THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, WEDNESDAY EVENING. DECEMBER 1. HOC STICK TO THE GOOD SHIP CHICAGO It offers the safest and surest trip to satisfaction at the lowest rates loaded to the guards with the largest all new stock of Men's and Boys' Suits, Overcoats, Cravenettes,. Trousers, Hats, Shoes, Furnishings that ever sailed Portland's sea to trade Christmas Bargains in the Cahn, Wampold (8b Co.'s At Nearly One-Half Price Wholesale Stock or Pine Clothing, Bought at AND NOW ON SALE oO Per Cent on the Dollar of Wholesale Cost 11 IS A TRUSTY OPPORTUNITY AND APPEALS WITH FORCE AND MIGHT TO EVERY THRIFTY BUYER IN REACH OF THIS CITY. OPPORTUNITIES TO BUY THE VERY CHOICEST. NEWEST. BEST AND MOST DESIRABLE OF GOODS AT LESS THAN WHOLESALE COST. AT A STORE THAT NEVER JUGGLES THE PEOPLE'S CONFIDENCE. IS AN OCCASION THAT EVEN THE MOST SKEPTICAL BUYER CANNOT WELL AFFORD TO OVERLOOK. ...... mum; $7 Men's Suits More than 2,000 for you to choose from. The Chicago does not say more than 2,000 and mean a few hundred. We are Port land's greatest clothing store, carrying the biggest all-new stock and sell more good clothing than any store in Oregon or Wash ington. Did you ever stop to thing why The Chicago leads? Investigate. There must be good reasons for it fSO For choce oi 800 All-Wool or Worsteds, in single and double breasted styles, in black, blue, also plaids, checks, stripes and mixtures, in clay worsteds, serges, cheviots, tweeds, homespuns and cassimeres; the very latest and best styles, made by Cahn, Wampold & Co. to retail at $12.50 and $15. dQ s7E For choice of 700 Suits, excellent all-wool or P ry pure worsteds, in select patterns of very choice clay worsteds, serges, cheviots, tweeds and vicuna, in double and single breasted sack and cutaway frocks; sewed with pure silk throughout and made with shape-retaining shoulders ; made by the great Cahn, Wampold & Co. to retail at $16 to $18. J"0 ?or cno'ce f over 1000 single and double P -s)C7v-J breasted sacks, in imported and domestic materials, high class all hand-tailored, sewed with double test pure silk, triple warp serge or Italian cloth lining, shape-retaining collars, front and shoulders, 100 styles of patterns and colors, also fine blue and black ; made by. Cahn, Wampold & Co. to retail at $20, $22 and $25. " JSC") For cno'e over ?00 of as fine Suits as P money will buy; you can take choice of the finest and best single or double breasted sack, made to retail at $25, $30 and $35 ; or choice of all Cahn, Wampold & Co.'s finest silk or satin lined, made to retail at $30, .$35 and $40, If you art a good dresser this is a chance of years for you. Come early. Overcoats and Cravenettes Fully 1,000 strong. A display of overgarments that will agreea bly surprise you tor style and quality, and more than please you for km prices. The purchase of the Cahn, Wampold ft Co. fine wholesale stock at 60c on the $1.00 enables us to sell finest qual ity fall or winter weight Overcoats and Cravenettes at leas than . i . . at luai wnoiesaie cost. &7 CA Does wonders; hundreds of elegant fall and 'v-r wjnter Dress Overcoats, made in box and knee lengths or just below the knee to the ultra fashidnable long belt coats; made by Latin, Wampold & CO. to retail at $12.50 to $15. feQ SO For cnoice of hundreds of elegant Fall Dress or winter Overcoats and Cravenettes: a ereat many of them imported materials; all hand-tailored: in black. blue, gray, steel brown, tan, etc.; short box, opera or long gar ments with or without belt ; made by Cahn, Wampold & Co. to retail at $16 to $18. SO Cravenettes and Overcoats, with over 500 to make your selection from; decant hieh class- hand-tailored garments, none of them made to 'retail at less than $20 ; in black, blue, broken plaids, pin stripes, mixtures. These garments merit the attention of the most critical and thrifty buyers. i fftfT SO For the best in the housc- Every Craven- ' ette or Overcoat that we own. includine all the high class Crouse & Brandagee and Acorn combined with all the Cahn, Wampold & Co.'s finest garments that we sold earlier in the season at $35, $32, $30. $27 and $25, are now on our coun ters and in this great Xmas Bargain Sale at $17.50 for choice of the best best. Hats Ery Hat In tMt entire, fine, nrw. fresh stock must be Bold, even If we shoulder a big Iocs. For the Spring trade all our Hats will be branded. "Fullworth, and In order ro carry nut onr Dlsns and oilen the Horltur Seaaon with an entire new stock of Fullwnrth Hat, the price knife la at wora on our entire Fall end Winter Stock 8 .85 for choice of SO styles of $2 aoft and stiff Hats; .black, brown. gray, tan and ecru. 92. 