THE OREGON DAILY. JOURNAL, PORTLAND, THURSgAY EVENING. DECEMBER 8, 1904. EotW t th. no..ofo ' iTli'LJlV for transportation tiroufb th mall aa ecouu c matter Posts, for Huh rpls: For as J. pat paper, l coat: 18 to 80 pup. ' tw 44 pages. S ecut. nxxraovn. M.ln tno Win 600 Office. F0BEI3N ADVEBTISIKO BBFBESSsTTATITX. Vr.el.nd Ben.niln l"sl AvrrMr Awjr 190 N.o .let. Nw Tarh; Trlboo Bolla liyr. ChlciB subscription baks. T.rm. 07 Oorrler. The rtallv Jonrul. with Sundj. 1 vr. J? Th niir Jouitml t yer .u.y I Th. nltT J.mraal. with Sandr. month. 8TB Th IUIIt Jotunal. months .. J-JO Th Ph'It Journal, with hnlUf. 8 months. 1 1h Nallr Journal. S niontha The nallr journal, with Bandar. 1 " " Th. Pall, par weak, delivered. Bandar Included Viiri-U Th- r11y. par week, delivered. Soooaj excepted M Tama by Mall. The Journal, with Sunday. 1 Km Tha Dallr Journal. 1 year " J 'Jr The nallr Journal, with Bnndaj. month. J TJ The IallT Joaroal. 8 montha I"', I! The nallr Jonrnal. with Bnndaj. I monthe. J." ass. t . i a hhh.i ...... x.wi The nallr Tnnrnal. with Bnndaj. 1 . The TlailT Jonrnal. 1 month The Band Journal 1 rear n. A , 1 at nnthl J on 1.00 Tha ieail-Wwkly Jurnal. The Vral -Weekly Journal. 8 to ' Parea each laane. llroatrated. foil market re- port. 1 jaw nM The Weakly Journal. Tha Weekly Journal in eotamna of read tar each laaae. llluatrated. foil "r,,,t1 reports. 1 year :. Ran minora ahonld he made be drafta. P'al note eipresa -dera and small enwonte are rr.ot.Me I. 1 ..d t-eent "j'AL. r. O. Boa 1TI, Portland. Or. WHEB.S. THX J0TJatBX isiT- TO OTTO. The Jaejrml caa be found oo sale at tha fol- lowlnr ptwcee: miBK. tPAnO Mnateer hook etore. CHICAGO PoatofBcs News company. 1TB Dear- hern street .. nKWr.R COT). Kcndrlck Book Bt.'Omejy romnanr nil Seventeenth atraat: J. Black. Sixteenth rd Csrtla .tracts. KANSAS CTTT Van Hoy News rnipni LOB AVORXFB B F. Oardner. t Jonr" Borln- atreet: Ollyer A Halscs. BOB Booth Bnrlna atreet. aaaaasi hMVNEAPOLIB M. J. n"avanoh. 60 Boats Third. . i KKW YORK C1TT Brentano'a. Talon sqara. OftPFN- Ornen Newa compear. OMAR AMill. rd Hotel newa at.nd: Meteors Bt.tlonerr romnaar 1808 Pa mom atreet. SALT I.AKW CITY sjenyon hotel newa stand: Barrow Bros . 43 Weat Second atreet. Booth. BT. LnriB Phlllo Boeder. Bid I-ocuat atreet. IAN FRAIOSCO W. F ArdlnB. Palace Hotel nawa at.nd: Ooldamfh Broa.. IBO Butter - atreet: Fred W pitta, ions Market atreet. BrnK tvr WaBH John W. Oraham Co. TAC0MA. WABH. Central News company. 1111 AUCTION BALES TOMORROW By J. T. Wllenn. 1B0 rirat .treet. at 10 a. m Bale of arocerlea. proylslotu. rlothlnc, etc. J. T Wllaoo. auctioneer. By tienrse Baker Co.. Park and Alder atreeta. at 2 p. m. Bale of honaehold furniture, carpet, etoyes, etc. Georfe Bskrr 4k Co.. auc tioneer. MEETING NOTICE. MINNEHAHA TRIBK. No. 1 ImproTed Order Red Man. -The rerular meetlnra will be held In the new wlaw.m. Willamette ball. No. 1T0V, Second .treat, st B o'clock p. m oscb Thursday ayanlnkT. PAGR CARTER. Sachem. t. CARBTEN8EN. Chief of Records. FUNERAL NOTICE. BINFIK.I.n In thla city. December . 1WM. Tsnufe M. Hlnftrld. ased HI year. The fun"r.l aery-e will be held at Flnley ehaln-1 at 1" a. m. Krldar, llecember 9. Krleoda In ylted. Becylcea at the- arare prlyate. WEATHER REPORT. a ...... n. 1. eentral thla BinrnlnS OTOr the lower Iske regkin. which 1 cnlng high wind snd hesry snow tn thst section. Light rain bss fallrn In Arlwma. and also tn western Washington snd western Oregon. It I warmer ttala morning In Nersds. Oregon, j Wsshlnaton. Idsbo snd the Mlsaonrl yslley. The Indication are for occa1onl rain In this district Friday weat of the t'aacada mountain, and rain or anow In eatern Oregon, esstcrn i Wshlngton nd northern ldbo. The lemier tares 111 continue to slowly rts. MARRIAGE LICENCES. Waller Dalan. : Myrtls Park. 20. George llolsepfel. X4: Lens Rernsrd. 23. BIRTHS. Norrmher SB. to Mr. snd Mr. Ortley Plimp ton, of Clokm. Or., daughter. Norrmbtr SS. to Mr. snd Mrs. Joseph R. Cssey, of this city, a daughter CONTAGIOUS DISEASES. December T. Mrs. Frank Ortffln. of 80 North Btiteenth street; dlphtheris. December 9. Arnold Peterson, of T4S East fifteenth street, spnth; dlphtheris. December . Minnie McCnrdy, of T44 Ponrth street; cblckenpos. . DEATHS. December 7, Joseph K. Cog. ged 41 resrs. t St. Vincent hoapltal; csusc, sarc-oma. BurUI at Spokane. Vth. December T. Dora Altaian, aged 6d yeara. at Bsjs First street; cause, chronic bronchitis' snd liesrt disease. Decemb.T e. Henry Gist, sged l years, at Astorl. Or.; csusc. cs racer. Rurlsl st crrms tortum. December S. Richard R. Bsrber, aged 40 yeara. at Drain, Or.: reuse, accidental dn.wn Inc Burlsl st crematorium. Crematorium on Oregon City car Ma, near Bell wood; modern, aclentlflc. complet. Cbrge Adult. tSB; children, $2.1. Visitors B s. m. to 5 p. in Portlsnd Cremstlon sssoelstios. I'ortlsnd Or. The Edward Holtnan rndertsklng campsny, funeral director and embslinsrs. 220 Third traet. Phoa 007. J. P. Flsley A Bon. funersl director snd emlialmers. bsv remored to their new eaten llshnient. corner Third snd Msdlsoa strsets Itoth phones No. B. Funersl wrsatha and rut flowers speetslty t Raa City Greeohonae. Twtnty-aeeond and Bast Morrlsoa. opp. cemetery. Clark Bros, for flower. 