The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, December 13, 1904, Image 5

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xonnret Axvuxxxm.
Marquam OitM.
Prodlgsl Daughter"
"A Little Outcast"
Plana for Increased passenger service
for people alone the lines of the Oregon
Railway Navigation Co. during the
Lewis and Clark exposition were dls
cussed at a meeting of agents of the
company at the office of General Pas
senger Agent A. L. Craig yesterday af
ternoon. There war present J. H.
ONell and J. R. Nagel, traveling pas
senger agents; R. Burns, general agent
at Walla Walla; C. W. Mount, general
agent at Lew is (on; George J. Mohler,
general agent at Spokane; C A. Newell,
commercial agent at Wallace, Idaho;
w. E. Nixon, agent at The Dalles; K. c.
Hmlth, Pendelton; E. C. Moore, La.
Grande; W. P. Lawrence, Baker City;
'. C. Hlndle, Dayton, and W. C Wilkes,
At a meeting of the Mt. Tabor Im
provement association, held last night
In Woodmen of the World hall, the re
port of- the committee appointed to
draft a charter for that city was made.
A mass meeting wss called for De
cember II, to discuss the charter and
devise means of having a number of
copies printed to present to the com
ing legislature. The charter as pro
posed Is very similar to that of Port
land, where the conditions are the same.
The elective officers are mayor, re
corder, treasurer, mashal and council
men. The Bancroft bonding act Is also
Incorporated in the new charter. The
value of the taxable property is placed
The steady growth of Columbia uni
versity this year necessitates another
dormitory In addition to the buildings tu
be erected next year. "We could use
the new dormitory now," said Kather
M A. Qulnlan, president of the uni
versity, "but we will have to go alow
with our expenditures. We are now
building a water tank for the university
and making other minor Improvements."
The water tank will be built for a
present capacity of 10.000 gallons, and
can be enlarged as needs Increase. The
university has an attendance or about
100. an Increase of 10 per cent over
the last term.
Released from the county Jail yester
day after three months' confinement.
Kuth Osburn returned to her old haunts
In the north and and proceeded (o drown
her sorrows In drink. In the Horseshoe
saloon she accused another woman of
estranging her sweetheart, and said she
was going to drown herself. She left
the saloon and went down the sup at
Front street, where the Joseph Kellogg
lay and would have jumped Into the
river but for the boat watchman, who
caught and held her until the police
arrived. She was then taken to tne
police station.
Many people are satisfied with a
smsll beginning, as long they have
hope for something better by and by.
This Is not me. I have demonstrated
that pianos can be sold In large num
bers by a new concern from the start,
provided the proper Inducements are
made, and that these are made you will
find out by getting my prices; la fact,
until yon make a comparison you can
not form an Idea as to what you can
save In buying your piano at Meyers
new piano house, 74 Sixth street.
K F. Robinson, county superintendent
of schools, has accepted the position of
superintendent of Oregon state educa
tional exhibit at the Lewis and Clark
fair. His new duties began today. Mr.
Robinson, who Is very prominent In
educational circles, will spars no effort
to make the exhibit worthy of Oregon.
His selection Is regarded favorably by
everybody, and Is especially gratifying
to the stste commission, which feared
that Mr. Robinson might decline the of
fice on account of other work.
On the report that certain people
were endeavoring to purchase ground
near the new Alblna ear barns for the
purpose of conducting a saloon on It
the North Alblna Improvement associa
tion at a meeting last night appointed
a committee to Investigate the report
and And out If It is true. The mem
bers of the association do not desire a
saloon In that neighborhood.
Preparations for the annual banquet
and election of the Travelers' Protective
association are going on. The banquet
will be given at the Portland hotel De
cember 19, and the election will occur
on the following vevenlng. Tne associa
tion has under consideration a plan to
appeal to the legislature for relief from
certain exactions by the railroad com
panies of the state, in which It has the
support or tne wnoiesaiera.
Residents of St. Johns will meet this
evening to organise a volunteer nre com
nnnv. The town Is without any pro
tection from fire. Fire hydrants are to
be placed throughout the town and a
new hose and reel secured. It is
thnua-ht that with the equipment con
templated the volunteer company will be
able to cope successiuny wuu n u
The Toung Men's Christian associa
tion has brought an action against Ed
ward O. McKean to collect 1376 as rent
due on a lease of the premises at 177
Fourth street; which the defendant has
occupied since January 1, lf04; he
agreed to pay 170 a month rent, but has
paid only 111.
