The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, December 04, 1904, Page 5, Image 5

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Harvey W. Bcott has received from
Thomas Runaban. of Wslaer, Ida., a Ut
ter In whic h he states that ha waa a
driver for the Overland company
In the early '(0a, and aa auch waa thor
oughly conversant with the acenea and
Inclden'a and manner of conducting
stages in thoae day a He aaka Mr. Scott
to bi In before the exposition offlclala a
plan to run stages to the grounds in the
aarne manner that they were operated in
early day, showing the waya of living
and meana of protection taken against
the Indiana He namea a large number
of old-timers" who drove stages In
early days, whose services may be se
cured. N. Q. Buxton, of Johnstown, O., has
written Secretary Henry K. Reed that
he wishes to furnish a series of de
acriptlve article on the tour of Lewis
and Clark by traveling over the same
gronnd aa the ploneera, in the same man
ner in which they did by horse, on foot
and in canoe these articles to be gen
erally distributed for publication. The
writer gives excellent references, and
secretary Reed thinks well or the idea,
which he will bring before the board at
lta next meeting.
Ray HaTwood, 16 years old, who con
f eased to shooting a horae belonging. to
Dr. Cardwell at Bertha because he
"Wanted to see it run," haa been given
Into the custody of the Boys' and Olrla'
Aid society by Police Judge Hogue
George Whittle wan adjudged guilty of
the snme offense. Thinking he I not in
corrigible and that the experience of
going Into court will tend toward hla
reformation. Judge Hogue auspended
sentence pending the boy s good be
Unitarian hasaar next Thursday even
ing and Friday afternoon and evening,
December t and . Some new features
in this annual event are waahable ruga.
a cook book of recipes, well tested by
our own ladles: an entire booth of beau
tiful hags. ' Alao a fine display of dolls,
work, aprons, an art booth.
made candles, mincemeat, fruit cake.
Jellies, etc. On Friday evening, living
pictures and music. Admission Z6 cents.
No admission Thursday evening.
John Holtgrleve raises potatoes the
sort inn la maaing ureron iwnuu".
Some that he brought into the city yes-
1... i u-aichuH twk iwiiinda each
and were of the quality that would be
i iiiieii no. 1 in every msrsei ip ins
country. On hla land Just north of
Woodlawn Mr. Holtgrleve raised 1.000
sncks of potatoes this year, and he save
,i, .i full,. 1 1,,,. i iiiniii of them welsrh
over a pound each. The potatoes are of
i lie rsuroans variety.
"Robert Wakefield will begin work on
the ahop Duuatnga tor me u. n ;
Co. next week. The Job Is a large un
dertaking, and alx months- time will be
required for Its completion. The con
tract Is for two buildings a machlne
ahon and a roundhouse. The contract
price for the work Is in the neighborhood
of si iii.noo -The site ts Ideal for a com
plete railway and shlp-repalr plant to
serve the needs or the o. it. . ana
Southern Pacific companlea.
Although the charge of asssult with a
deadly weapon, preferred against U. Al
t.inan, a Finn, who Is alleged to hive
cut J. Kotaman, a Ruaalan, In an affray
aboard the steamer Annie Lavraon. was
dismissed in the police-court because of
"the plaintiffs poor memory, a charge of
flg-Mlsjg was aMeswasd waisin against
both men. They were found guilty by
Judge Hogue tnls morning. Altonan,
the alleged knife-wtelder, was fined t60,
and Kotsman $10.
We hsve an Immense assortment of
Oriental ruga upon which I hsve greatly
reduced prices for the holiday season.
These ruga embrace both high and me
dium classes from $10 to $1,000 in
value and are absolute bargains at the
prices offered. Being the only perma
nent residents of the city exclusive deal
era in oriental goods, hence our word
msy be depended upon. Atlyeh 4k Bio
411 Washington street.
Multnomah camp. No. 77, W. O. W..
elected the following officers for the
term at a well-attended meeting on Fri
day night: Past conaul. B. K. Knapp:
coiiaul-commnnder, William W. Lumi
den: adviser-lieutenant. M. O. Wllklns:
hanker. H. H. Newhall; clerk, J. M.
Woodworth: escort, O. C. laxwrence;
watchman. H. J. Ingram; sentry. A. Par
sons: managers. J. H. Mvllrlde, W. W.
Mm. ii. E. H. Bennett.
