The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, December 09, 1904, Image 16

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Mothers. That Christmas Feeling can be Satisfied
at this Great Half Price Sale of Children's Suits
and Overcoats,
Hats, Caps and
The Buying' Power of the
Hi !-
TxvW'N 7 X ,
Dollar Just Before Xmas
i saaaP"
The Big Store in the Middle of the Block
69-71-73 Third St., Bet. Oak and Pine
Bids for Your Trade as Never Before
No time in 14 years of steady growing and busy mercantile life have we
ever been so situated to quote yqu prices on the very choicest and best of
Clothing at less than wholesale cost. A winning deal. When we secured
the entire fine wholesale stock of clothing direct from the manufacturers
who retired from business Cahn, Wampold A Co. one of America's
best known makers of fine suits and overcoats, we closed them out of
every garment in their establishment and all goods in process of making,
and bought them at 60c on the dollar of wholesale prices, and are selling
this grand stock at
Nearly Half Price
Bargains you cannot match if you were to travel a thousand miles.
Cabn, Wampold (8b Co.'s Elegant Stock of Suits
Christmas Bargains in the great wholesale stock of fine Suits, Overcoats,
Cravenettes and Pants, now on sale at prices that cannot be equaled from
ocean to ocean. Every garment new and fresh, made in the latest ap
proved styles.
2,800 Men's Suits
at Nearly Half Price
Km jpy For choice of 500 All-Wool or Worsteds,
L " W J I n single and double breasted styles, in
m jl I black, blue, also plaids, checks, stripes
JJ ami mixtures, in clay worsteds, serges,
cheviots, tweeds, homespuns and cassi--meres
; the very latest and best styles, made by Cahn, Wam
pold & Co., to retail at $12.50 and $15.
AiH f0 f For cnoice of over 700 of as fine Suits
Ll sWI I as money will buy; you can take choice
flfl fl I "f the finest and best single or double
Iff " breasted sack, made to retail at $25, $30
and $35; or choice of all Cahn, Wam
pold & Co.'s finest silk lined Tuxedo or Full Dress Suits,
silk" or satin lined, made to retail at $30, $35 and $40. If
you are a good dresser this is a chance of years for you.
Come early.
For choice of 700 Suits, excellent all
wool or pure worsteds, in select pat
terns of .very choice clay worsteds,
serges, cheviots, tweeds and vicuna, in
double and single breasted sack and cut
away frocks ; sewed with pure silk throughout and made
with shape-retaining shoulders ; made by the great Cahn,
Wampold & Co. to retail at $16 to $18.
Td1 f"a W For choice of over 1,000 single and
I W aW I I double breasted sack, in imported and
jl 1 domestic materials, high class all hand
lenatts J tailored, sewed with double test pure
silk, triple warp serge or Italian cloth
lining, shape-retaining collars, front and shoulders, 100
styles of patterns and colors, also fine blue and black; made
by Cahn, Wampold & Co. to retail at $20, $22 and $25.
. m
raaav s m vi. sa-s.
mm m.
Grand Half Price Sale of Children's and Boys' Suits, Overcoats
and Furnishing Goods
We have taken over 700 Boyt' and Children's Suite. Overcoats, fresh from the bin
wholesale reserve stock of D. M. Pfelzer aV Co, bought by us at a big bargain and will
ell them at just One Half Value, which gives to parents unquestionably the grandest
nd beet bargains ever shown in this city. The aale is now on. Come early and secure
choice of them, as they will go fast.
Suit Prices
Norfolk. Cossack, Buster Brown,
and Double Breasted style;
For all styles of 2.50 Suits
For all styles of 13-00 Suits
For all styles of 4 on Suits
For all styles of (5.00 Suits
For all styles of $6.00 Suits
For all styles of (7.00 Suits
For all styles of $8.00 Suits
61. 50
82. BO
Children's Overcoats
14.50 Overcoats for.....
18.00 Overcoats for.
$7.00 Overcoats for
18.00 Overcoats for
92. 2S
63. BO
Boys' Furnishings Half Price
7Vt4 For 15c double knee black Stocking.
lOf For 20c double knee black Stockings.
Be? For 10c Suspenders; 7'i4 for 16c, and
12' ,C for 26c Suspenders.
I'lO For n big lot of 20c and 26c. Caps.
194 For fine quality 40c Fleece Under
wear. lOe For Boys' Negligee 40c and 60c Shirts.
33 For extra good quality and make of
He Blaek Oaf aw OMHSi 1
3T'4 For assorted colors 76c Sweaters.
h7 Y For basket weave, all worsted $1.76
19 For Roys" 40c Waists; detachable
band, percale or flannelette.
37'24 For Boys extra quality 76c laun
dered Waists.
Young Men's
8izs 14 to 20.
We have put on sale 860 Single and Double Breasted Suits at
S3. 76 For All-Wool Dark Color $7.60
65. OO For All-Wool Very Nobby $10
96.25 For All-Wool Single and Double
Breasted $12.60 Suits.
67. BO For All-Wool and Worsted $16
Suits. '
66. OO For Imported materials, very
fine, $18 Suits.
611 For Choice of the finest and
best Suit In the store. This offer
includes all our finest grade, that wer
sold at $20, $22 and even $16.
