The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, December 11, 1904, Image 1

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BVKlXsn. si
Good Morning
The Weather Today. ralSI SOuthsrJy
winds, probably Increasing to brisk.
VOL. I. NO. 38.
1 Wg,
; 1 1 ' ' 1
Japanese Volunteers Are
Victorious on Shun
gshu Mountain.
Shipments of Small Arm and
Ammunition Alleged to Have
Been Made from Seattle to
Coast of Siberia.
(Journal Special Sanies.)
Toklo, Dec, 10. In an attack begun
Inst midnight on the southerly slope
of the last fort in Shungshu mountain
the Japanese volunteers dislodged the
Russians from the second ridge arter
three hours of fighting, and before dawn
light field guns were brought up -for
their support Connecting trenches will
be dug to meet those south of -the Kek
wan forts on the east and to meet the
advance trenches on 20i-Meter hill on
the west, thus completing the circle of
Port Arthur and practicallyNsolatlng all
the Russian soldiers now In the lsst line
of the center redoubt.'
Whether the Japanese army will at
tempt to take these by storm Is not
known. Dispetohee today from General
Nogi's army indicate that there will be
no necessity for further assaults on the
remaining Russian fortifications.
The bombardment of the warships in
the harbor up to noon today had re
sulted in the destruction of all the bat
tleships and cruisers, except the Se
vastopol, which Is lying east of Tiger s
Tsll promontory, the mats of the ships
only being visible to tfe gunners on 0l
Meter hill.
Anas Said to Mw
(prill Dispatch to The Joarnsl.)
Seattle. Dec. 10. The Japanese gov
ernment has been Informed by' Beburo
Hleamldau. consul at Seattle, that dur
ing the past summer -the Northwestern
Commercial company, operating a line of
boats from thtavcrty to Russia, has been
carrying guns and ammunition in their
cargoes and Andlng them on the west'
em coast of Siberia, until It Is believed
hundreds of thousands of small arms are
now stored at various points along the
coast. This Information came to the
Japanese consul from a most reliable
source less than a week ago, and he Im
mediately communicated with his gov
ernment, so that If distribution has not
already taken place a war ship may be
sent north to capture them.
The Northwestern Commercial com
pany Is owned by John Roseene and as
sociates, who are Interested with many
of the Russian nobility in the Northeast
rMberla company, owning valuable min
ing and fisheries conceeslons in Siberia.
During the past two years Roseene has
on several visits to Russia bad audiences
With the csar.
W. R. Roberts, dsputy city fire mar
shal and Inspector of the fire under
writers" inspection bureau, is having
trouble with business men regarding
Christmas decorations. Merchants use
a large amount of Inflammable material
in decorations, and where these come
In contact with gas and slectrlc lights
thsre Is great danger of fire.
"It is the ssme old story." said he
yesterday '"These Inflammable mater
ials will be used, regardless of" the great
risk to life and property. People forget
that their Insurance rates are apt to
I,.. riaed. Caution slmuM bs used In
stores where window displays are made,
and In the decorations of signs of all
kinds rhurchas. public buildings and
schoo'lhouses. With a little care all
chance of conflagration from Christmas
decorations may be averted."
(BT KalOOlm Clark.)
(Copyright. Hesnt Hew Service, by leased
Wire to The Journal.)
Ixmdon. Dec. 10 It waa unfortunate,
not only to his majesty, but for all the
members of his household, that King
Kdwnrd should mtve been suffering from
a severe attack of gout during the king
of Portugal's recent visit to Windsor
Although King Fdward was, of course,
geniality Itself to his guests, he was
In a very Irritable temper with those
about him and the climax was reached
when the courts newsman, the author of
that lively publication known as the
court Circular, neglected to Issue to
the London press ths speech msde In
French by King- Carlos
The morning sfter the speech King
Edward was extremely annoyed to find
the addresses In English In all ths Lon
don papers, and finally It was discovered
that the court newsman had. In a state
of panic, failed to gel the French version
verbatim, had Implored the king of
Portugal fn the small hours of the morn
nlng to give him i freshly written copy
and th.n had fofnd It to be quite Il
legible, '
en Knock the Bottom
Out of Amalgamated,"
He Reiterates.
