The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, December 04, 1904, Image 22

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'Landlord Prepare to Raise Rents
Ten Per Cent at the First
of the Year.
November Showed Big Increase
of Transfers and Building
Permits Over October.
i Monday
r Friday
TotaJa for week
Totals last week.
.. 4.176
. . 62.(60
. 79.160
. 178.260
Deeds .
Met " '
Deeds .
1102.416. 07
22.2J9.802 00
o 2 6. 160 IT
This was a dull week to the real es
,t"rote market. The sales recorded were
In the main unimportant, the totals
) amounting only to $102,416.07. as against
Hf 126.121. 26 (or ths previous week.
1 Business la usually dull Just before
i hw mxier ino nouaays, ana mo reai ew-
There are, however, many Inquiries
.for nroDerty. Most of these are for sited
r gor homes. There ia also a very large
uwemand for homes to rent, the supply of
.available houses showing a decrease of
e Rants In many of the most prominent
tarts of the city are about to show a
110 per cent advance; January 1. 1906,
has been fixed as the dste when It will
jajo ""to effect In most Instances. Own-
vinos wno can secure leases eisewnera
Hare leaving for other parts.
f In the business section of the city
Easiness sites are being eagerly sought
after, and many tempting offers were
made daring the past week for leases on
properties In the best loca tins In the
; A great many people are now trying
t to secure locations In order to go into
'business but good stores to rent are
" Tory bard to find. All sorts of propo
T altlons are being put to owners of busl
ness locations In order to get them to
rant them over the heads of the present
a tenants. This was done to some extent
- during the past year, but the movement
' is not in any favor with legitimate busl-
Marvelous RevclationsThc World's Famous Greatest Living
And Psychic
Sir "
irwimuia wj , -inirw
$10 Complete Life Readings
to ouxoi tmrnrnm ma
Wash int ton
Ordained to do what he does by some
strings, uuseea power, whose pot. tat luflu
esce Is fast by every ereatnro oa the fate
of tse earth, whose power Is aeea la the
forces of astore, this woaaetfnl and sifted
man demooatrateo his power la your prso
ence, while you look, llstea, aad weadsr.
The deed of the prophets sad the wise. mm
of old are out lone by this strange one"
mysterious seer ef modern times. F.ora
whence eomea this wonderful power f Pre
feeslonal men and women are awestruck,
the pabllc In general Is damfounded. speech
lees. Had he been born la time- of super
stition his work would be clssssd ss little
l" than miracles.
Betllsiag there sre msny skeptlesl peo
ple la Portland, sad that this city bss
been overran with preteDders under the
pitas of Clelrvoyance, Palmistry sad
Solrltuilli tic Medluniehlp. sad that many
of Its best dtlsens would he only too
anilous to vtsft s true clairvoyant medium,
were they aMureC of eatlefactlon. therefore
8IR FRANCIS IiKAKK will i to conslnce
the pablle of Portland of his superiority
ever ell Medium. Palmists sad Clair
voyants) (Its far oas week only, READ
ING. 60c. -
rit'ARANTBK to make yea bo charge If
1 fall to call yon by name la foil, name
of your friends, enemies or riraav I
promie to tell you whether your huaband.
wife or sweethesrt Is true or fslss, tall
you how to gstn ths love of the oas you
moat desire, even though ml lea swsy; how
to succeed la business, speculation, law
suits; bow to marry ths one of your choice;
how to regain youth, health and vitality.
Removes evil Influence-., cures drink habit:
locates treasures, cures all osrruus
Haw can I bass good lock T
How eaa I succeed In business t
How rsa I Basks say home happy J
How can I conquer my enemies T
How can I marry the one I choose 1
Hew eaa I marry wetlt
How soon eaa I marry ?
How can I conquer my rival f
How eaa I make say one love soot
How soon will my lover propose
How can I set s good posttlonT
How eaa I remove bad influences?
How ran I control any one?
How mak distant ones think of met
How eaa I settle my quarrel?
How can I hold my husosad'a level '
How esa I keep my wife's Vara?
sever aaks questions.
All U quiet In the butldtng line, aa far
As any large alsed structures are con
cerned. Architects report that thenr
'have plenty of work on hand, but have
few buildings of any sise. A tin co-
story brick structure will be erected
far J. Bulllvant on the southwest cor
par of Thirteenth and Jefferson streets
by X B. Bridges at a cost of $10,000.
