The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, December 08, 1904, Page 5, Image 5

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Manuals Orand "Pretty Peggy"
'""'"W "Mlstakee Win UapiN-a"
Kmi "Darkaat KuwU"
Uraad Vaaderllls
?' VaedeTlUa
Lyric Vaudeville
MlJ'.n , Vaudeville
Atrade Vaudeville
Mer Vaudeville
Whether or not an unsigned will is
valid will be aettled by the atate circuit
court In the proceeding brought by
District Attorney Manning to aacheat
to tha atate the property belonging to
Joaeph C'onnell at tha tlma of bia
death. Connell left an unalgned Will,
bequeathing lota In McMillan' addition
to .Mi.. C. A. McCabe for Ufa, and after
her death to tha Hlatere of tha Uooci
Shepherd at Park Place; two lota In
Cioverdale to Endy Oatchert, a minor,
and ordering that eome other property
be sold, but did not atate for what pur
pose. James Olaaaon waa appointed
receiver of tha property by tha court.
Stipulations have been filed by tha
attorneya giving Mra. John C. Tift until
December If to file har anawar to tha
ault brought agalnat her by har daugh-ter-tn-law,
Maude C. Tift, for alienat
ing the affecttona of tha plalntltTa hua
band, Arthur P. Tift. Tha damagea
asked are 120,000. J. C. Moreland la at
torney for plaintiff, and Martin i.. pipes
for the defendant. At tha tlma thia
complaint waa filed about two weeks
ago Mra. Tift alao sued for a divorce,
and her father, P. 8. Akin, aued hla aon
in law, Arthur P. Tifft, for $6,000 money
The remalna of Capt R. H. Barber,
Company O, Second Oregon volunteers,
who wji drowned at Gardiner, Or., on
Monday, were cremated yesterday after
. noon. The funeral waa held from Fin
ley's undertaking parlors. MaJ. Charlea
1: McOonell, Capt. William Oadaby, T.
N. Dunbar and H. JC. Davis acted aa
pallbearers. Captain Barber served with
the Second Oregon during tha Philip
pine Insurrection and distinguished him
self In the Maraqulna and San laldro
campalgna. He waa promoted to a cap
taincy December 21, lilt.
Wellington Randall In an action filed
In the circuit court seeks to recover
from the Southern Pacific company
damagea In the sum of 19.000 for the
alleged killing and Injury of race horaaa.
The horses killed ware Alxralnlster and
Clivoco. valued at 16,000 and ft. M0 re
spectively; Murat, valued at I. ,600. and
Jefferson, valued at 11,000, were Injured.
The complaint allegea that the railroad
company waa negligent, thereby per
mitting a work train to crash Into the
rear 01 a freight train near Jefforaon,
Or., on October II. 1004.
In order that they may be able to aew
on refractory buttons and mend theln
own clothea In cases of emergency a
number of boys In tha Brooklyn school
have joined the sewing class which has
been organised by Mlaa Dlmtck, the
principal. The preaent work la only pre
liminary and regular Instructions will
begin after the holidays. In tha other
echnols of the city whara tha course
has been tried the puplla are doing ex
cellent work.
Fmlly M. Clear waa granted a divorce
by Judge Sears yeatarday from Fred
erick U Cleir becauae of desertion and
non-support. Clear waa a telegraph op
erator. - Two years ago he deaertad her
and la now, aha said, in Olympla. Wash.
The child, a girl aged T years, waa
given into the custody of Mra. Clear's
parents. Mr. and Mra. Richard Cox, of
St. Helens.
Vnltarlan baaaar thia evening Bags
to pleaae every one, dolls, fancy artlclea,
aprons, mattress covers, rugs, homf
111 f 1- '11 li' x. -ookery, cook book and
fine art displays continuing Friday
afternoon. Admission free. On Friday
evening living plcturea and music at I
o'clock. Admission 26 cents, children
10 centa.
Officers elected Tuesday night by Ore
gon Council, 1 Royal Arcanum, are
aa follows: J. E. Werlln, paat regent:
F. C. Hoecker. regent; J. W. Hutchlnaon.
vie- regent; W. J. Hull, orator; H. J.