Believe that He Plans a Fresh
Coup to Sweep Standard
Oil from the
(Journal Special Bertie. )
New York. Dec. 10 "I will knock the
bottom out of Amslgamated yet."
Such was the statement delivered by
Thomas P. Lawson last evening, after
the cloee of a day In which' a rise was
shown In the market value of Amal
gamated Copper. He repeated the state
ment again today. And his followers
believe he will keep his promise.
There was Inertia yesterday, not In
ertia such as the market sometimes
knows, but a lethargic movement com
pared to the trading of the last fsw
days when things were wide open and
the roar of trade was so loud that It
passed through the stern gray granlts
walls and out Into ths street, where the
clamor of the curbstone dealers failed
to drown It
The lull before the storm It may be.
Certainly so if Dawson makes his pre
diction and threat good. Predatory
I.awaon may be, but his actions today
I showed naught but the self confidence of
a man who has thrust his Irons into the
white heat of Wall street's glow In the
past and held them there when weaker
ones have fallen before the blast.
Lawson's followers gathered In groups
as ths short session of yesterday neared
a close, and held whispered conferences.
It waa admitted that Standard Oil had
dominated the day. It was shown open
ly In the trading and In the mastership
of dosen of brokers who are not present
unless somstnlnt bit Is to be handled.
There waa a gain all along the line In
stocks, under Dawson's quietude and
the Standard's steady bull movement,
and as Amalgamated gained $2.$7tt un
der this steady boost Atchison clambered
with It, showing $2.00 In gains over the
ruck of yesterday's running. Reading
and Sugar worked their way up under
the better feeling to a gain of f 1.60 be
fore the big gong announced the close,
and belated brokers who In many years
have not waited for Its Saturday clamor
donned their overcoats In the cloak
room, glad that the day had closed with
no wild rush and no onalaught through
the tearing down of "Frensled Finance"
. Lawsrn tonight Is resting, but says
the batga haa but begun; that Us slo
gan for real warfare on Standard Inter
ests Is yet to come; thst the squeeslng
of water which Is due will crush houses
of cards, and thst his campaign Is
working exactly as he planned It.
The gains In the leading stocks today
Friday. Gain.
8 12.17)4
MS 2.00
142 1.75
10014 -50
40$ 1(0
171 VS -87)4
47V4 1
1544 .25
.'. 1.1 2 Vi
77 178
47H l.M
S4 La
44ft 50
71 1.00
11114 M2)4
6 .37 V
29. 1.25
1 -B7V4
2tt -26
Amalgamated . . .
Sugar Refining .
Baltimore AO...
Chicago i Alton.
st Paut
Chesapeake A O. .
Illinois Central .
Norfolk A West..
Colorado Fuel . . .
Rock Island
Pacific stall
Tennessee Coal .
Union Pac, com..
U. P.. preferred. .
U. 8. Steel, com..
Steel, preferred .
Western Union .
(SpecUl Pinpetrti by Leaned Wire to The Journal)
New York, Dec. 10. The new ship
yard , trust was Incorporated in New
Jersey today. The new company la to
be called the "Bethlehem Steel Corpora
tion." The board of directors are as
follows: George R Sheldon, Thomas F.
Ryan, John R. Borne. Pllnk Flsk, C. M.
Schwab. Edward Mcllvalne, Archibald
Johnson, K C. Wetmore, Oliver Wrenn.
King Edward la very punctlllious
abbut the Court Circular" on these
formal occasions ntirt does not like the
general press to come out with any Im
portant announcement ahead of It. The
court newsman, to Crown all his dis
asters, then distinguished himself by In
cluding two minor statesmen who have
never held cabinet rank In the list of
former cablnst ministers. Such a general
breakdown has never before occurred In
th court circle, and the unfortunate
newsman spent a very unhappy halt
hour with his royal master.