George W. Wilder has been Issued a
permit for the construction of four
(two-story dwellings on Twentieth street
between Kearney and Ixjvejoy streets at
a cost of 120.000. Work will be begun
at once.
During the month of November the
total value of the deads recorded
amounted to 88.218,802; In all there were
(20 deeds filed. Permits were Issued
for 124 buildings, showing a total value
ia this line of 2292.CSS.
During October the total value of the
Seeds recorded amounted to 2S2S.1S0.17.
while the total number reached 626. In
October 122 building permits were Is
sued, which showed a total value of
SI24.2S2.8S. Theae figures show a good
gain for the realty buslnesa during the
month just ended.
The Portland Consolidated Rail war
has sold to the American Trust at In-
; vestment company Its undivided half
4 of lots T and S In block 212 for a con
sideration of 212,000
(Special Dispatch to Ths Journal
I Hood River. Or., Dec. 2. Two tickets
1 are in the field for the city election
J Tuesday, December 6. There aeems to
be no clearly defined Issue, and very
-little interest Is taken In the campaign.
The nominees on the taxpayers' ticket
are: Mayor, A. 8. Blowers; councllmen,
K. H. Bailey. E. 8. Mayes. A. D. Moe;
recorder, T. J. Cunning; traaaurer, E. L
Bmlth. Cltlsens' ticket: Mayor, Dr. M.
T. Shaw; councllmen. E. 8. Mayes. C. H
j Btranahan, E. H. Hart wig; recorder, J.
R. NIckelsen; treasurer, Truman Butler.
Take Stuart's Dys-
i v
miser who taught his ass to live on
Straw, of which he gave him a smaller
portion every day.
Just ss the miser had got him so
trained as to eat one straw a day the
; poor ass died.
He ia an ass who starves himself to
death as thousands are doing,
misled by foolish teachers becaus.
their stomachs have become too weak,
through neglect or disease, to do the
, work which nature haa provided for
their stomachs to do.
Because the engine Is out of gear.
would you consign It to the Junk heap?
' Why. nol Mend It!
Commit slow suicide because vntte
susaaiivc organ irsk
lertalnlv nc
Deosla Tablets
One thing Is sure as shooting.
Tou can never get a new stomach
Tou must mend It, or It will lead you
. A miserable existence.
The only way to mend It Is to take
Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets
This has been practically and scien
tifically demonstrated ly the many
- thousands whom Stuart s Dyspepsia
Tablets have positively cured, after ev
ery other treatment of medicine, mln
, oral watera, pills and slow, suicldui
atarvstlon had failed.
Theae methods are all unscientific
therefore false.
Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets sre scien
tific therefore true, and successful.
Having cured so many thousands
many of whom doubtless have suffered
more than you do do we Halm too
much when we say that Stuart s Dys
pepsia I sniets will
surely do good to
Surely not.
Especially when
we make It olslr,
that no promise Is made to cure more
than one dlaeaae Dyspepsia
Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets are a pos
itive cure for Just this one dlsesse
They sre a scientific combination of
Ingredients which search out' the wea'rf
pots In all the digestive organs and
sake them strong and well.
They have an Immediate digestive ac
tion on undigeated food, and thus, while
wring weak organa
la the medical treatment of Dyspepsia.
they at the same
lp to do their wore,
thus stand for all that Is go.l
and for nulhlnar that la bad.
They are not a fad, but a fact.
They are aafe, pleasant, certain and
Enanent. and can be taken by ths
t delicate invalids without fear of
sfal results.
St. John's Memorial Sell wood; Rev.
W. R Powell In charge. Sunday school
11 a m. ; evening service and sermon
Chapel of the Transfiguration Sixth
street near Oak; Rev. W. R. Powell,
chaplain. Service, sermon and holy com
munion 11 a. m. , Sunday school 8:45
a. m.
St, Matthew'a First and Caruthers
streets; Rev. W. A. M. Breck In charge.
Holy communion and sermon 11 a. m ,
Sunday school 9:45 a. m.
Trinity Chapel Nineteenth street near
Washington; Rev.. Dr, A. A. Morrison,
rector. Morning service 11; evening
service 7:20; Sunday school 9:30 a. m.
