The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, December 05, 1904, Image 9

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Lads Could Not Smoke and
Chaw at Home and 80
Ran Away.
Poor Mother Advertises for Her
Sons and Prays for Their
Willie and Cecil Murchlson. aged IS
ad It respectively, lived with their
mother, Mrs. M. M Barron at McKlnney
treet and the Boulevard, University
Park. Their home la on an eminence
overlooking tit Willamette river.
For the paat four year they nave
lived there watching the big ship go by
and reading tales of the sailor's life.
Cecil.; the younger, always bad dreims of
being a cook on a ahlp, and riding the
eaa forever. Hla brother read "Nick
Carter" stories and gaaed paat the river
to the great pine woods beyond.
They ran away from home two months
ago. and all efforts to locate them by a
distracted mother have been unavail
ing. They had II between they when
they left. Their small savings, their
clothing, except what they wore, and all
else waa left behind. They would go
Into the world alone, they said, and
grapple with fortune. Police head
quarter waa notified the day following
their departure and since that time of
ficers and detectives have searched con
stantly for the missings lad. -
The youngsters gave no reason for
their going, except that they wanted to
find a job. Cecil, the younger, wanted
to smoke cigarettes, but was prohibited
by bis mother.
"Billy Barlow smokes." he said, "and
the boy down at the mill chews, and
when I get to be a big man I'll smoke
and chew all I please And if I run
away nobodyll ever catch me, for I'll
change my name like they do in the
"They were good boys," the mother
said today, "and It was only because
they thought they could do better that
they ran away. I have tried so hard to
find them. We traced them to Van
couver, where they made inquiries about
the boats, but since then they have dis
appeared completely. I fear they have
gone to a logging oamp or on a ship.
I have advertised for them and have
sought police assistance, but not one
word have I heard."
The boys are described as tall for
their years and slender. The younger
lad has curly dark hair.
City Treasurer J. E. Werleln and the
civil service commission are still at- log
gerheads over the appointment of a
clerk for the treasurer's office. Mayor
Williams, who was appointed arbitrator,
has had no conference with Werleln. and
the difficulty la no nearer a settlement
than It was laat week.
The city treasurer says he will npt
submit to the wishes of the commission,
and it la rumored that unless he com
plies with the requirements of the city
charter the commission will charge him
with a misdemeanor, which is punish
able by fine and Imprisonment.
J. a P. Cope land Is still in the treas
urer's office, and Mr. Werleln stated
this morning that although his tem
porary appointment of SO days will ex
pire December 7, Mr. Copeland will be
found at work at hla deak on the follow
ing morning.
"Not so much depends upon clerical
ability In my offjee," said Mr. Werleln
this morning. "It Is the man in whom
I have confidence. If I an to .be held
eeponslble for the city's money, why
hould not I have a little to say regard
ing the selection of my clerks who have
to handle large sums of money. If they
would make theee clerka directly respon
sible to the city it would be different.
I am held responsible for this office,
and I have to answer for my clerka. I
want a man In my office of my own
choice, and not a man the civil service
gives me. although I hear that Mr.
Jones the applicant whose nm was
certified to me. Is a good man."
Evidence of a horrible murder was
discovered by Patrolmen Craig and
Crouton, who were detailed this morn
ing by Police Captain Orttsmacher to in
vestigate the report that a "human
body, half covered with dirt In a rough
grave, lay with the waist up bare to the
day." The night was evidently not "In
on the deal."
As John Dlrkson of 880 Rodney ave
nue and Oscar Schweitser, living at 700
Kast Eighteenth, reported, the body had
been partly Interred close to the gravel
pit near Midway, and It Is true that "the
flesh waa off the hands while the ribs
were bare" After giving all the evi
dence gathered of a foul crime the
patrolmen make the following state
ment: "The body 1 tha,l of one large, full
grown gray dog. There Is no doubt
whatever that he was murdered."
"A man may smile and smlls and be a
villain Still."
This was the comment of Deputy City
Attorney Fltsgerald in the police court
this morning after Thomas D. Hlghtower
had testified in his own defense on the
rhsrge cf disorderly conduct, preferred
by Patrolman Foster. During the trial,
which brought out a shameful condition
of affairs relative to hla wife, Hlghtower
grinned, evoking comment from Mr.