Permlslson to sell four shirt studs, one
scarf pin. one pair of cuff buttons and
a gold watch belonging to the estate of
Joseph Holladay has been granted
Judge C. H. uarey, aaminisirsior, oy
County Judge Webster. J. 8. Downey
is named as the purchaser of the prop
erty listed, for 171 cash.
In alighting from a car at the corner
of Third and Washington streets yes
terday afternoon Mrs. Thomas F. Dona
hue was thrown to the ground by the
car starting suddenly. It was neceesary
to take several stitches in a cut above
her right eye. Mrs. Donahue lives at
140 North Twelfth street.
According to the semi-annual report
of the state board of health, which haa
Oeree MCeay So sailed Incur-
Bonding. Fboae,
I by Dr. Wowas Hutchinson,
there were Mil births and 1,101 deaths
luring the first six months oi 1I0.
Forty-three deaths resulted from ty
phoid fever, t from scarlet fever, and
three front smallpox.
An exceptionally Una line of leather
goods Is shown by Albert Bern! the
druggist, Second and Washington, con
sisting partly of ladles' fins purses,
card oases and handbags and gents'
bill books, wallets, cigar cases; traveling
sets and roll ups. Your name stamped
In gold free.
The Wind River Lumber company has
filed notice of appeal from the Judg
ment secured In the circuit court
against It for $1,000 damages sustained
by David Westman. who was Injured
at Cascade Locks through Its alleged
William Aspaugh. 70 years of age,
was arrested last night. He imagines
that he Is King Nebuohadnexser and Is
forced to eat grass. He was looking for
a green spot when his friends notified
the police. He lives at 10 J H Jefferson
Charles Anderson, a saloonman of Port
land, waa found yesterday In his room.
10IH Washington street, suffering from
acute alcoholism. He was taken to St.
Vlnveht's hospital, and died 10 minutes
after arriving.
Professor Eaton's dancing school.
Classes Monday and Thursday evenings
at Arlon hall. Beginners taken at any
time. Six assistant teachers. Private
lessons dally at hall. Spectators In
vited. 'Phone West 70S.
There Is a vsry desirable down town
store for rent. It Is advertised In the
classified columns and will no doubt be
snapped up quick, as vacant business
places are scarce.
That tired out feeling and general
lack of tone call oat unmistakably for
C. C. C. Tonic. For sale at Knights'.
107 Washington.
Tonight! ! Madam Jarleys
Waxworks; free. Centenary church, E.
Ninth and Pine.
We clean an preae your clothes and
shine your shoes for 1100 per month.
Unique tailoring Co.. 147 Washington.
Main tie.
I. D. Beyer, the popular gentlemen'
and ladles' tailor, removed to room 107
Fenton bldg. New, first-class cutter.
Free dispensary for worthy poor. Tuea.
Thura, Sat. 1 p. m. St. Vincent's Heap.
Dr. Chas. W. Barr, dentist, 117 Dekum.
It Is
a Bank, and We Draw in
Proportion to Our
Jacob A. Rtls, the noted New Tork re
former, delivered his lecture on "The
Battle With the Slum" before a large
audience at the Y. M. C. A. head
quarters last night and consented to re
turn to Portland on Friday night and
speak at Temple Beth Israel on "Tony's
Mr. RUs was listened to very atten
tively. He carried his audience with
word and picture through the slum dis
tricts of New Tork and related Incidents
which befell him during his labor for a
quarter of a century in behalf of re
form. He pointed to old Mulberry Bend
as the worst spot In America at one
time, and now a beautiful park. He
showed other Improvements which have
been made In the tenement districts and
argued that less poverty among the com
mon people would tend to eliminate
crime entirely.
"The world owes no man a living."
said Mr. RUs. "It Is like a big bank
from which we may draw In that propor
tion In which we deposit to our acoount.
I have aeen the worst side of human na
ture for the last II years, and yet my
conviction is, that the boy la not natur
ally bad. When we have established the
juvenile court, provided the free play-
around and given the children or tne
poor a chance, then we will have battled
successfully witn tne num. i nave
known twice as much drunkenness due
to poverty as I have poverty due to
The speaker was Introduced by W. M.
Ladd. Before the lecture Stephen 8.
Wise, who le an old friend of Mr. Rlls.
announced the lecture Friday at the
Attorneys Play Upside Down in
the Suit of Bridges vs.
