The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, December 13, 1904, Page 2, Image 2

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FiSlsl Marshal Oyama, Com
rrktnoV of the Japanese
Ports. Facing Kuropatkin in
Manchuria, and a troop ot Jap
anese Infantry on the Double
W very eMct
took of AM
flAJJhftsAft A essswtssaa
Umbrellas at Just the
Price of the Handles
assortment of Canqa
is largest
1 AlLfcSftm MLt
K, . I
W. if
ttj u
- if
fieri Yettar Wounded by Men
Supposed to Be Prspsring
to Rob a Train.
young Man Walks to City, and
Is Found to Be Bathed
in Blood.
Bert Tetter. 21 years of ace. 2M Ru
aell trt. North Alblne. says be was
th victim pf four ma Sited bandit at
tne aiontavma iwucn on tne u. k. ft.
line at 1:30 o'clock last nlghL Ha says
Be wa (hot, and that he fired one shot
at the bandits.
The wound he bear la eald to be that
Of a 22-caJlber revolver, with which the
bandit was armed to hold up fend rob
th Bnpkfeji Slyer." one or the o. it.
A N. CO train, which pssee the
witch about T o'clock. The young
man coat 1 llghtly powder burned
He aald the bandit wa cloie upon him
An X-ray examination of the wound
wUl be made this afternoon by Dr. Sam
ufl C. Stbcum. Thejcrang mak walked
the greater part of the distance to the
Utjr after th aaaault ' , '
Yetter had been Ul with grip for the
past week, fend went out hunting; early
yesterday morning He Walked much
further than he Imagined, and Succeeded
In shooting- two ducks. "While waiting;
for them to lost close to the shore so
that ha could get them. It became al
most dark, fend realising It Waa late he
started home
Wt hm fifefeo' mur
aMSroa Croaun Ntcher,
licls. aoldM Wo wn and
aawsnatic. It la a pWaawre
to aive asraast to Golden
Oato and crown him
wit Sflory.
" Tadsak you 're the whole
ahow, do you?" growled
Soger Bowl, "what la
coffee without autjar.
"I'm the one that adds
the flaiahing th'r
"There, doe't qaerrol,'
said Golds- Gate, 'Ml
takes yon both to com
pUte the dream."
n.i., wuh ootvoen oats
ebrrce t iufetiu). n.
fefejes So MSfSSt re
A. FoUer 41 Co
. , , .L, - . . , t- 4 ill, mviiiiii iiiipltfiiif-r ' ' ' v..-. , ' - ,A, -v '
ftjt.,-3 - r v.?'" " " i , , ( j( -tf' .
'-"-' . 1 i ' ritiSsaTSsiri'iii' - -
... -
Ha was walking; alone th railroad
track, he saya. when In the distance he
perceived four men. Ha could see that
the men ware armed, and that they
Wore ttaska. Ha earned a Winchester
shotgun over hla shoulder, and went
might toward the masked men. As
he approached, one Of the men ordered
him to drop the sun and throw up his
H failed to comply with the man
date and the nearest bandit shot. htm
With a revolver Then Tetter raised his
As the bsndlts saw him level his gun
they turned fend fled. Yetter Bred, and
says that ha heard one of them feay:
"Joe. I've been shot." They Oontlnued
their fllfht and disappeared in the dark
ness Yetter went Into t he home of a farmer
on the way Ctid was assisted. When he
reached the city he Went to the home
of a friend at 5(4 Commercial street
He didn't go to his own home, because
he fesred to alarm his relative
His clothing Waa partly removed, and
It was discovered that he was bathed
In blood The physlolsvu cannot say pon
ltlvely what was .the alt Of the bullet
that made the wouna.
Some of the detectives who have In
vestigated the case laugh at thfe hold
up story. Detective Vaughn, however,
Maims to have found evidence going to
show thst an attempt waa made to hold
up the flyer at that placa. O M AN
detectives are looking wlae and refuse
to say anything concerning the affair.
No trace of the men who are aupposed
to be Implicated has been found.
