THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND. SATURDAY EVENING. DECEMBER 10. 104. JUDGE REFUSES TO AID GRAND JURY Says All Hypothetical Questions Should Be Referred to the District Attorney. SHARP RETORT MADE TO BODY'S QUERIES Jurors Retire Without Receiving Information, and Will Seek Mr. Manning's Advice. , Presiding Judge George did not In tnii't the grand Jury ss to the conclu sions of law In the John Doe present ment made to him yesterday, but re ferred the question baek to the Jury with the Instruction that they consult with the district attorney In the matter and accept his advice. "The district attorney is your legal r.dvleer In this matter," said the court to the grand Jury, "and the evident lack of consultation with the district attorney compels me to say to you that this should have been presented to him, and not to the court. If ha decides that the farts are sufficient, you can then bring the matter before the court through the proper channel." Foreman F. M. Johnson explained, the situation In which the grand Jury round itself by saying that the Jury had con Sited with the deputy district attorney d they had agreed to present the ques tion to the court. "We talked the matter over," he said, "snd Mr. Adams prepared -the present ment Itself and asked us to present tt to the court." Deputy District Attorney Adams ex plained thst the grand Jury had two things In view In presenting this matter to the. court, first aa to the presentment made yesterday, and second, as to an other matter which would be presented when the court had ruled on the first one. Foreman Johnson then drew from his pocket another presentment, but the court ruled that the district attorney should be consulted when his deputies were In doubt, "and." the court con tinued, "he should be consulted first on sll these questions, and not his depu ties. Take this matter before the dis trict attorney himself." ""he grand Jury then retired without presenting the second hypothetical case in which they wished Information as to the law. As to the exact nature of the presentment made yeaterday Judge George gave no Intimation other than referring to It as a esse of "false pretense." Nothing whatever waa said as to the nature of the case which the grind Jury had for presentment today. The only Indictment returned was one sgalnst Edwin H. Goodwin on a statu tory charge. He is the New York man who was tracked to Portland by his wife. Alice R. D. Goodwin, and found here with another woman. He was given a preliminary hearing In the municipal court a few days ago and bound aver to the grand Jury. His bonds sre fixed at $1,000. HER RELATIONS FAR FROM BEING FRIEND The case of Mrs Bertha Fatrbarin. who saya She was induced to come to Portland by her aunt who refused to care for her when she came, has bean turned over to the Jewish Benevolent society by the county. Dudley Evans, chairman of the relief board, this morn ing Interviewed the aunt. Mrs. Devi, who refused to advsnce money for the re turn ticket to Chicago, Mr. Evana con sulted Dr. B. 8. Wise and waa Informed that the Jewish Benevolent society would take care of Mrs. Falrbarln. MARSHAL HAS DIFFICULT WORK FINDING MORMONS I Journal Special Herrlee. ) Ball I-ake. Dec. 10. Two apostles of the Mormon church. John Henry Smith .snd Charles Penrose, were today served with suhpenas to appear before the senate sub-committee In the Smoot In vestigation at Washington. Of S5 or 40 subpoenas sent to the 1'nlted States marshal for service in Vtah and ldsho. It Is understood that so far the marshal haa succeeded In serv ing sesreely a dosen. MRS. CHADwicK FOUND PITTSBURGERS EASY (Jouriul Special Berries.) Cleveland. Ohio, Dec. 10. On the high est authority It Is now positively known tliHl Mrs. Chadwlck borrowed 1800.000 In Pittsburg. The names of those who advanced the money are not disclosed. CONTRACT FOR STATE BUILDING AWARDED The stute commission of the Dewln snd Clark exposition today awarded the rnntrart for construction of the state building to E. A. I.ynd for the aum of $.270. Work will begin on the con tract Immediately. The General Officers Of the