The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, December 12, 1904, Page 2, Image 2

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Receives a Telegram from Her
Husband Who Is in Paris
and Refuses to Talk.
Prisoner Still Favors Waiving Ex
amination in New York and
Going to Cleveland.
'(Journal Special Berrlce.)
New York, Iec. 12. Although the tt
forta of her counsel to aecure ball bu
o fr ended In failure, Mn Chadwlck
told the keeper of the tombs this morn
ing that she had great hopes of secur
ing bondamen today.
United States Marsha Henkel today
received a subpoena, from the state dis
trict attorney's office at Cleveland, which
he was directed to serve at once on An
drew Carnegie, who Is wanted to testify
before the grand Jury In Cleveland In
the case against Heckwlth, Spear and
others Involved in the Chadwlck case.
A deputy hurried out to search for
Carnegie, and later succeeded in serving
Mrs. Chadwlck slept well last night
and Arose at 7 o'clock this morning,
recline autte chipper and happy. After
a light breakfast she was handed a tel
egram from Paris, presumably from her
husband. Ir. Chadwlck. She then de
voted her attention to this morning's
Attorney Ryall. who represents Banker
Newton, called at the Tombs at 10:30
o'clock, in .company with Phillip Car
penter, counsel for Mrs. Chadwlck, and
held a conference with the prisoner. It
is learned this morning that Mrs. Chad
wlck still favors waiving examination
and returning to Cleveland for trial,
Several carloads just received, and all ahar In
the big cut In prloa. This is your opportunity to
secure a Hlgh-Qrade Piano at a great reduction In
price the prices that bring trade Pianos at
$150 fire 11H 9218. The 3400 piano
goes at $32 4, 3375 Piano at 9286. 33. '.o Piano at
268, and the 1300 Piano at 8238. No matter
what your Idea Is In reference to a Piano, we can
suit you. From now till nrter the holidays you may
name your own terms. So come and select your
Piano and- save enough to give your child a good
start in music,
Open Evenings Till 9 o'clock
Allen & Gilbert Ramaker Co
Mrs. Ohadwlck'a Expose Causes Tight
ening of Financial BeisS.
(Journal Special Service.)
Pittsburg. Dec. II. Since the capers
of Mrs. Chadwlck with numerous bank
ers and millionaires Indtfferent parts
of the country has been mads public,
there Is a remarkable tightening up
around the offices of Pittsburg's big
financial men. Whether the men of
this city were mulcted to the tune of
3300.000 as reported, Is not settled, but
the fact remains that It Is Impossible
for a well-dressed women to get within
speaking distance of the Pittsburg kings
of finance when In their private offices.
Fresh orders have been handed out.
and are, being observed with a ven
geance. No matter how pressing the
business, it must be transacted through
middlemen. Saturday afternoon H. C.
Frlck gave 15.000 to swell the fund for
the new public bathhouse In Pittsburg.
It was not known till today, however,
that the women Who carted at FTtck's
office to ask for a small donation were
not received by the coke king.
They were asked their business out
aide of tils office snd their story car
ried to Frlck, who wrote a check for
36.000, many times the smount expected.
aent It to them by one of his office
force "regretting that he could not see
them." ' .
(Journal Special Ser.lrc ) ,
Paris, Dec II. Dr. Peroy ft Chad
wlck arrived at tha Hotel Continental,
but refused to be Interviewed.
(Special Dispatch to The Journal.)
San Francisco, Deo. 13. Eugene Bur
dick, a former Oregon mining man, died
this morning in the Grand hotel of heart
disease. His son Is employed by a bank
In Portland. Hs resided here for a num
ber of years.
MOlOtl IS IT.!..
(Journal Special Harries.)
Boston. Dec. 13. Mra. J. P. Morgan,
wife of the multimillionaire, has taken
rooms' at the Hotel Bomerset for the
winter, where she Is being treated by
Dr. Morton Prince, her family phystclsn.