Refenberlck. aecretary; H. C. Weber,
collector, W. J: neckard. chaplain: W.
II Smith, guide; W. J. Orundlg, warden,
and F. K. McCarver, sentry.
A demurrer to the complaint of I. mils
Castro, In which he seeks to recover
money from th Portland Baseball com
pany, haa been filed In tha circuit court
by Attorneys Bauer Oreen, in which
It is alleged that the complaint doea not
stste facta sufficient to constitute a
cause of action.
Dr. T. L Eliot spoke yesterday after
noon at the meeting of the Council of
Jewish Women, in the Selllng-Hlrach
building, on "Impressions or the til.
Louis Fair." At the cloee of tha ad
dress Miss Miller aang Lessens
"Dream." and reaponded to en en
core. The degree team which gave tha fifth
dearee at the meeting of the National
Orange haa accepted an In vital inn to
give the degree at tha meeting of
Multnomah County Pamona Orange, to
be held In Evening Star hall the third
AVednesaay 01 aasss anwa-evaasi
"I have suffered with headache for 10
years until I waa recommended to try
your Paragon Headache Cure and found
thst It did Its work instantly, and I am
now better than I have been for many
years. Mrs. Flora Cummins. North field.
Ohio '
Professor Eaton's dancing school
Classes Monday and Thursday evenings
at Arlon hall. Begtnnera taken at any
time Six assistant teachers. Private
lessons dally at hall. Spectators In
vited. "Phone Weat T9I.
Friday evening Dr. S. 8. Wise will da
liver an addresa at Temple Beth Iarael
on "The opportunity of tha theatre aa
an educational factor In modern Ufa; a
sermon suggested by 'Everyman.' "
Strenuous purautta In men and ar
duous toclal dutlea In women cause
much nervous debility. C. C. C. Tonic
Is all the corrective. For sale at Knight s
107 Washington.
y m c. A. star course. Jacob A.
Rlls. December IS.
Mrs. Warren E. Thomas of tha Per-
41 Dekom nlldto g. Fhoae.
President Will Touch Key in
Washington, Chimes Will Ring
Out in Portland.
Bells Three Hundred Feet High
Will Peal Out Patriotic
Electrical experts are at work on an
extremely novel feature for the opening
exerqjeaa of the Lewis and Clark exposi
tion, Tune fit 1S06. By an arrange
ment of wire connecting tha White
Houaa with Government Island in
Ouild'a lake, Prealdent Rooaevelt will
touch a few key a and aet in motion
chlmea In one of tha towera of tha gov
ernment building at the exposition. The
chlmea will play "America."
The Idea waa auggeated aome tlma
ago by D. C. Freeman and Immediately
received the Indorsement of the exposi
tion management. Unofficial consent of
tha government waa secured, and a
manufacturing firm at Cincinnati haa
been engaged to make the chlmea. The
tower In which tha bells will be In
s tailed la an open one, 100 feet above
water level and situated on a point of
the island in Ouild'a lake. The patriotic
song will be heard far beyond the city
limits. J. K Thompson, electrical en
gineer for the exposition, la now working
on a plan of wiring. After the opening
tha chlmea will play twice daily. They
are ao constructed that a number of
tunes can be played.
Director of Exhibits Doach has pre
pared an Interesting report of the ex
hibits bureau for the Chrlstmaa number
of the Lewis and Clark Journal, which
Is now In press. Colonel Doach aaya of
tha new exhibit building now being
"Bealdea these, there are other sur
prises In store for Oregon. Along the
line of domeatlo exhibits, we have ap
plications filed covering 33,743 square
feet, which Will just comfortably flll the
liberal arta palace under the proposed
change. The agricultural palace con
tains 96.6HU square feet, two thirds of
which la s-t aside for state exhibits, of
the remaining 33.000 square feet, 15,7(0
are now assigned to agricultural ex
hibits. "Aa will be aeen from the following
calculations, floor apace within the
Lewis and Clark exhibit palaces will not
only be at a premium before the close
of tha Louisiana Purchase exposition,
but It will necessitate the erection of a
new palace to be known aa the palace of
manufactures and varied Industries, as
we were forced to make a change in
converting the preaent palace of In
dustrial and liberal arts Into our foreign
building, and the preaent foreign build
ing into the liberal arts palace, with the
additional palace above referred to.