r. B. will sddress a mass meet ing of carpenters this evening,-December 10. In their hkll. North Third street. All carpenters Invited. PIANOS The Very Best Possible to Procure We Carry Only the Highest Grades. Any dealer will tell you he can glva ;ou the greatest bargains. WE LEAVE IT TO TtlE PUBLIC TO JUDGE Ask sny disinterested party, and In variably ths snswer will be: IF TOU WANT PKRFBCTLT RHMABIJC IN STRUMENTS AND MOST HONOR ABLE BUSINESS DEALINGS, OO TO aSoule BrOaS. Piano Co. SALOONS CLOSED AT WASHOUGAL County Commieeionere Take Ac tion on Complaint Made by Prosecuting Attorney. FIRST TIME TOWN HAS BEEN COMPLETELY DRY Many Inquiries Made for Lands in Clarke County Suitable for Farms. (Special Dispatch to The Journal. I Vancouver, Wash., Dec. 18. The three saloons of Waa sou gal have been closed by order of the board of county commis sioners, on complaint of Prosecuting At torney Donald McMaater, filed on Thurs day. The complaint chargea the dis pensers of sTplrlta with violating the liquor law in several ways, selling liquor to minors, keeping open on Sunday, and permitting disorderly conduct In their places being among the chargea filed against them. Tk tV.r m an h.U salnon have been closed are Charles Surber, Surber A Short and rrlts Brown, jr. ensnes Surber yesterday filed a statement pleading guilty to the chargea and walv lng all right to any rebate on hla license, which lets htm out of the case. Surber recently purchased his saloon from Jo .k v wuin In whit., name the license waa originally Issued. Surber A Short and Brown appear oeiore me county commissioners today, at which time f.rihr u,-ti..n will h thkttn in the ease. Thia la the first time In the history of Washougal that it has been a dry town. Charles H. Anderson, claimant against Jamea McHale. Henry Owen and Mary McHale. la the title of a case filed yes terday whereby the claimant files a lien on the building situated on Main street between Seventh and Eighth, occupied by the Elite vaudeville theatre. Ander son demands payment of 118.25 for work performed and material furnished on the premises. This causes quite a stir In this city, aa this case may close Van couver's only vaudeville theatre. Inquiries for suitable farm lands to make homea of have been very numer ous throughout Clarke county the past fall, and even now activity Is brisk In thst direction, which is unusual for this tims of year. With the advent of spring a rush of settlers la expected In all parts of the county. Clarke county haa experienced a great Increase In population during the past two years, most of the newcomers being of a thrifty class. A majority of them have Improved their farms, some thing necessary to the permanent up building of the country. OLD LANDMARK IS DESTROYED BY FIRE (Special Dispatch to The Journal.) Oregon City. Or., Dec. 10 At about :jn o'clock laat night a fire broke out In a room occupied by a Chinese Janitor In a part of the old brewery, which is located at the rear of the Welnhard building, and newt to the railroad tract, and before the fire department got out a brisk wind had fanned the fiamea until the fire had a big headway, and It waa only by prompt work that the fiamea were brought under control. The brewery waa a landmark of Ore gon City. It waa built In the year 15 by a Mr. Brumbull. For the past few yeara the building haa been used by Chris Hartmann as a stable for his horses. The building is a total loss, and the Welnhard estate la the loser to about the extent or 11,200. Frank Bush recently built a furniture factory adjolntng the brewery, and had It all fitted up In modem machinery, tools, and but a few days ago had se cured a large atock of moulding which waa atored therein. Bush estimates his loss at about 13,000. EX-POLICEMAN 0LSS0N GREW WEARY OF LIFE Despondent owing to Illness and pri vate troubles, former Policemen Frank Olsson. Janitor nt the Scottish Rite cathedral, slsshed his throat with a pocket-knife with suicidal intent yester day afternoon. He was discovered ly ing unconscious in a room In the base ment. Dr. K. A. J. MacKensle ordered Olasnn removed to St. Vincent's hospital, where he