2ft Morrison street. BUILDING PERMITS. December 7, J. G. Smith, store building. srenoe. tetween Mesgly snd lining treeta: i-oat. $1S. December 7. W. W. Cos. dwelling, East Tenth, between Eaat Llncolu aud Ka.t ll.irrt son streets; cost, fl r.'' Deeemtier 7. J K Willing, cottage. Esst Beretiteetb. between Multnomah snd Bherrett slreetn; iait. !W0. Ikeeinber T, Mrs. M. Chr!tlsnen. dwelling. G4ki.1a1I arenne, between Et Stark Slid Eaat Ankru strsets: cost, el. 700. Df-cember 7. G. H. Grtlher. t dwelling. Eaat Ttrirtlitii. between Bclmout aud Last Yamblll streets; coat. 1.2ts. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Title Giisrsntee ft Trust company tn K. tamplon et 1 . seat tfj lota D and 0. block 237. Ilolladay'a addition It Jolrn Kiierny ei si. to I,, r.llertiy, lot l. block nn. Hunnyslde Second sddltlon. - Usyi llamld to Mrs. M. Hons, west hit I, block 24,' Newhnrst Psrk; esst s kn 1. block 24. Newhnrst Psrk Krsnli Pautmeterjnd wife to E. Mrllrlde. WO M lot it. blok 200. touch addition 3.500 Anna Tharlaw to W. K Mrs, lot 8, block SO Jame John' Second addition to HI. John ... Rsrab V lirommond nd hri.harol t.i M 400 Hhlrley. hits I snd 8, block 4. Ckrrerdsle em.nalon 1 Portland Trust company to M. Wagnlti. lot . block II. Wtltusas Aeenue tlon 4Bfl 1.. E. Kennedy to W. A. llsll lot 1. block C. North Irtlngton 8,750 Aloy llsroid to C. II. Smith et si.. Iota 8. 4 and B. Mock 3 Oreenwood 14 W PI McKeen and wife to v F. Nelld. lot 8. block SB. Bellwood 200 Title i.uarantee ft TniSt compsn.r t. B F Boi.-e. Ma 7 snd 8. block 23. North IrslHartoti 82R Kllrsheth By to J Eeklnnd. 2. tin square feel beginning t nsethesat corner lot 12. block JO Irrlng Itartaw View 200 Marina V Mujo snd wife to T. C. Bar TODAY'S MARKETS POULTRY SHOWS A VERY SUDDEN DROP Receipts Very Large and Exten sive Dealers Would Not Pur chase Stocks. SOME HOP ORDERS NOW COMING FROM THE EAST Sisal Rope Shows an Advance of a Quarter Potatoes Look Better. Front Street. Dae. . Tha principal market ftaturee are: , . Poultry receive sudden slump. Iax-l whsat Is swatting esstera news. Rome hop orders srs coming. Potatoes better, but prices remsln. Dsalors will try to hold onion, down, far sweet potatoes arrlree In. Klssl rope Is quarter higher. Kreab egg receipt ara nominal. M I in n run I not Improred. Veal and dressed bog firm. Poultry Xaeeleaa Sudden Slump. There was a midden slump In the poultry market this morning snd prices were osrrted fully le lower. The receipts were conllersbly larger, but the larger dealers refoned to buy at the former price and beltl off mull the market went down. Some of the doalcre In Miller to keep the market ateadler sent s large portion of their stocks to outside cities, bat tbs receipts did not show any sign of drcress tng. n prises- had to bo lowered. But few turkeys are now arriving In the ontrketa and demand for thl time of the year la quite good, nnd all atnrka that come eaally aell at the top of the market. There I u abundance of wild Mr. la. and thla ha ceen mora to do with the 1 ump In th general poultry market than any thing else. Locsl Wheat Is Awaiting Eastern New.. All I dullncsa In the local wheat altuatlon. The miller and th eportern are lying Idle and do not care to purcha, and the only aalea reported are to those email concern which did not look oat for future requirement. , The market la not any lower, as the buyers deem It useless to try to parch nndrr the present figures. I nder these price the grower ho Intely refuse to sell s buhel of their stock. The floor market I quite dull. As wss told In The Jodrnsl about s week ago, there la a good foreign demand, but not at the present price. Some of the miller are elllng from 10c to lBc barrel tinder regular quotatlona tn order to more atorka. Some Hop Orders Are Coming. Home bop order sre being recelred by the loeel das lets, bat the best price thst csn be paid to the growers today for prlmea la 20c. The orders sre now coming from tbs eastern brewer and folly confirms recent tafemcnts that they will anon come Into thla market. England la not buying aa yet. The aample hare but recently arrlred there nd brewers ara waiting to aee what they recelred for their money. There la s better feeling In hop cir cles, bat none of the dealer, care to purchaa unless they hare orders. Potato Better. But Frloss Remain. The potato market look better nd consid erable baying ha been done In the country r.n. mid BV for good alock. Some order con tinue to come from Arltona and northern Cali fornia. The onion market remain at former figure. The combination of dealers ha ur ceeded In keeping the baying price from ad vancing, although wholesale quotstlons sre re cently higher. tiaaj Bop la Advanced Qusrtar. The entire rope mrket I tronger nd quo tation on slssl grade are tc advanced today. Freeh egg receipts are now but nominal aud prices sre very steady. , Tssl snd Dressed Regs Firm. The receipts of both dressed hogs and veal re qnlt liberal, but the demand la very good and prices sre being mslntslned st the top. The rnn of Colombia rlvrr aalmon la gradually dwindling dowa. so that very little fresh flah I now coming. Th large run of smelt la practically over. Today ruling price: Grain. Floor J Fas. WHEAT New and old Walla Walla, 83a 85c: bluetem. 