"Prealdent Goods and myself htvo
considered thia matter carefully, and
concluded that thia change la the only
way out of the dllema for the better
ment and Imperative enlargement of the
scope of the exposition.
Few Displays by Foralfn nations.
'To explain further the contemplated
changes:' Our preaent foreign palace
contalna 31,(13 square feet of floor
apace. Including the gallery, while we
now have on file and have granted 70,-
000 aqua re feet floor apace to Italy,
Japan. China. Germany. France, Russia,
Sweden and Norway, Holland, Austria.
Hungary, Switzerland, England. Persia,
Turkey. Egypt, Bast India, Costa Rica,
with Australia, Tasmania, Africa and
other South American republlca still to
hear from.
"All these foreign exhibits will not
only consist of the creme de la creme of
this exposition, but many of the com
missions have aent representatives to
their respective countries for new and
interesting exhibits "
Prealdent Jefferson Myers, of the
state commission, haa Informed Preal
dent Mary Shaw that the datea of tha
National Women'a Suffrage convention
next year have been changed at her re
quest to June 33 July 3 and June 30
has been designated aa Women'a day.
Mra. Shaw urged that tha original
date would not prove satisfactory to
eastern delegates, and upon lnvestlga
t Ion Mr. Myers found that the datea she
suggested would not interfere with any
other convention, and ao Informed her.
Thia will be one of the greatest con
ventions of the World s fair period. It
la the first time the national convention
haa ever decided to come weat of the
.Missouri river. '
man department will conduct the pro
gram at the Woman's club tomorrow
afternoon at the first meeting In the new
club rooms of the Marquam building.
Mlaa Jeaale Qoddard will preaent a paper
on "Conditions of German Life." Mra
Hay Dearborne-Schwab, Mrs. W. A.
Buahong, Miss Anna Rankin and others
will sing compositions of the leading
German song writers. Schubert, Schu
mann and Brahma. A "kaffe-klatsch"
will finish In true German style.
Don't put your Chrlatmaa purchases
off until the laat few daya. Our stock
la now at lta beat, service perfect and
prices that tempt buying. Don't fall
to aee our handsome line of toilet and
manicure aeta. Albert Bernl, the drug
gist. Second and Washington.
Tha Mlxpah Preabyterlan church on
Powell will hold a baaaar tomor
row afternoon and evening. There will
be a fancy work booth, a domeatlc
booth and a remembrance booth. Sup
par will be served from t to 8 o'clock.
Tha Woman a guild of the Church of
tha Good Shepherd, Albion, will give a
baaaar and entertainment this evening
In HUl'a hail.
Woodward's dancing academy, Burk
hard hall, Monday and Thursday even
ings. Thursday, party night. Everett'a
For Coos Bay and San Francisco
Steamer F. A. Kllburn aalls Saturday,
from Oak street dock. Phone Main 39(0.
I. D. Boyer, the popular gentlemen's
and ladles' tailor, removed to room 307
Fenton bldg. New, first-class cutter.
T w lAhnaftn i'snmii, flaweMn and
Charles Murphy, charged with Insanity.
await trial at ine coumy jan. 1
X. O. O. V. BtBCT OrriOEKS.
(R4rtal niepateb to The Jaarasl. )
Independence. Or., Dec. 3. Valley
Lodge. No. 42, I. " O. P., haa elected
the following officers for the ensuing
year: Noble grand, O. A. Hurley, vice
grand, M. C. Williams, aecretary. Dr.
E. L. Ketchum, and treasurer. A. .
Exposition Accommodation Bu
reau Authorized by Manage
ment to Provide Room.
Corporation le the Only Body
that Haa Official Endorse
ment of the Fair.
The exposition accommodation bureau
haa filed artlclea of Incorporation and
haa established general offices at 2,20
Ooodnough building, Fifth and Yamhill
streets, with Jamea Steel, president
John C. McLennan, vice-president, and
Eugene D. White, aecretary and -general
Tha purpose of the corporation la to
obtain control of a large number of
rooma situated convenient to street car
lines, to rent to visitors to the Lewis
and Clark fair at reasonable rates. The
corporation haa the exclusive endorse
ment of the Lewis and Clark Centennial
Exposition corporation In fact haa en
tered into ,a contract with the fair dl
rectors to provide visitors during fair
tlma with good room accommodations at
reasonable prices.
