The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, December 07, 1904, Page 8, Image 8

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Portland May Have Direct Water
Communication with Lewis
ton on the Snake River.
Line to Be Established on Com
pletion of Portage Road
to Celilo.
According to Captain Cochran, con
tracts for the construction of two
steamers to bo operated on the upper
Columbia river will be let on February
1. They will ply between Celllo and
Lewlaton, the head of navigation on the
Snake river, and will probably connect
with the steamer Telephone, which will
run between Celllo and Portland, thus
forming a continuous transportation
line between this city and- Lewlston. It
Is said that the line will be established
Immediately upon completion of the
portage road at Celllo.
Captain James Shaver, of the Shaver
Transportation company, was Informed
last evening that the new boats will be
rushed to completion. They will be
'light-draught, ISO feet long and St feet
across the ' beam. The engines and
boilers for the new craft have been
purchased. '
J. H. Mtddleton. the attorney, owns
the Telephone, but would give no In-
! formation about the steamers which
are to be placed on the upper river
run or of his vessel.
The Telephone was built at Port-
; land more than a year ago, alnce when
i she has been Idle. She has never been
' given a trial, but It la said she Is
capable of developing greater speed
' than any other craft plying In local ws
tera. From time to time many rumors
have been set in circulation as to what
route would be selected for the ves-
' eel Captain Cochran, who has been
looking closely after her Interests, haa
persistently and emphatically denied ev
ery report that has been started con
cerning where the steamer Is to be
placed in commission. On several oc
casions he has strongly hinted that she
Is likely to be placed on a regular run
next spring.
After the news was confided to Cap-
italn Shaver last evening about the con
tracts to be let on February 1 for the
construction of two additional craft for
operation on the upper Columbia river,
; waterfront men arrived at the conclu
sion that the Telephone will connect
with them from thla end of the line. If
this plan la carried out It will be the
first time In years that Portland has
hud water tranaportatlon facilities with
the head of navigation on the Snake
river. It la aald that auch a line win
mean as much to the merchants and
shippers on the upper river as the
building of another railroad through
their section of the country.
Season exporters stare Been Forced
Sato Chartering Teasels lattsly.
The chartering of the British ships
Olsucus and Dunreggan yesterday left
only four vessels disengaged, the Ger
man ahlp Nomla. the British ship
Dumfriesshire, the British bark Oweenee
and the French ship Villa de Mulhouse.
It Is believed the laat named will be
chartered within the next few days
The skippers believe the exporters
re uneasy over the situation, fearing
that In a short time they will be unable
to get tonnage; that la the reason given
for so much activity In the charter line.
During the paat few weeks the Dur
bridge. the Hampton, the Anna and the
Falrport, now in the harbor, have been
chartered to take out lumber cargoes.
At the rate tonnage waa picked up for
the lumber-carrying trade It began to
look as though all the ahlpa would be
engaged within a few weeks. There la
but very little tonnage on the en route
list amounting to not much more than
26,000 tone. It Is probable that a great
portion of thla will be engaged for lum
ber business before Its arrival In the
Falling to get grain charters at the
rate fixed by the ship owners' combine
many of the veasels are leaving San
Francisco in ballast every week.
majority of them go to Australia.
Steamer MortbJaad Makes Trip from As -
aorta la Little Over Sevaa Moors.
By making the run from Aatorla to
Portland In 7 hours and 19 minutes, the
efflcera of the steamer Northland, which
arrived In the harbor last evening from
Ban Franclaco, believe that a new rec
ord has been established. Frequently
the Columbia makes the trip In eight
hours, snd it is claimed that she has
completed the run on several occasions
In an hour'a less time. But all agree
with laurela In covering the 100-mlle
stretch In a trifle more than seven
hours, and in a measure she haa re
deemed herself for the several mlahapa
which befell her on previous trips to
this port. The Northland is a new ves
sel, having been launched about three
months ago. On the start her engines
did not work well, but Chief Engineer
l.lndley stated -this morning that they
are now giving aatiafactlon. The ves
sel will receive a cargo of lumber at
the Inman-Poulsen mill for the return
And for That Reason Marl Brians Thinks
Exporters WUl Heap Mlok Benefits.