, Wakefield.
Empaneled to try an action at law
and then informed by both sides that no
matter what their verdict might be it
would not decide the merits of the esse,
was the peculiar situation in which the
Jurors in Judge Cleland's court found
themselves this morning. They were
Informed as to the merits of the case,
the contentions of both parties, and then
aaked to decide whether or not the plain
tin could prosecute his case. The at
torneys admitted that It looked very
much like a question at law for the
court to decide, but insisted upon a Jury.
The result waa that the evidence was
turned around, the defendant was made
the plaintiff and the plaintiff the defend
ant, and to all purposes the Jury took
the place of the Judge and the Judge
acted as the Jury.
The case was an action In which J.
B. Bridges sought to recover 14.411 from
Robert Wakefield, alleging that the
money was due him for services ren
dered In building the Portland drydocks.
The question to be decided as stated
to the Jury was: Can the pendency of
a suit In equity be pleaded In abatement
of an action at law between the same
At the time the Port of Portland let
the contract for building the drydocks
Bridges and Wakefield formed a part
nership and secured the contract at
1142.000. Bridges says thai Wakefield
performed outside labors In the contract
ing line and devoted no time to the dry
dock, but he. Bridges, alone supervised
Its construction. When the drydock was
completed there were profits amounting
to about 111.000 to be divided. Brldgee
brought a suit In equity for a settlement
of the partnership business, he snd
Wakefield being unable to agree Af
ter this suit in equity was commenced
he brought an action at law to recover
14,40 as wages due him for the super
vision of the construction. Wakefield
set up the plea In abatement that this
law action could not be proeeouted until
the suit between the same two parties
had been settled. And that le the ques
tion now being submitted to the Jury.
Preferred Meek assumed BsoftftL
Allen Lewis' Beat Brand.
If Present Laws Can't Stop Pool
selling, Legislature Will En
act Statutes that Can.
Judge McGinn States Positively
that Queer Class Shall Not
Rob Fair Vision.
"If we don't catch these fellows now,
we will get them later on. They will
not operate during the Lewis and Clark
fair, that Is certain," said Attorney
Henry A. McOlnn, referring to the pool
room gambling cases. "A bill Is being
prepared which will be presented to the
legislature as soon as It meets, dealing
dlrecUy with this form of gambling.
This bill will put poolrooms out of
business for good and all. And It will
be passed without any trouble."
The advisability of securing legisla
tive enactment against pool-selling has
been apparent to those Interested In
closing gambling ever since the cru
sade began. The statute as It now
standa la admittedly weak. There Is no
direct reference to pool-selling .In the
criminal code. Section 1044, prohibit
ing gambling, namee faro, monte, rou
lette, rouge et noir, lanaquenet, rondo,
twenty-one, poker, draw poker, brag,
bluff, thaw, "and any banking game
played with cards, dice or any other de
vice." These are all prohibited, but no
where Is pool-selling mentioned. Other
sections prohibit lotteries, nickel-In-the-slot
machines and prise fights. The only
section of the code which the attorneys
say would cover the case Is the one
under which M. O. Neess was Indicted,
section 1110, which reada as follows:
"If any person shall wilfully and
wrongfully commit any act which gross
ly disturbs the public peace or health,
or which openly outrages the public de
cency, and Is Injurious to publto morals,
such person. If no punishment Is pre
scribed therefor by this code, upon con
vlotion thereof, shall be punished by
Imprisonment In the county Jail not less
than one month nor more than six
months, or by fine not less than $60 nor
more than 1200."
Whether or not conducting a poolroom
la in violation of thla section of the
code has never been eettled by the
courts of Oregon. Judge George of the
circuit court will be the first man to
pass upon It when he gives his de
cision on the demurrer to the M. O.
Nease indictment, which was argued be
fore him last Tuesday.
Prisoners' Aid Society Appeals to
the Charitable in Behalf
of Worthy Object.
Portland. Dec. IS. To the Editor of
The Journal The Oregon Prisoners' Aid
society finds It necessary to make a di
rect appeal to the public for funds to
carry on lta work. The sum of 1141
will be neceesary to provide for the ex
penses of the society until March, 1006.
With the winter before us, and the
usual scarcity of work at this season of
the year, the organisation feels Justified
In asking for aid. When It Is remem
bered that each man discharged from
the prison receives. In addition to a suit
of clothes, but $1 In cash, every thought
ful person will readily understand the
necessity for some help to tide over the
time between release and finding work.
