The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, December 08, 1904, Image 1

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Tonight and Friday, occasional
rmln; easterly winds.
The Circulation
Of The Journal
Yesterday Was
VOL. IIL NO. 238.
Is Taken, a Prisoner, Be
fore United States
Carnegie Wires Denial of Notes
Cleveland Throws Mora
i.ight on Her Dealings with
Banker Newton.
(Journal Special Servloe.)
NW Tork. Dec. 8. Mrs. Chadwick
left the Hotel Brealln at 8:46 o'clock
this morning in charge of Marshal
Henkel having been arrested last night.
' They drove to the federal building
where aha was given her preliminary
hearing- before Commlaaloner Shields.
Her. son acompanled her.
When ahe arrived at the federal build
ing ahe Waa In a fainting condition, and
leaned heavily on the arm of hr aon
and maid. Two deputy United States
marahala helped her into the elevator.
She waa then placed on a. oouch In a
private office, where ahe Boon recovered
her composure.
The prisoner asked for the morning
papera in which to read tne account
of her arrest.
Attorney Philip Carpenter, who with
Attorney Powers will represent Mra.
Chadwick, aaked for a half hour's de
lay In the proceedings, aa be wlahed to
consult his client.
After a abort conference the officials
decided to fix her ball at 116,000. and
Attorney Carpenter left at once to ar
range for her bondamen.
An arrangement waa also reached for
a brief formal hearing and an ndjourn
m,.n to December 17. Mra. Chadwick
waa finally brought Into court at 11
o'clock, assisted by Marshal Henkel and
AUotnay Carpanler.
After t
iiu hrin Mrs Chadwick re
turned to the United States marahala
office, where ahe swooned on a couch.
She will remain in the marshal's office
until thia evening In order to give her
attorney time to find bondamen. If ball
la ha f ort ln'ftm ill r bv 6 o'clock tills
afternoon Mrs. Chadwick will have to
spend the night In the Tombs.
ays ronavw aiwvw
i journal Special Berries.)
riini rv lhw. I. Proaecutlng
Attorney Keeler recetveo; me rouowinj
message from New Tork today, algned
Andrew Carnegie:
"I never signed aucn notes ana nave
no notee out. 1 hope you can arrange
The Cleveland Preaa today prtnta a
. tt.r-i-.ur 1 1 srrTt i m that)
iorr Durwuiiia w
ralinsTS 01 aarm. ..iiwiv:av wan.
- r . M i. .,,,, whn (AO MArl IhP
WeUnd woman and wno nai
- - - anrl at til MA.ITis.. tllP
pht win n uaiu,
It la itaiiertad that Mra. Cftaflwk's
Hiartaa A. Eaton, paator of th EuelM
...... tD.ntlti churrli of Cleveland, of
. i l j .... u 1 1 a 1st at Mrl ne
a v,a iiinkor Newtnn's hone
rillUI , HUM saas - " " -
hat hla claim will be aettled la based
. . ...i... will come
o the rescue of hla favorite paator. who
a I v aa r.artv f r f h Irana-
nw IIIIISU aw, ... '
r.i inr
Rev. Eaton make a tatement in
6?ndrt hlP church, but appears unnia-
Th uaator admit lift WOt ner 10 gfjv-
- , i i ass-ti 1 flrmi with a suggestion that
i ii f fairs In their hands
e iin'" ... -
i.- I iiii 1 1 in n 1 1 e ii.. . ........... " -
he woman.
A lawyer to whom Mra. Chadwick went
. .. ...,a I. . r.lntlve of Kston.
hrough whom an Introduction to new-
waa obtained.
Pittsburg-, i Iec. 8. Although It haa
. a ... sManw ilni-n the nam, of
noYew i'arncaft. the .. maair. t-
, thrrtiirh rpnort With
a - v.... Poa. A I hHrlW CK tM BTPPlX
i. .ii.i nut hrnm n mallpr or
unllc print until yaatarday tnat there
re two Andrew Cafrneirlee. The aeeond
. haa arnf nhllnnlhronliit'a
rother. Timothy Carnegie, and haa
. .......I I. ill Hon of hla life here.