"The evidence shows plainly that you
brought this girl here from Chicago and
have since acted in a way which leads
to the Impression that yoo wore trying
to get her to lead a disreputable life."
aid Judge Hogue. "It may be true that
you are married. If that la so. It makes
mattera all the worse. I will send you
to jail for three months."
(Special Dispatch te The Jooraal.)
ConneU, Wash.. Deo. Edward W.
Rwsnson. secretary of the Farmers
flute and Supply company, of Spokane
and Wlllard S. Foster of Cheney, have
incorporated the Eastern Washington
Railroad company to build 15 miles of
team railroad from Fletcher to.Connell.
In Adams county. The company Is eapl
taltsed at 1100.000. Much of the stock
has been subscribed by farmer on the
proposed route The line will pierce the
heart of the famous Rattlesnake coun
try. Its principal squrre of revenue will
be In transporting the Immense wheat
Motion to Dismiss Appeal of
Marquam Against Title Guaran
tee A Trust Company Denied.
Controversy Arose Over Delivery
Route in Territory South
of Alder Street.
(Special Dispatch to The Journal.)
Salem, Or, Dec. 6. Decisions wsre
handed down by the supreme court to
day aa follows:
P. A. Marquam. respondent, against
the United states Mortgage A Truat
company, the Title Guarantee & Truat
company. Oregon company and J. Thor
burn Roas. appellants This waa an ap
peal from a derision by Judge Hears of
Multnomah county. The opinion waa
rendered by Chief Justice Moore. A mo
tion to dismiss tbs appeal was denied.
F. E. and L A. Harlow, appellants,
against the Oregonlan Publishing com
pany and H. 1. Pit took, respondents.
Tbla waa an appeal from Multnoma'h
county, and the decision of Judges de-
land, Oeorge and Sears waa affirmed
Tha opinion was by Justice Bean.
This waa an Injunction suit brought
by the Harlowa to enjoin the Oregonlan
Publishing company from refusing to
deliver newspapers to the plaintiffs In
accordance with the provisions of a
contract entered Into In 1884 between
Henry 1. Plttock and Byron M. South
worth. Tfi territory covered by the
contract Included all of the city of Port
land south of Alder alreet. Thla con-
troveray arose because the Harlowa
claimed the right to control the delivery
route In the territory added In the city
of Portland south of Alder street sine
tha contract waa executed Whether
the contract applies to territory subse
quently added to the city Is not decided
by the supreme court. The decision
handed down today being upon two
grounds. First, that the plaintiffs. If
they are entitled to any relief at all have
a full and complete remedy at law, and
second, the remedy by Injunction or
specific performance" Is opt mutual. The
suit la therefore dismissed.
Explosion in Repair Department
of New York Automobile
Company Caused Big Lees.
(Journal Special Service.)
New York. Dec. 8. Eighteen persons
wera injured, some of them seriously,
aa the result of a fire thla afternoon In
the repair and storage department of the
standard Automobile company at West
Thirty-ninth street. A spark' set fire to
a pool of gasoline on the floor, which
communicated to a 100 gallon tank,
which waa Ignited. The IS men lumped
from the windows. All ware more or
less Injured. The loaa was Jioo.000.
A machine wss being repaired, and
during the work a small pool of gaso
line formed beneath tha vehicle. When
a teat waa made of the electric starter
the spark Ignited the pool and the con
flagration followed. '
(Special Dispatch te The Journal.)
New Fork. Dae. I. A special panel of
ZOO talesmen have been summoned for
a second trial of Nan Patterson, who
Is charged with the murder of Caeaar
Toung, which begins today. It la ex-,
pected that the preaent trial will attract
even more widespread attention than the
Miss' Patterson haa been ill with
throat trouble, and came Into court with
a halting step and- carriage. She aat
down beside her father and, raising her
veil, kissed the old man. It waa seen
that her face was chalk white.
It will probably take much longer to
select the Jury this time, because many
men have read the newspapers covering
tha former trial and have formed an
At the White Temple, Rev. J. W.
Brougher laat night. In speaking of the
saloon aa tha foa of tha common people,
"One of the moat threatening aspects
of the saloon evil Is the destroying of
the young. A saloon can no more be
run without using up boys and girls,
than a fiourmlll without wheat, or a
sawmill without logs The only ques
tion Is. whoae children? Toura or mine?