Another thing the king particularly
dlallkea Is to have bald-headed people
about the household and. during the stay
of. King Carloe, hla majesty wired to
Afdershot for a piper to play the bag
pipes on the teYrace during luncheon.
"The man must not be n id headed."
the message stated.
I had the good fortune to spend the last
raw days In company with a naval
surgeon, who recently returned from
Through the kindness of a Japanese
doctor who had studied In America he
was permitted to make a study of the
system In operation on board the Japa-
naval Hospital snipe.
L,. . -' i . . C ' .':' ' v i bf weP - . .'(; . til
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! WmtMi lsl ' t, UBBBSSILsgSM aajku-' T '" " wgss
Thomas W. Lawson, Whose Battle
(Special Dispatch by bMSfl Wire to Tbe Journal)
New York, Deo. 10. Mrs. Florence
Maybrlck's eagerly awaited story of the
unproved crime that deprived her of her
children, resulted In her arrest, trial
and conviction for the poisoning of her
husband, and doomed her to pass the
best IS years of her life In hard and for
bidding English, prisons. Is ready for
presentation to the American public
Its title Is "Mrs. Maybrlck's Own
Story; My Dast Fifteen Tears," and It
Is published by the Funk Wagnsils
com pan y.
This tragls. heart-breaking story of a
heart-broken woman waa written at
Cragsmoor. N. Y . the beautiful coun
try seat of Mrs. Maybrlck's most de
voted friend In America, Mrs. Helen
Densmore, and as a last sorrow for a
woman of sorrow. It waa Mrs. May
brlck's task to close In desth the eyes
of this, her staunchest support, almost
with the last chapter of the book. And.
as a voice from the tomb, even in death
proclaiming the Innocence of her life
time protege, came the words of Mrs.
Densmore, framed In an appeal for sym
pathy for the prisoner of Aylesbury.
"Mrs. Maybrlck was sentenced to be
hanged," rings this voice from the grave.
I was Interested to learn from him that
the high reputation which these people
have gained for their transport service
was more than strengthened by the al
most perfect appointment of their
hospital ships. Anyone who has studied
Japanese colored pictures or traveled In
their country probably knows that while
that white Is the emblem of mourning
to them, as black la with us. All their
dresses and bedding are colored.
When the hospital ships first atempted
to Introduce white sheets and coverlets
on the beds and white dresses and caps
on ths nurses. It can readily be Imagined
how vigorously the sick and wounded
Japanese objected. In fact they had to
be very badly wounded and helplessly
weak before they could be prevailed on
to accept the change.
Perhaps If we were suddenly conveyed
into a large and aombre-hued hospital
ward, with black sheets and coverlets of
the same color, dried Immortelles on the
tables by our bedside and blackgowned
nurses flitting from place to place, our
fevered and delerloua minds might also
gather more of the horror of the place
than they could bear.
with Standard Oil on the New York
- Sensation of the Week.
"by a Judsre who. not long after the
trial, resigned the Judgeship because of
a mental disease. Three days before the
appointed day for execution the Sentence
was commuted to Imprisonment for lire.
"Through the blss of a mentally un
sound Judge, this American woman was
kept for all these years In an English
prison In spite of the urgent remon
strances of eminent Americans, such as
Secretaries Blaine and Hay, and In the
face of earnest representations by Presi
dents Harrison and McKlnley through
Ambassadors Lincoln and Choate.
'The legal digest of the trial to be
presented in the book, as a supplement to
her story, will. I am sure, be conclusive
evldenoe to all unprejudiced minds of
Mrs. Maybrlck's innocence, legal as well
as moral."
In her foreword to the story, Mrs.
Maybrlck, after giving a short sketch
of her ancestry, tells how "at the age
of 18 she waa married to James May
brick on July 17, 181. at St. James
church, Piccadilly, London. They settled
at Algburet, a Liverpool suburb, and a
son. James Chandler, was born on March
24, 1SSZ, and a daughter, Gladys Evslyn,
on June 10, 1 886.