Unless the man walks to Portland, after
paying his railroad fare, such a small
sum Is left that unless he finds work
immediately, or Is sssiated by the so
ciety, he quickly drifte back into ha mis
of the police.
The Oregon Prisoners' Aid society as
sists the released prisoner to regain his
place in "society by financial help In the
way of lodging, board, clothing, tools
transportation, and by counsel and en
couragement. A man who has been In
prison for any length of time Is, upon
his discharge, helpless and bewildered
out of touch with the busy world about
him. The society feels that It la
cheaper to care for the man until his
readjustment la accomplished than it ia
to Indifferently hold aloof and let the
man slip back into evil ways. It Is esti
mated by criminologists that the arrest.
trial and Imprisonment of the average
criminal coats society 11,000. This sum
Is about four times as much as is re
quired to maintain the work of our so
ciety for one year.
In addition to helping the discharged
man, the eoclety maintains a superin
tendent who in the prison keeps In con
stant touch with the men and through
this personal relation la able to deter
mine who la sincere In his desire to re
form. E. W. St. Pierre, who has been
the superintendent since the organiza
tion of the eoclety. la a man peculiarly
fitted for this work, and through the
courtesy of the officers of the prison
has access to the men at all times.
The society Is strongly indorsed by
Governor Chamberlain and has as mem
bers of Its executive board J. D. Lee,
former superintendent of the prison;
Judge Bears of the circuit court, and
Judge Hogue of the municipal court.
Through Its committees It keeps in
touch with modern legislation and bills
are being prepared looking towards a
more humane system or dealing witn
our criminal population. The commit
tee on Indeterminate sentence and parole
law consists of Dr. 8. 8. Wise, J. N.
Strong, Judge Sears, J. D. Lee and C W.
Jonee, superintendent at the prison.
The committee on Juvenile court law
Is composed of Judge Hogue, W. T.
Gardiner and Mrs B. H. Trumbull.
The society must have 1141 for Its
work between now and March, 1101. The
various churches wilt be aaked to pre
sent this work snd gather offerings for
It on Christmas Sunday. Individual con
tributions are solicited and may be sent
to Rev. W. 8. Gilbert. 414 Columbia
street, president , Mrs. B. H. Trumbull,
111 Corbett street, secretary, or to Ben
Selling, Fourth and Morrison streets,
treaurer of the soelety. Offerings will
be called for by phoning Main till or
Main 1070.
By stipulation Dr. Elsie J. Lawbaugh
secured 1100 da ma gee and till costs
and her three automobiles from the
Eugene Loan A Savings bank In the
action which ehe broajght agalnat the
bank for seising the machines to satlafy
a Judgment for 14.000 against her hus
band, E. A Lawbaugh.
When the case waa called thla morn
ing. R C. Piatt, attorney for Mrs. Law
baugh. notified the court that a settle
ment bad been secured.
Uniform Prices at Columbia.
There will be no more extra priced
seata at the Columbia from now on. A.
H. Ballard, manager, announced from
the stage both Sunday afternoon and
evening that on and after Monday the
price of all seata on the parquet floor
at the Columbia will be made uniform.
10 centa for evening and 21 centa for
matinee. The procenlum boxes only will
be l evenings and 10 centa matinee.
The extra price heretofore charged for
logo seats will be done away with, and a
return to the original poltcy of the
theatre made, which was to charge a
uniform price for all seats on the par
quet floor, and there Is not a poor aeat
In the house. The change permits hun
dreds of patrons to return to their old
seats from which they had been obliged
to move because of the sdvancu In price.
"The Prdlgal Daughter" runs all week.
Something New at the Arcade.
There la a continual popular clamor
for something new In the vaudeville
line, and the Rennee family, a troupe
of five performers, certainly presents it
to the public at the Arcade theatre this
week. The troupe Includes three little
children, aged I, 4 and I, respectively,
and the performers appear In turn as
Swiss warblers, a family of Hebrews
and a family of atreet beggars, and con
clude their sensationally clever turn
with a camp scene. Including the three
youngest rough riders In the world. The
banjo playing of Rolands and Wilson is
unother feature of the program. These
performers produoe any kind of music
from ragtime to opera on the Instrument
that la so close to the heart of the min
strel. Dell and Monitor, pretty girls,
are very entertaining In a aoubrette
turn. Oenevleve Ardell slnga the fa
mous ballad "The Man Outside." The
bioscope shows some Interesting pictures
of a torpedo boat. The new bag-punching
act of Aumann Introduces 'a novel
feature where he beats a tattoo on four
bags at once. Perhaps the most strik
ing Incident, however, of the whole pro
gram la the begging scene of the Ren
nee family. At four of the five per
formances yesterday thla act waa so
realistic that gallant young men In the
audience showered nickels on Madam
Rennee when ahe appealed to the audi
ence for funds.
