The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, December 10, 1904, Page 2, Image 2

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Gamblers Take Desperate Meant to Gain Possession of the No
torious Portland, and a Fight Follows Between
Sheriffs Deputies and the Ousted Men.
Poolsellers Had Officers Arrested and Were About to Fill the
Place with Armed Hordes from North End and Ply Their
Calling in Defiance of Law.
Under explicit order from hla u
perlors to permit the entrance of no
one Into the pUce and to "ahoot to kill"
If forcible entrance la attempted.
Deputy Sheriff George Wise hold
poaaesaion of the Portland club, Fifth
and Alder atreeta, today. He la armed
and declarea hi Intention of obeying
orders Implicitly.
In Coroner J. P: Flnley' hands la a
warrant for the arrest of Under-Sherlff
Morden on the charge of aaaault and
battery. I'ndar-Bherlff, Morden declare
that he will not be arreitod. Coroner
Flnley aaaerta that the warrant will be
served this afternoon. Three warrant
for llorden's arrest were Issued from
Justice Reed' .court yesterday after
noon charging assault and battery upon
Peter Grant and Nathan Solomon. They
wore to the complaints.
Prompt action on the part of the
aherlffs officers last night prevented
the successful execution of what I said
to be a plan conceived by the proprietor
of the Portland club to cause the arrest
of the deputy sheriff In charge of the
place, aelxe possession of the building,
fill It with -armed men from the Bailor
boarding houae and other north end
resorts and bold tt against the sheriffs
force and mil other who attempted to
enforce the law. Deputy Sheriff Wise,
who was stationed at the building, was
arrested by Coroner J. P. Flnley, but
otherwise the plot failed In Its execu
tion. Sheriff
Uiider-Sherlff Morden, with a force of
deputies, besieged the place aa soon as
he learned of the removal of Wise, and
soon regained possession. Wise was
again placed In charge with Instructions
to submit to arrest by no one and to
prevent any one from entering the
The situation 1 the result of the raid
upon the Portland club Thursday when
the sheriff's officers took possession of
the place. It was there that Nate
Solomon la said to have operated a hand
book. It Is also claimed by deputy
sheriffs that a faro layout waa left In
the building when tt was seised. Effort
to find the outfit have been unsuccess
ful. In Justice Reed's court yesterday
afternoon a warrant for the arreat of
George Wise waa issued upon complaint
of J. A. Morris, charging assault and
battery. Three others were Issued for
the arrest of Under-Sherlff Granville
P. Morden, charging similar offenses.
J. A. Morrla, Pete Grant and Nats
Solomon were the complainants.
Coroner Serves Warrants on Offloer.
The warrant were placed In the
hands of the coroner for service. Tho
law exacts such duty from the coroner
when action Is begun against the sheriff
or a sheriff's officer.
Mr. Flnley went at once to the Port
land club and served the warrant. Wis
attempted, to communicate with hi of
fice by telephone, but discovered that
the wires had been cut. He waa taken
before Justice Reed who released htm
on hla own recognisance to appear at
10 o'clock this morning. H failed to
appear and the case was postponed until
S ..o'clock because of the Inability of
Judge H. E. McGinn, hla counsel, to
(Journal special Service.)
Washington, Dec. 10. Second Lieut
Pau N. McDonald of th Tenth Infan
try, who recently resigned, came to
Washington to urge the acceptance of
hla resignation.
H wa yesterday placed under arrest
on charges preferred by the regimental
commander at Port Lawton, Wash.,
alleging various irregularities In his
financial transactlona. Including the
duplication of pay accounts. McDonald
has been sent to Fort Lawton for trial.
ijournal special Service.)
Auburn. Cel.. Dec 10. District At
torney Robinson received a letter this
morning from State's Attorney George
Webb stating that he would be In Au
burn Monday to look over the Weber with. him. The a-rand lurv will
bring in an Indictment against Weber
for tlie Placer bank robbery.
Home Made
Have your cake, muffins, and tea bis
cuit home-made. They will be fresher,
cleaner, more tasty and wholesome. .