John Mcintosh was found guilty yes
terday of assaulting Oeorge Martin with
a knife. He was held to answer to the
grand Jury by Judge Hogue. with bonds
fixed at $200 rash. The defendant Is
still In Jail. The assault occurred at 4$1
Main street, and Martin la aaid to have
escaped with his life by running.
The monthly report of Fred Olson,
clerk of the police court, hns been sent
to the rlty auditor. It shows that the
smoiints collected In fines and forfelt-
A Man
Making Love
To wonisa with a bad let of teeth has a
eery odious task. The woman who would
win man easily
should beintlfy her
self. Nothing ads to
Beauty or attracts ao
quickly aa pretty
teeth anil a whole
some breath. The lat
ter only fnllow when
jntod. sound teeth sra
found. You can have,
at small cost, pretty
teeth. Hon t ear
"can't" beet use you
are afraid of being
hart In s dental chair:
that la no loneer aa
excuse, for dentistry
haa bee a reduced to
enrh a fine aclence
h.t fhr la no nae
for ynu to naffer during dental operations.
If your teeth are not what yon would Ilk
to bare them. Jnat atep In when you are
downtown and hae a talk with me It
will mat you nothing If you do net want
work done, and my adylee will be worth
aoroethlng to you. Remember. I bare tha
largest and beat equipped dental oftlee ou
the Pacific eoaat and a lady to receive yea
who will make you feel at home at one.
- a m fa.
7 80 to i SO e'olock.
Sundays a at. to
1 P. SI.
Dr. B. E
Dental Office.
Main fUS.
B-eaek eflea.
ureal during the peat month aggregated
11.141.64. Considering the fact that
gambling doea not now yield the city a
revenue, the showing Is good.
The board of directors of the Hotel
Men's Mutual Benefit association Is In
seaalon In New York the home of the
president. Proprietor Sweeney of the
Victoria and will decide where the next
national convention of hot I proprietors
and managers will be held. Manager
Bowers of the Portland Bent an urgent
letter to President Sweeney In favor of
Portland for the 1906 meeting, and re
ceived a reply in which the president
atated that ha favored this city as the
meeting place. Mr. Bowera haa not,
however, received any news of the action
taken. The only other prominent candi
date for the dlatlnctlon la New Orleans.
Mr. Josher Hello, Brown: what's
the matter? Tou look troubled.
Mr. Brown Oh, nothing, much. My
wife's got appendicitis, the baby's got
(1m whooping-cough, my mother-in-law
la visiting me, the girl next door's learn
ing to play the piano, there's a howling
dog In the neighborhood o' nights and
I've lost heavily In stocks that's, all.
I look worried, I know, but I haven't
lost all pleasure. Max Smith Is still in
business and I eat there that's what
brings my only smite. Max is up on
Fifth street, opposite tha old postofflce,
you know. ,
A wrangle over the theft of three hand
saws occupied the attention of Police
Captain Bailey and Chief Hunt for more
than half 'an hour last night, with the
reault that Jim Dlpple and Edward Mil
burn were lodged In the city Jail. They
are said to have gone Into a second-hand
store on Third street with two others,
for the purpose of buying some carpenter
tools, and It la alleged that Dlpple and
Mllburn became Impatient at the lack of
attention ahown and walked off with
what they wanted without paying for It.
A big stock of as pretty calendars ss
one ever need to look upon have toeen
received at the Portland Loan Office. 74
Third street, and some of them were
handed to our frienda yesterday by Mr.
Bloch. They are certainly works of art,
and a very pretty present Mr. Marks is
giving to bis friends.
Xmas bazaar at First Christian church
itrsnea on Columbia atreet) Opens
Tuesday evening, continuing afternoons
and evenings, Wednesday. Thursday snd
Friday. Articles useful and ornamental,
dolls, home-made candles and cooked
food for sale. Refreshments served.
The Socialists will hold a public
meeting In their hall at $09 Davis street
tonight. All those who are Interested
In the political issues of the day should
not fall to attend. The cry of the op
pressed has been heard, and the down
fall of capital is st hand.
W. H. Willis, colored, was found
guilty of selling clgarettea to minors by
Police Judge Hogue and sentenced to pay
a fine of $6. Similar charges. against S.
Hewett and O. Qunderson were dis
missed for lack of evidence.
Professor Eaton'a dancing school.
("Masse Monday and Thursday evening
at Arion hall. Beginners taken at any
time. Six assistant teachers. Private
lessons daily at hall. Spectators in
vited. 'Phone Wast 71$.