The nature of Mrs. Morgan's Illness has
not been disclosed.
(Journal Special Serrlee.)
Billings. Mont. Dec. 13. Ruby and
Bernlce Warren, aged and years,
broke through the Ice on a trough sev
eral hundred yards from their home
Sunday and were drowned. The mother
pulled both bodies from beneath the
(Journal Special rWrloe. )
Des Moines. Iowa, Dec. 13. The post
office at Relnheck was broken into last
night and 33.600 taken. Several shots
were exchanged between the citizens snd
the robbers, who escaped.
Government Gains Judgment in
Land Suit Against the Ore
gon & California.
Filings at Time of National Grant
to Company Irrevocably Ex
empted the Tracts.
The Store Noted for the Best Goods at Lowest Prices.
An Era of Quality
Each year the demand for better grades in all linea of merchan
dise manifesta itaelf. More and more do the people expect and re
quire articles of genuine merit. In no line is this tendency ao marked
as in ladies' ready-to-wear garment and dress goods. That in a
mearure accounts for the phenomenal success of the McAUen &
McD. .nell stores.
People understand and appreciate the fact that Quality Counts.
"The something for nothing" fellow has been relegated to the rear.
Nowadays the average customer ia able to and doea separate the
chaff from the grain. Our business is founded on quality. This
method has stood the teat for many years.
Xmas Gift of Worth
Black, Colored and Silk Dress Goods, Suits, Coats, Raincoats,
Tourist Costs, Shirtwaists in all materials, Gloves, Handkerchiefs,
Umbrellas, Pine Eiderdown Comforters, Oregon Wool Blankets,
Gentlemen's Furnishings, such as Shirts, Gloves, Underwear, Sus
penders and Socks.
We are showing a large line of toys that will be distributed by
Santa Claus to the good boys and girls of Portland. Bring the chil
dren to see the Dolls, Dolls' Houses, Sets of Dishes, Furniture Sets,
Tops, Novelty Toys, many Animals, China Pieces, Bisque figures,
Xmas tree Decorations, etc. Come and enjoy the wonders of Toy-land.
Christmas Furs
It ia none too soon to look up that Holiday Gift. There is noth
ing that so pleases milady as a handsome Pur Scarf.
Ours are genuine Furs. No counterfeits here. We aak no more
for real Furs than you have to pay for imitations elsewhere.
See the gorgeous array of garments ready to wear in Seal, Per
sian, Mink, Beaver, Fox, Sable, Marten, Chinchilla, Ermine, etc.
Children's Fur Sets in endless variety.
Table Linen Sets
Dinner Cloth and dozen Napkins to match ; all hemmed and ready
for use, at the 'foil owing special prices:
$15.00, $12.50. $ 10.50, $6.50, $7.50, $6.50
$5.50 and $5.00
Stocking Feet, 5c Modes Patterns, 10c
Judge Bellinger this morning decided
five of the cases Instituted by the fed
eral government against the Oregon &
California Railroad oompany to recover
the value of certain land Included In
the grant to the company. There were
seven pre-emptions and f our Jiomesteads
Involved In casa No. 2,666, three dis
tinct homestead cases In consecutive
order following, and two donation land
claims last In order. In the casa In
volving 11 clalma and tha three Indi
vidual cases the Judge held that the gov
ernment was entitled to recover the
minimum value of the land. In the case
of the two donation land clalma he held
that tha railroad company had title and
tha- government oould not recover.
When tha government granted every
alternate section of land for 30 miles on
either side of the railroad to the Ore
gon a California company, exceptions In
tha grant area ware made for such land
as had been filed on by homesteaders
or pre-empt lonlsts. There were It tli
Ings at the time of the grant, which the
settlers permitted to lapae by not com
pleting title. These the railroad com
pany took possession of snd have sold.