88 for choice of SI style of 8 8 and some $8.60 toft or stiff Hate; exact duplicate of Dunlap. Knox and Btetsnn Fall and Winter styles. s.eeeeeeeee.eee7 . TI J f A -fV m Prepared for the) I IlD WrllAIJvJ Qreat Holiday Rush I A DsTil ifr-alp PrfC!ft Extra salespeople of experience in their respective Iw rui lines, double capacity in the tailor shops and bundle wrapping and delivery departments this week, insures promptness and pleasure in trading at the big store. This week we close as usual at 6 p. m. daily, except Saturday, at 11 p. m. Next week open every evening till 10 p. m0 and Saturday, Xmas eve, till midnight " watt km B V- 5bLaBBBxS Jys sV. 51 saa! Bafl saasaasaaW aafl 9saa Yule Tide in Furnishings Xmii Bargains In this Gigantic Stock of dependable and extra fine Shirts, Underwear, Gloves, Umbrellas, Smok ing Jackets and House Coats, Handkerchiefs. Neckwear, Mufflers, Collars, Cuffs, Jewelry. Fancy Silk or Wash Vesta, are all of the most desirable and choicest styles and qualities. The variety almost endless and the prices as low ss the same goods can be had for anywhere In the United States. Smoking Jaekete and House Coats 93.36, $4.35, $4.85, 95.80. Fins Sweaters, wool snd worsted S1, $1.50, $2, $2.50, 3, 93.50. $4, $5. $6. 600 styles of Shirts in negligee snd golf 35c, 50c. 75o. 1, 91.25. 11.60, $2, I2.60T Underwesr 35c. 60c, 65c, 85o, $1, $1.35, $1.85, $2.35 all underprioed. Umbrellas Wo, 75c, $1, $1.25, $1.50, 92, fk&0 and up to 10, Hosiery, good wool or cotton 8c, 12'2c, 20c, 25o, 35c, 60c, 75c, 91. .( Night Shirts 6O0, SOo, 75o, $1, $1.50, $2, up to $7.50. Neokwear 10o, 15c, 25c 35c, 50c, 75c, 91. 11-26, 9140. Jewelry half value sale 1,000 pairs Cuff Buttons Studs, ste. Silk Vests $1.66, 915, $2.15, $2.65 $3.15, $3.65. Fine Wash Ve.ts-65c, 85c, $1, $1.50, $2 $2.50, $3. Suspenders 15c, 25c. 35c, SOo, 65c, 75c, 91, 9140. Handkerchiefe, all kinds 6o, So, 10s, 12'2o, 15o, 26o, 35c. 50c, 75c, $1. Mufflers, fine eilk-60o. 76o, M. 91-25. 91.50. 92. 9240. Gloves, heavy or dress 19o, 2&o, 35c, SOo, 65c, 75o, 91, $1.25, $1.60, 92, 92-60. Real Half Price Sale of Boys' and Children's Suits. Overcoats and Furnishings Wa cured at our price the T M. Pfetser Co., Chicago, 111., entire manufacturers' wholesale stock of Children's Boys' and Young Men's Suits and Over coats, and will give to the parents the best bargains ever offered in Portland, in the very newest and choicest of Good Clothes. Suits, S to 16 year slies, la' all the prevailing and exclusive styles. Suit Prices Norfolk, Cossack, Buster Brown, Reefer and Double- Breasted styles 1.25 I 931.50 9)9.00 99.SO For all styles of $2.60 Suits For all styles of 9S.00 Suits For all styles of $4.00 Suits For ail styles of $6.00 Suits.. For all styles of $6.00 Suits 3.00 For all styles of $7.00 Suits 83.50 For all styles of $8.00 Suits $4.00 Children's Overcoats $4.60 Overcoats for 82.25 $6.00 Overcoats for SS.OO $7.00 Overcoats for S3. SO $8.00 Overcoats for $4.00 Boys' Furnishings Half Price 7tt for 160 double knee black Stocking. lOe) for 20c double knee black Stockings. B4 for lOo Suspenders; 7 He for 16c. and for 25c Sus penders. lOe for a big lot of loo and 36o Cape;- '7 10e for fine quality 40c Fleece Underwear. 19 for Boys' Negligee 40c and 69a Shirts. 33 e for extra good quality and make of 66c Black Sateen Shirts. 8TH for assorted colors 76o Sweaters. 8TH7 for basket weave, all worsted 11.76 Sweaters. 19 for Boys' 40c Waists: detach able band, percale or flannelette. 