Karl Brauns of the Karl Brauns com
pany. San Francisco, one of the leading
export firms on the Pacific coaat, passed
through Portland this morning on his
way to The Dallea While here he Is re
ported to have made the following pre
diction to a number of the local ship
pers: "When Port Arthur falls, which Is no-
Lewis & Clark
Co.n Brooch for a
Xnus Present
Ma ft.! iss fs.u.
KM Irate dark
Mounted on this beautiful gold wreath,
the coin not the least marred or muill
sted. eold over the counter or mailed
to any address at 14 60 for slse No. 1,
sad II for No, 2. The coin alone sells
l II
These Brooches will grow in veins as
they grew ta aga
tars and Silversmiths,
mentarlly expected, there will be
greater demand In the orient for Pacific
coaat products of all kinds than It will
be possible to fill. I also believe that
the principal orders for 'necessities' will
be received from the Russians. They
will need beef, flour, canned gooda. etc.
In fact they will have to have them, and
they will be willing to pay handaome
prices. There is no doubt that the
freight can be aent them by way of some
of the Korean ports, snd the Russlsns
are now making arrangements to get
goods snipped In by thst route."
The Karl Brauns company la in sym
pathy with the Russians, and it is said
that the firm haa bad greater business
dealings with them since the war began
than almost all the other exporters com
bined on the Pacific coaat. Mr. Brauns
la confident that the forces of the czar
will eventually win. He is positive thst
they will buy very liberally from the
Pacific coast exporters who are In a
position to send them Just what they
want for carrying on a protracted cam
WUl Arrive Tomorrow sad Immediately
Take am Cargo for the Orient.
The British steamship Kllerlc. released
from quarantine today, la expected to
reach Portland rrom the mouth of the
river tomorrow morning. She will be
accompanied by all her crew with the
exception of Captain McLeod and a cou
ple of sailors. The vcas.-l waa fumi
gated on December 2. and the members
of the crew vaccinated.
Laldlaw a Co., the local agenta, were
Instrumental In having the steamer re
leased at this time. They took the mat
ter up with the government officials at
Washington, who had previously decided
to have the vessel held In quarantine
16 days after being fumigated. As the
steamer la under charter to the Portland
A Asiatic company and is badly needed,
an urgent request that ah be released at
once was granted.
The Kllerlc will aecure a berth at the
Albtna dock, where sbs will receive a
cargo for Japan aad China, made up of
structural Iron, tobacco, flour, cotton and
wheat. The tobacco shipment will com
prise 800 tons, or 400 hogsheada. If a
full cargo cannot ' be secured here It la
probable that the steamer will proceed to
San Francisco to complete loading. But
many of the shippers do not believe
this will be necessary. Owing to the
fact that the steamer was held up at
the mouth of the river a number of the
exporters made arrangements to send
their freight to the orient by wsy of
Puget sound. Consequently some diffi
culty may be experienced In getting a
full cargo for the Kllerlc at this port.
It Is aald that Captain McLeod la re
covering slowly and that be will be un
able to accompany the steamer on the
outward trip.
With Installation of Shipbuilding- riant
Wooden-Mulled Moats May Disappear.
When the modern shipbuilding plant
about which there haa been ao much
talk of late has been started at St.
Johns It Is probable that si number of
the river boats will be provided with
steel hulls. Steel lasts a Ufa time;
wooden hulls have to be renewed every
six or seven yesrs. It Is probable that
the change would have been brought
Into popular uae locally some time ago i
had there been a plant conveniently
situated where the
necessary work
could have been dona
Captain Bahle, former commander of
the oriental liner Arabia, will depart
on Saturday for his home In Germany.
When he arrived about two months ago
on the last trip of the Arabia he was
suffering from an attack of rheuma
tism and hs turned the command of the
veaael ever to the first officer. Hs haa
fully recovered his health, but does
not care to assume any chances of
again contracting the aliment with
which he was afflicted by going to
Japan and China. It Is probable thst he
will be given command of a Hamburg
American liner plying In some other
quarter of the globe.
