The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, December 03, 1904, SECOND SECTION, Page 11, Image 11

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What the Sports Are Talking About
Pug Fan Think Jeff Should Meet Johnson Hunt Club to Hold
Annual Mooting Multnomah Amateur Athletic Club and Astoria
Meet on Grid Baseball, Racing, Bowling and Other Sporting.
F. O. Downing Will in All Prob
ability Succeed Himself
as President.
John Latta Will Be Made Master
of Hounds for Next
Th annual meeting of the Portland
Hunt club will be held this evening In
the office of Downing, Hopkins & Co..
Chamber of Commerce building, at
o'clock. The principal business that will
come, before the meeting will be .the
president's annual report and the elec
tion of officers. The' Journal can state
with almost positive assurance that
President P. U. Downing will be
elected. ss the head ol the club for thu
cumin-; year. Mr. Downing' term of
office has been marked with success
and the season of. 1904 will go down In
history as one of the most brilliant of
Mint popular organlxnl Inn. During (ho
year that will -soon come t a clone Mr.
Downing has torled faithfully tn the
Interests of the club, and the members
seem to be unanimous In their opinion
that he should remain at t lit- helm for an
other year. Those who recall the
dllh's hi W flM rim v lust liilnmaF run
well appreciate the amount of work
that was done In order to achieve the
success that attended It, ami now that
The club Intends making a big showing
during the fair fear, the majority are
anxious for Mr. Downing to continue
holding the reins.
Plnartclally and socially the Hunt club
has passed through a successful period.
The membership haa been strengthened
by hard workera. and the outlook for
the future la very bright.
In all probability Mr. Downing will
be chosen president; Judge Tanner, vice-
president, and Joint Iatta. master of the
hounds. Mr. i.ittu la one of the hard
est working members of the club and
aa master of the hound will attend to
those duties with seal and Intereat. Mr.
Latta held the same position the second
year of the club's organisation and gave
complete sitleffcetton.
(Journal special service.)
New York. Dec. I. Two doaen bicy
cle slara, representing the cream of the
fast riders of America and Kurope, are
entered In the international six-day bi
cycle champlonahlp which begins In
Madison Square garden shortly after
midnight tomorrow. The year's conteat
promises to be more Interesting than
aver before. Bobby WalthOUr, the win
ner nf laat year's event, hesda the list
of American contestants. The foreign
entries Include Jean Uougoli. Petit Bre
ton. Antolne DusSot, A. Masan and A.
Prlol of France; Arthur Vanderstuyft
Of Holland, and Jonann Btol of Belgium.
Samuel Knrpf. secretary of the Amer
ican Bowling congreas. arrived In Port
land this morning, and will attend a
meeting of the bowlers at the Portland
alleys this evening In an effort to get
the local clubs to Join the national asso
ciation. An effort will alan be made to
end a bowling team tn the American
congress, which will be Held at Mil
waukee next year, from February IS tn
2(, Inclusive: Mr. Karpf Is a noted
bowler, and Is greatly Interested In his
work, hsvtng been successful at Spokane
nn.i Seattle in forming organisations.
Tn. omiAMMAX.
aedv that
arflaasa win lavs It.
tills Win
Is fSBSU ass atletf BO areselag. er
eae rest Is full of teslaieatarr eBasjteala
InteKliHt ts tse salt. Tke mara.d
Stefsreiw. ear i aslBty lOreasiag. parties
iarlr eae that ovwessje Mreaalva etUs
feat M. teag rt. Sump. t lUfrlCiK C.. Stat I. Mrs. Nkfc.. far laaaU
Crimson Men Are Replacing
Snobs by Democratic Lead
ers in Every Class.
(Journal special SerTlce )
Boston, Dec. 1. Lortn - Deland, the
Harvard tactician who Invented the fly
ing wedge. In an Interview scores the
Crimson coaches and accuses them of
treachery toward each other.
"I believe that they have tried to cut
each other'a throats and fell;" he says,
"and would rather see the eleven de
feated than have Washington get any
glory out of It.
"This condition is to' be deplored.
I'ntil we can get rid of these traitors
we must expect defeat by Tale.
"Harvard needa a Walter Camp on
man In supreme authority to have abso
lute chsrge. BUI field will probably be
next head ooach. Wrtghtlngtbn haa been
repudiated by all the" newspapers.
"Hsrvard students are up In arms. All
classes have elected democratic officers,
and have turned snobs out right and left.
