The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, December 07, 1904, Page 14, Image 14

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iii i , T
"Pretty Peggy Tonight
- r...riii in "Pretty FtfCT
play that marked bsr successful advent
among the brightest co-nmporerj mvm.m,
comes to the Marquam Oraad theatre to
ntwht and tomorrow night. "Pretty
v..- which la from the pen of Fran
mtm ivmar Mathews. Is aald to contain
many unique situations, bright dialogue
and Interesting Incident! relating- to the
romance of Paf Wofllngtoii and David
Uarrtck. and Ita production auppnea
.loitrhtfiii atmoBDhere of the theatre
ljinddn mora than a century ago. Mine
a-.s,...ravi la rrwdttad with a molt em
Kit in tha nart of Pea Wofflneton
and Andrew Robeon aa Oarrlok haa been
equally well received. The caat, which
la a Ions one. Includes the names of a
number of wall known players, and the
original New Xorg production is prom
Miss Crawley as "Everyman."
To few actresses Is It given to re
' celve the enthusiastic praise which the
critics have lavished upon Constance
Crawley, who la the leading woman in
the famous Ben areet company or m
gllsh players, which Is to be seen at
the Marquam Grand theater next Fri
day 'afternoon, Saturday afternoun and
Saturday night. Miss Crawley's work
in "Everyman" has. It is said, stampea
' her aa an artist of the first rank, and
the leading critics of San Francisco have
vied with each other In singing the
praises of this beautiful young JUngllsn
woman, whose superb elocution, high in
talllgence and wonderful reading of the
poetic lines of Shakespeare and of the
priest who wrote "Hveryman" have com
bined with her presence to make her a
favorite of the audleneea which have
seen her. Seats are now selling.
Popular Florence Roberta.
The return of Florence Roberts to the
Marquam next week calls to minn tne
tact that last season she announced her
farewell performances of "Zasa." Ac
cording to her manager's statement It
waa her firm Intention to do so, but the
public will was stronger than the lady's
a a uIa. an,l aha vara a fnrrer! to restore
it to her repertoire, and despite the fact
that It was ner rirsi success ana
miliar to everybody It still draws her
'muii hminoai Next week, however.
The Adventure of Lady Ursula" and
the Ibsen play, "A Doll's House, win
probably share the success, snd "Tess
of the D'Urbervllles" and "Malta of the
Lowlands" will also attract large au
diences. The sale opens Friday morning,
and already mere nave own many m
Empire's Bargain Matinee.
The Empire management has decided
to give a bargain matinee eaturuay ui
this week to school cnuaren ana toum
.a. rut n "Darkest Kusssla"
Is a play of the quality and character
which can Invariably count, upon -rn-eet
support from the average theatre
patrons who admire a sane, healthful
dramatic offering. In the fSullness of
Its revival dress, and the new honors
added to Its Illustrious career, have ex
cited more than usual Interest. These
desirable elements. In conjunction with
the amount of Interest evinced concern
ing the two great contending armies
battling for possessslon of Manchuria,
should give to "Darkest Russlsa" special
Importance as a theatrical event.
The Grand Crowded.
Le Mont's leaping greyhound has fur
nished a real sensation at the Grand
theatre, where last night the crowds
overflowed the capacity of the theatre at
every performance. Among the many
extraordinary numbers are Murphy and
Andrews, high class entertainers. James
and Maud Ryan, in Ireland and Ger
many, the Klngsburys, the Flying Weav
ers snd others. The most absorbing
number was the grandloscope with the
adventures of Kit Carson, the famous
Indian scout. The entire performance
Is neat and clean and fully maintains
the standard established by the Grand
Lively Comedy at the Columbia.
"Mistakes Will Happen." Dickson's
tar successful farce comedy. Is making
the Columbia hit this week. It gives
the audiences a glimpse of actors and
actresses as they appear In real Ufa
It is well written and witty, and al
though Manager Ballard says he combed
the play carefully to expunge all the
risque lines, it must be acknowledged
that a few are still left In. Nothwlth
etandlng this, the play is received with
almost a continuous round of applause,
and it la certainly one of the most ex
crutlatlngly funny faros comedies that
haa been produced In late years.
The Arcade's Merry Bill.
even acts make a merry bill at the
Arcade theatre this week. The appear
ance of Campbell and Shepp Is ons of
Interesting vaudeville events of the sea
son. Genevieve Ardell, a pretty girl,
whose face as well aa her voice is her
fortune, makes her first appearance as
a warbler of illustrated ballads. The
Montague sisters are two pretty sou
brettes. one of whom gives a clever
Imitation of Anna Held, while the other
Js the original bowery girl, who sings
and dances In a most vivacious fashion.
Attractions at the Star.
Miss Cole Frances Bowers, the girl
with the double voice. Is the novelty thst
la attracting thousands to the Star
theatre this week. She Is not only a
weet-volced soprano, but she can sing
alto notes with the rarest richness. An
other great act la the acrobatic per
formance of the three DeGraus. en
titled "Foxy Grandpa snd the Bad Boys."
There Isn't a child In Portland who
doean't know Foxy Grandpa, and who
will not feel unmixed delight in wit
nessing this famous hero of comic
papers on the stage.
Always New at Bijou.
Strong men have been here before,
but Hlldebrsnd. the modern Hercules, Is
a, new one. And he's so different from
tl the rest that even the most blaee
applaud his performance at the BIJou.
He lifts objects that are apparently Im
possibly heavy by his teeth, while his
muscular development Is ' something
worth seeing. He's Just one of the long
list of great attractions. Did you ever
see Qulslns, the human rubber ball?
The Baker Haa the 8row.
Crowded to the limit Is the record of
the Baker this week. A great bill by
rest people In a big. comfortable the
ater, managed by broad, liberal minded
men will always win. The Raker
has the show and the show gets the
The Lyric.
Have you seen the show at the Lyric T
It's great. Tou should not miss It Do
not forget that Friday night Is gold
night. Who knowa, you might drew the
"V' to spend for Xtnas. Join the Jolly
crowd snd enjoy yourself.
t wfT4 atwok Oaj
A Lewis' Best
For Seven Years In Port
land and Seattle.
Van Cortland
50c 50c 50c 50c
Without aeklnx a (mention be tell ron roar
name, roar mother's maiden name, the name
of the one you leve; tells yoa roar age and
what yoa called for without asking a elngle
question There Is no affair of Importance
past, present or future bat what Professor
Van Cortisol's oeenlt ere can ulalnlr reveal.
He will point oat the war that will lead to
success in Doemeee, speculations. lrrvceimenis.
love, courtship, martrlmony, divorce, or any
thing you may be In trouble about.
He also teachee hi profeaaton to other.
Hours from 9 a. m to h n. m.. dally and
Sunday. Permanently located st
313 Washington Street
Alas privet aa trance en Sixth Street.
Lou la Madioal sad Surgical Ms usury.
Established UTS.
or DTatsaia for m ram.
And 1 today more prosperous than ever before
Is Its history that Institution most certainly
rvee s high place In the esteem or tne
Haa aucreaafnllv treated more alck DeoDle than
ny similar euueeen oa the North Pacific Coast,
snd It conscientious dealings with the nn-
fortunate hare given It a heart place in
thousand of home la Oregon and surround
ing states.
All A
Anil thara ara none of these that do not readily
yield to the expert treatment received at oar
Or for 10 2 cent tamps w will null to all
applicants our book giving symptoms and direr
tlona aa to treatments ny man, wdicb can ia
don aueeeasfully ss when the patient
call In person.
The Dr. Keasler Medical
and Surgical Dispensary
I. F. tor. Second sad Yamhill at.. Portland, Or.
Phone Main ibtt.
Send for pamphlet Inclose 10 2 cent atampe
Bstnbllshsd 188. Oregon
Marble Works
Manufacturers of and
dealers In all kinds of
Marble, Granite and
Stone Work
Estimates Given on
Bet Madison and
jefferon Streets.
old by all Druggists.
Sealed propose Is will he received at the
of See of the Auditor of the City of Portland
until Friday. December B. ISO, st S:0O o'clock
p. m. for the Improvement of chapman street
from the north line of Elisabeth street to
the south Una of Spring street. In the manner
prortded to ordinance No. 14.818. eublect to
the provision of the charter and ordinances
of the City of Portland and the estimate of
the tlty Engineer, on Die.
Rlda must be atrlctly Is sccordasc with
printed blank a. which will be furnished OS
application st the office of the Auditor of
the City of Portland And aald Improvement
muat be completed on or before BO days from
the dste of the signing of the contract by
the parties thereto.
Be proposals or bid will he considered
unleea aeeompanied by a certified check pay
able to the order of the Mayor of the City of
Portland, certified by a responatble bank for
an amount e,uai to m per cent or the ag
gregate proposal.
The right to reject any and all bid I
hereby reserved.
By order of the executive Board
Auditor of the nty of Portland.
Portland, Oregon. December I. ISO.
1 r p mi
CITT NOTICE CTTT BTfJTMIBE. I ., - ., mTJ 'VT. , I , , , n. n -UJ-u,-r?T -. .. . , i. n -, - I n - i -L -un. . " TTt. t- n. -.. -i -
Notice Is hereby gives that st the meeting
of the Council of the City of Portlsnd. Oregon,
held an the ISth day of November. IBM,
the following resolution wss adopted
Resolved. Thst the Council of the City of
Portland, Oregon, deem It expedient end pro
poaea to Improve Tenlno avenue from Ifi feet
weet of the neat line of Eaat Twenty-third
atreet to the seat line of Grand avenue. In the
following manner:
Pint By bringing the street fall width with
fall Intersection to grade a shown by the
tskee set by the City Engineer.