The usual monthly service of song will
be held at 7:20 p m.
St. David's Bast Twelfth and Bel
mont streets; Rsv. George B. Van Wa
ters. D. D, rector. Holy communion S
a. m ; Sunday school 9 45 a. m.; holy
communion 11 A m.; choral evanaong
and monthly organ recital 7:20 p. m.
Frederick W. Goodrich haa arranged the
following program: Morning Prelude,
Andante In A (H. Smart); offertory. "O
Ood, Have Mercy" (Mendelssohn), Mr. J
Adrian Epplng; poetlude, "Marche Sol'
enelle (Mallly). Evening Prelude, An
dante in A flat (Hoyte) ; offertory, "Ves-
per Bella.' by request (Spinney): post-
lude, 'Trumpet Voluntary" (H Purcell).
Fifth monthly organ recital (1) "Pil
grims' Chorus" from "Tannhauser"
(Wagner); (2) "Melodle" (Salome); (2)
"CaraUna" (Raff); (4) "Andante Pas
torale" (Merkel): (6) "Marche Cortege'
from "Heine de Saba" (Gounod i. Mtaa
R. Fowler will sing.
Good Shepherd Vancouver avenue
and Sell wood streets; Rev. John Dawson,
rector. Sunday school 10 a. m.; holy
communion 11 A m , evening prayer and
sermon 7 30.
St, Andrew's Peninsula; Rev. John
Dawson, rector. Afternoon service at I
All Saints' Twenty-second and Reed
streets; Rev. Robert Hope, pastor. Sun
day services at 11 a. m. and 7:10 p. m.
First Park and Madison streets. Rev.
E I, House. D. D, pastor. 10:20 a.
"Church Union versus Sectarianism;"
7:20 p. rn . sermon to railroad men, "The
Great Trip;" 12 15 p. m . Sunday school.
Rev. H. A. Start, superintendent; 6 30 p.
rn , Y. P. 8 ('. E. ; choir, Mrs. Rose Bloch
Bauer. Mrs. W. A. T. Bushong. W. H.
Boyer. W. A. Montgomery; Prof. W. H.
Hover, choir director; Miss Leonora
Fisher, organist.
Pilgrim Chapel Second street, neer
Lincoln. Rev. H. A. Start, pastor 1:20
a. m, Sunday school, W. D. Scott, au
Sunnyslde Corner Bast Taylor and
East Thirty-fourth streets. Rev. J. J.
Staub, pastor. 10:20 a. m., "The Strength
of the Early church;" 7:20 p m . 'The
Anchor That Holds;" Sunday school at
10 a. m., S. C. Pier, superintendent;
Christian Endeavor service at 6:20, Miss
Laura Mosher, leader.
Highland Corner Preacott and East
Sixth street North. Rev. A. M Rock
wood, pastor. Bible school. 10:00 a. m,
L. H. Morgan, superintendent; 11 a. m.
sermon by the paator; Junior Endeavor
service. S p. m , Senior Endeavor, 6:30
p. m ; 7:20 p. m . "Burning Questions
of the Day;" 5, 'The Question of the Sab
Has sain Street East Seventh street
North and Haasalo. Rev. Charles E.
Chase. 10:20, service with sermon; 12,
Sunday school; 6:20, Christian Endeavor;
7:20. service with sermon.
Mississippi Avenue Comer of Mis
sissippi avenue and Fremont street. Rev.
C. M. Smythe, pastor. Sunday school,
10 a, m . J. H. Upham, superintendent;
11 a. m . "Cleansing the Temple;" 7:20
p. m . 'False Ideas of Salvation;" 6:20 p.
m. Christian Endeavor.
First Services tomorrow at 10:20 a.
m. and 7:20 p. m. The pastor. Rev. Ed
gar P. Hill. D. D., will preach morning
and evening. In the evening the second
In series of sermons on general topic,
"Old Plcturea In New Frames," the spe
cial subject being "What Makes a
Heathen T"
Calvary Corner Eleventh and Clay
streets. Rev. W. 8. Gilbert, paator. 10:20
a. m . "Instincts"; svsntng, monthly
praise service; "Joseph. Bon of Jacob."