" "Harvard must be democratic In or
der to win' Is the cry. and the students
are-cleanlng out the aristocrats with a
vengeance. The Issue Is clearly drawn
between the 'muckers' and the society
"There Is a temporary lull In the
negro Incident, although Harvard Is
stirred as never before. All the news
pa pera are devoting columns of space to
the controversy and are demanding a
revolution In methods."
"Hurley will almost surely be elected
captain, to succeed himself. Hurley and
Reld are a strong combination, the stu
dents believe.
"Held Is a msn of force and character,
with backbone enough to turn down the
snobs and. choose only ths eleven best
men In college.
"Both the democrats and the aristo
crats are working night and day pulling
all wlrea to control the situation.
"Harvard Is sick and tired of ex
cuses over defeats. Stranger things
have happened than that Yost will be
ailed, and all differences snd quarrela
between coachea ended. . Internal dla
senslona have made success impossible;
all dead coaching material will "ba
cleared out."
(Joarual aperlal service.)
New Haven, Conn.. Dec. 3. "Perhaps
the rankest statement that has come out
of Boston since the Ysle-Hsrvard foot
ball game on Saturday." said a Yale
man. "Is that Yale Is going to drop Har
vard because the Crimson played
Mutthewa, the colored end, In the game
agnlnst the Blue. The story was sent
out widely ft "in Boston and Is falae on
the face of It." He continued:
"Yale has faced Matthews for two
years, when he waa a Harvard shortstop
and expects to play against him on the
diamond next spring. The story that
hss also gone out from Boston, declar
ing that Yale players tried to 'do up'
Matthews last Saturday, la also untrue.
The facta are that while Randall, a
first-class end. heavy and great on the
defense, wee played by Harvard, Yale
could send no end plays that made way
with ground. When Harvard put In
Matthews. Yale slammed some end playa
at him, and reeled him off hla feet for
good galna, because he was not heavy
enough tn check them aa Randall did.
In no respect wera Yale and Harvard
relations strained by the recent football
Asians wist tmiid a
(Journal Special Service. I
Hsn Francisco, Dec. t. The Angels
captured the third game of ths post
season games yesterday by batting
Fltsgersld. Score:
R. H E
!, Angeles .. .000(0113 10 10 i
Tacoma 20 20 0 0 0 2 0 12 4
Batteries -Gray and Eager; Fltsger
sld and (Ira ham. empire McDonald.
'kills ike Buitrn Derm."
sans la.
far Mats Mil,
ad leaves th. hair light and taffy. Is ra-
seeree tbe , norvo mIi r sj
Hirptetss Lan Kacasa eat
tkaslastle ever
aiag seamy sag SB
qaugte rru
ranca It deetrors ths attevoMe math
Oka snip, cares dandruff stopa falling hall
t late
britt and nelson
and Their meeting
At the- meeting of Brltt snd Nelson
the day after the Nelaon-Corbctt fight,
when articles were signed for a contest
on the 20th of December, the formali
ties exchanged were of the highest
Ths two conquerors of Young Corbet t
met In the office of thevYnsemlte club.
and after a discussion 4sstlng over sn
hour evolved the following document:
Ban Francisco, Nov. 30, 1004. James
Edward Brltt and Battling Nelson hers
by agree to box 20 rounds before the
Yosemlte club of San Franclaco on the
evening of December 20, 1004. for 55 per
cent-ofjffis, gross receipts, to be divided
10 per cant to ths winner and 40 par
cent to the loser under Marquis of
Queensbcrry rules at 132 pounds at
Contestsnts to weigh at Harry Cor
bett's. Nelaon and Brltt agree to deposit wUh
Harry Corbett 12.000 as . a forfeit for
weight and compliance with these sr
tlcles of agreement.
Nelaon and Brltt agree tn select a
referee for their contest on or prior to
December a, 1004.
Nelson and Brltt sgree tn repnrt ths
evening of the contest not lster than
3:30 p. m. and submit to an examination
by the club'a official phyalclan prior
For Battling Nelson.
For the Yoaemlte Club.
Witnesses: Charles T. Krellng. Walde
mnr Young, Asaheton Smyth, Eddie F.
Healey. Barney E. Oldfletd.
The contest this afternoon should be
one of the best 'of the season, as both
elevens are fast and strong.
Multnomah will send a powerful team
agalnat the visitors. In the back field,
Dolph, Corbett and Lonergan will be
there with the mighty plunges. Accord
ing to ths critics Lonergsn will be ths
strongest and faatest M. A. A. C. msn
that ever played In Its back field.
