THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, THURSDAY EVENING, UEvBKBSK V, im 19 HIS SAD STORY VON HOTEL INSTEAD OF JAIL FOR PUTER WANTED HERE IS STAGE PICTURE OF THE DARK AGES HER WOMAN'S HEART FOUND IN OAKLAND Johnny Walker, Prince of Get- Convicted of Conspiracy He Is Kindly Treated by Fed eral Officers. Charles Keith, Freight Car Rob ber, Will Be Returned to Scene of Crimes. Such Is Ben Greef s Croat Pre sentation of Peter Dorland's Play of "Everyman." aways. Has Princely Welcome from Mrs. Shupback. A FRIGHTFUL TALE OF OFFICIAL CRUELTY The Lad Has Escaped from Care takers Five Times and Is Planning Another. It was still dark and cold Skis morn ing whim Mrs. J. T. Shupback, 2 Kast Thlrtj tlrat street, hoard a faint knock at her door. It waa so feeble that sho paid no attention to It. Then she heard ihe knock again and, opening the door, aw a very small boy, very muddy,' very cold and very much frightened. His ankle was swollen and he limped painfully. He wore neither shoes, hat nor coat. He was clad only in a blue calico waist, short trousers and stock ings. He waa covered with mud and darted back In fear when the door waa thrown open. The pain and cold gave him courage and he advanced timidly. "Please, ma'am, may 1 come in?" he said. Certainly he could come in. the woman replied. 8he took the child In her arms, removed the muddy clothing, replaced them with warm, dry garmenta, placid him by the atove and fed him. Then her heart went out to the lad as he told his atory, and she called her husband tu listen She did not know that un heralded and unannounced the little stranger who had come to her for aid waa the uncrowned prince of Juvenile ilUra and the identical youngster who bad caused t lie police more trouble than, any youth of hia years who had ever com Into their clutches. Oh! The Cruel Officers. He told how cruel officers had taken him from his loving mother because he stayed out after 8 o'clock one night; bow they took him Into court, and how the Judge had refuaed to listen to the tearful pleadings of himself and mother and had sent him to the Boys' and Girls' Aid society. How there, he had tried faithfully and hard to be good, but cruel ' treatment had driven him away. They did not feed him except on soup, he said. He had no clothing but those he wore. They would not give him shoes. He was sitting by fire last night. he continued sadly, with the other boys and girls, when a chunk of wood fell from the stove upon the floor. Buperln tend, nt Gardner, he said, kicked him un mercifully when the wood fell out, and that was why he limped. rnis pmiut tory so impressed Mrs. Shupback that he staved with her all the forenoon, eat ing choice things and nursing the swollen ankle. Meanwhile at the school there was commotion. At breakfast time it was discovered that Johnnie Walker, years old. who was recaptured for the fourth time only last Monday, had again made his escape. How he managed It was a mystery for a time. Investigation, how aver, revealed the fact that the lock on the small door of the coal chute on the fourth floor had been tampered Wltn. From the fourth floor to the basement thrimtti the chute la about 76 feet and a very nice trip for a very small boy to make, provided he can keep irom railing. Sow Ha Oot Mm Bora Ankle. But Johnnie wouldn't keep from fall ing. He had elbowed his way down al most to the bottom and In hla anxiety and haste had grown rareleas. losr hls hold and fell onto the ground. He apralned his ankle In the fall, but deaplt the pain and throbs that almoat made htm cry he staggered to his feet and ran limping Into the forest back of th building. He did not stop to dry his tears nor to heed the pain, but hastened on. He knew not where to go. but be fore htm was the big world and behind him the school which he hated with all the hate that he could hold. He stag gered blindly on through the dark and i mud until he saw a ray of light. He was returned to the school at noon. This was his fifth escape, he declared proudly, and It would not bo his laat. Last Sunday he left, but was captured on Ibis side the river the next day. Ha was cutting wood at First and Colum bia streets when found. After his first attempt to get away h.rwas put In girl's clothing. It Is a means of punishment .and Is said to have t deterring effect on would-be