Many Hits at the Star.
Every act Is a pronounced hit at the
Star theatre this week. The program
contains at least four features which
are remarkable for their originality and
entertaining qualities. Two whirl
wind dancers from Turin, Italy, nnder
the stage name of the Molaaaos. present
some cyclonic waltzes never before seen
In Portland. The costume of the girl
la one of the most marvelously wrought
creatlona which ever came from the
handa of a costumer.
Blmm Bomm Brr is the sensational
title of three sensational performers
who Introduce a stand of whirling discs,
of which they are the originators, and
which forms one of the most charming
stage scenes imaginable. All three are
clever cornetlsts and their imitation of
the little German band and the bagpipes
brou it tit down the house.
A wee tot, the youngest member of
the Four Close Bros., wins Instant favor
by climbing to a dlssy height or a col
umn made by his three brothers stand
ing on each others' shoulders, and then
falling from there to tne grouna.
Maude Still, a pretty girl with pretty
songs and active feet, sings ragtime
melodies. While the songs are goon,
the little dancing between the verses
captured the house last night. Illus
trated songs and the projectoscope con
clude the program.
The Grand's Head Line Bil.
No more well pleased audiences ever
attended a theatre than enjoyed the
performances at the Grand theatre yes
terday. The program Is positively the
greatest ever seen in this city and every
number Is so strong that It Is difficult
to particularise. The Cliffords in their
French Imported act with countless
swords thrilled the people and held
everybody spellbound. The Slartels of
fered work on the bicycle never before
seen In this city and secured a perfect
ovation. Berger brothers, equilibrists
and acrobatic marvels, proved their right
to the title by aatontshlng feats of agil
ity and strength. O'Brien and West In
parodies on current events made every
body laugh, as did Wills and Collins
with a A Day In Madrid, a very runny
travesty on the classic play of "Pygma-
Uan and Galatea." Smith and Cheater
aang three very fetching excerpts from
grand operas and Alf Bonner touched
every heart by his rendition of a beauti
ful song, "Down at the Baby Store."
Moving pictures of more than ususl
merit were displayed by the grandl-
scope. The most amusing picture Is
that of a little chap who haa two baby
aweethearts, and he finds himself In
the predicament of having to bestow his
affections on both at the same time.
Gfeat Bill at Baker.
It has been said that some vaudeville
houses open up with a big show snd
then out down the bill ss the week rolls
by. Such Is not the case with the Baker.
Every act Is a topllner. The first place
on the bill has been rightfully given
to the Three Rexclnos. who are wonders
in aorobatlc and Roman ladder act.
Every move by these athletes Is new,
novel and startling. E. T. Appleby Is
the best banjo soloist ever heard here.
Bell and Thornton give something new
in a sketch called the "Modern Tele
phone." Their act Is clever and greatly
amuses. Raymond O. Baldwin sings
delightfully snd his Illustrated pictures
are good. Jenkins and O'Neal, as the
American philosophers and the German
emigrants, are good. Their Jokes sre
new and their dancing novel. Probably
next to the opening act on the bill Har
rison Bros. In their laughable sketch,
entitled "The Matrimonial Agency," Is
the best. At any rate It ejot a generous
share of applauding and a continuous
laugh. The btograph In new pictures
concluded the performance, which is the
best yet seen at the Baker.
Johanna Gadaki's Career.
Mme. Oadakl, who la making her first
concert tour In America this season,
made her operatic debut in Berlin when
she was 17, and her success with man
agement and public waa so Immediate
and remarkable that she was re-engaged
for the succeeding four rears there.
During that prlod she sang leading parte
In all the standard operas. Besides her
Berlin engagement Mme. Oadakl waa
one of the star eololets at Covent Oar
den for three years, and at Bayreuth.