Board of Education Has Decided
thst Portland's Tutors Should
Be Better Paid.
It is now certain thai the city board
of education will aak the taxpayers of
th Portlsnd school district at their an
nual meeting for additional fund's with
which to Increase tit salaries of teach
ers In the public schools No decision
hss been reached by the board aa to the
rate of Increase thay will recommend.
but It will probably be II per cent. If
the plan Is acceptable to the taxpayers,
provision will be made In the tax levy
for the Inoreaae In salaries
An enthusiastic meeting st which
teachers from all the gtarnmat schools
and the hlgb school were present, about
300. wafe held yesterday at thfe Harrison
school. The matter of salaries was the
principal topic of discussion. A reso
lution was adopted asking that salaries
thould be paid for 12 Months Instead of
It. or that fe 20 per cent Increase be
granted. The resolution will be pre
sented to the board of education.
The new high school will be built 'on
the east Side. Thfe board has been hold
ing several meetings to discuss thfe prop
osition but like the salary question no
definite plan has been adapted. Some
members of the hoard favor bonding thfe
district and erecting thfe entire building
ntft year, while others favor asking a
slight Increase In the tsx levy sufficient
to construct a portion of the structure
In Jot and the remainder In the year
(Jfeurn.1 Sn.rt.1 Berries.)
Washington. Dec. IS. Count Freder
ick Hoyes. who for two years haa been
sttacha Of the Austro-Hungsrtan M
baasy hers, leaves today for his new
W"St at H .nie He 111 be Succeeded by
Count Vwenckhelrti. who, like his pre
decessor, la a member Of one of the no
bis houses of AHsfrla. and extremely
(J enseal Special Service.,
Lisbon. Dea. It. Twenty one vessels
of thfe Roaalan Paclfio quadron have ar
rived at Moeamedes, In Portuguese West
Africa, bound eastward.
Cold Storage Men Join in Dis
cussion Looking to Fish
ing Legislation.
Situation to Be Thoroughly
Csnvassed and Expression of
Opinion Secured from All.
(Journal Special Service.)
Astoria. Or., Dec. 13. Salmon packers
and cold storage Men of the lower
Columbia, are Ih session this afternoon
tor the purpose of discussing fishing
The meeting was called to order at
2 o'clock. The packers will discuss thfe
situation, and probably decide upon 4
recommendation to be auqpiltted to the
legislative delegations from the various
lower river points. Stripped of all Its
theoretical subterfuges, the question si
lasue is aa to whether or not the lower
river cannera ought to go out of busi
ness for the bensrit of two or three con
cerns on the upper Columbia.
Th" upper river packers want to limit
the lower river operations so aa to in
crease the supply of salmon in their
Thfe lower river packers Insist that
the lower river la the natural location
for packing houses and that the 'opera
tions Her shout not he Interfered
with. One of th packers said today
that the meeting was called far the pur
pose of getting an expression frees the
lower river oenners to meet that of
V. A. BeUfferl I r. .7" .
Unlets the lower river packers come
to some agreement SeUfertl recommend
ation will go unprotected to the legisla
ture. Next Thursday a meeting of vari
ous leglslstnrs of th lower rlvsr dis
trict will bo held and at this meeting
the packers and fishermen will be repre
sented. The result pf the meeting this after
noon will not be known until a late hoti r.
a the Situation II to be thoroughly can
vassed. i sraw sisST.
(Jearaal Speel.I Berrlc )
New York. Dec. it. The fevent of thfe
week In the dramatic world Is thfe in
itlal production by Mrs. flefee tonight
of a new play y C. M B. Mckellah. en
titled "Leah Kleschna." It Is a drama
of modern life ar)d IS 4ecr1bed ss Or
iginal and strikingly dftthatto In plot
and rich In Incldtnt.
It Is not of the problem type, but the
underlying theme ! with th solu
tion of s question of great social Inter
est. Many of th Incidents, tt is Hid,
have their origin In facts.
arsrars A Bronx raxxa.