Tells of Tragedy.
At this point Mrs. Maybrlck plunges
directly Into the tragedy of her life and
tella the story of her sudden and as
tounding arrest on the charge of poi
soning her husband, the father of her
young children.
"Slowly consciousness returned. I
opened by eyes. The room waa In dark
ness. All was still. Suddenly the si
lence was broken by the bang of a clos
ing door, which startled me out of ray
stupor. Where was IT Why waa I
alone T What awful thing had hap
pened? A flash of memory. My hus
band was dead. I drifted once more
away from things of sense. A feeling
of pain and distress shot through my
body. I opened my eyes In terror. Ed
win Maybrlck was bending over me aa I
lay upon my bed. He had hla arms
tightly gripped, and was shaking me
violently. 'I want your keys do you
heart Where are your keyar be ex
claimed, harshly. I tried to form a re
ply, but the words choked n. and once
more I passed into unconsciousness.
"it is the dawn of a Sabbath day (May
IX. 1ISS). I am still lying In my clothes.
neglected and uncared for, without food
since the morning of the day before.
Consciousness came and went. During
one of these Interludes Michael May
brlck entered.
eld a Frtsoner.
'T 'Nurse,' -bet said, '1 am going up to
Ixndon. Mrs. Maybheh Is no longsr
mlstreis of this house. As one of the
executors. I forbid you to allow hsr to
lsave this room. I hold you responsible
In my absence.'
"He then left the room. What did he
Stock Exchange Has Been the
mean? How dare he humble me thus In
tbe presence of this strangar.
"Toward the night of the earns day I
said to the nurss, 'I wish to see my
children.' She took no notice. My voice
was weak, and I thought perhaps she
had not heard. 'Nurse,' I repeated, 'I
want to see my children.' She walked
up to my bed, and In a cold, deliberate
voice replied: Tou can not see Mss
ter James and Miss Gladys. Mr. Mlchssl
Maybrlck gave orders that they were to
leave the house without seeing you.'
"I fell back upon my pillow, dased
and stricken, weak, helpless and Impo
tent Why was I treated thus? My
brain reeled In seeking a reply to thla
query. At last I could bear It no longer,
and my soul cried out to God to let me
die. A third dreary night, and the day
broke once again. I was still prostrate.
The dull pain at my heart, the yearning
for ray little children, was becoming un
bearable, but I wssdumb.
Mews of the Beath.
"Suddenly the door opened and Dr.
Humphrsys entered. He walked silently
to my bedside, felt my pulse, and with
out a word left the room. A few mln-
( Continued on Page Seven.)
At the boarding houae of Mrs. M. Wolf
at 41 First street there are two myster
ious guests Solomon Marcus snd Nich
olas Boldman. They are young, large,
powerful men with faces snd manners
of youths, but with eyes thst open wide,
and mutely tell tales of experience. And
in their eyes there Is something akin to
They are deserters from the Russian
srmy. Though they ers In America,
thousands of miles from punishment,
where the growl of the Rueslsn bear
need not be feared, they are haunted by
visions of pursuit, cspture and the lg
nomlnloua death of the deserter.
They are Polish Jews, and have seen
almost two years of service In the Rus
sian army. Until ths outbreak of the
war with Japan they were attached to
the Siberian rines, and ware ststloned
In the province of Volhynla. Poland.
When hostilities snd mobilisation of
troops begsn they were ordered to Tllfls.
In the heart of the Caucasian mountains.
From there they were hurried to the
By raH they traversed thousands of
Miiu lmi. the Russlsn emolra to
I a station called Chita, en the Amur river.
For First Time Since Her
Trial Began Nan Pat
terson Is Timid.
Cabman Michaels, Who Drove
Conveyance in Which Shoot
ing Took Placs, Proves
Dull-witted Witnsss.
