The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, December 13, 1904, Image 1

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nWi.ljrgfffi' tanlht: outn"
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VOL. III. NO. 848.
1 U lltlMWAM In A I L.V I flmiifmti I Mw,r" . 7W
I f Af&flIDUtl I I III mi III! Ml I BUIBB w. .... Wv..... . i MmM
LinukinriuiJJAK ? 11 lit twm n
i 3ril teljL ) mGON. TUEmLl ; tt. I80i-:POURTEEN PAGES. PRICE FIVE CENTS.
Conferences Fail and 9
Gigantic Pool Directed
Amalgamated R;
DoHsr. but C
(eoeelal Di.ptet t
New York. Dae. 18
t dual
fr4,rQn party hi
hand full
today. U bad another tl
n mo ma a
aald that
L-mmwmx, ana i )aum
Lawaon suffered much
Aatalgasuatad H 'Hi
aral trend of the list waa upward,
though moat of the salsa are amall.
ft kaa baen learned that at a aacret
conference of tha great moneyed ln
taraata of tha country, held at tha
Waldorf-Aatorla, a gigantic pool of un
limited capltaj haa baaa formed ta hack
up tha market In a tight against
Thorn a XV. Lawaon. William O. Young
of Chicago, who ! closely allied to A.
P. Helnse, tha Montana copper king,
and Who la aald to hare an option on
tha Amalgamated atoek bald by Melnxe,
haa been made the standard-bearer of
tha great combination. Among tha ln
tereaU repreaanted at tha meeting waa
Standard Oil. United State Steal and
Amalgamated Copper.
Young, who la stopping at tha Hotel
Aator. announced that ha waa here to
take charge of tha light again at Lawson.
Thursday ha want to Beaton and a pent
Friday and Saturday In conference with
the author Of ' l'renxled Finance,' la an
effort to reach an agreement. Whan all
his efforts failed he returned to New
York. Sunday night, and a meeting of
tha greatest money powara of the coun
try waa held.
Ska root's mesas.
l'ha head of the new pool announced
that he Intended to fight Law son with
Ms own weapons, and that Wednesday
morning an advertisement would ep-
aur In the newspapers In answer to
the advertisements of Lawaon. Ha aald
that Lawson was spending $92,000 a
week on advertising, but that tha aura
cam hack many tiroes over.
A man oloaa to Young la authority for
the statement that alnos last Tuesday
Lawaon baa cleaned up 11,500.000, and
that as a result of tha fight tha people
have lost f 100,000,000. Exports esti
mate that tha total losses of yesterday
cauaed by tha attack of Lawson on the
market will reach tU0.O00.0O0.
In a statement Issued by Lewsoe last
night he aald the time for a great and
declalva battle was at hand and that
he would wage war to the knife.
Oreene V Xwssjs.
President Oreene of the Greene Cop
per company. It la announced, la on Ala
way to Boston to sea Mr,-Lawson. whan
he will try to obtain LsTWson's consent
to atop the fight agalnat tha Standard
OH company. Amaigamaieu interests
fought Greene aonpar In tha Boston
market yesterday and knocked the bot
tom out of the quotations. The Greane
Copper company la a hatsd enemy ;"of
tha Amalgamated-Standard Oil interests
snd the present atap of Mr. Greene ,to
aee Lawaon may moan much to the mar
ket. The stock market this morning opened
generally lower, but ovary available del-
lar which the Standard Oil crowd could
muater waa shoved to the front efad
there wars some early advances after
a faltering opening. This advance he
came general In all the atooxa traded in
and eontlnued until the middle of the
day when Laweon'e friends came to the
front and, atrlpped the market' of tnvch
or lta former advance. The closing of
the market waa but a trifle higher than
that of yeaterday.
Many Stooks Ignored
One of the peculiar features -of to
day'e market was the fact that a large
portion of the list was not Iradad In at
all a thing which aefdom occnfs. It
means, according to brokers, that ths
market la frightened sad is ahaky. and
it would not take much to knock the
bottom out of prices again.
Lawaon waa out again today with a
number of otatementa which were vary
carefully digested by tha trade In
general Every one now wants to know
what the Boston financier la going to
do ror they have no doubt that when
he' aaya he will do a thing. It will bo
done If that thing la poaalble.