Since llll she has sung in opera In
America with the Metropolitan Opera
House compeny under both Qrau and
Conrled and her fame haa Increased
steadily and notably with each season.
Oadskl will appeer In concert here
under the direction of Lois Steers De
cember la
"The Billionaire" Seata Selling.
The advance aale of seats opened this
morning in the lobby of the Marquam
Grand theatre for Klarw A Erlanger's
big musical comedy, "The Billionaire,"
In which Thomaa Q. Seabrooke will be
seen at the Columbia theatre next
Thursday night and Friday matinee.
The second act of this epectacular mu
sical farce Is said to be undenlsbly the
Eclipse Steel Ranges
$35 to $40 Each
We Guarantee an Eclipse Range for 15 Years
Holiday Furniture of Every Description.
Open Every Night Prom Wednesday Until
I. Gevurtz (& Sons
First and Yamhill Streets
2 The Little-at-a-Time Store
most novel and original comic creation
that has ever been seen on the American
stage. It Is presented In two scenes.
The first represents the lobby of a New
Tork theatre and the second, the audito
rium, represented by a great atage with
a proscenium opening 26 feet wide by
10 feet high, aisles, chairs, boxes and
every detail exactly as seen In actuality.
Clever Bill at Lyric.
The usual high standard Is main
tained at the Lyric In presenting the
new bill this week. De Voe, the tramp
comedy Juggler and acrobat, is st the
top, and deserves to be. Murray Hill
Is a spicy monologlst and geta the
laughs and applause. Miss Jennie De
Weese Is a clever banjo soloist and wins
merited approval. Mr. and Mrs. J. W.
Martin In a sketch gives ths worth of
all you pay to see the entire bill. John
W. Woods sings and the vttascope shows
new pictures. Other good acta make
up a splendid bill varied In style. Fri
day night is gold night; JIB In gold will
be given away. Don't miss It.
Florence Roberts' Repertoire.
David Belasco's comedy drama "Zasa"
will be presented tonight for -the last
time st the Marquam Orand theatre by
Florence Roberts and her excellent com
pany. 'Toss of the D'Urbervllles" will
be the bill tomorrow night. "The Ad
venture of Lady Ursula," Thursday
night and Saturday matinee. "A Doll's
House," and Saturday night Marta of
the Lowlands." Beats are now selling
for the entire engagement.
"A Little Outcast."
"A Little Outcast - will be aeen at the
Empire theatre tonight 'and tomorrow
night only. This big New Tork pro
duction Is a melodrama of the cleaneet
type, having every essence of human
Interest snd Is without doubt the best)
thing of Its kind yet produced. The
piece Is brim full of Intereet and haa
many peculiarly fascinating scenes to
attract theatre goers.
"The Paul Scar."
At the Empire theatre Thursday Frl-
dT snd Saturday nights of this week.
also Saturday matinee, the realistic and
touching melodrama, "The Fatal Bear,
Introducing Frank James of the James
Boys, will be presented with a strong
cast and elaborate scenery. Its pathos
Is affecting. Its mirth Irresistible and Its
dramatic situations strong snd stirring.
Of Course, Bijou Is Good.
Musto Is one of the best things at
the BIJou this week. Kendall and
Thompson, two talented women musi
cians, are paatmastere of the cornet.
Their act yeeterday waa greeted with
the heartleet applause. De Shields does
things on a stack wire that seem utterly
Impossible. Prior end Norrle srs big
Friday evening next a club of young
women known as the "Thalllan dirts
will produce a comedy In three acta, en
titled "Offerings to Folly," at Arlon
hall for the benefit of the Boys' and
Girls' Aid society. Between the acta
specialties will be Introduced. 'The oast
la as follows:
Frederick Salmon, a country gentle
man. Miss I. "ii Boulan: Paul Turbot, his
son-ln-law. Miss Berntsa Olsen; Herbert
Grayling, prospecting for love, Mtsa
cert rude Graham: Dr. Pollock, prospect
ing for himself. Miss Jessie Hagemann;
Blgnor Pescatorl, prospecting for an-
Gevurtz Sella It For Leas f
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14th aad Washington. Phoae Mala' 111.
X. H. RAI.I.A Kli Lessee sad Mi oarer.
vary night thla week except Thursday, the
eupern uounm noes company ia
the powerful 6 act drama.
Tha Prodigal Daughter
Tea great Masatloaal horse-race
oo people oa Brass au
Elevating, absorbing. letting. Ui
saddest itery erer told.