The organisation of thia oompany
aolvea the problem of tha proper ac
commodatlon of the guests of Portland's
great fair.
The advantage owners and occupants
of dwelling and lodging-houses will de
riva from arranging with the exposition
accommodation bureau to rent their
rooms for them during tha 1306 fair
will be, that as fast aa rooma may be
come vacant new tenants .will be sup
Visitors to the fair will either make
their arrangements for rooma In ad
vance of their coming or will be met
on their arrival by representatives of
the bureau and located In quarters suited
to their needs and requirements. Many
eastern parties are already arranging
with tha bureau for accommodations In
Only Official Body.
The city will be districted and repre
sentatives put in tha field at onoe. Only
people of sober. Industrious hablta will
be employed, whose competency and re
liability are unqueationed and properly
vouched for.
In order to forestall any misappre
hension by the public aa to who are
authorised by the exposition manage
ment to supply fair visitors with room
accommodations it may be well to state
that the only official endorsement and
authority given by the directorate of
the Lewis and Clark corporation will be
that given to the expoaitlon accommo
dation bureau.
It la generally understood that aome
one or more persona are at present en
gaged in canvassing for rooms and con
tracting to rent them during fair time
in consideration of which 26 cents a
room cash in advance is demanded and
collected. Other partlea are reported to
be soliciting and obtaining contracts in
the name of Steel & White. No such
authority haa yet been given to anyone.
When It haa been extended, representa
tlvea of the bureau will be provided
with certlflcatea of authority by the
corporation, endorsed by the Lewis and
Clark fair corporation, so that none need
be misled or duped into making a con
tract with Irresponsible partlea.
Central offices of the bureau will be
maintained in tha Goodnough building
at Fifth and Yamhill streets, 'phone
Main (2((, and branchea offices at the
union depot and expoaitlon grounds, with
sub-stations or district offices at vari
ous and convenient points In the city.
Repreaentatlvea In uniform will meet
visitors on incoming trains and boats
and direct them to suitable quarters.
A telephone exchange will be Installed
aa soon as It may become necessary.
In view of the fact that there will
be rooms left and to spare in Portland
after guests have been amply provided
for of the vast numbers of rooms to
be had In all parts of the city during
the fair. It will be well for thoae having
rooma to rent to make their arrange
ments with the bureau at aa early a
date aa possible, for the reaaon that
contracts will be made from now on
with eastern parties for room accommo
dations. The latent application for such comes
from an excursion' party of 160 people
from Illinois. A number of other appli
cations have been received and are be
ing disposed of as rapidly as possible.
Will Prevent Extortion.
The question of how to prevent ex
tortion during the exposition was a per
plexing one to iho fair management until
tha present corporation was proposed.
Visitors coming here unheralded would
not be prepared to find hotel accom
modations clrcumscrlb-d. and, coming
aa strangers would be helpless, com
paratively, and at the mercy of those
who might be disposed to overcharge
them. Tha plan by the bureau provldea
a ready remedy and will most effect
ually circumvent any effort to "bleed"
unauapectlng st rangers.
The new corporation will prove the
medium through which both landlord
and tenant shall receive due conslders
tlon and proper treatment resulting In
pleasant and aatlafactory sojourns In our
city during the fair and encomium of
Portland'a treatment of her guests. A
royal reception, a generous welcome and
kind and hospitable treatment will se
cure for us the plaudits of the multi
tude, which, added to Portland'a exhibit
of forest, field and farm, and the object
leaaon of what Oregon is today and what
she may become, seema to be about all
We expect out of the fair, directly.
Profitable reaulta will naturally and
speedily follow In the wake of the "won
der show" of 1306. It Is to the stranger
within our gut ,s that we should accord
as ro;-al a welcome aa we of the great
weat know so well how to give, and thus
o the seed that will bring thousands
of thrifty people to us from every part
of the east and aouth. The Impressions
received by visitors to our great fair.
if favorable, will do more to advertise
our atate than all the offorta put forth
within the past 20 years combined.