The judge held that the tilings at the
time of the grant Irrevocably exempted
the tracts, and that when they lapsed,
they returned to the government, and not
to the company, and a decree was Issued
that they should be paid for.
In the cases of the Harris Stanley and
K. B. Bufrttm donation land claims,
which were also allowed to lapse after
the date of grant, the Judge ruled that
this mode of acquiring title was differ
ent to homestead and pre-emption, and
that until the conditions were compiled
with, no title whatever had passed to lift
the tracts from the railroad grant.
Tha motion for a rehearing In the case
of tha Columbia River Packing company
vs. W. E. Tallant was overruled.
Arguments were made on the demurrer
filed in the case of John J. Chambers vs.
tha First National bank of Butte, where
in tha plaintiff seeks to recover 310,000
put In the bank as security for an in
demnity bond. The demurrer was over
ruled. In the case of Rea Brothers vs. B. B.
Barker, demurrer to the complaint was
slso overruled.
Four more burglaries were reported
to the police last night. "Jack" Reed's
residence, at 266 H Oak street, was
broken Into Saturday night and a suit
of clothing, an overcoat and a smoking
Jacket stolen. Ills room In located only
a half block fr,ora the police station.
J. A. Melton of 266 Ollaan street re
ported the theft of tools valued at 360.
H. O. Schneider lost an overcoat
valued at 346 last night. His address
is 1(1 Lounsdale street.
Two sets of hsrness were stolen yes
terday from Albers Brothers' stable.
No clews were left by any of the
(Journal Special Service i
Highland. Maas., Dec. 13. Four men
of the crew of the Boston fishing
schooner Fish Hawk, believing the ves
sel in dsnger of sinking on Peaked Hill
bars Saturday night. attempted to
launch a dory to eacape death. The
dory eapetsed. and all were drowned.
The schooner was driven over the bar
hy tho wind and wavea and reached port
Journal Special Servtee. )
Rome. Dec. 12. With full ceremony
and In the preaence of 60.000 persons,
the pope yesterday csnonlsed Blessed
Allesandre Saull and Blessed Oersrdo
Maiella. This was the second canonisa
tion ceremony since 1370. Pope Plua.
while not ill, was greatly fatigued by
the efforts devolving on him.
J. I. ("Stats") Dsvls. the baseball
plsyer, waa .In the police court this
morning on th chsrge of beating A.
Reerdon. at Second and Stark streets,
last night. Another man who assisted
Reardon waa also badly battered. The
evidence was conflicting snd Judge
Hngue continued the trial until De
rent her 16.
Chief of Pnllee Hunt added two men
to the rockptle gang this morning, send
ing four out In oare of tha guards.
Fourteen men wars released hy Hunt,
officiating aa "kangaroo judge," and or
dered io leave the city.
Woodard, Clarke & Co.
We make Christmas buying a pleasure and comfort to our patrons. The wide range, the beauty and practical value of our
holiday selections appeal strongly to people of good judgment. Shopping with us involves no long and tiresome waits for
change. Our salespeople are all experienced, capable and courteous. Little accommodations, considerations and moderate
profits have made ours the largest retail and wholesale Drug House in this country. Our patrons of 40 years know that they
will always receive full value at our counters.
It is
to note the
great advance
during the past
year In the
beauty and
variety of
useful srtlclea
into which
Fine Leather
enters Suit
-Cases, Hand
Bags and
Outfits made
up In Seal,
Alligator. Calf
m A Dl hWI. I , t.
mini . I,..',!,
Morocco and silk linings, plain and also fitted
with ebony toilet articles, ranging In price
from $3.76 to $68.00
Ladles' Shopping Bags
Cut Glass
We are sole agents for the winners of the sold
medal at St. Louis- the QUAKER CITY. In rich
ness of finish, beauty of design and perfection of
workmanship tt has no superior. We charge no
fancy prices for Cut Oluss: it's a staple with us.
and aa a result we probably sell more than any
house 1,1 c,ty- .