To the Ladles. Ladles will
member Miss Boehner's private sale of
Christmas hand-made novelties, Includ
ing dainty lingerie and china. No. $4$
Thirteenth street, Dec. , 7 and 8. .
Christmas bases r, Woodman hall. East
Sixth and Alder atreets. Monday even
ing, December S, and following after
noon and evening, December 6. Music
and refreshments.
Wa-Hoo Tonic The great blood puri
fier, nerve tonic and liver regulator.
Juat what you need theae days. For
gala by .all druggists.
The Letter Carriers' band will give the
second of their series of dancea at Wood
man hall Bast Sixth and Alder Streets,
next Thursday evening.
UTruw. r-A CMnrlne Acsrfemv. Plirk-
hardt hall. Monday and Thursday. The
Three-step taught. Spectators Invited.
Compsny C. Third Infantry. O. N. O..
have changed the date of their next
dance from Dec. t to Wed. Dec. 14.
Chew Den-Tal-Oum. have pearly teeth
and prevent decay. For sale every
where. Magazine and periodical subscriptions.
Renew now through J. K. Gill. Third and
See Jennlng'a furniture ed. Page 24.
Two documents of great historical In
terest have been added to the material In
the Oregon Historical society's museum.
One is a letter written by Miss Chloe
A. Clark, dated "Ship Lausanne. May 22.
1S40." Tills vessel brought-the "great
reinforcement" to the Methodist mission
which wss located about 10 miles north
of Salem. At the date of writing the
ship waa In the Columbia river near As
toria. Miss Clark wrote:
"After Bailing 22.000 miles ws aiall
with Joy our adopted home. The first
appearance of the country and of the
Indians strikes me very favorably. The
shores are covered with nature's green
carpet and preaents a very pleasing ap
The vessel sstled up the Columbia and
arrived at Vancouver, Wash., June 1,
1 840. Bight daya later Miss Clark waa
appointed to the Nlsqually mission, lo
cated near Fort Nlsqually. ona of the
Hudson Bay company's forts, about 15
miles from the present city of Tacoma,
On August 1$, 1S40, she waa married
to Dr. William A. Wlllson, who waa con
nected with the mission, by Rsv. John
P. Richmond. This waa the first Amer
ican marriage north of the Columbia
The letter waa carried by ship around
Cape Horn to New Bedford. Mass., ar
riving there February 2, 1X4 1. and wns
csrrled from there by carriers to Litch
field, Conn.
The other document Is the commis
sion of Oeorge W. Salisbury as recorder
of the county of porter, Indiana. Issued
by David Wallace, governor, April 17,
lilt. Dr. Salisbury came to Portland in
1110, but died soon after. He has a
daughter living In Portland today In (he
person of Mrs. Sarah H. Williams, 715
East Madison street.
Ideal Christmas Gifts.
Almost anv artlcls makes a most ac
ceptable and appreciative (Thrtstmss
piVsent. Vou know how you would feel
yourself If some one should lve you a
handsome hair or something equally as
useful. The crest stock-reducing sale
at Jennlng It Sons. First and Yamhill
streets. Is making It posntri'c 'for Portland
folks to give some brant mil Christmas
presents at a wonder folly low cost. Tim
firm Inaugurated thla sale several days
aa" and from the very Arst It hss cone
along with sn unusual manifestation of
Interest. If you'll turn to page 24 of this
Issue and glance over their advertisement
you'll not wonder at Its hla; success such
prices are extraordinary low on such
high-class merchandise.
We Xandle the Best of Xverytbing.
Impels the purchaser to buy always that which is not only
artistically beautiful but mechanically well made. THIS
YEAR we surely have a wonderful assortment of fine
everything; usually found in an up-to-date jewelry .store.
For the hall, parlor, bed room or kitchen, If 1.50, $2.50,
$4, $6, $8 and up to 850.
Silver Comb, Brush, Mirror, complete in fine case, 8750 up
Silver Manicure Sets. from... 84.50 up
Silver Writing. Sets,' from 84.50 up
Ebony Comb, Brush and Mirror, from .$7.50 up
Ebony Military Sets, per pair $2.50 up
Ebony Hair Brushes, Oloth Brushes, Hat Brushes $1 up
Solid Silver Hat Pins,25c and 50c
Solid Silver Napkin Rings,
from $l.O0 up
Plated" Napkin Rings,
from . .50 up
Baby Rings. .75 to 81.50
Misses' Rings. .81.50 to 85
Seal Rings. . .81.50 to 815
Say! Do you want a Fine
Diamond for Little Money
Something swell, then just let us show you our stock. We
certainly are selling a few because we areSatisfied with small
A fine line of Fountain Pens
Jewelers Opticians
His Brother and H. Gerson Ac
cepted as Sureties for His
Gamblers All Anxiously Await
ing the Results of the Mo
tions for New Trial.