(Journal Ssaeial Setstee.)
8io. ix Falls. & U. Dec. II. The an
nual meeting of the Retell Implement
Dealers' association of South Dakota,
southwestern Minnesota and northwest
ern Iowa opened In Sioux Falls today
with a large and representative attend
ant. A three days', program of papers
end discussion has been arranged for
the meeting. Discussions ef the harves
ter 4dtlen I s leading feature.
ii'.uraal Special Ssrrtes.)
Jackson. Mian.. Dec ll.-rL.UUe public
Interest la manifested in the municipal
elections belna- held today In all towns
In Mississippi operating tinder thfe code
chapter on municipal It Is. Th Demn
cratlo primaries were held some time
ago and the municipal officers for the
next two yeara named The results In
all raws sre a foregone ceniUHfloo as no
opposition tickets have been named.
aoaaxaa cabtt anoaoax.
((peel! DUpasgfe u tee 1 oar sal. )
Dallas, Or., Dec. 13. - Hunday night
burglars entered I) W. Allen's confec
tionery store and got away with about
It worth of hla trade chocks and con
fectionery, but rto cash,
gained entrance by a door
the robber
In the tack
of the storeroom.
The weather has bee SO fine during the fell months thSt we have not sold half of the fine Umbrellas we mads up during the
summer month for our fall trad. We cannot sfford to let these umbrellas get old oa our hande and will lei) them during
the next two weeks at just the price of the handle, and even less in some iastatiscs.
Boy Umbrellas for Christmas
They always make S useful gift, and if you select it front our stock you can be sure It is handsome ant up-to-date as welL An
OrsgoBiaa cannot have too many umbrellas, in fact, some oi us can hardly find one whan We used It
Sale Wees
m m $25,010
L. L. Uadbsttsr Purchases Last
of Rash Speculator's Port-
land Inurasts.
Some History of the Moving
Spirit In Building the Cham
ber of Commerce.
A monument to aad finance, perhaps
f rensled finance." toppled yesterday
when the Oeorge B. MarB hem On
Portland heights passed to L. L. Lead
better for the consideration of 116,000.
" 'AfrSJaSkle interests completely van
ished, many Portland business mjkn took
Jajsattt rtroepottv, sighed, and
turned lo the future with renewed de
votion. Many had before them for th
moment visions of the Oregon National
bsate k vU.M loa to tieitaojMS
county, new electric railways, a chamber
ef commerce building and a multitude
of other enterprises whlnh brought
alternate Joy add sorrow Still others,
with more poignant reflections, thought
of the wealthy coal operator of Penn
sylvania bearing th name of George B.
kle, and thfe Impossibility of setting
ice In the distant state for certain
cases they would like to see instituted.
When the Msrkle mansion waa erected
on the crest Of Portland heights there
was & heyday of hope fend faith. When
It first passed from the control of the
builder, there was the trough Of depres
sion. Between these ei t femes of the
pendulum, O. B. Marklo had been a po
tent ally of th 'tl panic. Several snug
fortunes ware effaced In the wreck of
his glittering financial projects. Tet
despite the crash, throughout Which
rang anathemas for th flaring financier,
yesterday's sale recalls some broad
foundations laid In Portland business
When MarUe secured control of th
Multnomah atreet railway stock and
lex-trifled the Una, there were many
words of praise for hla enterprise, wnen
he secured the Vancouver red, put elec
tric cars on that long route, and budded
with the firm faith In Portland's sub
urban future, his prescience was at first
questioned end then approved. Vigorous
management of the Second atreet elec
tric Un won the heart, of South Port
land and Fulton park. As the president
and moving spirit of th Portland cham
ber of commerce when the first great
building project of the City was under
taken, bs snllsted practically every busi
ness Interest of Portland until the mag
nificent structure was completed, and
then felt the recoil of extreme progress
fend hsrd tlmee. His manipulation of
county finances through the Oregon na
tional bank and Use Auxiliary Security
company, resulting in the Ultimate loss
or about generated a cyclone of
protests fend condemnation. As one of
the Principal promoters of the Union
Power company, the City A Huburhen.