Amalgamated Copper stock opened to
day rather weak, an eighth point lower
lt ia it fluctuated very wildly be
tween this point and . but lator
dropped back limp and quiet to the
opening mark. Wars Standard Oil
(Continued on Page Two.)
sate Three
veiwffKrt or
M llllltlMptNt-
Business men of tha city are arrang
ing for a mass meeting of cttlsens to be
hold at the Marquam theatre next Sun
day afternoon at 1 o'clock. Tha purpose
of tha masting is to Indorse snd encour
age ths movement now on foot looking
to a hatter enforcement of the law. tha
elimination of graft from oar public af
fairs and the ralaing of the moral tone
of the community. It la the Intention
to extend encouragement to all these
who are sew engaged In this great fight
II liiitt II
rtrst Photograph of Queen Helena
of Italy and the Little Heir to ' the
Throne. Below is a Picture of
Victor Emmanuel aa an Italian
Hungarian Chamber Scene of
Fierce Fist Fighting Among
Its Members,
Soldiers Disperse Opposition and
Many of the Participants
Are Arrested.
(Journal Special Bar vice.)
Vienna. Dec. 13 Not In Its history
has a mors sensational opening of the
Hungarian chamber been wltneased than
that which today characterised the com
mencement of a now cession. Riot and
almost open battle followed the bitter
political feeling engendered by the past
few months discussions
The opposition to the government wss
determined to prevent s sitting and a-
mbled in numbers before the hour of
opening. When the doors ware thrown
open they entered in overwhelming
force, eelxed Premier Tiexa a famous
"Guard of Forty" and after desperate
list flarhting threw them out of the
cha briers.
Encouraged by lta success with tha
redoubtable guard, the opposition which
by thla time was merely a mob of wildly
excited men with fighting Ira aroused.
attacked the president of the tribune.
He retreated by a rear door and es
Having cleared the hall the successful
raiders smashed the tribune, the minis
ter s aeats wars torn from their fasten
ings, broken Into heaps of kindling wood
and with the tapestries of the hall piled
Into an immenae mass in the center of
the floor as though In readiness for a
In tha meantime an Immense mob of
sympathisers had gathered outside the
chambers all armed with atones and
prepared to repel any attack of govern
ment supporters. The latter, however,
seeing the determined front of the oppo
sition, stood at bay and made no at
tempt to enter the chambers, content
ing themselves by awaiting tha arrival
of troops
In but a few .minutes with the clatter
of a sweeping charge a body of infantry
galloped to the front of the edifice,
formed a cordon, dispersed those at the
front, sending them flying pell mail
down the atreet and then awaited the
arrival of gendarmea.
A body of officers then entered the
chambers and arrested SO of those who
are known to be leaders In the fighting
against tha government's plans. It Is
not believed thst another demonstration
will take place, aa the mob spirit haa
baen well broken by tha summary action
of tha troops
and regardless of .polities or religious
affiliations to nreet together on the com
mon plana of tha public welfare.
AH of tha details of the masting have
net yet bean worked out and so it IS im
possible at thla time to announce tha list
of speakers, a rousing meeting Is ex
pected by thoaa who are making tha ar
rangements snd a cordial Invitation Is
extended to all In sympathy with tha
movement toward good gn rui iimanl to
attend and participate la the gathering
a the Marquam neat Sunday afternoon.
Judge Bellinger Denies
Petition to Quash Con-
In Addition to Them Guy Huff,
Also Accused of Land Frauds,
WIN Be Brought Into
the Dock.
Judge Bellinger overruled this morn
ing; tha plea of tha defendants In tha
second of ths land fraud prosecution
that they could not be tried a second
time for conspiring to rob the govern
ment of its lands, having been once In
Jeopardy for tha same offense Upon
tha facts before ths oourt It wsa held
that there may have baen two separate
and distinct coneplracles. for each of
which the defandanta may be tried.
- Nevertheless, ths government will be
obliged' to prove that the conspiracy
charged agalnat, the defendants In the
coming trial was Independent of thst
for which they were recently triad, and
ahould the evidence fall to establish this
ths jury will be Instructed to return a
verdict of net guilty.
The legal question presented waa re
garded by- the oourt . as a difficult eae
and of grave moment. It wee argued at
much length by the attorneys both for
the defense and for tha government. AS
the consequence of ths court's decision,
tha trial of the case will proceed to
morrow and it Is expected that the
greater part at the day will be con
sumed In securing a Jury.
sroaataeta ta Ooar.
The Ave defendants, 8. A. D. Puter,
Horaoe Q. IfeKlnley, Emma L. Watson.