80OWc; .valley . 7c ' BARLEY Feed. 821 B0O21.79; rolled. J21.0C fS-tS: brewing. 822 00. CORN Whole. 82 00 per ton; cracked. 828 00. RYE fl 5B per cwt. 0ATB Prodi'cer pries No. 1 whit. 827.00: grv. g'-t .004127. 00. FLOIH Esitrrn Oregon Ps tests. 14.83; tialgbts. 83.78: valley. 84.10; graham. 84.00: 10a $4.48.1 MILLSTl'FFR Bran. - 818.BO per ton: mid dling. 823.00; aborts, country. 822.80; chop. 81H 00. HAT Producer' price Timothy. WllUmette valley fancy. $18.0OJ18.OO; ordinary. $l2nM $13 (10; atrrn Oregon. $15 OOQld.tlO: Billed. $12 iMJl$.O0; clover. $11. 0012.00; grsln. $11.00(112 00; cheat. $11.00012.00. Hop. Wool sad BUdM. HOPS 1804. 31c for exports; 2taO4e for coot; 28tt2vS4r for prim. and medluma. WOOL Nominal. Valley. eoar to medium. i"ai8t: 8 a, in. . earner n 0rgon. 12Cloc. MOH A1B New. BOe. MIEKI'BKINB -Shearing. ln02Oc; short wool. toejSOc: mediant wool. 30900c. long wool. ioetilLOO each. TALLOW Prime, per lb. 40or; No. 2 and gree. tf2He. CH1TTIM BARK 4c per lb. hnylng price. HIDES Dry hides. No. 1. 18 Iba and np. tf315e per lb: dry kip. No. 1. 6 tn 15 lha. 13r; dry ralf, No. 1. under 5 lha, Jdr; dry aalted bulla aud atags. 1-3 lee thin dry dint: salted hide, ateer. aonnd. On lha or over 78)Bc; Bo to Bo Iba. 7Hc: under 5o Iba and cowe 8Hfy7Hc; tgs snd bull. ound, fic; kin, 'l5 to .10 lbs. Be; sound. 10 to 14 lbs. cslf, nond. under- 10 lha, lie; green lon Ited 1c per lb leas: roll. 1c per lb le; bits hides, salted, each. $1,238)1 73: dry, each, I ". a I M'. coltg' hide, eich. 23Q50c; goat kin, common, each. 10)l5e: Aagora, with wool ob. each, S8etg$1.00. Butter. Egga and Poultry. FI TTER. FAT Sweet. 2SVe: aour. 20 v. e. HI'TTER City cresmery. best. 2BS4itioc; second grade. 25i27He; oktalde fancy. 27Hc: ordinary. 25c; cold atorage. 22Hr; eaatern and California. 22j27Hc; ator. i:nniy. EOOS-No. 1 freab Oregon. 32He; eaat trn eelecta 2flJ27V: cold tnrgr. 24123.'. CHEESE New Full rrbam. twin, lavje; Young America. 15c: Eaatern. lSGloc. POULTRY Chicken, miied. lo per lb: hen, l '.i 1 " 1 v per lb; rooster, old, Pc per lb; roung. lOSitflle per lb; broiler, 10ir ier a; fryer, lotlc per lb; duck, old. l"1 per lb; young. 11013c per lb: geese. 8J0c per lb; turkeys. 17c per lb: dred, ISeflOc per lb. WIl.D GAME Teal. 31 73; widgeon, 81.75$ 2.00; mallard, $3.00f3.50; cauvaaback. $t ."am 5.00. Fruit. ..4 Teget&blee. POTATOES Beet Oregon. K.ie5c cwt: Ian. i price, 70S' 3c ; wend grade. 70)8ae rk: baying price ,y.'.t .'..-. aweeta. t.t. ti .... crated. $1 8511.40; new t alltornl Be lb. ONIONS Locl. $2.4012.50: borer' price, country. $8.00(2.10; dty, $2.10t(2.13; garlic, Wti loc per lb. FRESH FKi nn appre eitrg rncy. ti .Mi, fancy Oregon. $1.00fJ1.23 prr hoi: clieon srede. 408)750 ncr box; oranges narel. $2.25'i :i On per bol ; eedllng. $1.75 '42.mi per bos; Mandarin. $1.70 per bos; Jap ornnge. 65c box; banana, 5c lb: lemon, choice. $3 25 per hoi: fancv. $3.75 per box: lime. Metlrin. 5c per 100; plnearplei. $2.8008.00; Er.ra. $1 ll)1 50; grape. $1 ianai 25 per bog; urklrberrle. liaiOr per lb; cranberries. $0 00 per bbl: Jersey, $10 per Mil; prunes. 2c per lb. VEGETABLES Turnip. $1.00 per rk: egr rota. 81 00 per ssek; heel. $1 25 per lack: f Oregon rdlhe. 15c per dm. hhsge. Ore- liar snd H. W. Ilngue. trustees, esst o feet lots 14 snd 15, block 18. Alhlna, snd other property I Earl c. Bronaugh nd wife to B. K. Bojee. kit 1. 2 god 3. block 20: lota 4. 3 and 0 block 9. Arbor Lodge 750 Laura Breake and hnaband to J.. Amber SOB, ! 70 feet rnuth lot 3. block 2. M. Milieu ddl1lon 700 Jame Fnrater to M. Forater. lot 12 ami 18, block 1. Roaelawn annex 50 Abe Meier and wife to (' F, Runrnn. lot I. hlrek 248. clly 8.000 Tyler Inrotmeul cotuiHtny to A. A. El liott, lot 14. block 8. I'en1niilr iasH Hon 86 William A. ole and wife to George H, lliamond. hat 2 block 35. Woodstock Get year Inaaranc and btret to rl etat from the Title Guarantee ft Trust com Psy. Chamber ef Commerc building. gon, $t.25l.7S cwt: lettoce, hothouse. 2041 5tk- per dos: green pepper. 7c per lb; chlH pep per. 15c lb; celery, ougfinc per oo, lumaiuv. ( allfornl. $1 15i 25; paraulpa, 73cj$i 25. pie RUut. 2t' v lb; trlng bun. 4c: caullnsiwer, i, mil .ii do; hotter nns. Be: pumpkins, le lb; horsorsdlsh, 7$)tlc per lb; sproats. $c; mmh room. 20c per 4b: artlchnk. 50t)H0c per doa. lUt.Kli KKI ITS Apple. vKratd JSJBe per lb: apricot. $H18c per lb; aacks. He per lb less: prscbes. Njl2c per lb; pssrs. per lb; prone. Italian. SHeHe Per lb; French. SHOsftc per lb; fig California black. 5tsc per lb; Callfornls white. nsr lb; plum, pitted. per lb; date, gulden. 8c per lb; tarda, $1 50 per 13 lb bog. Orsoerl. Nut. It. SL'OAR Back bssls Cub. $8 40; powdered. S.80; fruit granulated, so 6. dry granulated. .1$; best grssuUted. $8.08; eitra ( . $8.18; gulden t $983, bbl. 10C, Vkhbl 28c, box lie advance on aack baala. leea 23c cwt (or cash. 10 days: mspi. It (J inc par lb. HONEY 14H016C. COFFEE Package brands, $14 88. SALT Fin Baa, 2. wa. 4. 5. log. $1.30; table, dairy. BO. $30SJI16O: 100s. $v.0D; Imported Liverpool. AO. $18.00$)18.00: 100s. $14 5U$I3..I, 224a, $13.s0414.BO; III" hbl. 3. 