A large part of the people who attend
the fair will lodge In rooma In private
dwellings, and the only way In which
these people may be properly and aatls
factorlly housed during the short periods
allotted to their stay in the city will
be through a central organisation, prop
erly conducted and officially censored
by the Lewis and Clark fair officers,
and this will be the purpose of the
exposition accommodation bureau.
Marlon Johnaon. clerk of the circuit
court, la confined at home by sickness.
D riven to Desperation.
Living at an out-of-the-way place, re
mote from civilisation, a family Is often
driven to desperation In case or accl
.sperstion in case or acci
:ig In Burns. CtitH. Wounas,
T.ay In a supply of Huck
Halve It's the beat on
aent, remntin
I leers, et
len'a Arnica
aamrth. Inc. at the Red t'ross Phsunaiy
Hlxth and Oak atreeta ,on the way to
the poalofnce.
Presents Make
Baby rings
Mlaa' rings-.
laidtea' rings...
(Jeuta riaga ...
tuff buttons...
This department la crowd
ed with pretty watches In
nlrkei, atlrer, gold-Oiled
and solid gold, from (2.60
up to (100.
Son wall hea must be sold
tbla month and we are go
ing to give aome big values
aa a result. If yon doubt
It Just get our prices awl
Aa Above, (15.00
Do jm waat a well llt
tl clock for jour bedroom
Homctblnc In ttncj ftU of
12, or on for tfc kitchen
id iffat-dar ie -v.; f
toe parlor from $8 60 up,
and In tha ball wa can put
ooa at $8 or hlfher If you
wlah. Our aaaortmcnt la
certainly well.
compare them
You Can aaw Any At tick la Our
Those who esn sfford to give a diamonds must sot fall to aea our atnrk. Wa
certainly are doing the diamond buelneaa thia year, aa oar aales are already double
thoaa of laat year. Why we aell ao many la becauae wa hava anrh a large atork
and are willing to part with than for little profit. Just get our prlcaa they are
290 Morrteon Street
Cry of Jobbery in Connection
with His Office Raised by
Republican Machine. '
Candidates Would Make Step
ping Stones of Officials Whom
They Have Discredited.
The rrv of "Politics" haa been ralaed
hv Cltv Rnarlneer Elliott in defending
himself agalnat -the charges made by
the council committee that Investigated
the Tanner creek aewer. He declares
that he la being sacrificed by the Re
publican machine to further the inter
ests of others. Claiming that Loula
Zimmerman haa been slated for mayor
and C. E. Rumelln for. chairman of the
police commission.
There were so many adverse re
ports about the sewer," said Elliott.
"that in order to protect myseit ana
k ,.i, r nalreri the council to investi
gate the condition of the work. Council
man Rumelln Introduced the resolution
to appoint the committee which con
sisted of tz Zimmerman. H. A. Albee
and B. D. Slg-ler. Thia committee was
Instructed by the resolution to Investi
gate the sewer and report 10 me coun
cil the condition In which they found
"4 tht. tim. there wns no Intention
of making other than a straightforward
examination of the aewer; there waa no
political aspect to the affair at all.
"Before the matter had gone far
politics appeared. H. R. Albee, one of
the committeemen, saw how things
were turning, tie concluded there waa
going to be a political mlzup in connec
tion with- the investigation, and handed
i hi. arnattnn tn Zimmerman. One
day while In Zimmerman's office he
took thia resignation- out of hla desk
and showed It to me. He told me
Albee desired to pull out for personal
reasons and that he and Slgler would
not consent to the resignation.
One day wnue me investigation wua
,, nrnarreaa I autw Jack' Matthew.-) and
he openly told me that the report waa
going to be bad for me. Why he was
so well Informed at that time i ao noi
a er tl friend of mine came to
me one day and told me he had seen
Zimmerman. Blgler and Matthews In
conference In Matthews' office. That
waa while the Investigation was on.
"U.,..nru ,ia v. ttorore me cumin tier.
had concluded lta work Zimmerman sent
for me to come to bis office. He said
me: :
Elliott you have some political
enemlea In camp. You had better go
see "Jack" Matthews.'
I Ho not know whether I will or
not,' I replied.' and I did not go.
