THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, WEDNESDAY EVENING, DECEMBER 14, ' ISOj IS SEATTLE LOOKS FOR VICTORY OVER CLUB Puget Sounder Feel that Their Eleven Can Easily Out play Locals. ASTORIA MEN SAID S. A. C. WAS STRONGER Sigrlst, Wells, Lewis and Turner Will Shine for the Northerners. The SeatU. AthUUo club h a splendid rhunc. to defeat Multnomah axt Saturday afternoon at Recreation Park," says the Seattle Tlmaa, "and now that the club member realise that a team has been whipped Into shape that will give wood account of lteell. they are rallying U He support, and there will be a big crowd out to see the came. "Multnomah had an awful bard time defeating the Willamette university team of Salem last Saturday to 0 The members of the Multnomah team have been pounded on (be back for the poor showing they made, and bare been told that they will have to brace up thla week or Seattle will down them. "The opinion of the Astoria men Is valuable in getting; a line on the game of next Saturday, for they have played against both the Multnomah and Seattle club men. The Astoria players said last Saturday that Seattle had a much stronger line than Multnomah, and tbat the backs of the local team were much harder plungers than the Portland men. Abercromble said that Multnomah made all Its scores against them by end runs, fake plays on tackle and delayed passes. Astoria had In a couple of green ends that day, so that end runs were possi ble. "Astoria players spoke highly of the work of Bracken, Turner and Wells, and they said Wells was undoubtedly the strongest and cleverest line man playing on the coast today, while Tur ner Is a hard man to handle and Is Just a liable as not to break through and taokl. . th -runner behind the Una Just aa he did on three occasions last Satur day. "Charley Slgrift wilt play tackle next Saturday. He did not gat Into the gam until near the close last Saturday, tak ing Turner's place when the letter's bad leg went back on him. Slgrtst would rather play football than cat, and when ha Is in shape for a hard game he can outplay any man In his position on the coast. He has the knack of following the ball, which la Invaluable to a foot ball player, and he can inject a lot of fighting spirit Into the team both by his actions and his. coaching. "Those who watched Lewis run with ths ball last Saturday were convinced that the high school boy ' should be played at halfback Coach Shorts said that Lewis has the Ideal build for a half back for he Is stocky and hard to bowl over. He is built along much the same lines as Huston, the greatest halfback la the country. Lewis has played be hind the line soma on the high school team, and la slated for one of the half back positions next year. "With Bracken at center. Wells and Turner at guards, SlgrlSt and Mont gomery at tackles; Van Hovenberg and Dowd at ends; Christy and Cole for quarter; Huntoon and Lewis as half backs and Newmyer at full, the club will have a lineup that will make Mult nomah go soma to defeat. "The attendance at previous games has been dlaappointlng. Club spirit Is now being stirred up, and a creditable showing will be made Saturday. Many of the old-time members rather shied st ths proposition of putting a , football team in the Seld thla year, but now that the team has demonstrated that It has class and la showing marked Improve ment every day, the old-timers are warming up and will be out to yeU for the club Saturday like they did in the days of long ago. The game Saturday Is the big thing tor the club, and the team will be right on edge. A acare was thrown into' Multnomah last Satur day, and the men are working hard this week to make a good showing in Se attle. FOOTBALL FUMBLES. As the Columbia Juniors have not yet received a challenge from the Chemawa management, the reported game for next Saturday has not yet been arranged. I'nleaa Columbia receives a challenge before Friday no game will be played witn ue Indians. The Columbia Juniors have an offer of a game with the Barclay high school of Oregon City. South Portland also wants a game with the Columbia Juniors on the Multnomah field Saturday after noon. Manager Watklns haa found It a diffi cult matter to get a complete team for the Seattle trip on Saturday. Loner Kan. Corbett and Delph find It Impossi ble to