8. 5. 10. $4 .50; bulk. 830 lbs. $4.00: aark a, 80s, OOc. ALT CoarHlf groead. too, per Ian. $5 2ott 50; 80 per ton, $5.430-OU: Liverpool lump rock, $16.60gl6.5O per ton; 50 lb ruck. $8oOl.75; luoa. $& 750$ 9. (Above price apply to aataa of lea thro car lot. Car lot. at apedal price eobject to flu, -110111- ua GRAIN BAGS-Calcutta. $8.780800 per 100. RICE Imperial Japan, No. 1, ie; No. . 4c; Now Orlssus hd. 3Soc; Adjsck. 3Mc; Creole, c. ( BEANS Small white, 4c; large white, $Vse; plak, 4c; bat os, ie; Lima. 5c; Mexi can reds. Bike NUTS Peannta, 7c; Jumbo. BVte per lb: raw, BOlOc per lb: roasted, cocoaoota, . One per doa: walnuta. I18 per lb; pin nut. 10O12HC per lb; hickory nuts, 10c par lb; eheetuuta. eaalera. I'mj in.- per lb: Brsll nut. iSc per lb; albert. lBOlSe per lb; fsncy gscaus, 14015c per lb: lmond. 1H13c psr lb. Msata. Flah sad Proviataas. HUSH MaLAlS Frout tret Beet, . 4i$c per lb: pork, block. 8JVc lb: packer. i;w'-.c per lb; bull. 2i2ttc per lb; cow, . 'u- 'a'- per lb; mutton, dreaaed. 405c per lb; veal, extra. 7HtHc wr lb; ordinary. $07c per lb: poor. 4ic per In; lamb. 5VM5HC per lb. HAMS. BACON, ETC. Portland pack iloc.l) bam. 10 to 14 Iba, 13c per lb; U to 18 Iba. Lie per lb: 18 to 30 Iba. 18c per lb; cottage. 10c per lb; brekfst bacon, 14015c per lb; picnic. Oc per lb; regulsr short clesrs, un it moked, 10c per lb; smoked, He per lb; clesr bsck. onamokeil. Itc per lb: smoked. l V per lb; Union butta, 10 to 18 Iba. unauioked. 8c per lb: amoked. 8c per lb; clear belllea, un amoked. lie tier lb; amoked. 12c per lb. LOCAL LAKII Kettl leaf. 10a, 10c Per lb; 3. lot,,, per lb; 50-lb tin. I'i'.e per lb; trtu rendered. 10a, ltlc Jier lb; 5. 10IC Per lb, 5n. ft'i- per lb: ci uiporind tlercea, 8Sc per lb; lube. e per lb: BOa. 8kc per lb. - CANNED SAl.MON-Colutabl river l-lb tails. 11 tf, 2 lb talla, $2.50; fancy l ib data. $2.00; H-lb fancy Bat. $1.25: fancy l-lb ovale. $i-7; Alaska talla. pink, BBOvOc: red, $1.60; nominal Is, tall, $ FISH Rock cod. 7c per Ih: Bounders. 5c per lb; llsllbut. 7r oer lb; rrshs, $1.25 per dos; striped bass, ni'isj 2v per lb: ctah. 7e per lb; aalmon. leelheds. nc per lb- sllversldes, 7c per lb; herring. $c per lb. eolea. 8c per lb; hrlmp. 10c per lb; hd, dreaaed. per lb, perch, 5c per lb; ahad roe, per lb; shad, 8c per Ih; black cod, 8c per lb: llnr melt, 5c per lb; Inhaler. 12fcc; fresh msrkerel. tc; crswBsh, 20c par dog; Bounders. 8c per lb; sturgeon. 7c per lb. OYSTERS Shoalwater bay. per gal. $2.23 per (k, $4.00 net: Olympla. per erk. $3 35. CLAMS Hard "hell, per box, $2.00: raaor clama, $2.00 per bog. Palata, Coal OUs, Its. ROPE Pore Manila. 14c: atandard. 12c; SiL iOKc; lath, brand 8lsl. 4c. COAL OIL Pearl or Astral Caaea. 2' V" per gal; water white. Iron bbla IV per gal. wooden. per gal: headlight. 170-deg. caaae iMSe oer gal. Iron bbla 17c per gal. LINSEED OIL Pore raw. In bbl 62c per gl, caaeti 67c per gal; genuine kettl boiled, caaee 50c per gal. bbla 64c per gal; ground rake, car Iota $26.00 per ton, lea than csr lots $26.00 per ton. GASOLINE 86 dcg. caaea 32e per gal. Iron Ibla 26c per 'gal: atnve, raaea 24Hc per gal. Iron bbla 18c tier gal. BENZINE 63-deg caeca 22c per gal. Iron t hi i per gal. i-AiftT tiiL. tiaw, nnia rw per gai. cai Mi- tier sal: boiled caaea 40c nee sal TV HI TRI'SnTINE In ce 85c oer gal. wooden bbla, 81c per gal. Iron bbla 78c per gl. 10 lb case 1st 84c per gal. WHITE LEAD Too lot 7 Me per lb; 600-lb lot 7fcc per lb. Iea lot 8c per Ih WIRE NAILS Proem baae at $3-80. NO CATTLE RECEIPTS. Market Suffers From Lock of General Receipts Tone Oood. Portland fnlon Btockyarda. Dee. 8. The re ceipt of llreatock today were very small and a giHid tone ruled In all the line. The re ceipt show 47 bog and SO cattle. The cat tle mnrket Is perhaps the trongeat on account of the general lack of recelpjta. OfBclal prlcea today : Hog Best eaatern Oregon, $3.50: heat Wll lammette valley. $5 23a5 35; light. $4 25; China fat. $4 211; alocken and feeders. $.1.5004.60. Csttle Best esatern Oregon Bteers. $:;.n'. 8.68; light and medium ateer. $2.7503.28; best cow, 8X.76O3.O0: medium cow, f- -i - old and light eow. $1.64O.0t; barker god feeder. 32.tH"U2.23; boll. $1 752no Sh.-i-ii Rest fncy beep. $.'1.5013.76; lamb. $3.73; ewe. $3.78: totrk aheep. $2.35. COTTON CLOSED SEVEN ' TO EIGHT POINTS UP (Fornlhed bv Overheck. Btrr ft Cooke Co) New York. Dec. 8. Cotton closed 7 tu S point up. OfOclal prlcea Open. High. Low. Close. 7.63 7.7B 7.61 7.777S 7 70 7 70 7 7i 7.HBmss 7.81 7.06 7. HO 7.84006 T.MO3 7 00 8.116 7.00 R.06O07 R.noraii 8.10 8.13 8.00 B.ltralll 7. 0 7.06 7.80 S.OOittOii 7.5rt T.70 7.86 7.7o072 January February March .. April ... May June .... July . . . Auguat I i MEW YORK COFFEE MARKET. New York.. Dec. 8 -Coffee clnee: Bid. Aak.l Rid. Ask. January . . ,$7.n6 $7.10! July $7 ill) $7 .63 February ..7.15 7.2o! Aogot 7.70 7.75 Min-h 7.111 7 . -September .. 7.80 7.86 April 7..W 7.40October 7.HB 7.80 M. 7.46 7.3n,Novembcr . . . 7. BO 7.05 Jan 7.66 7.80 Cash coffee: No. 7 Rio. 8Vc; No. 4 Santoe. 