.... ,. of theae lnxoectora who
got me into this trouble had been rec
ommended by the macnine. i nis is
double-edged arrangement. l ne prop-
arty owners were led Into the trsp, not
mowing anything aDout me political
hand that waa working It.
"On the day before the committee
made its flnsl report I was In Mayor
Williams' office with Mr. Zimmerman.
The ma yor, addressed Zimmerman, stat
ing that he had watched the investiga
tion wru cloaalv. He said he did not
desire to dictate to the committee tho
sort of report they should nana, dui
If he were a member of the committee
he would find the sewer defective and
compel the contractora to go Into It and
reconatruct It according to plans and
specifications, and until they had done
so they should not be paid a cent of
"Certain Individuals selaed the oppor
tunity of furthering their own political
Interests. Zimmerman Is spoken of aa
Matthews' candidate for mayor. Coun
cilman Rumelln desires to be chairman
of the police commission and Otto
Burkhart would like to be city auditor.
The machtn7nrnew people were clamor
ing for an lnvewtlgatlon of the sewer
and they decided to make a grand
stand play. This office had to bear the
brunt of the underhanded scheme. They
decided to sacrifice me and Scoggln.
and they manipulated the Investigation
and planned the report recommending
my Impeachment and Scoggtn'a dis
charge. "I am also of the opinion, and I have
good reason for It, that the machine Is
striking a blow at Mayor Williams.
They have heard that he may be a candi
date for re-election. In such case
Zimmerman's chancea of reaching the
mayor s chair would be greatly lessened.
I am convinced tliey thought by using
me as a scapegoat they could put tho
mayor In a bad light before the people.
By throwing the burden upon him he
-- i. .nlilanlMl tn criticism. If ho
n . . 1 1 4,,
decided agalnat me he would be censured
by my friends, and u ne rem aea to
bring In Impeachment charges he would
be severely srralnged by the othera."
Councilman Albee when Interviewed
acknowledged that he had handed his
roads-nation as a member of the In
vestigation committee 10 COvncnnttn
Zimmerman, but further than that he
refused to discuss the subject.
Frefagreg Stock Oaaacd Woods.
Allen Lewis' Beat Brand.
the Heart Grow Fonder
taring present, is a plea a are we all enjoy. What bar we
are rich or poor everybody en Joya Chrlatmaa.
Portland baa certalaly anju red a proaperoue year. Why
not celebrate by an exchange of useful gifts found among our
well .el. 1 1, d Stork J
(1 00 and up
TO and up
2.00 and up
H.50 and up
2.60 and up
2.00 and up
stirs plna ( .73 and an
Hat plna 23 and up
Collar plna 00 and up
Chains 2.50 and up
li-ld thimbles.. 4 no and up
Bllvsr thlmhlea. .16 and up
If roe wsnt Designs la
allverwar that ran not be
duplicated In other aloree,
call on ua. .
Knives forks, set 0.(3.50
Tea aeta, 6 ptecae. . . .(10.00
Sugar aprons, butter knives
Jelly aponue. berry spoons,
from (t.oo sp.
Every piece stsanped with
our name and contalna one
ex Ira plate of surer.
with othera.
Siort Laid Aside for Christmas
Jewelers Opticians
Combining the Very- Highest
Grade Key Instruments with
the Lowest Possible Prices.
Probably no single event has ever
pointed more strongly to the growth, tho
prosperity and culture of the northwest
than the uresent annual display of key
Instruments made by Ellers 1'lano
The enterprise of this establishment
has this season brought to the doors of
the art lovers and music devotees or trio
Northwest a collection of pianos unrK
aled in beauty of tone. In finish and in
They are, without question, the
worlds best, and they have received a
moat hearty welcome here, No other
locality twice the aise can boast of the
possession of so many of the very finest
and highest-priced planoa.
The amount of capital Involved In our
S resent undertaking nas Deen iremen
ous. Chlckerlng and Weber grand pianos.