Ffpnlnr nrleen Entire lower
uniform prlee. no eitrs charge tor lege ehrelo;
baii-onr. BOr. 16c. 38c: sallerr. lie.
Ma tinea Satire lower floor, 28c. se extra
charge for logs circle; balcony. 5e. Uri gal
lery. 10c.
Box office open all say at Dolly Varder
Candy Shop 837 Morrison, 10 a. ra till 7pm
Phoae Mala 110; after 7 p. m. at theater
Mala ail.
Mt DM I ill SBA1TO
Bee. Mgr
innavyvni'i '
All This Week.
Portland' j rawrtu Aetna.
Florence Roberta
Wad needs r night "Teas of the D'lTrWrtlllai"
Tbnredsy mighf The Aaron tare of Lady Ursula"
Friday night. Saturday afternoon
"A Bears aaease-
Saturday 'algal 'TUrte of the Lowland."
freeing prices 1. T5e. 50c. IBe. Mr. Special
matinee prices Toe. We. c. See. Seats are
sow selling.
A. H B AI.LAKD. La SO a a aad Manager.
Fourteenth aad Washington Streets.
Thnraday Might and Friday Matinee. December
' IK mA IS
Klaw Erlaagsr preeeat
1'Tr.n RHIInnalro"
I 11V Ull iiuiiuii v
Seats now selling Marquam Theatre lobby.
Prices, both matinee and Bight Satire lower
floor, 12 Balcony, tret Bra rows, II 50; neat
four rows, $1; laat three rows, TBe. Satire
gallery. BOe. Boies and logs seats, 12 50 each.
rge Le sakei
Main 117
Prices 15c. IV Sc and 50c.
Tonight sad tomorrow night.
Thureday. Friday and Saturday.
December li, 14 aad IT.
Regular Maltsai Saturday
The rear-Sot Oeeaedy-Sesame.
Iatred setae
JAKZS "The man whs aever brake
Prices earning 15c. 25c. tee sad BSC; wet
base. 10c. lie and tee.
Seata esa he ordered by telephone. Mala UT.
Sale of seats at theatre from 10 a. a.
atll 10 p. oj. dally.
other. Miss Gertrude Ballln; Crab, tt
postman. Miss Ka telle Beeteeee; Mrs.
Salmon Salmon's better half. Mlea Bath
Ballln: Maud, her daughter. larTUg te
Paul. Miss Nellie Biaem; Horn. Iter
daughter, unmarried, Mlee Charlotte Bal
lln. Mine, a maid eervaeie, Mlea Banal
Miller. ,111 I, I
Make your good wife happy
Christmas morning buy her a
Range at once while it only
costs you the small sum of
And the Balance
$1 a Week
We will tain your old store in
exchange, allowing you full
slue. We give you a lt-year
guarantee on the new Eclipse
Steel Rang. If the range ia not
all you require or expect of it,
you can return k. There ia
none better and we would like
to explain the Eclipse's good
points. No trouble, we assure
you, and buying not necessary.
After Christmas
wwwwwwew f ?yywwe;e;ws;aewywwTet
The Star Theatre
Oar. Park aad Washington.
xno ateet aad M
The Molassos
World'. araaMst
ss Ttrsjnot,
3:M te 4 SO
adnetoaloa. iBe; reooried hex seals, ate.
Today eat Tonight.
io Headliners ie .
ana eosaaciea of the C
nrv siaeeta
Wonderful Bicyclists.
High claa
opera tit
The rnnraisnlhanal release.
a var in saaerte.
EqolUbrtate and acrobatic
'Down at the Babe Shu. " fit
rear greet muring picture.
a am melon to any east. Met
Sevesth and Alder Street. The. wL..
xca wxLaoar txio.
Muaar x. hill.
1. w wonn
-ssr i
j Biro ann xnsnnui era. aeatlag mt Flood.
Largest vaauOTiiie House la laaarlra
a xxx use.
w. ""1P
Jaua ".a
AdavHelo 10c. Peaeranssoss a JO, 7 30.
The Arcade Theatre
The Original rneeily VaadeolUe He.
-e anna raMUT-l
hews a te to 4 so p. m.. t ao a to te p
Admission. lOe te say seal.
BIJou Theatre ttZSLm."
fro as a In 4 . feiajagi frees t
AHirsiSBS from
t lOitft, Si i lira.