8'C- . Mew Tork Sugar. New Tork. Iiee. B. Sogor: Refined, un changed: raw, firm and unchanged: London i.e. t sugar, firm with good demand for De cember. VI higher to 14s 5l4d; Janusry nn chsnged: world's visible supply I 1,870,000 tons. BOSTON COPFXR MARKET Boston. Dec. 8 Copper official price Bid. M Ak. 24 26 ti 63 St" 12H 71 65 34 '4 53 26 B3 27 8 110 1 14 122 in Me Royal . . . United States Adventure Arcadian Atlantic Illngham Daly Wet . . . Copper Hnnge Dominion foul Greene l5opp.r Michigan klohisrk . old Dominion tvweol Pnrrot Phoenix .". Qui Bay . 16 . 34 . 12 . 70 32 26 U 0214 26 v.:::,o?H :::::: ft 120 12 :::::: it'4 ion IH Rhode Ialnd Shannon Tamarack Trlnltv Victoria Winona Wolverine Wyandot 2Mi PORTLAND BANK STATEMENT clearing Balance -. $052 IT.-.2 f1 5.,.673 2 Chicago Caah Wheat. ' hli ago. Dee. 8 Caah wheat cloaed Jr down Offbtal price: Rid. Ak No. I red $1.14,4 $1 I6v, No. :i red l i t No. 2 hrd winter 1.10 1.13 So n hard winter l.ol Ml So 1 northern spring l.ini, i jn No. 2 northern prlng 1.16 No. 3 northern spring 1.01 1.14 OUTSIDE WHEAT CLOSES. Mar option. ihlrsgo $1,111,11 Mllnkee i.n v. Mlnueaill 1.18 l.Hhj 'ululb SLUMPED EARLY; RECOVERED SOME Lawson Forces Bear New York Stocks to Bottom Early but Lose Later. AMALGAMATED TWO AND THREE QUARTERS DOWN With but Few Exceptions Some Loss Is Shown at the Close. (Furnished by Overheck. Starr A Cook Co.! New York, Dec. 8. Thl waa another aen atlonal day on th stork exchange. The principal talk continues of Lawson snd hla deeds. Amalgamated recelred tho brunt of the attack. The Scenes today were far mors exciting then yestertisy, ss Lawson hsd laat night talked of asking for the appointment of a receiver for Amalgamated and something out of the usual waa expected to traoaplre. Amalgamated opened 60c to $1:50 lower at 6R to 67. It wrut bark to 88 again, but on aelllng pressure the price went to 508. The rei-overy from thla point waa alow but aure and the market at the cloee was $X73 off from yesterdsy at 85V Atchison opened op strong and unchanged st 854, but baa an early drop to SSI. It went hark gradually and closed 12V cent up at VV Sue ir Refinery opened np 50 cent at 142 and went soon to 143. It went flat on heavy aell lng to 186. hot Jumped hack Inst aa aiidden to 140. Then It went weak to 138V4, bat later reacted at the close back to 14lH, enowlng a lo for the day of 87 V reote. Brooklyn waa down $3 at the close after a weak market, while, Baltimore A Ohio waa $1 up. Rock laland had a aet-to with the bear and after being forced to 31 went at the close to 86, a gala of 75 rents. Chicago Al Northwestern wa dull, but lost t-l 23. while Sr. Psnl waa a loaer by $2.37Vj. Toledo common gained $.1 nn small trailing Cbeupeak A Ohio loat $2 and closed at 46 and Colorado Furl lost $1.75. Erie went down $1 for i he common. Illlnol Central waa atrong aud closed unchanged. Loulavllle A Naabvllle fell back $1.76. while Mexican Central wa atrong and unchanged Ontario A Western wa a atrong one and gained $1.S7Vj. Pacific Mull lost $4.25 snd St. Lools A South western dropped $:!. Tennessee Cnsl A Iron rlosed at 6B. a loss of s-.'r-.'i, i nr.-. I'll, in.- st 106 showed a loss of $4.73 on tho common. I'nlted Slates Leatiior preferred opened higher at 17 rnd cloaed at 1st, an advance atnee yes terday of $2. American Smelter cloaed $1.60 up ' at 80. The official tock market: I p5 DESCRIPTION. Anatxind Mining Co, . . . 100 I104T 88 1103 rxaaM, t iiriitrr Co. . . 67 68 BBv. I tot 86 VI SB sits. I H5'i Atchlaon. com do preferred Am. Car A Kound.. com. ill osliZl o I .i7 do preferred ... 4 ... Am. Sugar, com Am. Smalt., com... do preferred Am. Ice. com do preferred Tlaltfmore A Ohio. com.. Hrooklyn Rapid Trnalt. 63 ' andiju l'a-In. . rtin.. i hi A Alton, com Chi. A lt. Weat., com. Chi.. Bill. A St. Paul.. Chi. A North., com Chesapeake A Ohio Cblo. Fuel A Iron, com. Coki. Southern, com..,. ao zu prererred do let preferred Delaware A Hudson.... Dole.. 1-aoka. A Weat. D. A R. '. , com .ti Ho 84 do preferred Erie, com I 37 do 2d preferred I 66 do lat preferred I 74 ViVt 6..W 34'4 Illlnol Central 162 18!,Vtl4 15.1 laiularille at Nashville ..! 143 143 13K 141 Metro Trsctlon Co. . .1122 122 1116 1.1 Manhattan Klevated 11 16U 1114 I IMS 1M 211 86 86", 144 1H2S lo7, :l 32 61l! 60 184 137 Mexican Central Ry.... M 8t. P. A Str. M do preferred Zl Zl 80 L88 SO i 88 Mlaaonrt I'll, in.- 107 1117 IUT 32 V M K. A T.. com do preferred New York Central :tz onul 88 i i:w 73 711 inn ion Norfolk A Western, com. North American 74Vil 75. 07V,I 08(4 N. Y.. Ont. A West.... 43 I 43V4I 411 I 43 Pennaylvanla Ry 136 136I133 l:M 1OTVI1II7 llil lli7V4 r. ti., L. at C. l"reaaed Steel Car. com . . do preferred. PaclAc Mall Steam. Co.. Reading, com do 2d preferred do 1-t preferred Rep. Iron A Steel, com. do preferred Rock i-i com do preferred io' av osvji : as 42 43 30 771 77l 73 81 I 82 SOU 8(1 U KU s-r 881, hSLj I4l 13 is inw 66 67 ,-, l!7 83 1 3t 8$ 8.1 30 83 s.;. 34 03 V, 82 81 33 V, Southern Ry.. com 3.1 VH do preferred 03 I Btiui tn Southern Pactflc .1 6TI I B.I I 60 St. L. A S. . 2d pfd 67' 67 ICO. do lat preferred .... I I 77 23j 23141 23V,' 2-.V4 56Vi! 56l 60 68 84 35Vkl ,T2 34 70! 