In the various atyles known as baby
jcranda. ouurter grands and concert
f rands, ranging in price from f(Sa to
1,300 and over; the aame matchless
makes, as well as Kimball pianos, in up
right styles representing the highest
accepted types of art, euch aa Louis
XIV, Kenaissance, colonial, Bneraton,
etc., etc.; auperb Aeolian Orcheatrelles,
varying In price from 600 to II.800;
the new and wonaerrul I'lanoia t'lanos
cnmblnlna in a single case all the feal
ures of the putno and thoae of the
Metrostyle Piano, making It an instru
ment capable of being played by any
one, regardless of whether he posaesses
any knowledge of mualc or not. Pia
nolas and Met rust vie Pianolas and nu
merous styles In the SO odd makes of
high-grade planoa carried by this es-
It Is to an Inspection of this assem
bly of superb Instruments thst our
doors have been thrown open. 1 ne rec
ognition accorded this exposition haa
been (lettering. Many or the most
costly instruments have already found
purchasers, going to homes, both In
Portland and hundreds of miles dis
tant, a number being still held by us
ror Christmas aeuvery.
This Important item haa not been ig
nored in our holiday preparations. The
same care haa been bestowed upon the
practical side of the piano question as
upon the artistic.
Holiday buyers will find prices on all
our planoa, from the moat elaborately
nnisnea to me simplest gooa piano,
moderate in the extreme, and our sys
tem of Installment payments so rea
sonable that buying a piano now will tn
no wise Interfere with other Christmas
preparations. Fillers Piano House, 3tl
Washington street, corner Park. Larg
est, most reliable and most popular pi
ano concern on the coast.
Mi DM I ill oh and W. T. rasgle, Bas. Mgr.
Toolght at 8 15 o'clock, lsat performance
Jane Ooreoraa, sapportad ky Andrew Hobeon. is
A beautiful, plrtnreaqnr, romantic drama.
A decided bit laat alfbt.
Prlcea Parquet. fl.OO; parqaet circle, $1 ;
balcony. TSc and Sue; gallery, c and Sic.
boxes and luges, 910.
B. B. Rich Curio Store Really Selling
Out at Cost.
What we want la Intending purchasers
of trt novelties to drop into tha B. B.
Rich curio store and see the bargalna
offered, for preaents conalstlng of art
goods In brass from India, Austrian art
glaas, Bohemian glaaa, Mexican drawn
work. Swiss Ivories. Drop In and see
what we have. 123 Sixth, near Wash
ington. Riis a Hit at Seattle.
"7111a" waa a decided hit last night.
Packed to the doors and several hun
dreds of people turned away. He Is tho
talk of the town today." Message from
Seattle, December 7. Jacob A. Rlla, au
thor and "useful cltlaen," will give an
Illustrated lecture on 'The Battle with
the Blum" in the Y. M. C A. auditorium.
Monday, December 12, S:16 p. m. One
number on Star course. Single admla
slon and course tickets at association
Former Governor T. T. Ueer of Salem
la at the Perkins.
F. B. Walte, the Roeeburg stockman,
la In the city.
Be Hofer, of the Balem Journal. Is at
the Perklna accompanied by hla wife.
C. Sullivan, Jr.. a prominent Importer
of Japanese goods, Is registered at the
Imperial from San Franclaco.
W. J. Furnish, a hanker of Pendleton,
is In town on business.
Attorney Walter M. Pierce of Pendle
ton is at the Imperial.
R. Alexander came ill from Pendleton
today for a brief business stay.
Mr. and Mrs. William o. Spencer of
Huntington are at the Portland hotel.
ft. F. Naught, of the Maxwell Irrlga
n company, la here from Hunniston,
Or., and Is a guest at the Portland.
Household Necessity.
We use your Curosa Cream (rose and cu
cumber Jelly) aa a household necessity.
It Is cool'eg and comforting and relieve
Inflammation and Irritation.
E"l f I ID And
LUUK the
Portland, Oregon, November 26, 1904.
The Portland Flouring Mills Co., City:
Gentlemen: I am very much obliged to you for the
Lewis and Clark souvenir dollar which you have given me
today for the return of nine Magic Pictures.
We cannot get along without your OLYMPIC PAN
CAKE FLOUR and other products.
I have enjoyed making a collection of the complete
set of nine pictures. Yours truly,
rudav CxVvAjCcyok
si? Oantenbeln.