Royal Baking Powder helps the house
wife to produce at home, quickly and eco
nomically, fine and tasty cake, the raised
hot-biscuit, puddings, the frosted layer
cake, crisp cckies, crullers, crusts and
muffins, with which the ready-made food
found at the bake-shop or grocery does
not compare.
Royal is the greatest of bake-day helps.
A soon as the deputy wa deposed
the coroner left one of his men in
charge of the Portland club. It waa
then. It la saiil. that those who contrived
the plot had hoped to install their armed
force from the north end. It had been
carefully planned In every detail, even
to the cutting of th telephone wires
from the building. It wss thought that
at leaat half an hour and perhaps a
longer time would elapse before the
news of th downfall of the place
reached the herlff's office, and at least
another SO minute or more would be
necessary to decide on what course to
pursue and (o gather th sheriff's forces
for th attack.
Deputy Cordano's Clever Sua
But th plana of th Portland club
proprietor war like the best-laid
scheme of other men and mica. They
went astray.
Deputy Cordano ueed a clever rue to
gain possession. Ha wa on th aaet
id when he heard of the trouble.
Haatenlng over to the club he found
Coroner Flnley In charge. He asked
for Under Sheriff Morden. Morden waa
not there, he was told, but Holllngs
worth was there.
"Oh, I won't tak orders from Hol
llngsworth or any one but Morden," he
aald, "pleaae, may I us the 'phone?"
and he atepped past th other officer
Into th room. Onoe Inside he turned on
F-lnley and Informed him that he, th
sheriff's officer, was la charge of th
place and would stay In charge.
Previous to that time, however, Pete
Grant had succeeded In gaining entrance
Into the second story through a eliding
window In th roof. H declares thai
he found ths door to his private office
and other doors unlocked and proceeded
to lock them. Then he placed a youth
named William Gorman In his ofllce.
Gorman la aald to bear marka which
show he waa In a fight, but Grant Is un
scathed. Will right Gamblers to the Mad.
Grant declare that there ware valu
able paper and jewelry In hi office,
and! that he left the young man there to
guard them. Officers, on ths other hand,
assert that Grant was attempting to
conceal or bear away a faro layout that
waa In th place and which would have
furnished damaging evidence against
the proprietors of the club.
Gorman was arrested on th charge
of burglary, and taken before Judge
George, who held special session of his
court. He was released In the sum of
$500. which was provided by Jack Grant
and Larry Sullivan, who accompanied
"The gamblers ara almply trying to
cause all kinds of trouble for the sher
iff's forces," aald Judge McGinn, "In
the hope that they will And It too an
noying to continue their fight against
gambling. However, they will find
themselves mistaken, for the offlcera
will continue In spite of any obstacles
the gamblers may place in their way.
They held the Portland club simply In
obedience to their duty In carrying out
th law.
"I shall advise them to submit and
consider themselves under a technical
arrest If he other warrants are served.
We won't make much of an effort In the
Justice's court, but the caaea will be
carried as soon u possible to a higher
court, where they will be fought to the
(Journal Special ferric.)
New York, Dec. 10. The next session
of the Nan Patterson trial will be held
Monday and It la likely the state'
case will be presented In Its entirety by
the end of the week.
Miss Patterson is In better health and
spirits today than ahe has been for soma
time and I rapidly Improving from th
effect of her recent Illness.
mm cm r u
in mnr tobue.
(Journal Special Berries.)
Nw York. Dec. 10. Mayor McClellan
had Prince Fushlml as a guest at dinner
today, others preaent Included promi
nent representatives of tbe commercial
and financial Interests of the metropolis.
The prince hss arranged to leave next
Tueaday on his homeward Journey. En
route to San Francisco he will stop at
Chicago,' Denver and possibly one or t w
other points, his arrangementa in this
regard not having been perfected aa yet.
Allen & Gilbert-Ramaker Co Jm
Vanguard of the Canine-Eating
Igorrottes Come to At
tend the Fair.
The Little Brown Brothers from
Across the Sea Attract
Much Attention.