(My Jae. Montague.)
(Special Pfapatrs by Leaned Wire to Tbe Journal)
New York, Dec. 10. For a part of
one minute today Nan Patterson's smsx
lng stolidity depsrted and she acted and
looked like a sensitive timid woman. It
Waa at the conclusion of the short morn
ing session. She had been sitting like
an Image for an hour, listening to the
story of the killing of Caesar Young
aa told by Policeman Junior. Junior
la not a dramatic narrator, but every
word he said had to do with the tragedy
which haa Jeopardised this girl's Mfe
and her nonchalance seemed beyond be
lief. But presently Junior concluded. The
court ordered a receaa and while the
girl still sat In her chair ths Jurymen
filed past hsr, one by one.
Then it was that a change swept over
her. The cold look of Indifference went
out qj her face in an lnstsnt.
Turning some she could look each
man squarely In the face. She scrutin
ised them, her eyes wide open, her
mouth drooping, her whole attitude that
of a woman pleading for mercy.
Shows First Emotion.
Bo Intent was she on . reading each
countenance that the deputy sheriff. In
whose custody she Is, had to beckon her
&rZ?nnr& UOrV5r,.PJrWrll h.UUS
at the Jurors who had not left the box.
she turned and walked down the alsls,
her face twitching and her eyes moist.
It waa the first really human thing Nan
Patteraon has dons since shs began this
weary fight for her life, and It was the
last vestige of emotion she showed all
through the day. Her dullness and In
difference has been a source of wondsr
to all who havs behald her.
Had It not been for this lapse Into
the ways of her sex. It would be easy
to believe thst some psychological oper
ation had removed every trace of emo
tion or sensibility from her mental sys
tem. The rest of the day was easy for the
Prosecutor Rand Is not so keen and
alert ss hs was during the nrst iriai.
It is by no means easy to put the same
question to the same witness within two
weeks without tiring of the business,
and Rand is plainly tired.
Part of the examination he passes on
to his assistant. Those that he conducts
himself are a trine mechanical, like the
performance of an actor who has grown
weary of his part
Thla is not lost upon the girl. Even
when the death scene In the cab was, rehenrsed bv Policeman Junior and
Ixiuls Hoffman she exhibited no signs of
Heavy Wltted Cabman.
The sight of Caesar Young's blood raiments, at which she bowed
her head and appeared to be weeping In
the first trial, caused only a few twltch
Ings of her mouth and a temporary with
drawal of her eyea from the witness The storv of the heavy wltted
,-),m.r, Michaels, who drove, the con
,,. in which the shooting took
place, drew from her no symptom of un
eo.inena or interest. In fsct. there waa
precious little In Michael s' story to In
t.r..t nnvhodv
For a creature with a pair of eyea and
two ears he Is the most surprising inoi
vldual that ever sat In a witness ehslr.
ir knows thst he drove a "man and a
lady" from the Circle to a point In West
nrn.Awnv stnonlna twice enroute, and
ht in that thoroughfare he heard
shot. That Is absolutsly ths extent of
th. Ha-ht he Is able to shed on the ease
There might have been a fusilade or
(Continued on Page Two.)
From that place they marched on foot
with thousands of others through the
Amur province Into Manchuria. They
Joined the main body of the army around
Before he entered the army to perform
hla required service for the csar. Solo
mon Marcus was a shoemaker's appren
tice. When he Joined the Siberian rifles
he met Nlcholss Soldman. and the two
have fast friends since that time. Both
had been happy In their labors at home
and they were co-rellglonlsts. They
were unwilling recruits.
While stationed at the barraoke at
Vollens they whlapered plana of deser
tion. But the war came so quickly and
their location was changed so suddenly
that escape seemed Impossible. But the
hope still remained and plans were again
begun as soon as they Joined the main
army In Manchuria.