70V, HO 1 4 tH 85 I 35 1, 33l B4 34V, 34V, 53 63 iti;nt in 110 Bt. L. A S. W.. com. . do preferred Texa A Pclflc Tenn. Coal A Iron T.. Bt. Is A W.. com do preferred I nlo n Paciflc. com.... do preferred I'. S. Leather, com... do preferred I'. S. Rubber, com do preferred I'. S. Steel Co.. com. . do preferred Wheel. A L. K . com.. do 1st preferred. . . . 04 I 04 Mj 4 V, I 00 17 I l 13V4 18. loo nn i., 08 I"4', 30 :li Bo! 27 !HI pn I 2I 01 18 all BO 14 28 01 18 43 21 .M v .j 84 17S 44 28 80 12 46 21 45 02 21 43 sr.'. Wtconlu Central, com I 20 do preferred Western I'ulou Tele. . . on 43 44 02' 02 01 Wabash, com 22 -- ZO 43l 44 I 41 do preferred Total le for day. 2.SS0.100 hare. Money, 44 ier cent. - SAX FRANCISCO MINING STOCKS. Ban Frgnclaco, Dec. 8. Official mining stock quotation: Bid. Bid. $ .47 .07 .20 .06 .10 .06 .42 .15 .22 1 .60 .It) .60 .78 Ophlr $2.85 Mexican 1.20 1 our Id A Carry.. ,S Beat A Belcher. 1.10 Con. Cal.-Va 1.80 Bavage 28 1 hollar 18 Pi it.. a I 18 Sierra Nevada . 1 tab Rulllon Beg Belcher . . . Justice . . ,., 1 Alta Cnledonla Challenge Andea Kx chequer Overman t'nlon Con Julia Bllver Hill Occidental Con. New York . I tale A Nororo LIO Crown Point . .16 .02 .09 .22 .8.1 Con. Import 1 Yellow Jacket. Kentucky Alpha ....1... Belcher Cooildenro It TOS0PA1I KXCHANCR. Bid. I Bid. $ .76 .22 .2'! .67 2 20 Montana .... Midway Red Top Hold Mountain Cold Kleld .. Nevada .f 1.07 . .84 . .17 . .18 . .62 rtetmonr McNmr .... North Btar I Jumbo .. I Ton. Kxtenaloti. . mm SAN I RANC'SICO LOCAL STOCKS. San r'ratuUco, Dec. m. laaeal atock closing. 10 .10 . m. Bprlng Valley Water Central Light Mutual Klectrlc Pacific Lighting 8. r. (las A Klectrlc tllant Powder 11a iv nils 11 Sugar II. moker Sugar Ilulchlnntili Sugar KIlaneHti Mngar Mkweli Hugar t inotitea Hugar Pimtihau Hugar Alaska Parker' Cal. Krult Cannern' , Cal. Wine it.-, sni. Htenmahtp I'a.-lfle C it Borax Pacific Htatisa Telephone Damaad Btarllng. New Y.lvo. Dec 8. Demand sterling. 480',,; 60 ilaja, 4W.J5. 8V7Vi NO 80 V, 143 134 i4iil 7 I Nil 735 70 ins in no iioh TZ Tfi 7 7 37HI SSV, 37 87 -'T . IMI 'H i. UNIV. .... .... .11 s I 63U Ml 63 LKIVi 1..1V 127-tlHtl', 40 I 41 40 40 22) 22Vi ' 211 I 221. 171 172 1164 1160', 2ta 106 203 204 48 48 43 46 4SV, 4S 37 46 20 2livl in'., 82 82 32 32 I 58 6N 57 57 H 1186 ISo'i 183 184 232 I $1 32 31 .11 Ho NH I s::w 83 37 MaZ . Rid. Aak. 38 B 3V 4 .... 11 .... 60V, 65 66 01 tvt 78 74 i;h H $2 8:1 313 g 86. 87", OBV, 76 . . 3 6 6 157 1116 108 Lack of Sufficient "Cattle Receipt Is Affect ing the Market Poultry Come in Too Lively for the Demand Some Hop Order Coming. ADVANCE SHOWN IN MAY AND JULY Both Options of Wheat Are Up in Chicago Market Today De cember Off. CORN MARKET RESISTS SENTIMENT IN WHEAT Latter in Better Position and Stocks Are in Strong Hands Oats Quiet. THE WHEAT MARKET. Ooen Cloai floss Gain TiKlay. December $108 May MO? Today. Today. Wed. Today. $1.08 $t.o $ .00 1 in. II 1.10B .60 July .081 .M) :"'. .00. Lo. (t-'urolabed by Overbook. Starr A Cooke Co.) Chicago. Dee. 8. Logan A Bryan aay: The Trade Bolletlo givea the world's stock of wheat aa deoreaatug bushel against 174.0N5.OOO buabeht ou year ago. Kan sas city wire cash wheat c to Ic loo-er. while St. Lou la No. 2 red la ic to lc higher with a good demand. The Mtoneapolla market report the caah market Inclined to follow tbe opttone snh uo demapd for flour, and the situation la disappointing. The early break lo wheat waa caused by Uquldatluo of outatde holding Influenced by the weak closing of yesterday. Wheat had a violent break and It la but natural' to expect a apeculatlve rally. The action of the market at the low point would Indicate that liquidation bad been quite thorough and the wheat again lodged In strong hand. Aside from this fact, the real factor at tbe moment la toe oocertaloty prevalllug over Argentine conditions. From a supply aud demand atandiiutiit, the domestic situation la ta-arlah. What little caah demand there la, la of retail character only, and It aaeme In credible that miller are likely to become ur gent buyer of wheat right away. A apecula tlve rally la poaalble and only natural. Corn Results Wheat. Tbe corn msrket showed considerable resist nc ' to aelllng preore aod tbe action of the wheat market. Tbe largo abort Interest la a prop under tbe market and offset lo o way he liberal receipts and better quality of corn , 1 ming to tbe markeL Oat and Frosislsna Dull. The oata market la eztremely light and la mostly profesHlonal. In provision continued large hog receipt are atlll the ruling factor. The official market: WHSAT. Open. High. Dee.. May. July. ..$ 1.08 .. .08 $ 108 CORN. Dee... .la. 1 May.. July.. Dee... May.. July.. Dec.. . Jan... May.. July.. Dee... Jaa... May.. July.. Jao... May.. July.. itavj .28 .28 .8t .30 11.20 ..111 3 .311 .30 MISS PORK 1280 1280 1250 12.82 12.40 12.70 12.77 12 77 6.77 -82'J 7 06 7.12 6.85 7.06 6.86 7.181 6.80 7.02 SHORT RIBS. 4.50 4.46 6.70 6.65 4 50 .870 6 47 667 6.82' CHICAGO DRAIN CAR LOTS. Chicago, Dae. 8. Oralu car lota: Car. Urda. Est lDCI tVheat 16 .. 40 87 Corn ft .588 A 688 182 Oat : 81 17 69 137 Liverpool Oral Market. Liverpool. Dee. 8. Clow: Wheat March. Ta 3d. d down; May, 7a 3d. d down. Core January. 4 4d, d down; March, U -.'