go. Lonergan has classes to In struct at Columbia university Saturday morning, and Corbett Is hsld by busi ness affairs. Dolph is suffering from a very sore toe and upon the advice of his physician he must remain out of the game for 10 days at least. The absence of this backfleld trio will necessitate the playing of substi tutes and second team players. Multnomah's regular lino with the exception of Klraiey will be In the play at Seattle, and If the Puget sounders can find any holee from Jordan to Dowling they will be entlUed to them BVOBT FOOTBALL. (Sped. I Dlspetrt to Tk Journal ) Vancouver, B. C. Dec. 14. The third game in the British Columbia Rughy football championship series will take place hare on Saturday next between the Vancouver and Victoria teams. The Vancouver team, which haa held the championship for the past five years, Is looked upon as a sure winner again this season for the championship, al though N anal mo haa a strong team In the field. TOXTBTO AMD MOOTESH (Journal Special Barries.) San Francisco Dec. 14. Alex Greg gains of the San Francisco Athletic club is endeavoring to matsh Toung Corbett and Terry McOovern to meet here in January. Corbet! has agreed to Ores gains' proposition and McOovern Is being communicated with and a reply Is expected shortly BLOOD POISON la the worst dlaaaae ea earth, yet tbe easiest to ears v. in: n TOO KHOW WHAT TO DO. sfaay bars pim Plea, spots sa the Ma. sores Is u Dviuth, Blears, felling hair, sees salsa r Urrt, aed doe 'I kaow to PB BBOWN, far BOWl nrg It I. BLOOD POIBOB. BeM St arek M , rbJUoelraie. rese . SI-OOP CCSS. pOOjw bottle EsteS Betel Nwstet.. " Chaunccy Bishop, Willamette's Crack Coach, Who Produced s Splendid Eleven This Season. WITCH HAZEL WINS FROM THE FAVORITE (Joorn.l Special Heme. I Los Angeles, Dec. 14. Witch Hasel furnished the surprise- of the day at Ascot yesterday by defeating Fireball by a nosa In the four and one half fur longs event Th winner waa coupled tn ths batting with Ravel at SO to 1. Winners: Five furlongs, selling Agnes Mack won; time. 1:01. Four and a half furlongs Witch Hssel won; time, :S4. Handicap hurdle, mile and an eighth Mtlas won; time, I :.. Mile -Princess Tulane won; time, 1:41. Slnuson course Eaoalante won; time. 1:09. Mile and SO yards, selling Cloche d'Or won; time, 1:41. A San Franclaco. Dec. 14. Oakland Win ners: Five snd a half furlongs Fay Tem- pleton won; time, 1:11. Mile, purse Canonclus won; time, 1:46. Five and a half furlongs, selling Bob Ragon won: time. 1:0. Six and a half furlongs, handicap Romalne won; time. l:tlH. Six furlongs Alice Carey won; time. Ills. Mile and 100 yards, selling Briers won: time, 1:B1. At Hew Orleans. New Orleans, Dec. 14. Results: seven furlongs Hakim won; time, l:Ss. Six furlongs- Telescope won; time. I Five furlongs Lieut Reecs won; time. 106 Five furlongs Rams Horn won: time. 1:04 1-6. Mile and three-sixteenths Alcom R. won; time, 2 on. Five furlongs I.ucy Toung won; time. 1:01. DIAMOND GLISTENINGS. As was exclusively announced In The Journal las! week, W. W. and W. H. McCreedle and B. C. Ely. left last even ing for San Franclaco. where they arc to attend the annual meeting of ths Pacific Coast league, which eonvenes In that city tomorrow evening. Harry C. Pulllara was unanimously re-elected president of the National league nt the annual meeting of that organisation held In New Tork yestsr dsy. Reports from the different clubs showed a most successful season. John T. Brush of the New Tork club was formally presented with the 1004 pen nant, which was won by that club. Only 12 msn In the eastern league finished the season with batting aver age of .300 or better this season, against 26 for l0t. The Toronto correspondent of the Sporting News says that Walter Mc Creddle Is endeavoring to secure Out fielder Jack White from that, club. It seems thst White Is a great favorite In Toronto and should the Portland manager secure him by purchase he will land a good men. lOOKOg SMASHED BT OLDnBLD (Journal Special Barries.) Fresno. Cel., Dec. 14. Yesterday af ternoon Barney Oldfleld smashed all the auto records from the 16 to the 60 mile marks. His mark for the half century run la 41:11 1-6. The former record was 66:41. which was held by Charles Oornt. MELBURN WORE WATCH AND SHOES OF VICTIM In arresting O. W. Melbum for steal ing