T. K. Hunt of Manila arrived In Port
land thl morning with two Igorrote
belonging to the band of 200 now camped
at Seattle. He took th tribesmen to the
fair ground and selected a spot for the
Igorrote portion of the Philippine ex
hibit. The native were object of grant curi
osity on the- atresia. They weai cloth
ing in thl climate. They have hair
hanging down to their shoulders una
small basket ha'. f'xed on th backs of
their head. In their ear are large
ring, and tbe lobea of tha ear ara so
torn that th queer visitors keep their
pipes and dgai -holders comfortably
lodged In the Bills. The Igorrote were
photographed scores of time, and were.
In spite of (he cold weather, induced by
the official photographer of th expo
sition to appear bnce in native garb.
Mr. Hunt, who waa In tha army rvlce
In the Philippine for five years and who
Is held In high esteem by the natives
for his kind treatment of them, la of
tha opinion that several hundred Igor
rottes will be here for the fair, although
nothing definite can b stated concerning
the matter now.
Sometime today Mr. Hunt Is to be
married to Mis Sallle Gallagher, a
beautiful Kansas girl, who came here to
meet her affianced husband. - T
The prospective groom had rather ah
amusing experience this morning when
tie went to the court house to secure a
marriage license. He had the pair of
Igdrrottes with him.
"Which Is the femaleT asked Deputy
Clerk PraBp, observing no difference In
the appearance of the natives.
"Neither." was the reply. "I desire
the marriage license and these are my
The deputy scratched his head, turned
the matter over in his mind a few min
ute and finally concluded that Igorrotte
would not be acceptable wltnee. At
which Mr. Hunt rushed down the street
to get the hotel clerk to accompany him
to th clerk' office.
Mr. Hunt Is authority ror tn siate
ment that Igorrotte are really dog
eaters. The favorite diet of the band at
Seattle Is canine. The natlvea he has
with him. however, are more nearly civil
ised than the others, and forego the
habit when It Is possible. The party
will return to Seattle tomorrow.
i Journal Spatial Service.)
in, Pi Tier 10. Two masked
men at noon knocked down and gagged
MUa m Ala clerk of the Leahy coal
mining offices. In the Masonlo temple
la. this city, bound him to th sat
m .1.1. at aa
The money was in a satchel rydy to
be taken to pay off the miners.
Will Destroy th aallway mabate Sys
tems and lw Evasions.
(Jnurnal Special Service.)
New York. Dec. 10. A special to the
Press at Washington says: "It may be
t down a a legislative certalntjr that
i ' ....... i.. i i n, i . it will obtain from
ccngreaa a law which will give exact
justice to all interstate snippcra,
will be defeated in a siragni-oui nsm
with the railroads and their allied cor
The president will have no middle-road
ii... i ,n..., ii... rillriiHils will nrove
llllll" .1 , . . . w . ..... -
stronger than the American people or
they will accept legislation ..
of congress which will destroy for all
i ... a th. r.ii. i. aval em and other eva
sions of the law which mak the high
ways or commerce open m u"n
vored shippers and closed to manufac
turers who have no ecret agreement
with the railroads.
The president Is angry all through be
cause of a statement that any combina
tion of railroad president wun irwnu
In th United State senate can control
the making of laws of the United State. lu ronvlncad that his 2.000,
000 majority 1 not only a vot of confi
dence, but also a commana oy in. p
pl that be hould carry out the evident
Intent of tbe Republican national con
vention when It solemnly promised th
voter that Illegal lima of capi
tal Bhould be curbed and every shipper
be made equal before the law.
From the Chicago News.
ttonkVcener The buss cam in and
caught me taking a kias from the pretty
stenographer. Actually said I wss dis
Mall Clerk In what way?
RnAkkeenar Said I was taklna some
thing that belonged to him.
Beat -Cashier in Peoria and Es
cape in Buggy with Big
Sum of Money.
(Journal Special Service.)
Peoria, 111., Dec. 10. Two men held
up the Peoria National bank at 1:10
o'clock this afternoon. They entered
with drawn revolver and ordered the
teller to throw up hla hands. The man
did- not obey quickly enough and the
robber snapped their revolver which
refuaed to go oft. They then beat the
assistant cashier over the head, held
another employe at bay, grabbed th
money that waa In sight and escaped In
a buggy. It 1 believed the amount
taken wa large.