Second By constructing wooden aldewilka In
accordance with the city engineer a plena,
srjert Deatlons and estimate.
Third By laying crosswalk la accord a nes
with the City Engtneer'e plana, specifics Mess
ann eatimeiee.
Fourth By eonatroetlng box gutters
Said Improvement to be made In accordance
with the charter and ordinance of the City
of Portland and the plan, apectficstton and
estimate of the City Bsglneer filed In the
office of the Auditor of the City of Portland
on the 11th dsy of Novsmber. ISO. Indorsed
"City Engineer' plana and peel Sea tlona for
the Improvement of Tenlno avenue from 25
feet west of the weet line of Eaat Twenty
third atreet to the east Use of Grand avenue,
and the estimates of the work te be dons and
the probable total cost thereof."
The coat or sat a improvement to be assess B
a provided by the city charter upon the prop
erty pectally and peculiarly benefited thereby
snd which la hereby declared to be all the lot,
parts thereof and parcele of land lying between
s line 100 feet north of and parallel with tha
north line of Tenlno avenue and a line 100 feet
oath of and parallel with the south Use of
Tenlno avenue and between the eeet Use of
Grand avenue and line 25 feet west of and
parallel with tha weet line of East Twenty
third atreet.
The Engineer' estimate of the probable total
coat for the Improvement of aald Teniae ave
nue I 87.847.00.
The plan, a peri flea II on and eetlniate of the
City Engineer for the Improvement of aald
Tenlno avenue are hereby adopted.
Resolved. That the Auditor of the City of
Portland be and he la hereby directed to give
notice of the proposed Improvement of aald
venue as provided by the city charter.
Remonstrances agalnat the above Improve
ment may be filed In writing with the under
signed within 20 day from the dste of the
first publication of thla notice.
By order of the Council.
Auditor of the City of Portland.
Portland. Oregon, November 26. 1004. (
Seeled propose la will be received at the
office of the Auditor of the City of Portland
until Friday. December B. 1004. at S:00 o'clock
p, m. for the construction of sewer In Delay
street, rook avenae and other street, from
1BO feet north of the south line of blocks Si and
82, Central Alblna. to the ewr In Morris street
at Delay atreet. In the manner provided by ordi
nance No. 14 .127. aubject to the provisions of
the charter nd ordinances of the City of Port
land and the estimate of the City Engineer, on
Bid must be strlrtij In accordance with
nrlnted hlanka. which ' will be fiirnlahed on.
application t the office of the Auditor of the-
Clty of Portland. And aald aewer muat ne com
pleted on or before 80 days from the date of
the signing of the contract by the partle
No propoesl or bid will be considered
unleea accompanied by certified check pay
able to the order of the Mayor of the City of
Portland, certified by a responsible hank for
n mount equal to 10 per cent of the eg
''The tEhfS' reject any and all blda Is
hereby reserved.
By order of the Executive Board.
Auditor of the City of Portland.
Portland. Oregon. December S, 1004.
Sealed proposal will be received at the
office of the Auditor of the City of Portland
until Friday. December B. 1004. at 8:00 o'clock
p m. for the Improvement of Fargo street
from the east line of Gantenbeln avenue to tb
eaat line of Comewtrclal "treef, in the man
ner provided by ordinance No. 14.815. subject
to the nrnvlalona of the charter and ordinance
of the City of Portland and the estimate of
the City Engineer, on Die.
Bid mut be trlrtly In accordance with
printed blanks, which will be furniahed on
application at the office of the Auditor of
the City of Portland. And aald Improvement
must be completed on or before 00 days from
the date of the signing of the contract by
the partle thereto.
No propoesl or bid will be considered
unless accompanied by certified check pay
able to the order of the Mayor of the City of
Portland, certified by a responsible nana ror
an amount euusl to 10 per cent of the ag
gregate proposal.
The right to reject any and all bids la
hereby reserved.
By order or tne Executive ooaro.
Auditor of the City of Portland.
Portland. Oregon, December 8, 1004.
Reeled nronoul will be received at the
office of the Auditor of the City of Portland
until Friday, December , lwo. st s:uu o canes
p. m for the Improvement of Twenty-first
street from the aouth line of Jackson street to
the north line of Clifton atreet. In the man
ner provided by ordinance No. 14.814. subject
to the provlalona of the charter and ordlnanrea
of the city of Portland, snd the estimate of
the City Engineer, oa file.
Ride muat be atrlctly In accordance with
printed blank, which will be furnished on
application at the office of the Auditor of
the City of Portland. And ald Improvement
muat be completed on or before 00 days from
the del of the signing of the contract by
the parties thereto.
Ne propoesl or bids will he considered
unles accompanied by a certified check pay
able to the order of the Mayor of the City of
Portlsnd, certified by s responsible bank for
sn amount equal to 10 per cent of the ag-
'rfte,rfifh?0o1' reject any and all bids Is
hereby reserved. .
By order of the Executive Board.
Tints C. DEVLIN,
Auditor Of the City Of Portland.
Portland. Oregon, December 3. 1004.
Scaled proposal will he received st the
office of the Auditor of the City of Portland
until Friday, December B. 1004, at 8:00 o'clock
p m for the Improvement of River atreet from
the northwesterly line of Randolph atreet
to a wne 140 feet eontheaaterly therefrom.
In the manner provided by ordinance No. 14.81S.
aublect to the provlalona of the charter and
ordinance of the City of Portland and the
astlmste ef tha City Bsglneer, on file.
Bid most be strictly In accordance with
Minted btank. which will b furnished on
application at the office of the Auditor of
the City of Portland. Asd laid improvement
rr.uat be completed on or before 00 day from
the date of the signing of the contract by
the parties thereto. ,,
No propossl or bids will be considered
unleea accompanied by s certified check pay
able to the order of the Mayor of the Cltv of
Portland, certified by a responsible bank for
an amount equal to 10 per rent of the ag
TbeMlfiMt'0to," reject any snd sll bids la
hereby reserved.
Br order of the Executive Board.
ay uruwr THOS. C. DHVLIN.
Auditor of the City of Portland.
Portlsnd. Oregon. December 8. 1004.
Notice Is hereby given thst st the meeting
of the Council of the City of Portland. Oregon,
held on the 7th dsy of December, 1004, the fol
lowing reaolutlon w dopted:
Resolved. Thst the Council of the City of
Portland. Oregon, deem It expedient and pro
Doaee to Improve Eaat Water atreet from the
' ... aa ..a I f . , K.,r svannn to the north
souin line ui . " " . . , . . r
line of East Osk street by bringing the street
run wtntn who iuh weavw 3 ,
ehown by the stakes set by the City Engineer,
with good, clesn esrth, clay, grsvel, rock or
other suitable filling.
Said Improvement to be made in accordance
with the charter and ordinance of the City
o' Portland snd the plan. peclfictloii and
.. . .a.- M- t' filed In the
office of the Auditor of the City of Pnrtland
on the 5th dy OI isecvmoer. aayj. aa.aa.a...
"City Eogloeer' plan nd peclfictlon for
the improvement of Beat Water treet from the
aoath line of Hawthorne avenue to the north
line of Eaat Oak street, snd the estimate
of the work to be done and the probable total
cost thereof." ... .
Th cost of ld Improvement to be SHeseed
a provided by the city charter upon the prop
erty anerlallr and peculiarly benefited thereby
ml which Is hereby declared to be all the
lot, pert thereof and parcel of l;nd ly tig
between line 100 feet wet of snd parallel
with the weat line of Eaat Water .treet nd
line 100 feet eat of snd parallel with the
east line of Est Water atreet, and between
1 line 100 feet eolith of snd parallel with the
aouth line of Hawthorne avenue and line 100
feet north of and parallel with the north line
or Seat 'SS street . a.a.i-
The Engineer' estimate of the nroMOle tori
oat for the improvement of aald Eaat Water
treet la 0,50 on
The plans, e Declaration and eetlmstes of the
City Engineer for the Improvement of ld F.aat
Water etreei ara aavaaa -K"'- -
Resolved That the Auditor of the City or
Portland be end he le hereby directed to glee
notice of the proposed improvement of said
atreet a provided by the city charter.
.. - .!. tka alwtaa tmnrovemenf
Itemoueirancea ifaia. - - - v- ,
may be filed In writing with the undersigned
. .'a. a - - a aw 4 . aL. as 4s rt the flrat ntlFv-
witnin M amjn irni iuw -w ... .... w
Mratlm. of tbU notlrt.
By order of th. (semea. & ,
Auditor of the City of Portland
Dt ef first publication December T, 1804.