a valise from the lodging-house of H. D. Wood, st 21 North Sixth street. Patrolman Endlcott did a clever piece of detective work Melbum was Iden tified this morning by Philip Surad as the man who stole a watch, two pairs of shoes and a pocket knife from his shop, 67 Third street I Surad positively identified the shoes Melbum wore and a pair found In his room as property stolon from Surad'.. store. Whsn ..arrested Melbum wss wearing Surad's watch, and had the key of the store In hla pocket. On the charge of stealing the valise Moil. urn was sentenced to serve a year by Police Judge Hogue this morning. Surad will charge him with burglary. OA20 a (Special mspateh to Ths Journal ) Newbera. Or.. Deo. 14. Ne where- camp lit, at its meeting Monday night elected the following officers to serve for tbe ensuing term: Consul commander. D. Tall man; ad visor, L W. Kills; banker, C. F. Butler; clerk. R. J. Cooper; eecort, D. J. Otlbert; watchman, Hans Miller; sentry, M. J. Comer; manager. F. H. Caldwell. General Organiser H. L. Day was pres ent and addressed the camp In regard to the campaign which closea on Feb ruary 21, 1006. This class Will be Initiated In Portland and members of Newberg camp are making arrangements to go tn big numbers and take with them tt of ths 1.000. Grant county fruit growers are pre paring to combine Into a company to ship their fruit the amount of which is yearly Increasing. OPPOSE OPENING OF FAIR ON SUNDAY Strong Resolutions Are Passed at Meeting of the Northwest Sabbath Association. HOLY DAY'S PART IN THE HISTORY OF THE NATION Well Attended and Euthusiastic Conference at Which the Of ficers Were Re-elected. At tbe annual conference of the North west Sabbath association, held yester day afternoon and evening at Orace Methodist Episcopal church, the officers were re-elected, several etlrrtng ad dresses were heard and resolutions were sdoDted embracing the sense of the association In regard to Sabbath closing of the fulr and general pleasures on the sacred day. The officers are: K. c. Bronaugn. president; A F. Ftegel, vice-president; J. K Gill, vice-president; Rev. J. H Gibson, corresponding secretary; Rev. K. N. Allan, recording secretary and treasursr. and Rev J. H. ielper, fluid secretary. Mr. Ueper's address oovered the work performed, which showed marked Im provement and general interest, witn -s. sddreeses delivered the paat year. There were numerous addresses on the program by tbe local clergy and others. snd ths following resolutions were adopted: All history and human experience af ford ample and undeniable evidence of the necessity and utility of a weekly Sabbath, which is sat apart for rest and worship. The history of the Sab bath in Our own country, beginning with the landing of the Pilgrims oil Monday, December 20, 1620, 'who could have landed on Saturday, the 18th. and would not because it Implied labor on the Sabbath, down to the closing of the gates of the Louisiana Purchase expo sition on the Lord's day, Is full of in teresting facta. Babbath in station's Fsbrlo. "It la Inconceivable that our republic could have grown to Its present propor tions and commanding position among the nations of the earth, without the Babbath!. The day haa entered into ev ery part of our national fabric, given Integrity to the morals of our people, Imparted matchless beauty to our insti tutions of science and art, assured sta bility to our commerce, has been tha sheet-anchor of our civil liberty and a wall of Are about the church of Christ, aurrounded our homes with a hedge of evergreen, sweetened the Ues of ths domestic circle, wreathed the brow of legislation with tha laurels of Sinai and the empty tomb of the world's Savior, and has laid Its firm but kindly hand of restraint on commercial amDi tton and blessed and dignified labor. In short, every element of human Interest baa been made Its beneficiary. There fore, be It . . Resolved. That we thankfully ac knowledge Jeaus, 'The Bon of Man,' as the 'Lord of the Sabbath day," and reo ognixe His beneflcenoe In placing It aa a bow of promise in man's hope of heaven. "That we regard the civic Sabbath as the strongest pillar in the temple of lib erty and a bulwark of protection for labor against the oppression of greed and avarice; a quiet, worshipful Sabbath aa Indispensable to that pewer