A posse was hurriedly formed, but
the robbers were lost sight of before
they had been Identified by any of those
who responded to the first alarm that
was given by the bank officials. Tha
animal attached to the buggy In which
the robbers escaped appeared to be en
dowed with remarkable speed. It Is
thought that the two men had a con
federate stationed at aome near by barn
who hurriedly secreted them as well
aa the horse and buggy, aa not the
least trace of either has been found.
Three Skiff Loads of Explosive
Shatters Craft and Windows
at Sisterville.
(Joarnal Special Serf tee.)
Ashland. Ky . Deo. lu.- -Three Skiff
load of nitroglycerin with two man In
each skiff exploded near Sisterville,
Ky., at 1:30 o'clock this afternoon, blow
ing the men and skiff to pieces. Th
concussion broke many windows In Ash
land, CatUettaburg and Huntington. The
namea of the men are unknown. They
were employed in railroad oonatniotlon
near Mayavlll. The three craft war
near one another at th tlm of th ca
tastrophe. How th accident occurred
will probably never be known to a cer
tainty. The supposition Is that a vio
lent blow or concussion waa accldantly
experienced by one of the skiffs. Th
force of the blow exploded th dan
gerous load the craft carried and the
concussion from thl In turn caused th
annihilation of th other two boats.
S. Benson, Blmcoe Chapman and Ed
ward Cooklngham have gone to Seattle
to meet representative of logging Inter
ests of Gray' harbor and Puget sound
and formulate plana for securing relief
from difficulties that confront the trans
portation of logs in the state of Wash
ington. Recently th supreme court of
Washington rendered a decision nullify
ing the Waahlngton law. that was aimed
to give logging companies the right of
eminent domain In proceedings for con
demnation of land for light of way In
the building of logging railroads.
Many Portland logging and lumbering
concerna are Interested and are working
in harmony with Waahlngton loggers to
secure an nmendment to the constitution
of the state of Waahlngton by which
they might enjoy the right of eminent
domain for a logging railroad, as is now
possessed by the public railroad or com
mon carrier. At a meeting held In Port
land this' week and attended by a num
ber of logging men from Puget aound
and Portland territory the following
committee wa appolnted' direct th
campaign: Hollts Alger, W. B. Ayr,
Sylvester Farrell and B. Benaon.
(Journal Special Service.)
Denver, Col., Dec. 10. James F. Mul
Mns, Patrick Bold, William Bergman
and J. P. Kltaon, election Judge and
..! ,.r ..-atiw-t n ward R were
found guilty of fraud In connection
with the election Dy ma supremo cuuri
this morning.
Mullin was sentenced to erv nine
month tn Jail and pay a fine of 1800;
Bergman and Kltson got six months im
prisonment and are to pay "nee of $500.
and Beld 1b to serve three months tn
(Joarnal Special Berries.)
San Bernardino, Cal., Dec. 10. The
Artsona rangers have taken up th trail
of ths Santa Fe express robber. All
suspects have been turned loose by the
sheriff. It ts rumored Williams, th
negro, who 1 held under bond, ha
given Important Information clearing
hlmelf. The rangera are In hot pur
ault of a suspect.
(Joarnal Special Service.)
Chicago. Dec. 10. The long expeoted
bill of Dr. Zelgler for professional r
vlce to Mr. Harrlat VcVlakar, who
died In Pasadena, Cal., In August, has
been filed In the probate conrt and calls
for flSMfO. Th claim will to coo-taated.
Japanese Coast Defense Vessel
Sent Down Off Port Arthur's
Ocean Graveyard.
Official Report of Russian Losses
in the Inner Harbor Is Re
N ceived at Tokio.
(Joarnal Special Service I
Toklo. Dec 10. The news was re
ceived here today that the Japaneae
coast defense vessel Sal yen was sent to
the bottom by contact With a mine on
November 10.
Thirty-eight men of her crew, Includ
ing Captain Tajlma, wer loat.
The Salyen had been on duty with tne
blockading fleet off Port Arthur for
several months, and owing to her struc
ture had been of peculiar value to th
fleet, being enabled to run close In.
