TUB JMOOm DAILY JOUKWAL, PORTLAND, WEDNESDAY KVENTNO, DKCSIfBXft 14. 1101 - j r wT . TBTE CHRISTMAS Visit ths Nsw Tea- GOODS STORED UNTIL CHRISTMAS. Patrons wishing goods kept and sent out latar may salect now. We will pack th pure has securely, mark It plainly and stors until notified, whan it will ba sent promptly In tlmo (or Christmas us. Patrons Inrltad to us tha rost-rooms on Sooond Floor. This la TOUR store mak it "Liberty Hall" whlla doing tha Christmas shopping. Pre 'phones, lav atorlaa and toilets. U. S. mail box la tor. Stamps at stationary counter. ante Claus has llaosd mailboxes Room, Open i: Becor and Floor. Bes to reel live luU Claua every day on Fourth Floor, 1 to II a. m., 1 to I p. m. in entrance to 411 la eievetors on 1 a. a. to I p. to I p. under ti g ,trr ioea of the 10 get it ror rou. niM row Mtnr Grandma oharg-a. Htm any 01 lav MIS Uls IfBU P WMB I "haV. Thursday's Menu in the Public Tea Room Second Floor 11 a. m. to 6 p. m. TEA. COFFEE. CHOCOLATB. JTT1 BOU1 MILK IN BOTT iJ THIS STORE IS PORTLAND'S GREAT CHRISTMAS MECCA THE WISE MEN AND WOMEN OP HER SHOPPING DISTRICT LED BY THE STAR OP ECONOMY ARE FLOCKING HERE BY THOUSANDS THIS WEEK; AND DENIZENS OF THE TOWNS AND CITIES OF THE ENTIRE GREAT NORTHWEST ARE STARTING ON THEIR PILGRIMAGE TO THIS PORTLAND'S LARGEST AND BEST CHRI8TMAS STORE. We enter tomorrow upon the last half of that stupendous feast of values the "MANAGERS' SALE." We pledge our word that the last days shall be more pregnant of bargains even than the days that have passed. More Christmas goods have come from the makers, and the warehouses have discharged countless treasures for the balance of the great sale that ends Christmas Eve. Tis a "Battle Royale" of Matchless Bargains 1 The Greatest Retailing Event Ever Held West of the Great Lakes! $1,000,000 Worth of Magnificent Holiday and Staple, Seasonable Merchandise on the Headsman's Block! T.F.H BROWN BREAD SANDWICHES. APPLES AND NUT SALAD, T ROLLS. BREAD AND BUTTER HOT DESSERT CAKES. It Profits decapitated and costs cleaved in twain for 9 more days. A monster Christmas carnival of cut prices. Clearance sales eclipsed and all pricing precedents smashed! Such price slaihing as Portland never saw before will rale the next 9 shopping days! A few bargain chips from the tremendous showers that are falling were gathered in the ad-tech t's basket and are listed below: THURSDAT OFFERINGS TJC XMA8 BOOK 8 TORE First Floor. Note the Special Offer in Children's Books I TO II 1 K. ONLY. Great Special Morning Sale in the Book Section I TO II A. 11 ONLY. , A HALF-DAT SALE OF CHILDREN'S LINEN BOOKS lie FOR LINEN BOOKS WORTH Ho. Tomorrow wa will sU. from I to II a. m . Children's linen ABC Books, Htory Books and Rhyme and Jingle Books with colored pictures, printed on untearable linen; our rofular 10 value; spaclal at, each . . . 154 v Tha boat works of tha world's favo rite authors. Books for all aces, from ths gaudily-covered children's editions up to the prosy studies of well-advanced students. W bought many of these books last January when sev eral blf publishers want to tha wall. thousands of vol umes, standard works. They make tmt Oh l bargains now. We're cutting tha prloes all through th stocks and cutting 'ass deep. These few may hint or many and serve to bring you here to look over tha vast oolleotlon. . '" THE SPLENDID CHILDREN'S CLAB SIC "Life and Adventures of Santa Clans," by F. Frank Baum . hanrtsoms- ly Illustrated In colors. Our regular prlo Is 11.00. Tomorrow, special at. each 4 694 SUNDAY SCHOOL TEACHERS BIBLE WORTH 11 00 FOR c TheSO Bibles have Florentine seal divinity circuit binding, red under gold edges, with band and marker, with helps, refer ence, oonoordanoa, etc.. complete; also IT platsa. It colored maps and 11 pages of Illustrations. The regular price Is IL00; special price, eaah.894 SMALLER SIZE BIBLES, WITHOUT CONCORDANCE. 