Marts I Ware and Guy Huff, ware all
In court this morning. Hun, who kaa
net yet succeeded In getting ball, waa in
tha custody ox a deputy marshal. Ball
haa been given, by the ether defendants
Ths entire morning waa consumed in
the Sx somen ta of counsel upon ths pies
interposed by tha defenaa The Indict
ment upon which Puter, McKlnley, Marie
Wars and Emma Wat eon Were first triad
waa baaed upon an indictment charging
tham with conaplrlng to defraud the gov
ernment of lands la township 11-7. Tha
second indictment charges them gener
ally with conspiring to defraud the gov
ernment of public lands, without limit
ing tha franda to any apeclflo townehlp,
and In its terms this second Indictment
ta broad enough to cover the crime
charged In the first. It was therefore
contended by tha defenaa that the two
Indictments covered In fact the same
crime and that a second trial would be
a violation of the constitutional pro
vision which exempts the accused from
being placed twice In Jeopardy for the
same offense.
It waa contended, on the other hand,
by the government's attorneys, that,
there had. In fact, been two separate
and distinct conspiracies, and that each
was therefore the proper aubject of In
dictment Some of the parties Involved
In the first conspiracy ware alao par
ties to tha second, but others were In
volved In the second who did not figure
In the first.
Alleges Prevlona Jeopardy.
The opening argument In support of
the plea interposed by tha defenaa was
made by Judga O'Day, and he olted nu
merous authorttlea to sustain hla posi
tion. Ha insisted that in time the two
conspiracies charged by the government
ware Identical. Tha persona Implicated
were also substantially tha same, If
tha second indictment had been tried
first, it woeld have been competent for
the government to Introduce all the evi
dence which was presented on the recent
trial, and a conviction for the frauds in
township 11-7 could have been obtained
as readily under tha eecond Indictment
as under the first one. In view, there
fore, of the Identity of the crime, the
Identity of the persons end the Identity
of the time, the two Indictment must
relate to the same offense, and a eecond
trial would be barred by that already
Judge C Day's logical presentation of
hla araument waa followed closely by
the court end by opposing oouaaeL Hie
associate. Charles A Hardy, eubmttted
adoBtlOnaJ authorities to support me va
lidity of the pis.
BJ sst Must Prove It.
Assistant Attorney-General Heney
contended that the question whether the
defendants have been already In Jeopardy
for the offense With which they are now
charged Is wholly a question of fact,
and that the government proposed to
show the existence of two aeparate and
independent coneplracles The conspi
racy to defraud the government of lan. Is
In township 11-7 wae nrst formed by
Puter. McKlnley, Tar play and Montague.
Emma Watson being taken into It a
little later. The second conspiracy was
formed afterward, when McKlnley had
discovered other tnwnahipa in which
similar frauds could be practiced, ana
the parties to thla eecond conspiracy
ware the persons now awaiting trial
on the second Indictment
United States District Attorney John
Hall explained to the oourt that It waa
the expectation of the government to
prove the existence of two separate con
spiracies, and ha admitted that the proof
offered on the former trial would not
alone be seAotsnt. though perhaps ad-
mlaalble for the purpose of showing the
relations between the defendants.
Ths Court's Decision,
t aee no reason.' aald Jndga Bellin
ger at the conclusion Of the arguments,
"Why there may not have been a num
ber of agreements or coneplracles be
Mrs. Cassie L. Chedwick, Under: In
dictment for Forgery, and Seme of
.the Men Who Have Cashed Notes
Under the Influence of Her Hyp
notic Glance.
roe in Chicago
Bert Line Train Strikes Street
oar with Terrific Force,
Wreaking Death and Injury
Passengers on an Elevated Car
Have a Narrow Escape from
Death Traffic Harts.
(Journal special Servile.)
Chicago, Dec. IS. In the pall-like fog
that aettled down over tha city thla
morning, obliterating everything, one
collision took place In which IS peraons
were Injured, including two fatally hurt,
an .elevated train Jumped from an open
switch, narrowly escaping hurling its
passengers to the pavement below, many
minor collisions ware reported and traf
fic for a time was brought to a stand
still. '
Tha moat eerloua collision was st tha
crossing of tha Belt Line railway and
Fifty-ninth atreet, where en Incoming
train dashed down upon a Halatead
atreet aurface ear. The oar waa crowded
and tha force of tha eolllsion was so
great that it wae cut equarely. in two
and Its occupants hurled to either side
into the atreet
Plfteen of the passengers were Injured
sufficiently to require surgical atten
tion, wbile a dosen others sustained
bruises and cuts
So dense waa the fog that searchers
groped their way to the injured by the
crlea. '
They found Michael Waldorn. the mo
t or man crushed so badly that It la im
possible for him to survive and. nearby.
the flagman of the croaalng lay with hla
skull crushed, having, been etruck by
a place of flying wreckage.