1 - l .1 ...i-. .tiuv
Notlci Is hereby sirs., thst the Auditor of
no iiiy ci rortland haa prepared s proposed
assessment for th construction ef s
sew.r. la California atreet. Macadam street
and other atreeta to be known ss lbs Southern
Portland, Fulton and Kulion Park aewer ayatem.
and haa ascertained what he deems a Juat ap
ruowiiiuaui 01 coai 01 tne sewer is actor aa 00
with the apecUl snd peculiar benefit derived
by each parcel of land and lot or part thereof
within the ssssssment district, and has ap
portioned ths cost for aald aewer In the amount
aet opposite each parcel of land and lot or part
thereof a It sbsre of aucb proposed una
Any objection to the apportionment sf east
for aald aewer must be mid In writing to the
Council sod filed with th Auditor within 15
dare from the data of the (rat publication of
thla notice, and said objection will be heard
and determined by the Council before the pas
aage of the ordinance assessing the east of Bald
uiviaea s-s lot so. Hannah Mason,
undivided 2-8 lot 3d. Hannah Maaon.
undivided 2 3 lot 87, Hannah MsSOB,
undlveded 2-3 lot 88. Hannah Mason,
undivided 2-3 lot 30, Hanfiah Maaon,
Undivided 1-8 lot SO, I. F. Watson,
undivided 1-8 lot 80. J. F. Wstsoa,
undivided 1-8 let 87, J. r. Wstsos,
undivided 1-3 lot 88, J. F. Wataon.
undivided 1-3 lot xu. J r. Wium
HUM K 2. undivided 2-3 lot 1, Hannah Mason.
S36.IH); undivided 2-8 lot 2, Hannah Mason,
ttn.iio: undivided 2-3 lot 3, Hannah Maaon.
120.00: undivided 2-S lot 4 Hannah Mason
US.00; undivided 1-3 lot 1. J. F. Watson.
undivided 1-8 lot 2, J. K Wataon.
undivided 1-8 lot 3. J. F. Wstsoo.
undivided 1-8 lot 4 J. V. Wataon.
111. in a 3, undivided 3-3 lot id.
Hannah Maaon,
in 40; undivided 2-8 lot 1,
18.40; undivided 2 3 lot 17,
.40; undivided 2-3 lot IN,
20.411: undivided 1-8 lot II.
11.70: undivided 1-8 lot IS.
Hannah Maaon,
Hannah Maaon,
Hannah Mason.
J. T. Watson.
i. r. wataon, gv.70; undivided 1-3 lot 17.
J. P. Watson. 14 70: undivided 18 lot 18.
J. F. Watson. 114.70. BLOCK 4. lot 2.
Real a Personal Estate Company, $20.00;
lot 4, Real A Personal Kstate Company,
$25.00; lot 8. Real A Personal Estate Com
pany, $20.00; aouth 2 3 lot 8. Ileal A Per
aonal Eatite Compsny. $16.06; north 1-1
lot 8. Hannah Maaon. S8.?0; lot 10. Hannah
Maaon. $38.80; lot 12. Hannah Mason, $38.$0:
lot 14 Hannah Maaon. $38.80; undivided 2-3
lot 15. Hannah Mason. 814.30: undivided 1-8
lot 15, J. F. WStson, $7.15: lot Id. Hannah
Mason. $88.80; undivided 2-8 lot IT. Hannah
Mason. $18.06; undivided 1-8 lot 17, J. F.
Wataon. SO.OO; lot IS. Hannah Maaon. $44.00.
BLOCK 6, undivided 2-3 lot 1. Hannah Ma
aon. $25.00; undivided 2-8 lot 3, Hannah
Mason. $18.50: undivided 1-8 lot 1, J. F.
Wstsoo. $12.80: undivided 1-8 lot 3. J. F.
Watson. $8.20; lot 2. Brnstlne Srhoenbech
ler, $66.00; let 4, Ernstlne Schoeubechler.
$83.80; south M lot S. John Schrenbechler.
$1.80; north U lot 0, Ernestine Pepp, $18.00:
lot H. Hannah Mason. $SS,80; lot 10, Hannah
Maaon. $40.55; lot 12. Hannah Maaon. $33.80;
lot 14. Hannah Mason. $33.80; lot 10, Han
nah Maaon, $38.80; lot 18, Charles W. Big
gins. $38.80. BLOCK 8. lot 2, W. B. Baker.
$83.80; lot 4. Hannah Maaon. $83.80; lot a
Martha M. Crowell. $88.80; lot 8. Amelia
Rerreth, $33.80; lot 10. Msrtha M. CrowsU.
$40.30: lot 12. Martha M. Crowell. $83.80: lot
14. Martha M. Crowell, $33.80; lot 16. John
P. Ward. $38.80: lot 18, John P. Ward.
833.80. BLOCK 7. lot 2. Elisabeth Young.
$33.80; lot 4. Elisabeth Young, $38.80; lot
6 Mary F. Adams. $88.80: lot 8, Msry F.
Adam, $88.80; lot 10, Gottfried Metier.
$40 55; lot 12, Annie C. Schmeer. $6.80; lot
14, Annie C. Schmeer. $6.80. BLOCK 8.
lot 2. Albert Demke. $5.80; lot 4. Albert
liemke. $5.80: lot 0. C. F. Oskes. $6.80; lot
8. C. F. Oake. $5.80; sll of lot 11 lying
east of weat 20 feet. C. F. Oake. $8.00: all
of lot IS lying eaat of weet 20 feet. 0. F.
Oake. $6.86; west 26 feet let 11. Oregon
a California Railroad Company. $1.60; weet
26 feet lot 12. Oregon a California Railroad'
company. $1.50. BLOCK 10, let 1. Ferry
llrnahaw. Trustee. $5.80: lot 3. Ferry Hen
ehaw. Truatee, $8.80; lot 8. Edward Hughes
Estate, Heirs of. S5.80; lot T, Edward Hughes
Batst. Heirs of, $6.80; lot 8. Edward Hughe
Estate. Helta of, $S.8S: lot 11. Edward Hughes
Eetate. Heirs of. $38.86; lot 12. Edwsrd
Hughes Estate. Heirs of, $48.06; lot 2. Joel
W. Crocker. $45.00; lot 4. Joel W. Crocker.
$46.00; lot 6, George Seller, $45.00: lot 8.
olive McCirty, $45.00; lot 10, Olive Mc
carty. $46.00; all of lot IS except weet
42 feet. Alex Kissel. $34.75; all of lot 14
except west 42 feet, Alex Kissel. a$.90:
west 42 feet let 18. Karl Ransenhach. $18.30;
west 4$ feet lot 14. Karl Ransenbacb. $22.00.
BLOCK 11, lot 1. Mary C. Bart, $80.00; lot
8, George R. end H. L. Stephenson. $34. SO;
lot 6. A W. Beldlng. $38.60; lot 7. Henry
X. Beldlng, $80.60; lot 8. Cor N. Beldlng.
$48.80; lot 11. W. D. Beldlng. $88.00; lot
18. Henry A. Beldlng, $52.05: lot 16, Bmlle
C. Fety. $86.8S; lot 16. Bmlle C. Fety.
$78.30: lot 2. Ernest P. Poach. $45 00; lot 4.
Erneat P. Desch, $46.00; lot 6, H. A. snd
A. W. Beldlng, $45.00; lot s H. A. snd
A. W. Beldlng. $46.00; west 20 feet lot 10.
Oregon A California Railroad Company.
$23.40; east $4 feet lot 10. Eve J. Parker,
$80.00; lot IS. Eva J. Parker. $46.00; lot 14,
W. D. Beldlng. $50 70. BLOCK IS, lot 1,
Joseph F. Kelly, $88.00; lot 3. Charles W.
Droecnel. $38.00; let 5, A. C. Lobmfrr. $88.80;
lot T. A. C. I -oh ml re. $36.80; lot , H. A
and A. W. Beldlng. $48.80: lot 11, Martin
Winch. $38.60; lot 18. Mary . Finch. $88.80;
lot 16. Mary F. Finch. $54.10: lot 17. Ru
dolph Becker. $51.06; lot 18. Rudolph Becker.
$68.00; lot 2. W. C. McMillan. $45.00; lot 4.
W. C. M.MIllan. $45.00; lot 8. W. C. Mc
Millan. $45.00; lot 8. W. C. McMillan. $48.00;
lot 10, Alicia J. Rate, $54.00; lot 12, Bliss
Jared. $40.00; lot 14. Bills Jsred. $45.00;
lot 16. Msry F. Finch. $48.80. BLOCK 18,
undivided lot 1. T. F. Brande. $18.80;
undivided lot 1. Helen A. Jones $18.80:
lot 8, James Humphrey, $38.80; lot 8, James
Humphrey. $36.00: lot 1. James Humphrey,
$88.80; tot 8. Robert J a co been. $48.80: lot
11. Doug Engelatad. $88.80: lot 18. Donsa
Kngelatad. $$8.80: lot 16. W. S. Ward. $87.26;
lot 18, W. 8. Ward, $81.05: lot 2. Real a
Personsl Kstate Company. $5.80; lot 4. Real
a Personal Batata Company, $5.80; lot 8. W.
H. Games. $6.80: let A W. H Games. $8.80;
lot 10. W. Wslnboff. $8.86; lot 12. Albert L.
Albertoon. $5.80: lot 14, Joseph DeMartlnl.
$380; lot 17. Michael Ballet. $6280; lot IS.
Michael Ballet, $84.86. BLOCK 14. lot 1.
Fred S. Miller, g.80; lot 8. Richard BhUn
ger, $6.80; lot 8. Joseph DeMartlnl. $6.80:
lot 7, W F. Borrell, Truatee. $8.80: west
28 feet lot 8. Oregon A California Railroad
Company, $8.00; eaat 84 fset lot 8, W. B
Walaoo. $3.06; lot 11. Sophia WsUgsrbsr,
tl.80; lot 18. Sophia Wrlagerber, $8.80; lot
5, George Zlttmarer. $5 ho, lot 17. Jamee
L. Carawrll. $47.80; lot IS. Jamee I.. Cars
well. $48.70; lot 2. Anna B. Keens, $8.80;
lot 4, Anns B Keene, $5 80: lot 8, Ann B.