6-Inch Nappies "Prlscllla" design 1.50
Spoon Trsys $3.95
Ice Tubs 3)8.95
Decanters, Angora design, plain or handled $7.85
Triplicate Mirrors
And Hand Glasses, heavy beveled French plate,
handsome ebony, oak and boxwood
frames $1. IO $8.85 $4.50 $7.00
Adjustable Shaving Mirrors. . 75a $1.90 $3.50
Fountain Pens $1.00 $3.00 93.50
Shaving Sets $1.25 $3.75 $4.35
Souvenir Postal Cards
3-plece set. Sugar and Creamer, Berlin
In new shades of leather and styles never shown
on the Coast. Our own Importation.
In endless variety and styles; prices range
from ...25a to $6.50
Music Rolls and " Rollups"
Collar, Cuff and Handkerchief
PLEASE REMEMBER We stamp Initials or
name In geld on purchase (rom "our Leather De
partment free of charge. .
. Physicians' Bags
Satchels, Medicine and Instrument Cases. Any
selection of this nature for your doctor may be
exchanged after Christmas if found unsuitable.
Center vases, 3-Inch, Carlisle design
Tumblers, set of six
Nut Dishes
Oils and Vinegars
Mayonnaise Bowl, with plate, complete. .
Perfume Bottles
Sherbet Olasses, dosen
Punch Olasses, dosen
8-lnch Bowls, Starlight design
Celery Trays. Princeton cut , . . . .
Bonbon Dlahes, Hamlet design
Finger Bowls, set of six ..,
Knife Rest
Imported Art Pottery
In Vases, Jardinieres, Trays
and Plaques
$4. SO
Rare Italian Porcelain.
Buy your boy a Camera. For health, comfort
and personal safety It beats a shotgun. The pho
tographic work which a boy undertakes is a lib
eral education In Itself, and all this applies to
girls It's not sn expensive pleasure. We give
Instruction free at all times, and an
Ansco Camera
Will cost
For a Baby Ansco No. 1 $1.00
For the No. I... $3.00
For the 3x3 Vs $5.00
For the Pocket Folding $13.00
Every one guaranteed to do perfect work.
A Typewriter
85 76 $1.85.
Oval, Oblong and Square.
$1.35 $1.90 $3.40.
Not, toy, but a serviceable writing machine
any child can use it. Three styles
No. i
No. 3 $3.50
No. $5.00
Fashionable Stationery
at Fair Prices
Eston Hurlburt's latest designs at popular prices. Boxes esch filled with the
finest of Paper and Envelopes In the correct tints snd finish.
Handkerchief, Glove and Necktie Boxes
Prices for every purse
35 50 65 75a W
Woodard, Clarke & Co.
Canadian Money takes at full value. Free Delivery to all parts of the city.
Complete Telephone Exchange with direct connection to every
department of oar store.
n ; AIM I -Jl jzi r I
Concerning a suit filed in the circuit
court today for a division of the partner
ship property of the late A. R. Helnts, tt
la ststcd st the Pacific Iron works that
the business of the plant wilt not be
affected by the proceeding in court,
which la a friendly action InstUuted to
effect a legal division of the property
of A. R. Helnts A Co.. former proprietors
of the Pacific Iron works. The Interest
of the late A. R. Helnts hss passed to
his brother. Oscar E. aHelnts, who with
A. R., comprised the old firm.
The legal proceeding Is filed by Ida
st Helnts. widow, and Arthur R. Helnts,
son of the late A. R. Helnts. and the
value of the property Involved is sbout
The snnusl conference of the North
west Sabbath assoctstlon will be held
tomorrow afternoon snd evening at
Grace Methodist Eplscnpsl church.
Twelfth and Taylor streets. J. K. Gill
will preside. An Interesting progrsm,
consisting of musical numbers snd sd
dresses. has been prepared.
(Special Mipatrh to The Journal.)