In every direction In the oity, the fog
was oo'dens that the light until broad
noon failed to penetrate lta murklneaa.
Pedestrians had difficulty in Hading their
way. and teaming trafflo waa brought to
a halt after numerous minor accidents
had taken place at street crossing
A Humboldt t-ara atevaiea train
jumped tha track In the fog, narrowly
escaping being precipitated to the
ground. A panic ensued among the pas
sengers. The north aide cable ayatem
was also tied up for two hours, as a re
sult of tha jamming of tha cable alot
Heavy Storm Prevents Sengiag assist
ance to Teasel.
(Jour as 1 Special Isrvlc.)
Wood's Hole, Mass., Dec It. A large
schooner caught on the Hedge Fence
shoal in Vineyard aound last night but
cannot be eeen thla morning on account
of a beavy snow storm. It la impossible
to send assistance to the dlatraased vea
(lonraal Special Servfee.)
Lacrnase. Wis, Dec. 21. In a head-on
collision between two St. Paul switch
englnea thla morning Engineer Bldlln
waa Instantly killed and Firemen Cor
laft burled under the wreckage and be
i Continued on Page Two.)
- jjijl .- 1 a iv i
e Hera le a likeness of Mrs. Cassia U Chedwick and three men Who. are
e known to have come under her Influence to the extent of advancing bar
targe eums of money on notes on a charge of forging which eae ie now
e trader Indictment. She borrowed from Herbert D. Newton of BroeUlne,
e Mass.. 1110,000; from C. T. Beekwlth of the Cltlsens' National bank of
e Oberlln. O.. about 1400.000. while Ira Reynolds of Cleveland holds her
e note for $t,0. and la believed to be the only lender who la secured.
4 That a woman of lowly origin, with nons of the advantages that per-
d eons of even, ordinary circumstances are able to give their children in the
4 way of education and refined eurroundlnga. should at the age of 47 be
e able to astound the world by her ability to raise etupendoua auras en
e) nothing geeme almost beyond belief.
e '
Former Mormon of Salt Lake Says that He Haa Been Through
the Ceremony in the Temple at Least Twenty Times
He with Others Regarded Vows Taken as Huge Joke.
(Joaraal taeeUl gerrlee.)
Washington, D. C. Pec. 13. At the
Smoot hearing thla morning, B. II Wal
11a e former Mormon, testified that he
went to Salt Lake City in im. He had
three wlvea, but only one at thla time.
He admitted .that he wee four timaa
married in the temple to dead women,
and waa "scaled to hla present wife for
time and eternity." At other tlmee he
had atood as a substitute for dead men
to be married to living women, and had
"been through the temple" at least 20
times "taking the endowment"
The ceremony took two hours, and al
ways preceded tha marriage to either
the living or the dead.
The witness told of oaths used In the
oeremony. He said that the eandldate
swore thst If he divulged the secrets he
would have hie "throat cut from ear
to ear, and hla tongue torn from lta
roots." The second oath waa, that hla
"breast might be cut asunder .and hla
vltala torn out," and.' the third that "hla
body be torn asunder and hla bowels
guahed out"
Other oatha bound the participants to
gtvs all their substance to the church
end to observe chastity. , On cross
examination ' the witness said he took
the endowment vowa aa a sort of vaude
ville performance or huge joke, and he
allegid that othere also took them as a
George H. Brim hall, of Provo. Utah,
preaident of Brlgham Toung university,
teat I fled aa to the oourae of atudy In
the institution end admitted that he had
two wives.
"I married the flrat in 18 7.".. end the
second In 1R8Z. We have .11 children,
four by the plural wife since 11(0," tes
tified Brlmhall.
He said Smoot waa a trustee of tha
university, end e member of the finance
committee. Wltneaa was a polygamlst
I Journal Special gerrlee.)
Denver, Col., Dec 11. Before Dr. T.