runaways. But with Johnnne Walker there Is no difference. Three times he has escaped In dresses and twice In trousers. -Last time I met a boy named Frankle and he gave me pants for the dress." he said. "I didn't care about wearing the dress. It'a Just tbe same to me. thouvh tuat ao's I act away." He waa committed to the Aid society a year ago for Incorrigibility and Is said tn have been one of the worst young sters ever taken before the court. HUNTER ACCIDENTALLY KILLS HIS COMPANION (Special Dispatch to Tbe Journal.? Vancouver, B. t. Dec 8. While In the act of ahootlng a mountain goat on a rocky slope at Jervis inlet, l. e Royd accidentally killed his companion, Charles Wise. Both had guns. Royd sighted a goat, and. taking aim, slipped off the rocks. The gun waa discharged, the charge entering Wise's body. He died soon after. He waa 22 years old. PBTlTlOBf riLID. (ftprriit DhnxU-b to The Joarnal.) Corvsllls. Or.. Dec. 8. Forest R. Rarnes today filed a petition for letters of sdmlnlstratlon In the probate court for the estate of B. B. Barnes, who was killed In a tile ditch north of rorvallls Isst Friday. The estate Is valued at 14.000. K C Baking Powder IS UNIFORMLY GOOD Because the largest and boat facilities in the country enable the manufacturers to avoid variation in materials and in the pro em of manufacture. 26 Ounces for 25 cents SEEKING IN VAIN TO FIND BONDSMEN Mrs. Watson Puts Up Two Thou sand Cash and Secures Her Liberty. U A It Piilrp V . . B i 1 ,,-.., -i I Mi! ill flndlng anyone to sign his bond for 14. 000. and he la still In the custody of the United States marshal Kver alnco w ...,it, l..t T.....I.V if conspiring to defraud the government of Its public landa he has been vainly trying to get bondamen. No one la willing to take the risk of guarantee ing Puter's 'appearance for aentence. ICmma W. Iintl .hl.H KflTIlt WMH Oriirl- nally fixed at 84.000. appealed to Judge rteuinger to reuuee n, mm w uh.,h , consented to do, placing the amount at 82.000 cash. Mra. Watson produced the money and was released yesterday af ternoon. At the time when she was brought back from Chicago under ar ....... .iBn..uiiflH & nan iu . h K. 1 1 un der the Indictment to be tried next week, ao that the total security now held by the government Is 17,000. This was considered by Judge Bellinger to be sufficient. Puter was again allowed to spend the night at the Portland hotel. In custody . .. .4,. m.r.h.1 Tht. leniency has occasioned much criticism, as the usual procedure is to place a convicvwu pn oner behind the bars In default of ball. It Is discretionary with the marshal to do as he please, with a prisoner, so long as he Is not allowed to escape. He may be kept in tne marsnai s mnw, hotel- o tn )all as the marshal aeea nt. Nevertheless, surprise la expressed that so much consideration should be shown to Puter, as he a regarded as the ringleader In the conspiracy 10 rop m government. A government official re marked today: 'wh.n' a man whn hns merely stolen postage stamps Is sununarlly clapped In Jail it la hard to understand wny a man like Puter. who Is not only convicted of a serious crime against the govern ment, but who waa shown by the evi dence to be utterly debased and de graded, should be treated with such ex traordinary kindness. One of the wit nesses In the trial had te spend a night In jail because he could not furnish ball, although he waa In r.o way Involved in the crime of the defendanta, but Puter, who has been convicted. Is allowed to go to the PorUand hotel. There la no ex cuse for such favoritism." CHIEF HUNT DEFIES ORDER OF THE MAYOR Holds Kangaroo Court, and Re fuses to Send Hoboes to the Rock Pile. Chief of Police Hunt has defied the order of Mayor Williams and Is endeav oring to prevent the accomplishment of good results by the Institution of a rock pile. Refusing to abolish his "kanguroo court," he leaned against the police sta tion counter this morning and as a judge discharged 11 men from custody and or dered them to leave the city. Only three men were reserved for work on the rock sola a : In addition to giving the two guards sent to the station this morning by City Kngineer Elliott only three men to place at work, he failed to have the prisoners ready at 8 o'clock, the hour apeclfled. and did not send them out until half an hour later. Among the men