Shortly after they found thsmselves
on the Talu confronted by the forces of
Kurokl, their regiment was ststtoned at
Dalny. Fortune favored them, for they
were detailed to paint the headquarters
of the commandant, a mansion located
in the modern section of tbe town, a
distance from ths barracks. At the end
Mast Appear in Famous
Mrs. Chadwick Case
in Cleveland.
Forged Farmer's Name to Note
and, Disguised as a Boy, Fled
to Neighboring City Where j
Shs Was Caught.
(Special Dispatch by Leased Wire to The Joaraal)
Cleveland. O., Dec. 10. Andrew Car
negie has been subpoenaed to appear be
fore the United States grand Jury on
Wednesday to swear that he never
signed any of the famous Chadwick se
curities which tonight reach ths as
tounding total of S16.sM.000.
That this will be Increased to $20,000.
000 before Mr. Carnegie comes here
seems certain, for the United States
secret service agents are now on the
trail of other notes disposed of by Mrs.
The $15, 998,000 represents only the
forged paper that has actually been dla
covered by the officials.
There sre positively known to be In
existence another note for $500,000 dis
posed of some where In New Jersey and
one for $800,000 some where In Pitts
burg. In addition to all of these there
are said to be probably $3,000,000 more
forged notes In existence.
Se Discuss Chadwiok
Oast at AIL
LE2S! W-gt-fte" -
discovery that the much discussed "se--eurltles"
held by Ire Reynolds In treat
for the liquidation of Mrs. Cassia L.
Chadwlek's debts consisted of additional
forgeries' of Andrew Carnegie's name,
was made known to ths Ironmaster to
night, but he declined to add any word
to what he haa already said on the sub
Portland Man Who Knew Mrs. Chad
Wtok Telle of Her Early Mlstory.
Some hitherto unpublished history of
the notorious Mrs. Cassis L. Chadwick
la furnished The Journal by Fred Rich
ards, traveling representative of the
Portland Gas company, who knew her
when she was In her school-day age.
"She spent most of her childhood,"
said Mr. Richards, "In Eastwood, On
tario. Canada, the scene of the celebrated
Benwell murder mystery. I lived near
there, about five miles eaat of Wood
stock. Her father was a section hand
and about the only companionship the
girl had. living- alongside the railroad
track, was that of the engineers snd con
ductors running by thsre on the old
Great Western, which Is now a part of
the Grand Trunk.
"Betsey Begley, which was her real
name, had a long time to wait for lone
skirts when the neighborhood discovered
that ahe was a little bit 'eccentric' She
was very fond of dresses, snd she used
to get them good ones, too by meana
that were considered not altogether
"But her first escapade of any conse
quence was the forging of an old
farmer's name to a note. She waa then
about 18 years of age. Taking the
money, she departed for the town of
Bransford. and was there arrested in
boy's clothes. The officers quickly
brought her back, but ahe was acquitted
on the ground that hsr mentality was
not perfect.
"After that, little or nothing waa
heard of Betsy until the Toledo-Cleveland
affair. In which ahe appeared ee
Madame Devere and was ssnt to ths
penitentiary for It years. The manner
of her parole Is current history, but she
(Continued on Page Two.)
of the second day spent on their Job
they decided upon the desperste plan of
going to the oriental section Instead of
back to their quarters. They were aided
by a Japanese who got them clothing
for $1.50.
Tot several days they almost starved
before they succeeded In bribing a
Chinese half-breed to smuggle them
aboard a Junk bound for Nagasaki. Thsre
they discovered no apparent Improve
ment In their chances of escape. They
had difficulty In hiding while securing
There waa a United States vsesel In
the harbor at the time. It was loading
up, preparatory to returning to San
Francisco. They took chances ss stow
awava and succeeded, for their pres
ence wss not discovered till the vessel
wss far out to sea. Finally they landed
In San Francisco, and remained there
for several days.
They learned of the presence of e
Russian man-of-war In tbe harbor, snd
fear seised them They must esoaae.
they ssld. With the ssslsUaee of
friends they secured passage osj
schooner bound fee Portland and landed
here Thursday.