Ours or our neighbors? Thousanda of
our young people and boys and girls
are being ruined In the saloons, the con
cert halls and dtvea of our city. There
la a law against selling liquor to min
ors, but it Is kept Just like ever? other
law that comes In the way of the aa-loon-keeper'a
bualneas It Is broken and
tha liquor la sold. For a saloon-keeper
who sells liquor to a minor, to one of
our Portland boys or glrla, the. whip
ping post ahould be effectively used, and
the penitentiary Is not too great a pun
(Special Dtspatch to The Journal. )
Corvallls, Or.. Dec. t. Work was be
gun this morning on the Corvallls opera
house, preparing for tha big poultry
show that opena Thursday for three
days. Judge C. O. Hinds of Alameda,
Cal., la president. Social features will
be Friday afternoon.
Each evening four prises will he
awarded on general admission tickets.
Entries are promised from Los Angeles
to British Columbia. The time of en
tering exhibits closes Tuesday evening.
All preparations are elaborate.
( Journal special Service.)
Denver, Col., Dee. s. Four or Ave
election officials In ward I, charged with
contempt, have been found guilty and
ware sentenced by tha supreme court
today. Frank Kratke, license Inspector,
Is charged with aiding In the frauda and
was sentenced to one year In Jail. Ray
and O'Malla, Judge and clerk, were sen
tenced to elx months' Imprisonment and
I0 fine. Ktfkky. tha Judge, was sen
tenced to three months In Jail and 12(0
(Journal Special Berries.) 4
a. v I. f-w,. ft Amlresv am
mm o w -w
4 Carnegie's secretary today gave 4
o out me ioiiowiih. -w
"Mr. Carnegie wanta me to say
a) he does not want to be bothered
. . . .... nk.jiij, -A.
o any more tooui im w
X -,- u ! null, .iuttv over a.
mm .nail. "W
4 this persistent use of hla name
i and wishes It to cease at ones.
"Once for all he aays he never
knew Mrs. Chadwick or any other
sucn woman, nuu ua iw -w
ak mi such paper aa reports credit O
4 him with signing."
Tokio Awaits News from the
Scene of the Heaviest
Fighting of War.
Uonrnal Special Service.). -Tokio.
Dec. 6. There haa been a de
cided dearth of war news from the front
today, but It la understood from private
dispatches that the fighting la conunu
oua. with .01-Meter hill as a base for a
great artillery fire.
The dispatches do not state whether
another assault la being made, hence it
la the belief here that Stoasel has con
centrated all bearable guna on the re
cently lsed position In the hope of
making It untenable for the conquerors.
The enlistment of recruits contlnuea
at a rapid rate, and all are sent, forward
as rapidly as transportation facilities
can be had.
(Special Dispatch to Tha Journal. )
Tacoma, Dec. 5. Tha steamer Oer
manlcua, which haa arrived in port here,
had aome exciting experiences In carry
ing a cargo of coal from England to the
Rusalan fleet at Vladivostok. The (lei
ma ulcus waa convoyed by a torpedo
boat, which led the ship through the
mines In the harbor. A second attempt
to carry In coal failed, aa the Japanese
were alert, and the Oermanlcua waa
forced to hide behind an Island for sev
eral days. The officers of tha Oar
manlcua assert, that the Russian men of
war's men are not of the sort to Vln
battles on the sea. They declare that
General Stoeasel. commander at Port
Arthur, la- a German born, naturalised
Russian, hence hla stubborn defenae of
the fortress.
(Journal Special Service.)
Madrid, Dec. 8. Government offlclala
have held a conference over the protest
filed by the Jspaneae because the Span
ish government permitted the Russian
Baltic neet to coal at Vigo. No de
tails of the discussion have been, given
to the public.
Implicated in the Killing of
Oeorge at Oregon City
Last June.
J. A. Thuber was arrested laat night
by Sergeant Slover on suspicion of mur
dering George Joyce at Oregon City laat
The police were instructed to make the
arreat yesterday by Marshal Burna of
Oregon City. Thuber waa not acquainted
with the reason for hla arreat, by in
struction of the Oregon City official,
who reached Portland- this morning and
waa In close conference with Chief Hunt
and Sergeant Slover for some time.
Joyce waa found dead at the foot of
the back stairs of the Cliff house, an
Oregon City hostelry. Several men have
been taken Into oustody on suspicion
but all have been released for lack of
evidence. It Is rumored that an accom
plice In the commission of the crime,
taken Into custody at Oregon City, -haa
confessed and implicated Thuber. Rob
bery la believed by the offlclala to have
been the motive fur the deed.