The O. A. C. men are anxious for a
game to be arranged with M. A. A. C.
for Christmas day. Strange, Isn't It, ss
the club men are quits willing tnn.
Next Saturday "Chancy" Bishop snd
his Willamette eleven will be here for
a scrimmage. Won't that be a hot old
game? Everybody likes "Chancy."
A. R. Diamond, president of the Mult
nomah Fair association, left Thursday
night for San Francisco, where be Is tn
attend the annual meeting of the Pacific
Jockey dub, which convenes at the Bay
City today. A. T. Van de Vantar. presi
dent of the King County Fair associa
tion, of Seattle, accompanied Mr. Dia
mond. t. m. o. a. wnrs nmoos o
Ths T. Mic. A. Indoor baseball club
defeated the Msrshall-Wells tasra In a
hotly contested gams at ths Y. M. C. A.
gymnasium. The M.-W. team wsnt to
pieces In ths Isttsr part of the game,
and the association tssm won out by the
score of 10 to 7.
Ths Tlgsrs defeated the evening class
at basketball by ths score of 10 to 14.
(Joaraal Special gervlce.)
Pendleton. Or., Dec. -Jack Mitchell
broke hla hand In the third muml of
hla fight with Barney Mull In laat even,
tng. and the fight waa stopped. Mulliu
had the better of the contest aa far as It
went, and he was given ths decision.
-aa. j V
TB, af JsaB
F. O. Downing. Hunt Club President
Who Will Be Re-elected This
The Astoria and Multnomah elevena
will clash this afternoon on the local
gridiron. The Fishermen arrived this
morning and are In fine trim for the
fray. Multnomah men realise that the
Kiine will be a difficult one and conse
quently are putting In their strongest
men. The lineup:
Multnomab. Astoria.
Jordan ...U.E. R Regan
Stow I . I It Sutton
Ross I. il it Osmms
Orleve. Rlntoul C Bays
Van Voorhees it'll. Henderson
Klrkley. Griffith. R. T. U Blair
Dowllng, Capt. . It K I. Painter
Johnson Q. .. .Stockton. Capt
Corbett U H. R Graham
Lonergan R. H. It Tallant
Dolph F Abercromble
The Waverly Oolf club will hold a
tournament on the links this afternoon.
The mixed fouraomea will be the prin
cipal conteat played.
Hope, fresh air, rest and
Scott's Emulsion are the
greatest remedies for con
sumption. Scott's Emulsion
will always bring comfort and
relief often cure. Scott's
Emulsion does for the con
sumptive what medicine alone
cannot do. It's the nourish
ment in it that takes the pa
tient in long strides toward
Well sea yea a smbsIs Iran.
COTT a SOWN I, ee Paarl ftraet. New
f"- aSssW Jw s BBBci Bb-SB'
Bs Ban J I v iSas' A ' as , .j'T' ux
(Journal Snertaf Service. )
l. os Angeles, Dec. 3. For the . first
time since the present meeting opened
the Ascot booklss were touched up for
a few est en In v . Winners:
Five snd one-half furlongs Sports
man won. Time, l:0a4.
Blauaon course, selling Brlcula won
Time, i M-.
Ons mils, selling Harbor won. Tims.
Btx furlongs Judge Denton won.
Time, 1:42.
Five snd one-half furlongs, selling
Doctor C. won. Time, 1 :03.
One mils and 70 yards, selling Ig
naclo won. Time, 1:474.
Oakland Race Track, Dec. I. The
featurea of yeaterdny'a meeting was the
suspension of Jockey Bheshan for the
Improvement made by Andrew B. Cook,
since flheehsn's ride earlier In ths wsek.
Futurity course, selling Instrument
won. Time. 1:14.
Six furlongs. selling Waterspout
won. Time, 1:11.
Flvs furlongs, selling Redan won.
Time, 1:01.
one mile and 100 ysrds. selling Step
Around won. Time, 1:1H.
Fifth race, futurity course, selling
Del Carina won. Time, 1:40.
Futurity courae, selling Brenntia
won. Time, 1:14.
At Hew Orleans.
New Orleans. Dec. I. Results:
Blx furlongs Ducky won. Time, 1:10.
Sevan furlongs Jerry Hull won.
Time. 1:11 4-1.
Mile and 70 yards Otis Heldom won.
Time. 1:10.
Handicap, mile Judge Hlmes won.
Time. 1:47 1-1.
Mile Fair Reveller won. Time. 1:00.
Mile Dan McKenna won. Time,
1:40 3-1.