Keene, $5.80; lot 8, Anns B Keene. $0.80;
let 10. Anna E. Keene. $6.98; lot 12. Anna
B. Keene, $5.80; lot 14. Anns B. Keene,
88.80; lot 18. Anns K. Keene. $5.80: lot 18.
David M. Witklnd. $50.70; lot 20, Fred
Rpgl. $62.86. BLOCK 18, lot 1. Jms
L. farewell. $6.80: lot 2, James I., far.
well. $8.80; lot 3. Jamee L. Csrswsll, 88.80;
let 4. James L. farewell. $6.80; lot 6, Jams
L Carawrll, $5.80; lot 8, Jamee I, Car well.
$5 80; let 7, Lillia farewell, $5 80; lot 8,
Jamee L. farewell. $5.80; lot 0. Jamea L.
Carswell. $8.86; lot 10, Jamea L. Cars well.
fS.BS; let 11. James L. Carswell. $5.80; lot 12.
me la Carawell. $5.80; lot IS. Lllllaa Cars
well. $6.80; north ty lot 14, Kate Csrrsy.
$2U0; north H lot 16. Kate Carrey. $2.80;
south H lot 14. Ellen MrNulty. $2.80; south
tt lot 16. Balen MrNulty. $2.80; lot 16, Han
nah Maaon. $6.80: lot 17. Rudolph Becker,
$57.55 lot 18. Rudolph Becker. $58.80; jot IB.
Kate Curray. $62.05: lot 20. Ellen MrNulty.
$64.20. BLOCK 18, lot 1. Joseph and E.
Weber. $6.80: let 2. Joseph and B Weber.
r.SO; lot 8. Joseph snd E. Weber, 86.80; lot
Joseph and E. Weber. $5.80: lot 5, Joseph
and K. weber,; lot n. Joseph ana K.
Weber. $.". HO; lot 7. Joseph and E. Weber.
$5 80; lot 8, Joeeph and B. Weber, $6.80;
lot . Joeenh and E. weber. sn.wo: lot 10.
Joseph and B Weber. $8.03; lot 11, Joseph
and K Weber, $8.80; lot 18, Joeenh and H.
Weber. $5.80; lot 16. Jorpb and B. Weber.
80.80: lot iz, iicnai isomer, go. so; i,,t 14
laa-a l T- , ait nr.- l-t IS a..,.. aa t.
.wieonei laniua-,, ,,,, jsaaaaa co a .
$3.76; lot 17, Fulton United Artisans' Band
ing Assoclstlrm. $69.10: lot IS. Ernest House.
$72 25; lot IB, Ann Stock, $78.60; lot 20.
Josepn vsener. fa3G.w. diaa.ii 11. lot 1
f Nr McCteod. $5.80: lot 2. C. N. Mot 'lend
80; lot 8, C. N. Mcfleod. $6.80: lot 4.
s Mcfleod.; lot o. u. n. Mcoieod
?.80; lot 8. C. N. McCleod. $8.80; lot 7
N. McCleod. $5.80: lot 8. C. N. McCleod
$6.80: lot B. Flore K. Crittenden. $6.86; lot
10 Flora fritiennen. go. vo; lot 12, f. n.
McCleod. $8.80; lot 14. 0. N. Mcfleod. $5.80;
lot 18. C. N. McCleod. $5.80: lot 18. K N
v. fleod 88 HO: lot 11. Hannah Mason. 85.80:
lot 18, Hannah Maaon, $5.80; lot 16. Hannah
Maaon. sn.wt; lot it. riannan aasaon.;
lot IB. M. McNnlty. soon: lot in. M. Mr
Natty. $5.80; lot 20. Bliss and John A
Keller, $6.86; lot 22. Bliss snd John A
Keller. 86.80: lot 24. Ellsa and John A. Ksl
tr. 86.80: lot 28, Alphonee Lenoir. $6.80;
lot 25. Alphonee Lenoir. SO.Sfl; lot 26. Al
- , I MaaO- I.. I 9T lla.aal,
pnoiisv a.,.aaw, aw a. aaaauaa.
$8.80: lot 28 Hannah Maaon. $6.80. BLOCK
18. lot 1. Clara N. MeLeod. $5.80; lot 8,
flara N MrLcod. $6.80; lot 5, The Hlbern
Ian Saving Bank. $5.80; kit 7. The Hibernian
Si nr. Bank. go. ho; 101 w. i.nawig wuneim
$8.88; lot 11. Lndwlg Wllhelm. $5.80; lot
13. Solomon Bel. $5.80; lot 15. Solo root
Retse. $5 80; lot 17. Mary I. Hedge. $5 SO
lot 18. Mart I. Hedges. $8.86; lot 21. Han
nah Maaon. $6.80; lot 23. Hannah Maaon.
88 80: lot 25. Hannah Maaon. sn ho. jot
Hannah Maaon, $5.80: lot 2. Msrlsnne Vands
lenr. $6.80; lot 4. Marianne Vandeleur, 18.
lot 8. Clare N. Mcleod. $6 80; lot H, Wll
Ham and Ann Bents. $5 80; lot 10. W. F
Rnrrall Truatee. 86 85: lot 12. W. F. Barred.
Trustee. $6.80; kit 14. R. H. Robbln $S.S8:
lot 18. Ismes Johnstone gn.HO; lot 18,
Jamee Johnstone $5.o; , Northern
fountle Inveatment Trust. Limited. $8 85
lot 22. Carl tl. Anderson. $5 80: lot 24.
W. A
snd l.lllle C. VlgfW.; lot Tt
W. A
ad Llllle C. Tlfgers. $5.80
let 28. W. A.
nd UlUs C. Vlggera. $6.80. BLOCK IS.
lot 1, W. F. Barrel). Truatee, $6.80; Jet 2.
W. F. Barren, Truatee. $5.80; lot A W. K.
Barrel!. Trustee, $6.80; lot 4, W F Bar
ren. Truatee. $6.80; lot 6, flara N. MeLeod,
$880; 1st S, Wliltsm Frtsdlsndsr, $8.80;
lot 7, William Fried Lauder, $8.80; lot 8 Wll
11am Fried leader. $5.80; lot 8, William
Frledlander, $8.86; lot 10, William Frisd-
I.BO; let 11, 1 nitea oaaiaw was
hii ln 13 1 nlted State National
80; lot 13, 1 nlted States Nstlooal
80; lot 14, United State national
ao In. 1g Halted .States National
an tot is Halted states National
en,' l... v n aa aaat W. If. fake.
BetO; lot 18, H. U. sad W. M. Cake. $6.80;
lot IV, Arthur v or ana 111. eo.av, an v.
Hannah Maaon. $8.85; lot 22. Hannah Maaon.
$6.80. let 21. Bverett K. Smith, $8.00; 1st
28, Johanna Irving. $6.80; lot 24. Llssle snd
Cora N. Beldlng. $6.80; lot 25, Llssls snd
Cora N. Beldlng. $5.80; lot 26. Usids snd
Cor N. Beldlng. $8.80; let 27. A. W. aad
H. A. Beldlng. $5. ho, lot 28. A W. sad
H. A. Beldlng. $6.80. BLOCK 20. lot 1,
W. F. Borrell, Truatee. $38.00: lot A W. F.
Borrell, Trustee, $6.80; lot 3. W. F. BurrsU.
Trustee, SM.0O; lot 4, W. F. Bnrrsll. Trus
ts. $0.80; lot 0. W. f. BarrelL Truatee.
ajtasii lot a v it iiorr.ll Trustee. $5. SO:
lot 7, W. F. Hurrcll. Trustee, $36.00; lot S.
Alice F. McCarthy. $5.80: lot 0. W F.
Borrell, Trustee, $43. uo, let 10, Alice F.
McCarthy, $6.86; lot 12. Alice F. McCarthy.
$5.80; 1st 11. Edward W. aad Helen M.
Osssstt. 888.00: lot 13. Kvs May Gsssstt.
SB SO; lot 14. Jessie E. 8. Fleck. $6.80;
t 13. Jessie B S. Fleck. $38.80: lot 18.
Jessie E. 8. fleck. $6.00; lot 17. Jessie E.
A Fleck. $86.80; lot 18, Jessie K. S. Fleck.
8.80; lot 18, Jessie E. 8. Fleck. $43.80; lot
, Jessie B. 8. Fleck. $0.85; lot 21, Jamee
S. Johnstone. $36 60; lot 23, Jamee 8. John
stons. $80 80; lot 26, Marie R. lloxale, $44. 10;
let 28. Marie E. Hoxale. $28.10; lot 22.
Blaeinger a Co., Truatee, $5.80; lot 24. Bl.
singer a Co., Trustee. $5.80; lot 27, Blast agar
A Co.. Trustee. $5.80; lot 28. Blaeinger a
Co.. Truatee. $5.80. BLOCK 21. lot 1. J. M.
Thompson. $86.00; lot A J- hi. Thompson,
r.SO; lot 5. Llssle Morrison, $38.00; lot
Deles D. Neer, $38.00; lot 0. DekM D.
Neer. $48.U0; lot 11, John A. Johnston and
Jamea olaen. $36.60: lot 13. John A. John
aton aad James Ulen, $36.60; lot 16. III
bernts Savings Bank. $88.00; lot 17, HI
bernla Saving Bank. $30.80; lot IB, Hl
bernl Saving Bank. $4S.8u; lot tl, T.
W. Hannaman. $88.00; lot 28. Bernard C.
McCarthy, $88.80; lot 25. Nellie M. Word.