This Is the first of a series of four Sun
day evening sermons, the remaining
topics being "Joeeph of Ariraathea,"
"Joseph Called Barshabas," "Joseph,
Husband of Mary": choir. Miss Ltnehan,
soprano; Miss Bpence'r, alto; Mr.
Jones, tenor: Mr. Street, baritone; Miss
Msrgaret Lamberaon, organist.
At Ths Temple, 2:20 p. m ; Toung Peo
ple's service, 6:20 p. m.; popular evening
service, 7:20 p. m. There will be bap
tism snd Dr. Brougher will preach on
"Ths Common People's Foes." Special
music by The Temple quartet and chorus
Bethany Sell wood. Preaching by Rev.
Hollcraft at 7:46 p. m , Bible school 10
A m.
Second East Seventh and Ankeny
streets. Rev. 8. C. Lapham. pastor.
10:20 a. m. "The Unencumbered Life;"'
Bible school at noon;' Young People's
Union at 6:20; 7:20 p. m . "Humanity's
Desth In Adam and Life in Christ;"
baptism at the close of the evening ser
vice. Music Of the day under the direc
tion of Miss M. Chambers; J. F. Bam
ford, organist.
Central Woodmen of the World build
ing, East Sixth and East Alder streets.
William, F. Randall, minister. Sermon
by Rev. N. L Holcroft at 10:46 a. in.;
Bible school at 12 m. ; sermon by Rev.
N. L Holcroft at 7:20 p. m.
Immanuel Secondand Meade streets
Mead M. Bledsoe, pastor. 10:20, 'The
Lord's Supper"; communion service at
the. close of the sermon: Bible school at
ths noon hour (Will Hale, superintend
ent); B. T. P. U. masting at 6:20 p. m.;
preaching at 7:30 by Rev. M. D. McCle
latid. paator ef the Fourth Presbyterian
church. Mr. Charles H. Hart will sing
at both services.
Centenary Corner East Pine and
Ninth streets. William II Heppa, D. D .
paator. Morning theme. "The Mighty
Indweller;" the monthly special musical
program at 7:20 p. m.; the pastor will
apeak briefly on "The Accuracy of Di
vine Bookkeeping;" Sunday aohool at
12:15 p. m.; Epworth League at 6:16" p.
m ; Juniors at 4:00 p. m.; morning class
at 6:20 s. m.
Trinity Corner East Tenth and'Orant
atreeta. Rev. Harold Oberg. paator.
Services morning and evening; Sunday
school at 10 a, m. ; Epworth League at
6:20 p. m . leader, Mra. B. Lee Paget.
Grace Corner Twelfth and Taylor
streets Gilbert Ward Denlston. acting
pastor. 9:30 a. m . elaaa meeting; 10:20
a. m, "Vital Religion the World's Need;"
12:16 p. m . Sunday school; 6:20 p. m
Epworth League devotional meeting
7:20 p. m., "A Searching Question."
Taylor Street Dr. Francis Burgette
Short, paator. 2:30 a. m, claaaes; 10:20
a m, holy communion; 12:11 p. m, Sun
day school; 6:30 p. m . Epworth League;
7:20 p. m, evening sermon, subject. "A
Good Investment."
the paator will speak on "The Biography
of a Good Man.' Sunday school at 10
A m ; Luther league at 6:46, and will be
led by Mra. W. W. Deinlnger, subject,
"The Lord's Prayer."'
Norwegian 46 North Thirteenth
atreet. Rev. J. M. Nervlg, pastor. Ser
vices at 11 a. m. and 6 p. m , Sunday
school at 9:45 a. m.
Our Savior's Norwegian Synod Cor
ner East Tenth and Grant, O. Hagoes,
pastor. Services at ll a. m. and 7:20 p
m.: Sunday school at 6:20.
BvangeUoal Association.
First English Corner East Sixth and
Market streets. Rev. G. W. Plumer,
pastor. Worship and sermon on "Con
secrated for Service." 11 a. m.. service
and sermon on. "Is Thy Heart Right"" 8
p. m.; Sunday school, 10 a, m.; Junior al
liance. 2:30 p. m , Young Peoples alli
ance, 7 pm.
Methodlst Episcopal Ohnroh South.
First 171 M Second street. Foresters'
hall ; E H. Mowre, paator. Preaching at
11 a. m. and 7:20 p. m ; Sunday school 10
a. m.; Epworth league 6:20 p. rn Rev.