which alone the church can ever hops to draw the world to Christ; a domestic Sabbath as ths bulwark of the home and the angel of peace about its hearthstone. Against Violation of Holy Day. "That we regard as destruclve of these blessings all violations of the Sabbath, vis, all Sunday excursions, either by land or water, open theatres, open ahops and saloons. Held games and all forms of public amusements, public repairs and all avoidable labor. And In so far as these or any of them are violations of stats or municipal law, we must earn estly call the attention thereto of the executive officials of both state and city, and heartily commending our county sheriff, Thomas Word, and other of ficials acting with him, for their Arm and efficient stand against municipal vice and corruption, we suggest that now they extend their vigilance to these and other acts of Sabbath violation, which are the very tap-root of of the upas tree of social and political corruption. "We are in most hearty sympathy with. ths great enterprise and objecta of the Lewis and Clark exposition. Intended aa it la to aid In the development of the untold material wealth treasured In the agricultural, horticultural, mineral and piscatorial resources of the northwest, and wa desire to give as our tsstlmony that we believe the complete closing of of the gates of the fair on the Lord's day would make for the moral and spiritual welfare of the people of the northwest, aa well aa Induce ths at tendance at tbe fair of the best class of visitors from the eaat and aouth, whose subsequent settlement in our mldat would greatly enhance our material prosperity. "That we would respectfully request ths business men of Portland and vicinity, who are employers of labor. If consistent with their business in terests, to grant a Saturday half holi day to their emploves during the con tinuance of the Lewis and Clark ex. position. "That with profound gratitude to Ood, we most heartily commend President Roosevelt for ths manifestation of his reverence for the sabbath when, upon his recent visit to the Louisiana Pur chase exposition, and remaining over sabbath In St. Louis, he requested that tn accordance with his custom of rest and worship on the sabbath, no program be arranged for that day." PAINFULLY INJURED IN PECULIAR ACCIDENT While turning a piece of steel In a lathe at the factory of the Olll One Engine A Machine works. In Oak street, yesterday, William A. Dalsell had a tendon of his fight wrist severed, an other mangled and an artery cut. ' On the edge of the piece of steel In the laths were a number of small burrs which Dalsell was removing wltb a file, when his sleeve was caught and hsld In such a position that a wheel w4th rough edgss cut deep Into his wrist. VIOJjIWIBT MUSZaT OOHTBTO. Musln, the violinist vlrtuoelo. will he at the First Baptist church Monday evening. -Bleoember It, under the direc tion of Elmore Rice. Musln will be gup ported by a superb company of artists. Seats tl. tl 60. II and too seats In the annex for T8 cents esch. Sale oriens to morrow morning at Allen A Ollbert-Ra- raaker Co.'s. 4 QUICK DURE THIS FALLEN MAN WILL WORK ON THE ROCKPILE For the first time since Police Cap tain Bailey issued the order that all men known to live off tk earnings of women should be arrested have patrol men dared to brave the wrath of the bead of the department. Patrolmen Baty and Burke arrested Patrick Burke last night ow tha charge of receiving money earned by Belle Durkln. Ha was sentenced to to days on ths rockplle by Judge Hogue. "This man ought to be given six months," declared Deputy City Attorney Fltsgerald. "Tou are too hard on these poor, fallen men. Mr. Fltxgcrald." asserted Judge Hogue "Three months Is enough. Any how, that la the limit fixed by law. Maybe the governor will pardon htm and tf he should the length of his sen tence would cut no figure. PREPARING SCHOOL EXHIBITS FOR THE FAIR R. F. .Robinson, recently appointed su pervisor of the Oregon public school ex hibit for tne Lewie and Clark exposi tion. Is busily engsged mapping out tbs work necessary to prepare a display which will be a credit to the state. A circular letter will be sent to sll the schools In the ststs, giving sugges tions on the preparation of the exhtblta The advisory committee Is: J. H. Aok erman, state superintendent