THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. SATURDAY EVENING. DECEMBER 10, 1,904. STRANGE ADVENTURES OF BESSIE 'BUSYBODY gakoggW? TiByDnMlfl nHHrffiV' riF : "! gg4BgggflcQtjrH ' 2 w HB3fcf-'.'. rv gfirSgsBH a .-, -I grCji gVsir-V& K-"jg?l I YOU REMEMBER last time ! tolJ you about being caught and pot back in that horrid prison way up on th Pjartet Mart. Well. I didn I set away attain o easy, for that policeman guarded me jes as if I ha.l been safe fuU of diamond. But my chance came at last, when they opened my cage to hand me tome water. J i1 a j JES' THE SECOND that door waa unbolted, I jumped on rha magic broomstick and said "JOGGLE TY JIGGLETSI" and tmash bang we went I Knocked Mr. Cop head over heels, and I tailed up toward the tower and escaped from the top. j BUT AS SOON at I looked back t taw the policeman on the tower shouting like a craty man for me to ttop. Then I noticed for the first time an airship anchored there, and in a jiffy the policeman had climbed into it and came tearing through the air after me. And to make matters worse, another policeman with a flying-machine jes' like bat wings bobbed up in front of me and called to mc to atop. . . I I ! ! 1 4 THIS FRIGHTENED me something awful, and I tteered the broomstick aruund so suddenly that I fell backwards head over heelt. I still held on to the remt. though, and before I had fallen very far managed 0 get on the broomstick again and steer it tifely down, to that I landed in derne foretr below BUT THE TWO policemen were hot after me, and at toon at I touched the ground I ran for a cave near by. But that wat only jumping from the frying pan into the fire, for I ran slap bang into some ugly lizard monsrer. that was jes' a-waiting there to gobble me up. 6 THEN THE policemen came running into the care right at my fir ils, and what did the lizard do but drop me for the bigger game, and in two winks he had a copper under each claw, ready to enjoy hit table d'hote. 71 WAS AWFUL sorry fur those poor policemen, even if they had been trying to catrh mc to put me back m prison, but I js' couldn't bear to tee 'em chewed up by thst ugly beast I ran back in the cave and found that it was piled up wirh autumn leave that had blown in. Without stopping second I touched s match to the dry leases in several different places at onca, r.ght under the long body of the lit ard , G jr lJ gV J t WELL. THERE was ctcitcmeiw to bum for a few minute. The flames rolled out of that cave tike a furnace, and Mr. IJiard dropped both policemen, as his body began to sittlc, and he squirmed out of the hery eave as quick a he could. I jumped oa the broomstick, sailed up to the two policemen, shouted to them to grab the broomstick and hang tight if they wanted to save their live. t," 1 9 AND THEY DID. In a jiffy I had jerked them out of danger from the beast and the tire, and carried them along on the broomstick until they both were in reach of their airship. Well, they couldn't thank cne enough, and promised that no harm should come to me as long as I stayed on rhe Planet Mars. t L 1 1 - ' 1 . I