J. T. Lewton will occupy the pulpit at 11
a, in, and the pastor In ths evening.
T. Sg . C. AY.
Association auditorium. Fourth and
Yamhill. Sunday club, I p. m.; address
on "Manhood" by Dr. A. A. Morrison,
pastor Trinity Episcopal church; half
hour concert by Coulter's orchestra;
solos by Miss Ethel Shea, contralto.
Christian Science.
First Scottish Rite cathedral. Mor
rison and Lownsdale streets. Services.
11 a, m. and I p. m.; "God the Only
Cause, and Creator; Sunday school at
cloae of morning service; Wednesday
evening meeting, 8 o'clock.
First East Couch aad Eaat Eighth,
li a. m . subject, "Evil, and a Note of
Confidence;" Sunday school, 12:16 p. m.
First Corner Park and Columbia
streets; E. 8. Muckley, pastor. 10:20 a
m, "The Perfect Bond"; 7:46 p. m.
"Faith va. Feeling"; Bible school 12:15 p.
m. ; Christian Endeavor societies 6:26
p. m.
Rodney-Avenue Corner Rodney ave
nue and Knott street; Albyn Esson, pas
tor, service with sermon at 11 a, m ,
service with sermon at 7:20 p. m ; Sun
day school at 6:46 a. m. ; Christian En
deavor at 6:30 p. m.
Csntral Corner Twentieth snd East
Salmon streets; Rev. J. F. Gbormley,
pastor. Services st 10:46 a. m.; Sunday
school 12 m.; Junior 2:20 p. m. ; aervlces
at 7:45 under the auspices of ths C. W.
B M. An Instructive and entertaining
program will be rendered by the young
members or the auxiliary to the C. W.
B. M . aasisted by the Juniors. Louie
Hugh, superintendent of our Portland
Chinese mission, will tell something of
his work.
United Evangelical.
First Corner of East Tenth and Sher
man streets. Rev. T. K. Smith, pastor.
10 a. m, Sunday school; 11 a. m . preach
ing, subject, "National Deliverance";
6:20 p. m, Christian Endeavor; 7:20 p.
m, preaching, subject, "A Prescher In a
Tight Place."
Second United Corner Fargo and
Kerbv streets, Rev. J. Bowersox. pastor.
Preaching at 11 a. ra. on "A Study of
God's Providences," and at 7:20 p. m :
Sunday school at 10 a. m. ; K. L C. E at
6:46 p. re
st. Johns E. E. McVlcker. pastor.
Preaching Sunday ,11 a. m. and 7:20 p.
m. ; morning aubject, 'The Results, of
Being With Christ"; evening. "Why Ood
Does Not Kill the Devil"; Sunday school.
10 a. m.; Jr. K. L C. E 2:30 p .m.; Sr.
K. L C. E, 6:46 p. m.
Christian Science.
Second Auditorium building, Third.
between Taylor and Salmon streets.
Sunday services 11 a. m. and 8 p. m .
subject, "Ood, the Preserver of Man";
Hundsy school, 11 a. m. In the reading
rooms; Wednesday meeting. 6 p. m. :
free reading rooms open dally from 10 s
ra. to 6 p. m. In the same building.
The White Temple Corner Twelfth
and Taylor streets. Rev. J. Whltcomb,
Brougher. D. D, pastor. "One Accord-
prayer meeting. 10:16 a m 10:20 a. in
"The Program of the Holy Spirit." New St. James'. English West Park and
members will be welcomed and the I Jefferson streets, J. A. Leas, pastor.
Ird s supper observed. Bible school, I Services at 11 a. m. snd 7:46 p. m, con
12:10 p. m . Home Department exercises ducted by the paator. In the evening
aTisnsllsnsnsMi. -
' Berea Mission Second and Jefferson
streets, Rev. J. H. Allen paator. 10:20
A m. sermon by Rev. C D. Sawtelle,
superintendent Christian and Missionary
alliance, 7:20 p. ra. ; preaching under the
direction of Holiness mission.
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day
nainia services every ounoay, AilBKy
building hall, 400, comer Third and Mor
rison streets, at 11:20 a, m. and 7:20
p. m.
Penlel Mission 265 Salmon street Dr
George D. Watson will hold meeting at
2:20 and 7:20 p m. and every day during
me week at same hours.