Portland railway. Mad the power busi
ness ef Portlsnd were placed en a broad
HOW much Portlsnd lost or gained
through the meteorl career of Oeorge
B. Markle here has never keen fully
estimated. Thst he Intended to make
this the permanent seat of hi opera
tions Was manifest Id much of hla early
work, especlsllv In th construction of
the Heights mansion. Whether he would
won d have succceedo nad not an in
dufetrtal crisis caught him in mldslr
has not beeri given much consideration
After leaving Portland. Markle never
returnd. He wa next heard of In
Pennsylvania, where he haa brother
operating In the anthracite field. The
WOtt of Oeorge B. Msrkle during the
dsys of the great anthracite strike was
frequently given national attention, ami
Portland creditors of his local Institu
tion canvassed the possibility of reach
ihg om of the wealth h I reputed to
have amassed. But th It says service
cannot be mads tilers' under conditions
prevailing Markle evinces n purpose
bt returning voiuntdrtly. fend Ms Ore
gon career passes Into history with the
final aale of hi properly
The ICfcrtl home was owned at the
time of the aale by Russell A Blyth.
i 1, ,,. Mnelal SWvle. i
Jefferaon City, Sto . Dc. II Ths su-
y, M o , Dec 11. Th su
lay reversed the Bt. Louis
In.t I.ou It Decker an the
ground thfei the Information w not ver
ified t aHdkvlts. Th cOhrt tfflrrrts th
celt .gainst Hart-y FkulkViar.
Allan a Lewis' Boot Braad.
for Holiday Umbrellas $1.50
Allesina I
JU11S. 1
Thirteen Men Removed
Burning Hail in Boston in
Unconscious Condition.
(Jperesl eclel AerBlet.)
Boston. Doe. 11. Webster hall build
ing In Bast Boston was burned thll
Morning. Thirteen Bremen were caught
by a falling roof and fell were removed
unconscious. the lots Will aggregate
The flames seemed lo be fed with
powerful bellows, so rapidly did the);
spread. When the alarm wad Sounded
at the first feign of smoke, there was ho
outward appearance of a bias. Before
the engines arrived froM a distance of
but A few blocks the end re structure
seemed to be tnvMoped lh Are. A squad
ot dretaeh hid. entered the biasing struc
ture, and although warned, before thfe
men could make their exit a hug sec
tion of 100 dad roof fail, and while not
Striking the men. th mess of Or an
SmojM roreea down, smothered th men
to the floor, rendering them unconscious.
hejf were, however, rescued, and whlle
several are In a spme what serious condi
tion from the effects of the hot smoke
iaMted. tt is sot thought that any fa-
lauuee wiu result.
The .origin of the Bra Is as yet un
(Jenraal Special terries.)
Auburn, M. T.. Do. i. Nelson Bog
glano Wfefe electrocuted la th prison St
6:io o'clock this morning for the murder
Of Henry Bender In Buffalo In 1101.
vxxsxjre noa xsr ,
Prom the Philadelphia Record
Th svefage Cltlten manages th set
th house ih an upfoar every time he
has to mske Mr In the heater, but
hi job Is fe trine in comparison with
thst a railroad fireman face when
new fir hss to he built in g locomotive
A a starter about 100 potrndt Of wood
art necessary to fire dp th ordinary
engine. The wood used Is old railroad
tie cut Into convenient blocks When
the firebox hat been lined with wood it
Isdrenched with oil and th match ap-
A toon th Are gain headway
forced draught Is applied, the. operation
necessarily being performed! In the
roundhouse, where all apparatus for
quickly Srodttofrlg high temperature 1
at Uknd. When fe good bod of biasing
wood be been produced the fireman
Bt busy with hie shovel, placing coal
even layers Over the Same. This
pfert Of th Work Is hsrd on the back,
and the aggrieved Individual Whose woe.
