street
and the vast stocks of the Sterling; Clo thing Co. Holiday Goods
A Friday Flyer
In the Suit Depart lent
I the Bargain Friday price on 100 of the Sterling's
best quality all wool, extra well finished Suits and
Overcoats, cut and finished in the most approved
fashion. These fine suits were sold by the Sterling
Clothing Co. at $10 and $12.
On sale for One Day
Only. Bargain-Friday, at
Come early and avoid the
Overcoat to each customer
from this sale.
15c Black, and Tan
Socks. Bargain Friday
price, per pair,
300 Sample Hats, in all
the desirable shapes
and styles, regular $2.00
value. Bargain Friday
the price is
50c Uncle Sam Suspen
ders. Bargain Friday
19 c
dock, will be taken out on the ways' of
the Portland shipyards for repairs to
morrow. The Pacific Construction com
pany will pay all costs of putting the
vessel In good condition. It assumes
sit responsibility for taking vessels
through the draw of the Morrison street
bridge until that structure Is completed.
The estimated coat of fixing up the
Dixon Is placed at $1,000.
Shippers doubt that the British steam
ship Ellamy Is en route to Portland. A
cablegram stated that she sailed from
Manila for the Columbia river on Oc
tober 28; It requires only sbout 14 dsys
to make the trip. If she started for
Portland she must have met with an
acrldent, or received orders to proceed
elsewhere. She has not been chartered
here, and her reported sailing for here
Is thought to have been a mistake.
The Roseburg Plalndesler has a
grudge againat The Journal, but HS
last Issue contained 26 articles or Items
taken from The Journal without credit
5 Wa- 15-2.0-M-3O-3S
Oil HW
rush. Only one Suit or
all dealers are barred
$1.00 Rubbers. Bargain
Friday price,
$2.50, $2.00, $1.50 Shoes
Bargain Friday price,
$ 1 .00
New Hampshire Is Designed to
Surpass All Others in the
United States Navy.
Government Is to Funrish All the
Armor and the Ordnance
and Ordnance Outfit.
(Jneraal Special Sorrier.)
Washington. D. C, Dec. 16. At the
navy department bids were opened at
noon today for the construction of the
New Hampshire, .the great new battle
ship whleh Is designed to surpass all
others in the United States navy. Bids
have been received from aeveral of the
largest shipbuilding companies on the
Atlsntlc and Pacific coasts snd careful
consideration will be necessary before
the contract Is awarded. Ths cost of the
vessel Is not to exceed 14.400,000.
The New Hampshire Is to be built,
fitted and equipped complete for the sea
by the contractor, with the exception
that the armor, ordnance, ordnance out
fit and sea stores will be furnished by
the government, but the contractor Is
to fit and make secure all armor, ord
naass and ordnance outfit
If the apeed on ths four-hour speed
trlsl falls below 18 knots and exoeeds
17tt knots sn hour. the vessel will be ac
cepted so far ss speed Is concerned, but
at a reduced price, ths reduction being
at tho rate of .AO.00O a quarter knot
deficiency of speed from 18 to 174
knots, snd st the rate of 1100,000 a
quarter knot deficiency of speed from
17 to 17H.
Ths New Hampshire's main battery
will consist of four I2-tnch breechload
Ing line.' eight 8-Inch breschloadlng
rifles. 12 7-Inch breechloadlng rifles and
four submerged torpedo tubes. Her sec
ondary battery will consist of 20 2-lnch
H pounder rapid-fire guns. 12 3 pounder
aemt-automatic guns, four i -pounder
semi-automatic guns, two 2-Inch ..eld
pieces, two machine guns having a cali
bre of .80, and two automatic guns also
hsvlng a calibre of .20.
The hull of ths boat Is to be pro
le, ted at tho wstsr line by a complete
Store Open
Every Evening
From Now Until
bought by us at
A Sensation
in the
Pants Section
The Sterling regular $2,00 fine,
durable Worsted Pant. You'll
never be able to match this bar
gain the longest day you live.
Bargain Friday the price will be
$2.00-$2.50 Sejf Opening Um
brellas. Bargain Friday Price,
76c Silk Initial Handkerchiefs.
Bargain Friday price,
$2.00 and $3.00 Alf Wool Odd
Vests. Bargain Friday Price,
$1.00 and $1.25 Neg
ligee Shirts. Bargain
Friday price,
$1.50 extra fine Jersey
Ribbed All Wool Un
derwear. Bargain Fri
day price,
belt of armor, nine feat three lncnes
wide, having a uniform thickness of nine
Inches amidships, gradually decreased to
four Inches at the stem and stern. The
boat's conning tower wtU be nine Inches
thick, door six Inches thick snd ths
signal tower for Inches thick. Thero
will be a complete protected deck, ex
tending from stem to stern, the deck
being flat amidships, but sloped st the
sides throughout and sloped st each
The engines will be of ths vertical
twin screw four-cylinder, triple expan
sion type, of a combined Indicated horse
power of 1(1.600, snd arranged for out
board turning propellora when going
ahead. There will be IS water tube
boilers, placed In six water tight com
partments. Free Candy.
People of sn economical mind who
went a dollar to go a long way toward
purchasing a Christmas present for
father, mother, sister, brother, husband,
wife, cousin or the loved one, could not
do better Justice to their pocketbook
than selecting a nice pair of shoes or
sllppsrs. It's a gift the recipient will
enjoy ths comforts of and greatly ap
preciate. Down at Baron's Shoe Store
130 and 2.12 Morrison street, near Sec
ond, one can find a great assortment of
fine shoes and slippers. They have a
beautiful line of felt Juliets In all the
newest shades, and trimmed up neat
with leather, braid or fur. For men
they have a select line' of slippers In the
black and tan shsdss. When It comes
to the shoe line Baron's Is slways up
to the times In style, wear, snd all goods
are priced down to the lowest notch.
From now until Christmas they will give
to each customer purchasing a pair of
shoes pound box of choice French
mlxsd csndy free of charge. This will
be a real treat for every purchaser
who gets shoea at his store In the next
few dsys.
A free electrical panorama it ths
corner of Third and Alder streets, from
0 s. m. to p. m.
Worthless Soli
Transformed Into
Rich Bearln&Ground t
Drain your land with a system
of tils, and doubls It In vslue. We
ran furnish you with rods of
sewer pipe at mile prices. If In
terested send for descriptive mat
tsr snd pries list.
Ofloe 1S1 BussellSt., Fortlaad, Or. f
Yard Foot aakeny St.