la In a preearioua condition owing to loss of blood, though he haa a fair chance of recovery- , . . Olsson has acted rather peculiarly for some time. He has been Janitor at the cathedral for the last 18 months and with hla wife occupied apartments in the building. HABEAS CORPUS WRITS FOR DEPUTY SHERIFFS Attorney Henry E. McGinn this after noon la preparing writs of habeas corpus for the release of Deputy Sheriffs Mor den. Wise, Cordano snd Holllngsworth. who have been taken Into custody on chsrges of assault and battery In con nection with the Portland club affair. The writs are to be aerved Immedi ately, and will bo doubt bring the queatlon to a legal Issue before the oourts for final adjudication. GUY HUFF IS ARRESTED AGAIN Ouy Huff was arrested late this af ternoon at the Oxford hotel on a John Doe warrant which had been Issued this morning out of the United States court. He is alleged to be the man who committed some of the forgeries In connection with the cases against I'uter. McKlnley et al.. another trial of which will begin next Tuesday. TBAOKBB AT WA. (Special Dispatch to The Journal.) Chemawa, Or., Decr-10 John McMul- len, who was appointed teacher here from Yalnsa. arrived at the school yes terday. He will fill the position former ly held by Miss K. A. O'Brien. Mtss O'Rrlen resigned some time ago. Her class haa been taught In the Intermis sion by the advanced pupils. TO (Journal Special Service, i Washington. Dec. 10. President announced to several caller today that there would be n extra ses sion of congress next spring for a re vision of tarirr. The question of an extra session next fall la still In abeyance. i A Orant county horsethlef was sen tenced to only one year In the pen. With moat Judge such light sentences are out of data. FORYOURCHOOSINC Choice Bits of Furniture and Draperies for Christ mas Presents. A Fine Line of Pianola Musk Cabins. Piano Scarfs and Quaint Artistic Benches. Any one contemplating buying gifts of this sort should see what we have. Juat here from the factory of Udell Brothers, the famous designers and makers of artistic furniture, some very choice Pianola Muaic Cabineta. While they have been provided by ua for hold ing the Pianola music rolls, many are selecting them for sheet music cabinets. They are all enclosed so as to exclude the dust and made of very choice speci mens or walnut, manogany wr niui and will prova very dainty and welcome presents. Prices on these, aa well as on our beautiful collection of artistic scarfs, stools and benches, will be found ex ceedlngly reasonable. And Christmas Piano. Tee Thla present collection of ours Is the most complete exposition of ths highest grade key Instruments, pianos, orches trelles, the Pianola, Metrostyle Pianola. Church and Parlor organs, that the Northwest haa ever Been. They are pronounced by the very best Judgea a moat extraordinary collection of the highest types of art, and mual clans are no less emphatic in then commendation of the tone qualltlea of these pianos. j . . Tney are. In fact, the world'a accepted standard. Chtckering, Weber and Kim ball pianos have no superiors. And these are what constitute our Christ mas showing, ss well aa such other fa mous makea as the HaseltoraT Lester, Crown Orchestral. Hobart M. Cable. Haddorft. Schumann, Schiller. Baua. etc. etc Those contemplating . the Christmas purchase of a piano will find prices well within reaaon, whether they deaire to . ' 1 i. . , WaHach secure one ui oui Chlckerlngs or Klmballs. or a good piano OI more rauun.iD " " r. " " ' system of Installment paymenta bo moderate and so simple thst there will be nothing to stsnd in the way of their securing the piano most to their liking. Pianos intended as Christmas presents will be held by us for Christmas deliv ery. The Pianola Piano This new piano comblnea In a single compact Instrument an upright piano of the highest grade and a Metrostyle Pi anola. The Pianola mechanism, includ ing the Metrostyle attachment, is built right in the case, rendering it instantly available for playing by means of a perforated music roll. It is equally available for hand play ing by those