81c Bibles, seal di vinity circuit binding, kid lined, red under gold edges, maps, plates, eon-' eordaaoe, etc. Our 12 26 values for, each SI. 59 Special on Copyright Books 4184 Following In a partial list "With Edged Tools," by Henry Baton Merrlmao; The Sowers," by Henry Seton Merrl man: "Saracen ca." by Marlon Craw ford; Tor tha Freedom of tha Sea," by Cyrus Townsond Brady: "John March. Southerner,'' by Oeorge W. Cable; "Pastime Stories," by Thomas Nelson Page; "JesebeL" by Lafayette McLawa; "The Rogues' March," by Horning; "The Islander, by Harrison Roberta, and many others. Special at. each 43 SPECIAL SALE ON BOOKS OF BIOO RAFHY Largs I vo. cloth bound, with nicely ornamental covers "Life Of Washington." "Life of Lincoln," "Life of McKlhlSTr" "Life of W. T. Sherman," "Life of P. T. Baraum." All with Illustrations. Regular price la loc; special at, each 80 $: 73 FOR WEBSTER'S DICTIONARY WORTH 14.00 Webstar' Unabridged Dictionary, 1101 edition, leather bound, Indaxad. 1,000 added words, useful ap pendix tables, population statistics, 1,000 Illustrations. Regular 14.00 value; special at, each 82.79 fl.SI FOR WEBSTER'S CENSUS DIC- TI ON Art I wuktm II.7S wsosrers ' now Census Dictionary, bound in full heap, indszed, 1.500 Illustrations, an appendix of 10,000 words, supplement ed with now dictionaries of biography, synonyms, noma da plume, etc. Regu lar pries la $2 76. Our special price, each S1.89 llo FOR WEBSTER'S POCKET DIC TION ART worth iso wensters Pocket Dictionary, cloth bound, in dexed, self pronouncing, gives defini tion and correct spelling of lo.ooo word. Publisher's price la He Spe cial tomorrow hero at, each 11 SOME GREAT SPECIALS FOR TO MORROW. ISO FOR STANDARD CLASSICS WORTH 11c Gilt top edition of Standard dssslcs, beautiful little volumes, hound In whits and gold, with noral designs In colors on covers. Ths list embrace the gems of Standard Clas sics Literature. Publtshars price Is I Oe. our rsgular price Is llo. For thee two days only, our special price will be, each IS HUMOROUS SERIES FOR 44o Large sis, cloth bound volumes, rrom boo to 400 Dacca, numeroils Illustrations Ths list lncludss "Library of Wit and Humor," by Bit rsrains ana others: "Twenty Teare of Hustling,' by J. P. Johnson: "Peak's Bad Boy and His Pa." by Oeorgs W. Peck; "Peak's Unci Ike and th Red-Headed Boy," by Peck; "Shams, or Uncle Ben's Ex periences With Hypocrites"; "Re marks by Bill Nye," by BUI Ny. Sale of Suits Extraordinary For Three Days a Grand Bargain Carnival ! Starts Thursday aiid Ends Saturday Night at 9:30 1 Extra Salespeople and Fitters on Hand to Wait on the Throngs Every Tailored Cloth and Velvet Ua1 f-PrirA Suit and Calling Gown IN THB HOUSE AT -tAQ 11 i 1 1UC (SILK AND CLOTH SHIRTWAIST SUITS EXCEPTED.) - r- A grand three days' clearance. The Salts will fairly fly out. Tha prices wa make on these Suits for this remarkable three-day slllng event are far lass than the price they east their msksrs. Tha loss Is great shared between the manufacturers and ourselves. Many of ths Salts havs com to us within s few days, bought at half price; others ars from our regular stocks on these the loss Is ours. But what do you car for that? The Suits are here, with the prloes all cut exactly In hajvea. Values rang up from SIS to 9260- A number of the famous Schroador Models are Included in ths collection. Description would be useless, so varied are the styles. Every Tailored Suit is included AT HALF PRICE! 