French bark Europe haa cleared at
the cuatom house with 26,133 bushels
of wheat valued at 121,200 and 64.4(7
bushels of barley worth $71,000. She
will go to the United Kingdom.
F. A. Freeman haa been appointed a
local soliciting agent for the Portland
a Asiatic company. Until recently Mr.
Freeman filled a similar position for the
company at Yokohama
Captains Edwards and Fuller Inspected
the steamer Hoo Hoo thla morning.
French ship Jules Gommes finished
discharging ballast this morning at the
Banfleld dock She is under charter to
Kerr. Olfford A Co. to carry a cargo of
wheat and barley to the United King
Astoria Dec. 7. Arrived st 10 and
left up at 11 a m . steamer K A. KU
burn from San Francisco.
British steamer Kllerlc will be released
from quarantine today.
St. Helens, Den. 7. Passed at 11:10 a
m . French bark Martha Roux.
Astoria Dec. 6. Sailed at 10:10 a m ,
steamer Ueorga JLoumla for Han Fran
cisco, T '
Sailed at 11:18 a. "m., British ship
Langdale for Queenstown or Falmouth.
Sailed at 12:30 p. m.. steamer W. H.
Harrison for Sluslaw.
San Francisco, Cel., Dec. I. Arrived
schooner Beulsh from Columbia river.
Astoria Dec. 7. Condition of the bar
at 8 a in. obacured: wind aoutheaat;
weather foggy and rainy.
The Northern Paclflo Railway com
pany's freight agents are expected to ar
rive In Portland on Friday. They left
Spokane last Saturday night, and are
spending this week visiting North Ya
kima, Tacoma, Seattle and other apund
points. The party is in charge of Henry
Blakely, aaslstant general freight agent
at St Paul. At Spokane they were
Joined by Samuel Q. Fulton, assistant
general freight agent at Portland, who
will direct their movements in this ter
rttory. E. H. Forrester, general agent
of the Northern Pacific at San Francisco,
will arlve In Portland thla evening to
Join the party. A. D. Charlton, who
went to the aound Monday, will return
to Portland with them.
Their entertainment here will consist
of a visit to the manufacturing plants
and the harbor, an Inspection of the ex
position grounds, snd sn Informal lunch
eon at the Commercial club. The object
of the tour by the freight agents Is to
familiarise them with the resources of
the Pacific northwest, and the possi
bilities of development of transporta
tion business, and to acquaint fhem with
the business men snd methods of this
from Colas
essss. Te set the genuine, call far ths fall
a.m. and look for I lie slasatora of g. V .
Oreve. Me.
WrSf erred sneak Canned Ooods.
Allen Lewis Bsst Brand,
..BVABBBBBBBBS. TOj. 'J. 'Z- jy'
L ' ' $'' ' PS ' jm J Bal al
Wm ansaTMCMaaBBlfsmBT aBS BB
SsPUsH Lbs ' ' Ml
awl tfwB eBB
Until January
$1 1.00
for all Coats, regular
price $15.00.
for all Coats, regular
price $16.00.
for all Coats, regular
price $17.50.
We believe we show as large a variety and the most select stock of high-grade coats of any
store in the city. "
Brownsville Woolen Mil Store
Third and Stark Sts., Opp. Chamber of Commerce
It's True That
You Can Get For
larsre lots containing over
acrea of land, nearly all In fruit and
berries: moaern -room reeiaenoa
An extremely beautiful place, front
ing on electric car line.
$2800 A magnificent place on Pnnlnau
lar avenue: 9 lots, all beautiful: ear-
den and fruit: the very choicest of
roses snd shrubbery: very cory, mod
ern cottage and all neceaaary out
SI 200 Henutlful West Side home: ',
rooms wun oain ana inner conveni
ences: beautiful and alghtly situa
tion, frontlnar on First street car line.
slsOO For a palatial I -room residence.
quarter Dioca in wooaiawn; cnoicest
variety of bearing fruit. A beautiful
home at less than half the cost.
$ 800 For a lovely 2-acre Improved lot
6 minutes' walk Montavllla car Una
$ 400 Beautiful acre lot with 4-room
cottage, good barn and other out
buildings ; 20 full bearing fruit treea.