Sunnyslde Friends' Church Corner of
Thirty-fifth and East Main streets, Ed
ward D. Smith, pastor. Preaching by
pastor at 11 a. m. and 7:80 p. m. ; Sab
bath school, 10 a. m. ; Christian En
deavor service, 6:20 p. m.
Millennial Dawn G. A- R. hall, north
east corner Second and Morrison streets.
Services at 2 p. rn.
Olive Branch Gospel Mission First
and Clay. Services every evening and
Sunday at 2; gospel holiness is taught.
Volunteers of America Now in new
hall, Ankeny between Third and Fourth,
Captain and Mra Arents in charge. Ser
vices every evening and Sunday at 2.
The Reorganised Church of Jesus
Christ of Latter Day Saints Preaching
at 11 a. m. and 7:20 p. m.; Sunday school
at 10 a. m.; '. H. I. 8, at 6:20 p. m.
Corner of Williams avenue and Ivy
Church of Ood Regular meetings in
chapel at 430 Hawthorne, avenue. Serv
ices Sunday 2:80 and 7 p. m . Sunday
school 1 p. m.
Y. W. C A. Sixth and Oak streets.
Vesper service Sabbath at 3:45 p. m. ;
Miss 8. C Gage Will speak, and Miss
Grace Gilbert will sing. All women cor
dially Invited.
ARRY CUMMING8 of Hardman.
Morrow county, an extensive
nd very successful potato
raiser, writes ss follows in
the Pacific Homestead:
I have been growing potatoes here
for 20 years. It Is a fact that I have
had better success with seed the slse
of a hen's egg than when 1 planted from
large potatoes. I do not claim that the
small potatoes make the best seed, but
I do claim that the small potatoes make
Juat aa good seed as the large potatoes.
I cut a potato the alse of a hen's egg
Into three pieces. A potato the slse
of a walnut I plant whole, while I al
ways drop two pieces In a hill and
make the hills from 20 to 24 Inches
apart. Aa nearly aa I can I plant my
potatoes during the dark of the moon.
I do not know that It will make a better
crop by so doing, but I see so many
wise old heads that are so successful
in their undertakings who believe It ah
solutely necessary to plant their root
crops In the dark of the moon, and, as
the old lady says. If It does no good
It does no harm. The moon has s great
$10 Complete
The Vellexl Prophetess
Readings 50c
arras tou the bscbxt iow to
Be positive sat I of say powers to tail the
psst. present sod fa tors sad exactly what yea
waat to knew, tket I will make
unless roo obtsln perfect satlataetton aad and
mo sopsrlor to all MEDIUMS. CLAIRVOYANTS
and PALMISTS In this city.
ra ee: free : freei
-' Poettlrely BMBtloslag your sweetheart's
fall name.
Settles love qnsrrela and promptly re
unites the separated, ae matter how long
She tells yon everything, good or bad;
bear the truth, and nothing but the
Is Enf Itsh. French
yon b
She slTea res dings
ana uermsn.
No sun or woman has ever been consulted
In more notable affairs than she. In Europe
and America she has advised thousands In
rsrioua walks of Ufa. aad always to their advantage.
"I Tdl Your Name"
is placed in a class by her
self, towering head and
shoulders over every rival,
and Is recognised by the
Born With a Double Veil Educated
in Occult Scicnca in Egypt and India
London a most famoos palmist aad elatrvoy
aat to acknowledged by press sad pablle the
greatest using dSaD TKANCE MKDIL'M
She tells what yoa rams for before yoa utter
a word; does not ask questions, as matter what
your trouble may be.
Call, aad see will golds you with certainty
higher than human power. Tells yoa the troth,
good or bad.
It msy be of vital uteres! to you So know
tbs Mitcoms of roar sreeeat distress.
The happiness of your future life msy de
pend upon the right solution aad proper sll las,
There are so mis cakes la the predictions
made by the great and wonderful deal trance
Too may wish to know If it Is advisable to
make a chauge la hustnsss. la love. Is mar
riage. TShall I anceeed la my new undertaking "
'';' I obtain my bones, my wishes, my
"Shall I erer enjoy the Iniartea of wealth V
"Can I trust my friends?"
"Whoa shall I marry T"
"Bow often aball I marry"
"Shall I ever be divorced!"