who have learned how to play with the fingers. When the panel admitting the music roll Is closed the foot pedals sre folded up. there Is nothing to distinguish It from the fa miliar style of upright plsno. Prices 600 to 1 1,000. purchasable on eaay monthly Installments. Pianos of all other makes taken In exchange. Etlers Piano House, HI Washington street, corner Park, the West's most popular and reliable piano concern. CONCORDIA CLUB WANTS NEW HOME Committee Will Look for Suitable Site and Secure Estimates - : of Building. WILL SPEND TWENTY THOUSAND DOLLARS President Marcus Fleischner Says Money Will Be Raised and House Erected Soon. A club house project that has been discussed for the last year among mem bers ef the Concordia club Is now tak ing definite form, and Prealdent Marcus Fleischner win Wert week sppolnt a committee to make a thorough canvass of the subject. At a meeting held Thursday evening s motion waa adopted authorising the committee to look for a sultsble site and secure estimates of coat of a building. It Is the sense of the club that about 120.000 should be ex pended end that a home club house, with nothing in the line of stores or offices, should be built. "Owing to the Illness of our secretary, I have not named a committee," said President Fleischner, today, "but I will do so next week, and the committee will Immediately 'get busy.' We have con cluded that the time Is here for securing a permanent home for the Concordia club. We have a number of lots under consideration, and the committee will accept, the most favorable offer. Noth ing definite In plans or specifications has yet been presented, but we will probably have a building embracing all the mod ern features of club homea. auch as reception rooms, library, banqueting room, ballroom, batha. and a gymnaalum. bllllarda and bowling, and a buffet or kitchen. "The committee will solicit enough to give aaaurance that the required amount of money can be raised. If, sfter these Investigations have been made, the situation looks favorable, the whole plan will be perfected and the work of carrying it forward will begin In earneat. I have no doubt that wa will be able to raise the neceasary money." x SOUTHERN PACIFIC MAY TUNNEL RICE HILL (Special Dispatch to The Jftarnal. ) Roseburg, Or., Dec. 10. It Is reported here that the Southern Pacific will In the year ItOt tunnel Bice hill, 31 mllea north of this place. The grade at this point Is very heavy and In the long run the company. It Is said, will save money on the project, as It la now required to use helpers continually. This fall much work haa been done nar thla place to straighten the track snd lower the percentage of the grade. The supposition, la that the engineers have discovered that It will be cheaper to go through ths mountain than to cut down part of It and still have a good part of the grade left. There la also going the rounds rumor that the company Intends to build a new steel bridge at Winchester. Ave miles north of here. In place Of the wooden one which now spans the North ITmpqua river. A couple of Albany men were going home last night, and one was telling a atorv ahout a well digger he had known hark east, when s savage voice behind them angrily ejaculated: "Come, now. shut up about well diggers; I want you to understand I am Juat aa good CARRIAGES aaaaaC aaaaaaaaal CsasWBarVTVLaal aaaalaBaalt3aBj)asaaWBaal aasCsBaaBBaal aE BaaaaaHrBBBanrBsfl aaaasaaS"laaaWaV bOIM U RasaBBasI A ijuilUji LSI sai MaW JWMM laaaaaaaaaH B FrfM BssssWsssfBssMH C WE aaaaaWtaaal TISkBWBH BsT'l3ssBssal irfsssBl Wf BaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaB aJJjBfjw? OUR FACTORY, THE LARGEST OF ITS KIND IN THE WORLD . Cover 101 Acres. Annual Capacity 100,000 Vehicles. SOUTH BEND, IND. BRANCHES New York, Chicago, San Francisco, Portland, Or., Kansas City, Salt Lake City, 330-336 EAST MORRISON STREET TO STOP ILLEGAL ENTRANCE OF ALIENS Department of Commerce and Labor Plans to Establish Fleet of Swift Launches. I Special Dispatch to The Journal.) Seattle. Dec. 10. Captain Tosler, for many yeara commander of the revenue cutter Orant. may be transferred to