Some time ago Thuber went to his
aged mother's bouse, where ahe takes In
washing for living, and because ahe
would not buy him a pair of new shoes,
created a disturbance and waa sent to
the police station. He is aged about 2
. In response to urgent requests from
packers in tha sound cities, the Northern
Paclflo railway today put Into effect a
low rate on aheep from Portland. To
Tacoma tha rate Is cut on double deck
car lots from 868 to 840.80. To Seattle,
South Bend. CoSmopolls. Ocosta and
Hoquelm the former rate of 887.28 la cut
to 848.40. The rate la based on 88-foot
Thla Is one of the most sensational re
ductions made In many years In the
livestock schedule of a Pacific north
west railroad. The result will be the
carrying of large numbers of aheep from
northern and western Oregon to the
packing houaea of Tacoma and Seattle.
The Importance of establishing more
large packing plants In Portland to take
care of Oregon livestock Is made more
manifest by this action of the railway
In a letter to the Lewis and Clark
centennial. J. I. Mitchell. In charge of
the work of raising funds for the erec
tion of a fraternal building at the fair;
stated that 826,000 would be raised. The
building will be completed In ample
time for the opening.
Already the sum of 118.120 haa been
pledged by varloua fraternal associa
tions and societies. Mr. MUchall ex
pressed the belief that It wauld un
doubtedly reach the sum of 186,000. In
the letter Mr. Mitchell said:
"It la certain that our temple Is go
ing to do your association a vaat
amount of good. The fraternal press
throughout tha United Stataa la adver
tising tha fair and temple, and your
association la reaching millions of
homes which you would not reach other
wise." (Journal special service. )
San Francisco. Dec. 6. The California
Miners' association was called to order
In Its annual convention at the St.
Francis hotel this morning by Its presi
dent, C. P. Belshaw. An address of wel
come by Lieutenant-Governor Anderson
was followed by speeches by Jacob H.
Naff and Hon. Nllea Searlea, who spoke
on tha object of the association.
Hotels, Stores, Offices, Reeta
rants and Residences Are
Looted by Criminals.
Police Supprees the Stories, but
They Signally Fail to Sup
press the Robbers.
Within the laat week an epidemic of
burglary haa prevailed In the city. In
not a single Instance haa an arrest been
made nor waa any of the stolen property
recovered. Chief Hunt haa suppressed
all theae reports and oautloned bis men
to puraue their Investigations quietly
and give no Information to the papers.
Perhaps the most daring burglary oc
curred Saturday night at the Norton
house. Twelfth and Morrison streets
The thief broke open a window shortly
after dusk and entered the room of H.
Allen. He secured a quantity of cloth
ing, when he was frightened by the
sound of approaching footsteps, and
jumping through the window made tus
eecape. taking the garmenta witn mm
Several articles of value were In a
dresser, and would doubtleaa have been
obtained by the burglar had he not
feared detection.
It waa only a short time ago that a
man waa arrested on suspicion of steal
ing valuable Jewelry and silver toilet
articles from the room of a wealthy
couple named Fordyce, who came here
from Denver and were staying at tha
Norton. A number of the stolen artlclea
were found pn him, he pleaded guilty
and was sent to the penitentiary.
At an early hour Saturday morning
the rear door of a restaurant conducted
by C. K Conner, at 208 Irving street,
waa broken open by a burglar. The
thief tore the lock off a gaa meter witn
aome sharp steel Instrument and secured
several dollars. He also took an over
coat, a suit case and other articles.
Cigars, bacon and butter, aggregating
865 In value, were atoien from tne gro
eery store of H. J. Faust, at East Twen
ty-slxth and Powell streets Saturday
night. Almoat the entire atock of clgan
waa atoien. Entrance, was effected by
forcing open the front door.
Laat Thursday night a thief entered
the rooming house at Second and Da via
streets, conducted by the Salvation
Army, and carried away a quantity of
A costly gold-handled umbrella dlsap
peared from the office of the Portland
Lumber company, at 788 Pettygrove
street, .yesterday. It belongs to a woman
and haa the Initials "E. C It." cut on
the handle. The theft. was reported to
the police laat night by F. H. Ransom
A reward haa been offered the officer
who discovers the umbrella.