A very cosy home.
The Dunn-Lawrence Co.
14V raw IfUl'.'.
3500 Choice corner and I -
house. Central Alblns.
saooo ;o...i corner lot ami houses. In
Multnomah: rent for 124 month.
91000 Qood 6 -room house and full lot,
8 BOO 4-room .house, and 2 lots. Pit
tenger's Addition.
$3500 New. modern 7 room house. Cook
ave close to wiuiams.
.T.ftinm mnil.rn new house CooV
ava, near wiuiams.
7 room new modern In. use. Missis
afnnf eve. near Morris.
sis room house. Missouri ava
513 5-rnnm house, moaern; plenty or
fruit. Minnesota ava
848 Mississippi Ave. Phone Mas
$350012 acres, convenient to car line
will divide to suit purchaser,
acres and 6 -room house, on
csr line. This Is a fine Invest
180012 acres, all In cultivation.
000 17 acrea partly cultivated.
1000 R acres, all cultivated and 7
room nouse.
3500 House and large grounds; close
in, east siae.
408 Chamber of Commerce.
Van W. Anderson
Real HAtnte, Loans
and Fire Inaurane
201 McKay Bid.. Cor. 3rd and Stark
Cas Blf for ansatsrsi
Irnt.tlon. or ulr. ration,
of ma cos a BMW erases.
sBBsanCl, fast or setasaoM.
SaM k; SranlMa,
er east Is pi. in wrseser.
wv eipiav, srsseie,
I St. or a botilaa t 7S.
We Sold Over One Hundred Men's
1st we will make a reduction on all Overcoats and
MM acres, all nlcs land; all fenced;
house, barn, orchard, running water:
100 seres cultivated, balance pasture
and woods; 2 miles north of HUlsboro;
a good farm 110,000.
35 sores, 26 acres cultivated; 1 horse, 1
buggy, 2 cows, 3 heifers, 1 hogs, 20
tons hay: good house, with mill and
tank; hot and cold water In houae;
water piped to barn; 2 acres In straw
berries, orchard; fronts on fine, level
road; 10 miles east of Portland. This
Is a nice home. Will take a oheaper
place as part pay 14,600.
100 acres, all choice land: no gravel;
all fenced; 75 acres cultivated; new,
modern house, I rooms, concrete base
ment, hall, pantry, closets, bath,
porches; fine, new barn, rustic and
painted; 10 cows, 1 calves. I hogs, 1
team, wagon, hack, cream separator,
all farming Implements; 40 tons hay.
460 bushels potatoes, etc; 10 miles
from Portland, on a fine, level road
all wsy out: 1V4 miles from elsotrlo
csr; a very cheap farm. Ail goea for
118 acres, all choice land; all fsnced
and croas-fenced; 10 acres cultivated;
40 acres pasture; good, new 1-room
house, fair barn; orchard, running;
stream snd spring water; land all
laya nice; 1 mile of school, store and
shop; near Tualatin river, II miles
from Portland; a cheap farm.
1 acres, all good, level land: 41 acres
cultivated; house, barn, orchard; wa
tered by wells and atresm, on good
road. 10 miles weat of Portland 14,
660. 331 acres land, fenced: 110 acres culti
vated; 1,00 acrea pasture. 100 acres
fine timber- good logging stream
through land; timber marketable; fine
outrange for stock; 41 head cattle; 10
goats, 20 sheep, 1 team, farm imple
ments; good neighborhood; 1 mile to
school. Yamhill county. Prlos for all
40 sores, sli fine- soil; ll'scres culti
vates; new, nouse, s rooms, paintea;
fair barn: 100 fruit trees; near achool,
church, store and creamery; 18 miles
from Portland. Will trade for horns
In Portland 11,100.
SO acres, 20 acres well cultivated; good
fences; T-room nouse, rustic ana
painted; good frame barn; orchard;
watered by springs; convenient to
church and school; In Washington
county. Trade for Portland property
4 sores. 1 acre In strawberries: 1 sere In
tree fruits; chicken yard, nice modern
6-room house; convenient to 6-cent
car line 12.125.