$44.10; lot 27, Charles P. Little. $37.60;
lot A Herman Blecg, $45.00; lot 4 Herman
Block, $45.00; lot C Herman Blecg. $46.00;
lot 8. A. W. and H. Beldlng. $46.00: lot
10. Fannie A. Curtis. $54.00; lot 1A Nettle
0. Orsdson. $45.00; lot 14, Nettle G. Grsdou.
$46.00; lot 18. Roxann Courtney, $46.00;
lot 18, Wliltsm P. Courtney, $48.00; lot 20,
Joels Sulllvsn. $54. no, lot 22. H. L. latum
and J. J. Howen. 146.00; lot 24, Seymour
C. Friendly. $46.00; lot 28, W. F. Burrell.
Truatee. $29.10; lot 18. Bessie Zlmmer.
a. 50. BLOCK 22, lot 1, Alliance Trust
npany. Limited. $88.80; lot' A O. and
Ionise Lacbmelr. $36.00: lot 5, Albert Krum
rex. $88.00; lot 7. Jenui Bower. $88.80: lot
8. Jennie Bower. $43.80; lot 11. Fred 8.
Miller. $36.60; lot 13. Fred S. Miller, $86.80:
lot 16. Willamette Tribe No. 6. Improved
Order of Red Men, $38.60: lot 17. Willamette
Tribe No. . Improved Order of Red Men.
Am. 00; lot 18, Kittle B. Emmons, $38.60;
lot 21. Mary B Hoxale, $30.00; lot 23. Msry
K Hoxale, $38.80; lot 26, Msry E. Hoxsle.
$44.10: lot 27. lassie Beldlng, $37 AO; lot 1
George Lsrhmeler, $46.00; lot A George
Laehmeler, $46.00; lot 8. Sarah B. Kveraon.
$46.00; lot 8. Sarah B. Everson, $45.00; lot
10. 11. B. Long. $54.00; lot IS. H. B. Long,
$46.00; lot 14, H. It. Long, $46.00; lot 18.
McKlaley Mitchell. $49.00; lot 18. McKtn
MltchU. $45.00; lot 20, W. D. Beldlng,
g.00; lot 22, A. end A. W. Beldlng. $43. oil;
24. I alexia Beldlng. $45.00: lot 26. Msry
B. Hassle. $28.10; lot 28. Llssle Beldlng,
$52.50. BLOCK 23. lot 1, Msry B Taylor,
$5.Ho: lot 3, Maud W. Woolfolk, $6.80; lot. 6.
David GoodseU. $6.80; lot 7. Clara B. Craas.
$5.80; lot 8, Msry B Hoxsle, $68; lot 11.
Calvary Presbyterlsn Church. $6.80; lot 1J.
calvary Presbyterian Church, $6.80; lot 13,
Susanna Zimmerman, $0.80; lot 17, Susanna
Zimmermen, $6.80, lot 18. Susanna Zimmer
man. $6.06: lot 21, Susanna Zimmerman.
$6.80: lot 23. Susanna Zimmermen. $5.80,
lot 25, Ssaann Zimmerman, $5.80: lot 20,
Suae una Zimmerman. $5.80;! lot O. M.
and Dena Bohler. $45.00; lot 4, G. M. snd
Dens Bohler, $46.00: lot 6, Bruno R. Ganthrr.
.00; lot 8, Joseph Fluke, $45.00; lot 10.
Loeweuson. $64.00; lot 12. George Wright
Poet No. 1, Grand Army of the Republic.
$45.00; let 14. John Mstthleeeo. $46.00;
lot 18. Sofia E. Laurence, $45.00; lot 18,
A. W. Jone. $45.00; lot 20. Maggie W.
Little, $54.00; lot 22. Mggl B. Jone and
Mary A. Cooley. $45.00. lot 24. Michael Moa
ler $45.00; lot 27, Wllhelmln Vabl, $$7.00:
lot 28. fhrlatlan Johnson. $52 5o BLOCK
24. lot A Hannah Maaon. $6 HO: lot A
Hannah Mason. $5.80; lot 6. Hanaah Mason.
$6.80; lot 8, Hannah Maaon, $5.80; lot 10,
Hannah Maaon, $8.80; lot 12. Hannah Maaon.
80; lot 14. Hannah Maaon, $6.80: lot 18.
unah Mason. $6.80; lot 18. Hannah Mason.
& SO, lot 20, Hannah Mason, $6.85; lot 22,
nnsh Msaon. $6.80; lot 24. Hannah Maaon.
$8.80; lot 27. Hannah Mason. $5.80: lot 28.
Hannah Mason, $5.80. BLOCK 20. sooth ISO
feet lot L Margaret Mackay. $84A5; lot 2.
Margaret Mackay. $01.35; sooth 130 feet lot
8. Margaret Msckay. $84.86; lot 4. Margaret
Mackay $61.65. BLOCK 26, aubdl vision 1
of lot A. Maggie Murphy. $3.80; subdivision
3 of lot A, Maggie Murphy. $6.80; Jubdl
vialou 8 of lot A, Delta R. .Dele, $8.80;
auhdlvlalon 4 of lot A. L. R. and A. H. Max
well $5 SO; ubdlvlalon 6 of lot A. Margaret
White $6.80; subdlvtalon 8 of lot A, Margaret
White, $6.80; ubdlvlalon 7 of lot A, Mar
ret White, $5. HO. auhdlvlalon 8 of lot A.
eonle Currle, $5.80: ubdlvlalon 8 of lot A.
Jennie Currle, $A8S: subdivision 10 of lot
A. Jennie Currle. $8.86; aubdivlalon 11 of
lot A, Jennie Currle. $6 .80; nbdlvtak.u 12
of lot A, Gnndsr J. Humming. $8.80; ubdt
vision 13 of lot A MargArtt Whit. $5,80;
subdivision 14 of lot A Margaret White.
$5.80; ubdlvllon 15 of lot A. C. Hansen,
$5.80; ubdlvl.lon 16 of lot A Ttlll F. Cor
nelius $8 80; .ubdlvl.lon 17 of lot A. Tlllte
F Cornsllaa. $5.80: subdivision 18 of lot A.
M J Potter '$5.80; subdivision 1 of lot B.
Wesley Miller, $5.80; subdivision 2 of lot B.
Wesley Miller. $6.80: subdivision 8 of lot B.
Julia Marquam. $5.80: auhdlvlalon 4 of lot B,
Jails Marquam. $5.80; subdivision 6 of lot B.
Gander J. Bumming. $6.80; subdivision 6
of lot B, Msry I Adm. $5 HO: subdi
vision T of lot B, W. F. Barrel!. Trustee.
$6.80; subdivision 8 of lot B, W. F. Burrell.
Trustee. $6.80; subdivision 9 of lot B. W.
r BarrelL Trustee, $A86; iwMlvlalon 10
of lot B. W. F. Borrell. Truitee. $8.06;
auhdlvlalon 11 of lot B, W. F. Burrell.
Trustee. 85.911. subdivision 12 of lot B
rusts. $6.80; auhdlvlalon is or mi o.
r F Borrell.- Truatee. $5.80; subdivision
l ot lot B. Mary E. Adama. $6.80; pibdl
talon 14 of lot B. Mry B. Adama, $5.80;
eubdlvtaton 15 of lot B. Msry B. Adams,
15 HO auhdlvlalon 16 of lot B. James W.
Brandt $6.80; abdlvtalon 17 of lot B. Gun
der J Rummlng. $8 80; abdlvIlon 18 of lot
B W. F Bursal. $6.80. BLOCK IT. W 1,
Ellen H. Bcbollhorn Estate, Heir of, $61. .15;
lot 8 Ellen 11. Schollnorn Estate. Hir of,
$81 85: aubdlvUlon 1 of lot A, C. M Rue
sail Truatee. $5. so. auhdlvlalon 2 of lot A.
C. M. BosssIL Trustee. $6.80. bdlvl.lon
8 ef let A C. M. Bassell. rra.tee. $6.80:
subdivision 4 of lot A. C. M. Kasssll. Xtes
tee $6.80: subdlvtalon 8 of lot A, C. M.
BoaseTl Trnatee. $6.80; rabdlvtalon 6 of lot
AC id Ruaseil. Truatee. $5 ho, aubdivlalon
7 of lot A Moy Back Hln. $0 80; ubdlvtaloe
S of tot A. W. F. rhrrrell. Trastee. $5 SO;
.abdlvtalon 8 of lot A. Moy Bck Hln, $A4S;
.ubdlvlalon 10 of lot A W F. Burrell,
Trustee $8.40; subdivision 1 of lot B. M. J.
Duffy $3 ho; sabdlvlsloa 2 of lot B. Hong
the How. $6.80; .abdlvtalon 3 of lot If,
W H McEldowney and J. F. Leonard. $8.S0
rabdlvtalon 4 of lot B. W t. Burrell, Tru
tee $6 80; subd! virion 6 of lot B. W. H.
McEldowney and J T. Ionsrd. $5.80; .sub
division 6 of let B, C. M. Russell. $0.80;
rabdlvtalon 7 of let B, W. M. Law, K.80;
aubdlvtsloo S of lot B, Moy Back Hln. $6.80;
rabdlvtaioo 8 of lot H w. M Lew. ij.46;
eubdlvlelon 10 of let B. Moy Back Hln $8.46.
BUICK 28, lot 1, Jennie end J. M. Belcher.