Thatcher Graves committed aulclde In
the county jail hers 11 years ago, ha
left a statement of hla reaaona for doing
so. The statement has remained undis
covered until a few daya ago. when
plumbers making repairs to the call for
merly occupied by the physician found a
letter tucked in a crevice of the wall.
Dr. Craves was sentenced In thla city
to be hanged In July, 111, for having
poisoned Mrs. Josephine B. Barnaby,
widow of J. B. Barnaby, a millionaire
merchant of Now York, Providence, B.
I., and Boston. Hla caee was one of the
meet sensational ever tried in tha Den
ver courts and extended over a period of
two' years.
Thla latter from the dead, written
juat before Gravee took hla life, says:
"I have decided to commit auiclda aa I
fear. I shall go mad. My reputation ie
ruined even if I am acquitted. The
ghoet of Mra. Barnaby appears to ma
every night and eeeme to call ma. I am
not ashamed to confess thst I am afraid
to see that awful, white face again. I
don't know why ahe ahould come to me.
but ahe does, and upon that I am afraid,
and even when I think of it my hand
trembles so that I can hardly write."
He sold at the close of the letter that he
did not kill the woman.
Igpselal Dispatch to TBS Journal.
Pendleton. Or., Dec. 11. So great was
the force of the water that when an at
tempt waa made to start the power plant
of the Northwestern Gas and Bleetrtc
company on the Little Walla Walla
river, the eupe were wrenched from tha
turbine wheels The accident will delay
the tranam lesion of electricity to Walla
Wella and Pendleton for eeveral weeks.
(Special Dtspatrh to The Journal I
Pendleton. Or.. Dec. 11. The chief of
police laat night placed nine men un
der arreet an a charge of gambling.
They were admitted to ball of 1100 each
to appear before the recorder thla after
noon. Banking and poker gamee have
been running wide open tor more then a
aasaawaexal ggaw
before hla appointment, but could not
aay whether Smoot knew the fact
Smoot waa not pre seat when he waa
elented preaident, though Interested In
the financial and of tha unlveraity, and
often spoken to the etudenta upon the
aubject of character-forming, of hon
esty and duty aa cltlsens In upholding
the law of the land.
Footer called up the Yakima Indian
Mil and secured Us passage In the sen
ate without an amendment, and in the
aama form it paseed the house. Ths bill
opens for settlement 800,000 acres of
land In tha Yakima Indian reservation
Mitchell, after interviewing a number
of the house members today on his bills
cresting a new judicial district In Ore
gon and establishing an aaaay offlee In
Portland, la hopeful of the passage of
both "thla session. Both billa have
paaaed the senate and are pending be
fore the houee commltteea.
The senate today agreed to the houae
resolution providing for a holiday re
cess from December 11 to January 4.
The Swayne Impeachment resolutions
wsra plaoed before the houae today. Tha
report of Palmer of Pennsylvania went
Into an extended explanation of the
Salt Lake
mseldeate Are Sub-
la Smoot
( Journal gpeetal Barries.)
Salt Lake. Dec. 11. A Oetlee, C. W.
Penrose and John Henry Smith left to
day to teatlfy In the Smoot case, and
State Superintendent of Schoole Nelaon
waa subpoenaed thla morning and la ex
pected to-teatlfy regarding alleged Mor
mon teachlnga in tha Utah public
t Jour sal Special Service.)
St. Loula, Mo., Dec It. Preaident
Roosevelt's plea for large families had
an echo this morning at tha meeting
of the northern Methodlat ministers
when a paper waa read by Bev. William
Bchultx on the "Dangera of Our Repub
lic and How to Counteract'Them."
Dr. Sehults said that while no doubt
vice, Intemperanoe and the traflc In
liquor ware great evils, yet he consid
ered the unwillingness of women in
certain circlee to have children the
greatest crime of the age. He advo
cated that women who are devoting
their time to making crusades agalnat
the liquor traffic alao take the work
of preaching tha necessity of larger
families among certain olaaaea.
"Thla eln," he continued. "Is sppar
ently more prevalent among the old
purlten stock then any other."
i Journal Special Service.)
Springfield. O.. Dec 13. Mra Bridget
Daugherty. aged 78. Anna Daugherty
and Jamas Daugherty. her daughter alia
aon. were found deed In their home thla
morning, having been aaphyxlated by
natural gas.
(Josrnal Special Service.)
Calcutta, Dee. It. Lord Curson todsy
resumed the office of viceroy ef India.