.'I. d op. NO MORE OFFICERS TO BE APPOINTED Police Department Funds Low and No Men Will Get Places atpresent. No more polloe offlcero will bo p- polnted until after January 1, according to Big Slchel, chairman or the police commissioners. At the meeting of the commissioners this morning It waa found that the money In the police deportment fund would run behind about $1,000, .which amount will have to be taken from the general fund. After allowing the bills for November there was only about $4,000 In the fund. "We have several vacanclen In th de partment now. caused by resignations and dismissals," said Slg Slchel, "but I think we will have to do without any more men until after New Years. Our funds are rather low and we desire to get along as economically aa possible." He stated that In cane the council ap proves the) estimates of expenses for the coming year, the 10 additional men pro vided for in the estimate will be ap pointed, together with men td fill tha vacancies In the department. There are very few men on the ellglblk list and In order to get suitable of ficers another examination will have to be hefd by the civil service commission. The estimate also provides for (0 ad ditional men during the Lewis and Clark fair. A campaign to secure these of ficers will be commenced soon after the new year. In all probability they will receive appointment In May. WANTS ORDER OF COURT MODIFIED OR SET ASIDE .Special T)tptrh to The noroal.l Helena, Mont., Dec. 8. Counsel for the International Harvester company of America has applied to the supreme court for an order setting aside or mod ifying the court's order Tuesday In the proceedings brought against the com pany by Attorney-General Donovan un der the anti-trust lsw. The order of the court on Tuesday was that the company show cause next Monday why the company should not tee enjoined permanently from doing business In the state, and that It should refrain from transacting any business until further order from the court. In his statement to the court coun sel for the company said the action had been brought against the wrong com pany, th corporation mentioned In the suit being a selling company solely, and not a manufacturing concern. The court took the matter tinder ad visement. The suit brought byihe attorney-general Is a test rase, snd If he ha BUStstned others are In contempla tion Involving many so called trusts dowhibo. aoncxaTB t co.. (Kstsbllahed 1181. WSTSAT AJTO STOOat IBOItBI. Bloom 4, Orotind Tloor. CBAH1EX OF COM JCW HCaV Low. Close. $ 1.07 $ 1.08 1 . l.ltB .08 . 00 .45 .46 .42x2 . 4. .44 .44MB .44 .44 .444 OATS. 28 .28 .801, .30 MINE EXPLOSION KILLS MANY MEN Burnett, Wash., the Scene of a Disastrous Blow-Up of Deadly Gas. TWELVE BODIES FOUND AND FOUR MEN MISSING Searching Parties Work Dog gedly in Hope of Finding Comrades Still Alive. (Special I'lapat. h to Th Journal.) 1..M-....U, rw k At X o'clock yesterday afternoon, with en explosion of such terrlflo power nd concussion that Its murtlea report waa neara tor M.. s r,ooLt In th Month Prairie Coal company's mine her was Ignited, hurling to death at least 12 miners and either Imprisoning, or killing outright, four others. The known dead: MATT KARKAS. JUSTUS KI.S' N. MATT PEURA. MATT ERICKSON. Kit It K I.OI M A. JOHN LOUIS. JOHN OSCAR 811 RO. OSCAR MUKARI. ANDREW MATSON. JOHN LOUMA. Supposed dead bodies not recovered: JAME8 CHAPMAN. QEOROE BARBER. J. 8. TAYLOR. CHARLES HILL Injured: Joe Forsyth, inside foreman; badly burned about the face, head and shoul ders; may die. August Strand, a miner, in a rescu ing party; overcome by gas; will re cover. Before the reverberations of the ex plosion had died away nearly 100 miners were hurrying to the scene, while from the, a. r.rslln. hunt o f the workers. In the flat below, women and children were starting In a mad scramble ror tne snail house, shudderlngly awaiting news as to the extent of tha catastrophe which was to later develop mourning In It homes where the victims were heads of families. As (hew entered tha district Of death all were nearly overcome by the stifling fumes of the clamp ana star tea nur riautisr t., estreat Rtrond was overcome ani fell hut hto Mitirftdti. with the humble heroism which develops in such Incidents, braved deatn, reiurnea ana. dragged him out, unconscious but alive. Blul. Mtna tn.naelnr C V Owen is to day making an investigation, and Coro ner E. M. Brown or racoma win nom on Inquest as soon as the Jury can safely enter the death-chamber. Searching parties, headed by the mine inspector, are working Incessantly this afternoon, hoping to rescue those lm ri.ono,t tnnuv if thev are still alive. There is small hope. The workers have to force air Into the shart, as tney pro ceed, to overcome the gaa. Tnanactnr Owen nova the mine has been regarded aa one of the aafast In the state, and that Ita superinvention. C. H. -Burnett, has been considered a careful man. Nearly all the vlctlma were married and leave large families. The entire town is in mourning. The Louma boys were nephews of Eric Louma. whose son-in-law was killed in an accident a year ago. Burnett is 26 miles from Tacoma. in v. ...... 