116.00 SUITS FOR ST.50. and ovary value at half, up to tha magnificent 1110.00 Gowns, for 6125. OO. Sal opens Thursday, continues Friday and Saturday ONE HALF PRICE. Every Woman's Coat Drastically Reduced! ... . NOT ONE RESERVED OR SPARED EVERY ONE IN THB BOUSE GOES INTO THE SALE. Expertly Tailored Coats of beautiful workmanship. In very newest, latest modes Materials are Broadcloths, Kerseys, handsome Tan Coverts and popular Man nish Mixtures In Tweed Is h Goods. Tourist styles, three-quarter length and IT-tnch box shapes. Also the Form-Fitting Coats, blacks, navies, tana, browns. Muss sad fancy mixtures. Reductions Ilka this, tor three Says only I 1.(0 values for 84.95 $16.00 values for 111,25 ISO 00 values for.. t IW values for 66.95 ! 60 values for S14.SK 116 00 values for.. $12 60 values for 89-86 $16.00 values for 618.75 $$ 10 values for.. Stirring Christmas Selling in the Suit and Wrap -rid Floor Surrounds ths Public Tearoom Walking Skirts on Special Sale for Two Days 5$ $6.50 to $8.50 Skirts for . . . $3.98 W SaV 01 11 ' avfeafy wfl MP' Sklrts for walking you can hardly gat along without on or mora with ths long, rainy weather sesaon ahead, lis a long span from Christmas to June days, and even then you'll need one for summer tramping. Great Skirts for shopping wear Christmas shopping. Splendid for ths offloe, ths schoolroom or th shop, for going marketing, traveling In fact, all 'round utility skirts and these In today's and tomorrow's special sals ars from the season's newest and bast stylos. Cheviots. Homespuns, Kerseys and Mannish Mixtures. In Worsted and Tweedlah Fabrics. Navies, blacks, browns snd mixed goods. In popular round lengths, severely tailored and trimmed styles, th hatter enhanced by strappings, plaited effects and buttons. Th best regular 1 1. 60, $7 60 and $8 50 values, for these two days only at a eholoa for i 68.98 A FITTING GIFT TO ANY WOMAN FRIEND AT CHRISTMAS German Dolls for Bonnie Oregon Lassies Heaps of Fun in the Big Toy Store! . AND SANTA HIMSELF RULES OVER .ALL THAT VAST FOURTH-FLOOR FLATLAMD. When you writs to Santa Claua. Just address your missive In our care. You'd better come, though, and fell htm yourself what you and so tha wonders of Toy land. HAVE YOU DOLLS IN MIND? Ths greatest convention that ever gathered In a Western store la ana such a beauty shew! Not surpassed anywhere. $1.00 DOLLS FOR 65c FULL JOINTED Germany excels at making Dolls, and chief of th German makera Is Handwerck. We always aim, every year, to have oar toy-store chief, when he makes bis Eastern trip, bring home a-plenty of these famous dollies and this year tha prloos here are leas than his In Oar many for reasons of our own. Tou'll simply pay mors If you pay ths other store prloos. Among the special values tomorrow are these toys for less, too DOLLS WORTH $3 00 FOR $1.01 Beautiful Pressed Dolls, with Joint ed body, bisque head, sleeping eyes, long curly hair, dross of whits bril llantlne or colored wool chsjlls, trimmed with ribbon and lace, wears shoos and stockings: our $2 oo valus for, each . . . f 1.05 16o FOR DRESSED DOLLS WORTH 11.00 - Dressed DoHs, with Jointed body, moving blsqus head, sleeping eyes, colored satin