filed by the chief aa "kangaroo judge" was one charged with begging, who haa in the past given the police much trouble. Chief Hunt had stated that when a man waa found In the city after being ordered to leave, he would be haled before Police Judge Hogue, yet regularly in the last two weeks men have been aet free after they had been taken Into custody several tunes. J W. Johnson, an ex-convlct, who served 12 months In the Salem peniten tiary for robbing a cash reglater at The Iallea and who got a ahort term In. the city prison not long ago, la on the Hat of thoae extended mercy by "Kangaroo Judge" Hunt. AUAJTY DEVElOl LEAGUE tapeeUI Dtspatrb to Tb Jonrasl.) Albany. Dec. 8. The flrbt step wes taken In this city last night towsrd the organisation of a local branch of tho Oregon Development league, when Man ager Tom Richardson of Portland ad dressed a maas meeting of the people of this city explaining the operation of the state league and the work being accompllahed by that organisation. After Richardson's address, a number of the cltlsena pledged amounts of from 83 to 88 each to be paid Into a local or ganisation each month for a year, and a committee waa appointed for the pur pose of nominating a aet of officers and directors for the new branch. This committee waa authorised to adopt a name for the new organisation and at once secure a membership In the state league. The committee later met with Richardson and lenrned more of tne work required, and today, after securing more pledges of support, will meet and nominate the officers for the club to be submitted to a meeting of the stock holders at a later meeting. enow AT COVs. IKpeHtl Dispatch to Tbe Joarnal ) l..-i Grande. Or., Dec. 8. The following city ticket waa elected at Cove, Union county .which place was recently In corporated: Joseph Trlpeer. mayor: Bam White. recorder: Jasper Stevens, treasurer: Frank Bloom, marshal. William Reyn olds. J. E Paxton. K F. Peel, John Jones. V. Stearns and W. T. Alexander, councllmen. Mr and Mra. A. I Dlekerson of New York are spending a few days at the Portland hotel. Mr. Dlckereon la the American manager of the well-known chartered accountants. Price. Wster- house A- Co.. snd Is president of the Ns- tlonsl Accountants' association. Mr. and Mrs. Dlekerson were the guests at luncheon today of W. R. Mackensle. Ven a voman heromea eneechless mlt rage der udder party should get hence less mlt der feet. Fief sued stock Panned Ooods. Allen a lewle' Best Brand. TRUSTED EMPLOYE QF RAILROAD COMPANY With a Companion, Had Stolen Thousands of Dollars' Worth of Property. Word waa received by the police last night front Chief of Police Hodgkln. of Oakland. Cel.. that Charles Keith haa been placed under arrest there on the charge of robbing freight cara In the yard of the Northern Terminal company In thla city. Detectlvea Snow and Ker rigan, who with Special Agent Fltsger ald of the O. R. 4V N. Co.. worked up the caae agalnat Keith, will be aent after him. With the arrest of Keith the police declare they have captured one of the two men responsible for the theft of thousands of dollars' worth of property from the railway companlea In the laat few montha. Frank K Brown was ar rested on a similar charge a few days ago. Both men were in the employ of the company. Brown was arrested Nov. it. Boxes containing 10,000 clgara, which he Is al leged to have stolen, were recovered. He waived a preliminary examination, and waa held by Police Judge Hogue to the grand jury. The fact that Brown waa In the em ploy "of the company and that Keith waa being aought. aa well aa the extensive amount of loot stolen from the earn, was not revealed by the police until they had succeeded In capturing Keith. Chief of Police Wlttman of San Francisco was asked to look for him. as he was dis covered to be In San Francisco a week ago. The arrest was made In Oakland. In looking for Keith, before It waa learned that he had fled In the night, Detectives Snow and Kerrigan and Spe cial Agent Fltsgerald went to his room. There they found three large dry goods boxes filled with shoes stolen from the company's freight cara. Keith made his escape aa soon as he learned of Brown's arrest. W. B. JEROME SAYS CROWDS WILL COME General Agent of New York Cen tral Predicts Success for Lewis and Clark Fair. W. B. Jerome, general agent of