1 ...Inn nn tha western side of the Cascades. Tha sBIbsb BalllllWfi. -BByttlf. Finns alW POIKI. Without delay searching parties were organized and as order waa brought about at the shaft's mouth a tally waa taken of the men missing. The mine employs more than 100 men, but of these only 40 were at work at the time of the explosion. It being a short shift. Many of theee were out of .t.. 1 tn which the exDloslon oc curred. How deadly was the blast is shown by later researcnes. in wnicn 11 Is known that of all the men working at it,. tsoHMtiat. ncene of the mishap but one. Foreman Forsythe. escaped, and he was found unconscious, ournexi ana 111 inro.t in a henn of dead. oM.. itrt o'clock until mldnlcht searching parties worked, one replacing the other as rapiaiy no me a"" became unbearable. But In all that time i. ris. of tesrll v vxnor continued, and aa the time broached over into another day the work was dlscontinuea. At the time when the gas drove back the rescuing parties, there were 11 bodies, burned, blackened and distorted, lying on planks laid in the mine ma chine shop, which had been turned Into a temporary morgue. But there was no suroaase of anxiety or mourning In the camp, and the wall Ings of the bereaved were mingled with ,v. ...iaiii rilactiKslons of those planning further attempts to rescue the living or recover the dead still en tombed in the tunnel's wreckage. When dawn approached further tests .v,.,n.0.i nartl! clearance of the gas. and the workers resumed their efforts. Bv 10 o'clock peuras Doay naa own recovered f 6Jb the heaped up debris and laid out by the side of his dead fellow workmen. August Strand was one or a psrty ni six volunteers. The men were the first to enter the shaft, and su naa narrow escapee. Tha inquiries so fsr lead to the most general belief that the cause of the ex plosion was tne ignition 01 a bob pucsci by the fires from the fuses Just touched e- Th. ect Mint the men were lust going off shift and that the firing time was due leaas to tms meory. Amnntr theory, but one which seems the least t.n.hl Is that the blow came through a dust explosion Fraf arrod Stook OaauaeA Goods. Allen V Lewis' Best Brand. COMMISSION) CO. (Incorporator Room 2 Chamber of Commerce. Ordund Floor. Capital Bnrplus $600,000 00. Brokers In Grain.Provisions, Slocks and Bonds I a r seat Privet Wlr Brwteto to A merle. Rpon1Me and Conaer .a ... I i. K. Al.l)i :N, Managar W Charge It totereot fae Carrrlaa Laae ttcarka OVERBECK. SfARR & COOKE CO. Members ChlcaB" Hoard of Trada OBAI3I. rBOTIDIOBg. COTTOB. STOCKS A BID BOSTSS, 11 Third Street. McKay Butldlnn. fcnrtland. Or. WB DO A 8TB.1CTT.T COKMIBBIOM BVSUTBSS. Continuous Markets by Prtrate Wlr. vjulck Servlea. REFKRKNrFB Ladd TUton. bankers, and United States National Hank of Portland. Ten Acre Tracts Ten Acre Tracts On Saturday, December 10, at 1 :30 p. tn., a special excur sion train will leave Fourth and Yamhill streets' and con vey intending purchasers to Shattuck's station to view the Shattuck farm, lying on both sides of the railroad track, right at the station, which has been sub-divided into tracts of 6, 8, 10 and 12 acres and will be sold with payment of one fourth down, balance in one, two and three years with interest at 6 per cent. Every person wanting a country home, a fruit or berry farm or a poultry ranch should go out on this excursion and inspect these tracts. Abstract of title fur nished to each purchaser. While it is winter and you are seeing the lands at their worst, it is the best time for intending buyers to make their selection. The train will start at 1 :S0 p. m. from Fourth and Yamhill streets and will leave on return trip in an hour after arrival. Re member, the Southern Pa cific will soon run their gaso line cars hourly past this tract. For Plats and Prices Call Upon Charles K. Henry 273 Stark Street. 4 WLmW Dr. W. Norton Davis. IN A WEEK We treat soeessa folly all privet servos as chronic dlaraea cf . alas blood, to, be.rt. liver, kldoer aod threat trnobsto. W en re 8 VPHILLIB (without amuuiv) to tr eared forever, la 80 to 80 Bare. We issna BTftfCTURK, without operation or sola. Is 18 Wa. ,,.. th. rsantt sf OSlff BB Immediately. We caa reefer, the senal vlao of ny man natter 80 bv SUM at leoal treat ment necoTlar to mi reel see. We Cure Gonorrhoea tn a Week The doctor ef thl Inatltot. ore all focolat rrflouatea. have had asaav year exponas, have bees knows 1 Portland for lb vr. have a repctetlr. to maintain, and will a star tk as caa oolese cert I eon can b ef fected We m rants to ear la every ee w oadsv tfce or -Bar, no fee. OPinssUatle free. tarV ter enofldeotlel. loateoetlve BOOK TOR oTal mailed fee. In elatn wcanner. If real easeM eon et sfflee. writ, foe tlon blank. Horn, trearsieot seeesosfsL Of ao bears 8 v B. T t SsoOoyo sad holiday. 10 h IS. 1 se leading e1nt lo b Waethwae. tb1lbed 1888. Dr. W. Norton Davis & Co. Van SOT Hotel. BT. . Oor. Third and Fine Streets. FOatTJUAMS. OaVBOOV. WEINHARD'S City Brewery Largest and Moat Complete Brewery In tho northwest. Bottled Beer a Specialty lo, 73. Office 13th and Bnrnslde Streets PORTLAND. OREGON. MRS. WINSLOW'S SOOTHING SYRUP has twara oeeat by Mtlllona of MoUsars for thotr child r.n w b II Teslbl na f or orer Fifty Tears. on in. oiiena in aonta, ouoy wino ooiio, ana x in ooai FREE EXCURSION I