shore duty at Seattle and placed In command of a fleet of swift launches which the department of commerce and labor pro poses to establiah In connection with the Immigration aervice In the Puget sound district. In a few days It Is expected that the launches Guard and Scout will be detached from the treasury depart ment service In customs work and sent to the immigration station here. If Cap tain Toslar la assigned to their command and the addition of several new boats that Captain Shoemaker, chief of the revenue cutter service, and Chief Sergeant of tha Immigration bureau, will recommend to be added by, purchase or building. It will leave a vacancy In the command of the Orant to be filled. At the present time the local Immigra tion officers have no vessels In which to watch the hundreds of aliens who monthly are brought Into the United States from over the Canadian border. In sloops and olhsr craft. When not otherwise engaged the revenue cutter service haa given lta atd. but thla has been unsatisfactory, as when wanted thay could not be obtained. It la now planned to put a stop to the lllegsl entrance of aliens Into this district and the addition of the fleet to the local bureau la the first to move In that direc tion. Always Just Right. "Our Own mature.",. A perfect pipe tobacco 8IO BICHKL, CO. Bou-v-garrm dollab cawt ilwati aa sad. Lewis & Clark Co n Brooch for a Xmas Present Price H.SO aaf kith a Ltwta a Clark SeWiolar Mounted on thle beautiful gold wreath, the coin not the least marred or mutil ated sold over the countsr or ma l len to sny sddress st 14. Mr for slae Mo. 1. snd 15 for Ma 2. ThsT coin alone sell at I they grow la age. o nmntm oo . sen aad ailverem SSS lurrls en St, sSjBW f .jr- .Sanaa'"' sasP S aasaaSSSSsW" e" BaaaajBSSBBBSBBSSSSBBB aSBBBBBBS. WAGONS PORTLAND BRJiNCH STIDEBAKER BROS. CO. NORTHWEST LUMBERMEN TO MAKE A GENERAL APPEAL Dominion Government at Ottawa to Be Confronted with In sistent Demand. (special IHapatrh tn Tha Joarnal. 1 Vancouver, B. C, Dec. 10. The lum bermen of British Columbia are to co operate with those of all Canada In the appeal to be made to the dominion gov ernment for a duty on lumber. Hitherto the lumber manufacturers of the vari ous aectlons have made application at different tlmea, but on the present oc casion a determined co-operative stand Is to be msde. A large and representa tive delegation of Canadian lumbermen will bring the matter to the attention of the government early next year, so thst there will be no excuse advanced thnt It was not known In time. For eight years representatlona have been made to Ottawa In regard to thla assistance to the lumber Industry, but up to ths present time they have been Ignored. It haa now reached a serious stage and- the manufacturers will de mand their righta from the government and endeavor to have a duty Imposed upon lumber. 0. A. C. CADETS MAY VISIT g LEWIS AND CLARK FAIR taper is 1 Dispatch to The Jmiraal.) forvallls. Or.. JDec. 10 Plana are be ing perfected for th Oregon Agri cultural college cadet regiment to spend 10 daye at the Lewla and Clark exposi tion at Portland In encampment next June, probably Immediately after com mencement at the college here. The ni.hinstnn a arrlciil t urnl rolleae la also some tlms during the fair to encamp for 10 days, and grounns ror camping ns been promised them by the exposition management. Because of thla it la thought a like conceeslon will be msdo the Oregon Agricultural college regi ment. Permission for the Oregon Agri cultural college men to go haa been secured from the war department, and a guarantee made that tenting, cota and other 'neceeeerlea will be provided. The Oregon Agricultural college eon .iu jnn men itt tnfftntrv eomnentes and dstschments each of artillery. signal corps engineers- corps, nospiioi corps and a hand of 14 plecea. If plans M.i.ri.liss the encamnment will be an Interesting feature of the fair, besides losiig the Oregon Agricultural college a turn at general advert la lng THE OLD SHOP Where the Great Work Waa Begun la 1132. FEARS EAGLE MAY SOON FACE THE BEAR Chancellor of Nebraska State University Addresses Stu