the New York Central lines, who Is In Port land on a epeclal trip of Inspection of the Lewis and Clark fair, expresses the nninton that the Portland event next year will attract aa many people frorn cast u i iii. k 1 ' 1 mmmmm mm " ' Louis fair. He Is not particularly en thusiastic over expositions, aa a rule, so far aa they relate to the railroad busi ness, but he thinks there are special reasons why eastern people may regard II... 1..rthiiwt trtn favorably. "The have had a pretty good filling up with expositions ..lose eaatorn people and they would not make the trip sim ply to see the Lewis and Clark fair." he said, "but the climatic and scenic beau tlea of the Columbia river country will provo a strong drawing card. I think ........ lunni. whn imuallv ao summer- resorting may be brought to Portland next year. They will he orrereo. a very attractive tour, at a low rail rate, and win K. .Ivan a chance to aee a very large extent of country. Including the Lewis and Clark exposition wun tnese attrac tions. I think It will be a strong propo sition for tourists from the territory east of Buffslo." Mr. Jerome says the New Tork Central lines have always been strong adver tisers for Oregon. Washington and Cali fornia. He makes the statement that the New York Central does as much for Oreron ss Is done by any one of the transcontinental lines entering Portland. "This advertising will be Increased for the exposition." he said. "We are al ready uslna the fslr matter In our magaslne advertising, and will later Issue an edition of at least 100.000 spe cial folders for the exposition. In which we will give views and special descrip tive matter." JUDGE MERCILESS TO OPIUM SMOKERS Three Opium Smokers Arrested in the Esmond Annex Were Heavily Fined. Fred Davis, alias Johnson, known to the sporting fraternity as "the jiggers kid," will serve 30 days In the city jail for vagrancy unless the circuit court grants him relief. He will, also pay 880 for smoking opium. Leona Harris, or Crosson, or Claw son, will pay a fine of 850 for smoking opium. Grace Templeton, or Weston, will pay a fine of 880 for smoking opium. " These sentences were Imposed by Judge Hogue In the police court this morning. Sergeant Slover testified that when he entered a room at the Ksmond annex he found the two women and the "Jiggers kid." The air was heavy with opium fumes. Yen shee waa discov ered In a drawer and the pipe on the roof, a few feet away from the window. The sergeant drew attention to a printed charge of Mrs. K. A. Fox, the proprietress of the Esmond annex, that he "wanted a piece of money." Mrs. Kox was placed on the stand and denied that the sergeant had ever asked her for money and that If he had done so he "wouldn't have got a cent." She ad mitted that she had thought he wanted money, but dented that she hsd ever msde such a statement. She disclaimed all knowledge of opium smokers being In hsr House. Attorney I-ogan Immediately filed no tice of an appeal to the circuit court. Davis was released on bonds. Independence Or., Dec. 8. H. J. Ot tenhelmer. a hop buyer, of Salem, haa brought stilt In the federal courts against H. Hlrschherg and Dan IK) re of this place on a hop contract, asking damages of 86.400. Attorneys Teal and Minor of Portlind will act Tor trie plain tiff, and the defendants will nave ua their attorneys Cannon, Csrson a Ad ams. THE MORAL OF THE OLD STORY STILL NEW TODAY Argument of the Composition Which Stirred Consciences in Long Past Centuries. Portland will wltneas for the first time the performance of "Everyman. by Ben Oreet'a English players, tomor row afternoon. The aeat sale opened up big, aa It should. A lot of people are gnjng out of curiosity, and a lot more for the study U will -be In old English No curtain la used In ''Everyman.' It Is one continuous act, lasting about one hour and a half. ' Matlneea will be gin at 3 o'clock; and the Saturday night pcrrormance at s:su ocioc. Written In 148 by Peter Dorland, a monk of Dlest. Belgium, "Everyman' Is the finest extant specimen of the morality plays which were commonly performed about the streets and In the rellgloua houses of Europe during the fourteenth, fifteenth and alxteenth cen turies. Its first presentation for two cen turies waa In 1001, In the old Charter house, London, by the Elizabethan Stage aoclety. The morality, mystery