The Portland
Flouring Mills Company
We have recently received several large ship
ments of
Chinese and Japanese Curio Goods
And sre receiving more thia weak. We antici
pate a big Chrlatmaa business and are preparing
for It. We call your attention to an lmmenae
line of novelties which cannot be duplicated any
where In the city. The stock la now large and
fresh, ao you will do well to do your ahopplng
now. Better attention now than later. The
very best goods at the very lowest prices.
The Western Importing (o.
68-170 rrns ruit, but. xojuubobt
Dry short slab wood, stove
lengths, per
Same Kind of Wood What's the
Difference? Per cord
Banfield, Veysey Fuel Co.
Phone Main 353
Marquam Grand Theatre sZuLJit.
Phone Main SCI. ,
nan-amber 9 and 10 Friday afternooa. Hat-
arday afternoon at S o'clock, Saturday alsht
at s:30 o'rlock.
Ben Greet Pfayers in "Emymin
A naoralty ptar of tha 16th reatary.
Prlcea both mstlne and slht Parqnat,
ft 6n. perajnet elrcle. II. Balcony. II. Toe.
60c. nailer? . hoc. Boara and bugae. 110. Baata
are now selling.
A. H BALLARD. Lessee sad tUaager.
Fourteenth and Waahtn(ton 8ts.
All thia week, ma tine Saturday.
The Superb Columbia Mock
Company ',
Preeentlng Char las Dlxon'a grsst fare eagaedj.
'MictoLrtc lifill Hantaan"
I'liMtmca if in nupptii
A derided hit. crowds and great
I nder new management,
ruhllr and company delighted.
r.anlna nrtra. 15c. .c. 36c. Mr. loS Cu
rie. Tor batiste prlcea, 10c, lie, ; log
circle, fine. Box office open all ear down
tows. 10 s. aa. to 7 p. aa. st Dolly Vardaa
randy Shop. In Uarquam bldg.. 327 Morrison
at. After T p. m. at tneairs.
Neat Week.
Phono Mats HT.
Prices 15-25-35-SOc
All Thia Week the Big New York
Darkest Russia
Grand Bargain Saturday
Thie Cnniwin n'1 rrn" arill admit ana
I HIS lUUpvD ,.,,,1, , brai narqnet ssat or
one aebmt child sader IS lor 10 easts. Bead
riaar children, we will take goad rare sf them.
The Arcade Theatre
The original family raadevllls house.
Tale Weak.
Tax natTOBB.
ameeicam Bioeoora.
st-.owa 1 SO to 410 s. aa.. T-.SO Is 10 je
p. aa. Adaaaaaloa lor te say seat.
Other Products From
Portland tiourliig Wilts
Maple Meat Blocks, Butcher Saw.
Butcher Knives, Meat Mixers, Sausage
Bluffers, I.nrrl Pressera, Hand and
Power Choppers, Hcales, Konservers,
Pansltose, Sausage Seasoning snd every
thing else In BUTCHEB. SUPPLIES.
131 133 ratST STBEET.
etween Washington and Alder.
Dry short cord wood, stove
T $4.50
80 Third St., Cor. Oak
A Wonderful Offering
9 Acts NEW BILL 9 Acts
La Mont's Soar. Cat and sf onksy Clroaik
The Professor and tha Cooau
Tsxa mi mob Mtrm yb.
Eccentric Mualcal Moveltles.
Character, Comedy and Panning.
Mnrphy aUad Andrews.
Mr. Alt Bonner, Pictured MsloeUat,
The Flying Weavers, Tl ail eg a.
Tha Markleys, Manjolata.
"Bit Carson," the Orandlo scope.
Admission to any seat 10c; box seats lie
No. 25 COUPON No. 25
Star Theatre
raiDAT BiATtaaa, de
. 1 90.
Thls coupon and Sc . entitle
holder to one admission when pre
sented at box office.
Third and Yamhill ata. Keating A riood. Mgra.
Largest Vaudeville Houaa la Aawrka.
Admlaatoa 1V. IVrfWmaacee MO. 7 B. Itf.
Beaenth and Alder Streets.
rax rreABOWeV .
aw ror a. a are. 1 n t SO. 7 :B at MrlM
p. m. i taalaaliis 10 easts t
Theatre SiS