87Vsf for Boys' extra quality 76c laundered Waists. Shoes There, fs no place like the Chicago for Men's and Boys Good Shoe, bur Immense business In Shoes keeps this stock moving all the Mme. and the result Is very best and latest styles. W turn our entire Shoe stock every SO days, that's the record for the past eight months, and It oanaot be duplicated In all America. Every pair of Shoes we sell is warranted to give entire satisfaction. That's the kind the Chicago sells. We are big cash buyers and sell Shoes at- about what other stores have to pay for them. 91.68 for choice of 1,000 pairs, $1.60 Shoes; calf, box calf, velour and - vlcl kid.; in Bluchers and bal. 99.98 for choice of more than 1.000 $1.60 and $4 Shoes, patent colt sad viol, calf and velour; In congress. bsJs. and Bluchers and boot top a Shoe sale that is worthy or the name. 1.000 Fair Holiday Slippers at Wholesale Prices. Boys' or Little Gents' Shoes This end of the Shoe business Is run on the GUory Basts. We do as aim to get more than actual selling cost. We want the little fellows to wear Chicago Shoes. They are great. Young Hen's Suits We pay special attention to trade of the coming voters and study thetr wants and demands. The D. M. Pfetser st Co. fine wholesale stook of Suits and Overcoats Is a literal world of nobby and desirable styles for young men. Over 600 Suits, comprising 60 styles, are here for your choosing, at Just one half value. 93.78 for All-Wool Dark Color $7.60 Suits. 98.00 for All-Wool Very Nobby 810 Suits. 96.28 for All-Wool Single and Double Breasted I1Z.B0 Suits. 8T.50 for All-Wool and Worsted $16 Suits. 99.00 for imported materials, very fine, $19 Suits. 811 for Choice of the finest and best Suit In the store, xnis orrer includes all our nnest grade, that we sold at $20, 122 and even $86. This sale of the choicest and finest grade of Young Men's Suits at One Half Value Is the greatest slaughter of fine goods ever made In the heart of the season besides we show the largest variety on the entire coast. Young Men's Overcoats and Cravenettes We can supply you with the kind you have in mind and save you exactly what the below figures represent. 84. SO for fin and nobby $7.60 plain or belt Overcoats. 96.00 for very handsome $10 Overcoats 1 10 style. fS.SO for choice of 106 $18,60 Overcoats. 99.BO for choice of 100 $16 Overcoats snd Cravenettes. 812. SO for choice of the best In the house all our finest $18, $80 and $22 Overcoats and Cravenettes. T prPp Print hfl 1 1 c Again The Chicago will help to cheer the days of ri-CC rwiuailS boyhood. l.OOO more footballs will be distributed free to boys. Call any evening; this week from 4 to 6 o'clock for lists. No Purchase Necessary u; JaiB a football, no matter when his clothing is bought. Mothers, send your boys to the store any day this weak, between 4 and 6 p. m. and we will supply him With a list so that he can secure a fine Rugby football in a few hours. Small Boys Specially Invited 8 to 8 years of age. We wish to place as many as possible with the boys who have been at a disadvantage in past distributions. Boys who have se cured footballs or watches at our past distributions are requested to allow boys who did not secure anything from us this season to hare the footballs at this distribution. Special Notice to Parents ZuT'tL 1 or lottery store. We do busi ness strictly on the plan of merit, quality and price. No footballs, watches or popguns hung around the neck of any purchaser at this store. The foot balls are free to all boys, no matter where his clothes are bought We do the largest popular price boys' clothing business in the city. You can read the answer in quality, styles and prices at this store. We will lift the boys' and children's clothing business out of the prise and lottery gutter of this city: First, by teaching your children never to expect to win at prise or lottery, stores ; second, by giving free any aticle of merit that other stores hang up as a bait to their children's goods, in order to get prise prices. We will do business on the daylight principle, teaching you and your children to be independent and buy where your money will bring the best returns and avoid prise shark stores. 88. AK for Onulne John R. Stetson IS Hat. 80 Caps at this store are town talk they are great.