and mir acle plays, comprehending the religious drama of the dark ages, are, aa well, the earliest dramatic composltlona In the English language, and are notable for their classic dramatic structure. Argument of the Via'. The argument of "Everyman" glvea an Idea of the lntereat which the per formance must awaken. After an announcement by a messen ger, God opens the play' with the as sertion that, as men are so drowned in sin and cumbered with richea. that they have forgotten Him, He haa decided to do justice to them and "have a rek- enynge of every mannea persons." lie bids Dethe. his "mighty mesaengere, tell Everyman to prepare for hla last pilgrimage. Everyman tries by pleau lnga and brlbea to obtain respite from Dethe. but gets only permission to take companions. If he can find any hardy enough tn accompany him. Felawahyp entera and, noticing Every man's grief, asks its cause, vowing his readiness to die for him. But when he hears his friend's request, he flatly re fuses to go a fOot for him. Appeals to Kynrede and Coaln are no more suc cessful, and the dearly loved Goodes (Property) simply mocks at Everyman's distress. Promises of VaJthleaa Prlsnds. At last In despair Everyman seeks his long-neglected friend Good-Oedea, who, though lying weak and cold on the ground, so bound by his sins that ahe cannot stir, readily consents to do all she can for him. She Introduces him tu her sister Knoledge ("the discreet and learned advice which Religion haa at her aervlce"), and she offers to be his guide. She brings him before Confes sion, from whom he, receives the jewel "penaunce, voyder of adversyte." The ardor of his supplications and the se verity of. his nenance free Good-Dedea and so strengthen her that she can go with him on hla journey. Having re ceived the sacrament, Everyman aels forth, clad in the garment "contrycyon and accompanied by Beaute, Strengthe, Dyscreclon and Fyve-Wyttea. But Beaute refuses to go down Into the open grave through which his path leads. Strengthe deserts mm, uyscrecion ioi lows Strengthe, and Frye-Wyttea bids him farewell. steward Through Good Seed. In despair he cries, "O, Jeeu. help; all hath forsaken roe!" But Good-Dedes is steadfast, and Knoledge explains that. though she cannot accompany ltlm, It fur-, no maner of daunger.' With Hhe words, "In manus tuaa commendo splr ltum meum," Everyman sinks Into the grave. Knoledge announces that what he hath suffered we all-shall endure; an Aungell Is heard singing his welcome to heaven: and the Ooctour brings the play to a close by pointing Its moral. The characters In "Everyman are known by the unique tltlea of Messen ger. Adonal iGodl, Dethe ( Death), Ev eryman (All Men). Felawshyp t Fellow ship), Cosln (Cousin). Kynrede (Kin drod). Good-Dedes (Good Deeds), Kno Udge (Knowledge), Confessyon (Con fession), Beaute (Beauty), Btrengthe (Strength). Fyve-W yttes (Five W1ts), Dyscrecyoa (Discretion), Aungell (An sel) and Ioctour (Doctor). The players, every one of whom Is known ravorably in cngiana, include: Constance Crawley. Agnes Scott, Daisy Robinson, John Sayer Crawley, Eric Blind. Ben Greet, Maurice Robinson. Samuel II. Goodwyn, Eugene Clevea, Jo seph Horner. Helena Head, Sybil Thorndlke. Leonard Shepherd, Percyval Aylmer, Sydney Oreenstreet, Frank Darch, Redmond Plood, Edward Hughes. RENDERS OPINION FOR THE FAIR COMMISSION . " (Special Dtspatrb to "I he Journal.) Salem, Dec. 8. The attorney-general yesterday, replying to a question of the Lewis and Clark fair commission. In formed the commission that It waa within their province to hold a series of conferences on education and religion, the relation of labor to capital, munici pal government and administration, com prehending an exhibition of the moral. Intellectual and social activity which are not otherwise represented and within the provision of the act authorising the fair. The attorney-general decides that the scope of the exposition sha.1 be fixed by the l,ewls and ciarx exposition, subject to the approval of the commission. The attorney-general also says that "the word art Is used In the act under con sideration and In Its broadest and moat comprehenalve sense, and In the light of the definitions of the word it certainly Includes the subjects of education, re ligion, political economy, science of gov ernment." and that as the fslr aasocla tlon has authorised the construction of a liberal arts building It naturally fol lows that It has ine power to take up such features aa go to make up the lib eral arts. He then says that "for the foregoing reasons I am of the opinion that the commission is authorised in Its discre tion to provide for holding the several conferences hereinbefore mentioned and that the same are within the purview of the act." Chairman Cnrtelyou had 8400,000 left, which will make a lot of pre-election doubtful state politicians Indignant. 