Eugene Blaster was arrested and taken
to the court house yesterday snd gave
$1,000 bond to appear before the court
to answer to the rhsrge of perjury re
turned agalnat him by the grand Jury.
He was accompanied by bis attorney, 8.
C. Spencer, and his two bondsmen. H.
Gerson and Ed Blaster. Judge Oeorge
approved the bonds and the prisoner
was released.
1,'ncHHlness is msnlfeated by the gam
bling fraternity, and especially by those
who have already been tried, over the
unexpected outcome of the Blaster caae.
They are awaiting hopefully the decis
ion In the motions for new trials, which
have been made In the Blaster and Erlck
son caaes.
Blailers attorneys, Ed Mendenhsll
and S. C. Spencer, contend that the
perjury charge will be swept away
when their client la allowed to explain
the situation, and that Is one of the
reasons why they ask for a new trial.
Mr. Mendenhall Said yesterday afternoon
that Blaster would testify In ths new
trial that he did not own the gambling
business on March 1, 1904, but went
before the Judge and pleaded guilty In
order to pay the flues, as the mayor had
Isaued an order that no outalders should
be allowed to conduct gsmes In Port
land. This, ths attorneys claim. Will
clear up the seeming discrepancy be
tween tha records and the testimony of
However, ths prosecution holds that
thla evidence, if admitted, could not ma
terially alter the charge against the
saloon man, Especially Is Henry E.
McOInn, who assisted in the prosecu
tion of this gambling caae, confident
that this explanation cannot ssve the
defendant from the charge as made by
the grand Jury. Mr. McOInn said that
even should Blaster be given a new
trial and found not guilty by a Jury,
the verdict would not affect tha charge
of perjury, nor In any way diminish ths
With the
Common Sense Selections in
Solid Silver ThimnlesISc
Solid Silver Match
Boxes .$1.50 up
Solid Gold Match
Boxes 815 up
Fancy Rings 85 to 8150
DiauKmd Kings. $5 to $500
Boys' Rings $2t$5
from $1.50 up to $15.00
290 Morrison Street
force of the evidence heard before the
grand Jury.
The progress of tha case will be
wstched with Interest by- both sides, as
tha gamblers believe that if Blaster falls
they will all fall together.
Eastern Capitalists Buy Thous
ands of Acres of Land in
Washington County.
One of the biggest deals In Oregon
timber lands made during the jrear has
recently been consummated By which
title to several thousand acres of the
beat timber In Washington county baa
passed Into the hands of A. W. Stearns
of I ml ut h. Minn. The land purchased
ts on the headwatera of Oales creek. It
miles from Korea! jQrove.
Mr. Stearna Is backed by Michigan and
Wisconsin capitalist, who contemplate
organising a strong company, which will
go Into the lumber Industry In thla state
on a large acsle. The company will build
Immense sawmills on their property and
have in contemplation the construction
of a railroad from their mills to Llnnton,
where facilities for shipping their lumber
bv water are ottered.
While Inspecting his new holdings Mr.
Stearns discovered a large vein of coal.
The coal la of a bituminous and semi
bituminous grade. When In this city
last week he made the statement that he
contemplated developing the coal deposits
In connection with the lumber Industry.
Mr. Stesrns Is now In Ban Francisco.
After the business affairs of his country
are satisfactorily arranged he will return
to Portland and steps will be taken
toward carrying out the Intentions of the
Btnf dat extra's rmooBAn.
Dr. A. A. Morrison, rector of the
Trinity Episcopal church, will address
the Sunday club at the Toung Men's
Christian association this afternoon on
the topic, "Manhood." Coulter's orches
tra will glare selections and Miss Ethel
Shea will sing. The program follows:
3:00, concert. Coulter's orchestra; J:S0,
song service; solos. Miss Ethel Shea;
address. "Manhood," Dr. A. A. Morrison;
4:4f. discussion groups, "The Trans
figuration;" 6:30, lunch, 10 cents. All
men are Invited to attend the sessions
of the Sunday club and there Is no
Mr. and Mra. J. K. Weatherford of
Albany arrived In the city laat night and
are registered at the Imperial.