4 seres on Oregon City car line, near
IT Ablngton Bldg., Portland. Or.
tot 17, blook 1, Elisabeth Irving' Ad
dition. Hise onxiuo reel, on victoria
St.. 60 feet south of Hancock St. Price
Montgomery Near 17th
Lot 5x100 feat, with two apartment-
houses, Nos. 615, 535 H snd 537. rent
ing for 181.50 per month. You oan
buy this desirable Income property for
ss,ooo ir fasten si once.
No. 106 and 108 N. E.
Park Street
Lot 60x100 feet, between Flanders and
uiisan. with two cottages, a lot with
a futura Pries S4.BO0.
Third and Mill
100x100 feet, 8. B. corner
Fine location for apartment-housa
929 Stark St. Phonm Main 14
Suits at
The reason we are selling so many suits is that we
are going to reduce our immense stock of clothing as
much as possible, and until January 1st we will sell the
pick and choice without reserve of ANY SUIT IN OUR
Every suit is of this season's manufacture, and is
made from the highest class of our pure wool cloth, and
sell regular and are worth $15.00, $16.50, $18.00, $20.00,
$22.50, $25.00 and a few up to $30.00.
on Overcoats
for all Coats, regular
price $18.50.
for all Coats, regular
price $20.00.
for all Coats, regular
price $21.50.
The Title Guarantee
& Trust Co.
Lot on Vancouver ave., bet Skldmore
and Mason sts. (A. 101.)
Lot 10x100 feet, corner Beech St. and
urend ava t a. soo
5-room cottage and stable, lot 15x100
feet, at St. Johns Park; city watsr. (A.
cottage, well built. I rooms and t
lota with abundance of fruit; plenty
spaos for cnicxens ann cows, 10 minutes
walk from Peninsula Station. (A. 102.)
Lot 10x100 feet and new rottege, I
rooms. E. 11th st. bet Mason and
Shaver, North Irvlngton. (A. 111.)
Two lots In Wilson's Addition, near lid
snd inurman. tt-. 117.)
Tais Una Into 1 ftftw 1 ( ft f.e M TUT sasa
a w v as saw ivie avvjasvv a vci, ai. v v , vvs a
E. 10th and Tillamook. West Irvlngton.
(It- IT.)
House 7 rooms, bath. xas. basement lot
mix7u reet, trailing sc., near ju. sin st.
Terms 1200 caah, balance 120 a month.
(A. 20.)
Lot 10x101 feet and comfortable houae
I rooms snd bsth on Ivy street, near
Kodney ave. (A. 21.)
Sunnyslde (adjoining) cottage I rooms
and lot 60x100 feef terma half cash.
balance on time. n. zv.)
Runnystda I lots, S. W. cor. Bslmont
and E. list st. Terms half cash, bal
ance on tlma (B. 201.)
Bunnyslds lot and house rooms, bath,
basement, ste. (8. 206.)
Richmond, close to car line, 10x100 fsst
and brick dwelling I room, bath and
basement, city water. (L. 141.)
Large lot snd 2-story brick dwelling,
bath, city water, close to Waverly car
line, st E. 21th st (L 110.)
Lot 10x100 fsst, and cottage of I rooms,
full basement, bathroom, city water.
(A. 171.)
McMtllen's Add. few minutes' wslk
from Steel bridge, lot and new house 7
moms, sli modern convenlenoea (H.
170.) ,
Multnomah Add. near Thompson school,
100x100 feet and house rooms, strssts
sewered and Improved. (A. 217.)
a, $1400
100x100 fsst, cor. E. 10th snd Tilla
mook; concrete sidswalk; terms part
cash (H. 111.)
The Title Guarantee
& Trust Co.
I and 7 Chamber of Commerca
Cravenettes, as follows:
for all Coats, regular
price $2230.
for all Coats, regular
price $23.50.
for all Coats, regular
price $25.00.
7 Rooms with bath and base
ment; lot 60x100; close in, on
East Eleventh street
Only $2,500
The Healy Investment Co.
210-214 Abington Building,
108tf Third St
Homebuilders and Speculators
Your Attention !