881 86' lot A James S. Pnlhemus, $01.85;
zr.:.A?lA. 1 of lot 2 William snd Rosins
Gelger. $5 80; .abdlvtalon 2 of lot 2. Wll
Item ind Roelna Gelger. $6.00; .ubdivtalon
8 Of BBS 2, W illiam snu wiaiia saww , aw.vv,
aubdivlalon 4 of lot 2, William snd Boalna
f-?r" n- subdivision 5 of lot 2. Wil
liam and Ko'alnn Gelger 85.00 ; aubdl vision
8 of lot 2, William snd Rosins Gelger. $6.80;
eubdlvlelon T of lot 2. William and Rosin
lielgor $0.60: aubdivlalon 8 of lot 2. Wll
lam and Roelna Gelger MOO; eahdlvlslon
8 of lot 2. William and Rosins Gelger. $5.80;
rabdlvlslon 10 of lot 2 Wllllsm and Boalna
tlrtser So IHI; budoivibioii s vi -
."f ' T'.,r sn 80; subdivision 2 of lot
. ua M J. Wemer. $4.20: subdlvtalon
s' of lot 4 Mrs. M. J. Wesiner. $5 06: sub
Slvlelon 4 of lot 4. Mr. M. J. Wesiaer. $6.80;
rabdlvlalon I of iot 4. Mrfc U. J. We.mer.
$6.80: subdivision 8 of lot 4, Mrs. M. J.
Wrsmer $6.80: aulnllvlalon 7 of lot 4. Mra.
w iiner eo . ....division 8 Of lot 4.
Mrs M J Wesroer. $7.60: auhdlvlalon 8 of
rs. - - .. . as uo 111 01 k nn
aoUvflion lof loB $7S6l abdlvtalon 2
f lot B. $4.70
A trset of lnd lying between the aouth Una
of Vermont atreet ann me norm one o .
dlvtalen 2 of lot B, block 30. Southern Port
i..a sad between the weet line of Con
necticut afreet nd the eterly line of the
. .. a. - 11 A , nn.n.n.a, rlaat
aSSSSSSS m I s 1 1 lor ins nsiimau a
of Ttiy. C. T. Crowell Eat.te. Helra of. $7.06.
Solomon Melee, sa.aa; ea mwaw. eiaw.
aggs- 1st A Solomon Belaa. $3.85; lot 4.
Solomon Belea, $5 70; lot 6. Solomon Retes.
Can lot 6. Solomon Belaa, $5 46; lot T,
i.,. Rslas 85 28: lot 8. Solomon Relaa
$8.20: lot 8. Solomon Reles, $5 1". lot 10.
Solomon Kele. .l.nn. 101 11. noaiuaon neiaa
$8 40. BLOCK 82, oonth 180 feet of lot 1
Hannah Maaon. $23 80; lot A Hannah Mason
$41 80.
A tract of lend lying between the south lloe
of Nsvsds atreet and Una 400 feet aouth -erlv
therefrom and parallel therewith and
between s line 100 feet west of and parallel
with the weat line of Front treet extended
northerly sad s Use extesdlsg north 7 de
grass west 80S chains to Nevada atreet. from
a point 10 chsln west of ths uortheset corner
of block 1, Fulton, H. W. Corbett Bststs.
Heirs sr. S46A40.
A trset of land bounded and described aa fol
lows: Commencing at the nor threat corner
ef block 1. Fulton; thence wast 10 chains;
thence north 7 dsgrsss weet A8S ehslss;
thence seat 400.73 feet, thence aouth 2 de
grees 64 minute oast 241.88 feet; thsaes
north 88 degrees 41 mlnutee east 211.26 feel;
thence aouth $ dgrss SO minutes eaat 12.18
feetto plsss of beglualng. F. Kllnsorge,
A trset of Issd bounded sad dsserihsd ss
follow.; Commencing A87 chain north 0
degreee 80 mlsato. east sad S.H2 chalua weet
of northeast corner of block 1, Fultou;
thence west 188.40 fast; thence north 8 de
grees wast to south lias of Navads street;
thence east ISA 45 fast; thence aouth to
piece of begtanlo
Christsnssa. 117.40
A tract of land
cnarlee u. ana aiea
bounded and deocrlbed aa
follows: Oommenelag 15.13 feet north S
desraea 80 mlnutaa aaat from northeast corner
of block 1, Fultou; theses northerly slang
ths wsst Una ef M'tfO" road 208.M feet;
thence wsst 214.6 feet; thence north 88.85
fsst to aoath Una of Nevada treet: thence
west 87.56 fsst; theses eouth ISO feet;
thence aouth S degreee 58 mlnutee oast 241 MS
feet: thence north 88 dsgrsss 41 minutes eaat
211 20 fsst to place of beginning. Boss
Bohas, $316.20.
A tract of land bounded aad described fol
lows: Commencing at Intersect Ion Of weet
Una of Macadam road with aouth Una of
Nevada atreet; thence weet 214.5 feet along
. 11 .. a V a. - itl,
ic asauaaa tauv JX 1. S . BUB aurri, --
6 degress SO minute eaat 58.26 fast; thence
eaat 214.6 feet: thence north 6 degrees :10
mlnutee weat 56.25 foot to place
or begin
mug. meirnior Tennler,
A tract of land lying between the eouth lino
of Nevada street and line 200 feet aouth
thereof end parallel therewith and between
the eaat Una of Macadam road and th weat
line of the right of way of ths Portlsnd
A Willamette Valley Hallway. Security Ser
inga Trust Compsny. $181.20.
A trset of land lying between two line re
spectively 200 feet and 400 feet eouth of and
parallel with the eouth line of Nevada atreet
end between the east line of Macadam road
and tha wast Use of ths right of wsy of the
Portland a Willamette Valley Hallway. Henry
B. Duport, $188.40. ,
A tract of land lying between s line 400 feet
eouth of gnd parallel with the south line
of Nevada treet end the north line of block
B, Fulton Perk, and between the east line
of Macadam road aad tha weet line of the
Portlsnd A Willamette Valley Railway,
Char lea Ueberman. $74.80.
A triangular tract of land lying between the
weat Una of Macadam road, the aouth line of
block 1, Fulton, snd s Use 18 fset northerly
from and parallel with the northerly line of
block T, Fulton. H. J. Relgelmao. $21.80.
FULTON PA BK BLOCK 40. lot 6, Bdwsr
0. Bewail, $4-88; lot A Edwor G. Bewail.
$6.80; lot 7, fobn E. Cullleon. $5.80; let 8.
f..hti B. CnlUsos. $5.80. BLOCK 47, lot 1.
Marls stockman, $5.80; lot 2, Maria Stock
man. $5.80; lot A Henrietta Poppleton,
$6.80; lot 4. W. J I la tube. $4.86: lot 6.
William H. Warren. $4.86: lot 6. William H.
Warren. $6.80: lot 7. Fred G. Buftsm. $5.80;
lot 8. Fred G. Buffum. $6.80. BLOCK 48.
lot 1, Kmma Marquam. $5.80: lot A Emma
Marquam. $6 no. lot A John F. Coyne. $0.80;
lot 4. Alice W. Caowell, $5.80: lot A C. J.
Decker. $5.80; lot . C. J. Decker. $6.80;
lot 7, C. J. Decker. $6.86: lot S, C. J. Decker,
S6.S0: lot 8. Thomoa A. Clarke. $5.80: lot 10,
Valerie Uagere. $6.80; lot 11. Valerie Rogers.
$4.85: lot 12. Valerie Rogers, $4.86; lot 18,
Valeria Rogers, $5.80; lot 14. Thomas A.
Clarke. $0.80; lot 16, Thntnae A. Clarke,
A5.Ro; lot IS. Eva P. Steel. $5.80; lot 17.
Walter B. Preston. $6 85. lot 18. Henry
Stevens. $5.80; lot 18, Alice W. Ceewell.
Sr. ho; lot 20, John F. Coyne, $8.80; lot 21,
amee Blake. $6.80; lot 22. Ths Title Gnsrsn
tee A Trust Compsny. $5.80. BLOCK 48.
lot 4. J. B. Scott, $6.80; lot 5, Hlrsm W.
Rllev. $5.80: let 6. Hiram 'V Riley. $5.80;
lot 7, Blla F. Parklnaon. $0.80; lot 8. Oecar
F. Olson. $5.80; lot 8. Kvs A Pries. $5.80; lot
10 A. B. Francis. $5.80; lot 11. Eva P.
Steele. $5.80; lot 12, Kva P. Steele, $8.80.
BLOCK 60, lot 7. Joseph Simon. Trastee.
$5.80: lot 8. Xorifa J. Falling. $0.80; lot 8.
Xarlfa J. Falling. $6 80. BLOCK 67. lot 7.
Aona Eliza Starr, $5.80; lot 8, Amelia E. and
M. J. Moras $5.80; lot 8. Pries Wsuklln.
SS0. BLOCK 88, lot 4. Chriat Hansen,
80; lot 5. John B. Messlck, $5.80; lot A
srlss A. - Dueber. $5.80: lot T, Cbarlea A
Dueber, $6.80; lot 8. Charles A. Dasher,
$8.80; lot 8, Charlee A. Dueber, $5.80: lut 10,
Tics Von Bolton. $5.80; lot 11. Horatio K.
Holmea, $6.80: lot 12. Horatio B. Holmes.
.80. BLOCK 88, lot 1, Joseph F. D. snd
die A. W rinkle. $5 SO; lot A Joseph F.
D. snd Ssdle A. Wrinkle, $6.80; lot 8. Ad
dle Parvln, $6.80; lot 4. Addle Parvln, $8.S0;
lot 6, Svlvenua C. Anal tag. $6.80: lot 8,
Andrew Holmes. $8.80; lot 7. J. E. Courtney.