She was coming from a alow tour or
Inspection when h struck a mechani
cal mine outside the harbor and wa
Instantly shattered amidships. 8he
wont down almost at once, but the
greater portion of the men of the crew
wer enabled to lower boat and save
themselves. Other succeeded in keep
ing afloat until rescued. The Salyen
waa of 2.481 tons.
Th naval commander of the naval
artillery at Port Arthur today reports
as follows:
"Friday's bombardments set fire to
th Russian cruiser Bayan, which heeled
to port ft degrees, nearly capslslng.
"The battleships Retvlaanajid Poltava
are submerged to their upper deck,
and th cruiser Pallada and battleahlp
Pobleda have heeled to port and star
board respectively, exposing their hulls
below th water line.
"The battleahlp Poroevlc 1 submerged
In high tide to her sternwalk and her
topedo tub at the bow.
"The unarmored gunboat Qtltyak 1
otoa In shore and la Hating consider
able. She Is believed to be resting on
th bottom.
"Th battleship Sevastopol was re
moved at dawn Friday to an anchorage
In the outer roadstead, presumably for
th purpose of escaping our shells."
(Joarnal Special Service.)
London, Dec 10. The St Petersburg
correspondent of the Central News wires
that tt Is reported In diplomatic circles
that Russia has offered to cancel the
remaining Turklah Indebtedness to Rus
sia. Incurred. a a war Indemnity, pro
vided th sultan allows th Russian
Black sea fleet to pass tha Dardanelles.
Thar 1 no confirmation.
(Journal Special Service.)
Perth Amboy, N. J., Deo. 10 Nine
torpedo boats, built for the Russian gov
ernment In local shipyards, will bo
shipped today. They will be taken on
a barge to New York, where, they will be
reshlpped on a liner. A 10th and larger
boat will cross th ocean under It own
(Continued from Pag On.)
that he did not think It waa obliga
tory on him to follow this procedure In
an extreme case Ilk th on under con
sideration. "Th severity of Hlghtower sen
tence Is so outrageous that I feel Justi
fied tn my action, and In repeating It
should occasion call ror another pardon.
In this or any caae like It." he declared.
He expressed the opinion that, while
Judge Hogue meant well, he some
times failed to use discrimination be
tween case requiring heavy punlahment
and those requiring light sentence.
Telegrams announce th death of Rev
Dr. R. C. Houghton, formerly a wall
known preacher, who left this city aome
year ago end became a realdent of
Maiden, a suburb of Boston. Hi health
had failed prior to hi departure from
Portland. Dr. Houghton waa a Methhd
lat minister during hla residence here,
and the Orace Methodist church was
butlt and dedicated under hla leadership.
He severed his connection with Method
Ism and became a Congregationalism and
during th last years of hi life he waa
connected with the work of th Ameri
can board of that church, and was en
gaged In educational work, having re
signed from the ministry whan h left
th Methodist church.
(Journal Spealal Set-rice.)
Sldell, 111., Deo. 10. The Rankin
family, of six member, waa found dead
In bed this morning from eating boiled
Three other death have occurred In
th vicinity from the same cause.
T. ST.
( Journal Special Berries.)
Washington, Deo. 10. Included In th
list of vice-presidents elected by the
National Ctvtl Service Reform league
yesterday appears the nam of Thomas
N. Strong of Portland, Or. Tbe league
closed Its convention last evening after
devoting a good portion of the day to
President Roosevelt's exemptions in
civil service
(Josrsal Special Serrlee.)
Chicago, Deo. lo. Rabbl Abraham
OUck was yesterday snowballed by six
boys, th oldest of whom was hut 14
years of age, and aa a result died a abort
tlm afterward. Tha arreat of th boy
followed. It I supposed that aome of
th snowballs, contained stones, one of
which struck the rabbi In the back of
th head and cauaed his death.
TO mrmimm.
Journal Special sen lea.)
Chicago, Do. 10. A Christmas present
of cash will be given by th Interna
tional Aesoolatlon of Machinists to all
member on strike In Chicago. Bach
man who Is working has been asked to
contribute at least one day's pay to a
fund for tha purpose. Ther are 60
machinists on strike and S.60A working,
and It la expected that $10 to $16 will be
given each recipient.