(Joaraal Special Service I
New York, Dec. 1. John Planing, the
Amerlesn wrestler, was defeated laat
evening by H. II. Egeberg, the Danish
champion. Egeberg won two out of
three falls.
The T. M C. A. and Holmes Business
College elevens hsve postponed their
game scheduled to be played today, and
the same will be pulled off on Decem
ber 10.
(Jnuraal Sparta 1 Service.)
Kslamasoo. Mich., Dec. i. Harry
Forbes of Chicago, ex-champion bantam
weight ' tn world, fought 1 rounds
lo a draw hers last evening with Paddy
O'Neill of Pittsburg.
The opening game of the Indoor bass
ball season will be played this svenlng
st ths armory between teams represent
ing companies H and K.
The Kalssr's gtlrrnp-Onp.
From tha Westminster Oa setts
.Here Is the recipe of tha kaiser's fav
orite preparation when hs goes out
Whits beer, sugar, citron peel, ginger,
spires, ths yolk of at least a doaen eggs.
Rhine wins. Msderla. old Santa Cms
rum. All this, after being thoroughly
stirred. Is placed on a Are and alowly
heated, severs! large pata of butter be
ing added to the coflcOctlon while It Is
Pug Fans Declare that Champion
Should Take on Mistah
Johnson. -
In His Younger Days Negro
Boxers Were Easy for
James J.
Lsst week a story to ths effect that
Jim Jeffries had changed his mind about
drawing the color line and that hs would
meet Jack Johnson, the colorsd hsavy
welght champion, was telegraphed from
San Francisco, but Jeff denied It next
dsy. Lovers of pugilism, as a rule,
think Jeffries ought to meet Johnson,
and some day hs may do so, but the
chances Just st present are anything but
bright. If Jeffries meets Johnson the
battle will be fought simply because the
huge champion realises that tua ileUl
painfully void of men flt to mast him
also bemuse the ready money will be
highly pleasing to the Jeffries ex
chequer. For a year or more Jeff has
steadily refused all overtures for a
match with Johnson, sllegtng thst he
drew the color line when It cams to
lighting for a championship title.
Jeff always got sway with this llns nf
talk, too, for a coupls of reasons that
many people believed the same thing,
and that nobody could seriously count
Johnson as a flt adversary for the king.
Even If Johnson had bean a white man,
and eligible to meet Jeffries at any old
time, not one careful student of ths
gsme In every ten would concede him
For all general purposes beer is ths
most popular drink In Portland, accord
ing to the bartender of a high-class sa
loon on Wsshlngton street. Tbe saloons
of Portland probably have more orders
for beer than for any other kind of
'But we don't sell much beer In the
morning." he remarked. "The ante-noontime
drinks ars usually reatiioted to
cocktails and straight whlakys. Early
In the morning It Is generally cocktails
that we sell to customers.
These early drinkers don't seem to
wsnt anything elae." ha aaid. "and It la
a fact that a glasa of beer In ths morn
ing does ssem a trifle heavy and not
quite suited to ths presumed nssds of
the stomach. About 10 o'clock, how
Umatilla Indian Ol vea
Accident to Himself .
From the East Oregon Ian.
"Big Jim" Narclsse tells sn extraordi
nary story of the accident which befell
htm about a month ago near Weleer, on
the Snake liver, aa a result of which ho
waa variously stated ss having been
murdered, having suicided, having been
accidentally shot and killed.
"Big Jim" gives the following version
of the accident. He was stalking a
covsy of duoks on Snake liver, with a
44 -calibre pistol. Hla eyes wera riveted
on the ducks, and before he knew of any
obstacles In his path he had fallen over
some rocks. The pistol became turned
with tha mussle toward him aa ha stum
bled, and was discharged, the ball atrlk
Ing him about three and a half Inches
below the heart and ranging slightly
upward and to ths left.
Mr. Bushmnn realised that he waa se
riously hurt snd managed to get back to
camp without assistance. He refused
point-blank to have a doctor, but utilised
what instinctive knowledge hs had of
anatomy to "work at" ths Wound In an
endeavor to locate the bullet, which hs
soon vomited up, with a quantity of
clotted blood. He haa tha bullet In his
possession now. For soma Urns hs was
unable to hunt or flab In fact, was out
of commission during tha remainder of
the time tha tribe waa In Idaho.
"Big Jim" comas very nearly being
In his usual stats of robust health, his
appetite and digestion being vigorous,
hut whenever he over-exerts either by
riding or working, he "gets kind af Blck"
acmes the Ontlre abdominal region, but
rest and quietude bring relief eoon.