This sate of the choicest and finest
grade of Young Men's Sulfa at One
Half Value Is the greatest slaughter
of fine goods ever made In the heart
of the season besides we show the
largest variety on the entire coast.
Young Men's Overcoats
A Merciless Slaughter of Cine Goods.
64. SO For fine and nobby $7.60 plain $0.50 For choice of 100 $16 Over-
or belt OveTcoats. coats and Cravenettes.
56. OO For very handsome $10 Over- '
coats; 10 styles. 61 2. BO For choice of the best In the
68. BO For choice of 100 $12.60 Over- house all our finest $1B, $20 and $22
coats. Overcoats and Cravenettes,
Christmas in the Cahn, Wampold A Co.'a Fins
FaU and Winter Overcoats and Craven
ettes The Chicago's
Big Xmas sale of fins tailor-mads Overgarments Is without a superior in all this broad
land for high quality of gooda, newness of styla, elaaa of workmanship and low prices.
1,300 Overcoats and Cravenettes at Nearly Half Price
6 7. BO Does wonders; hundreds of elegant
fall and wlnted Dress Overcoats, made
In box and knee lengths or Just below
the knee to the ultra-fashionable long
belt coats; made by Cahn, Wampold
Co. to retail at $11.60 to $16.
61 7. SO For the best In the house. Every
Cravenette or Overcoat that we own. In
cluding all the high-class Crouse
Brandagee and A corn combined with all
the Cahn, Wampold at Co.'s finest gar
ments that we sold earlier in the season
at $86, $$2. $$0, $27 and $26, are now all
on our counters and in this great Xmas
Bargain Sale at $17.60 for choice of the
very best.
812. BO Cravenettes and Overcoats, with
over 600. to make your selection from,
elegant high-class, hand-tailored gar
ments, none of them made to retail at
lees than $20: In black, blue, broken
plaids, pin stripes, mixtures. These gar
ments merit, the attention of the., most
critical and thrifty buyers.
89. BO For choice of hundreds of elegant
Fall Dress or Winter Overcoats and
Cravenettes; a great many of them im
ported materials; all hand-tailored; In
black, blue, gray, steel brown, tan. etc.;
short box, opera or long garments with
or without belt; made by Cahn, Wampold
Co. to retail at $16 to $18.
Extraordinary Bargains in this department in all kinds
of Shoes and Slippers. The Chicago is Portland's
largest and best place to buy Men's and Boys' Shoes
every pair guaranteed to give satisfaction.
For choice of 1,000 pairs, $2.'n Shoes; calf,, box calf,
velour and vici kid ; in Bluchers and bal.
For choice of more than 1,000 $3.50 and $1 Shoes, pat
ent colt and vici, calf and velour ; in congress, bals.
and Bluchers and boot tops a shoe sale that is worthy
61 the name.
1,000 Pairs Holiday Slippers at Wholesale Prices.
Men's Xmas Furnishing Goods
For want of apace we will not quote price reductions. The stock is a new one and of (he very latest and
most desirable styles and qualities. We show the largest line of everything to be found west of Chicago.
Our prices are as low or lower than the same grades can be had for anywhere in the United States. Special
galea will take place from time to time until after the holidays.
moktag Jaoketa and House Coats
66.55 M-S5 64.85 6B.SB.
Fine Sweaters, wool and worsted 61
:1.50 66 62-BO 6S.OO SS.So
4 66 66.
I styles of Shirts la aagtlsve and golf
-65 564 754 61 61.25 61.56
6 66.66.
54 61
Umbrellas -
61.56 69 66
754 61 61.55
18.50 snd up to 16.
Hosiery, good wool or cotton 6
124 204 654 654 504 754
Night Shirts 504 004 754 61
61-BO 65 up to 67. BO.
If so wear 104 154 664 554 BO
754 61 61.25 61-50.
Jewelry half value sale l.eoo pairs Ouff
Button. Studs, ate.
Silk Testa 61.66 61.66
62.05 63.15 65.65.
Fine Wash Vesta 654 854
91. OO OS 5.B0 IS.OO.
-spenders 154 854 564 504 654
764 81 61.56.
ltandksrchlsfs. aM kinds B4
18 M 154 854 854 BO
nne sua GO
61.85 61.66
moves, neavy or a
68 88.66.
saw 164 85
l7EeV p"
754 61
SPECIAL NOTE Select your Christinas Clothing, Hats, Shoes, .Uppers and Furnishings now, while
the tines are complete in sum and the variety choicest. You can arrange to have them kept until you want
thorn sent or taken home.
We have arranged, for the convenience of early customers, a hold order department, which enable the
Xmas goods at leisure before tne great rush at the last rew days.
Our Hat stock is all new and of the latest styles. The
prices we quote are an actual saving on choice goods
The Chicago always gives bargains in new goods.
For choice of 30 styles of $2 soft and stiff Hats ; black,
brown, gray, tan and ecru.
For choice of 32 styles of "$3 and some $3.50 soft or
stttf Hats; exact duplicate of Dunlap, Knox and Stet
son fall and winter styles.
f 3.66 For Genuine John B. Stetson $6 Hats.
SOet Caps at this store are town talk they are great.