$6.85; lot 8, Statera of the ILely Nama of
Jesua and Mary. $5.80: lot 8. Lucy Dougbertv.
$5 sii; lot 10. Joseph Best, $5.80; lot 11,
Colin C, Olrvtn. 5 sft; lot 1$. Colin C. Qtrrtn.
$0.80; lot 1A Sylvsans C. Armltaae, $6 AO;
lot 14. Sylvanua C. Armitage. $5 35; lot 16.
a.nthaat Portland Real Estate Company.
$7.70; lot IS, Northern Coontlee Inveatment
Trust. Limited $8.80: lot IT. Northern
Counties Investment Trust, Limited. $6.70;
intlee Inveatment Trust Limited. JA70:
18. Northern Conntles Inveetment Treat,
llted. $5. HO: lot 18. Joeeph Beet. $5.80;
20, Andrew J. Dygert. Jr.. and Sr.. .8p;
21. H. L. Martsall. $5.80: lot 22. H. U
lot 20,
l,.f VI
Martsall. $6.86: lot 28, A. W. Balrd. $6.80;
lot 24, Josepn u. i naae. l , i
. . as as Ul 1a. OS ITIraf
HSUriCe is. vsai.ein.. a,.ov, - ' - A
National Bank of Portland. Pjeson, $5.80r
lot 27. Frank M. Warren. W.80: lot 28.
Frank M. Warren. $5.80. BLOCK 70. 1st
5. Ferdinand A. Uta. $6 80; lot 8. William
Barnes. $5-80: lot 7. 0. W. snd Margaret
V. Allen. $6.80; lot S. G. W. snd Msrpret
V Allen, $A80. BLOCK 71. lot 7. Hemhard
lne Weatnebl. $5.80: let 8. Bernherdlno
Weatnahl. $6.80. BLOCK 104. lot 5. David
W. Eherllne $6.80; lot 6. Fulton Perk Lend
Compsny. $6.80; lot T. Fulton Psrk Land
Company, $8 80: lot 8. Bmma Marausm $6A0;
lot 47 B. G Whltebou. $5.80; lot 10. ll
ton Psrk Land Company. $8 S0; lot 11. W.
J. Grsmbs. $5.80; lot 12, W. J . Or a ml...
g80: lot 18. Alliance Trust Compsny.
rolled $5.80; lot 14. Alliance Truat Com
pany Limited. $6.86; lot IS Rothjchild
faroa SS 46: lot 18. Rothschild Bros.. 81.95;
Bro... os eo rh fc Kt,; tot lg, J. M.
Church. $4 001 lot 18. jT M. Charch. $6.80;
lot SKI B 0. Whltebonss, $5.80: lot 21.
O. Whltshosas. $6; lot 2t Miunla Simon.
$8 05 lot 2$. Jessie E. Kirk. $5.80; lot 24."!;, $5.80. BLOCK jA .11 of lot 1
except ea.t 88 feet. Etta Wllltame $4J0;
all of lot 2 axcept eaat 88 feet. Ktts Wil
lisana. $4 .86; all of lot 8 axcept eaat SS fast,
Fulton Park Land Company. W.85: all of lot
I except east 10 feet. Chrtattss rieckan
tetn $4,50; lot 8. Chrtatin Flscksnsteln.
844.80. BLOCK B. north U lot 1. Clara
Finny $20.46; north H lot 1 Clar Finny,
1,2 at. .Mth lA of lot L Mary L. White.
iiS'Sn-: soot? H lot A liwry L. Whlt $16 88.
hi Of K F lot 1 Sarah Curley. $A00; lot 2
Borah Cnriay? $8.75Tlot 8. J. B. Scott. $6.16:
St 4. Pite? oSrler.; M 5 Bothchlld
Hens 88 60' lot 6. Bothcbtld Bros . $7.55:
EtV Rothchlld Bro. , $680; lot 8. Roth
child BroT $8.45; lot 8. Rothchlld Bros..
$8 06; "t 10. Rothchlld Bro. $5 70 BLOCK
G lot A C. J Decker, $A$B; lot A 0.
j" Decker $6.20: lot 4. Msry D. Ohormly.
88 15- lot 6 E. L. Thompeoo, $6 06; lot 6,
TT Thomi-on, S5.60; lotT B U
wn. $6.20; lot 8 A. J. f""".
i i Pnwin 16.80: Wt 10, A. J. Powtr,
U.50 tot 1 PT H. Marlr. $8.60; lot 12.
T ii M.rliy, $8 70. BLOCK tt. lot 8.
Moses A Shsre $0 00; lot 8. Moses A, Share
r96? lot 10 Agnes Bnttemuller. $8 70; lot
r Uabeth H. oEm. 26; lot 12. Patrick
.id MarjHugbso. $6.06; lot 18, Patrick and
Mary ' HiiglMa , $T.1A BLOCK ljXj Hsr
Het Dunham. $8.80; lot 7. Harriet Dunham.
al28tV tat 8 B. M Lombard, $10.66; lot 8,
Anthony Nwach. $. BLOCK J. lot 1.
Bvron P Cardwell Btate, Helra of, $6.46;
lot A Rothchlld Broa.. $8.70: lot 8. Roth
eMici Bros $6.70; lot 4. Rothchlld Bros .
86 80- lot 6. Rnthwest Portland Real Estate
SZLjr u.tS lot 8. Rothchlld Bros., 84.85:
1M r MiuricV Goodman. $8.00; lot 8. HVith
,mm' Bro $7.70: lot 8. Kothchlld Bro...
$16 15 lot" It K Rothchlld Bro... $10.76: lot
il BothchUd Broa.. $10.16; lot 12. Roth
ehild Bro T $6.10; lot 18. Rothchlld Bros ,
M M lit 14. Rothchlld Bros . $5.50; lot 16.
SthchlTd Bros., $5.78, BLOCrT K to 1
Botbchilil Bros.. $10l0; lot A Rothchlld
Bros $0 55; lot 8. Rothchlld Bros.. $8.10;
to 4. Kothchlld Bros.. $8.70; lot 6. Roth
child Bros., $8.70; lot $7 Rothchlld Bros..
rt'I.TON BLOCK 1, Vat 1, B. Rlegelmann.
a47; lotA B. Blegelmen, mi l"t A
V. Blegelmsnn. $44.88; lot 4. ft H Wagott.
$43.00; lot 6. B. Rlegelmann, $475; lot 8,
tt Rlegelmann. $8.80; lot 7, B. Rlegelmann
80; tt 8. R. Rlegelmann $5.80 BLOCK
1 Robert Patton Eatate. Heira of. $84.80.
BLOCK 8, all of block 8 weet of Macadam
rosd. Aaron Walt. $28.08: all of block 8
eaat of Macadam road, M. Benton vcilltama.
$1.66. BLOC IV 4. me King reins, eo"";
It! of K 6. Tyler Woodward. $4S.aO. BLOCK
7 Alexander Kleael. $180.40. BliOCK 8.
lot 1 H. J. Rlegelmann $6,80; undivided
Z lot 2, M. 0. Morris. $2.80. undivided t
lot 8. M. O. Morrie. $2.86: Sodlvlded H lot
2 W B. Morrta, $2.85; unsivioeo ft m .
nr. B. Morris. $2.80: lbtr A Alice Berry
Nnnn. $5.$0: lot A Alice BfcTry Nunn,
,....oei,i.i u. lot 6 M. G. orris. $6.80: nndl
vlded Vi lot 7. M. 0. Mortis. $5 SO; nndlvtded
la. i..t 8 w It Morrta. $Z8S; undivided V kit
7. W. B. Morris, $2.5;Tot 8, H. J. Relgel
minn Sfi.AO. "
A tract of land lying between a line so feet
south of and parallel Vrlth the emith line of
block 8. Faltorf, and (he north line of block
F Fnlton Park, sndoetwsen s line 80 feet
east of ssd parallef with ths seat line of
block 16. Fulton, and a line 80 feet westerly
from and parallel with th westerly lines
of blocks 6 and 7, Fulton, except that por
Hon of aald tract occupied by the City a
Suburban lUllwev Company'a right of ay,
M. 0. Morris and W. R. Morrta. $18 20.
FI'LTON BIK'K 16. undivided V, lot 1. M.
O. Morris. $2 undivided H lot t M. O.
Morrta. $2.85; undivided V lot 8, M.G. Morrta.
$1.86: undivided Vs lot 4. M. O. Morrta. $2 nr. :
undivided 14 lot I. M. 0. Morris. $2 86; an
divided Is loi A M. O. Morris, $2.85; sndt-
14 lot f. M. a. Morris 82.86: undivided
j lot 8. M. 0. Morrta. $2.86; undivided
lot 1. W. R. Morrta, $2.80; undivided V, lot
2, W. R. Morrta. $2.80. undivided U lot A
W. K. Morrta. $S.B5; undivided Va lot 4. W.
B. Morrta, $2.86: undivided H lot 5. W. K.
Morris. $2.06; undivided 14 lot A W. H.
B Morrta, $2.86; undivided Vi let 7, W. B. Mor
. $2.08; audi vlded U lot 8, W. B. Morris.
85. BLOCK 17, lot 1. H. W. Corbett
tete, Saira of. $5.80; lot A K. W. Corbett
stats. Heirs of, $8.80; lot 3, Andrew W.
Freum. $5. HO; 1st A Andrew W. Freum.