M' 'II wi ' as - - - r w
... i a In Now York Prior
l n i I'I'tii.
hie marriage he waa regrardea aa
. , , ,,!, notsv trvlner to d I a -
,.i.... ha nnn ner lion with
. m hM hv Mra ( hHdw ri.
(jnnrnsl Sperlsl Bervlee.)
ITIvrlii 11 lec. H. The iorain couniy
" I ill . II.. nt Ih. Child
Ick affair was begiin this morning with
. 11..., nf . lurv hv Juda-e
IV. 1 1 1 1 u 1 r 1 . ' . -
. olll.rn.
f Journal Sperlal Sertlee.)
Augusta. Oa., Deo. Ben.lamln
lanes, nis wu. ami i'iBiiri.,
n t Trenton, were nmnn mnrneien
their home today. The house had
en set nn fire to hide the crime,
ighes had been ahot, through the heart
d the skull of each woman bad been
aec wub an a.
' ' ''' '
lwWswaywaayWAMggr ?aw..; , PaMPaMMI Mr
SgL iggL a 119 garaV''"M
Bfej y K. L- JWacWflfnt r'il'viv-- V ' ''. ' tDgggggHggggBjigk
Herbert Newton, the Massachusetts financier, who is suing Mrs.
Chadwick for $190,000 which ahe is said to have secured by ex
hibiting a note for $500,000 signed by Andrew Carnegie, whom
she is reported to have claimed to be her father. Above ia Mrs.
Chadwick's residence, which ia situated in one of the finest
streets in Cleveland, O.
Mayor Williams Says the Second Tanner Creek Inquiry Is for
His Personal Benefit and He May Consider it Pri
' vate Investigators Finish Their Work.
Mayor Williams mar not make a re
port to the council or to the executive
board on the Tanner creek sewer. lie
atated today . that he cannot 'say what
he will do until hie committee of ex
perta and property ownera reports to
"This la a committee appointed by me
to satisfy myaelf 'regarding the work
done In the sewer," he stated this morn
tng. "I had reason to believe that the
report of the former committee waa
not Juat, and because I waa dissatisfied
with It I decided to name another com
mittee to go Into the aewer and make
a thorough investigation for my own
satisfaction. I wanted to know Juat what
defects there were, and what It would
cost to repair the oondutt before I took
any action on the recommendation of
the eounctl.
"I do not know that t shall auhmlt
the report of the committee to the coun
cil. It would only be a courtesy on my
part to do so. as I am under no obliga
tion to report to the council the re
ault of the Inveatlgatlon. This la my
eommlttee, appointed by myself.
Baa '
I .
B aaal
H BaL !'
w B H fflttm
"It may be that I shall make a report
to the council on the Inveatlgatlon. but
I will have to determine that after I
have heard from the committee."
Mayor Will Urns staled that he did not
know the result of the Inveatlgatlon.
as he had not heard from the committee.
He eapecta the report within a few
Committee Completes Invaatlratton.
The i-ommlttee completed Ita work In
the aewer yeaterday afternoon and is
preparing the statement to be submitted
to Mayor Williams today.
In "all probability there will be two
separate n-porta one from R. B. Lam
son and N A. King, property ownera,
and another from Captain Goodrich and
Clabrlel Wlngate, civil engineers. The
property owners may make a report
of how they found the aewer, while the I
experts may give a technical report
of the work.
The report that the aewer had been
damaged to the extent of 11.000 by Irre
sponsible partlea who had followed the
(Continued on I 'age Two.)
K j I HBaM ggggP agH
m Iw gak fl
bbt BM SbssVbb am ibbbsbbb
SS-flBJ irS 9 BBawBa ' aaar
eg BJr Mrfli aBaser
w -
i .
Mrs. Chadwick and her pet mare. This photograph waa taken in
Cleveland, O., when ahe waa Mrs. Hoover and waa seen every
afternoon driving down Euclid avenue. The animal waa a prise
winner and the Brumnel cart was high with red wheels and a
yellow wicker basket body. After a time ahe drove a pair of
white Arab trotters that cost $3,500 and used to pass anything
,' on the road.