of public In struction; Frank Rlgler. city 'superin tendent of Portland schools; 3. A. Churchill; educational committee, F. O. Young, C E. Flanders and J. H. Albert Friday evening Superintendent Robin son will consult with the principals of ths schools of Multnomah county re garding the preparation of the local ex hibit. Head and Shoulders Above. Without a parallel In all history, tbe vaudeville program at the Star theatre thla week stands head and shoulders above tbe common run. Nothing ap proaching it for excellence, genuine en tertainment or brilliancy has ever been witnessed In Portlsnd To see the Molassos. two performers from Turin, Italy, dunce their whirlwind waltsea Is a revelation. To hear Blmm Bonn Brrr Imitate "the little German band" on three cor nets will astonish the conservative. To see these three performers play melo dies on a great pyramid of Illuminated wheels 4s startling. Fun of the mirth compelling, laugh producing, screamingly farcical kind la presented by a quartet of comedians en titled "The Fielding Comedy Four." Sensational tumbling feats, marvelous acrobatic work and awe-inspiring reaps for life are offered by tile four Cloas brothers, a quartet of the most aston ishing acrobats in the world. And then there Is Maude Still, pretty, dainty and a queen of soubrettes. Oo and see the Star program thla week There never was anything like It In vaudeville. Imitation of It will be useless, and duplication ef It Impos sible BROUGHT BACK. Charles Keith, a switchman, formerly In the employ of the Northern Terminal company, accused with Frank E Brown of robbing the railway companies of goods valued at thousands of dollars, was brought to Portland from Oakland. Cal., this morning by Deteottves Snow and Kerrigan. He appeared before Po lice Judge Hogue and was given until tomorrow to secure counsel and enter a plea. i A Christmas Surprise We are prepared for this very occasion with a most elaborate show ing of all the. newest good things that are FOUND ONLY IN AN UP-TO-DATE STORE FOR MEN. We will save you dollars on his Xmas outfit, and every penny counts now when your heart tries to outrun your purse. There's SOMETING here to interest you. 85 and 87 Third Street TO INVESTIGATE CITY'S BRIDGES Special Committee Promises that Duty Will Be Performed by Competent Engineer. PRELIMINARY MATTERS ALREADY ARRANGED Attention Directed .to Morrison Street Structure, Where WorR Was Done Without Bids. Aa expert for examination ef ths Mor rison street bridge snd other work em braced within the scope of tbe special committee which ths council recently appointed, has probably been appointed. aa two meetings have been held prelimin ary to its inquiries. Chairman Rumelln said tbe name of the engineer would be announced soon, snd assurance was given that a competent construction en gineer would be had. Morrison street bridge, which Is nesr- ing oompleUoh, will probably be investi gated first Plans, speolfleatlone and blue prints will be turned over to the ex pert for comparison wltb the work done Thsn the First street structure over Marquam gulch will be Investigated, aa It Is completed and property owners are anxious to know If It compiles with the specifications of the city engineer. Especial attention will be given the sddltlonat work authorised on Morrison street bridge after ths contract was let the cost of which aggregate more than $50,000. As the work was recommended br the city engineer to the executive board, and the Pacific Construction com pany got the contract the committee will Inquire why the competitive system was not employed. PASSENGER AGENTS TO MEET IN PORTLAND The American Association of Trav eling Passenger Agents will meet in Portland next vear, probably tn Uc- tober, when the season's work is done. This was determined st the convention in Mexico City yester day. J. W. Adams of San Fran cisco was elected president. These conventions usually last about four davs. and are largely at tended," says W. C. McBride, general agent of the Denver & Kjo Urande railway. "There will be between 500 and 1,000 in attendance here next vear. I expect it to be one of the largest conventions ever held by the association, on account of the interest that railroad men teel in tne iewis and Clark fair. Many of them will bring their wives and families." The