The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, December 11, 1904, Image 31

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CayflckU. IM4. r Ik Am.rlr.o Jril lUBlM . Oro.1 rttl
n I H JLjuI a v ; 11
1. I FANnFR- "I'll nhv a slv Christmas trick on Lulu to-night. When she
comes Into the ropm I'll draw this piece of mistletoe from my pocket, hold it
over her head, and give her a bouncing Christmas kiss."
4 1 FANnFR ' aside v "Gee whiz! I'm awfully glad those two fellows are
hert to-night. When thty see me catch Lulu under my piece of mistletoe maybe
they will not be envious. I'll have the laugh on them THIS time"
J. LEANDER (aside): "Hal 1 hear her coming. By Jove, whei
toe? Confound It all, 1 must have Jeft it in my overcoat pocket
men please excuse me a moment?"
THE TWOi "Certainly."
e Is that mlstle.
W1U you gentle.
aav awH ih aviw at m w bmt a . tr . n ah bmf a aiHaMr- Hri. k . mmm m
IJMr!i i JSt JtaaiJ aL 1U 7l
4. CHARLEY ONTHESPOT: This piece of mistletoe was a great Idea of ours
Quick! Here she comest Can you get it up'"
LIEUTENANT SHARPNELL: "Surel There, it's all right"
S. LULU: "Why, how do you do. Charley? Good evening. Lieutenant A Merry
Christmas to you both. I wonder what Leander can be doing out there -in the
hall rummaging for something in his coat? Some trick he's up to. I'll wager
6. CHARLEY: "Ho, hot Under the mistletoe! I claim the forfeit."
LIEUTENANT: "And so do II"
LULU: "O-o-o-o-hi Who put it there? One of .Leander's. tricks 1 know.
Oh. Charley! Oh. Lieutenant!" -LEANDER!
" . ff
l mmmm 1 n - - -
I. BOYS: "This will be a great Christmas surprise for Gran'pa. He will wonder
what fine present is in the box."
X GRANDPA: "Now is my time to lay tor those youngsters;
3. BOYS: "Let's lake a Jook and see what Is detaining Cran'pa."
. xnivnal "I'll L L nn tk. lu.. TK, mill win hnnr
them back."
S. BOYS: "Hear the noise. That must be Gran'pa coming. Let's lump Into the
box again, quickf
6 GRANDPA "Why. hello, boys? Merry Christmas) When eM
from so anddenlyr