"Does another share the love that rightfully
be loirs to mar'
"If so, whom T"
"Am 1 loved la retoraj"
"la the.e a rival la my lover'
"When shall my love affatsv terminate Is
"When ah a II mr domestle troubles and?"
"How csn I mate my life and boms happy"
"When shall my abeeat friend return?1'
"Whr do I not receive a letter?"
"Ia sty dlsesse rorahje T '
"Shall I win my lawsaltY'
Clairvoyant 2 Palmist
The Noted Clairvoyant and Trance Medium has arrived and can be consulted upon all affairs
' ' . , of human destiny.
SS astonishes all callers, men, women, youths aad belles.
We oaunot tell how he tells wonders, we eaa only tell he
Usually Gives Harm and Dates and Date of Marriage.
He reads your entire life from infancy to old age
through the past, present and future; he describes your
dally conduct from the early dawn of reason on to the
very threshold of eternity.
Gives valuable advice on all matters of Interest In
business snd law, divorce, matrimony, social or do
mestic affairs, unites the separated and consummates
speedy and happy marriages.
W OBSUJTObu at whose hands are calloused by the
hardihood of toil and ill paid drudgery, may yet hold
up their weary heads and know the blessings that
wealth bestows and the homage due opulence.
WOmSTsTO WOaCXsr in SOU, do you bemoan
your most unhappy fate? Instesd of breathing the
fresh, health-laden air of the blushing dawn, you are
found in the dust and drudgery of the household, no
longer Is ths glow of the rose and the lily found on
your cheeks, but pale are they and wan and furrowed
with care. No longer do your eyes sparkle or gracea
sport in their liquid depths, but tear-suffused they
wearily look back over a path where roses have faded
and thorny Indeed la the way. To look forward la but
to catch the ominous breaking of a path that leads but
to toil too arduoua for hope. .
STO AJTD TJLUSSM This medium can read your fu
fure aa though It were woven In the loom of the gods.
He can point to you the threada that lead to blighted
Jffectlona. or love and joy and peaoe. A little advice
Iven a little word spoken, may point the way, and
fe for you will be a charming Paradise, where hus
band, home and happiness will be an alliterative trinity
upon which any trusting heart may rear a kingdom of
Snaps rXBsSTT CAM 111 DAWK of the Ademle
man, Ood wrote a record In his head, heart and hand,
to guide htm through the land, that he might not go
astray on hta earthly way.
UII roiaui how to read, the record haa
been, but Ood haa given me the wladom to read It unto
thee. So come one and all, both young and old, and
see what can be told.
S. do VOU ever notice that some nacintx aaasi
to have good luck all the time? No matter what they
do they aeem to prosper, while others have auch a hard
time to get along. No matter how hard they try, they
And that at the end of the year they are no better off
than when they started There la a cause of this, also a
remedy. Call aad secure it.
TsTXS ISAtMR OF HJSU1USU will remain with
you but a short time, as letters are constantly calling
htm to other cities.
you can defy the elements, mock at
rate and ignore oestiny, court danger with impunity,
scorn quarter, bend othera to your will, draw friends
near to you, and realise the wildest hopes thst He within
the limit of human accomplishment.
all who are In trouble, whose fond
hopes hsve been blsated. who have been deceived and
disappointed through false predictions of others, be
fore giving up In despair, are Invited to call and be con
vinced of the truth of the above statements without
delay. He convinces the most skeptical.
J. S. O. Is not to be olassed with the cheap pretending
csrdcutter and fortune-teller who Impose upon the weak
and credulous. He numbers among his clients scien
tists, doctors, lawyers, men and women of every pro
fession and many noted and distinguished people owe
their success to J. 8. C, the. Oreatest Medium and pro
moter of success this world has ever known. If you do
not deserve success, health and happlneaa and J. S. C.
cannot help you, he will honestly and fearleasly tell
you so.
BXtSAZsT mot tjt vamxmmm but seek the light and
knowledge and learn what the mysterious future holds
forth for you.
flsshlnsr across the dark
ened say mis nriinani raeaium rrom serosa the ocean
falls In our midst to dispel the heavy gloom and bitter
woe from the thousands of blighted hearts.
Hies $20 Readings This Week (Cl.OO
Call Today. Charges in Reach of All. Hours 9 a. m. to 9 p. m.