dresses, lace bodice, our $1.00 valus for. eaxsh 654 46c FOR DRESSED DOLLS WORTH 76c Dressed Dolls, with Jointed body, blsqus head, gown and bonnet trimmed with lace and ribbon, wears shoos and stockings; our Tto value for, each 454 TENPINS WORTH $19 FOR 76c Paplsr-Mache Soldier or Animal Tenpins, non-breakable, put up In nice wicker basket; our $1.00 value for, each 754 16c FOR ENGINES WORTH 16c Mechanical Engines, with reversi ble spring, runs either backward or forward; oor 26c val. for, each 15 7(0 FOR TOT WORTH $1.41 Combination Doable "Loop-the-Loop," with elevator; our $1.45 value for, each 75f) MECHANICAL TRAIN WITH DOUBLE TRACK Our llo value for, each 15) llo CANNON WORTH 100 Cannon, movable, nickel finish or black enamel barrel, red enamel wheels Our llo valus for. each 884 Our lie valus for, each 104 71c FOR ELEPHANT WORTH 11.14 Elephants with fins red -end-gold saddls and headgear, a tan da 10 Inches high, II Inches long a beauty; our 11.11 val. for, each T8 $1.10 FOR SHOW WORTH $2 00 Humpty Dumpty Show, with ele phant, donkey, two clowns, choir, laddsr, goblet, eta. our $2.00 value for, each SI .SO NUMERICAL OR COUNTING FRAMES Our 10c value for, each 104 Our lie value for, each 854 want JsWf 1 0o FOR DOLL CARRIAGE WORTH 11 II Tandem Doll Carriage, all metal; our 1. IS value for, each 504 IRON TOTS. 11.11 FOR FIRE PATROL WORTH $1 15 Fir Patrol, I spirited harass. driver and 4 firemen, beautifully enameled In gold and red; our $1.31 velue for, each SI. 38 ISC FOR WAGON WORTH 11.10 Boys' Wagon, with steel gear and wheels, extra strong metal body; our 11.10 valus for, saoh . 95 Very Unusual Savings in the Managers' Sale of Table Lines, Bed Napery and Every Day Dress Fabrics Linen and Domestic Aisles First Floor I SHEETS, PILLOW CASES TABLE LINENS. 61c FOR SHEETS WORTH 76c Full Slse Best Quality Sheeta else lUiiU vards: our best 75c smde snectal todav at. each ' ivc fvn riuuuvr uakkh worth loo 1,00 dosen Heavy LInen-Flnleh Pillow Cases, 46x34 inches In slse; regular 16o value special at, each t .awe? 7c FOR SATEENS, GINGHAMS AND FLANNELETTES WORTH 16c 20,000 ynrds of Figured Dress Sateens. Olnghsmshod Flannelettes, all choice selected styles and our regular lie valus; all day they are on sale at, the yard. 74 60c FOR WAItTTNGS WORTH 76o AND llo All of Our Fins Novelty Walstlngs. Figured Mohstrs. Printed French Flannels. Wool Cashroeretteo, Fancy Jacquarda all ars Included; our regular 71c and IBc value for today special st ths yard 80s) STIRRING BARGAINS IN CHRISTMAS TABLE LINENS Great specials In High Grade Linen Dasassk Cloths and Napkins. Note the prloes: About 10-odd Cloths snd 19 dosen Napkins In ths lot thst's sll choice, exclusive patterna. CLOTH SIZE !! YARDS. Regular $1.10 value 8S.SS Regular 11.7$ value 82. 60 Regular 11.00 value.. 83.25 Regular 17.10 value 84.75 Regular $1 60 valus S6.00 CLOTHS-SIZE iilH TARDS. Regular $$.10 value 81.85 Regular $4 00 value 82.65 Rsgular $$.00 valus SS.OO Rsgular $100 valus SS.TS Regular llo oo value 87.25 CLOTHS SIZE txl TARDS. Our 11.10 valus for 87. OO Our 113.00 vslus for S8.SO SIZE 2xtH TARDS. Our 111.10 value for 87.75 Our 112.00 value for SS.SO SIZE 224 TARDS. Our $7 00 valus for 84.75 Our 110.00 valus for 87.25 Our H O value for 86.75 Our in oo value for 87.75 4.11 value. 14 00 value. 82.65 94. OO NAPKINS EXTRA LARGE DINNER SIZE. $6 00 value, dosen . S3. 