$6.80; lot 5. H. J. Freum. $6.80; lot A K. J.
Freum, $5.80; 1st 7, H. wT Corbett Bstatr.
Heirs ef. $8.80; lot 8, H. W. Corbett Eatate,
Heirs of, $6 80.
A tract of land lying between the weet line
of Macadam read and ths ssst Una of block
4, Fallon, and between the north line of
block A Fulton, extended easterly In Its
reent course snd ths northerly line ef block
extended wee tec ly la Ita present course,
George F. sad Msry M. Hughes. $8.40.
A tract of load lying between the eaat line
of Macadam road sad s Una 76 feat ssst
thereof and parallel therewith end between
the aouth line of block A. Fulton Park, aad
the northerly line of block L, Fulton Park.
Franctoco Schmltt. $17.40.
A tract of land bounded end described ss fol
lows: Commencing st ontbsst corner of
lot 20. block 18. Southern Portland: then...
weet 214.5 feet; thence aouth 5, degree 80
mlnutee eaat to north Una of Nevada atreet;
thenc eaat along the north Hue uf Nevada
atreet to the weet line of Macadam road:
thence north along the weat line of Macadam
road to place W beginning, Joeeph Weber.
A tract of land hounded sud described as
follows: Commencing 10 chain n est snd 3 82
chains north 7 degreee weet of tha nor thee at
corner of block 1. Pulton; thence eaat a. bo
chain; thence north 8 degree wast A 10
rbalo; thence weet along the eouth line of
Nevada atreet to s point north 7 degrees
west 2.10 chains from place of beginning;
thence south 7 degrees eaat A10 chains to
Plsce of beginning. Kate. $. Gingham, $20,110.
Auditor of tha City of Portland.
Portland. Oregon. December 5. 1804.
Notice Is hereby given that the Auditor
of the City of Portlsnd boa prepared a pro
posed assessment far the improvement of
Simpson street from the esst line of Michigan
avenue to the eeet line of Borthvrick atreet.
end hi ascertained what he deem Juat sp
portlonment of cost of the Improvement In ac
cordance with th special snd peculiar bene
fits derived by esch psreel ef Land nd lot
or part thereof within th assessment district,
end ha apportioned the cost for aald Improve
ment In tne smonnts aet opposite each parcel
of land snd lot or port thereof Its ahsrs of
such proposed aeoesemeat.
Any objections to the apportionment of coet
for aald Improvement muat be made In writing
to the foundl and Sled with the Auditor within
15 day from the dste of the flrat publication of
thl notice, end ld objections will be heard
nd determined by th Gouneli before the pas
sage of the ordinance asseealng tha coat of aald
WEST PIEDMONT. Portland BLOCK 18. lot
1, Title Guarantee A Trust Company, $2o.H4;
lot 2. Title Guarantee A Trust Compear.
$2,881 lot 8, Title Gusrsntee a Trust Com
psny. $0.76; lot 10. Title Guarantee A Trust
Company. $6.84. BLOCK 14. lot 1. Title
Guarantee A Trust Company. $17.88; lot 2.
Title Guarantee A Truat Company. $2.55:
lot 8, Title Guarantee A Treat Company.
$3.18; lot 10, Title Guarantee A Trset Cram
pony. $'! 27 BLOCK IS, lot 1. Title Guaran
tee A Trust Company. $18.88; kit A Title
Guarantee) A Trust Company. $2.80; lot 8,
Title Gusrsntee A Trust Compsny. $1.63; lot
10. Title Gusrsntee A Trust tfemnany. $10 78.
BLOCK 12. lot 8. Title Guarantee, a Trust
Company, $20.28; lot 8. Title Guarantee at
Truat Company. $AS8; lot 11. Title Guarantee
a Trust Compsny, $1.16; kit 10. Title Guaran
tee a Truat Company. $8.22. BLOCK 11.
lot 8. Title Guarantee A Trust Company.
$18.74; lot A Title Guarantee a Trust Com
pany, $2.81: lot 11, Title Guarantee A Trust
fompanr. $8.00; lot 10, Title Guarantee a
Truat Company, $21.60. BLOCK 10, lot A.
Title Guarantee a Truat Compsny. $20.14;
lot 8, Title Guarantee A Trust Company.
82.87; hit n. Title Guarantee a Trust Cnm-
Bny. $2.06; 1st 10, Title Gusrsntee a Trust
sxpsny. $14.68. Total. $330.80.
Auditor of the City of Portland.
Date of flrat publication. December 6, 1801.
Portlsnd. Oregon, December 0, 1804.
Notice Is herrbr given that at the meeting
of the Council of the City of Portland. Oregon,
held on the 16th day of November, 1804. the
following resolution waa adopted:
Resolved. That the Council of the City of
Portland, Oregon, deem tt expedient end pro
poses te Improve Morrie street from the west
curb line of Delay atreet to the esst curb line
of Vancouver avenue. In the following manner,
Flrat By constructing wooden sidewalks in
sccordance with the City Engineer's plana,
specifications and asttmstes.
Second By laying wooden iiiieswslka.
Said Improvement to be made In accordance
with the chsrter and ordinance of th City of
Portland and the plan, peclflcitlan and eetl
mstes of the Cltv Engineer, filed In the office
of the Auditor of the City of Portlsnd on the
3d dsy of November, lien, lnoorseo: . t ivy
Engineer' plana and specifications for th Im
provement of Morris atreet from the west curb
fin of Detar street to the eaat curb line f
Vi i couver avenue, and ths eetlmstes of the
work to be dona and the probable total coat
The cost of ssld Improvement to be assessed
ss provided by the city cherter upon th
propertv (neclslly snd pecullsrly benefited
thereby, and which I hereby dec Is red to be
sll the lota, psrta thereof snd parcel of land
lying between s Une lying 100 feet north of
and parallel with the north line of Morris
street snd s line 100 feet eouth of snd parallel
with th south line of Morrta atreet and between
the weet line of Delay street snd ths ssst lln
o' Vancouver s venue
The Engineer's estimate of the probable total
coat for the Improvement of aald Morris street
hi Jl. 780.00.
The plans, sped fictions and eatlmatea nf
tha City Engineer for the Improvement of ssld
Morris street are hereby adopted.
Resolved That the Auditor of the City of
Portland be and ha la hereby directed to glv
sctlce of the proposed Improvement of oa!d
atreet ee provided by the city charter.
Remonstrances against the shove improve
ment may be filed In writing with th under
Igned within 20 dar from th data of tns
first publication of thla notice.
By order of the Council.
Auditor of the Cltv of lorttand.
Portland. Oregon. November 28. 1804.
Sealed propose la win be received st the of
Acs of ths Auditor of ths City of Portland
until Friday. December 8. 1804, st 8 p. m .
for taking up snd retaylng wood block pave
ment On CIS imoil si reei. isivvru " ' 1
of Fourth atreet snd ths esst 11ns of Fifth
Bids most be strictly in accordance wi.a
printed blanks, which will be fnrnlehed on ap
plication at tne oincvf 01 me swuw. "
City of Portland: and aald Improvement must
. . . m ' - a . . an .I.e. Ihe
ne completed on or iiviiio- aav -
data of ths algnlng of ths contract by the
parties thereto.
.. a all i - aaa sccom-
XSO proposal Will IB cwaaaaaaaawaa ,, ----
psnled by s certified check psysble to the order
. n aa.aa.a U .. 0 tka I 1 I V nf
ot leorgo II- Williams, jaawv v '
Portland, equal to 10 per cent of the aggre
gate amount of the hid. .
The right to reject any and sll blda la hereby
By order of the Executive Board.
Auditor of the City ef Portland.
Portland. Oregon, December $ 1804.
Notice Is hereby given that William C. El-
. . - as a 1. a,.a ... ,ha nfflns of
BBSS. 1 117 engineer, aaa "e.. ... , ,
tha undersigned notice that Douglas snd 0 Nell.
ennrrsctore tor ine rorsirmiiu. -
Mrilnda avenue, under the provlalona of ordi
nance No. 14.227, hv completed eald sewer
Ssld eceptanc will be cooridered by the
.a .. . . , i Oia Uln nsv
Executive noam a. a ' ' e --- ---
of December, 1804. and objections to the ec
ceptanca ot asm sowar, w m
may be riled In the office of the undersigned
at any tlma prior thereto.
The Executive Boerd. ..
Auditor of the City of Portland.
Portlsnd. Oregon. December s. lave.
Notice Is hereby (I vin that tha Auditor of
the City of Portland haa prepared a proposed
Hssment for th Improvement of Handera
etreet trim tt weet line of Third tree to
tha east line of fourth street, snd hss sscer
tslned what be dee-no a Jutt appoi llonnent of
coat of the Improvement In accordance with
the errclal end peculiar beaefltn derived by each
Keel of tar.d and lot or part thereof within
gsssMmriit district, snd I aa apportioned
the coat for aald Improvement in the amounts
set opposite each parcel of land and lot or
pert thereof as its share of each iroprMd
Any objections to th apportionment of cos?
far ssld Improvement muat he made In writing
to ths i oti noil and filed with the Auditor
within 15 dsy from th date of the flrat pub
II ration of thl notice, and ssld objections
will be heard and determined by the council
Ire fore th peeeage of the ordinance assessing
the eoa of ssld Improvement
t ortu s ADDITION to the City of Portlsnd -BLOCK
2S. lot 8, Henry W. Msnnsstes,
8108.74. Total $103 74.
tndltor of the city nf Portland
rortland. Oregon, December ft, 1804.