Nate Solomon's Defiance of the Authorities In Operating a Rac
ing Handbook, Results in Rai d on Gambling HousePro
prietor Arrested and De puty Placed in Charge.
Upstairs were Nate Solomon. Fete
Grant and othera who receive the money
and attend to the financial end of the
game, while downstairs were the black
boards, form sheets, markers and the
crowd of plungera, all busily engaged
shortly after noon today, when Under
sheriff Morden, with a cordon of depu
tlea, entered the Portland club, Fifth and
Alder atreeta, placed Solomon under. x
raet, aloaed the aaleoa and atat lowed aaV
flcera at every entrance to the great
gambling houae, where Solomon la aald
to have conducted a book on racing
events for the past two weeks.
The raid waa thoroughly unexpected.
The place waa crowded with sports. At
a blackboard a marker waa poatlng the
entries and odda on San Franolaco and
Los Angeles races. Solomon, Grant and
othera were In the office of the club on
the second floor. In the keno room on
the same floor were those who are aald
to have received the money when beta
were made, made entry of the transac
tion on a note book and given no altp or
other evidence to him who bet.
A crowd of loungers waa in the aaloon,
110 Fifth atreet. where Fat Powere pre
sided In a white apron. Almond-eyed
messengers were busy cleaning up the
place and responding to bell calla. The
place waa a scene of activity and Indus
try. Simultaneously deputy sheriffs en
tered from the Fifth and Alder street
entrances. Morden went at once to the
office while other deputies guarded the
doors, prohibiting those who were In
from emerging ffom the building and
othera from entering. Solomon waa told
to consider himself under arreat for con
ducting a bopk-maklng establishment.
"If I'm under arrest that'a all there la
to It," he replied, "but I have not aold
tickets on a race nor accepted money In
that way."
Ha waa taken at once to the court
houae. where ball was fixed. He waa ac
companied by Larry Sullivan and others,
who declared their Intention of providing
bonds aa soon aa the amount waa fixed
by the court.
No other arrests have been made up to
this time, though It la stated that the
markers and all attachea and employee
of the place will be taken Into cuatody.
Pat Powers, In charge of the saloon,
protested vlgoroualy against the cleaning
of hie place. He declared that the doors
opening from the saloon Into the room
where the game la said to have been
running could be closed by the officers.
but his business could not be Interfered
"I call all of you to wltneas that I pro
test." he lnaiated. "When thla thing
comes Into the courts I want you all to
remember that I cautioned you against
closing a man's place of bualnees when
It could be avoided simply by closing a
pair of doors."
"Don't aay it," Interrupted Chief Dep
uty Morden. "I'll take It for granted
ymrmd aay li; butTm Busy, and haven't
time to listen. Get your cash together
and get out, for we propose to close the
whole place and take possession. Includ
ing the barroom and every other part."
Meanwhile great crowds of curious
heard of the raid upon the gambling
house and blockaded the sidewalk. To
llce officers patrolled the streets urging
and forcing the crowde to move on
while the cordon of deputlea remained
sentinels at the doors.
Five men sre sajd to have been em
ployed at the place assisting1 Solomon In
conducting the hooka Only Solomon
has been taken Into custody up to this
time. Deputy Sheriff George Wise waa
placed In charge of the piece.
Crowds of curious, together with
those who had been Interrupted at the
game, crowded the streete beyond the
Interference of ths'offlcers.
t Journal Special Service.)
Lacrosse, Wis.. Dec. t. Mystery sur
rounds a corpse found floating In the
Mississippi river here by the police this
morning. An unused ticket on the
steamer Jeanle, from Seattle to San
Francisco, was found in his pocket
which bore the name J. Anderson. The
police believe the man waa murdered
and thrown Into the river.
(Jntiraal Special Serviee.)
Newport, K. L, lec. t. By the pre
mature discharge and consequent ex
plosion of a 10-tneh gun at Fort Weth-
ereil. Jameatown. yesterday, Lieut Cat
J. H. Wlllard, of the engineering corps,
and Lieut. -Col. v. W. Ralaton were
painfully Injured. The syealght and
hearing of both officers were affected,
and they sustained numerous minor
bruises and cute. The explosion wrecked
the gun and 'threw two attendant artil
lerymen to the ground.