The residence of Mrs. K Morrison, at
289 First street, waa broken Into by a
thief Friday night. A pocketbook con
taining a small amount of money and a
pair of gold-rimmed eyeglasses were
Although Crushed and Mangled
He Jokes with Death Un
til Final Summons Come.
(Special Dispatch to The Journal. )
Aurora. Or., Dec 8. Ben Barstow, a
logger living on Coal creek, who was
killed yesterday, waa burled at the
Scott's mills cemetery thla afternoon.
Barstow and another man were log
ging on Coal creek and were hauling loga
over to a akldway leading to tha stream.
Tuesday of last week, while Barstow
had started to take a big log from the
timber, the log made a sudden turn In a
slant of the road and rolled over hlra.
striking him across the groins, and be
fore he could atop the team, half the
length of the log had alld across him.
Barstow' s helper waa aome distance
away, and when he arrived he waa un
able to lift the log off the unfortunate
man. After several futile attempts. Bar
stow told him to whip up the horses and
"let her slide," which waa done. Thla
nearly cut Baratow In two, crushing hla
hip Joint and injuring the lower vital
To carry htm waa Impossible, so the
helper took him by one arm and
dragged him for a distance of about 80S
yards to the skid way, where a crude
aled waa made, on which the Injured man
was taken to hla home, a distance of
about a mile. Medical aid waa hastily
summoned, but It soon became evident
that to ease the pain waa all tlsit could
be don. Barstow bore up manfully to
the mat and gavs no atgns of pain.
Saturday night and Sunday morning sev
eral frlenda and relatives came to see
him, and he talked with them and told
jokea until a few minutes before he died,
when he said: "Say, let my boy com
In and rubber at me. too." He called his
eldest daughter and his boy, a child of
about 4 years, to his side, took the child's
hands In his, pressed them to his race
and fell back dead. He leavea a widow
and thr children, the youngest of
which Is an Infant aged 10 day.
(Journal Special Service.)
Tokio, Dec. . 6. With (lege guna
mounted on 202-Meter hill, the Japanese
er pouring a rain of shells Into Port
Arthur, town and harbor. Nearly every
warehouse along the docka haa been de
atroyed, while th vessels of the fleet
provide excellent targets Thirteen
shells have atruck the battleship Per
esvelt. Other vessels have been on flr
at times The Russian attempt to re
capture the hill met with great loss. All
guns have been landed from the war
ahlps and word Is momentarily ex
pected that the ships have been blown
(Journal Special Service.)
Auburn, Dae. I. Th grand Jury this
afternoon brough In an Indictment of
murder against Adolph Weber for killing
his father. As to th charge of killing
hla mother, on which he waa held by
Justice Smith. Weber asked time to
plead and waa given until next Wednes
day at 10 o'clock a. m.
(Journal Special Service.)
. Washington, D. C. Dec. I. Chairman
Oroevenor, of 1 th committee on mer
chant marine, secured the sanction of
the house today to an extenalon of tlm
until January, when the merchant
marine will report
f jnl
mWStkmwwW yffittjGtm&Kjj sarV
sbK, isUaa ' lei xJae ' wTif 72wEm41bV!AbIbbbbbbVx saaf watnv M sbbi
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fly special arrangement with the Columbia Phonograph Company, 128 Seventh St, The
Journal ie enabled to make thla extraordinary offer.
Guaranteed to Be a Perfect Talking Machine
Charles Warring and Team of
Chehalis Struck by Fast
Moving Engine.
Caused Much Excitement as
Train Said to Be Exceeding
Speed Limit in City.
(Special FHa patch te The Joornsl t
Chehalis, Wash.. Dec. 8. Thla morn
ing Charles Warring, a teamster for Lhi,
electric light plant here, waa fatally In
jured at Prlndl street crossing. In tha
heart of the city, by colllalon with an
engine of the Northern Pacific's through
freight. No. 68, en route to Portland.
Th train was running at a terrific speed
through th city at th tlm with a
helper at the rear.
Warring waa driving fast and did not
hear th train until It waa upon him.
He attempted to turn hi horses, but
th engine struck them, splitting the
team in two, throwing Warring and
one horse clear across the track and
dragging th other horse for two blocks,
where the end of the neckyoke was
driven into the horse's breast Both
horses were killed and Warrlng's inju
ries will cause his death.