are evident to the Whole block when he
labor With th heater would go down
and 0111 In the first minute t it Un
der tt) forced draught it ft only fe few
minute before the coal hag been re
duced to A sheet Of ember st white
htfi, and by this tlm there I enough
SAm Pftldure generated to permit of
the locomotive being moved under tt
own power
Continuous resort to the shovel on th
part of the fireman does the rest It Is
only about once fe month that a new fire
If built lh locomotive while in serv
ice. The balance of the time the fire Is
tept slight by being banked when th
ron horse fg not Oh the roed
Holiday harmony will be perfect: the
y of giving and receiving compjft.
rule fide brings s good piano, with
such well known Instruments as Stein
Way. A B rhaae RMersOn, Kate v.
mrohhSr Starr sad seme eleven or
twelve other stsndard make to ohooae
from, there should be no question Of
sour getting a good pis no. Voil will
find them an her, ahd you need not be
itrfeld of gfettlhg a poof piano, for We
dd not OSrff i hat Kind.
rnM i fn 00 up OS t.s vment ot 18 00
Old Instruments takrt la eichangr.
Ccffli arte sw what we have and get our
prices -it I worth your while.
Soule Bros.
Piano Co.
oor. wet rata.
TTyp Feaptorl 3QP
(Continued from Page On.)
money began to dink gayfully and ev
ery eighth point of th marktt was
eagerly contended. Finally Standard
Oil lieutenants brought In larg punv
of drr and th market began
td ascend
laigamated touohed tl.
and ths price went higher. Slxty-slx
touched more easily than id. nut
after a half point up the Bostonltes
Secured good hold and Sown went th
ffind tT'we're quickly rksod'a
the visitors from ths Hub city soli
stock, and the market at the close went
flat to ti. showing an ad vane from
the previous day of $3.12 i..
Atohleoa Bailway aoarrlg
Atchison railway we mdng theso
stock yrhicb skof fd a media from
the severe slump of th last fw day
and at 14 the market was f 1.37V
Her at th tflbte. '
.:.;.1EF M km
Ill 111 1.00
Illinois Cent
I. N
Missouri Pac. . .
N. T. Central ..
Pacific MaU
prfolk west,
salnr. com.
ana. Coal
Un. Pac, com. . .
Leather, com. . .
ref. .
oiowi, sy-
17 6-H
Sursr Reflrtlhc recovered 41 of yes
terday' log, while Brooklyn Rapid
Transit at II closed 10 cents up. Erl
common was very active snd closed
practically at the top price of the day ai
11. Even at Oil figure Its advgnc
today amounted to only 26 cent. The
same sited ris wag shown by Illinois
Central after a hard tukti with th
bar. Ih Paclflc Mall tock there was
but little trading, but the were at
higher quotations
Beadlrtd common closed strong tt TT
mid gbowed an advance Of $1 II from the
previous day. Leather common closed
II Up. While the prfrrd rose 11 IT
flurlns the dav Steel common fluc
tuated but little With heavy trading and
nt 27 S It closing wad but tl cent
higher thn yesterday. Th prererre
at 8T74 closed at lt cents higher.
It seems to be th general Opinion
among the trade that something severe
II golhg to happen Ih the markets during
th next row aays uutsrae speculation
I being badly curtailed by th demoral
isation in pflce.
Broker' Flew.
. Th following views were expressed
by the brokers Upon ths situation:
Logan Bryan The tock m.rket
closed strong at about the belt price Of
th day. Th weak closing of yesterday
necessitating the calling of additions!
fund by broker, generally caused
lower opening all through the market,
but support seemed to b extended
through ths entire list and short Cover
ing did the rest. Th action of the mar
ket today shows the situation 1 well in
hand, but we continue to feel that on
strong spot stock that have been ac
cumulated tor supporting purposes Will
be for sale.
Walker Bros - The close of th stock
market wa barely steady With the tone
very nerVodA
Xseaos oa Amalgamated Blow Off Kls
(Jenrasl Sptelal servle.)