Influence on this planet, and I see no
reason why It should not have an in
fluence on vegetation. I believe it Is
the moon that creates the tide, and we
all look forward to a change In the
moon for a change In the weather. In
the face of these facta It ia not absurd
to think that the moon haa an Influence
on vegetation. The spring of 1886 seed
potatoes were nearly out of the ques
tion. I got about 160 pounds of very
small potatoes. I cut them In as many
sections ss possible so thst I would
hsve enough seed. When nearly through
planting I found that I would have
enough aeed without cutting the last
peck, so I plsnted them whole. The
letter grew much faater than those I
cut, the vines being more than twice aa
large and thrifty, showing conclusively
thst the small pieces were too small
to give the required nourishment to the
vine, but after they got well rooted they
grew well, and at digging time they
were as nice and yielded aa well as
those planted whole. It waa the third
of June when I plowed my ground, and
I have never raised a better crop of
potatoes than those were. About 18
years ago we had a potato famine here.
I put away three sacks of my choicest
potatoes to have seed for snother year
and sold sll the rest of my crop, keep
ing the small potatoes to plant for s
general crop. At. C. A. Rhea's place
on Rhea creek I saw a box of very small
potatoes ranging In slsa from a hasel
nut to a walnut. Mr. Rhea plants amsll
potatoes snd plants them whole, end
the potatoes In the box were the culls
from his planting. As I had plenty of
good ground I suggested I plant those
potatoes and glv him as msny mors
good potatoes In the fall. I planted the
three sacka of .choice potatoes on a
two and a half acre tract and planted
the atuff I VDt Of Mr. Rhea by the aide
of them and planted the rest of the
tract In corn. At digging time the
potatoes raised from the smsll seed
lots of the seed being no larger than
hasel nuts were Just aa large. Just aa
nice and aa good a yield as ths potatoes
raised from choice seed. After sampling
the patch I did not keep those separate
that grew from choice seed, and my
Professor Van Cortland
313H Washington Street, Does Some
fore Wonderful Clairvoyant
a (rood
Profaoser Tan Cartload, the clairvoyant,
whose parlors are st SlSVt Washington street,
has a habit of doing wonderful things that
strikes the pabllc fsncy snd reaches wide pub
licity. The latest msrrelooa feat be boo accompllsbeil
wss tbls week, when he located a beautiful ami
to a prominent business man of this city.
ni nan lost me pin rroro nia room. sna. si
In that bsd been
saleable diamond
though he bad his suspicions where tbe article
or jeweiry nsfi gone, unner toe ctrcoosstances
nothing coold be sold. i
Processor Vso Oortlend wss consulted snd,
throtisb bis clslrvoysnt powers, be loested the
article and It has been recovered by the owner.
Tbe story la the talk of his friends, aad tbe
vbole matter would make a very pretty new.
paper atory, hut, under the circumstances, the
parties directly Involved will not talk for
publication unoa tbe subject.
Professor van Cortland soya be never peers
Into other people's affalra noless It la per
fectly proper to do so ; but In tbe eaae of loot
property be la a practical help to the pel aim
who wants to recover lost articles.
This clairvoyant power Is ss aeenrate aa the
scent of a bloodhound la tracing tbe kteatloa
of the lost object
Another test Is ronatsntly making Praofeaeor
Van Cortland's patrons marvel. It la the fact
ibat be will give yon lucky numbers and suar
sstsee to return your fee If the numbers do
not turn out as he predicts. Row he can de
this no one can oay. but that be doea It hua
dreds can testify every month.
There never wss s time when so msny people
bad smsll sums to Invest la business ventures
la this vicinity. This Is the largest portion of
Professor Van Cortland's work.
He Invariably advises these people of smsll
capital how they can be a ore to gala by an
Inrestroent If be la consulted he caa tell
surely whether you would win a lose.
The address to.
313$ Washington Street Corner of Sixth Street
entire crop was aa good as One could
wish for. The same tract of two and
a half acres four years ago in potatoes
brought me 8186 an acre for the entire
tract. Tbe aoil Is a sandy loam. least
year I planted about 176 sacks nf pota
toes and this year I planted about the
same amount. My potatoes average 81
a sack. I sort carefully, and the small
and sunburnt ones I keep for seed.