The affair caused much excitement,
aa trainmen have been warned about the
speed limit in paaalng through the town.
The train was not stopped for half a
mile, when it was backed up to the
scene of the accident. Warring la mar
ried and about SO years old.
(Special Piapatrh to The Jooraal.)
Hood River. Or., Dec. 8. Wasco
county schools have begun preparations
for th educational display at the Lewla
and Clark exposition, and at the laat
meeting of the Principals' club In thla
city County Superintendent Neff ap
pointed the following committee to take
charge of the work of seeing that a
creditable exhibit waa sent from this
county: J. a Landers, city superin
tendent at The Dallea; W. A. Wiley, city
superintendent Hood River schools; H.
H. White, principal of the Dufur school.
At the same meeting Profeasor Lan
ders described the educational exhtblta
at the St Louis fair, and explained th
methods to be followed In preparing an
exhibit for the Portland fair. The varl
oua schools of the county are taking a
deep interest In the matter.
(Jooraal Special Sanies )
Salt Lak. Dec. 8. United States
Marshal Haywood Is serving subpoena
today on witnesses In the Smoot Investi
gation. Tha first man served waa Elder John
Nicholson, recorder of the Salt Lak
temple, who will be examined regarding
plural marriages.
(Journal Special Service.)
Monaatlr, Dec 8. Eight Greek peas
ant who were recently captured by Bul
garian revolutionists near Sorrvlta have
been cruelly massacred. They war out
to pieces with axes.
jA 4$ v -;aia
"Journal" Graphophone Agreement
f-OKTLAND. oa.
JOURNAL PUB. 00., Portland. Or. I
Oentleaen 1 hereby snnscrlb far tha Dally and Snnday Journal, te be nllvered
or curler, for a period of ona year at the rata of 9c per month. In cool! delation ef
which, i mi 25c. which I hrrehr par for a coupon entitling me to the nrst record, too are
to furnish me entirely free at tha ofSce of tha Columbia Phonograph Companj. No. 1J)
Seventh afreet, one regular 8T.80 Orapbapbone (upon ml paring 81 for express charges,
from factory, packing, etc.). for sty ex etc ilea ass dariae tha tern- ef thla subaorlptlon.
It is agreed further that I in rot com i lied to porch- any further records to retain
this Graphophone during the term of my subacrlpUoa; but If at arr time and at my
own option I do purchase SO additional lerorda of the Columbia Phonograph Company
at th-lr .anoTi, address, and complete thla subscription, the machine then leeomes any
exclusive property forever.
Start paper (Data).
Columbia machine to the amount of 6.00 at
this OraphepeoM at their office. No. 128 Beteath street.
N B Price ef aU rotor recorda ea this contract,
cents asch. '
Cause of Chief Hunt's Irritation
Discovered, but Man
Is at Large.
Selling an opportune moment while
Judge Charles H. Hunt waa handing out
hla usual morning packet of advice to
the hoboes lined up before him in th
kangaroo court Edward Shafer slipped
through tha corridor at tha city prison,
sauntered paat the members of th fore
loitering In th police station, and made
MS Heap last wk.
Ha waa serving a aenten, of three
montha for disorderly conduct and his
term would not have expired until next
January 11. This 1 taken aa an expla
nation of the exceedingly bad humor In
which th bead of th department haa
been for the laat few daye, and th x
hlbltlon of temper which have marked
hla association with his men.
During his incarceration at the city
prison Shafer proved a model prisoner,
and waa finally made a "trusty." H
waa doubtleaa playing for Just such a
chance as waa given during the period
devoted by Judge Hunt to coaching tha
"vag" army on how to be good, and
though forced to "hike" on an empty
stomach, he loat no tlm in embracing
hla opportunity.
It la understood that the chieftain la
desirous of laying the blame for the
prisoner's escape on Jailer Ben Branch.
The Jailer la responsible for the escape,
technically, as he la supposed to keep a
watch on all trusties while they are
engaged in work.
Ftor several days, however, the big one
haa kept Branch ao busy that he could
not properly attend to hla dutlea. If
he did not have Branch sawing out doors
and placing hinges on hla private office,
the chief had him attending to other
mattera which would take hla attention
from tha "trusties."
Keep this away from th paper,"
roared Chief Hunt aa soon aa he heard of
the eacape. "Don't let me hear of any
of you fellowa running to the papers
with thla, I eay, or I will make trouble
for aomebody."