A ,.U
gamated and Pacific Mail, Others
Suffering by the Raid
Sell Your Last Share' the Plunger's Advice
That Starts a Terrific Onslaught on Stand
ard Oil Holdings Brokers Go Wild.
(Special IHnpateh to Tne Journal.!
New York, Dec. 8. After a very se
vere chaatislng of the Amalgamated
forces by Lawson, the wealth of the
Standard Oil was put Into the fight and
some remarkable gains In prices were
made. The scenes of wild excitement
occurred this morning and at times the
situation bordered on a panic. The trad
ing reached an enormoue volume, the
sales for the day amounting to 2.8S0.1UO
Lawson's propheay of Tuesday waa
fulfilled and Amalgamated led In the
downward crash.
Lawson's flrat bulletin today advised
the holders of Amalgamated to sell
"your last ahare." He continued:
"Roosevelt Is just beginning his work.
It Is Tobacco today. When It geta to
Insurance and truat companies business
will begin." He concluded: "Sell Sugar
and the entire list for the time being."
He alao adyieed the sale of Southern
Pacific, 1'nlon Pacific, Atchlaon.
The following, list ahowa the prin
cipal losses of the day:
Close Close Loss
Wednea. Today. Today.
A ma 1 Kama ted .
C. ft N. W. ...
C. ft Ohio
Colorado F. . .
Louisville . .
M.xlcan C. ...
Pacific Mall ..
Tenneaaee C .'
,' S5 82.75
Ultt 141ft .87Vi
61 2.00
206 ii 206 1.26
48 44 2.00
48U 48 2.2a
148ft 141 1.76
21J 20 1.00
48ft 38 4.25
71', 2.82H
2ft 28 150
The battle today waa entirely in the
handa of the Lawson forcea until near
the close. When every svallable man and
every cent that could be possibly mus
tered Into the fight was used In tne
effort to defeat the doughty Uostonlan.
The Amalgamated forces took a new
course of revenge today, for the con
tinued attacks of Lawson and Pacific
Mall went scurrying before their mighty
Influences. As a result of the fight Pa-
rifle Mall, which la ususlly one of the
most Inactive stocks on the lists, sud
denly attracted all the attention, and at
the close the foes of Lawson bad cut
lta prices from i:i',i to 38, a slump of
14.26 for the day.
Lost aa Opportunity.
At one period of the session the Law
son men bad Amalgamated down another
10. but being assured that the crowd
would continue to sell without their aid,
the Lawson men lost their golden oppor
tunity, for had they stayed with the
bearing operatlona. It would have been
well night Impossible for Amalgamated
to have made the subsequent recoveries
that it did.
Amalgamated opened from 87 to 88,
showing a loss of from tl to tl.SO a
(Journal Special Service.)
Denver, Colo.. Dec. 8. M. Q. Gallery,
a member of the Chicago police force,
haa written Wlllard Hatch, offering to
take the latter'e place In a duel with
General Shqrman Bell. If his controversy
with the Colorado military leader
reaches that stage.
Gallery declares that hla blood, la ax.
boiling point against Bell for deporting
the miners, whose families were left des
titute. Hstch proposed to write a his
tory of Bell's military career. A quarrer
arose, charges of blackmail, alurs of
"tin soldier." were bandied about, and
the affair has taken a gory tinge.
(Journal Special Serviee.)
Chicago, Dec. 8. The big grocery
firm of Charles H. Slack ft Co. went Into
a receiver's handa today. Liabilities are
estimated at 3167,000 and assets at 8100,
000. The Arm is one of the oldest In this
city, having survived the great Chicago
(Journal Special Serviee.)
Belgrade, Dec. 8. A new cabinet has
been organised. The former cabinet re
signed December 2 on sccount ot a dls
sgreement over the building of a new
1 Journal Special Serviee.)
Ines. Ky.. Dec. 6 Msry Bell Kirk,
the beautiful young daughter of William
R Kirk, and niece of Circuit Judge A. J.