Do not fall to carefully examine
WAXartTT PaJtx property. It Is lo
cated on the most sightly table lsnd be
tween the rivers and en both car lines.
No question Wslnut Park will become
the most valuable resident property In
the city of Portland. Prices most lib
eral. Term cash: monthly or quar
terly payments. Title perfect War
ranty deed given.
Do yourself a kindness by calling or
sending for WALNUT PARK maps.
REMEMBER, I have many more
choice bargains In Portland property.
Keel Setate Dealer.
Bar s
The railroad oomnanr is about to
scend 1100.000 In doubllna the ranirii.
of the car shops st Alblna three new
buslnsss buildings hsve mat hee.n
startea on Mississippi avenue.
Call at ones on at. a. Tioanoi,
141 Mississippi avenue, phone East
2121. and make a selection from his
choice list of bargains at original prices
and double your money in the next i
Williams Avenue Addition
ii viu.,. v - iw uui ma remaining f
lota In this beautiful tract, we will offer
for a few days these lots at ths original
,,11, urn, w,.u n"" nnu every as
sessment paid: slso furnish complete
sbstract. Don t miss this opportunity
If you want some nice property to build
48 Mississippi Ave. Faeme
North Albina on the Boom!!
ThS great car barn of the Portland
Consolidated Railway company Is n ear
ing completion ana cne company has
usi Dousni mure una mere at s cost Of
14,600. and real estate Is boom In a- We
havs over 40 lots close to the com
pany's property st from till up, on
terms to suit Let US show you Our
bargains before Investing ws oan save
you money.
Ten Acre Tracts
Ten Acre Tracts
On Saturday, December 10,
at 1 :30 p. m a special excur
sion train will leave Fourth
and Yamhill streets and con
vey intending purchasers to
Sha truck's station to view
the Shattuck farm, lying on
both sides of the railroad
track, right at the station,
which has been sub-divided
into tracts of 6, 8, 10 and 12
acres and will be sold with
payment of one fourth down,
balance in one, two and three
years with interest at 8 per
cent Every person wanting
a country home, a fruit or
berry farm or a poultry
ranch should go out on this
excursion and inspect these
tracts. Abstract of title fur
nished to each purchaser.
While it is winter and you
are seeing the lands at their
worst it is the best time for
intending buyers to make
their selection. The train
will start at 1 :30 p. m. from
Fourth and Yamhill streets
and will leave on return trip
in an hour after arrival. Re
member, the Southern Pa
cific will soon run their gaso
line cars hourly past this
For Plats and Prices Call
Charles K. Henry
878 Stark Street
Is ths greatest and most unwar
ranted waste In the Whole list of do
mestic expensea I help you to
stop tt and sell you
And at less than rent rates. In ths
best residence suburb of Portland,
with city water, street cars, lots of
people and all convenient ea
Heart of Mount Scott district. II
minutes from First street; 5c fsra
Plana of cottages may be ssen st
my city office or st Evelyn. Agsnt
on ground. City office open even
ing. GEO. W. BROWN
Room 201 Falling Building.
Phone Main 1121.
ISO acres on railroad and 2 miles from
town; 8 acres cultivated; about 10
set In grass; 60 bearing apple tress;
S room house, small barn, on county
roaa; a Dargam at
ro rood homestead relinquishments
Cabins built; 7 miles from railroad
town; very cheap.
Bargains In farms, scrsage, timber land
ana city property.
Maxwell & Burg
SIS Ablngtos Bids;, Portland, Or.
$35 LOTS
All unsold lots in Peninsular Ad
ditions are for' Bale St $35.00. Must
be sold to close out estate of L. D.
Brown. Lots . sre cleared, high,
sightly, level; Bull Run wster,
streets (faded and the price is one
quarter for what adjoining property is
selling. Title perfect sbstract fur
nished with every sale.
Sherman D. Brown
351 Stark Street.
Tbls is ths most beautiful property
on the market, surrounded by fine build
ings and faelps the 100-foot Portland
Boulevard, and yet for a short time ws
will offer full lots, 10x100, tor from Ills
to 1200 and upward. To see this Is to
buy If you are looking for a location for
a nice home.