A crowd of boys that gathers nearly
every evening St the corner of East
Seventh and Beat Pine atreSla hav been
having so much fun of late that lta
members' antics were reported to the
police. The complaint was made by
Dr. C. B. Nottage. who realdea at 481
East Pine street. Several daya ago a
large front window In the home of O.
K. Burna, near East Pin and East
Eighth street... ws broken by a stone
thrown against It; the stone narrowly
missed crashing into a handsome plate
glaas sideboard filled with fine china
and cut glaaa. A few weeka ago a
window in the home of J. J. Kadderly,
484 k.i st Pine street, waa also broken.
The boys range from 1 to IT years
of age. It la said that there ar nearly
16 In the crowd.
"If Hunt can't atop th actions of
that 'gang.' w a cltlaena will have)
to tsk It up." said on of th women
who fears that her front window will
be broken some night.
(Special Dwpatch to The Jeomal.)
Corvallls, Or.. Dec. a Th funeral ef
the late J. J. Scrafford. who died Satur
day evening, took place at 8 o'clock thla
morning at hla residence. Rev. Mr. Nobis
officiating. Ha waa a natlv of New
York ST year old, located In Polk coun
ty. Or.. In 1888. sad earn to Corvallls 14
yaars ago. Two sons and two daughters
survtv hlnv Interotmt was mad st
Fifth and Yamhill Streets.
The Columbia
126 Seventh Street
And hear the Machine play,
and enter your subscrip
tion at once.
in Oomoaar will allow s credit ea say
I foe
any time during the year In nchange
Heretofore they
Walter Edv of Eusrene to Hava
Hearing for Act Committed
While Intoxicated.
s-e .tea s aeann ejWefSh, AnneMl I Hag
MUM I IU oUHUUt nil.
Elks Hold Annual Memorial
I I mm I M
oervices, uniy rviemDers en
HrHor Rainrr Praaant.
(Special Dispatch to The Jooraal.)
Eugene. Or., Do. t. Walter Edy. S
young laborer, was arrested Sunday ac
cused of beating hla wife. Edy got
drunk Saturday night and about S o'clock
Sunday morning want horns and pro
ceeded to thrash his wtfe. H beat her
up badly and than went to bed. Th
wife came down town and secured Of
ficers Cronar and Bt lies, who want to th
Edy residence and arrested the drunken,
husband after a hard fight. During th
male all three fell down an eight-foot
flight of steps.
Th Eugene lodge B. P. O. E held Its
annual servlc. or lodge of sorrow, laat
svanlng. Th meeting waa held in th
lodge hall and waa private, only mem
bers of the order being preaent Dr. D.
A. Paine delivered the address of th
William A. Marshall died at his farm
horn four mils west of Eugen Satur
day. He waa aged 78 years and S
montha A widow and 10 children sur
vive htm. They came her from Iowa, In
July. 1808. The funeral was held to-,
day. with Interment In th Mulkey ceme
tery. Lawrence Farlow and Joseph Hopkins
of this city returned Saturday from a
hunting expedition down the Willamette
as far as Harrisburg. They put ha
boat at Eugene Friday morning at S
o'clock and slowly drifted down stream.
In going a distance of 14 miles they
killed "t geese and 80 ducks. This Is
th record for this season.
(Special rnspatrh te The Jooraal.)
Hood Rlvr, Or.. Dee. 8. Robber
blew open th safe of the Hood River
post office early Sunday morning, se
cured 8237 In stamp and 81T8 In money,
and mad goad thetr escape. Entrance
to th building waa effected by a crow
bar and other tool taken from the rail
road ahopa near by. where a large gang
of Italians and Japs la employed in con
struction work. Postal Inspectors ars
working on the case.
roaososy is iumbs.
M Lohr. who conducts a bakery st
Clinton and Milwaukle afreets, com
plained to th police yesterday that h
had been victimised by a man living tha
nam of Oeorg Llntlley, who Induoad
him to caah a ehck on th First N
tlonal bank for 810.T8. Th ohck waa
mad payabl to Llndley and waa 1gnd
with th Arm nam of Allan A Lewie.
When presented st the bank th StMOSl
waa pronounced s forgery
I.ivtnsr at
mot rrom or
driven to
7 OlPsfM aanWTfaas !