Butt. Mont . Dec 11 Heavy losses
ss th result of th slump In Amalga
matsd Copper, together with the toss of
his position, caused Asa Van Oorder.
general brldg foramen of th Orat
Northern railway, to commit suicide He
t-iew hi head from hi shoulders with fe
(Journal SperMl Bertie, i
New York. Dec. 11. The fsllure of a
J qbllaliaf wa anouned od tke Con.
iollflfetel jjxijnsFili Ihir morning
ISrssfeUaglea Bates of The JoarneL)
Washington. D. C. Deo. U. Bid
mere opened today fat elevator and
heeling of the Portland pswtaoSoo. For
elsv.tors. two blda were submitted, an
bp th Oil Blevator company af 14,
10. and th Merino Engine a Machine
company bid 14.675. For heating, six
bids wsre made, ths lowsst by Brady c
kestrel U, being ll.ttl.ll. She aext
lowest waa 11,414.
apd Ita upward sJcnt Was conllaud to
e. with much fluctuation, ft was a
elghti down one minute on MttirfT or-
St. Paul 14 it
Colorado Fuel . . . . 41 41 1.12
Erie, com Us? 86 V. .2
111 160 .16
137 117 .21
10SH 101 SO
1S WJB. .'
J5 T) 1th
1014. 10
16 11
frill' r
Give Grandpa a
. ..' i : 1 : t-tj
i a Li in u si
10.000 Titles of New Books
to Select From
5,000 Wonderful Bargains
5,000 Christmas Presents
At prices heretofore unheard ef la this
city. We are slaughtering things this
week. 10.000 second-hand books, many
ants ally good a saw, sot oven soiled, at
10 per cent ef original coat.
190J Chatterbox M
Wlxard of O $1.0O
Denelow'e lagef .ook. 20
BUa Wheeler Wilcox. Poem TS
Jamee Whit comb Riley. Aa Old Sweet
heart of M1M - ft. 55
James Whltcomb Riley. Out to Old
Brldg of th Ood. la cloth Tl
Century Dictionary. morocco . S5O.0O
Ormy History of Origan S4.SO
Encyeiopdla Brltannlca. 11
'Vrn 520.00
Kncyriopaedla Brltannlca, It
vol. S3S.OO
r 50e counter contain many ti to
Our IS tad S5e counters have values
aara to oeat
Hyland Bros.
AAAAAAAAAAA-aa aa aaaaaaaaA
Having a very large stock ef toy
on hand. We must close out st T
nan price, inciuaea are an xina A
4 of Oames, Doll, Dell Buggl, 4
4t Tree Ornament; also Japanese
Curios, fine Hue of Matauka
Purses Clolasonaa, Ivory, Bronse,
Decorated Porcelain Tea Seta,
Embroidered Robes, Jackets, etc. T
Andrew Kan & Co. I
Z sst sioaaisoa ST.
(Continued from Pag One )
lleved to bo sealded to death. Another
trainman Is also burled under the wreck
age. Brakemaa Bliss had both legs tut
an ai la
Moray Firth.
(Journal Special Service.)
artmouth, Scotland. Dec. 11. The
steamer Nar from Olssgow. espelsed In
a gala In Moray flrfh today. TJje crew
of io were drodned
. J '. t '.. r - f T 0 f
Th Oooao Step.
Krom Hi Medical Record.
Eyefy dne wtnelng military re
view In Oermany or Austria for th ft rat
time must have be. n Impressed by the
peculiar atlff-kneed, slamming tp
adopted on parade by the Infantry. At
the congress of naturalist and Physl
Ciaus, which recently met in Brsslfeu
thl "gooe-tp." It I peipuleriv
called, wa tlrOngty oohdsmne. Dr.
Thalwltser read a paper on the Stibdecl.
In which he showsd thai the sdopUoa of
this -''-'""- atea accounts for num.,
. Sua uJ toot
troop. Sixty per cent of the fore on
th foot ef th mn ST In ennquenc of
rsuttetu feenerensf io inig ant i qua ted