A splendid pew book a work that will
K. nt le.m.'nitnn ttifaTeiilnhle value
to all who receive It has Just been Is
sued at coat of over 16.000 by a dis
tinguished specialist, a man famous In
Europe and America for his noble, scien
tific and humane work. Resrardleaa of
the great expense of publishing this
work. Its author will gtve away 16.000
copies, absolutely free of charge. The
work could easily have made nls for
tune, had he placed It on aale. Casting
away all thought of gain, he gladly of
fers It to the public as a free gift, he
cause he knows It will mean life itself
to all who read Its pages.
CAD yeara Its author. Dr. Sproule, B.
vlt A., well-known aa a leader among
the a-reat nhllanthronlata of North
America, labored night and day to dis
cover a perfect, permanent cur for Ca
tarrh. H sacrificed time, energy and
money to gain hi end. Step by step
he worked his way along new pat ha, out
stripping hta rivals on two continents.
Send for the
Do not delay, a th edition 1 going rapidly. Th demand for the book Is
enormous. Everybody wanta It. Already grateful letter are coming back
from thoe who have received it. It I doing all and mor than Dr. Hproula. In
hi sympathy and whole-heartedneas had planned for It. If you or any of your
family need It. send for It today. It is offered willingly freely gladly that
you may avail yourself of Us wonderful aid its certain relief. Write your
name and address plainly on the dotted lines, cut out and forward to
SB. SPBOTJU (Graduate
in Medicine and Surgery,
Dublin University, Ireland,
formerly Surgeon British
Royal Naval Mall Service!
130 Trade Building. Soston.
. you win receive
thl valuable book free of
all charge.
Shoe-Safety in
Selz Royal Blue Shoes
Shoe safety means a lot of things that you
want when you spend your shoe-money.
It means being sure of good quality, good,
fit, good style, good value for the price. It
means satisfaction to you in every respect
You are sure of all this when you get a
shoe with the name Selz on it
You may get it with some other shoe, or
not; you're sure of it with Selz Royal Blue
Price $3.50 and $4.00.
Outfitters to Men and Boy
Mohawk Building
Peter Olsen was hsld to the grand
Jury today by Folic Judge Hogue to
answer a charge of threatening to kill
K. Hunter, steward on th steamer
Joseph Kellogg; bonds, 1100. Hs waa
fined 120 on th charge of carrying a
weapon concealed.
In a fracas resulting over oisen s ne
mandlng money due him from Hunter
yesterday, OUen is alleged to have
drawn a revolver and to have frightened
Hunter's wife so badly that she fainted.
She was able to appear In court thl
morning as a witness against him.
(Jearasl gpeelsl Service.)
ci. tw 10. The Grand Orient of
France,' angered at accusation thst
Deputy Byretpn. who slapped General
Christian Science Lecture
C. S. B.. of Chicago.
Member of the Christian Science Board of Lectureship of the
First Church of Christ, Scientist, Boston, Maes., at the
Marquom Grand Theatre, Sunday p. m., Dec. II, '04
st 3:00 o'Clock.
Tickets which reserve seats until a 45 rnar be had without
charge at the Marquam box office Saturday, December 10.
At last his effort were crowned with
success! He had discovered what all
other searchers had long despaired of
finding an easy, perfect, permanent
cure for Catarrh. With no thought of
rest from his arduous labors, he wrote
thl wonderful work on the cur of Ca
tarrh. With no thought of th wealth
It could easily win him, he now offer
It free to all who aak for it.
THE information tn Its pages will save
lut thousands of lives. Written by a
man heart and soul In earnest tn nls
f reat work of fighting disease. Its lines
airly throb with purpose and truth.
With skillful hand he lays bare the be-
f Inning of thla loathsome, teacherous
lessee he traces all Its hidden work
ings he shows the awful dangers to
which It leads he points out the way to
a aafe and lasting cure the only one
of that terrible scourge of North Amer
ica ' Catarrh. Fine pictures by the
best artists illustrate the different phases
of th disease In an exceedingly clear
and Interesting manner.
Book at Once
. .
Have the
Hard Moulded
For us on the (lraphophone
or Phonograph
345 Washington St, Portland
Andre, waa killed by members of the
Masonic body, ha appointed a commit
tee which will formulate a proteat and
general denial.