A brilliant gathering wltneased the ceremony
(Journal Special Service.)
New Tork, Dee. 11. Nan Patterson ap
peared In excellent spirits when she
entered the oourt room thle morning
She smiled frequently and talked much
with her father aad her counsel. It waa
laarneS today that counset for the de
fense last week sent a man reoeesMlsSj
J. Morgan Seaith. the brother-in-law ef
WTUa a weeaaa es
Mrs. Chadwtck's Attorney
Admits That She Must
Stay in Jail
Refuses to Discuss Ctrnf but
Intimates that tensations In
volving Leading Men Wlfi
Oocur at Trial.
York Dec U Mrs Chedwick
wae up bright and early this morning
end ate a hearty breakfast. Her twe
lawyers. Carpenter and Powers, were
early callers, having come on her urgent
Attorney Carpenter practically ad
mitted that Mra. Chedwick had given
dp- ill attempt to secure bail. He ogld
hie dies had not decided whether to
go back to Cleveland, w! s 13
The former laxity with which Mrs.
Chadwlok waa permitted to The Inter
viewed has been brought to an and at
her request. She no longer cares to
meat visitors, and remains In the se
clusion of her cell, where she pasaee
much of tha time in writing, apparent
ly giving advice to her attorneys aa to
the gathering of evidence in aupport
of her claims.
On the point of the notea and Andrew
Carnegie" the prlaoner la moat reticent.
To an Interviewer today who told her
that the public would be much Interest
ed in knowing what her line of defense
would be. In case It cornea to a trial for
forgery, one Intimated that she would
never be tried. Then, flaring Into god
den wrath end walking up and down her
cell, aha dec hired that if aha. were put
upon the wltness-stsnd in her own be
half a sensation would follow that would
jar soms of the moat prominent men ta
The Inference waa drawn by the I -tervlewer
that she proposed to atand by
an aseertlon which ahe haa previously
made, to the effect that ahe la the illegit
imate daughter of Andrew Carnegie, the
ateel magnate, and tint with hla. name
ethers might possibly be Involved.
Mra. Cjnadwlck'e attorneys are today
going over s considerable amount of
memoranda which has been prepared by
her. but decline to In any wise dlacusa
the caee other than to admit that they
have given up the ball quest.
The greateat curiosity here now Is
as to what other financial Institutions
than the three leedlng ones heretofore
named have been dealing with the prla
oner. It la rumored that there may be
(Journal Special Barries.)
Oberlln. O.. Dec. 13. President Been
with of the Cltlsens' bank. In an inter
view today, declared that Dr. L. B.
Chadwlck had full knowledge of ble
wlfe'a financial transactions.
Beekwlth produced two telegrama and
two checks, both signed Leroy 8. Ched
wick. The checks wars for each.
Beekwlth claimed Chadwlck had many
conferencee with him concerning hie
wife'a bustneaa affairs.
(Journal Special Serviea)
Cleveland. Dec II. The Cuyahoga
county grand jury Investigation Into
ths Chadwlck ease waa resumed today.
Receiver Bell took the securities held
by Ira Reynolds before the Jury. Ray
nolda alao appeared.
The grand jury voted to Indict Mra,
Chadwlck on ths forgery charge la con
nection with the 15.eoo.000 neta held by
rom im mtn w
(Joarnal SpeeUI gerrlee.)
Washington. Dec II. Ths directors
of Andrew Carnegie'a Washington Insti
tution are in session here today and It
Is expected thet before they adjourn an
nouncement will be made of the selection
of a new preaident of the Institution to
aucceed Daniel C. Oilman. Preaident
Oilman, for personal raaexine. kaa bean
desirous of relinquishing the presidency
for aome time. It Is -believed that hie
aucceeaor will be Dr. Henry Smith
Prttchett, head of the Massachusetts In
stutute of Technology, which la shortly
to be merged with Harvard foliage.
rmiAX. of
(Jeersal Special Service )
St Petersburg, Dec II. The trial of
Saaenelf, who aaeeselnated Interior Min
ister von Plehve tn July last, and Slk
orlfaky, hla accomplice, began before the
appeal court today. The trial la being
conducted behind closed doors.
tha pawnshop of Hymen Stare to
chase a revolver. It le
tentton was to confuse ,
tin oat Ion ef Seaith
duoed aa e witness.
health nrssgayi
given one ef
(Continued on Fags Three.)
jT,(9 jmHfvtt tee asm i