Tendleton. Or., Dec. 13. The Hub
clothing store wss entered by burglsrs
last night and a quantity of clothing
and 310 In money taken. The robbers
entered by breaking out a panel in the
rear door.
Earl Hinds, 16 years of age, who wss
found drunk on the streets by the police,
wss before the grand Jury this morning
giving testimony. Hla father, Al Hinds,
was in the habit of sending the boy for
beer, and on the night in question he
sent the boy to ssloon four times. Each
time he gave the son some to drink. The
proprietor of the saloon, G. Myers, was
arrested snd taken before Judge Hogue
In the municipal court and fined 360.
The hoy Is now a ward at the Boys' and
Girls' Aid society.
(Journal Special Service i
Washington; D. C. Sec. It. The gov
ernment has been advised that sfter re
peated delsys the esses of Benjamin D.
Greene and John F. Gaynor, who were
Implicated with Oberlln M. Carter In
the notorious Savannah river contract
scsndals, snd who fled to Csnada to get
beyond American Jurisdiction, will be
taken up by the privy council of Eng
land today. This trlhunsl Corresponds
In dignity and Importance to the su
preme court of the United States, snd
It Is hoped hy the Washington authori
ties to obtain from it a decision which
will place the exiles under American Ju
risdiction. Proceedings for the extradition of
Greene and Gaynor were begun as soon
ss the American authorities received
information that they had taken up
their residence la Montreal. Accordingly
an application was made and a writ waa
Issued by sn extradition commissioner
of Montreal?-
The fugitives, however, were appre
hended In Quebec, to which Jurisdiction
they had made a sensstlonal escape.
They were taken to Montreal, and a
Quebec Judge immediately Issued a writ
of habeas corpus, which wss served on
the Montreal Jailer. He brought his
prisoners. Greene and Gaynor, hack to
Quebec, where a curious legal squabble
ensued, which flnslly resulted In the
Issuing of another writ of habeas corpus
by Judge Caron.
.. It Is from this latter writ, which per
mits ths freedom of Greene and Oaynor
within the boundaries of Quebec and ex
empts them from Interference by Amer
ican authorities, that the United States
government sppesled to the privy coun
cil of Englsnd. Officisls of this gov
ernment now believe that every legsl
obstacle has been removed and that a
final decision will be resetted soon.
Several cases Involving large property
Intereata are awaiting further action be
cause of the necessity of the presence
in the United Ststes of Greene and Gay
nor, who are defendants. Should the
decision of the privy council be favor
able to the contention of -the United
States, It Is believed that little time will
elapse- before Greene and Gaynor,
through extradition proceedings, sre
again safely under American Jurisdiction.
(Journal Special Berre.)
Norfolk. Vs., Deo. it. In the storm
of Saturday night the three-mast'd
schooner Montsns, sslt lsden, stranded
60 miles north of Cspe Hstterss smt
will prove a total loss. Life ssvers
from the Poa Island station succeeded
In rescuing all members of the crew
but Henry Edwsrda. who was foujiil
froxen to the rigging, where he hud
lushed himself.
(Special Dispatch tr The Journal.)
La Grande, Or.. Dec. 12. Harry
Rhodes, who committed suicide In ttU
city hotel st Elgin. 25 nilles from La
Grande, by taking morphine, Saturdsy.
waa selling a harness repslr outfit for
a living. His body will be sent to Cas
cade Locks for burial, where he Is a
member of the I. O. O. F. lodge.
(Journal Special Service.)
Denver. Dec. 12. Martin L. Devaney
snd Thomas Clup. Democratic election
officials of precinct ten. ward seven,,
were todsy sentenced to serve a, year in
the county Jail and pay 31.000 fine for
frauds In the recent election. Ths count
shows 262 fraudulent votes csst In this
Always Remember the Pull Nags
aiattva Rroroo Qumme
CeCoMfaCVDeDey, Gsj3eys
box. 33e