'ssaMsasssf That Throbbing- Headache Would quickly leave you, lfyou used Dr. King's New Lift) Pills. Thousands of sufferers have proved their mstch less merit for Sick snd Nervous Head aches. They make pure hlood and build up your heitth. Only 28 cents; mone hark If not cured. Sold by the Red f'r,,.. I'harmui'V Mtvth nnH Oolr ) r.itl. on the way to the poatofflce. MAY SELL LIQUOR IN "DRV" DISTRICT Attorney-General Crawford Gives Opinion Relative to License at State Fair. HOP CASE TO GO TO THE SUPREME COURT Justice Court at Salem Finds Mann Guilty of Crime of Larceny by Bailee. (Special DU patch to The Journal I Salem, Dec. 8. In anawer to a ques tion submitted by President W. H. Downing of the Oregon state board of agriculture, as to the right of the board to Issue a 80-day liquor license In view of the fact that Chemawa precinct had gone "dry" in the late election, Attorney Oeneral Crawford yesterday afternoon handed down an opinion. After citing numeroua autborltiea he says in part: "The state board of agriculture can Issue license to sell only durtng the time the fair Is being held and not to exceed 30 days In any one year, and from that fact and the fact that the fair la conducted by the atate through a board of commissioners duly provided ror. i am of the opinion that the voters of the state did not have in rabid the atate board of agriculture when they voted local option, and If so, then In the light of the authorities above cited, the board may Issue license to sell liquor, 'malt, vinous and distilled.' on the fair grounds during the time of holding tne rair. However, to remove all doubt In the mat ter. It could be referred to the coming January session of the legislature. Benders a Decree. In the case of Llllenthal Bros, against Mike Kepplnger, Sarah Thornsbury and Albert H. Thornsbury, Judge Galloway rendered a decree at the afternoon sea slon of court yesterday, the caae having been tried November laat. By hla de cision Judge Galloway not only sustains a hop contract, but paases upon oiner Important law questions. From the statement of the caae given hy the court In rendering the declalon It ap pears that in December, 1908, Mike Kep plnger signed two contracts with Llllenthal Bros., by the terms of which he agreed to grow and deliver to them 20 000 pounda of hops In each of the years 104 and 105 at the price of 18 cents for 1804 and 14 cents for 1808, the hops to be grown upon land belonging to Sarah Thomabury. It further appeared that in 1801 Mike Kepplnger had secured from Sarah Thornsbury the promise of a 36-acre hopyard to run for three yeara and that he had caused a written lease to be drawn and had gone Into posses sion of the yard and had run the same during 1903 and up to the time the hop contract was signed In December of that year, but Sarah Thornsbury had never signed the written leaae. It further appeared that In January. 1904, ss soon as Sarah Thornsbury learned that Mike Kepplnger had signed a two-year contract for his hops, she In formed him that he could no longer have the yard and he gave It up and notified Llllenthal Bros, that he could not fill hla contracts. It seems, however, that Sarah Thorns bury permitted Mike Kepplnger to cul tivate the hops up to picking time of August, 1904. and then turned the yard over to A. H. Thornsbury. paying K.ep plnger 820 an acre for his work, and A H. Thornsbury harvested the hops. Soon nfter harvest Llllenthal Urns sued both Thornaburys and Kepplnger and en joined the removal of the hops from the yards, alleging that they were all working together to defeat the contract By his decision Judge Galloway sus tains the validity of the contract; holds Kepplnger had no right to give up the hopyard when ordered to do so by Sarah Thomabury, but should have forced her to give him the