dents in Seattle. (Special Dispatch to Tha Journal i Seattle, Dec. 10. In the preeence of 800 students and their friends, gathered In Denny hall at the State university Thursday night, E. Benjamin Andrews, chancellor of the Nebraska State unl veralty, delivered an address on "The Problems of Oreater America." In the courao of hie remarks he Bald: "Our country has passed through a tranaltion period. I am among those who are sorry we ever made the change We must go forward or rsnounce all claims to a position In the front of progress. "Pltfslls beset us on every hand aa we advance Into the position of a world's power and upon the careful thought of our people in considering each step rests the ultimate success of the glorious hopes we entertain for our country." fie "declared that without the careful handling of the problems of state, and even if they are handled In the moet careful manner, the time may not be far distant when the eagle will face the bear. TRANSACTIONS AT LAND OFFICE IN LA GRANDE La Orande. Or.. Dec. 10. The busi ness transactsd In the United States land office In I .a Orande In the past month was In part as follows: Cash entries. 6.044.18 acres. tl6.I7; min eral entries, 76.1S7 acrea. tlSO; final desert entries, 40 acres. 140; original deaerl entries. 2,732.91 acres. M83.21; ( coal declarations, tie: 1 mining appli cation. 110; 6 timber and atone appli cation fee. 1310'. (1 homestead entries, s.146.4.0 acres. I9M.M; It final home steads. 4,114.10 seres. salea of Umatilla Indian lands. t3.Me.01; depre dations) on the public timber, SS44.70. Much other miscellaneous business area transacted, bringing the total receipts up to fftpeetal Dispatch to The tarsal.) Victoria. B. C . Dae. 10 KIl-na-Meet. a Nawlttl Indian, supposed to have killed four persons, has surrendered to the of ficers and been placed In confinement at Alert Bay. according tn the newe Just receives here. With him If being an s trial. HARNESS Denver, Dallas, Texas. PORTLAND, OREGON CORVALLIS POULTRY SHOW IS A SUCCESS Portland and Cresham Exhibitors Among the List of Prize Winners. (Special Dispatch to Tha Journal.) Corvallis.. Or., Dec. 10. The Corvallle poultry show has proven all that lta promoters hsd hoped that It would he. The attendance haa been moat gratify ing and the number and variety of ex hibits have never been excelled at a similar show in this section of the coun try. Yesterday afternoon the women had full away at the show snd refresh ments were served to all visitors. The evening attendance has been larger than during the day. but altogether It haa been very satisfactory. The abow olosea thla evening at IS o'clock. Among the prise winners were: Blue Andelustana, 12 entries Cock erel: First. D. M. Oalbreath, Monmouth; second. Filbert Poultry yards. Oresham' third end fourth. D. M. Oalbreath, Mon ro out!.. Hens: First, Phllberta Poultry yards; second, third and fourth. D. M. Oalbreath. Pullets: Firet. and second, D. M. Oalbreath. third and fourth, Phll berta Poultry yards Black Laxngslian. three entries All to Prank Fanwiok. Portland , Barred Plymouth Bocks, cocka-TOver-vlew Poultry yards, first end second; cockerel, first, second and third. Hen Nichols and Hernials. Albany, first; Orant Thompson, second. Pullet Nich ols and Dannala. first, second and third. White Rocka, cockerel Ed Schoel. first; E. H. Bauer, second. Hen Dick Klger, first. Wallace; Hurlburt. second Pullet E. H. Bauer, firet and second. The president's silver cup waa awarded to J L. H os kins. Newberg. for best pen In the show Black Minorca Ths as sociation cup for the 10 blghsst scor ing birds Is g tie between J. M. Porter end Dr. Looter, for White Wysndottee and allver Penciled Wyandot tea The citizens eup for the beet collection Dpt Deeter. Judge Minds leeves todsy for California He will prretde at the Albany show December 1 to 11. iwiii Dispatch te TW Jnsrssl.) HUlsborn. Or . Dec. 10. The damage case of W A. Spencer against U. II. letter wbb on trial In the circuit eeaart since Tuesday and went to the J" Thursday at 4 o'clock. Teetereay the Jury returned a verdict In favor of tha plaintiff for tn mmomm his m