Kirk, is dead of a pistol wound Inflicted
some time early Monday morning. She
died at noon yesterday. In a statement
msde Just before her death she said
that the ahot wss fired by Moses Kvnn
She said that Evans shot her because
she refused to marry him.
Miss Kirk was found lying serosa the
track of the Norfolk ft Western rail
road, Just he rood the Wast Virginia
Dv - o r a T
share. Then there was a small bullish
feeling and quickly the price went to
flat. Thla Is whuie Lawson began his
work today. He sold and sold Amalga
mated until the price mede a sudden
downward Jump to 59 V the lowest point
of the day and practically 39 lower than
the closing of Wednesday. By degrevs
the Standard Oil crowd moved the pries
up to 99. Here It met with spirited
opposition and went back to 83 H. Then
there was another upwsrd apurt snd
96 was reached. The cloalng waa V
point under this.
Steel issues suffered today as a re
sult of the demoralization of the market
and common stock was down 31.50 at
the close. Tennessee Coal and 'Iron waa
a little weak at the close after having a
bad time with the bears. It lost during
the day I2.82H-
r oread to the Wall.
During the aesslon of the consoli
dated exchange the failure of the firm
of W. E. Dadnau ft Co. was announced
aa a result of the big break In the mar
ket during the past few days. .
Bucket-shops sll over the country
were on tenter-hooks today, nnd the sus
pension of several are reported as the
result of the reaction In the market to
day. In many of these places today
trades could not be obtained, aa the
bucket-ahoppers, were afraid to venture
too far.
At ttus office of Lawson. messenger-boya-Mne
in a soti line all day. but he "
could not be seen by any one. He said v
last night that he had some startling
dlaclosures to make In the near future,
and the entire financial world has Its
ear to the ground to catch the first
sound of his voice.
Threatens Receivership.
Last night Lawson made the an
nouncement that he would apply for a
receiver for' the Amalgamated Copper
company, but on what grounds he did
not state.
He said he would substantiate every
statement he had Issued against the
great Rockefeller trust, and added that
he was placing advertisements In
Rurope and America for publication to
morrow that will bring a crisis In the
stock market. "X am delighted." he -said,
"because I have caught the
'frenzied financiers' off their guard In
their manipulation of Copper and Steel
Lawson's enemies are putting out
many ugly reports. One was that he
has been paid by the Bucketahop league
to break the market. Another Is that
he would probably be arrested for
threatening a receivership for Amalga
mated Copper.
But Lawson Is master of the day.
Even his enemies admit that.
(8peclal Dlapatcb to The Journal.)
Helena, Mont., Dec. 8. The 3 10. 000
appropriation made by the eighth leg
islative aasembly for the removal of the
Montana exhibit at the world'a fair at
St. Loula to the Lewis and Clark centen
nial at Portland is now In the handa of
the Montana commission, and the trans
fer la to be made aa soon aa possible.
A warrant upon the state treasurer for
the amount was drawn today by the
state auditor In favor of Charlea Hoff
man. Hoffman is treasurer of the
Montana world'a fair commission, which
body, under the terms of the bill msk
Ing the appropriation. Is to have charge
of the work of preparing exhibits for
the Portland exposition.
(Journal Special serviee.)
Rising Bun. In. I . Dec. 8. Judge i'or
nell this morning overruled the motion
for the discharge of the defendants In
the Gillespie murder trial. The defense
filed a bill of exceptions to this ruling.
The work of selecting a Jury was then
James Gillespie, the man accused of
shooting His sister through the window
and cauelng her death, demanded a sepa
rate trial. The Jury is being empaneled
for that purpose.
state line, Monday mornl ig by an em
ploye of the company. In her breast
was a wound from a pistol 111 and he
was almost lifeless from loss of aloud.
She made the following ant. -mortem
statement :
"About n month ago Moses Evans told
me If I did not marry hiss he would
kill me. Vasterday afternoon I west
with him serosa Tsaj raver to a party.
When the party
me to fla the
told him
marry hiss.
whipped eat 8) I