yard for the year 1904 The court also holds that It was not neceasary for Llllenthal Bros, to pay the purchase price of the hops Into court In the way of a tender, and ordered a de cree prepared allowing Llllenthal Bros, to select IO.vjO pounds of hops from the 38.000 pounds rslsed upon the yard. In accordance with their contract. It waa admitted at the trial that the hops are worth 31 cents, or 18 cents more than contract price, or a pick up of 38,000 for Llllenthal Bros., In case Judge Gallo way's declalon Is sustained by the higher court. O. G. rllngham appeared aa attorney for Llllenthal Bros, and the Thornshurys and Kepplnger were repre sented by B. P. Bonham and Carey r. Martin. The esse will now go to the supreme court to determine whether the circuit court holdings are correct. Mann round Onllty. Mann wss yesterday found guilty In Justice of the Peace Turner's court of larceny by bailee. Mann was arrested, ANOTHER VALUABLE PREMIUM! Once again The Journal offers to classified advertisers a house hold necessity as a premium WITH WANT ADS. THIS TIME ITS Closset & Devers Extracts Every Portland housewife knows what Golden West Extracts are. To those who don't, it might be said for their information, that the name Golden West is synonymous of strength, purity, the finest quality and a most delicious flavor. This combination also represents economy. This valuable premium will be given absolutely free with a cash want ad. for either The Daily or Sunday Journal. As for the want ads., nothing more need be said. Every one ever having occasion to use them knows they can't be beat for quick want fillers. They do your errands, they furnish your Help, they rent your rooms or sell your property. Have your want ads. in by noon the day you want them pub lished. If for Sunday, have them in by Saturday night any time before 10 o'clock. RATE: TWENTY ONE WORDS FOR FIFTEEN CENTS i 111 1 Wllllfeft mi III m MUMVJL AVegetahk Preparation for As similating the Food andRetf ufit iingtte Stomachs and Bowels of Promotes Digestion.ChperPur ness and Rest Con tains neither Opium. Morphine nor Mineral. MOT NAK c OTIC . Aperfecl Remedy for Cons Hpa Hon , Sour Stomach, Diarrtoea Worms .Convulsions .Fevemh ness and Loss of Sleep. Facsimile Signature of NEW YORK. EXACT COPY OF WRAPPER. In this city Monday upon a complaint sworn out by Jacob Idlewlne, who charged that the defendant waa given hop tickets by himself and other mem bers of hla family to have cashed dur ing the late hopptcklng seaaon, and failed to return the proper amount of money. Mann will be sentenced tomor row. NOTICE The Journal agency at Salem has been transferred to A. C. Iawrence of 418 Church street, phone Blark 1M4, where all subscriptions, complaints and changes will receive prompt attention. XV am H IAUOl (Jesraal Special Harriet. ) New York, Dec. 8. Hugh Mclaughlin, for years a Democratic leader of Brook lyn, and who Was this yesr sent down to defeat by Tammany's combination "with Patrick McCarren, died last night. He was 77 years old. and served a three year term, beginning In 1880, aa sheriff of Kings county. He was formerly a prominent business man and promoter, and amaased wealth. Matchless as Xmas Gifts Are the pianos we carry. Their superb musical qualities have endeared them to hundreds of homes, and musicians treas ure them beyond price. If you Intend msklng a fhrletmas offering; It will pay you a hundred fold to make one you will alwaya be proud of. Time pay ments accepted and old Instrumenta taken In exchange Soule Bros. Piano Co. tetnway aad Bfteen other makes of tat pianos. COB. MOBBISOV AaTS W. Fill STS. ) CASTORIA For Infanta and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of In Use For Over Thirty Yeers CASTORIA C.OSYRI. Fresh Paint for Christmas la one of thoae considerations which should not be overlooked If your wood work needs touching up. In the larae list of colors snd shades furnished in the Bay State Paint you will And just what you need, whether for outside or Inside your house. FisherJhorsen&Co. ntowr abttj Mommrao STS. Headquarters for -Elastic .Stockings and Trusses s nir rkiiric .1 UrlUC'UATIS DRUG CO. Third and Yamhill Sts. GEO. BLACK PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT 818 11. General Practice. iBTestlgsttees. tstate Work. SsecUl ase Parledtosl Audita. Aw T IDs.