F. C. Oreene, a business msn of Iewls
ton. Ida., IS St the Imperial
K. 8. Strunmeyer of Astoria Is In the
olty for a few days.
Mrs. A. it. Dutrher snd Mrs. W. A.
Dutcher of Aberdeen sra guests of the
Hotel Perk ins
Dr. C. 3. Van Poole of Fort Stevens Is
a guest of the Hotel Portland.
Where to Dine.
All the delicacies of ths season at ths
Portland restaurant, fins, private apart
ments for parties. 104 Wash., near 5th.
The Calumet. 141 Seventh street near
Morrison, serves an exceptionally fine
dinner on Sundaya. 10c.
Bperlal chicken dinner todsy at Perkins
restaurant. It cents. D. M. Wstson. prop.
Star restaurant. 1 2th and Washington,
home cooking a specialty. meal
rm TTman mr.n r n.m
uu.iiMiiuam.ii mini
UIIUMMUla.lUU mint
in ma i its. ii it ii.iii
tijjiiiiii-.uui mi
Weight Nearly 300 PunU
with New American Articles.
nil knell Toung of Chicago, who will
lecture at the Marquara Grand theatre
December 11 on "Christian Science." will
spend nearly the entire week In Oregon.
He Is scheduled to lecture tonight and
tomorrow night at Seattle and Aberdeen,
and will arrive in Portland Tuesday. He
will spend Wednesday here as a guest
at the home of Mr. and Mra David B.
Ogden, IM North Twenty-first street,
and will go to Walla Walla to deliver a
lecture Thursday evening. Returning
Friday, he will go to Salem and lecture
Friday evening. Saturday night he
apeaks at Oregon City, and Sunday even
ing he lectures In Portlsnd.
His tour from this point will be con
tinued to Roseburg for a lecture Mon
day evening. At the Greenback mines.
8 or 10 miles away rrom tne Boutnern
Paclflo railroad. In Josephone county, a
little group of miners have become In
terested In Christian Science, and they
have aubscrlbed to the necessary fund
to bring Mr. Toung to tie ramp for a
lecture. He will speak there Tuesday
evening, December IS. He lectures st
Ashlsnd Thursday evening, and from
there he will go Into Csllfornla for a
tour embracing about :n leotures. In
two months Mr. Toung will have made
the proverbial tour "from Maine to Cali
fornia" on this lecture trip.
Ooat-ralstng promises to become one
of ths leading Industries of Benton
county, according to W. L. Cauthorn, a
prominent farmer of Wells, who la visit.
Ing In Portland.
"People ara paying much attention to
goat-ralalng In our county," he said.
"This Is the case especially In the hilly
sections. It Is a profitable business, and
I believe it will not be many years be
fore It will be one of the leading Indus
tries tn our county."
Mr. Cauthorn states thst sverybody In
Benton county seems to be prosperous
While they did not have exceptionally
good crops during the peat year, the
farmera received good prices for their
grain. They have alao had an exceptlon-
Lewis it Clark
Co n Brooch for a
Xmas Present
Price H.M ad U.M.
IM a Uwb a Clatt
Mounted on this besutlful gold wreath,
the coin not the least msrred or mutil
ated sold over the counter or mailed
to sny address st 14. 10 for slse No. JL
ind 15 for No i. The coin alone sella
al I
These areeehee wtU
t hey grow la age.
m a. aaiTaaMFam oo.
Jewelers ydlMJvsrssanaa,
MgtwaW1aaH: - wawBTlllW ' I ll M I ttglsjf
t-saX tX44 4H Tt T4STTT aVV- mm
rma aa
Order Now for Christmas
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149 Seventh Street
Wlabes to call the attention of tke
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Sally from 4 (0 to p. m. tor ft"
Alan tha dallj noes meal from
llrBO a. ob. tn 2 p. si., for 113 eaats.
Oar ererr effort la directed toward
twins perfect eatiefactioB.
ally good fall for seeding. The outlook
for a prosperous season In 10S Is ex
cellent. Cattlemen who have been raising stock
far the market feel a little discouraged
50 Cash Boys and Girls
Must be over 14 years of age.
Apply at 8 a. m. on Monday
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Olds, Wortman & King
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We have on hand a
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JOURNAL, readers.
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The celebrated, genuine Reck
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Prlcm $8.00 pmr Ton
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II 2 East Morrison st. Phone East 114.
this season, as they have not been get
ting very good prlcee for their cattle.
For thle reason a lacge number of farm
are are going Into tne dairy business.
which they find more profitable.