association includes nearly all the passenger agents in ths country, with jurisdiction from ths Atlantic to the Pacific. There are about 30 rep resentatives in Portland, and 300 on the Pacific coast. J. W. Adams is Pacific coast agent of the Nicicel Plate, one of the New York Central lines. Children's Suits and Overcoats, toys free : Housecoats, Bath and Lounging: Robes at from Raincoats, Overcoats and Toppers at from ;.. Indian Robes and Couchcovers at from ! Shirts for business or dress wear at from The "Roberts" $3.00 Hat, soft or stiff, at i Men's white and fancy Vests, swell effects, at from All Silk Neckwear, Ascots, Squares and Four-in-Hands, at from Suitcases and Bags at from Oily High-Class Clothing Store North of the Clumber of Commerce THOUSANDS BENEFITED BY OUR POLICY. Drop us s postal, ststlng your ags snd we will mail you full particulars bow to protect your family and build up an estate for yourself. AGE 25 6 CENTS a day saved each year will PROTECT yon for $ 1,000.00 and guarantee you a GOOD INVEST MENT. Why be without a Policy? Insure with The Washington Life OF NEW YORK. Write for particulars. BLAIR T. SCOTT, General Manager. HARRY B. SCOTT, Agency Director. 609, 610, 611, 612 and 613 Cham, of Com. Bldg., Portland. Ore. 11 SILENCE BROODS OVER RECORDING OFFICE The recording department of the county clerk's office wss quiet as a mermaid's cave today. Mr. Fields had issued orders prohibiting the in terchange of gossip and stories among the employes. To emphasize this, he rearranged the desks. The order and change were made for the betterment of the service. Too much small talk and exchange of news bv the clerks resulted in un satisfactory work, especially when comparing records where accuracy is demanded. The order fell like s bolt but the noon hour offered opportunity for the exchange of confidences snd ex change of gossip, so that in time it is expected the old order of things will be forgotten and the new order ob served religiously. Anyhow, whether the old is forgotten or not tne new must be observed. The instructions were issued with no doubtful word- M. . . . rt i - ing. me tew clerics wno suvcrca a change of desks are not so dispirited as to believe that the order is not for the good of the service. CRANK TELLS MAYOR A SINGULAR STORY Tohn Yeakel. who says he is acting under instructions from the Lord, vis ited Mayor Williams this morning with a pitiful tale. He wss seeking employment, snd implored the msyor to find him work. Yeakel savs he was the head of a family consisting of a wife and eight $2.50 to $7.00 $4.30 to $6.90 $10 to $13 $4.00 to $9.00 $1.00 to $3.00 Always $3.00 $1.30 to $3K 30c to $1.30 $4.00 to $6.30 SPRING and ELASTIC TRUSSES Fit Cuarantmmd. Prioma $I.SO Up. Com and Consult Our Ex part. Laue Davis Drug Co. children, but all have been taken from him. On time they took his wife from him and put her in an insane asylum. He went with her for s time, snd the Lord told him to go to Kansas. After remaining there for two years, the Lord fold him to return to Portland. He came to this city expecting to find his household as he had left it, but his children were in the care of the Boys' and Girls' Aid society. The mayor referred him to the civil service commission, where he made an application for s position ss laborer. j RAILROAD COMPANY CENSURED BY JURY In a verdict rendered by a coroner's Jury holding an inquest over the body of Edgar M. Watson, won was killed yesterday In the Northern Terminal company yards by being caught between two cars, the Northern Pacific Railway company Is criticised for Its failure to have a system of signals. The Jury also decided that Watson might have saved his life by exercising caution. After giving the circumstances in connection with the 'death the Jury uses the .following language: "We further find that the company has neglected to provide any system of signals to pro tect its men while at this work, and that said neglect was ths direct causs of the death of Watson." Thirty-one warrants of arrest have been isued out of ths police court for merchants who are accused of fsTTTtig tn pay their occupation licenses. Dep uty City License Inspector Hutchinson Is the complainant. Warrants were isued this morning for Po.ey Bros, and the Hey wood Bros. Wakefield Co. Between Stark and Oak