From tha rhamillgTlat
"Mine Is tha prlae atate for lonawvlty,
said a Virginian who waa rajHstaeaal at
a i hestnut-wtrsat hotel. '1
Nets' pltej"Jt
aaaf staves
a list
of my
T,N Tag mm;
sn outside chsnce against the champion.
Of lsts, however, Johnson has been
going some, and has actually been
knocking out a man or two. There are
no good heavyweights to be found In the
white circle of flatlc aoclety, and Jeff
must fight somebody srgo, the match
with Johnson.
It must be frankly said that in Jef
fries' case the drawing of any color line
la fantastic and amusing. Had Jeff al
ways drawn the line, and, from the very
outset of his career, refused to meet any
Zulus, hs would be given unlimited ap
proval by thousands of admire ra. John
I Sullivan always drsw the llns. snd
wss always given loud scclalnvfor doing
so. although It Is wsll known that ho
rmca told Peter Jackson hs would meet
him If a purse and bat of almost pro
hibitive slae. for those days, would be
hung up. But Jeffries, In his youth.
love,i Ui gayly wallop ths gentleman of
color, when James could lay his hugs
mlttsn upon the dark vlsaga of a sabls
brother his heart throbbed with glee,
and flsttc history tells how often he
pelted ths scions of the fourteenth
amendment around the roped arena. DM
he not light Hank Orlffin at least once,
probably twloe? Tea, verily. Did lis
not thrash poor old Peter Jackson? Hs"
did. And did hs not take sundry punches
at Robert Armstrong? Of course hs
did! Then why be so Ben Tlllmsnlsh
So far as ths actual fighting goss. It
Is hard to see where Johnson gsts off In
sn encounter with the elephant. Johnson
Is too light In weight, too waspish of
waist snd too fsabls of biff to atand before-
the Sierra grlasly. Jeffries will
walk Into Johnson, dashing aalds what-
punenes Jsek can throw. As the .
great champion comes on, ths heart of
the negro will grow faint with dread
and his ambit ions will 'fade Into noth
ingness before ths ever-present fact that
Jeff Is coming with both flats ready for
the shivering chug and tbe oportflo
swat. There will be a crash, a rending
snd a tearing, and two long black lags
will fly skyward, while a lengthy black
body will caress the psd. And that will
be all for Mistah Johnslng!
To put It In cold type, Johnson has
nsvsr shown where he had any boss on
the California black. Hank Orlffin. and
what Jeff did to Orlffin In their last
mooting was a sham. There's ths best
dope available.
ever, tha demand for cocktails begins to
slow up a little, and ths whisky drink
ers put In an appearance, gradually In
creasing until noon, whan thsy usually
give way to tha beer consumers. From
thst time on until the bf ore-dinner'
drink, beer Is vary nearly ths exclusive
order of our customers.
"The taste of the Iste evening trads
Is decidedly variegated, and It Is hard
to say what class of drinks Ib ths most
popular for that time. It Is a noticeable
fact that requests for wines, such drinks
aa absinths, creme da menthe, and so
forth are not mads until after nightfall.
It Is curious how this tagte tn drinks
marks certain -portions of ths day. I
have no doubt that all mhn rm In m
tlon to note It have observed the fact to
no mucn as i nave stated it."
aggregated 2,241 years. Of tha It par
sons nsmsd, the youngest when he died
waa 110 years old. Two lived to be ltO,
one to bo 120, two to be 121. one to be
111, two lit, three 114, on 111. two tit,
two 111, one 110, on 120, and ons, a
negro, lived to tha ripe old age of Ut
years. Of tha It parsons, only six were
negross; all tha others wera whiles
"While I am In tha humor, I will tell
another one. There Is or wss a fsw
years ago standing on the banks of
Neabsco cresk. Virginia, a tombstone
carrying probably tha oldaat monument
al Inscription In tha United Statss. Th
data Is MOO, and It la thought that tha
deceased waa one of John Smith's men.
This Is ths inscription:
Hera Has ye body of Lieut.
William Harris, who died May
ye lth. UOt; aged OS years; by
birth a Briton; a good soldier;
a good husband and neighbor.
From the Philadelphia ledger.
Only tha very rich have fences around
thalr farms tn Japan. The Japanese 4s
not like to spars ths squara fast
fence would take up. If a border around
a field Is necessary. It Is mad of mal
bsrry trees, tha leaves of which sra
good for silk worms. It Is said that
10,000 acres thst would otherwise be
taken up with fence are thus