25 17.14 value, dosen.... tin oo valus. dosen 87.25 111.04 value, dosen V 11.00 vslue. dosen SS.TS t4.7S T.TS I oo value, dosen . SS.OO A Still Greater Thursday Millinery Sale DAYLIGHT SALONS SECOND FLOOR ANNEX. New $3 Black Turbans $1.49 Th extraordinary succsss of our great Managers'- Sale of new Winter Mil llnery has encouraged us to make still greater endesvors for ths balance of the tune the competitive sales have to run. Thursday's offering should sur pass all former ones as a business brtnger, and our faith la strong that R will. No matter how many hats a woman possesses, she needs a black street hat or two. Wants of this sort may be easily filled here tomor row. Black Turbans Jaunty shape with braid crowns and silk shirred brims and facings, trimmed to the side with a knot of velvet, extremely prac- tloal and dressy for street wear. Best II values ever offered. Extra special Thursday, or while they last. t 81.49 Women's Pretty "Fixina Christmas Suggestions FIRST FLOOR. WASHINGTON STREET AISLES AND ALONG THB "FAIR-WAT.' Christmas! As soon ss you through the big Washington street en trance In the Woman's Furnishing Stores, you know it's right at the door ringing for admit tan oe. Listen! and you hear the marry chimes. Counter after oounter spread thick with the dainty things dear to dainty woman's hesrt. A host of lovely things you scares dreanied of seeing and tha prices are so low. Read a few HANDKERCHIEF SPECIAL A lot Of pure linen Handkerchiefs, regular price la ,50 for 6; special, box of I 60S DAINTY LACES AT HALF PRICE Elsgant Oriental Laces in cream and white, so popular Just now for the trimming of evening dresses and street costumes, sll the designs are new and pretty; also oriental lace bands to match, la cream and white. Our tie, 15c, lie. 71c, 80c, 11.00, 11.11, $1.10. 11.40, 11.71, 11.00. 11.10 and 11.00 values at 18HS, 17. 364, 37H. A m k a- ssu Ri an a. vfi www, V Vf 864, 81.00, 81.26 and 61.50 the yard. MOUSLIN DE SOIB FOR 4le Moualln Do Sola. 41 Inches wide, in sll colors and black and white, regular 11.00 value, for the yard SWELL BLACK BRAID TRIMMINGS AND CREAM AND BCRTJ LACES. NET TOP ORIENTAL LACES AND BANDS AT ENORMOUS REDUC TIONS. Present stocks wlU bs sold at about half their real value. Our 25c. llo. 60c 60c. Tie, $1.00, 11 25. 11.10. 12.00. 11.11. II 60 and 11.00 values for 12'a4. 12.4. ITS, BOS, 864. 804. 884 754, Sl-OO, 61.1S, 61.50 ths yard. HANDSOME LACE AND SPANGLED ROBES These exquisite Robes ars of white and cream Lars Lace, fall pat terns for waist and skirt. Every rob is reduced in price for this sale 610.00 -816.60 S12.SO 817.50 680.00 Our 114.00 valus for Our $20.oo value for Our $17.10 value for Our $11.00 value for Our $40.00 valus for PRINCESS LACE ROBES Our 140 00 vslus for 40.00 Our $71.00 valus for 850.00 GEOROBOUS SPANGLED ROBES In black or whits, very swell, snd span gles are the newest, a mar teat decora tion upon svenlng gowns Our 117.10 valus for.. Our 111.00 valus for. . Our $60.00 valus for , Our $71.00 valus for.. Our $10.00 valus for. . Our $40.00 value for 680.00 Our $to.oo value for 646.00 sits: ioo.'oo 816.00 Our 1100.00 value for 6T9.60 Our $136 oo vslus fsr 867.60 44 FOR SMART WINDSOR TIBS WORTH 40c and lis A lot of pretty Pesu do Sole Windsor Ties. In sll col ors, black and white, some embroidered in fancy solors. These sre extra flne quality, regular I0n sad lie values; spools! pries la, each.'. 464 DAINTY STOCK COLLARS lie FOR LACE STOCKS WORTH lie Now Laos Stock Collars In cream or white, with front tabs. Very pretty patterns, our Mo value for, each. 164 EMBROIDERED COLT ARS WO 7lo to $10 FOR 41s LSISF turnover styles. sB Our